
Anamanaguchi - Skate or Live

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on samedi 5 mars 2011 at 23:28:30

Artist: Anamanaguchi
Title: Skate or Live
Source: Scott Pilgrim vs The World: The Game
Tags: 8bit chiptunes Lucas Lee
BPM: 225
Filesize: 2951kb
Play Time: 01:25
Difficulties Available:
  1. Average Joe (2,11 stars, 100 notes)
  2. Boss Fight (5 stars, 309 notes)
  3. Rough and Tough (4,25 stars, 133 notes)
  4. Supreme Master (4,96 stars, 220 notes)
  5. Taiko Muzukashii (4,9 stars, 313 notes)
  6. Taiko Oni (5 stars, 485 notes)
Download: Anamanaguchi - Skate or Live
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
From Anamanaguchi for Scott Pilgrim vs The World

Stage 2 Boss Theme : Skate or Live.

Poot yeah.

Star ! Not the first ;~;
star^ :)
Cyril Scarlet
Good work as always.

Zelos star of approval!
Hitsounds might be a tad loud, but that's just me.
There are a couple of parts in the song where it goes mostly silent except for a few synth notes. Try muting the hitsounds for these and see what you think.

Average Joe
00:26:845 (1) - Does this need to be a new combo? The brown slider looks kinda lonely. :(
00:31:112 (1) - ^
01:09:512 (1) - ^
01:13:779 (1) - ^

Rough and Tough
00:16:179 (5) - (mute hitsounds)
00:58:845 (5) - ^

Supreme Master
00:16:445 (1,2) - (mute hitsounds)
00:58:845 (1,2) - ^
01:01:645 (2) - Disable the grid and move this just slightly to the left so it doesn't overlap (1).
01:05:912 (2) - ^ Same, but move it right.

Boss Fight
00:16:312 (1,2) - (mute hitsounds)
00:58:845 (5,6,7,8) - ^

I can't do taiko, sorry.

Starred. :)
Topic Starter

Samah wrote:

Hitsounds might be a tad loud, but that's just me.
There are a couple of parts in the song where it goes mostly silent except for a few synth notes. Try muting the hitsounds for these and see what you think.

Average Joe
00:26:845 (1) - Does this need to be a new combo? The brown slider looks kinda lonely. :( Yes, it's on purpose. According to the music, it cannot be with the previous one, nor the next one.
00:31:112 (1) - ^ ^
01:09:512 (1) - ^ ^
01:13:779 (1) - ^^

Rough and Tough
00:16:179 (5) - (mute hitsounds) Hell no. I won't mute them. same for all the next one. If there are hitsounds, there is a reason. else I would not have put a beat.
00:58:845 (5) - ^

Supreme Master
00:16:445 (1,2) - (mute hitsounds)
00:58:845 (1,2) - ^
01:01:645 (2) - Disable the grid and move this just slightly to the left so it doesn't overlap (1). lol fixed
01:05:912 (2) - ^ Same, but move it right.

Boss Fight
00:16:312 (1,2) - (mute hitsounds)
00:58:845 (5,6,7,8) - ^

I can't do taiko, sorry.

Starred. :)
Thanks o/
IRC modding
20:55 <Kurosanyan> : Previewtime -1
20:55 <Kurosanyan> : wat
20:55 <Sushi> : wat
20:55 <Sushi> : oh jesus
20:56 <Sushi> : tain, j'ai fait de ces oublis basiques ;_;
21:12 <Kurosanyan> : 00:42:579 -
21:12 <Kurosanyan> : (average joe
21:12 <Kurosanyan> : ça fait pas un peu bizarre ce trou? :<
21:12 <Sushi> : commun a toutes les diffs
21:13 <Sushi> : enfin, comment dire
21:13 <Sushi> : le trou en lui meme n'est pas commun
21:13 <Sushi> : mais c'est dans " l'esprit " de la map.
21:14 <Kurosanyan> : Sur tes 2 autres dif la pause est pas au même moment :<
21:14 <Sushi> : oui, c'est sur le 1/2 juste apres
21:14 <Sushi> : ah merde
21:14 <Sushi> : oublie mon commentaire
21:15 <Sushi> : @esprit de la map, j'ai meme pas respecté ce que je viens de dire sur la rough and tough >_<
21:15 <Kurosanyan> : wat
21:15 <Sushi> : en fait
21:15 <Sushi> : l'esprit était qu'il y avait toujours une note en plus sur le 2e loop
21:16 <Sushi> : regarde sur la supreme et la boss pour comprendre
21:16 <Sushi> : je vais rajouter le beat en joe
21:23 <Kurosanyan> : 00:26:845 (1,2) -
21:23 <Kurosanyan> : [Rough and tough]
21:23 <Kurosanyan> : ça serait pas mieux de faire le spacing comme en x1 sur ça? :<
21:23 <Sushi> : nope
21:24 <Sushi> : justement, la différence de spacing marque le changement de vitesse
21:24 <Kurosanyan> : je les trouve vachement proches quand même D:
21:24 <Sushi> : c'est le truc normal o.o
21:31 <Kurosanyan> : 00:28:445 (4,5,1) - uh
21:31 <Kurosanyan> : j'aime pas trop celui là :<
21:31 <Sushi> : diff?
21:31 <Kurosanyan> : Supreme master
21:32 <Sushi> : hm, je vais unstacker le 1
21:32 <Sushi> : maintenant que tu le dis
21:32 <Kurosanyan> : J'allais le dire ouep
21:34 <Sushi> :
21:34 <Kurosanyan> : voilà o/
21:35 <Kurosanyan> : 00:54:445 (4,1,2,3,1) - les combo ils sont pas louches là? :/
21:36 <Kurosanyan> : 00:55:112 (1) - perso je virerais celui là
21:36 <Kurosanyan> : 00:55:379 (2) - et en mettrait un là
21:36 <Sushi> : mouais, c'est pertinent
21:37 <Kurosanyan> : 00:55:645 (1) - et delete celui là aussi
21:38 <Sushi> : hm, non, pas vraiment, sinon je dois faire pareil si je veux garder la meme structure sur les sliders genre
21:38 <Sushi> : 00:04:445 (1) -
21:38 <Kurosanyan> : ah oui
21:38 <Kurosanyan> : mais ça fait un combo de 2 notes du coup D:
21:39 <Sushi> : c'était d'ailleurs pour ça (la structure) que le 00:55:112 (5) - était en NC, maintenant que je regarde

+change of the approach rate on IRC too.

[Boss Fight] is so awesome :3 Here is a star~
Hmmmm.... =w=
I'll do my best!


Just my personnal opinion but don't you find that there is too many new combo on your mapset, especially on the last two map.

Also I find Rough and Tough a little too easy for a Normal and Supreme Master a litlle too hard for a Hard.

Average Joe

Nothing to say on this one, good job.

Rough and Tough

00:15:112 (1,2,3,4) - Juste a suggestion, but I find this stack a little too easy for a Normal diff.
00:32:179 (1,2,3,4,5) - ^
00:57:779 (1,2,3,4,5) - ^
01:14:845 (1,2,3,4,5) - ^
00:26:845 (1,2,1) - Already said it, but if we have to use the tick to deduce that there is a slider speed change,we can't see them very well on the light pink combo color.

Supreme Master

00:27:512 (2) - This note is confusing here, can you try to stack it on 00:27:779 (3) ?
00:42:312 (1,1,1) - New combo really needed ? Could be confusing.
01:24:979 (1) - Remove new combo? or add it on Boss fight you choose.

Boss Fight

00:03:912 (1,2,3,4,1) - I find this pattern a litlle hard at this speed, but well, maybe it's just because i'm noob.
00:24:979 (1,2,3) -- Those sliders would be prettier if they were parallel.

Sorry i'm not a taiko player so i can't mod the taiko diff.

Unyuu~ I can't find anything very usefull sorry, well I tried...

Very good map anyway, already starred~
Topic Starter
For the slow downs, I don't think it really need some change (except maybe the "confusing note", fixed.) The close ticks appears only in editor (play it you'll see).

The non-parallel sliders are on purpose, if you look carefully, they're regularly un-parallel.

Thanks for modding

S i R i R u wrote:


S i R i R u wrote:

ε-(/・ω・)/ that a fart?! Ewwww don't fart on other people's maps D:! wwwwww

·Taiko Oni has 10 not snapped objects.
·Boss Fight has 2 not snapped objects.

Average Joe-
(These "hitsound mods" are not mandatory, but they'd be better for consistency ~)
01:01:512 (1) - This is following the same as 00:18:845 (1) - right? then add a clap at the end :3
01:02:579 (2) - This is following the same as 00:19:912 (2), right? then add a clap at the end, and add the finish+whistle at the start.
01:05:779 (1,2) - Make these hitsounds same as 00:23:112 (1,2)

Rough and Tough-
00:15:112 (1,2,3,4,5) - Is there a way to avoid the tiny unerlap with 00:14:045 (2) - due to the stack?
00:34:845 (2,4) - The sliderends would sound better with a clap like 00:35:112 (4,4) - on Average Joe
01:17:512 (2,4) - The sliderends would sound better with a clap like 01:17:779 (4,4) - on Average Joe
^ this hitsound pattern works noce on the harder diffs though, due to the extra notes, here it feels like it lacks the claps

Taiko Muzukashii-
Nothing I can sugest :3

Supreme Master-
01:05:779 (1,2,3,4) - I must say this spacing looks a tad ugly. (1) has a tiny underlap with (2), (2)(3) have a wider spacing than the other spacing on this combo, uhm, try to make it look like this (Thanks grid 4 <3)

Taiko Oni-
Nothing I can sugest :3

Boss Fight-
Nothing I can sugest :3

Cool like always. I might have missed some hitsound stuff, but the ones I pointed are the ones I felt weird wihout naziing them, so the other ones I missed should be fine =w="
Average Joe
with such a high bpm this was always gonna be a hard easy lol xD

this diff is mapped beautiful :)

Rough and Tough
00:28:979 (1) - place this closer to the combo before, by giving it the same spacing it makes the speed change MUCH easier to read, as it is you cant really tell, but by placing it closer it lets the play notice due to the slider ticks and prepares them much better for the notes after

01:11:645 (1) - same for here, atm this parts spacing really do feel odd for that reason. :/

Supreme Master
00:26:845 (1,2,3,4,5) - this part felt extremely hard for me to read the timing of, i think its a mix of the spacing and slowdown what does it, i did find adding a note at 00:27:645 made it easier to read, but maybe you have a better way. just felt extremely odd to me :/

01:09:512 (1) - reallly felt like it needed abit more space away from the note before, the slowdown starts on this note, so its extremely hard to notice it and i always ended up clicking it too fast
01:13:779 (1) - didnt feel as bad here, but still felt abit odd

Boss Fight

really really nice maps as expected, them things i pointed out really do affect the flow of the maps though, so i do advise you to think over them :/

great maps and good job o/
Topic Starter
Kinda tried to change the slow pattern in Supreme master

I'll let the 2nd one because I feel that it feel less odd for the pattern. applied the spacing fix for both diff, even if for the Rough and Tough, I'm not sure.

there we go.
Average Joe:
Looks nice

Rough and Tough:
00:16:179 (5) - repeat is pretty much hidden by the previous hitbursts and might confuse beginners
00:58:845 (5) - ^

Supreme Master:
-Still some hidden repeats I am not really a fan of if you want to go through and fix some of them
01:25:245 (1,2,3) - kind of odd spacing

Boss Fight:
Looks nice

Call me back after fixes and you can have a shiny bubble~

All looks good now
Normally I would go on about the easiest diff not being easy enough and whatnot, but in this case the difficulty spread is excellent (ignoring the star rating bollocks), so it works alright, generally being a tough map because of the song, being urgent, and not to mention fast, at 225 BPM.

Fun stuff. Ranked!
Firo Prochainezo
Congratulations, Sushi :3
Louis Cyphre
As i said before: "allow Sushi to submit ranked map"

Pastis o/
Very fun, thanks for making :)
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