
Medals ranking system

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This is a feature request. Feature requests can be voted up by supporters.
Current Priority: +24
Topic Starter
Sayuki Fujimi
It's can be fun to see in osu some kind of medal on your profil a bit like "League of Legend" which is the Elo Rating System.
Those medal can be reliated with your amount of PP (the PP system). It can make the game a bit more competitive? Also, maybe a season system?

Exemple: Champions could be Between 6,694pp and above, (the top 10 to 1).

Trainee: Between (top 100 000 to 50 000)
Beginners: Between (top 50 000 to 10 000)
Improved: Between (top 10 000 to 5000)
Increased: Between (top 5000 to 1000)
Advenced: Between (top 1000 to 500)
Challenger: Between (top 500 to 100 )
Pro: Between (top 100 to 10 )
Champions: Between (top 10 to 1)


champion should be for ppl who does event like OWC or tournament something who make you want it

and reduce a little for pp

like trainee:between (top 100 000 to 50 000 ) too big
Topic Starter
Sayuki Fujimi

kaminari69 wrote:

champion should be for ppl who does event like OWC or tournament something who make you want it

and reduce a little for pp

like trainee:between (top 100 000 to 50 000 ) too big
Yes, it's only a suggestion, it's was an exemple.

BTW it's a good idea :)
Trash Boat
i was thinking a similar idea. when you get a certain score, you rank up. like the Ouendan/EBA ranking system

battler077 wrote:

i was thinking a similar idea. when you get a certain score, you rank up. like the Ouendan/EBA ranking system
or like the level system that already exists
And then people will complain because these titles don't actually matter.

It can make the game a bit more competitive?
Do elaborate. Wouldn't it be the same thing, just with titles for each threshold?
ooooh another cosmetics
It'll require faster turn over and score reset to make this kind of medal system work. Maybe the proposal should be focused on monthly charts for better chances?
this judt might beat the post your legs forum in stupidity
that's the same link of this thread tho, what's with it? .-.
good idea, has potential, but there will be some problems with it. idk what, but there will be people who will find problems with it.

MrSergio wrote:

that's the same link of this thread tho, what's with it? .-.
oops I meant this t/114299/ . Copy paste went wack somehow
i guess this would be nice and be a bigger motivator to play at your best and gain pp and ranks
might not really affect very many people since a lot of people don't really care about medals whatsoever
Rookie: Anything higher than 500,000
Trainee: 500,000 to 400,000
Beginners: 400,00 to 250,000
Improved: 250,000 to 150,000
Increased: 150,000 to 100,000
Advanced: 100,000 to 50,000
Expert: 50,000 to 10,000
Master: 10,000 to 1,000
Pro: 1,000 to 100
Champions: Top 100
Elite: Top 10

I decided on giving this system my own take, considering that the list is 3 years old and that on that list 100k was considered "trainee". Give feedback on how you think it should go.

I like the feature anyways.
It has potential but you need to differ in different ways. PP is farmable but some people can do maps others can't for example.
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