
Who watched your replay/ Which replay statistics

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This is a feature request. Feature requests can be voted up by supporters.
Current Priority: +7,856
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theowest wrote:

reuben2011 wrote:

There could be an option to appear as anonymous in the replay statistics
bah. then this feature request becomes pretty worthless.
Well, by default it would be so that you don't appear as anonymous. And I don't think there are that many people that actually care enough about their privacy to go through the trouble of toggling the option.

reuben2011 wrote:

theowest wrote:

bah. then this feature request becomes pretty worthless.
Well, by default it would be so that you don't appear as anonymous. And I don't think there are that many people that actually care enough about their privacy to go through the trouble of toggling the option.
so why bother
Tsukimi Luna
I don't care who's watching, but it would be interesting to know which of my hilariously bad replays are being watched. A Top Replays Watched section in the historical tab would do for me.
I'm curious who are the few people watching my replays.
good idea :3

I'm looking forward to this.

I shot a lot of stars ><

nice :3

shoot star a alot
Agree +1 , but if the should work you need to add so every singel replay uploads to your acc so people can download them,
so by pressing f2 after a beatmap would upload the song to your own database if your online on your own acc during the gameplay.
Please Replay on what you guys think.
Here's my invisible star!
500 stars?

What's keeping this from being a reality?

TheVileOne wrote:

500 stars?

What's keeping this from being a reality?
no, attention whoring.
Topic Starter
600 stars now; just dumped all my accumulated stars
so, what happened with this?
Let's deny this. Joking~ :P

I support this, given that I already have some bunch of Top Ranks.

Winshley wrote:

Let's deny this.

still. something like this would be interesting to some degree :)
[Maid] NekoRyo
agreed with this idea :d
I like this, support.
+685 and nothing happens?
fantastic idea ~ support
Topic Starter
The day when one of my feature requests gets accepted AND implemented is the day I die a happy man

Almost 700 stars and no dice. /shrug
How to even acquire more stars?

I've had 0 stars for what, 3 months.

Static Noise Bird wrote:

How to even acquire more stars?

I've had 0 stars for what, 3 months.

Each time you donate or gift you get 2 votes per month you bought.
Supporting +1

-[ DamnAll ]-
Support :)
Goodbye Shin
Wow, now that's some old stuff, which has not been implemented yet. I wonder, why?
Time will come when peppy makes another reply in this topic. It doesn't look to be implemented anytime soon, IMO.
I partially support it, the part about who saw it might not be too good, as some people might not want others to know they are watching them, and I don't see as much use in it. But I do like the part about seeing how many watches each Beatmap you've played has.
I'm actually curious what suckers actually bothered to watch my replays, +support, nii-nii
+7 :D
Sounds nice.

BRBP wrote:

Being able to see which replay was watched sounds nice, but I'm not sure if it's necessary to be able to see who watched it. I'm not going to read the entire thread, but would these be public statistics in your profile, or only available to the person who's replay was watched?
Good question.

imo visitors to your userpage should only be able to see which replays are watched (+Date/Time), while you can see the [UserID] of who watched them.

How's this for template:

Replays Watched History
about [time] ago - [Map [Diff]] [Score] [SS/S/A/B/C/D] [Mod] watched by [UserID]

^The parts in red is only visible to the owner of the profile.

Oinari-sama wrote:

Replays Watched History
about [time] ago - [Map [Diff]] [Score] [SS/S/A/B/C/D] [Mod] watched by [UserID]
^ Pretty much this
Support :D
I want this, too. No stars to throw at it, but it's +865 priority already.
Don't really care about who watched them, but knowing which are watched would certainly be interesting.
I would love this feature^_^
+ Support. :D

Stalkers be like lol.
Supported. Great request :] I'd like that.
Yes, yes, and yes. /Finished my votes for this/.
Always wanted this! :3
Would be an interesting feature to add ^^ - You could find out who is stalking you xDD
Still waiting for this..

119410501 wrote:

Still waiting for this..
Pretty much this ^
Not that I want this feature badly, but it'd be a nice addition.
I've started to collect per-replay stats. Not sure about logging who watched, though.

peppy wrote:

I've started to collect per-replay stats. Not sure about logging who watched, though.
Where to check it? Can't find it in my profile for now
he's started to collect the stats, not display them. give him some time >_<
This should be a masterpiece.
I want this so bad

peppy wrote:

I've started to collect per-replay stats. Not sure about logging who watched, though.
I've been wondering, does this assign a view count value to a specific replay, or to the combination of user/map?
Let's just say Cookiezi's Freedom Dive replay is watched 10k times. He then randomly returns to osu! just to get a Hidden FC on the map, replacing his old score. Will this new replay have a view count of 0 or will it continue from 10k?
Topic Starter
1000 stars later my request is finally being worked on ; v ;

Joyous day
That will be a good feature, i am for this :)
Neat idea, although this would be a bit creepy if you ask me lol especially for the person who's been stalking the other users replays.
Yeah and we can save replay which converted to .mp4 or .avi but it will be so annoying to pro because they already have more than 100.000 watchers
Which replays were watched the most - OK This is a good idea and easy to implement

Who watched your replay - Like, who the hell cares about who watched his/her replay?

What is more, I can totally predict some players spamming pro players' replays as to be at the top of their lists, getting their attention and in some way distorting the actual RWBO.

I'm against the "who watched your replay" feature
This is needed 1+
Yukiteru Amano
Want ;w;

AmaiHachimitsu wrote:

Which replays were watched the most - OK This is a good idea and easy to implement

Who watched your replay - Like, who the hell cares about who watched his/her replay?

What is more, I can totally predict some players spamming pro players' replays as to be at the top of their lists, getting their attention and in some way distorting the actual RWBO.

I'm against the "who watched your replay" feature
Who watched your replay - Like, who the hell cares about who watched his/her/or even my replays? which will cause a negative reflections on both sides and annoys a bit 8-) 8-)

What is more, I can totally predict some players spamming pro players' replays as to be at the top of their lists, getting their attention and in some way distorting the actual RWBO.
:arrow: :arrow: Agreed!!
I want to know which of my replays were watched. I don't really care about knowing who though. Hope this gets implemented
+2. Hoping to see this great idea implemented.
that's sounds really interesting, i support this one! i'm curious who watched my replays.
This would be great but I don't think much would care about who watched their replay but HOW MUCH TIMES a replay got watched.
Yes pls
Would be awesome
Still hoping for it
(I don't really care who watched though lol)
So many requests that got started on but just died off after a while
How sad that this still isn't a thing :L
Topic Starter
This thread is 4 years old now and still not implemented asdjflwdkqrewlq;
This would be a nice feature and (i guess) not hard to implement.

I hope this comes out at some point (soon).
- Yuuto -
Actually I was curious too.

Ok support this idea
I have someone that keeps watching my CTB replays.. I must know which! Support! :D

This is one of the best requests ^^

peppy wrote:

I've started to collect per-replay stats. Not sure about logging who watched, though.

deadbeat wrote:

he's started to collect the stats, not display them. give him some time >_<
Nearly 15 months later....surely this will happen any day now
Nice idea!

But peppy already told you /...../

Kaoru wrote:

I thought it would be interesting if you could see who watched your replays and which song they watched in your profile. It would be interesting to see which of your replays caught the most attention by other people and who has seen the most of your replays.
I dont mind this idea, i dont as much care for "who" watched the reply, maybe just even the song the watched, could be interesting +1
worst fl player
Nobody watches my replays :( xD
wanted this since like... the first time my replay got watched. Don't have any stars to shoot though.
this nice? dem. make happen with 1 star. and 2015 and happen, ew
- Sugoi Sugoi -
YES ! I want to thank the one person who bothered to watch my horrible play :D
Take my stars!

I don't much care for the 'Who watched' part of it, but I would like to see which of my replays are being watched.
Tsuda Yoshikazu
I agree with that idea
I really want this, hope it'll get added!
Wish they could have implemented this into the game AND on the website.
The M
I really like this idea.
I am a taiko noob but for some reason do I have 34 watched replays and I am so curious on which map (because I don't have impressive plays at all since I am a noob)
Interesting your idea but I have no votes :o
I agree
LaBron Jayms
i a gree
Sandy Hoey
Come on, we have to be a little bit more constructive than "I agree".

Where do we propose this will go on the profile? I think it should go in the "Historical" tab underneath the graph of your replays viewed. It could be in the same format as your most played maps. I don't know how you would be able to see who specifically watched your replays, but I think that is a less important detail and can be omitted if necessary.
I think the implementation is simple. Just like "Most Played Beatmaps", it will be "Most Watched Replays", a simple list. I don't think who watched them should be included because a user profile is about you, not other people.

qwr wrote:

I think the implementation is simple. Just like "Most Played Beatmaps", it will be "Most Watched Replays", a simple list. I don't think who watched them should be included because a user profile is about you, not other people.
That's how I imagine it too, it'd be a really great feature because you can find out what plays other players are 'admiring'.

deadbeat wrote:

he's started to collect the stats, not display them. give him some time >_<
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