I personally agree, this map (focussing on Ass kIcking) is really not very well made. Don't take this as trolling or flaming or whatever excuse you'd like to use to ignore this feedback, because it isn't intended as any of those.
01:45:916 - 02:49:352 - One minute of no sliders at all. Many places could definitely have used some, like in the previous sections. Instead, linear, enormous jump patterns were used, and while I agree that this part in particular is well fit for bigger spacing and difficult patterns, 1/4, really spaced out star patterns are - and excuse my choice of words, but this is the word that fits the outrage that this spacing is - bullshit. Making maps difficult is an easy thing to do, and in some parts an appropriate thing to do, but just using sudden, enormously spaced out 1/4s that might as well have been placed in any other part of this kiai time and have little to no reason behind them is definitely NOT good mapping.
Furthermore, jumping around to hit randomly placed 1/2 stacks is not fun either, at least not in my little definition of fun. This whole part has no creativity behind it except for those occasional annoying to hit star patterns, it all could basically have been done by letting distance spacing do its work and placing 1/2 stacks at some completely random spot. A few other trapezoid and square patterns were used, but if those count as a creative effort, then... I can't even think of a proper comparison! It's just not creative, can we go with that?
All in all, this map is not unrankworthy, it does not go against any current rules or guidelines, and that was never the question anyways. I just felt like giving some feedback, and do hope that this is read and at least considered and not, as it seems to be common, ignored and counted as a troll post. Thanks!
EDIT: Do not DARE to just brush this off as a subjective opinion either. I tried to give reasons for my thoughts as objective as it gets. If you want me to go into the definition of fun, please shoot yourself now. That was not an order, I just hope no one GOES AS FAR.
EDITIDE: obligatory anime background qq