
Kiiara - Feels (Jai Wolf Remix)

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Mittwoch, 19. Oktober 2016 at 19:08:12

Artist: Kiiara
Title: Feels (Jai Wolf Remix)
Tags: explicit drug drugs feelings pop electro bass trap indie electropop single edit short
BPM: 135
Filesize: 5043kb
Play Time: 02:22
Difficulties Available:
  1. Advanced (3,37 stars, 316 notes)
  2. Beginner (1,29 stars, 127 notes)
  3. Intermediate (2,32 stars, 211 notes)
Download: Kiiara - Feels (Jai Wolf Remix)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Don't do drugs, people.

Return mapset. I'm finally back!

WARNING: Explicit lyrics

View changes here - it's a unique set
ogod rusty rust RUST IRCMOD xD

overall its a nice map, goodjob :)

20:32 *jericho2442 mod mode on!
20:32 BounceBabe: yessss
20:32 *BounceBabe already laughing
20:33 jericho2442: just a suggestion but 00:16:918 (3) - imo doesnt fit and kinda breaks the flow
20:33 jericho2442: you prolly know what i dont like it xD
20:33 BounceBabe: nope
20:33 BounceBabe: the anti smooth mouse movement for you
20:33 BounceBabe: :D
20:34 jericho2442: on a mouse it aint smooth at all lol, hurts the wrist xD
20:34 BounceBabe: ^^
20:35 jericho2442: 00:20:474 (2) - i find is abit blind and on my first run i found it hard to notice, its still alittle covered from the slider before it what was the same shape
20:35 BounceBabe: yer i know
20:36 jericho2442: would be nice to change it somewhere where its easy to read ^^
20:37 jericho2442: and (nazi) 00:25:141 (2) - just needs moving one snap down, seems a tiny but too far away from the 1 compared to the 3
20:38 jericho2442: 00:36:029 (3,4,5,6) - works fine as it is, but just test out making 3,4,5 all one stack and then after moving to the slider, instead of 1,2 stack and 2,3 stack
20:38 jericho2442: imo kinda improves the flow alittle but again its fine as is
20:39 jericho2442: also on that last slider i cant see a reason for the blue tick ending?
20:40 jericho2442: suits better with a red tick ending imo and follows the music better
20:41 BounceBabe: the stacking is shit on osu now
20:41 BounceBabe: if i stack all it looks horrible
20:41 jericho2442: if you dont like it thats fine ^^ as i said was a light suggestion
20:41 jericho2442: it works fine as it is
20:41 jericho2442: except the blue tick ending slider imo
20:42 BounceBabe: tbh i dont really know how i should position those circles, cus the stacking sucks either way
20:42 jericho2442: its not that bad xD
20:43 BounceBabe: i could move 00:36:252 (4) - to where 00:35:585 (1) - is to create ANOTHER jump lol
20:43 jericho2442: nana another jump there would not suit
20:43 jericho2442: leave that as it is then ^^
20:43 BounceBabe: i know
20:43 BounceBabe: ugh
20:44 jericho2442: 00:50:807 (4,1) - i dont like having to wait in one spot here, it felt off to me, everytime you used that waiting time before we moved somewhere else
20:44 jericho2442: just it just felt out of place
20:45 BounceBabe: ill just swap 00:36:252 (4,5) -
20:45 BounceBabe: done
20:46 BounceBabe: and those, even without musical support, create a better flow between the elements 00:36:696 (6,1) -
20:46 BounceBabe: with the blue tick
20:46 jericho2442: with the other times it happens i agree
20:46 jericho2442: with that time? i dont agree
20:47 jericho2442: the song is tooo quiet
20:47 BounceBabe: what other times
20:47 jericho2442: 00:44:474 (1,2) -
20:48 jericho2442: 00:46:252 (1,2) -
20:48 jericho2442: ect
20:49 BounceBabe: this is so empty 00:37:696 - ill put a circle here
20:49 BounceBabe: the whole thing 00:37:363 (1,2,3,4) - i had in a white blue red pattern before but it got too repetitive so i changed it to smth boring like this lol
20:50 jericho2442: update and i will check ^^
21:05 jericho2442: more important i know this is tricky, 01:37:807 (1,2,3,4,5,1) - but that played extremely odd

21:37 BounceBabe: there
21:37 BounceBabe:
21:38 jericho2442: looks much better
21:38 jericho2442: uppy :p
21:38 jericho2442: and easy is also perfectly fine
21:42 BounceBabe: ok done
21:42 BounceBabe: you dont care about hitsounds?
21:42 BounceBabe: xD
21:42 jericho2442: oook one last play
21:45 jericho2442: yup much better
Topic Starter
Thanksi :D
00:25:141 (2) - Slider looks out of place. You might want to create a star pattern -
00:36:474 (5) - It's best if you don't repeat the same pattern with this - 00:36:029 (3,4) - again. Move the circle up a little bit.
00:56:918 (1,2,3) - Create a better blanket -
01:48:807 (1) - Since there is a break between these - 01:48:029 (4,1) - you might want to place the circle on top of where 01:49:363 (3) is.
01:17:141 (3,4) - A big jump here is not necessary since there isn't any music in the back leading for jumps. I recommend something like this -
02:11:363 - Might want to add a circle here since Kiiara continues singing there.
I think the spinner at the end of the song should end here 02:24:029

00:16:918 (5) - Spacing with this - 00:16:252 (4) - is too close. Move it down a bit
00:20:029 (3) - Move this down a bit
00:29:363 (3) - Looks better if you set this slider under 00:29:141 (2)
00:59:363 (3,4) - ^
01:06:918 - Add a circle here since Kiiara pauses here
01:28:918 (1) - Slider's reverse should start here 01:29:252 since it fits with the beat. Then add a circle on 01:29:807
01:52:029 (3,4) - The spacing for these are too close. Let 01:52:918 (4) breath so move it away a little bit.
01:59:585 (5,6) - ^
02:00:918 (1,2) - ^
02:07:585 (7,1) - ^

01:38:474 (3) - Set this circle on top of 01:38:696 (4)
Topic Starter

imaikiseta wrote:

00:25:141 (2) - Slider looks out of place. You might want to create a star pattern - Actually, i just noticed that i wanted to copy this pattern instead 00:21:363 (1,2,3,4) - like i did at the end with 2 star patterns. Instead i wanted two different pattern tho, 1 for the first softer and quieter part and 1, the star pattern, for the chorus and more exciting part. Thanks anyways!
00:36:474 (5) - It's best if you don't repeat the same pattern with this - 00:36:029 (3,4) - again. Move the circle up a little bit. I had problems finding a good way of placing this pattern but i think it plays smooth as it is now. The stacking really disturbed me before. I arranged them that way because of that and another jump wouldnt suit here imo
00:56:918 (1,2,3) - Create a better blanket - I wanted to emphasise the vocal build up at this part :)
01:17:141 (3,4) - A big jump here is not necessary since there isn't any music in the back leading for jumps. I recommend something like this - You're right but it can be justified by the clap in the music. I changed it a bit to make the jump a little smaller
02:11:363 - Might want to add a circle here since Kiiara continues singing there. Extended the spinner instead
I think the spinner at the end of the song should end here 02:24:029The hearable music ends here 02:22:252 - which is why I ended the spinner here as well

00:16:918 (5) - Spacing with this - 00:16:252 (4) - is too close. Move it down a bit 0,01 spacing change is acceptable
00:29:363 (3) - Looks better if you set this slider under 00:29:141 (2) Nah i want a smooth upwards transition
00:59:363 (3,4) - ^ ^

01:38:474 (3) - Set this circle on top of 01:38:696 (4)Imo its better to read for beginners
Thanks for the mod. Applied all the other stuff!
Hey there, here's the m4m from your queue


00:17:807 (1,2) - You did a great job of making these symmetrical, but I just don't like the shape. The beginning of end of each slider does not look nice. This is very subjective so feel free to keep the shapes.

00:22:474 (1) - There is no specific sound at the end of this spinner, so you could silence it.

00:22:474 (1,1) - I believe the guideline is to have 4 beats of recovery after a spinner. The BPM is kinda low so it may be fine, but keep that in mind.

00:42:696 (1,2,3) - and 00:46:252 (1,2,3) - are basically the same thing in terms of the song, but for the first one 00:42:696 (1) - is an extended slider and the for the second 00:46:252 (1) - is not. I suggest making the first one a 1/1 slider instead of a 3/2 slider because of the vocal at 00:43:141.

00:52:474 (3) - Rotate twice and ctrl+G for more intuitive flow -

01:07:585 (1,2,3) - This would look nicer if you fixed the blankets - (not perfect but you get the idea)

01:15:585 (2) - I don't like this extended slider, would work better if it ended on 01:16:029 - because you're skipping a beat there and the vocal you're extending it to isn't worth mapping.

01:24:918 (3,1) - Blanket.

01:28:474 (3,1,2) - Something like this for better flow? -

The kiai is very well mapped, no complaints there.


I don't think your difficulty curve is acceptable. 1.4 - 1.9 - 3.5 is not linear. I would suggest buffing the Normal to more of a 2.4 - 2.5 area, but that would require a remap. Alternatively, you can make another difficulty. I'll mod this for what it is, though.

00:21:363 (5) - NC since you usually combo every 2 downbeats.

00:22:363 (1) - Silence since there's no sound at the end of this?

00:28:474 (1,2,3) - This flow isn't very intuitive. Something like this works better -

00:30:696 (5,7) - This overlap does not look good

00:42:696 (1) - I get why this ends on the blue tick, but why does 00:43:585 (3) - ? Ending it on the red or even white tick would make sense, there's no sound on 00:43:918 -

01:07:585 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - This rhythm is just generally too dense for a normal, you should be able to remove a note from this. I personally suggest removing the reverse from 01:10:474 (8) - (altho this would require you to move some stuff around)

01:31:585 (5) - I think this might be too confusing for newer players, because this guy's head and tail are the same as 3's head and tail, so it can harder to read.

01:52:029 (3,4) - Does not look good as a pattern, maybe if the blanket was better, but even then it overlaps so much that it doesn't look good.

01:55:585 (3,4) - ^ Mostly because 4's shape is not visually appealing.


00:15:585 (5,3) - I think you intended for the tails of these to perfectly stack, but they currently do not.

00:41:141 (1,2,3,4) - Would look much nicer if the star here was perfect instead of approximate

00:49:363 (4,1) - This is the same space that you use for 1/2 gaps sometimes, but this is a 3/4 gap. This could be misleading and hard to read. (was for me, at least)

01:13:363 (3,6) - Considering blanketing these two.

01:22:252 (2,3,4,5,6) - switching from 1/2 to 3/4 gaps is not very easy to read, even if you change the spacing. Using sliders instead would make this more playable.

02:00:918 (1,2,3) - Hard to read this as 3/2 considering the spacing being very small. I suggest using a slider instead.

02:08:029 (1,2,3,4,5) - a perfect star would be better (using ctrl+shift+d to generate a pentagon and rearranging on the timeline)
02:11:585 (1,2,3,4,5) - ^

Cool mapset, good luck.
Topic Starter

Hobbes2 wrote:

Hey there, here's the m4m from your queue


00:17:807 (1,2) - You did a great job of making these symmetrical, but I just don't like the shape. The beginning of end of each slider does not look nice. This is very subjective so feel free to keep the shapes. Nya, they are perfect to me :p

00:22:474 (1) - There is no specific sound at the end of this spinner, so you could silence it. Lowered the volume to 20 and 30 %

00:22:474 (1,1) - I believe the guideline is to have 4 beats of recovery after a spinner. The BPM is kinda low so it may be fine, but keep that in mind. No, 2 is fine for Easy and Normal difficulties.

01:28:474 (3,1,2) - Something like this for better flow? - The slider movement emphasises the vocals. Up and then down again. It's a slight change but noticeable.

The kiai is very well mapped, no complaints there.


I don't think your difficulty curve is acceptable. 1.4 - 1.9 - 3.5 is not linear. I would suggest buffing the Normal to more of a 2.4 - 2.5 area, but that would require a remap. Alternatively, you can make another difficulty. I'll mod this for what it is, though. Buffed the settings a little, will see if it adds to the spread. Although, I'd like to keep easy and normal somewhat under 2.5 stars anyway. More than that is too much for my mapset spreads.

00:21:363 (5) - NC since you usually combo every 2 downbeats. Not necessary before a spinner, break of when a pattern ends.

00:28:474 (1,2,3) - This flow isn't very intuitive. Something like this works better - Previous mod already addressed this. Guess ill change it

00:30:696 (5,7) - This overlap does not look good Looks perfectly fine

01:07:585 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - This rhythm is just generally too dense for a normal, you should be able to remove a note from this. I personally suggest removing the reverse from 01:10:474 (8) - (altho this would require you to move some stuff around) Ye i already thought this would be too much. I removed a note at the start.

01:31:585 (5) - I think this might be too confusing for newer players, because this guy's head and tail are the same as 3's head and tail, so it can harder to read. It's still readable, since the slider disappears enough for it to be fully invisible when 01:31:585 (5) - appears.

01:52:029 (3,4) - Does not look good as a pattern, maybe if the blanket was better, but even then it overlaps so much that it doesn't look good.

01:55:585 (3,4) - ^ Mostly because 4's shape is not visually appealing. Thats just my mapping style and pattern shapes :p Personal preferences.


00:41:141 (1,2,3,4) - Would look much nicer if the star here was perfect instead of approximate Fixed it a bit but i cant do anything about the stacking, that's just the game. It sucks. It's driving me nuts too.

00:49:363 (4,1) - This is the same space that you use for 1/2 gaps sometimes, but this is a 3/4 gap. This could be misleading and hard to read. (was for me, at least) The jump pattern ends at this point and I mapped to the BG vocals so it shouldn't be that hard to read. Even more since there is a timing gap before the NC pattern.

01:13:363 (3,6) - Considering blanketing these two. I don't want this slider 01:14:029 (6) - to be too far curved to the left and more in the middle of the star pattern.

02:00:918 (1,2,3) - Hard to read this as 3/2 considering the spacing being very small. I suggest using a slider instead. Increased it to 1,5

Cool mapset, good luck.
Thanks for the helpful mod! Applied everything that I didn't list.
I was like wtf this language was
and i realized oh shit this is english

Nicely made SB

  1. 00:33:807 - just say fu*k
  2. I don't exactly know why the SR is so screwed up, but imo the spread is.. fine? It's not the best and is risky, but it's good enough i guess.
  1. 00:16:474 (1,2,3) - and 00:20:029 (1) - how about keeping this fancy jump for like, later. This spacing is a bit too far for the calm part here~ Nerf them down a bit. They're even harder than jumps in parts that are more intense :?
  2. 00:25:918 (1) - this should ends on the red tick so that it rhymes with 00:22:363 (1) - . I know that it ends on the strong vocal~ but ending at the red tick is pretty fine as well, because it's the end of the calm section.
  3. 00:48:918 (3,4,1) - this is pretty confusing imo. Like they pretty much the same intensity, yet the distance to 00:50:141 (1) - is shorter while being further apart on the timeline
  4. 01:10:696 (4,5,1) - this looks pretty bad when the game spread the stack out here orz. Try this arrangement (you will have to fix that triangle yourself lel. this is really badly made.)
  5. 01:20:029 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3) - this is just an idea. Try slowing down the SV to provide some emphasis on the pitch changes of the vocals~
  6. 01:35:807 (5,6,1) - 1/8 slider with reverses perhaps? so it follows the drum roll properly~ >w<
  7. 01:38:696 (3,4,5,1) - The spacing here is rather small considering the sounds they make OwO
  8. 01:48:029 (4,1,2) - i really don't see any reason behind the spacing change here. Even if there're reasons, I think it might be better for these to have the same spacing, because of the unusual rhythm~
    nicely done :D
CS 4.5 QAQ
  1. Is it just me or the SB is different on this diff?
  2. Interesting choice of DS here owo, but because of this DS, blankets have to be done really really carefully. Even the smallest errors are noticeable. Try checking this yourself!
  3. 00:21:141 (4) - this should be nc according to your nc pattern
  4. 00:24:918 (1,2,3) - the rhythm here is not very good because 00:25:585 (3) - 's tail is on a strong sound and 00:25:141 (2) - 's tail also lands on a dragging vocal~ Try "Slider :arrow: Slider :arrow: Circle" instead~
  5. 01:33:585 (2,3) - try putting these at 56/272 and 64/332 respectively to slightly improve the flow and let 01:32:029 (6,7,3) - form an equilateral triangle~
I can't find anything in Easy QAQ
sorry ;w;

Sorry if this mod is not very good orz, i'm not good at modding this kind of map orz
and it is basically too good

Good luck~!
Topic Starter

CrystilonZ wrote:

I was like wtf this language was
and i realized oh shit this is english

Nicely made SB

  1. 00:33:807 - just say fu*k Ikr
  2. I don't exactly know why the SR is so screwed up, but imo the spread is.. fine? It's not the best and is risky, but it's good enough i guess. osu.. ^^
  1. 00:16:474 (1,2,3) - and 00:20:029 (1) - how about keeping this fancy jump for like, later. This spacing is a bit too far for the calm part here~ Nerf them down a bit. They're even harder than jumps in parts that are more intense :? I know but they emphasise the vocals quite good and a touch of challenge at the beginning of what comes next is fine :p
  2. 00:48:918 (3,4,1) - this is pretty confusing imo. Like they pretty much the same intensity, yet the distance to 00:50:141 (1) - is shorter while being further apart on the timeline It's mapped to the BG vocals and the tiny break between them should make it clear enough for it to be readable.
  3. 01:20:029 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3) - this is just an idea. Try slowing down the SV to provide some emphasis on the pitch changes of the vocals~ I'm not a fan of changing slider velocity xD especially on parts where it won't make sense like this one. It would have to be something drastic for me to use that
  4. 01:35:807 (5,6,1) - 1/8 slider with reverses perhaps? so it follows the drum roll properly~ >w< Transition is a bit better with circles imo. The reversed slider plays a bit dull.
  5. 01:38:696 (3,4,5,1) - The spacing here is rather small considering the sounds they make OwO True. But considering ive placed a long stream before and the rhythm this is perfectly fine to play
  6. 01:48:029 (4,1,2) - i really don't see any reason behind the spacing change here. Even if there're reasons, I think it might be better for these to have the same spacing, because of the unusual rhythm~ Was an accident lol it was 1,33 yes. It was supposed to be 1,0. I changed smth earlier at this part and forgot to fix this.
    nicely done :D
CS 4.5 QAQ I put it to 4 but thats as far as ill go xD
  1. Is it just me or the SB is different on this diff? It's a hitsound SB ^^
  2. Interesting choice of DS here owo, but because of this DS, blankets have to be done really really carefully. Even the smallest errors are noticeable. Try checking this yourself! I know. I don't like super spaced out Easy or Normal difficulties. I find using a smaller DS will play better.
  3. 00:21:141 (4) - this should be nc according to your nc pattern It's the end of the pattern and before a spinner, so imo it's not necessary.
I can't find anything in Easy QAQ
sorry ;w;

Sorry if this mod is not very good orz, i'm not good at modding this kind of map orz
and it is basically too good No worries and thanks ^^'

Good luck~!
Applied all the rest I didn't reply to. Thank you so much!
Glad to see you back!

  1. 00:22:474 (1) - 00:26:029 (1) - Unlike the 2013 era, spinner recovery time is being considered more important especially for lower diffs. If you take a look on these spinners, you can see the next object appearing while the spinner is still present. I normally don't recommend such settings, especially for your lowest difficulty.
  2. 01:32:029 (5) - Mind removing this object? The rhythm density around here was relatively higher than other parts.
  3. 01:38:474 (3,4,1) - This pattern feels rather tricky for the easiest difficulty due to the combination of a complicated rhythm and a stack. Mind removing (3)? Even this is the start of the kiai, it personally doesn't feels nice enough.
  1. Are you sure with OD6? 5 would be more balanced imo.
  2. I believe this difficulty would be more polished if you rework with your overall distance snapping. The current spacing is highly vague, since it isn't close enough to give a feeling of an overlap, but aren't actually apart each other. Just using a spacing that would completely avoid any overlaps would be a clearer setting. The concrete number would be above 1.05x.
  3. If you take a look on how the 3/4 rhythms are composed by you, it is 00:42:696 (1,2) - slider-note, 00:46:252 (1) - slider reverse, 00:49:807 (1,2) - slider-note, 00:53:363 (1,2) - slider-note. It kinda feels less balanced imo, and mind making 00:53:363 (1,2) a slider reverse? Totally up to you tho.
  4. 00:57:807 (1) - Consider using a complete horizontal slider. Since 00:58:696 (2,4) is a 360 rotation form of each, that way would work better with your mapping imo.
  5. 02:08:029 (1) - 02:11:585 (1) - I believe you can give a better relationship on these two. The concept of an S curve is the same, but the slider shape is different afterall. It wasn't cool enough considering how you've done at other difficulties.
  1. 00:33:807 (1,4,5) - Check in-game. The stack setting isn't nice enough.
  2. 00:49:363 (4,1,2) - Since 00:48:918 (3,4) was a slider jump, this 3/4 rhythm wasn't intuitive to read in patterns. Well, actually current setting is fine enough if you don't have alternatives.
  3. 01:20:029 (1,2) - This rhythm felt a little awkward since the actual vocal is at 01:20:363 where you placed as a slider end. This kind of a rhythm feels more natural imo.
  4. 01:23:585 (1,2) - Something similar here. Mind something like to follow the vocals better?
It's so hard to see this kind of maps these days lol
Topic Starter

Sonnyc wrote:

Glad to see you back!

  1. 00:22:474 (1) - 00:26:029 (1) - Unlike the 2013 era, spinner recovery time is being considered more important especially for lower diffs. If you take a look on these spinners, you can see the next object appearing while the spinner is still present. I normally don't recommend such settings, especially for your lowest difficulty. Played around a bit but can't find a way to end the spinners without them sounding horrible. I added creepy sliders instead.
  2. 01:38:474 (3,4,1) - This pattern feels rather tricky for the easiest difficulty due to the combination of a complicated rhythm and a stack. Mind removing (3)? Even this is the start of the kiai, it personally doesn't feels nice enough. Due to the long previous break it's totally playable, even for an Easy difficulty. It also would miss out a drum note in the music if i would remove it.
  1. I believe this difficulty would be more polished if you rework with your overall distance snapping. The current spacing is highly vague, since it isn't close enough to give a feeling of an overlap, but aren't actually apart each other. Just using a spacing that would completely avoid any overlaps would be a clearer setting. The concrete number would be above 1.05x. Yer, that works really well actually. Had to do this manually lol. But it's less clustered and more clean now.
  2. 00:57:807 (1) - Consider using a complete horizontal slider. Since 00:58:696 (2,4) is a 360 rotation form of each, that way would work better with your mapping imo. I think that a slightly curved slider will add to the transition from the spinner to the beginning of the slider. It's less hard on the hand. It's only a tiny difference but it still plays better imo.
  1. 00:33:807 (1,4,5) - Check in-game. The stack setting isn't nice enough. Used lowest stacking leniency possible. The stacking is horrible on osu now, it even annoys me. If that's ok, ill leave this SL, if not, i'll find smth else.
  2. 00:49:363 (4,1,2) - Since 00:48:918 (3,4) was a slider jump, this 3/4 rhythm wasn't intuitive to read in patterns. Well, actually current setting is fine enough if you don't have alternatives. Used 1,5x DS now. It should be better
  3. 01:23:585 (1,2) - Something similar here. Mind something like to follow the vocals better? The 3/4 sliders are 2 words each from the vocals, the long slider is just 1 ^^
It's so hard to see this kind of maps these days lol Ikr. This made my day haha
Thanks for the useful mod. Very much appreciated :) and thanks for taking a look at it voluntarily! Applied everything else deleted.
hihi BounceBabe ;) sry for my english heh

  • idk but maybe offset - 00:03:585 - pwp
    at the beginning of the song a little loud beginning 00:14:252 - here mb volume 65% ?
    nice hitsounds O:

  • Maybe CS - 3/2 or 3/5 ?
    01:20:029 (2) - first plase slider - i not hear here a bit !! < mayeb delete whistle
    01:23:585 (2) - ^ same
    01:33:807 - mb circle here?
    01:53:807 (1) - first plase - (in addition) i think better hear the Soft then Normal owo! rly

  • Maybe CS - 4 or 4/3 ?
    01:53:807 (1) - how in Easy lol
    other rly looks good)

  • 00:34:585 - we need here a circle owo
    01:53:807 (1) - okay owo

400 post here lol
Good Luck ;)
Topic Starter

Gordon123 wrote:

hihi BounceBabe ;) sry for my english heh

  • idk but maybe offset - 00:03:585 - pwp No the offset is fine ^^
    at the beginning of the song a little loud beginning 00:14:252 - here mb volume 65% ? okay
    nice hitsounds O: thanks

  • Maybe CS - 3/2 or 3/5 ? changed it to 3,5
    01:20:029 (2) - first plase slider - i not hear here a bit !! < mayeb delete whistle no its my hitsound pattern :p
    01:23:585 (2) - ^ same
    01:33:807 - mb circle here? The pattern would be too long then. no :s
    01:53:807 (1) - first plase - (in addition) i think better hear the Soft then Normal owo! rly the normal hitfinish emphasises the beginning of the the 2nd part in the chorus

  • Maybe CS - 4 or 4/3 ?changed it a bit
    01:53:807 (1) - how in Easy lol same
    other rly looks good)

  • 00:34:585 - we need here a circle owo there is no sound that would support this note ^^
    01:53:807 (1) - okay owo same xD

400 post here lol
Good Luck ;)
Star ~ ~ <3
Topic Starter
Thanks Gordon and Sonnyc btw :p
m4m: t/490650

Looks like your song is not timed properly.
Offset: 18.
00:42:696 (1,2) - overlap here, but not here 00:46:252 (1,2) - ?
01:05:807 (3,4) - ds
01:44:474 (2) - move it a bit to the top
01:48:474 (4) - a bit to the left

00:20:918 (4,5) - overlap
00:42:696 (1) - move this slider end a bit to the top, so (3) will be parallel (or move (3) s-end to the bottom for a bit)
00:43:585 (3,6) - overlap
01:42:029 (5,6) - ^
02:02:696 (4,5) - ^

01:00:029 (5) - flow? ctr+g it
01:05:363 (6,7) - ^ ctrl+g
01:10:696 (4,5) - ^
01:22:474 (3,4) - ds?
01:57:585 (2,3,4) - move 3 to the slider-start (5), and replace (4) with where (3) used to be

Overall i can say that diff spread is bad, you either overmapping or u trying to keep the flow smooth.

thats it.
Topic Starter
@-himei: Sorry but I have to reject your mod. First of all, you didn't explain any of your suggestions and I have no idea what you want to tell me nor did you state reasons why you think that your suggestion would be better. You also didn't take my mapping style nor intention of my placements into consideration. Overlaps are allowed. The only suggestion that you offered and is reasonable is this "00:42:696 (1,2) - overlap here, but not here 00:46:252 (1,2) - ?" but which i won't change because there is no harm in having two individual and different pattern placements that are rhythmically the same. Secondly, the offset is wrong of yours. I asked a couple of former BNs and BNs and they say it's fine / only need small adjustment. It's 26 now. Thirdly, the difficulty spread is not balanced, I know but that's because I initially wanted to map a Hard but then due to the jumps it became a Hard - Insane. I do not want to add another Hard though because the Normal is hard enough gameplay wise so it doesn't necessarily hurt the spread much. Lastly, I also didn't overmap anything. Everything follows the vocals, beats or synths in the music. Listen carefully before judging and try to state reasons before you post a mod next time.
Oh yea overlaps are allowed but when u putting them randomly it makes the structure inconsistent.

Well... I pinpointed out very obvious things. but yea... feel free to do w/e you want.
Hello! M4M!
lul it's nice song!
  1. Disable countdown?
  2. You didn't use this SB files so delete it:
  3. Dunno why, but I've got two .osb files in beatmap folder...
  1. 02:03:579 (5) - Move end of slider to x:129 y:151 for better blanket with 02:06:246 (1)
  1. 01:59:579 (5,6) - I know you blanketed it, but when I played it, it was weird so can you change to something like this?? click!. I don't make it very good, but it have my concept :D
  1. 01:28:690 (5,6) - What do you think about double-repeat 1/8 slider?? Cause here are very strong 1/8 beats. When i played this I clicked it too fast cause i hear 1/8.
  2. 01:32:246 (6,7) - The same like above
  3. 02:05:135 (3,4) - Improve this?? End of slider is good with slidertrail, but start is little to up.
Sorry for short mod, but I didn't saw any bad things in this map...
So if my mod is very, very bad, do not give me kudosu.
Topic Starter

Chalwa wrote:

Hello! M4M!
lul it's nice song!
  1. Disable countdown? Yes will do. Thought it needs one but didn't.
  2. You didn't use this SB files so delete it: Good catch! Some other images i didnt use when SBing. Replaced care with nostalgia anyway. Removed the other.
  3. Dunno why, but I've got two .osb files in beatmap folder... Oh true. One was difficulty related. No idea how that happened
  1. 02:03:579 (5) - Move end of slider to x:129 y:151 for better blanket with 02:06:246 (1)

  1. 01:59:579 (5,6) - I know you blanketed it, but when I played it, it was weird so can you change to something like this?? click!. I don't make it very good, but it have my concept :D Haha ye i understand what you mean. I like this kind of blanket better :P
  1. 01:28:690 (5,6) - What do you think about double-repeat 1/8 slider?? Cause here are very strong 1/8 beats. When i played this I clicked it too fast cause i hear 1/8.
  2. 01:32:246 (6,7) - The same like above Technically youre right yes there are synths i could map to, but I want a small triple here instead so i left 01:32:301 - and 01:32:412 - out. It plays better imo.
  3. 02:05:135 (3,4) - Improve this?? End of slider is good with slidertrail, but start is little to up. Fixed
Sorry for short mod, but I didn't saw any bad things in this map...
So if my mod is very, very bad, do not give me kudosu. It helped a bit :P
Thank you!
M4m if you still want? 8-)

I apologize for not making my mod as neat and organized as yours usually are. Hopefully it helps out a little bit.


01:11:135 - I don't think you need the inheriting point here. It's a copy of the previous one I'm pretty sure. I found it in all difficulties, but maybe I'm missing something

I know it's Easy diff, but I think there should be a circle at 01:19:579 - and 01:23:135 - . The space between 01:20:023 (2,1) - is fine

Easy looks ready to go :^)

00:15:135 (3,4) - You start the reverse slider on red here but on white here 00:19:135 (2,3) - and I don't agree with that

01:29:801 (2) - I don't agree with the placement of this circle. You don't do it anywhere else in the map, and it might cause confusion

01:52:023 (3,4) - This can have a nicer blanket without having to fix any DS or placement :^) but not required

Very clean diff in my opinion ^^

00:43:579 (3,4,5) - Here you use a circle after the slider, but you don't at 00:50:690 (3,4) - . Not saying it's wrong, but it would be nice for an explaination here.

Is it because of the vocals? because you aren't even mapping the vocals there so I think it would be fine to have one. The vocals stop at 00:50:912 - so I think you should definitely add one.

01:02:246 (1,2,3,4,5) - I'm not sure I agree with the pattern you have here. The placement feels a little bit random and the flow of the sliders don't feel comfortable.

As you can see, the first part of the pattern 01:02:246 (1,2) - flows fine, but 01:02:690 (2,3) - just feels awkward and uncomfortable.

When I say the pattern looks random, I look at the placement of the circles as a whole: The space between 01:02:246 (1,3) - is smaller than the space between 01:02:912 (3,5) - .

I'm not saying it needs to be remapped, but it can be fixed up a little bit.

01:04:468 (3) - I'm not sure I hear a beat here where the slider ends. I slowed it down to 25% and still didn't hear anything

01:23:579 (1) - The rhythm here is I believe

01:24:468 (3) - I don't think you need to stop mapping to the music here.

01:35:801 (5,6) - I think there needs to be a 1/8 reverse slider here to distinguish it from the 1/4 stream

01:54:690 (3,4) - I don't care much about blankets but these sliders wrapped around 01:55:801 (1) - just don't look right :3

02:00:023 (5,6) - Inconsistent DS, small but noticeable to me. Compare it with 01:56:468 (4,5) -

There might be more, so I would go through and check

02:01:801 (4) - Not too sure about this whistle you have here. I think the part will be fine without, especially since you only map the whistle on white ticks

02:05:801 (5) - add a whistle here imo

Overall you have a very unique mapping style. It seems older mapping styles, but a refreshed version that is very appealing ^_^
Topic Starter

Ora wrote:

M4m if you still want? 8-) Ofc :P

I apologize for not making my mod as neat and organized as yours usually are. It's the content that matters :) Hopefully it helps out a little bit.


01:11:135 - I don't think you need the inheriting point here. It's a copy of the previous one I'm pretty sure. I found it in all difficulties, but maybe I'm missing something :o I actually wanted to use drum sounds here for the musical change oh gosh. Thanks for noticing.


00:15:135 (3,4) - You start the reverse slider on red here but on white here 00:19:135 (2,3) - and I don't agree with that Remapped

Very clean diff in my opinion Thank you :) ^^

00:43:579 (3,4,5) - Here you use a circle after the slider, but you don't at 00:50:690 (3,4) - . Not saying it's wrong, but it would be nice for an explaination here.

Is it because of the vocals? because you aren't even mapping the vocals there so I think it would be fine to have one. The vocals stop at 00:50:912 - so I think you should definitely add one. It's the vocal in the background i mapped to on these patterns :P

01:02:246 (1,2,3,4,5) - I'm not sure I agree with the pattern you have here. The placement feels a little bit random and the flow of the sliders don't feel comfortable.

As you can see, the first part of the pattern 01:02:246 (1,2) - flows fine, but 01:02:690 (2,3) - just feels awkward and uncomfortable.

When I say the pattern looks random, I look at the placement of the circles as a whole: The space between 01:02:246 (1,3) - is smaller than the space between 01:02:912 (3,5) - .

I'm not saying it needs to be remapped, but it can be fixed up a little bit. Ye i agree with you there. Found it weird myself before but didn't bother changing it xD Changed it now. Should be better.

01:04:468 (3) - I'm not sure I hear a beat here where the slider ends. I slowed it down to 25% and still didn't hear anything I kinda always create such longer sliders to add a transition from one element to the next, create more gameplay interest and pattern variation. Technically its a vocal emphasis until the next vocal at 01:04:912 - too. "juice" ends here 01:04:690 - but "I'll" is from 01:04:690 - to 01:04:801 - And another slider wouldn't fit gameplay wise because the vocal is too weak. It's pretty much this just without a 1/2 slider and the slider ending on the red tick. In other words I skipped to map "I'll" and instead extended the slider for a vocal transition :P It's easier to understand with this pattern 01:11:135 (1,2) - same thing here

01:23:579 (1) - The rhythm here is I believe Same as above

01:24:468 (3) - I don't think you need to stop mapping to the music here. Same as above

01:35:801 (5,6) - I think there needs to be a 1/8 reverse slider here to distinguish it from the 1/4 stream Already replied to this once. I skipped to map those 1/8 synths and created a triple instead. It plays a lot better imo and a 1/8 slider would be really distractive from the gameplay i find.

01:54:690 (3,4) - I don't care much about blankets but these sliders wrapped around 01:55:801 (1) - just don't look right :3 Personal preference :P

02:01:801 (4) - Not too sure about this whistle you have here. I think the part will be fine without, especially since you only map the whistle on white ticks

02:05:801 (5) - add a whistle here imo Consistent rhythm apart from the blue tick. It's for SB and I dont want to add slider ticks just for this single hitsound inconsistency that i barely noticeable

Overall you have a very unique mapping style. It seems older mapping styles, but a refreshed version that is very appealing ^_^ Yes i don't like nowadays mapping styles ^^ I like my spacing.
Thanks was really useful! Everything else deleted I applied.

  1. 00:42:690 (1,2) - I'd use a repeat slider, hit 2 is really hard due to the polarity issue
  2. 01:04:801 (4,1) - nazi, shouldn't be stacked?
  3. 01:27:135 (1,2,3) - all the straight sliders looks kinda bored, I'd make 01:27:579 (2) - a bit curved like:
  4. 00:19:135 (5,1,2) - I don't think these jumps fit the song properly, since the pitch is basically the same.
  5. 02:02:690 (5) - missing NC?
  6. 02:11:579 (1) - increase volume
  7. 02:20:135 (1) - maybe reduce the volume a bit? sounds super strong in game.

  1. 00:19:135 (2,3) - spacing
  2. 00:20:468 (4,1) - same (check with stacking on or in game, because its caused due to the stack leniency)
  3. 02:20:246 (1) - why its starting at different time? even the easy diff is in 1/4
  4. Reduce volume at the last spinner

  1. 01:23:578 (3) - unsnapped
  2. Reduce volume at the last spinner
Topic Starter

Natsu wrote:


  1. 01:27:135 (1,2,3) - all the straight sliders looks kinda bored, I'd make 01:27:579 (2) - a bit curved like: The whole pattern 01:27:135 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - is supposed to be linear :P so it is intentional
  2. 00:19:135 (5,1,2) - I don't think these jumps fit the song properly, since the pitch is basically the same. That pattern i dont like either but the jumps i placed to emphasise the vocal repetition. Remapped that tiny part anyway.
  3. 02:11:579 (1) - increase volume Would be too loud imo. 50 should be fine

:) :D
Applied all the rest. Thank you !
Topic Starter
Throws imaginary kudo at Natsu \o/
Welcome back.
~ Qualified ~
Don't do drugs, congrats! :p
Luel Roseline
Oh my I'm so late...
Anyway, great job.
Grats! :3
Topic Starter
That was fast :O Thanks Natsu and Gero and everyone <3
DQ was requested by host to fix an error
Topic Starter
What I fixed in Feels
01:04:468 (3,4,5) -
~ Requalified ~
Congrats BounceBabe! :)
Topic Starter
BB is the best, grats! \ o /
Hey there, while looking at your mapset, there were several things that caught my attention.


I really feel like there is something going wrong within the whole spread. The jump from CS 3.5 to 4.7 is one thing, but then having such a spike from the Normal to the so-called Hard is too much. Hard feels more like an insane - whether it be because of the long streams or the big jumps. Easiest fix would probably be to simply map another difficulty which resembles the Hard diff, to provide a proper spread between those diffs.

Inaudible Hitsounds

00:14:246 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,1,2,3,4) - The hitsounds of this part are pretty inaudible, thus they don't provide enough feedback to be rankable. Please increase the volume of those sligthly to easily fix it.


I personally feel like more mods would have been beneficial to this difficulty. I've seen one mod mentioning that there are inconsistencies to be found, which I actually agree on. The rhythm is inconsistent many times, often ignores the downbeats (example: 01:42:023 (3) - , why do you need to make this such an awkward break? It would be way better to keep the flow + movement going). Another really inconsitent rhythm would be 01:48:023 (4,1,2) - . It ignores the downbeats again and has really low spacing for this circumstance. I mean, you have more spacing 02:00:912 (1,2,3) - ..
The way you stack also doesn't make a lot of sense to me, could you elaborate on that? Namely 01:41:357 (1,2) - 01:42:912 (4,1) - 01:49:357 (3,4) - 02:01:579 (3,4) - vs 02:02:690 (1,2) -

As of right now, I don't think this map belongs to qualified yet, but I'm certain that you will be able to improve it so you can push it again.

See you!
Gotta agree there, I like the song and map as well but I kinda miss another diff between N and "H".
Kinda agree with Irre's post, the spread issus does exsit. Especially for feels difficulty: 01:35:801 (5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1) - the stream makes a huge difficulty spike and makes it more like an "Extra" difficulty, we encourage every (normal) Insane difficulty not have stream that not longer than 9 notes, but this difficulty is even a hard difficulty according current spread. You have to figure it out before moving forward.
Hey BB, in case you add another diff, I recommend calling the current Hard 'Light Insane' :^^)))
Topic Starter

Irreversible wrote:

Hey there, while looking at your mapset, there were several things that caught my attention.


I really feel like there is something going wrong within the whole spread. The jump from CS 3.5 to 4.7 is one thing, but then having such a spike from the Normal to the so-called Hard is too much. Hard feels more like an insane - whether it be because of the long streams or the big jumps. Easiest fix would probably be to simply map another difficulty which resembles the Hard diff, to provide a proper spread between those diffs.

As for the spread issue, I haven't had any difficulties getting my previous maps ranked with such settings. There even is a mapset that is ranked with similar difficulty settings and spread. In general, those are my kind of settings that I use. It's just how I make my spreads. The hardest difficulty is also not supposed to be a Hard, it's a Hard+. I won't push the settings or mapping even further and unnecessarily overmap the difficulty to make it an Insane. It doesn't suit the song and is too much. My spreads are usually very unique. The Normal also is not quite a Normal in my eyes. It's a little harder than that an this is fine. The star rating may not agree with that but the gameplay of the patterns do. It is definitely fine for this spread as middle piece between Easy and Feels. The only thing I could address is to change the difficulty names according to it's level (or see at the bottom), but the mapset spread is perfectly fine. I even lowered the difficulty settings a bit for Normal as it was classed as "too" hard for it to be a Normal.

Inaudible Hitsounds

00:14:246 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,1,2,3,4) - The hitsounds of this part are pretty inaudible, thus they don't provide enough feedback to be rankable. Please increase the volume of those sligthly to easily fix it.

They are not inaudible. The volume of the song is low which doesn't need to be overwhelmed by louder hitsound volume. It does match the volume of the song perfectly. The hitnormal that I added is audible enough as well. It isn't supposed to overtake the music, especially when the first part isn't that loud. I can use 40% but that is as far as I'll go. Everything higher will be too noisy for it to support the music properly.


I personally feel like more mods would have been beneficial to this difficulty. I've seen one mod mentioning that there are inconsistencies to be found, which I actually agree on. The rhythm is inconsistent many times, often ignores the downbeats (example: 01:42:023 (3) - , why do you need to make this such an awkward break? It would be way better to keep the flow + movement going). Another really inconsitent rhythm would be 01:48:023 (4,1,2) - . It ignores the downbeats again and has really low spacing for this circumstance. I mean, you have more spacing 02:00:912 (1,2,3) - ..
The way you stack also doesn't make a lot of sense to me, could you elaborate on that? Namely 01:41:357 (1,2) - 01:42:912 (4,1) - 01:49:357 (3,4) - 02:01:579 (3,4) - vs 02:02:690 (1,2) -

And I already explained my reasons why I keep those "inconsistencies" in my map. It's also one of my mapping characteristics and they are very frequently used in my maps. You can check them out by yourself and you'll see what I mean. I commonly use more variations that add to the music. It's not overmapping, it's mixing several point in the music into a pattern. It's all playable and makes sense if you listen to it.I haven't had any problems with this either so far. I don't know why this is an issue now. The downbeat doesn't always have to be mapped when there are other synth, vocals, you name it at this specific point that are more suitable for mapping. As you wish, I'll elaborate on your points mentioned to clarify any "inconsistencies" that occured in your eyes but are totally reasonable to me.

"01:42:023 (3) - , why do you need to make this such an awkward break? It would be way better to keep the flow + movement going" Did you listen to what I mapped here? To the vocals. The pause is intentional as there is nothing worth mapping to other than the vocals at this point. I won't add unnecessary notes that aren't needed in my pattern. Besides, the flow is perfectly fine and the pattern enhances the vocals perfectly. I don't see a problem here. It plays really smooth.

Another really inconsitent rhythm would be 01:48:023 (4,1,2) - . It ignores the downbeats again and has really low spacing for this circumstance. I mean, you have more spacing 02:00:912 (1,2,3) - ..
Initially this was a completely different pattern here. If you go through the mods you will see that. There is a small spacing inconsistency tbh but no rhythm inconsistency? My usual spacing through the map that I used was 1,0 1,5 and 2,0. I didn't use anything else. Everything that has slightly different spacing is merely due to mods. 01:48:801 (1) - This circle was initially placed to create a jump at the top left The spacing was 1,5 between those 01:49:135 (2,3) - it was reasonable but someone pointed it out that it had bad flow if i recall, I agreed and I adjusted that. Which is now a slight spacing inconsistency. The small jump between 01:49:135 (2,3) - is with 1,5 spacing and creates an enhancement with the discernible drum in the music at 01:49:357 - . In regards to the downbeat, I mapped to the vocals again, that's why the circles are on the blue and red ticks. Why would I include the downbeat when I mapped to the vocal? The pattern is totally fine.

The way you stack also doesn't make a lot of sense to me, could you elaborate on that? Namely 01:41:357 (1,2) - 01:42:912 (4,1) - 01:49:357 (3,4) - 02:01:579 (3,4) - vs 02:02:690 (1,2) -
What exactly doesn't make sense to you? I have no idea what you try to imply with this statements. Explain it to me first then I can elaborate on that.

Fycho wrote:

Kinda agree with Irre's post, the spread issus does exsit. Especially for feels difficulty: 01:35:801 (5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1) - the stream makes a huge difficulty spike and makes it more like an "Extra" difficulty, we encourage every (normal) Insane difficulty not have stream that not longer than 9 notes, but this difficulty is even a hard difficulty according current spread. You have to figure it out before moving forward.
This is nowhere near to an Extra. This is how I usually map my Hard-Insane difficulties and they were totally rankable so far. It does clearly not play like a Hard so it is not one. Compare it to my previous ranked maps. The icon and ratings are similar. The Normal is quite challenging for a Normal as well and it was more difficult before it got modded to this degree as well. The stream is also completely fine for this difficulty. Streams are fine in Hards and Insanes. As for the star rating, the rating lies within the RC star rating rules which makes it also a Hard. The star rating is 3.6 which is not yet Insane but still more challenging that an average Hard, which is fine for my usual mapset spreads.
"2.25-3.75: Hard" Source: The Easy difficulty is also very easy apart from 1 pattern which can't be mapped to anything else in my eyes. Before jumping to conclusions about a bad mapset spread you should also take the gameplay into consideration of each difficulty and not only the star ratings and what the Icons say. Apart from the jumps, spacing changes, streams in Feels, the difficulty itself is somewhat close to the Normal, just with more elements. The spacing is not random like I already mentioned and well thought through. The patterns match the rhythm and vocals of the song. The Normal has significant patterns that are more challenging to play as they are not following the downbeats accordingly, which requires more experiences to play.

If you want a change in regards to this system read my post about the ranking criteria proposal. It is more reasonable than the current one and will greatly improve mapset spreads. But as long as my difficulty star rating on each difficulty match the RC rules, are accordingly mapped to the music with reasonable spacing unlike other maps that I've seen, this is an unjustified disqualification and I can only offer to modify the difficulties themselves to further enhance the spread to your liking but I will not add another unnecessary difficulty that is not needed for this mapset. Besides, I've seen maps that have such spreads and they were not addressed so why me? It's my usual spread too. Totally incomprehensible to me.

Bonsai wrote:

Hey BB, in case you add another diff, I recommend calling the current Hard 'Light Insane' :^^)))
Don't ever suggest that to me. :o I would never make a Light Easy, Light Normal, Light Hard and Light Insane. That's not me.

Shitstorm in 3... 2... 1...
All my respect to you BB but... This is not 2013 mapping anymore. Or 2014. Whatever before 2015.
Topic Starter
Please don't drag me down to that again. I know. I went through some recently ranked maps and they have bad spreads too but it's not noticeable due to the amount of difficulties, especially Extras. As long as they don't get addressed as well nothing is going to change. And why this statement of not being in 2013 anymore? What's that got to do with this? The RC hasn't changed much and the new rules are possibly, hopefully going to be improved which everyone can use to create a better spread. If you really do dislike it so much don't play it. I can't say it enough. Live and let live. I have my policies and I stick to them. They are correct and according to RC rules so why all this? There's no harm in having differences from mapper to mapper. It would be bland to have only same mapset from mapper to mapper. There are set rules that everyone follows. Everything else is subjective and can be discussed. This is why mods exists. If you do dislike something about a map then say it and don't just complain without any proper reason that is not justified. Period.

Nyu-chan wrote:

All my respect to you BB but... This is not 2013 mapping anymore. Or 2014. Whatever before 2015.
Why would you even say this? It might seem like it but I've said this before to BounceBabe, this feels like a more refreshed version of older mapping, and it's actually done well. There's nothing wrong with the way he mapped it or the style
I like how you bring up the argument "the SR & icon says it's a good spread" but then go "Before jumping to conclusions about a bad mapset spread you should also take the gameplay into consideration of each difficulty and not only the star ratings and what the Icons say." - That's exactly what they did, they pointed out gameplay-elements that make the Hard appear like an Insane. I've looked at it myself rn, and I agree:
  1. The Easy does have a few passive ( = unclickable-to-clickable) 1/2-gaps and one single active 1/2-gap
  2. The Normal never got more than three clickable 1/2s in a row and not a single 1/4-gap, not even passive; and afaik sticks to constant DS 100%, zero jumps
  3. The Hard got 19 clickable 1/4s in a row, big jumps, often extremely ambiguous (anti-)spacing, and also already perfectly stacking 1/2s when there are 1/1-stacks too which might be confusing Hard-players at AR7
To me, this seems extremely imbalanced. Talking about starrating or icons is completely irrelevant as they are zero indication of the exact difficulty of a map. ofc your icon technically suits the RC-rules, but not breaking any strict RC-rule doesn't mean that it's rankable at all. There are tons of mapsets where spread is being discussed even though the icons or the starrating appear to be okay, because nowadays we rather concentrate on a spread being linear. Not minding that, referring to other maps is never a valid argument for anything, many things are hard to define or case-by-case, and not every map gets the same attention by the same people. If you have concerns about spread in other maps, feel free to voice them there.

Unrelated to the spread-issue, I have two quick things I'd like to point out that I noticed while checking the spread:
Normal: 00:42:690 (1,2) - Since this isis the first time you've used this rhythm, it would be nice if it were introduced by a reverse-slider like you used it many times afterwards, so the player is aware of this rhythm existing before they have to actively click it
Feels: Since you seem to use GridSnap, your spacing varies slightly, which ofc is no problem in itself, but it does play a big role visually when a difference of x0,03 decides whether a followpoint is visible or not - Examples for what I mean are 00:21:357 (1,2,3,4) - 00:35:579 (1,2,3) - 01:01:357 (3,4,5) - 01:05:135 (5,6,7) - etc etc, this makes it seem a bit unpolished visually, disabling GridSnap for a sec and reducing the relatively few points where the spacing is x1,03 to of x1,00 would be nice

Also, the thing about 'Light Insane' was just a joke bc I know you dislike it xd sry

Ora wrote:

Nyu-chan wrote:

All my respect to you BB but... This is not 2013 mapping anymore. Or 2014. Whatever before 2015.
Why would you even say this? It might seem like it but I've said this before to BounceBabe, this feels like a more refreshed version of older mapping, and it's actually done well. There's nothing wrong with the way he mapped it or the style
I don't mean style, I mean other stuff. Things like mapset spread were kinda different before.
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