20:04 Reya: ehm
20:04 Reya: i have a problem
20:04 Mir: you have a problem
20:04 Reya: 04:50:552 (3) - i can't stack it ;_;
20:05 Reya: im trying, but circle always placing a bit down
20:05 Mir: use ctrl+arrow keys
20:05 Reya: dosen't help
20:06 Reya: idk why
20:06 Reya: circle jump down
20:06 Reya: when im trying to do a perfect stack
20:06 Reya: maybe i can change this overall?
20:06 Mir: do like this with ctrl+arrow keys
https://puu.sh/y2Uok/0d79100a89.mp420:06 Mir: if the slider moves down a bit it's fine
20:06 Mir: it's more the circles
20:07 Reya: oh
20:07 Reya: ok, ill try
20:08 Reya: dosent work
20:08 Reya: lol
20:08 Mir: dafuq
20:08 Reya: wait
20:08 Reya: maybe i can change this place overall
20:08 Mir: okay
20:10 Reya:
http://osu.ppy.sh/ss/935819120:10 Reya: could work?
20:11 Mir: yeah that works
20:11 Reya: well, i finish
20:12 Reya: omg, why osu think map in grave
20:12 Reya: WTF
20:15 Mir: 02:57:997 (3,2) - this overloop
20:16 Mir: you could move one of those away a bit
20:16 Mir: 04:16:330 (4) - and if you made this a straight slider it might play a little nicer
20:16 Reya: im idiot, forgot to change one pattern
20:17 Mir: 05:04:663 (1,2,3) - spacing here is a bit high
20:17 Mir: i don't think you changed flow like this in the middle of any jumps of this size either
20:18 Reya: overloop fixed
20:20 Mir: i also think 05:15:886 (2,3,4,5,6,7,1) - is super high spacing compared to the other ones
20:20 Reya: 04:16:330 (4) - changed
20:20 Mir: like it's intense but not so much more intense
20:21 Reya: 05:15:886 (2,3,4,5,6,7,1) - not super high, its a last part in map + strong drums
20:21 Reya: could work, but yea
20:21 Reya: if compare with other jumps
20:21 Reya: looks wierd
20:21 Mir: yeah like 04:17:664 (2,3,4,5,6,7) -
20:21 Mir: this is so low
20:21 Mir: and still difficult
20:22 Mir: 05:15:886 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - is kinda overkill
20:22 Mir: sr went up by 0.3* no doubt cuz of this pattern
20:34 Reya: updated
20:34 Reya: sr still 6*
20:34 Reya: uh
20:34 Mir: uh
20:34 Mir: :blobsweat:
20:34 Mir: it's ok nevermind that
20:35 Mir: uh we can find the issue
20:35 Reya: map isn't hard tbh
20:35 Mir: its not but that's a really weird sr increase
20:36 Mir: 05:04:330 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - what about this jump
20:36 Mir: it's quite snappy uh
20:36 Mir: what do you think
20:36 Reya: spacing isn't high
20:36 Reya: my first idea was
20:36 Mir: hm
20:36 Reya: did the same pattern
20:36 Reya: but with stacks
20:37 Mir: hm
20:37 Reya: hm, maybe
20:37 Reya: wait a second
20:41 Reya: YEA
20:41 Reya: i did it
20:41 Reya: hope now its cool
20:41 Reya: updating
20:44 Reya: yup, check this now
20:44 Reya: what do you think?
20:44 Reya: 05:04:108 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1) -
20:44 Mir: that works
20:45 Mir: you can stack 05:03:663 (4,5,6) - on the end of 05:02:997 (4) - though like
https://i.imgur.com/Yq5eMkO.png20:45 Mir: since it looks a bit cluttered now
20:46 Reya: yup
20:46 Reya: fixed
20:47 Mir: then you can move this 05:04:330 (2,3,4,5,6,7,1) -
20:47 Mir: and stack 4 with 05:03:774 (5) -
20:47 Mir: like so:
https://i.imgur.com/LIfdSbq.jpg20:47 Mir: if you want extra clean
20:48 Reya: fixied
20:48 Reya: fixed*
20:49 Mir: okay that should be it
20:49 Mir: update and i'll bubble
20:49 Mir: oh wait
20:49 Mir: do you want to lower the ar?
20:49 Mir: maybe 9.4 would be nice
20:50 Reya: hm
20:50 Reya: minumum 9.5
20:50 Reya: c:
20:50 Reya: idk
20:50 Reya: i tried all possible ar for this map
20:51 Reya: and feel comfort with 9.5-9.7
20:51 Mir: then do try 9.5
20:51 Mir: since 9.6 feels a bit high
20:51 Reya: oki
20:51 Reya: we can do a hardcore mod for nomod players
20:51 Reya: and set 9 ar
20:52 Mir: and let them dt it? xD
20:52 Reya: like previous ranked chata
20:52 Reya: XD
20:52 Reya: DT
20:52 Reya: LOL
20:52 Mir: ar 9 on this would be pretty funny
20:52 Reya: in current meta of mapping
20:52 Reya: ar 9 sometimes really fun to play
20:52 Reya: updated
20:53 Mir: hold on
20:53 Mir: od 9.5?
20:53 Mir: are you sure you need that high od for a map with no streams
20:53 Mir: maybe lower it to like.. 9 or something
20:53 Reya: no pp for players
20:53 Reya: who want to fc that
20:54 Reya: and thats not only reason
20:54 Mir: these kinds of maps don't give that much pp anyways >:
20:54 Mir: 368pp for this
20:54 Reya: my general reason of high od
20:54 Mir: you can get the same from a tv size map with huge jumps
20:54 Reya: 1. Map have no streams
20:54 Reya: with low od all can play that with high acc
20:55 Reya: where is a challenge?
20:55 Reya: if player will be technicaly perfect
20:55 Mir: well hitting the notes would be the challenge
20:55 Reya: high risk (od) - high reward (accuracy)
20:55 Mir: okay well
20:55 Mir: 9.5 is really hgih
20:56 Reya: that's the challenge
20:56 Mir: can we come to some sort of compromise at like 9.3
20:56 Mir: or something
20:56 Reya: previously was 10
20:56 Reya: ofc
20:56 Reya: 9+ is fine
20:56 Mir: then 9.3 would be okay
20:56 Reya: ill change to 9.3
20:56 Reya: updating
20:57 Reya: mir
20:57 Mir: wha
20:57 Reya: i got a funny msg
20:57 Reya:
https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/935854520:57 Reya: :^)
20:57 Mir: :eyes:
20:57 Reya: updated btw
20:57 Mir: i'm on stream rn thats why he saw it
20:57 Reya: oh
20:57 Reya: hello kwk
20:57 Reya: no ar 9, sry
20:57 Mir: rip
20:57 Mir: no pp
20:58 Mir: do you have metadata
20:58 Reya: no dt
20:58 Mir: LOL
20:58 Reya: hmmm
20:59 Reya: must be in thread
20:59 Reya: nope
20:59 Mir: yeah we need to look now
20:59 Reya: well, ill find now
21:01 Reya:
https://en.touhouwiki.net/wiki/Lyrics:_Remind21:01 Reya: idk
21:01 Mir: that's not official enough
21:01 Reya: wait a bit
21:01 Mir: wikias are sort of sketchy
21:01 Mir: okay
21:01 Reya: want to ask jounzan
21:01 Reya: he must know
21:01 Mir: alright, i'll wait
21:03 Reya: found it
21:03 Reya: uh
21:03 Reya: why its so hard
21:04 Reya:
http://sally.dojin.com/SA-001.html21:04 Reya: that's it
21:04 Mir: yep, that'll do
21:04 Reya: i need more tags
21:04 Mir: add zun
21:04 Mir: c80
21:05 Mir: you can take stuff from
https://i.imgur.com/OvatP41.png21:05 Reya: maybe add sally?
21:05 Mir: yeah
21:05 Reya: its circle
21:08 Reya: updating
21:08 Reya: updated
21:10 Mir: oki
21:11 Mir: alright
21:11 Mir: ready?
21:12 Mir: i'll take that as a yes
21:12 Reya: ofc
21:12 Reya: OFC
21:12 Reya: OF COURSE
21:13 Reya: My body is ready