
Auto-Saving Multiplayer Replays [duplicate]

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This is a feature request. Feature requests can be voted up by supporters.
Current Priority: +0
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I'm currently mostly playing multiplayer games and because of that I would really like an option to always save a local replay of multiplayer games.
Every time I want to review a map that gave me trouble/that I nearly failed, I realize that there actually is no replay to do so...
I don't even know if you can export the replays with F2 because I keep forgetting to even try it @_@
Would be really awesome if an auto-save option was added, that would definitely help people that are as forgetful as I tend to be with saving replays :oops:
I can imagine that Tag-Replays might not be possible but at least add it for Head-To-Head matches, pwetty pwease? :3
I think I asked for this at one point and it was denied. I still want it though so I will support it here too!

F2 works but it's hard to remember to do it all the time.

Having these added to the local scoreboards would also be nice~
An auto-save feature for replays would be certainly useful, of course it should be disabled by default.

Derekku wrote:

Duplicate! viewtopic.php?f=4&t=17417
why is that one locked? Seems like a good idea and not much work if not including those tag replays
please implement this ;_____; it is sooo incredibly frustrating if you just made an impressive play and you'll never be able to watch it again because you forgot to press F2
Yes, please do so. A checkbox in the option panel would be more pleasant than having to remember to press F2 at the end of every beatmap play.
By the way, I think it would be great to let us make the replay auto-exported only when there is no better score for the beatmap (by a second checkbox).

Derekku wrote:

To me this threat is not duplicate: It just asks for auto saving, while the linked one asks for (auto-)saving by tags.
This request is shown as completed, but is not on today, the 29th of September 2014.

Hoping it will be implemented.
I don't know what happened there, but this request is a duplicate of t/191081. Use that instead :)
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