
osu!leagues - an alternative ranking system

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osu!leagues groups osu! players into leagues based on their performance points (PP). This way players can experience a less overwhelming ranking experience. Players can also search through a list of songs for their specific league providing a nice way to farm PP.


Unranked (up to 600pp)
Wood (up to 1200pp)
Bronze (up to 2000pp)
Silver (up to 3000pp)
Gold (up to 4000pp)
Platinum (up to 5500pp)
Diamond (up to 7400pp)
Master (up to 9000pp)
Challenger (up to infinity)

Each league shows 50 songs (ordered by PP) based on the top scores from all players of that league. The player with the most PP (i.e rank #1 of the league) won't necessarily have the best scores, so you can have the top score even if your position in the league is rather low.

Please let me know if you think leagues are unbalanced, especially for modes other than standard (taiko, ctb, mania) which usually have a different skill threshold.

Site - dead

Seems quite nice dude, keep it up
Moved to the right place.
Oooo, sounds exciting.
Personally just no.
This is based off of the normal ranking system so it doesnt change anything and is just as bad or good as you think the normal ranking system is.
It also just doesnt fit a rhythm game imo
But top 10 scores by leaque sounds interesting but theres offline players so i dunno how thatd work as its meant to work
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Stefan wrote:

Moved to the right place.
Oh, no, this was definitely not a feature request. Like Jukke pointed out, it doesn't fit as the primary ranking system for this game.
This was just a little project I had for a while because I used to go to the profile of the 1 person above me and try to beat their top scores to farm PP. My site makes it a little more dynamic.

-Jukke- wrote:

But top 10 scores by leaque sounds interesting but theres offline players so i dunno how thatd work as its meant to work
What do you mean by offline people? Top maps are taken from the people in the league, and because you have to voluntarily enter your username, you can assume that they're active users.

Stefan wrote:

Moved to the right place.
This doesn't really look like a feature request, looks more like it should be in "Development"
Arihosu is just pointing out some sick website thing they made featuring a third party osu! ranking system.

Besides that, this is really cool! A little upsetting to see that I'm only bronze 3 though... :o lol
Everything below 2000pp in Taiko should be Wood because even the easiest Kantan-diffs already give you 50pp for SS.

Aside from that I agree that this should go back to Development as it is something you developed, not something you request. If it was a request it would get marked as a duplicate anyway.
Very funny abraker.

Endaris wrote:

Very funny abraker.
Well hey, that's how things are done in this subforum, imarite?
No, you don't read only the threadtitle, you also read the OP.
Major I? I don't know what that is but that's where I'm at.

I'd personally say 5500pp for major is a little low for taiko though :p

Rurree wrote:

Major I? I don't know what that is but that's where I'm at.

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Major is a placeholder for leagues of 5500pp+, I should've tried to come up with something for those leagues but I thought people at that level wouldn't find the site useful. Anyway, I'll think of something soon.

Also, I don't play modes other than Standard, if anybody wants to waste time to build a better league structure I could definitely use it.
Perhaps exclude inactive players from being put into a league? :p

that top 10 map thing is actually fairly interesting
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VeilStar wrote:

Perhaps exclude inactive players from being put into a league? :p
It was hilarious seeing rrtyui in wood 3. It should be fixed now.
I also added more error messages for those who ended up in 404.

EDIT: Added new leagues up to 8500 PP.
I was gonna feature this but...

Did you just call me a scrub??? I feel so offended :(

i'm kidding keep doing what you do
Agreed with Tasha. I'm 5593 pp and I'm definitely not as good as him LOL
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Nyquill wrote:

I was gonna feature this but...

Did you just call me a scrub??? I feel so offended :(

i'm kidding keep doing what you do
They're pretty silly, most don't even make sense lol, but I guess they make the site look bigger.

Raiden wrote:

Agreed with Tasha. I'm 5593 pp and I'm definitely not as good as him LOL
Should not be a problem anymore with the new leagues.

Small update: songs now display mods (if any) and no more song duplicates (resolves to the person who got the most pp)
Master (5500-7500pp)
Challenger (7500-8500pp)
Major (8500+pp)
I can agree with this

I don't know if this is possible for you, but instead of leagues based around just your pp have them be "DT league" "HR league" and "nomod" league. Most of my top plays will be DT but it would be nice to see the pp values of my HR or nomod plays in another league.
Is it possible to split by keys for mania?
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Khelly wrote:

Master (5500-7500pp)
Challenger (7500-8500pp)
Major (8500+pp)
I can agree with this

I don't know if this is possible for you, but instead of leagues based around just your pp have them be "DT league" "HR league" and "nomod" league. Most of my top plays will be DT but it would be nice to see the pp values of my HR or nomod plays in another league.
What would be the criteria for any mod league? PP you have out of that particular mod only?
If we're doing a single league for each mod then it's definitely possible, it'd be a global league. But doing a whole series (whatever the number) of leagues for a mod would raise a lot of problems, one that comes to mind is that if a mod has a league then a mod combination should also have its own league (because we wouldn't want to mix HRDT with HDDT in a DT league), and we end up with tons of different mod leagues.

Also I feel it'd shift into more of a statistics site rather than the original idea.

abraker wrote:

Is it possible to split by keys for mania?
This is probably not possible because there's no effective way of guessing what type of mania player each user is. Also 7k maps dominate PP and I only save the top 3 highscores of each person, so even if you play 5K but your top 2 scores are 7K, you'd be put into a 7K league. In other words, it'd be very inconsistent.

arihosu wrote:

I think you misunderstood. You dont put players into a 7k league or 4k league or whatever, but treat each key as its own gamemode under mania.
"Being scrub never felt this average"

Stop hurting my feelings qwq
This is SO good!
I really like it.
Just the idea of nice pp maps you can get is awesome, but this is now reality.
Thank you very much for this! :)
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abraker wrote:

arihosu wrote:

I think you misunderstood. You dont put players into a 7k league or 4k league or whatever, but treat each key as its own gamemode under mania.
Sorry, I did understand but worded it poorly. There's just no efficient way to do it (osu itself doesn't do it).
Can there be a way to see players based on their country?

arihosu wrote:

Sorry, I did understand but worded it poorly. There's just no efficient way to do it (osu itself doesn't do it).
Keys=4 maps go into the 4k league
Keys=7 maps go into the 7k league

Just like it keeps track of AR, OD etc?
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potrcko wrote:

Can there be a way to see players based on their country?
I will implement this, but not until leagues are highly populated (for example, right now there are only 2 Serbians overall, so if you query for countries most leagues will show up empty).

Khelly wrote:

arihosu wrote:

Sorry, I did understand but worded it poorly. There's just no efficient way to do it (osu itself doesn't do it).
Keys=4 maps go into the 4k league
Keys=7 maps go into the 7k league

Just like it keeps track of AR, OD etc?
That's how I imagined it, but I really can't do it right now. I don't keep track of beatmap properties (in the case of mania keys it is CS). But this is not final, I'll come up with something.
whatever i play, im always bronze

arihosu wrote:

That's how I imagined it, but I really can't do it right now. I don't keep track of beatmap properties (in the case of mania keys it is CS). But this is not final, I'll come up with something.
How about taking the pp calculation formula and then recalculate on pp base on cs?
Like ignoring all non-cs4 score for 4k and recalculate the pp
and then there's each reward for different league every month/year lol.
why isn't it maintained anymore? It was out for like a month only :(
I just decided to reopen the service using the source code and the previous database.

The link is here :

Have fun~
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Banana- wrote:

I just decided to reopen the service using the source code and the previous database.

The link is here :

Have fun~
I edited the OP with your link.

Thanks a lot !
thats so cool ^^ Silver I in standart (y)
Well, in League of Legends, there are 5 divisions to every league. Also there is no wood nor major. I have a suggestion for you regarding the pp thing. I would make 0-1000 Unranked, 1000-1500 Bronze, 1500-3500 Silver, 3500-5000 Gold, 5000-6000 Platinum, 6000-7000 Diamond, 7000- 8500 Master, and 8500+ Challenger. That's just a suggestion, but as a LoL player i would argue that fits better. And of course make Bronze-Diamond have 5 divisions and Master-Challenger 1 division, as in LoL.
This system is kinda flawed as PP is not the same in all 4 modes. Getting to Major in Mania is a lot less impressive than in Taiko or Standard while getting early PP is extremely easy in Taiko (getting to 2000 is easiest in Taiko) yet getting to 8500 is the hardest in Taiko.
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I'm resurrecting this project now that I have a bit more time. I remade the interface which I believe it's a lot better now.

Here's a screenshot
And here's the new URL

Sadly I don't have the old backups so the leagues are pretty empty right now. Last time it didn't took too long to populate them so hopefully people will still find this useful.

Udon wrote:

Well, in League of Legends, there are 5 divisions to every league. Also there is no wood nor major. I have a suggestion for you regarding the pp thing. I would make 0-1000 Unranked, 1000-1500 Bronze, 1500-3500 Silver, 3500-5000 Gold, 5000-6000 Platinum, 6000-7000 Diamond, 7000- 8500 Master, and 8500+ Challenger. That's just a suggestion, but as a LoL player i would argue that fits better. And of course make Bronze-Diamond have 5 divisions and Master-Challenger 1 division, as in LoL.
It was probably my mistake for ever mentioning LoL but I never intended for osuleagues to be carbon copy of it.
I added an unranked league and modified the PP values of the leagues this time. I also removed divisions which I found to be counter-productive. This is by no means final, I'll keep tweaking the values as needed.

Edgar_Figaro wrote:

This system is kinda flawed as PP is not the same in all 4 modes. Getting to Major in Mania is a lot less impressive than in Taiko or Standard while getting early PP is extremely easy in Taiko (getting to 2000 is easiest in Taiko) yet getting to 8500 is the hardest in Taiko.
Absolutely. I'm not very familiar with non-standard PP values, if you're still interested please take a look at the first post with the new league scheme and tell me how they should look for Taiko.
Taiko is the easiest mode to get 1k pp in because the easiest maps already give you 50pp or more if FCd with decent acc (in other modes usually not significantly more than 10).
Considering that your first 100 plays will have incredibly high weightage you can literally get to 1k pp within a couple of hours with no prior experience.
Unlike in standard you aren't even playing Hard difficulties (Muzukashii) before 1,5-2k pp.
I'm still mostly playing harder hard diffs at my pp (~2500) and very slow Insanes (Oni).
Based on that, Bronze should probably not start before 1800pp or something around that.
It still has the issue that it’s giving a flat PP for all gamemodes. Doing rank doesn’t work well either though as each gamemode has a different sized user base. Best system would be to do something similar to Osu tier t/484816 which divides people based on what percentile a person is to their gamemodes username. So for instance you could make Master the top 0.1%, Diamond the top 1%, ect

This way the system is dynamic and if a mode is easy to get PP in or hard it’ll naturally be balanced around what players achieve. Also PP naturally increases over time as skill improves and more maps are ranked. This will offset that as well.
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Edgar_Figaro wrote:

It still has the issue that it’s giving a flat PP for all gamemodes. Doing rank doesn’t work well either though as each gamemode has a different sized user base. Best system would be to do something similar to Osu tier t/484816 which divides people based on what percentile a person is to their gamemodes username. So for instance you could make Master the top 0.1%, Diamond the top 1%, ect

This way the system is dynamic and if a mode is easy to get PP in or hard it’ll naturally be balanced around what players achieve. Also PP naturally increases over time as skill improves and more maps are ranked. This will offset that as well.
That sounds pretty nice actually, I'll try to emulate that system to see how it goes. I think it's fair to point out that it still depends on a flat value constraint, in this case global rank over playerbase which still has to be manually balanced (for example, why 0.1% on master and not 0.2% or 0.18567% and so on). But overall yeah I think it's a better system.

I wonder where that guy (osu!tier) gets his statistics though, I would need to know the number of active players of each mode to make this work.

arihosu wrote:

I wonder where that guy (osu!tier) gets his statistics though, I would need to know the number of active players of each mode to make this work.
Well you can't get an exact number but you can go hunting for players with 0PP to see what roughly the low lowest ranked players currently ranked in each gamemode are. So the way I "found" these players was a picked a medium sized country, big enough to have plenty of 0PP players but small enough to not exceed 10000 players ranked in their country. In this instance I used New Zealand & Israel

So lowest people I found in each mode
STD: #3,551,353 wolfsword11041
Taiko: #873,066 lys0
CTB: #914,152 tamam
Mania: #988,771 Funnyyy

So for the time being you can base your percentiles off of these rough numbers to determine playerbase size.
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