
Camellia - DARK THUNDER [CatchTheBeat]

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on martes, 03 de enero de 2017 at 17:37:48

Artist: Camellia
Tags: sudden shower c86 かめるかめりあ kamelcamellia hardcore epic orchestral
BPM: 175
Filesize: 8347kb
Play Time: 05:00
Difficulties Available:
  1. BLACK TEMPEST (6,23 stars, 1341 notes)
Download: Camellia - DARK THUNDER
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Ranked #2
I am intrigued by this.
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RoseusJaeger wrote:

I am intrigued by this.
Explain yourself? If you're wondering, yes I'm gonna go for approval with this finished.

Hareimu wrote:

RoseusJaeger wrote:

I am intrigued by this.
Explain yourself? If you're wondering, yes I'm gonna go for approval with this finished.
I'm intrigued because I like the song

i dont think a map like this will reach 12 mods before be ready =A= so take some stars good sir
Topic Starter

koliron wrote:


i dont think a map like this will reach 12 mods before be ready =A= so take some stars good sir
o.o <3 will be waiting for your liiiittle big af mod~

NM via in game


  1. Ok, no sé si es sumamente necesario, pero te recomiendo cambiar el tamaño del BG a 1366x768
  2. Supongo que esto podría ir en Tags, o en caso de que lleguen a pedirte el "metadata" Circle: かめるかめりあ
  3. El resto parece estar bien.


  1. 00:49:440 (8,1) - Siento que un h-dash podría encajar, a pesar de ser una parte algo tranquila.
  2. Siento que aquí te falto agregar una nota: 00:52:354
  3. 00:53:897 (1) - En mi opinión es mejor un repeat slider de 1/2. Porque es claro que hay un sonido aquí: 00:54:069
  4. Otra nota perdida aquí: 02:35:897 y aquí: 02:36:583
  5. Claramente se escucha un sonido aquí: 02:42:069 - Y podrías aprovechar para crear un h-dash con la siguiente nota.
  6. Bueno es lo poco que pude encontrar, dado a que no soy de moddear Overdoses, siento que en una "Overdose" puedes hacer casi lo que quieras, h-dash por aquí h-dash por allá, en particular siento que es la única dificultad en donde uno puede hacer lo que quiera, en fin aún así hay límites, buena suerte con el mapa, espero y este pequeño mod sea de ayuda, nos vemos, buena suerte, se ve que es un gran mapa!
Perdón por el doble posting~
Topic Starter

Jusenkyo wrote:

NM via in game


  1. Ok, no sé si es sumamente necesario, pero te recomiendo cambiar el tamaño del BG a 1366x768 Lamentablemente no he podido encontrar una version del BG que tenga esa resolucion, y aumentarle el tamaño manualmente con alguna herramienta para editar imagenes solamente resultaria en empeorar su calidad. Perdon por esto ^^u
  2. Supongo que esto podría ir en Tags, o en caso de que lleguen a pedirte el "metadata" Circle: かめるかめりあ Agregué solo la parte de かめるかめりあ (Circle no parece necesario, imo)
  3. El resto parece estar bien.


  1. 00:49:440 (8,1) - Siento que un h-dash podría encajar, a pesar de ser una parte algo tranquila. Permiteme discrepar en esta sugerencia, ya he testeado multiples patterns con un hdash en esa seccion y no creo que encaje muy bien que digamos.
  2. Siento que aquí te falto agregar una nota: 00:52:354 Agregada
  3. 00:53:897 (1) - En mi opinión es mejor un repeat slider de 1/2. Porque es claro que hay un sonido aquí: 00:54:069 He eliminado dicho slider y bajado la velocidad de reproduccion a 25% para verificar si dicho sonido se podia escuchar con facilidad, pero ni aun asi pude escuchar algun sonido de cualquier clase lo suficientemente fuerte como para considerar reemplazarlo por un repeat slider de 1/2.
  4. Otra nota perdida aquí: 02:35:897 y aquí: 02:36:583 Agregadas
  5. Claramente se escucha un sonido aquí: 02:42:069 - Y podrías aprovechar para crear un h-dash con la siguiente nota. Lo mismo que con el punto anterior, no alcanzo a escuchar dicho sonido ni en 25% de velocidad. Si algun otro modder llega a escuchar esos 2 sonidos de los que estas hablando, quizas pueda considerar hacer algo al respecto.
  6. Bueno es lo poco que pude encontrar, dado a que no soy de moddear Overdoses, siento que en una "Overdose" puedes hacer casi lo que quieras, h-dash por aquí h-dash por allá, en particular siento que es la única dificultad en donde uno puede hacer lo que quiera, en fin aún así hay límites, buena suerte con el mapa, espero y este pequeño mod sea de ayuda, nos vemos, buena suerte, se ve que es un gran mapa! Muchas gracias! voy a seguir buscando mods, pero el tuyo fue bastante util. Ahi tienes tu kudosu <3
I like it
Topic Starter

Nelly wrote:

I like it
o.o ty~
[Black Tempest]
most all of these are pure suggestions, the map is fine rankability-wise
00:08:126 (3,4) - maybe space these out more since i end up not moving in this part which kinda breaks the movement flow (if that makes sense)
00:23:040 (3) - make this more like 00:24:412 (8) - , the previous jump is a large one so making this more horizontal would give a bit of leeway for movement
01:10:697 (5) - ctrl+g to make 01:10:012 (3,4,5) - an alternating direction pattern
01:59:726 (1,2,3) - unlike the earlier case, it would be nice if these were pointing at the same direction (up to you whether to let them point to the left or the right)
02:00:583 (4,5) - move these by 4 medium grids to the right
02:49:441 (3,4,5,6) - space these out more

yehaj rank this
Topic Starter

Chara wrote:

[Black Tempest]
most all of these are pure suggestions, the map is fine rankability-wise yay
00:08:126 (3,4) - maybe space these out more since i end up not moving in this part which kinda breaks the movement flow (if that makes sense) You're right, changed them~
00:23:040 (3) - make this more like 00:24:412 (8) - , the previous jump is a large one so making this more horizontal would give a bit of leeway for movement actually I was changing this pattern to something more playable, so yeah
01:10:697 (5) - ctrl+g to make 01:10:012 (3,4,5) - an alternating direction pattern Sure~
01:59:726 (1,2,3) - unlike the earlier case, it would be nice if these were pointing at the same direction (up to you whether to let them point to the left or the right) I actually changed it to a much cooler version of it, just test it~
02:00:583 (4,5) - move these by 4 medium grids to the right with the previous change, this one is kinda discarted :s
02:49:441 (3,4,5,6) - space these out more Done

yehaj rank this sure wynaut
Thanks for the mod, and also thank you so much for the 3 stars <3
01:55:612 (1) - seeing this pointing to the left bugged me, so make it point to the right ~:d
01:58:697 (2,3) - weird patterns are good so point this 01:58:869 (3) - to the left and make this 01:59:040 (4) - go a bit farther away ~:d
I don't wanna go through the rest of the map because i'm to tired to do a real good mod (even tho I can't produce good mods in the first place ~:d)
so just add more creative sliders instead of just bland curved sliders and straight sliders, and mix up your jumps a bit
Topic Starter

Dahcreeper wrote:

01:55:612 (1) - seeing this pointing to the left bugged me, so make it point to the right ~:d Done.
01:58:697 (2,3) - weird patterns are good so point this 01:58:869 (3) - to the left and make this 01:59:040 (4) - go a bit farther away ~:d yeah sure why not, a bit of variation in the patterns doesn't hurt anybody
I don't wanna go through the rest of the map because i'm to tired to do a real good mod (even tho I can't produce good mods in the first place ~:d)
so just add more creative sliders instead of just bland curved sliders and straight sliders, and mix up your jumps a bit np, you're still getting kudos
Thanks for the tiny mod! Kudosu'd~
Siento el retraso bro, hoy zi o si haha
PD: Aunque la cancion no me gusta para nada uwu
Topic Starter

-Sh1n1- wrote:

Siento el retraso bro, hoy zi o si haha
PD: Aunque la cancion no me gusta para nada uwu
no pasa nada por el retraso~
PD: D: p-perdona que no sea de tu agrado u.u
Quick IRC and testplay!!

IRC text
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Setomi wrote:

Quick IRC and testplay!!

IRC text
Thank you~~ gonna call you out if I need more help, already gave you kudos <3
Hey !! I love your beatmap :D !!! Seriously I like your pattern ! And I love this song !!

Topic Starter

monstratorfull wrote:

Hey !! I love your beatmap :D !!! Seriously I like your pattern ! And I love this song !!

gee~ thanks for playing, and I'm glad you liked it! <3
Hi PM request <3

  1. 01:22:354 (5,6) - how about change to other, looks better flow
  2. 01:29:554 (1,2) - i think between that it's far a little, how about move 01:29:554 (1) - to x:160
  3. 01:48:412 (5) - move to x:160
  4. 01:49:012 (2,4) - this slider i think it's hard to catch please change it to diagonal
  5. 02:00:240 (3) - Change it to diagonal
  6. 02:04:354 (3) - ctrl+g, it's antiflow
  7. 02:54:326 (6) - ctrl+g, it's antiflow
  8. 03:38:126 (1) - ctrl+g, it's antiflow and move to x:288 and 03:38:384 (2) - move to x:32
  9. 03:42:926 (2) - ctrl+g, it's antiflow and move to x:160
  10. 03:51:498 (5) - How about change this slider to curve
  11. 03:51:841 (6) - ctrl+g, it's antiflow and move to x:176 so 03:52:184 (1) - ctrl+g

Amazing map <3<3 Good luck and shoot star :3
Topic Starter

rew0825 wrote:

Hi PM request <3

  1. 01:22:354 (5,6) - how about change to other, looks better flow I'll decline on this, as the original pattern was intended to be flow-breaking on purpose. also there's too much curved stream patterns on the whole diff so also no :<
  2. 01:29:554 (1,2) - i think between that it's far a little, how about move 01:29:554 (1) - to x:160 Oh gee, it seems that I accidentally left that distancing as 2.0x and not 2.5x (HDash trigger) as it was supposed to be. Thanks for noticing~
  3. 01:48:412 (5) - move to x:160 Done.
  4. 01:49:012 (2,4) - this slider i think it's hard to catch please change it to diagonal The purpose of the whole 01:48:754 (1,2,3,4) - pattern would be screwed if I changed the shape of those two sliders, so it's staying like that for now.
  5. 02:00:240 (3) - Change it to diagonal Same reason as before, but in this case the pattern was intended to have the three sliders progressively change shape from vertical (01:59:726 (1) - ) to horizontal (02:00:240 (3) - )
  6. 02:04:354 (3) - ctrl+g, it's antiflow I think that before continuing applying these changes, I have to state that this song was mapped with the intention to actually be hard. I wanted to mix both nice flowing patterns with anti-flow snappy ones to make it both more fitting to the song's intensity and more fun to play (kinda avoiding pp mapping here) so yeah, most of these changes you're suggesting here refer to most (if not almost every) anti-flow pattern on the diff. Sorry if I don't actually apply the following suggestions :s

    Onto the suggestion itself, the pattern you're highlighting 02:04:183 (2,3,4) - here was intended to be anti-flow (snappy 1/4 anti-sliders = harder to catch, as a result)
  7. 02:54:326 (6) - ctrl+g, it's antiflow Also intended to be anti-flow here, the song calls for it and tbh the rest of the build-up until the kiai is full of these.
  8. 03:38:126 (1) - ctrl+g, it's antiflow and move to x:288 and 03:38:384 (2) - move to x:32 Same as before, it would also make this a left-right simple to play pattern, which is not wanted for this pattern in specific.
  9. 03:42:926 (2) - ctrl+g, it's antiflow and move to x:160 Actually applying this, the song's pitch kinda goes down here so a flow-breaking pattern isn't really needed. Thanks for suggesting this.
  10. 03:51:498 (5) - How about change this slider to curve Dunno how could that work properly without an example (as you did before with an image), so... I'm kinda lost with this one o.o
  11. 03:51:841 (6) - ctrl+g, it's antiflow and move to x:176 so 03:52:184 (1) - ctrl+g The song calls for a hard pattern because of the intensity and pitch of this exact section, so it's staying like it is for now.

Amazing map <3<3 Good luck and shoot star :3 Thank you!~~ And thank you so much for the star <3
Thanks for the mod! Gave you kudosu already c:
D: Im sorry I can't Mod Correctly
03:23:384 (1,2,3,4) - These 4 notes, in my opinion, make the part way dense, hard to hit and read, and over all just not needed. My suggestion on how to fix it is by simply moving them closer together or make them into a 4 note mini stream (where they have to move slightly to hit the notes, but not dash, Like the stream at 03:28:183 (3,4,5,6,7,8) For reference on the stream :)) That way its still hard but not as hard as hitting those singles; plus it makes for a good change of direction from the hypers to singles.

00:56:640 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - [<----- woah], I really love the progression and the way you did it, it flows nice but is also somewhat difficult.

Everything Else I was going to say has been said above and was too late :(,

Anyways thank you for reading this even though it only had 1 thing.
Topic Starter

Blushing wrote:

D: Im sorry I can't Mod Correctly
03:23:384 (1,2,3,4) - These 4 notes, in my opinion, make the part way dense, hard to hit and read, and over all just not needed. My suggestion on how to fix it is by simply moving them closer together or make them into a 4 note mini stream (where they have to move slightly to hit the notes, but not dash, Like the stream at 03:28:183 (3,4,5,6,7,8) For reference on the stream :)) That way its still hard but not as hard as hitting those singles; plus it makes for a good change of direction from the hypers to singles. Yup, sure! Somewhat changed them, it would be a nice transition in direction, now that I see it properly.

00:56:640 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - [<----- woah], I really love the progression and the way you did it, it flows nice but is also somewhat difficult. The idea on these patterns was to have the player to be changing movement constantly in constrast to the melody that's sounding in the background, so I also think I pretty much nailed it with that thingy.

Everything Else I was going to say has been said above and was too late :(,

Anyways thank you for reading this even though it only had 1 thing.
And thank you for your suggestion. Since I actually applied it, have some kudosu for ye
Yumeno Himiko

01:08:639 (7) - Object's end isn't snapped!
01:04:869 - useless green line

00:23:554 (4) - what about this slider heading left and leave a good HDash for 00:23:554 (4)? You may also consider add a hitsound on this slider tail (Normal Clap maybe?)
00:40:012 (4,5) - I suggest placing this pattern like this to add a HDash, also this pattern makes the flow better.
00:48:926 (4,5) - what about also keep the 2.0x ds here? I think a dash is necessary
00:53:040 (8) - same problem as ^, tho I know this is following the flow, but the changing tune needs a dash to emphasize.
01:03:840 (3,4) - If the previous patterns are changed, you may also consider a dash here
01:08:983 (1,2,3) - All with 1.5x ds, and move 01:10:354 (4) to x:256
01:13:097 (1,2) - 1.0x feels too close, you may choose 1.2 or 1.3x, by moving 01:13:097 (1) to x:480
02:16:526 (6) - split this into a triple?
02:37:269 (2,3) - needing 2.0x ds to make a clear dash
02:41:726 (6,7) - making it move back? 02:41:726 (6) - at x:64 and 02:41:897 (7) - at x:304. Well it's my personal taste, just choose the flow you like.

Perfect map, I can't pick out more things! Plz rank it.
Topic Starter

examination wrote:


01:08:639 (7) - Object's end isn't snapped! D: Fixed right away
01:04:869 - useless green line oh right... I was using the same sampleset two times ^^u fixed too

00:23:554 (4) - what about this slider heading left and leave a good HDash for 00:23:554 (4)? You may also consider add a hitsound on this slider tail (Normal Clap maybe?) Done! But when it comes to adding that hitsound you said, I think I'm leaving the normal-hitclap to the buildup until the first kiai as it is.
00:40:012 (4,5) - I suggest placing this pattern like this to add a HDash, also this pattern makes the flow better. woo, I like it~ Changed.
00:48:926 (4,5) - what about also keep the 2.0x ds here? I think a dash is necessary Done, and left the HDash produced by this change
00:53:040 (8) - same problem as ^, tho I know this is following the flow, but the changing tune needs a dash to emphasize. I see what you mean here, kinda remapped this small section overall so that it could flow back to the previously made patterns.
01:03:840 (3,4) - If the previous patterns are changed, you may also consider a dash here Made this into an HDash instead because of the buildup.
01:08:983 (1,2,3) - All with 1.5x ds, and move 01:10:354 (4) to x:256 Done.
01:13:097 (1,2) - 1.0x feels too close, you may choose 1.2 or 1.3x, by moving 01:13:097 (1) to x:480 Left 01:13:097 (1) - at the same spot as before, but instead moved 01:13:269 (2) - to x:304 and 01:13:783 (3) - to x:160
02:16:526 (6) - split this into a triple? Umm... there's not a sound that suggest a triple there, but I think I can get the same results placing a new note 02:16:783 (7) - here.
02:37:269 (2,3) - needing 2.0x ds to make a clear dash Done.
02:41:726 (6,7) - making it move back? 02:41:726 (6) - at x:64 and 02:41:897 (7) - at x:304. Well it's my personal taste, just choose the flow you like. I actually like this! Kinda followed the idea you suggested here, you may want to check it out~

Perfect map, I can't pick out more things! Plz rank it. fdhdasjklfhasdjfhsjkfhdal I will, promise~
Thank you so much for the mod! Kudosu'd~

  1. Combo colors: Los que tienes ahora mismo no combinan demasiado bien con tu imagen de fondo. Sobre todo para el rojo (Combo2 : 186,27,27) deberías buscar una alternativa para que se contrasten mejor las notas a la hora de jugar.
  1. Le bajaría el AR/OD a 9.4. La canción no parece tan rápida como para poner 9.6. El estilo de música es bastante intenso, pero no lo suficientemente rápido. Especialmente en el segundo kiai (donde los doubles) se necesita más tiempo de reacción.
  2. 00:24:412 (8) - Se podría cambiar la dirección de la curva de este slider para que el salto (7,8) sea más cómodo de jugar. Los puntos donde comienza y termina el slider están bien, pero movería el punto central para hacer el slider con la curva mirando a la izquierda.
  3. 00:48:926 (4,5) - Este dash es algo inesperado justo después de esa parte tan calmada. Dejaría el HDash de después, pero intentaría reducir este dash algo para no pillar a los jugadores tan de sorpresa.
  4. 00:50:125 (3,4) - Algo menor, pero para que encaje algo mejor con la música y esas notas altas propondría separar algo más esas notas. Por ejemplo (3) podría ir en x:240 y (4) en x:288 o posiciones similares.
  5. 01:00:411 (5,1) - Aquí faltaría definitivamente un HDash para hacer de introducción a la siguiente sección. Valdría con uno no demasiado potente.
  6. 01:59:726 (1,2,3) - No acaba de convencerme esta parte mucho. La mayoría de los HDashes del kiai los has incluido siguiendo la música de fondo pero aquí preferiste seguir la voz para incluir los HDashes. Intenta cambiar esta parte a algo parecido a esto e incluye un (HD)dash en 02:00:069 - .
  7. 02:23:726 (3) - Es un caso parecido al del primer slider mencionado. Intenta que la curve mire hacia la derecha esta vez para mejorar el movimiento del catcher.
  8. 03:50:426 (8,9) - Cuidado con este 1/8 HDash, ya que es bastante inesperado y potente. El slider (9) se podría mover a x:304 aproximadamente, y para compensar un poco habría que mover (10) algo más a la derecha a x:352 más o menos.
Unas últimas palabras con respecto a los 1/8 HDash del primer kiai: No están nada mal y se dejan jugar bien, pero me sorprendió que algunas partes similares como 01:46:697 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,1) - o 02:08:983 (5,6,7,8,9,10,11,1) - se dejaran esos beats sin mapear para tener 1/4 HDashes. Quizá quieras agregar (o quitar) notas en ese kiai para que sea más consistente, pero es decisión tuya.

Avísame cuando hayas revisado el mod para que le eche otro vistazo!
Topic Starter

Deif wrote:


  1. Combo colors: Los que tienes ahora mismo no combinan demasiado bien con tu imagen de fondo. Sobre todo para el rojo (Combo2 : 186,27,27) deberías buscar una alternativa para que se contrasten mejor las notas a la hora de jugar. Los hice mas vividos, no se si funcione pero creo que se contrastan un poco mas :x
  1. Le bajaría el AR/OD a 9.4. La canción no parece tan rápida como para poner 9.6. El estilo de música es bastante intenso, pero no lo suficientemente rápido. Especialmente en el segundo kiai (donde los doubles) se necesita más tiempo de reacción. Supongo que podria bajarlo a 9.5, pero hasta ahi.
  2. 00:24:412 (8) - Se podría cambiar la dirección de la curva de este slider para que el salto (7,8) sea más cómodo de jugar. Los puntos donde comienza y termina el slider están bien, pero movería el punto central para hacer el slider con la curva mirando a la izquierda. Hecho.
  3. 00:48:926 (4,5) - Este dash es algo inesperado justo después de esa parte tan calmada. Dejaría el HDash de después, pero intentaría reducir este dash algo para no pillar a los jugadores tan de sorpresa. Bajé la distancia del dash a 1.5x
  4. 00:50:125 (3,4) - Algo menor, pero para que encaje algo mejor con la música y esas notas altas propondría separar algo más esas notas. Por ejemplo (3) podría ir en x:240 y (4) en x:288 o posiciones similares. Hice bastantes cambios con el conjunto de notas 00:49:783 (1,2,3,4) - , deberias echarle un vistazo ahora.
  5. 01:00:411 (5,1) - Aquí faltaría definitivamente un HDash para hacer de introducción a la siguiente sección. Valdría con uno no demasiado potente. Hecho.
  6. 01:59:726 (1,2,3) - No acaba de convencerme esta parte mucho. La mayoría de los HDashes del kiai los has incluido siguiendo la música de fondo pero aquí preferiste seguir la voz para incluir los HDashes. Intenta cambiar esta parte a algo parecido a esto e incluye un (HD)dash en 02:00:069 - . En realidad, en esta parte no seguí la voz para incluirlos, si no que seguí el mismo patron que estaba siguiendo en partes como en 01:48:754 (1,2,3,4) - o como 01:37:783 (1,2,3,4,5) - . Nunca seguí la voz en ningun momento, creo yo.
  7. 02:23:726 (3) - Es un caso parecido al del primer slider mencionado. Intenta que la curve mire hacia la derecha esta vez para mejorar el movimiento del catcher. Este slider lo hice curvado en una direccion que hiciera anti-flow con el movimiento de izquierda a derecha propuesto por el anterior slider, debido a la fuerza del sonido de "trueno" prolongado en 02:23:040 (1) - y de los platillos en 02:23:726 - , y preferiria mantenerlo asi.
  8. 03:50:426 (8,9) - Cuidado con este 1/8 HDash, ya que es bastante inesperado y potente. El slider (9) se podría mover a x:304 aproximadamente, y para compensar un poco habría que mover (10) algo más a la derecha a x:352 más o menos. Apliqué mas o menos tu sugerencia de mover el slider (9) a una posicion mas cercana a la nota anterior, pero en vez de x:304 lo movi a x:338, y en cuanto a (10), decidi moverlo a x:48 para mantener el HDash que habia anteriormente. Le hice ctrl+h al resto del mapa para que se pueda conectar
Unas últimas palabras con respecto a los 1/8 HDash del primer kiai: No están nada mal y se dejan jugar bien, pero me sorprendió que algunas partes similares como 01:46:697 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,1) - o 02:08:983 (5,6,7,8,9,10,11,1) - se dejaran esos beats sin mapear para tener 1/4 HDashes. Quizá quieras agregar (o quitar) notas en ese kiai para que sea más consistente, pero es decisión tuya. Por ahora preferiria mantenerlos asi, aunque quiza agregue un par en esos sitios que dices que me dejé sin mapear para mantener la consistencia y eso.

Avísame cuando hayas revisado el mod para que le eche otro vistazo! Claro! Dentro de un ratito te aviso, voy a estar aplicando los cambios.
Muchas gracias por el mod! Ahi tienes tu kudosu :>
Actualy one of maps that somewhat i like to play. But can't pass as i die before first kiai part

01:05:879 (3,4,1) - 3. Slider end to x448 y132 . 4. Slider end to x112 y 128 . This makes better to play a bit. 1 x412 to avoid somewhat unwanted droplet drops.
01:13:097 (1) - Too far for me to catch 2. x420
01:58:869 (3) - Only suggestion. move to x296 and slider end to x260 y160 . To keep somewhat flow and not stop on dis one slider ;s
02:00:240 (3) - Ctrl G to keep flow and move to x120
02:04:354 (3) - The same like on previous 1/4 slider but there idk where to move to keep a good flow there.
02:38:469 (3,4) - Good idea would be to make hdash between 3 end to 4 start
03:23:726 (3,4) - 3 x344 . 4 x456
04:30:691 (1) - White line. Missing hitsound (Finisher.) Unsure about this one.
04:36:069 (1) - Like above
04:41:554 (1) - ^

Rank this
  1. 00:19:269 (4,5,6,7) - I would re:work that stream to be a bit harder. So I have to ideas, first is to add some movement by ctrling + g the 00:19:440 (6,7) - and the secound is too divine stream into 2 doubles by placing 00:19:440 (6,7) - at x:432 (doesn't trigger hyper) or a bit futher on x:464 so the doublets would have hyperdashes
  2. 00:20:983 (5) - put new combo here, the combo contains 18 fruits so that its worth reducing
  3. 00:26:469 (5) - here the combo is shorter by one fruit but still worth placing new combo (:
  4. 00:29:212 (5) - and same here^
  5. 00:34:697 (5) - I would place NC here too
  6. 00:40:869 (1) - NC you placed here feels not consistence with your previous new combos, you didn't put any NC at the same spots like for example 00:29:897 (9) - 00:32:640 (7) - 00:35:383 (8) - so I would not place the NC combo here too
  7. 00:48:412 (3) - put NC here, the combo is not so long (16 fruits) but can be reducted
  8. 00:52:526 (5) - add NC here too
  9. 01:07:612 (4) - same^
  10. 01:18:583 (5) - same^
  11. 01:23:726 (4,5,6,7) - I would make it a bit harder by placing (5) from the left side of (4), x:256 works well
  12. 01:25:097 (7,8,9,10) - this stream flows better curved (try something like that;
  13. 01:26:126 (5) - I feel that there should be new combo
  14. The patterns with 1/8 usage could have less fruits in their combos, so I advise you to add NC at those spots: 01:30:583 (7) -, 01:33:326 (5) -, 01:35:726 (5) -, 01:41:554 (5) -, 01:47:040 (10) - and here 02:08:983 (5) -
  15. 01:51:497 (5) - place new combo here
  16. 02:13:440 (5) - ^
  17. 02:16:354 (5) - ^
  18. 02:18:926 (5) - ^
  19. 02:21:497 (1,2) - actually new combo should be placed at (2), there is the stronger beat and also its first note after new stanza, I would spam NC
  20. 02:22:697 (6,1) - Hmmm, its would be nice if both sliders could be converted to 1/8 streams, the (6) would work as 1/8 stack placed on x:384 and the (1) could be converted (using the ctrl + shift + f) to 1/8 stream. Thats how I would make that -
  21. 02:24:412 (5) - put NC here
  22. 02:27:154 (5) - ^
  23. 02:30:069 (5) - ^
  24. 02:32:812 (5) - ^
  25. 02:33:669 (9) - instead of this I would place 1/8 stack again, that would be nice finisher of the section and fits very well
  26. 02:38:126 (3) - add NC
  27. 02:58:354 (6,7) - I don't feel that works well as anti-flow slider. Making pattern look like that ( flows better for me.
  28. 03:09:669 (1,2,3) - you could fix this like pattern I point in previous sugestion
  29. 03:13:441 (3,4,5,6) - linear stream doesn't flow well for me (that works nicly;
  30. 03:13:784 (7) - this is good spot for NC
  31. 03:14:469 (1,2,3,4) - same with that stream (try something like this pattern;
  32. 03:17:554 (4) - this would work great as introdution to kiai time if you convert that slider to 1/8 stream (using the ctrl + shift + f)
  33. 03:50:383 (7,8,9) - sorry I have to admit that pattern doesn't look well. I would use instead that placment
  34. 03:59:041 (1,2,3) - thats flow better with that placement
  35. 04:23:726 - add inherited point with 80% vol.
  36. 04:34:697 - here with 70%^
  37. 04:45:669 - here with 60%^
  38. 04:31:612 (4,5,6,7) - that could be divended into 2 doublets with hypers since 04:31:784 (6) - is actually strong beat
  39. 04:37:098 (3,4,5,6) - curve this stream a little bit
  40. 04:42:584 (4,5,6,7) - maybe again try with 2 x hypered-doubles (try this;
  41. 04:53:555 (4,5,6,7) - and maybe anti-flow pattern with hypers here? (

I love that map <3

good luck with that

catch my star :^)
Topic Starter

MMBan wrote:

Actualy one of maps that somewhat i like to play. But can't pass as i die before first kiai part

01:05:879 (3,4,1) - 3. Slider end to x448 y132 . 4. Slider end to x112 y 128 . This makes better to play a bit. 1 x412 to avoid somewhat unwanted droplet drops. Left the (3) and (4) sliders as they were before, no need to change them. Moved (1) as you requested tho.
01:13:097 (1) - Too far for me to catch 2. x420 eh... 2 is only 1.50x distance away? and you're basically telling me that I should ctrl+h (2) and probably all the remaining pattern after that, so... nope :s
01:58:869 (3) - Only suggestion. move to x296 and slider end to x260 y160 . To keep somewhat flow and not stop on dis one slider ;s I could probably consider this in the future if somebody else requests something similar, but as for now it's staying like it is. The purpose of this was to break flow actually, the two "thunder" sounds that 01:58:697 (2,3) - represent are somewhat strong and a flow-breaking movement was the most fitting thing I could think of.
02:00:240 (3) - Ctrl G to keep flow and move to x120 same reason as before. Same answer as before, flow was intended to be broken here.
02:04:354 (3) - The same like on previous 1/4 slider but there idk where to move to keep a good flow there. (previous reason as to why not to change it applies here as well)
02:38:469 (3,4) - Good idea would be to make hdash between 3 end to 4 start I don't think the sound in (4) is strong enough to suggest a HDash. Also if I did it here I would also have to do it at the other calm section of the map, which tbh... isn't really needed.
03:23:726 (3,4) - 3 x344 . 4 x456 I'm actually changing this one moving (3) to x:208, the sounds actually ask for a new HDash and that pattern I made wasn't quite fitting.
04:30:691 (1) - White line. Missing hitsound (Finisher.) Unsure about this one. Done.
04:36:069 (1) - Like above Also done.
04:41:554 (1) - ^ Also done, and actually made it consistent with the hitsounding at the beginning section of the map.

Rank this I will :>
Thanks for the mod! Kudosu'd~
Topic Starter

BoberOfDarkness wrote:

  1. 00:19:269 (4,5,6,7) - I would re:work that stream to be a bit harder. So I have to ideas, first is to add some movement by ctrling + g the 00:19:440 (6,7) - and the secound is too divine stream into 2 doubles by placing 00:19:440 (6,7) - at x:432 (doesn't trigger hyper) or a bit futher on x:464 so the doublets would have hyperdashes Applied the first idea.
  2. 00:20:983 (5) - put new combo here, the combo contains 18 fruits so that its worth reducing Done
  3. 00:26:469 (5) - here the combo is shorter by one fruit but still worth placing new combo (: Also done
  4. 00:29:212 (5) - and same here^ Same
  5. 00:34:697 (5) - I would place NC here too ^
  6. 00:40:869 (1) - NC you placed here feels not consistence with your previous new combos, you didn't put any NC at the same spots like for example 00:29:897 (9) - 00:32:640 (7) - 00:35:383 (8) - so I would not place the NC combo here too Removed.
  7. 00:48:412 (3) - put NC here, the combo is not so long (16 fruits) but can be reducted Done.
  8. 00:52:526 (5) - add NC here too Done.
  9. 01:07:612 (4) - same^ ^
  10. 01:18:583 (5) - same^ ^
  11. 01:23:726 (4,5,6,7) - I would make it a bit harder by placing (5) from the left side of (4), x:256 works well Changed!
  12. 01:25:097 (7,8,9,10) - this stream flows better curved (try something like that; Changed the pattern before these objects to make it flow better with the new curve.
  13. 01:26:126 (5) - I feel that there should be new combo Done.
  14. The patterns with 1/8 usage could have less fruits in their combos, so I advise you to add NC at those spots: 01:30:583 (7) -, 01:33:326 (5) -, 01:35:726 (5) -, 01:41:554 (5) -, 01:47:040 (10) - and here 02:08:983 (5) - Done.
  15. 01:51:497 (5) - place new combo here Done.
  16. 02:13:440 (5) - ^ Done.
  17. 02:16:354 (5) - ^ Done.
  18. 02:18:926 (5) - ^ Done.
  19. 02:21:497 (1,2) - actually new combo should be placed at (2), there is the stronger beat and also its first note after new stanza, I would spam NC Instead of changing the nc to (2), I just added some new NCs after it as you said, no need to change the first one.
  20. 02:22:697 (6,1) - Hmmm, its would be nice if both sliders could be converted to 1/8 streams, the (6) would work as 1/8 stack placed on x:384 and the (1) could be converted (using the ctrl + shift + f) to 1/8 stream. Thats how I would make that - This is a nice, beautiful idea you've got here tbh, applied!
  21. 02:24:412 (5) - put NC here Done.
  22. 02:27:154 (5) - ^ Done.
  23. 02:30:069 (5) - ^ Done.
  24. 02:32:812 (5) - ^ Done.
  25. 02:33:669 (9) - instead of this I would place 1/8 stack again, that would be nice finisher of the section and fits very well I actually made it into another 1/8 curved stream, it fits even better <3
  26. 02:38:126 (3) - add NC Done.
  27. 02:58:354 (6,7) - I don't feel that works well as anti-flow slider. Making pattern look like that ( flows better for me. I can actually change this one.
  28. 03:09:669 (1,2,3) - you could fix this like pattern I point in previous sugestion Also done.
  29. 03:13:441 (3,4,5,6) - linear stream doesn't flow well for me (that works nicly; Actually, based on that pattern you made on that screenshot I did something else, you may want to see it~
  30. 03:13:784 (7) - this is good spot for NC Done.
  31. 03:14:469 (1,2,3,4) - same with that stream (try something like this pattern; :>
  32. 03:17:554 (4) - this would work great as introdution to kiai time if you convert that slider to 1/8 stream (using the ctrl + shift + f) jfc I love it now~
  33. 03:50:383 (7,8,9) - sorry I have to admit that pattern doesn't look well. I would use instead that placment Done.
  34. 03:59:041 (1,2,3) - thats flow better with that placement Done! you're not a fan of linear stuff aren't cha
  35. 04:23:726 - add inherited point with 80% vol. This section sounds exactly the same as the one in the beginning, so I think I'm gonna go with a different volume gradient than the one you're suggesting below.
  36. 04:34:697 - here with 70%^ Made it with 60%
  37. 04:45:669 - here with 60%^ Made it with 40%
  38. 04:31:612 (4,5,6,7) - that could be divended into 2 doublets with hypers since 04:31:784 (6) - is actually strong beat Done.
  39. 04:37:098 (3,4,5,6) - curve this stream a little bit One linear stream wouldn't hurt too much, right?
  40. 04:42:584 (4,5,6,7) - maybe again try with 2 x hypered-doubles (try this; Done.
  41. 04:53:555 (4,5,6,7) - and maybe anti-flow pattern with hypers here? ( I'm gonna go with a different one for now, but that aside, applied.

I love that map <3 I do too <3

good luck with that

catch my star :^) o.o which one?
Thank you so much for such an extense modding! Kudosu'd~ <3
Está bastante mejor esa nueva intro al kiai#2 wtf. El AR 9.5 también encaja bien con tu mapa así que no tengo mucho más que decir. ¡Buen trabajo!

Bubbled #1
Oh my lord...
oh i tried i could testplay this so placeholder. i will mod when im not stress anymore
Topic Starter

Xinely wrote:

oh i tried i could testplay this so placeholder. i will mod when im not stress anymore
oh dear

- since i cant read spanish, idk about the 9,5 AR deif told in bubble post but i assume he suggested that to you.. after compare with 9,5 and 9,6 i feel 9,6 works nicer here
- 00:04:354 (6) - i think the jump to this slider has a bit harsh flow. at least try reduce to x:330?
- 00:05:383 (5,7) - i think these should be sampleset normal for consistency with 00:05:040 (3,4) - literally they have similar sounds
- 02:23:597 - why skip to map this? as i hear there is still a sound here so making 1/4 suddenly feels weird for me
- 00:23:897 (5) - nazi, forget to nc
- 00:21:840 (4) - i think no movement in here feels a bit weird due a bit pause before the stream.. hmm at least try low spacing such as x:80?
- 00:29:040 (1,2) - swap nc for consistency
- 00:32:126 (5) - nc for consistency
- 00:43:097 (5) - nc for consistency
- 00:43:526 (7,8) - the jump is a bit too harsh imo due the flow. at least try to reduce a bit with move 00:43:269 (6,7) - to x:328?
- 00:49:440 - whistle? for consistency with 00:53:554 (5) -
- 01:32:297 (1) - anyway i feel weird to see stacked fruit in a downbeat when the drum bum bum is loud as well. try x:296 or hdash if u want
- 01:35:040 (1) - 01:51:497 (2) - similar with ^
- 02:23:726 (1) - this slider's body is a bit picky. it makes easily to miss for ppl who doesnt care with acc too much (like me). try make the droplet is easier to catch i guess?
- 03:10:354 (4,5) - aa imo the flow is weird and a bit harsh here.. hmm how about ctrl+g (4) here?
- 03:14:554 (2,3) - harsh flow on the jump ;_;, how about 03:14:640 (3) - x:260 and 03:14:726 (4) - x:252?
- 03:21:669 (6,7) - i have a bit problem here.. the sync of music is in 03:21:754 - then why not make jump after 3 circles like

oh damn i love this map, call me back
Topic Starter

Xinely wrote:


- since i cant read spanish, idk about the 9,5 AR deif told in bubble post but i assume he suggested that to you.. after compare with 9,5 and 9,6 i feel 9,6 works nicer here Deif basically suggested that 9.6 was too high for a map like this and told me to reduce to 9.4, but I left it on 9.5 to keep the high AR. It's staying like that.
- 00:04:354 (6) - i think the jump to this slider has a bit harsh flow. at least try reduce to x:330? It's just a 2,0x distance 1/4 jump, why is it harsh? ;-;
- 00:05:383 (5,7) - i think these should be sampleset normal for consistency with 00:05:040 (3,4) - literally they have similar sounds Agreed, changed
- 02:23:597 - why skip to map this? as i hear there is still a sound here so making 1/4 suddenly feels weird for me If you hear closely, at the end of the thunder sample camellia used here there are 1/4 sounds that fit correctly with those notes. Use 25% playback rate if necessary, but it is there.
- 00:23:897 (5) - nazi, forget to nc NC nazi to you :^) fixed
- 00:21:840 (4) - i think no movement in here feels a bit weird due a bit pause before the stream.. hmm at least try low spacing such as x:80? Moved it to x:64 instead
- 00:29:040 (1,2) - swap nc for consistency Done
- 00:32:126 (5) - nc for consistency ^
- 00:43:097 (5) - nc for consistency ^
- 00:43:526 (7,8) - the jump is a bit too harsh imo due the flow. at least try to reduce a bit with move 00:43:269 (6,7) - to x:328? Changed this to a new similar pattern instead.
- 00:49:440 - whistle? for consistency with 00:53:554 (5) -
- 01:32:297 (1) - anyway i feel weird to see stacked fruit in a downbeat when the drum bum bum is loud as well. try x:296 or hdash if u want 01:32:297 (1) - moved this to x:352 and 01:32:469 (2) - this to x:112 drum bum bum lol
- 01:35:040 (1) - 01:51:497 (2) - similar with ^ All changed.
- 02:23:726 (1) - this slider's body is a bit picky. it makes easily to miss for ppl who doesnt care with acc too much (like me). try make the droplet is easier to catch i guess? sure, changed the direction of the curve to point outwards instead of inwards.
- 03:10:354 (4,5) - aa imo the flow is weird and a bit harsh here.. hmm how about ctrl+g (4) here? nope, it's purpose is to BE harsh this time, the buildup is really strong and it calls for antiflow a lot IMO.
- 03:14:554 (2,3) - harsh flow on the jump ;_;, how about 03:14:640 (3) - x:260 and 03:14:726 (4) - x:252? however you were right on this one. I accidentally or not left that jump to be a hard anti-jump for the beginning of the left-right-left-right streams that followed. I'm changing them to something... not that hard but still fun I guess.
- 03:21:669 (6,7) - i have a bit problem here.. the sync of music is in 03:21:754 - then why not make jump after 3 circles like Done. And I'm gonna place a new kinda antiflowing thing here, so you might as well check that out.

oh damn i love this map, call me back I will~ <3
Thanks for the mod! Popping bubble...


  1. Tienes muchas lineas en 100% de volumen, casi me rompes el timpano, bajale al menos a 90%


  1. 00:02:126 (2,3) - tu distancia debio ser 1.50x por consistencia con 00:00:754 (2,3) -, siento ser tan exigente pero el jump entre 00:01:783 (1,2) - es un poco complicado de coger ya que previamente tienes un jump de 1/4 ( 00:01:697 (7,1) - ), si acortas la distancia que te mencione, sera una manera de dar un pequeño descanso.
  2. 00:02:640 (4,5) - porque ahi no hay movimiento? interpreto que quieres hacer algo similar a 00:01:097 (3,4,5,6,7) -, pero dado que el stream es un four-plet se veria mejor si haces un movimiento normal de 1.50x como en 00:08:126 (3,4,5,6,7) -
  3. 00:12:754 (1,2,3) - esta transicion es demasiada corta, no se siente el mismo enfasis que le diste a 00:11:897 (2,3) -, yo creo que entre 00:13:269 (2,3) - debe haber una distancia de 1.50x por consistencia con el patron mencionado, probe moviendo 00:13:440 (3,4,5,6) - hacia la derecha pero la distancia entre 00:14:040 (6,1) - va a ser muy corta y no va a dar un enfasis suficiente, asi que te recomiendo que 00:11:383 (1) - lo hagas bien cerrado como 00:12:754 (1) - o 00:13:440 (3) - y luego podras mover 00:11:897 (2,3,4,1,2) - hacia la izquierda.
  4. 00:14:126 (1,2,3) - Bueno aca hay otro error en distancia muy notorio, la distancia de 1.50x deberia ser entre 00:14:640 (2,3) - ya que el sonido de 00:14:812 - es mas fuerte que 00:14:640 -.
  5. 00:17:212 (2,3) - nope, aca hay dos cosas que quisiera mencionarte, 00:17:212 (2,3,4,5) - aca practicamente no hay movimiento y hasta parece un patron de platter o salad, en 00:17:554 - hay un sonido muy fuerte que en los patrones previos habias enfatizado con un jump de 1.50x, lo primero que te voy a recomendar es que 00:17:212 (2) - termine en 00:17:383 - y que agregues una nota o un slider de 1/2 en 00:17:554 -
  6. 00:26:297 (4,1) - este patron es muy raro ya que el sonido principal esta en 00:26:469 - pero tu has hecho una transicion normal, agrega una distancia de 2.00x entre ambas notas, para eso te recomiendo mover 00:26:469 (1) - hacia x:160, es solo una sugerencia, el consejo principal es la distancia de 2.00x entre las notas mencionadas al principio.
  7. 00:31:783 (1) - 00:37:269 (4) - 00:42:754 (4) - todos estos sliders tienen el mismo problema que el anterior, seria mejor si los conviertes en notas y haces que aparezca un movimiento entre ellos.
  8. 00:37:269 - agregale un nuevo combo, el combo seria muy parecido al que hiciste en 00:31:783 -
  9. 00:42:754 - lo mismo que el anterior.
  10. 01:02:812 - si tus combos venian siendo de 8, porque aca los hicistes de 4?
  11. 01:08:983 (1,2,3) - no se merecen la misma distancia para ser honesto, seria mejor si 01:09:840 (2) - lo mueves hacia x:271 para que 01:09:840 (2,3) - tenga la misma distancia que 01:10:012 (3,4) -, also 01:10:354 (4,5) - should have the same distance too imo.
  12. 01:10:354 - seria bueno si agregas un NC aca tambien.
  13. 01:12:583 (2,3,4) - el proposito de este tipo de patron cuando no es un reverse slider es ir agrandando el spaciado gradualmente entre nota, mueve 01:12:926 (4) - hacia x:80, se ve esteticamente mejor.
  14. 01:19:269 (2,3,4,5,1) - lo mismo va para esto, 01:19:612 (4) - should be at x:144 y 01:19:612 (4) - de x:128, se siente mucho mejor a mi criterio, y seria bonito mas que todo por la calidad que veo en tus patrones, que intentes hacer esto en algunos patrones parecidos que veas, no voy a hablar mas de esto ya que lo dejo a tu criterio.
  15. 01:31:954 - no quiero ser muy molesto con esto, pero como es el primer mapa que recibira un icono mio, quiero que todo este bien, asi que agrega NC ahi y lo quites en 01:32:297 -
  16. 01:59:726 (1,2,3) - nope, es demasiado incomodo y me parece que despues de 01:58:697 (2,3,4) - se vuelve mas incomodo aun, para variar un poco en el mapa te recomiendo que hagas algo parecido a 01:37:783 (1,2,3,4,5) - ya que con 01:48:754 (1,2,3,4,5) - lo convierte en un patron seguido y aburrido.
  17. 02:05:040 (6,1) - exageraste ahi, si testeas desde mas atras casi a la mitad del kiai y sigues tu patron veras que en esta parte no hay un salto con hyperdash que sea necesario
  18. 02:26:983 (1,2) - intercambia los NC, el cambio de sonido esta en 02:27:154 -, ademas se ve mejor comenzar y terminar en un tick blanco
  19. 02:40:183 (4,5) - porque tan juntos? parece casi apilado, tus patrones previos tienen 1.50x de distancia en estos tipos de sonidos.
  20. 02:47:640 (7) - no hay sonido ahi, se ve y juega mejor sin nota.
  21. 02:58:697 - desde ahi hay algunos combos muy largos, trata de cortarlos a la mitad, las reglas dicen 16 como maximo pero tampoco tienes que irte al extremo, con 8 es suficiente, los ncs no solo nublan la visibilidad de los players, si no que tambien causa lag, asi que te lo dejo a ti, ojala re trabajes en eso
  22. 03:21:497 (4,5,6,7,8,9) - que antiflow mas raro, al menos 03:21:583 (5) - muevelo hacia x:400
  23. 03:37:097 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - has algo como 01:37:783 (1,2,3,4) -, el patron es mas comodo y facil de atrapar, no malogres todo tu mapa con un patron tan feo como el que hiciste aqui, creo que con 01:48:754 (1,2,3,4) - es suficiente
  24. 03:48:069 (1,2) - 03:49:440 (1,2) - para ser hyperdashes de 1/4 creo que les pusiste mucha distancia, aparte del antiflow tan raro que tiene, haz algo como 03:53:554 (1,2) - o 03:54:926 (1,2) -, ojala mb sea mas exigente con esto.
  25. 03:56:297 (1,2,3,4,1) - el patron y los sonidos son muy similares a 03:57:669 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - no quieres agregar hyperdashes? si tu respuesta es no, me gustaria que me digas porque.

Hay ahora si, ya me avisas cuando estes listo
Topic Starter

-Sh1n1- wrote:


  1. Tienes muchas lineas en 100% de volumen, casi me rompes el timpano, bajale al menos a 90% legitimamente me retorci de risa leyendo esta primer linea del ultimo check de este mapa ;u; hecho~


  1. 00:02:126 (2,3) - tu distancia debio ser 1.50x por consistencia con 00:00:754 (2,3) -, siento ser tan exigente pero el jump entre 00:01:783 (1,2) - es un poco complicado de coger ya que previamente tienes un jump de 1/4 ( 00:01:697 (7,1) - ), si acortas la distancia que te mencione, sera una manera de dar un pequeño descanso. Hecho.
  2. 00:02:640 (4,5) - porque ahi no hay movimiento? interpreto que quieres hacer algo similar a 00:01:097 (3,4,5,6,7) -, pero dado que el stream es un four-plet se veria mejor si haces un movimiento normal de 1.50x como en 00:08:126 (3,4,5,6,7) - Hecho.
  3. 00:12:754 (1,2,3) - esta transicion es demasiada corta, no se siente el mismo enfasis que le diste a 00:11:897 (2,3) -, yo creo que entre 00:13:269 (2,3) - debe haber una distancia de 1.50x por consistencia con el patron mencionado, probe moviendo 00:13:440 (3,4,5,6) - hacia la derecha pero la distancia entre 00:14:040 (6,1) - va a ser muy corta y no va a dar un enfasis suficiente, asi que te recomiendo que 00:11:383 (1) - lo hagas bien cerrado como 00:12:754 (1) - o 00:13:440 (3) - y luego podras mover 00:11:897 (2,3,4,1,2) - hacia la izquierda. Intenté probar otra cosa, puedes fijarte a ver que tal.
  4. 00:14:126 (1,2,3) - Bueno aca hay otro error en distancia muy notorio, la distancia de 1.50x deberia ser entre 00:14:640 (2,3) - ya que el sonido de 00:14:812 - es mas fuerte que 00:14:640 -. Cambiado.
  5. 00:17:212 (2,3) - nope, aca hay dos cosas que quisiera mencionarte, 00:17:212 (2,3,4,5) - aca practicamente no hay movimiento y hasta parece un patron de platter o salad, en 00:17:554 - hay un sonido muy fuerte que en los patrones previos habias enfatizado con un jump de 1.50x, lo primero que te voy a recomendar es que 00:17:212 (2) - termine en 00:17:383 - y que agregues una nota o un slider de 1/2 en 00:17:554 - Hecho.
  6. 00:26:297 (4,1) - este patron es muy raro ya que el sonido principal esta en 00:26:469 - pero tu has hecho una transicion normal, agrega una distancia de 2.00x entre ambas notas, para eso te recomiendo mover 00:26:469 (1) - hacia x:160, es solo una sugerencia, el consejo principal es la distancia de 2.00x entre las notas mencionadas al principio. Hice un cambio bastante similar.
  7. 00:31:783 (1) - 00:37:269 (4) - 00:42:754 (4) - todos estos sliders tienen el mismo problema que el anterior, seria mejor si los conviertes en notas y haces que aparezca un movimiento entre ellos. Uhm, me temo que no. El movimiento que mas estoy contrastando y que quiero que se note es en notas como en 00:32:126 (2) - (O sea, normal-hitwhistle), mas alla de que el sonido principal sea el que tu mencionaste. Quiero darle mas importancia a los sonidos mas notables que a los que vengan primero/sean los principales, asi que los voy a dejar como estan.
  8. 00:37:269 - agregale un nuevo combo, el combo seria muy parecido al que hiciste en 00:31:783 - Hecho.
  9. 00:42:754 - lo mismo que el anterior. ^
  10. 01:02:812 - si tus combos venian siendo de 8, porque aca los hicistes de 4? whoops
  11. 01:08:983 (1,2,3) - no se merecen la misma distancia para ser honesto, seria mejor si 01:09:840 (2) - lo mueves hacia x:271 para que 01:09:840 (2,3) - tenga la misma distancia que 01:10:012 (3,4) -, also 01:10:354 (4,5) - should have the same distance too imo. Cambiados.
  12. 01:10:354 - seria bueno si agregas un NC aca tambien. boop
  13. 01:12:583 (2,3,4) - el proposito de este tipo de patron cuando no es un reverse slider es ir agrandando el spaciado gradualmente entre nota, mueve 01:12:926 (4) - hacia x:80, se ve esteticamente mejor. Hecho.
  14. 01:19:269 (2,3,4,5,1) - lo mismo va para esto, 01:19:612 (4) - should be at x:144 y 01:19:612 (4) - de x:128, se siente mucho mejor a mi criterio, y seria bonito mas que todo por la calidad que veo en tus patrones, que intentes hacer esto en algunos patrones parecidos que veas, no voy a hablar mas de esto ya que lo dejo a tu criterio. o.O creo que aca te confundiste o algo porque highlighteaste la misma nota 2 veces pidiendo distintas posiciones ^^u de cualquier manera prefiero dejarlo asi, no hay molestia en que se quede como esta ahora.
  15. 01:31:954 - no quiero ser muy molesto con esto, pero como es el primer mapa que recibira un icono mio, quiero que todo este bien, asi que agrega NC ahi y lo quites en 01:32:297 - 01:32:126 (1) - Lo agregué aqui, creo que queda mejor.
  16. 01:59:726 (1,2,3) - nope, es demasiado incomodo y me parece que despues de 01:58:697 (2,3,4) - se vuelve mas incomodo aun, para variar un poco en el mapa te recomiendo que hagas algo parecido a 01:37:783 (1,2,3,4,5) - ya que con 01:48:754 (1,2,3,4,5) - lo convierte en un patron seguido y aburrido. Hecho.
  17. 02:05:040 (6,1) - exageraste ahi, si testeas desde mas atras casi a la mitad del kiai y sigues tu patron veras que en esta parte no hay un salto con hyperdash que sea necesario whoops x2, reduci distancias.
  18. 02:26:983 (1,2) - intercambia los NC, el cambio de sonido esta en 02:27:154 -, ademas se ve mejor comenzar y terminar en un tick blanco Hecho.
  19. 02:40:183 (4,5) - porque tan juntos? parece casi apilado, tus patrones previos tienen 1.50x de distancia en estos tipos de sonidos. Cambiados a unos sliders mas verticales y con 1x distancing (1,50 no queda bien, los sonidos no son tan fuertes)
  20. 02:47:640 (7) - no hay sonido ahi, se ve y juega mejor sin nota. Eliminada.
  21. 02:58:697 - desde ahi hay algunos combos muy largos, trata de cortarlos a la mitad, las reglas dicen 16 como maximo pero tampoco tienes que irte al extremo, con 8 es suficiente, los ncs no solo nublan la visibilidad de los players, si no que tambien causa lag, asi que te lo dejo a ti, ojala re trabajes en eso Agregué un buen par de ncs para que quede menos poblado de combos.
  22. 03:21:497 (4,5,6,7,8,9) - que antiflow mas raro, al menos 03:21:583 (5) - muevelo hacia x:400 Bueno, esta bien, ustedes 2 ganan ;_; xinely por el amor al cielo :<
  23. 03:37:097 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - has algo como 01:37:783 (1,2,3,4) -, el patron es mas comodo y facil de atrapar, no malogres todo tu mapa con un patron tan feo como el que hiciste aqui, creo que con 01:48:754 (1,2,3,4) - es suficiente haa... ni siquiera era tan feo, simplemente eran unos lindos antijumps de sliders de 3/4 pero bueno, hecho. De cualquier manera dejé solo uno de ese tipo en todo el pattern (03:38:383 (2,3) - ).
  24. 03:48:069 (1,2) - 03:49:440 (1,2) - para ser hyperdashes de 1/4 creo que les pusiste mucha distancia, aparte del antiflow tan raro que tiene, haz algo como 03:53:554 (1,2) - o 03:54:926 (1,2) -, ojala mb sea mas exigente con esto. Phew... de 6,35* me lo bajaste a 6,25* con todos estos nerfs ;_; hecho de igual manera.
  25. 03:56:297 (1,2,3,4,1) - el patron y los sonidos son muy similares a 03:57:669 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - no quieres agregar hyperdashes? si tu respuesta es no, me gustaria que me digas porque. Mi respuesta iba a ser no por el simple motivo de que me habria gustado dejar distancias alternadas de 1,5x a 2x sucesivas por lo que restaba de dicho pattern para darle un toque de queda al cenit del kiai, pero bueno, ahi tienes tus hyperdashes. Disfrutalos, porque yo lo hago.

Hay ahora si, ya me avisas cuando estes listo Listo!
Gracias por todo tanto a ti como a Xinely que estuvo respaldando los cambios que sugirio ella como algunos de los que sugieres tu.
Also thanks to everyone else who modded (too much users, lazy to quote them all) and helped me throughout the ranking process of this gorgeous tune I mapped as well. I couldn't thank you enough.
ok looks good to go #2

Xinely wrote:

I dont nominate maps 6 star above
What happened to that lol

Sinnoh wrote:

Xinely wrote:

I dont nominate maps 6 star above
What happened to that lol
I usually don't mod maps with 6 stars too but this map is different, have lots of quality patterns that deserve to be ranked.
I agree!

-Sh1n1- wrote:

I usually don't nominate maps with 6 stars but this map is different, have lots of quality patterns that deserve to be ranked
also still playable for me so i can judge it

next BN : dont forget to wait 24h before qualify as the new rule of ranking process

Xinely wrote:

next BN : dont forget to wait 24h before qualify as the new rule of ranking process
wtf baka, U know that flame is mine, I'm waiting, also I'll edit this post with my recheck cause I found 2 minor things that I mentioned yesterday, I can't point out now cause I'm from cellphone

I mean, don't decrease difficulty of the map if that is necessary, please :)
Beatmap Nominator rules state the following:

Beatmap Nominator Rules wrote:

Do not nominate a beatmap if you cannot reasonably judge it. Being able to reasonably play a beatmap is a core part of being able to judge a beatmap’s quality. If you are multiple tiers below the playing level of the map we may call your ability to judge it into question.
I trust Deif's ability, but I'm not 100% sure on the others. Well, let's see how it goes~
Won't be looking at this map until it's qualified, and haven't seen it at all yet, so glgl
Topic Starter

BoberOfDarkness wrote:

this tbh.

I could have changed some stuff that might have been <too hard> (when actually they weren't that hard to begin with but I can't argue too much) according to the 2 bns that already checked this, but this is getting ridiculous.

It seems that people only want ctb maps for farming and nothing else, for fucks sake. Stop this. Let people rank hard stuff if they want to and they feel like it's hard for the sake of following the intensity of the song (not if they're making it hard for the sake of being hard).
I'm starting to get a little pissed off with this shit. I'm gonna rank this as it is, I don't care for now. If it gets dq'd, changes will be made accordingly, but next time I map an approval map, I'm not gonna nerf it more than necessary as it happened here.
This got really out of hand and I hate it. I mapped this to be hard and fun and rewarding to play, not to get people to remap it for me as they like so that they can make it easy enough to farm it properly. This is a community based game, yeah, but mapper's opinion and desire to map stuff as they fucking want and feel it's appropiate also counts.
I'm no new mapper here, I've been mapping for a long time before starting to submit stuff and know what to do and what not to. What if any #800 rank player can fc it now? This map was intended to be hard, not to just look hard but actually be easy af.
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