
Team Nekokan - Can't Defeat Airman

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Hi guys

This is my first osu map, hope you guys like it ^^

Team Nekokan - Can't Defeat Airman


Whoa, what an awesome map. The sliders are really well done! Lucky the life drain is forgiving or it would be impossible to pass. It's hard enough already ^^

Respect to the holycow from the holysheep =)

:o I love the song, so fast and upbeat, and the beatmap you made is the same :D
Only real gripe is the first spinner, it's just a little bit too long I think, and there are a few gaps during the song with no beats, but as eyup said, the life drain is forgiving.
Criticism aside, very good first beatmap!!

Edit: Haha, I have to ask this... Have you actually beaten your own beatmap? I've gotten damn close, it's addictive.
Got this song stuck in my head at work today >< downloading it just for the mp3 haha. It reminds me of the ending theme from Final Fantasy Tactics anime (I forget the name) - I wonder if its by the same artist...
It's on my phone now :D I listen to it on the train and bus.
This is the song i was talking about. Its really good too! If i get time I'll try and get a beatmap together for it... but I doubt that'll happen --;

peppy wrote:

This is the song i was talking about. Its really good too! If i get time I'll try and get a beatmap together for it... but I doubt that'll happen --;
Ah, good choice, I haven't seen FF: Unlimited in ages now, good luck with the beatmap
Uhm, I've added a video background to this beatmap. With the creator's permission, I'd like to upload it.

It's the video from

I had to add 2.6 seconds of black at the beginning to make it sync with the beatmap, but I think it might be a few milliseconds off, nothing really that noticeable.

It doesn't replace the original.

Edit: Oh, and also... ... texcel.jpg

I'd upload the replay but Iunno how ;-;
Offsets for video can be set in the osu file. Please read the guide to creating beatmaps for further info.

Please upload this - HOLYcow is AWOL and I'd really love to see this with video :D
Like I said, the video seems to sync up, but it seems maybe a few milliseconds off. It doesn't bother me, but if you wanna put the couple millisecond offset yourself and OFFICIALLY upload it, then be my guest o.o'

Also, it looks really crappy with combo fire enabled, so you might wanna disable that XD
i am a pen
I really love this song and the beatmap. But I keep losing in one part where the circles are far away but with short time between them, using mouse is a pain to me. =P

No complains, it's me the one that has problems, not the beatmap. XD
This beatmap rocks, even though I always die near the end.

It should definitely become official/ranked.
Every song listed in the official listing will be ranked ;). In time.
I noticed an issue with my video one. It seems like the first time you play it after loading osu!, the video is a second late. But if you play it afterwards, it syncs up fine.

Maybe it's just me o.O
[deleted user]
Both the original link and download button are broken.
Thanks for the heads-up. Link has been fixed!
[deleted user]
The link seems to be working now, though the download button the beatmap listing page gives the following error:

The requested URL /files/Team Nekokan - Can was not found on this server.
I guess there's a problem with the apostrophe?
I love this song. This beatmap rocks to heck! Good work! ;)
ZZT the Fifth
HolyCOW, wherever you are, please come back and add a break in that one long segment that has no notes. Please. :o
Using mouse is extremly difficult.I have not defeated it yet.
I defeated Airman, using a mouse. 8-)

ZZT the Fifth wrote:

HolyCOW, wherever you are, please come back and add a break in that one long segment that has no notes. Please. :o

This map must remain untouched.
ZZT the Fifth

Ivalset wrote:

ZZT the Fifth wrote:

HolyCOW, wherever you are, please come back and add a break in that one long segment that has no notes. Please. :o

This map must remain untouched.
You're just saying that because you don't want your score to go down. :D
Agreed with Ivalset. Since everyone is really having a hard time defeating Airman.ok, my post doesnt make sense
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
Well, it took hours for me to defeat Airman for the first time. :(
About the only part hard about it is that green and blue sets right before the airman/megaman fight near the end, and the green set with the fifteen notes all scattered. That stuff almost always kills me - not the insane lengths of time he has just draining. And it's using a mouse, so...
FEEEAAAR ME (whoops i say it out and loud)anyway i beat the airman with almost an SS woot me , and i agreed with Ivalset this beatmap should remain untouched and yes is because of my #1 at it
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
Your all going to start hate me when i ask this (most internet dudes do ;_;) but where did yall download the song? I chould only find it on youtube because i fail :(
Download the beatmap, extract it, grab the file from the directory.
SPOILERS: this directory is osu/songs/Team Nekokan - Can't Defeat Airman
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
No problem, I like helping people.

Kai wrote:

FEEEAAAR ME (whoops i say it out and loud)anyway i beat the airman with almost an SS woot me , and i agreed with Ivalset this beatmap should remain untouched and yes is because of my #1 at it
Almost SS Rank :shock:
The only part that's hard , mainly to full combo, is like 10 beats from the end... :D
Must SSH Rank this before anyone else! :lol: (maybe a few hundred more tries!)
I am just satisfied knowing I can fullcombo this - I haven't, but each combo breaker I've gotten playing through this have all been totally unrelated to one another.
Wooo, Really good map. took me forever to beat this map AND Airman. :D
The spacing on this map is WAY too funky... :(
Did someone add a picture to this? I swear to god it wasn't here before o_0
You did.
dat was me :D

Also I may add that Air Man in MM2 was ez.
i think this beatmap should HAVE some breaks ¬¬
This beatmap is almost two years old. Hence why it has no breaks, among other things.
just wanna say that this beat map is really fun, yet i cant beat airman.. :(
the last 3/4ths is way intense... i need to just practice more.
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
JeY k
Beatmap is just meant to screw people over, and it's annoying.

HP drain is rediculous, sure, it wouldn't even be a problem, but the HUGE spacing between fast notes just begs to drop your HP like crazy if you're not super precise with your movements.

Then after the second spinner, there's a couple notes, then a LOOONG pause without a break before the next set of notes. There goes OVER HALF of your HP completely unfairly. If you have less than half at that point, the song just failed you, lol! and even if you had full before hand, it drops your HP to within range of failing within 3-4 notes, and then the notes right after that are super quick but jump across almost the whole screen, just making you fail without your super precise movement.

The first spinner is rediculous enough, besides the super HP drain plus no breaks during long pauses. If you don't force your hand to spin like crazy and tire out, the HP drain will knock you out easily during one of the looong spinners here, which is incredibly annoying.

People who pass this song are just robots. A beatmap this effing difficult shouldn't be rated 2 and a half stars, this is just rediculous.

Would be nice is the beatmap was meant to be fun to play versus trying to screw over players at every oppurtunity.
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.

Teh JeY wrote:

u don't have to spin to get the highest amount of bonus points possible, thus not tiring yourself out.
though this song shouldn't be a 2.5 star map.
It's 2.5 because of the giant amount of blanks within this song. It's the eyupstar algorithms doing its automated funstuff.

Really though, this map is plain ancient...
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