
Kozato snow - Rengetsu Ouka

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awesome arrangement and hitsound~
Like it very much~
just take note:

For ddd519's Koi:

I don't know this is acceptable or not but... It is better not do like this...
It will make the whole map playing like "relax" mod..
if you want to reduce the star rate, my suggest is just change some of the stream into slider+note+slider.
Streams in this diff make it insane..

and also, just my opinion, insane hitsound is a bit mess up..but it is fine you want to keep it~~

Yumeko's diff is fantastic.. Really a great job~~

Snowy Dream

ZHSteven wrote:

awesome arrangement and hitsound~
Like it very much~
just take note:

For ddd519's Koi:
I don't know this is acceptable or not but... It is better not do like this...
It will make the whole map playing like "relax" mod..
if you want to reduce the star rate, my suggest is just change some of the stream into slider+note+slider.
Streams in this diff make it insane..


Oh,I've never done this at all >.>
[Yumeko's Ouka]
first. you should resnap all notes after changed timing!
and HP Drain Rate is 8, your should add more combo set
so here is my modding without combo mod(all diff)
00:02:268 - no break
00:35:598 - haaaa....
01:36:050 (1) - hmmmm.....
01:43:501 - ehhhhh...
02:31:522 - distance!
02:23:862 (1) - it too long,i lost so many HP about |--------------------------------------------------------| this much HP in HDR 8. you could add note here (02:27:174 -)and spinner end in blue line

00:08:271 (1) - distance?
00:14:275 - why?
00:34:563 - distance
01:22:178 - ^
01:22:592 - BAT hate this
03:14:586 (4,5) - left 1 grid

[ddd519's Koi]
nothing find
歌名:Rengetsu Ouka
Yumeko Yuki

sico91212 wrote:

[Yumeko's Ouka]
first. you should resnap all notes after changed timing!
and HP Drain Rate is 8, your should add more combo set
so here is my modding without combo mod(all diff)
00:02:268 - no break
00:35:598 - haaaa....
01:36:050 (1) - hmmmm.....
01:43:501 - ehhhhh...
02:31:522 - distance!
02:23:862 (1) - it too long,i lost so many HP about |--------------------------------------------------------| this much HP in HDR 8. you could add note here (02:27:174 -)and spinner end in blue line
ok i've decreased HP Drain and now it's ok,thx :)

Download: Kozato snow - Koi Gatsu Ouka (_Kiva) [Yumeko's Ouka].osu
Please mod all diffs EXCEPT 3.5star

ddd519's Koi
01:32:218 (7) - remove note
02:29:977 (9) - ^

Interesting choice of hitsounds.
00:02:889 (x) - add note
00:02:992 (x) - ^
00:11:791 (2) - replace 1/4 early
00:49:680 (5) - finish at start sounds bad, change it.
~2:17 - 2:26 - sounds like techno. fun :3
02:46:742 (2) - add note

Yumeko's Ouka
omg, perfect
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soulfear wrote:

歌名:Rengetsu Ouka
Will change before pending~
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sico91212 wrote:

OFFSET i think is 1026 , but there is another offset at somewhere near 02:00:26 (120266). which i couldnt sure
about the bpm , i got from a bpm finding software and fixed with Pokie. But it is possible to have another BPM
Thanks for moding
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sico91212 wrote:

thats fine. what is the bpm and offset you got by手测 ?
Topic Starter
Interesting choice of hitsounds.
00:02:889 (x) - add note
00:02:992 (x) - ^
00:11:791 (2) - replace 1/4 early
00:49:680 (5) - finish at start sounds bad, change it.
~2:17 - 2:26 - sounds like techno. fun :3
02:46:742 (2) - add note
Yumeko's Ouka

02:00:262(red timing section) - does not seem to be needed...
02:31:522(3) - i would rather this spacing be more correct
02:54:294(3,4,5) - looks readable, but the time of when you need to actually press the note is not very clear in my opinion, cuz the music doesn't go along with these triplet type things.

Awesome hitsounds :3
and nice map


00:44:500(1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - spacing between some combos are different than others. I'm not sure if they supposed to look kinda weird(at least in my opinion) like that, but maybe you could make it more symmetrical. I'm mostly speaking of combo 3 tho.
00:49:675(5) - i don't think you should slience this
00:52:367(6) - 1 grid down?
01:30:665(1) - combo may work better if you delete this new combo and add a new combo at 01:31:701
02:01:922(5..etc) - whistle sounds a little weird to me lol. I kind of just like the more simple and calm hitsounds of Yumeko's Ouka (just a comment tho).
02:52:021(1,2,3,4,5,6) - i will probably get 300's if i just continuously press the notes in a regular 1/4 beat fashion, but still, this triplet grouping doesn't fit in my opinion.
02:54:815(6) - i would much rather have this slider start 1/4 beat later. In other words, switch the timing of combo 7 and 6 around.

dd519's Koi

--Possibly end at the same time as others?
--Also is this supposed to be hard? Why is OD and HP so low? It should be at least half way along the bar imo. I would also AR -1
--I also don't really feel like a section with just default soft hitnormal hitsounds sound that great. I like the custom hitsounds in the other difficulties. Default soft hitnormal hitsounds within the custom hitsounds sound nice, and the slider default soft hitsounds are fine (just whole sections with only default soft hitnormals sound weird to me)

Other than those comments, the spacing and notes are all very readable. almost fc'd on first try, and that's really amazing cuz i'm not that good lol.

(lol oops, i accidentally modded Gatsu xD. kinda big spacing for a normal, if it's supposed to be a normal)

Anyways... awesome hitsounds, and nicely made map

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winber1 wrote:


00:44:500(1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - spacing between some combos are different than others. I'm not sure if they supposed to look kinda weird(at least in my opinion) like that, but maybe you could make it more symmetrical. I'm mostly speaking of combo 3 tho.
00:49:675(5) - i don't think you should slience this
00:52:367(6) - 1 grid down?
01:30:665(1) - combo may work better if you delete this new combo and add a new combo at 01:31:701
02:01:922(5..etc) - whistle sounds a little weird to me lol. I kind of just like the more simple and calm hitsounds of Yumeko's Ouka (just a comment tho).
02:52:021(1,2,3,4,5,6) - i will probably get 300's if i just continuously press the notes in a regular 1/4 beat fashion, but still, this triplet grouping doesn't fit in my opinion.
02:54:815(6) - i would much rather have this slider start 1/4 beat later. In other words, switch the timing of combo 7 and 6 around.
About 02:01:922 ,thats just I am trying to make this song sounds little bit different :3
I ll spend some time on Gatsu tho
Yumeko Yuki

winber1 wrote:

Yumeko's Ouka

02:00:262(red timing section) - does not seem to be needed... i think is necessary....
02:31:522(3) - i would rather this spacing be more correct fixed
02:54:294(3,4,5) - looks readable, but the time of when you need to actually press the note is not very clear in my opinion, cuz the music doesn't go along with these triplet type things. thanks for suggestion
Awesome hitsounds :3
and nice map

anyway thx :)

Download: Kozato snow - Koi Gatsu Ouka (_Kiva) [Yumeko's Ouka].osu
試試offset+10 兩條紅線也是..
Star~ :)

And...For ddd519's Koi


Hi, sorry for the delay >_<"

Hmm.. about the skin. The 300.png and 100.png notes are really similar.. Why don't you change the color of some of them? D: The way it is now is pretty confusing while playing.

Remove the timing sections after the map finishes (2:00:26 kiai time)

ddd519's Koi
Alright.. You need to Raise the HP Drain Rate and Overall Difficulty
02:03:168 (3) - a bit nazi, buut.. Make it finished in the same place the previous slider finished
02:14:033 - remove break time? It's unecessary imo
02:27:386 - ^

01:31:084 (8) - bad spacing

Yumeko's Ouka
01:36:878 (4) - new combo

Really nice mapset, have a star ^^
tag : Yumeko_Yuki -> Yumeko Yuki

You must make easy diff..

your easy diff not easy

and easy is WIP
so pass

HR +4
AR +1
CR +1
orz biggest circle cize doesn't fit this song

01:01:062 (1,2,3) - strenge jump....
01:02:925 (2,3) - check distance
01:03:546 (4,1) - same

00:07:443 (7) - why add clap sound?
00:24:631 (1,1,1) - strenge sound ;;
other is fine to me

good :)
Topic Starter

dksslqj wrote:

HR +4
AR +1
CR +1
orz biggest circle cize doesn't fit this song
All the thing i am doing with this diff is trying to make it easier ,, i ve removed many streams and put sliders instead.
Because 3 Insanes usually unrankable :(

_Kiva wrote:

Ok look
In my song theres a change in bpm
it is so tiny that we cant find a perfect one
here's the song
just notice at my second red line
theres the change

Koi Gatsu Ouka
Hi ! I got your request :).

Hmmmm... I looked at the sound waves of your mp3 closely and the thing is, it seems to be the right BPM even after the red line... The problem IMO is that the offset changes slightly at the exact point where the red line is. Has this song been hand edited? because the cymbal sound is faint at the line (as in someone crossfaded sounds so it doesn't look edited). I'll see if it's an offset change and see if I can correct the mp3 if it's the case. 8-)

EDIT : Download the new mp3 here, put your old MP3 somewhere safe, remove the offset change in your beatmap in Osu!, and send me feedback :). Oh and don't hesitate if we're on the right track, but it still needs a slight change. I saved it in editable format.

P.S.: Great beatmap by the way... :) *place star sticker on nose*
Aww, I like your map very much but I've tried to think rationally, so

[ddd519's Koi]
00:24:626 (1,2,3) - make these 3 sliders increase their volume gradually?
01:46:606 (2) - finish at end?
02:09:689 (4) - whistle?

00:42:435 (2) - this strong hitsound seems to be out of place especially when it's followed by soft hitsounds. Replace it with something else? Even whistle sounds better imo.
00:49:059 (2,3) - - finish one of these or both? mixing finish and clap = have you tried?
01:20:526 (2) - whistle?
01:45:783 (1) - *obvious* finish this?

[Yumeko's Ouka]
03:00:298 (1) - finish or clap?
03:02:782 (5,6) - add something at these? I've tried clap, but I think it doesn't fit.

Sorry for being so slow orz
Topic Starter

MathiasXII wrote:

EDIT : Download the new mp3 here, put your old MP3 somewhere safe, remove the offset change in your beatmap in Osu!, and send me feedback :). Oh and don't hesitate if we're on the right track, but it still needs a slight change. I saved it in editable format.

I have try to put the new mp3 in, and sounds like you have changed the whole offset ,which causes all sound effects become delayed :(
as you said the bpm hasnt change. so it remains at 144.913
I have tryed to use 145 , but sounds bit too fast
the second offset (120266) is the main problem . the second red time line is set for re-adjust this tiny change but i still not sure if 120266 is accurate or not :(
as long as other players thinks it is sounds alright XD
Yumeko Yuki

Wiinter wrote:

Yumeko's Ouka
01:36:878 (4) - new combo fixed

senaya wrote:

[Yumeko's Ouka]
03:00:298 (1) - finish or clap? add clap
03:02:782 (5,6) - add something at these? I've tried clap, but I think it doesn't fit thanks for suggestion :)
Download: Kozato snow - Koi Gatsu Ouka (_Kiva) [Yumeko's Ouka].osu

_Kiva wrote:

MathiasXII wrote:

EDIT : Download the new mp3 here, put your old MP3 somewhere safe, remove the offset change in your beatmap in Osu!, and send me feedback :). Oh and don't hesitate if we're on the right track, but it still needs a slight change. I saved it in editable format.

I have try to put the new mp3 in, and sounds like you have changed the whole offset ,which causes all sound effects become delayed :(
as you said the bpm hasnt change. so it remains at 144.913
I have tryed to use 145 , but sounds bit too fast
the second offset (120266) is the main problem . the second red time line is set for re-adjust this tiny change but i still not sure if 120266 is accurate or not :(
as long as other players thinks it is sounds alright XD
ZOMG I Just noticed my terrible mistake LOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL !!!!!!!!!!!! Wow, I'm so sorry hahahaha. Don't judge me !!! It was totally ADD of my part. I'm usually good with these things haha.

New offset : 1 663. The offset will change of +1 ms after the red line (with the new mp3) :3. So you won't have to keep that offset change really. I don't think anyone will ever notice ! lol.

I tested with new offset and most of the time I was around 3 ms late or earlier with a rate of 20% mistapped notes. Considering I'm not the BEST Osu! Player, you might want a second opinion on this one :).

Oh and BTW, in insane : 01:59:662, I doubt that part will ever be rankable XD There's a slider and two notes all tangled. Probably something you didn't notice. ;)
That is just awesome!
Topic Starter

MathiasXII wrote:

Oh and BTW, in insane : 01:59:662, I doubt that part will ever be rankable XD There's a slider and two notes all tangled. Probably something you didn't notice. ;)
offset 1663 is bit too large. Maybe i should just keep the timimg advise from MAT in previous posts
(As long as the timing is really small and players would notice much :))
So for now i wont change the offeset yet
This color is for suggestions

  1. You forgot to resnap the notes on all the diff! ;_;
  2. Kozato Snow Koi Gatsu Ouka, those tags are useless because it's artist and song. You must remove them.
  3. Why colours are not the same on your diffs and on guest diffs?
  4. On [Gatsu] I suggest +2 OD. And on [ddd519's Koi] I suggest +2 HP Drain and OD
  5. I see a lot of random spacing, don't forget that the spacing must have some logic. Also lot of your streams have a bad shape. :|
  6. I saw so much timing points and was like WOW... but then I noticed that a lot of them are useless, if a timing point have the same: audio, speed, hitsounds, and style than the one (or two or even more) before, please remove it.
  1. 00:24:217 (4) - This one have a different spacing for no reason.
  2. 00:27:115 (1) - This kind of things should not exist, except for some Hard/Insane, it's unplayable :/ You should remove this note and end the spinner here with a finish at least.
  3. 00:36:224 (1,2) - Move it one grid down
  4. 00:36:845 (4,5) - Move them so they are symmetric with 1 and 2 like this:
  5. 00:37:466 (6) - Move 2 grid down to stack on the slider.
  6. 00:48:231 (1) - WTF?! The jump is more than x2 distance snapping, I slider break on this obviously. You should use x1,6 distance snap or x1,8 at least.
[ddd koi]
  1. What are all those tiny random kiai time? :?
  2. The spacing is awful, it's unplayable, have you even used distance snap when you mapped this? :o Fix the spacing of your map with distance snap please.
  3. Except for those two things the map seems ok, sorry but I don't want to look much at a random spaced map. :(
  1. 00:09:720 (5) - Random spacing :/ You should stack it under the (3) or put it somewhere like here
  2. 00:37:052 (3,4) - Those note are not really visible because of the (1) slider. :o
  3. 00:39:122 (7) - stack it under (3)
  4. 00:39:329 (8) - stack it under (4)
  5. 00:46:161 (5) - stack it under (3)
  6. If you can understand those three lines then you should be able to see all the other notes wich should be stacked. There's so much of them :o
  7. 02:24:280 (2,3,4) - Those note are hard to see too because of a slider again.
  8. 03:01:337 (6) - Same here... well this one is not so hard to see but it's not really nice :|
[Yumeko's Ouka]
  1. This diff is nice :D Just one thing: those stack with both 1/2 and 1/4 on them are annoying to play, you shouldn't abuse too much of them. And even more in the kiai time when it's harder too read.
  2. 00:35:598 (7,8) - How about this:

_Kiva wrote:

MathiasXII wrote:

Oh and BTW, in insane : 01:59:662, I doubt that part will ever be rankable XD There's a slider and two notes all tangled. Probably something you didn't notice. ;)
offset 1663 is bit too large. Maybe i should just keep the timimg advise from MAT in previous posts
(As long as the timing is really small and players would notice much :))
So for now i wont change the offeset yet
But... but.. but... with the new... mp3... it would work... too much offset? .... argh... *defeated bleeding to DEATH* alright then :).

Get this new MP3 : and I THINK you won't have to do any offset changes AT ALL...

If you have to, take the offset in file description (1062 ... I personally think it plays a lot better because I always seem to be 40 ms late or so off when I play with the current offset :S) will be a less dramatic change :P.

okay okay I won't bother you after haha. oh and be sure that if you remove the little red line, that all notes after it are correctly aligned XD as in after you checked *Inherit previous timing settings*, choose *snap to new timing* and *1/4 blue ticks*.
Hellooo Kiva :3


What's wrong with Kiai?do the same on all the diffs !and inappropriately to make it so tattered pieces

I do not like that during the spinner image is compressed..You can somehow do it the same size?

and two pink colors follow each other.

can this be so?

[ddd519's Koi]

00:20:899 (1,2,3) - wooow it is not good :( although I do not know what to do ...

00:51:125 (10) - new combo

00:51:332 (1) - delete new combo


00:59:612 (5,6) - spacing

00:27:214 (1) - move here 00:27:110

01:00:026 (6) - new combo mb?

01:02:925 (2,3) - spacing

01:19:279 (2) - delete and start spinner

01:23:627 (5,6) - spacing

01:27:560 (10) - new combo

01:27:767 (1) - delete new combo

01:38:739 (2,3) - move just a little each other

01:48:055 (2,3) - spacing

01:50:332 (5,6) - spacing

01:56:129 (6) - new combo

02:29:252 (5,6) - spacing

02:32:151 (8) - new combo


03:07:026 03:06:922 start

ok.. star :)
Topic Starter

ZLOdeuka wrote:

Hellooo Kiva :3


What's wrong with Kiai?do the same on all the diffs ! ---- I am just being lazy lol

and inappropriately to make it so tattered pieces -- agree

I do not like that during the spinner image is compressed..You can somehow do it the same size?

and two pink colors follow each other. -- fixing

can this be so?
Thanks for advise xxx
Snowy Dream
Color Legend
Colors Legend
You HAVE to do this
You should do this
You Could do this
Use 144.9 BPM, Why? to delete the last Red timing section...

00:24:214 (4) - Move it to the center(3 grid left) to correct spacing
00:37:464 (6) - 5 grid left 1 grid down to correct spacing
Use my kiai? you're not using the last section >.<

[ddd519's Koi]
00:22:970 (4) - Under the end of Slider(3)

00:57:128 (4,5,6,7) - Make it a 1/4 stream or use a 1/4 slider with 6 repeat
01:34:806 (6,7,8,9) - a bit confusive
starting from a certain point it is Insane >.< and you have 3 Insane... make this easier : use 1/4 and 1/8 slider and not long stream...

Nothing to say about the other diff's

My Easy :
Download: Kozato snow - Koi Gatsu Ouka (_Kiva) [Haku's Easy].osu
Topic Starter

Snowy Dream wrote:


HakuNoKaemi wrote:

Use 144.9 BPM, Why? to delete the last Red timing section... --- 144.90? How about the bpm change in second red time line

Nothing to say about the other diff's --

My Easy :
[attachment=0:03127]Kozato snow - Koi Gatsu Ouka (_Kiva) [Haku's Easy].osu[/attachment:03127]
- Thankyou very much~ KDs given
Snowy Dream

Download: Kozato snow - Koi Gatsu Ouka (_Kiva) [Snowy].osu
:) :) :)
Yumeko Yuki
Ibuki Suika
:) :)

star !
- Rche -
it's just sounds fantastic.
do you mean modding easy and normal only?
here is it.
everything i said are suggestions only.

[Haku's Easy]
00:27:941 (1) - this finish sounds a bit strange to me. maybe i'm picky though.
00:31:667 (6,7) - don't like the overlap here
01:10:384 (4) - start 1/2 earlier?

00:27:110 (1) - too close to the spinner before. try shorten the spinner or use slider instead.

oh it's great enough.
+star and good luck.

justnobody wrote:

[Haku's Easy]
00:27:941 (1) - this finish sounds a bit strange to me. maybe i'm picky though. there is the same finish in the song... but made it less louder :D
00:31:667 (6,7) - don't like the overlap here
01:10:384 (4) - start 1/2 earlier? the keys start to go faster from the position it is now
Download: Kozato snow - Koi Gatsu Ouka (_Kiva) [Haku's Easy].osu
Snowy Dream

do you want taiko diff =/
Aruceid Brunestud
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wmfchris wrote:

do you want taiko diff =/
It will be veryy awesome if you can make an Taiko diff lol
Snowy Dream
我大部分都是挑BMS做的 =w=

前幾天做這個 Artist一樣 BG一樣啊 looool
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wmfchris wrote:

我大部分都是挑BMS做的 =w=

前幾天做這個 Artist一樣 BG一樣啊 looool
> < 就是因为很一样所以才会撞BG的

Just want to say this before I get right to it. I played three of those Insane difficulties and their quite fun.
But I liked Snowy Koi the most! :D Almost got an SS on the first go. :(

Anyway, here is my mod.

  1. Three Insane difficulties...:( Good luck trying to get your map ranked with three Insane difficulties. ._.
  2. Both Haku's Easy and Gatsu have five combo colors. And all of those difficulties have different color schemes. :| Try and keep the combo colors all the same for the all difficulties.
  3. Those five difficulties needs some more hitsound work.
  1. 00:34:566 (1)-Fix the spacing on this by using the distance snap. Keep the spacing consistent. This is an Easy difficulty after all. :P
  2. 01:16:802 (4)-Fix the spacing on this by using the distance snap. Oh, and extend the end of that slider onto 01:17:630. It would fit better that way. And fix the spacing on the notes afterwards.
  3. 01:10:177 (4)-Fix the spacing on this by using the distance snap.
  4. 01:11:626 (1)-^
  5. 01:23:220 (1)-^
  6. 01:26:533 (1)-^
  7. 01:43:348 (2)-^But do something like this. And fix the spacing on the notes afterwards.
  1. 00:52:781 (1)-Add a finish.
  2. 01:25:076 (1)-Remove new combo.
    01:25:904 (1)-^
Snowy Koi:
  1. -Some timing points (green line) start off kiai time randomly and some start of at the wrong time. Fix this.
Other then that, nice job on the map concept. ^^

  1. Same thing I mentioned on the Snowy Koi difficulty.
Yumeko's Ouka:

Nothing I can point out.

Meh. Have my star. Looks like I didn't properly mod this. ._.

If you think my mod post wasn't really useful, then don't kudosu this post.
Topic Starter

Roddie wrote:

  1. Three Insane difficulties...:( Good luck trying to get your map ranked with three Insane difficulties. ._.
  2. Both Haku's Easy and Gatsu have five combo colors. And all of those difficulties have different color schemes. :| Try and keep the combo colors all the same for the all difficulties.
  3. Those five difficulties needs some more hitsound work.
Meh. Have my star. Looks like I didn't properly mod this. ._.

If you think my mod post wasn't really useful, then don't kudosu this post.
I have ask BAT and sounds like 3 Insanes is acceptable now :D
combo color and kiai time all fixed
hitsound .. hmm i am asking for a hitsound modding so should be fine
thanks for your mods and kds given~
btw . Snowy Koi is really easy :D
hi Kamen Rider _Kiva :D

- remove "Kozato Snow Koi Gatsu Ouka Kiva" from the tags these information is already present in the Title, Artist, and Creator box
- add Snowy Dream in the tags cause that is his/her current name
- disable the letterbox in Snowy Koi and Yumeko's Ouka
- Haku's Easy have different BPM then the other diff
- The first offset is on the wrong position, it should be on the heavy beat in 00:01:440
- are you sure with that second offset? I tried playing without the second offset and 300 everything with around 3ms miss hit

hit50 is the only one with different font, can you make it with the same font as 100 and 300?

[Haku's Easy]
The stack leniency is unrankable, increase it around 3 ticks
00:34:566 (1) - no jump in the easiest diff please
00:47:402 (6) - NC (new combo) this
01:44:131 (2) - ^
01:16:802 (4) - extend this 1/2 beat later
01:18:458 (5) - please put this somewhere else, the spacing is bad and the previous silenced slider make this more confusing :o

the Difficulty setting is too low for a hard
at least increase OD by 3, HP by 2, CS by 1, and AR by 1
00:20:485 (1) - remove NC then add NC on 00:21:314 (4)
01:26:732 (5) - bad spacing, fix it
02:00:269 (x) - add a circle?
02:00:684 (x) - ^

[Snowy Koi]
the kiai in 02:00:266 is very weird, start kiai in 02:00:680 is more appropriate
for the kiai time in 02:15:171 move it to 02:15:585
00:27:007 - move this timing section to 00:27:110
02:03:785 (5) - uhh move somewhere else? placing this under the slider is looks kinda bad


The kiais in 02:53:888 (1) and so on is not a good idea. Make them into 1 kiai section don't separate them
00:49:261 (3) - unstack this from under the slider's repeat, it's quite hard to read
01:54:473 (3) - move the kiai in this timing section to 01:54:059
03:05:895 (x) - there should be a circle here

[Yumeko's Ouka]
00:19:036 (6,7,8,9,10,11) - the stack is kinda messed up here, decrease the stack leniency by 2
01:39:774 (5,6) - this is kinda unexpected and confusing if player didn't enabled the snaking slider, I suggest to move 5 somewhere else
02:33:178 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - ugh bad overlap and it's an anti-jump too. Move the streams somewhere else please
Nice diff ;)

Nice map and Good Luck~
Completely random dynamics and copious amounts green timing sections to change hitsounds for no apparent reason occur in almost every map.
this is just plainly overhitsounded, and I think it's too random in all the difficulties. It's also pretty ridiculous that every single map has a completely different hitsound pattern/sounds.
offset: 1440 or -216
Delete the second red timing section, there is no need for it.
spinnerspin looks mexican. Why is there green? At least make it a light teal.
hit100 and 100g would be nice to have a slightly green background instead of pink. Most people see color faster than shape, and it's important to know what you're getting on such a streamy map.
spinner osu is ugly and doesn't match at all.
put an x and an O for section fail and section pass, respectively.
use these for spinners:

[haku's easy]
map the whole thing

confusing difficulty name
map the whole thing

confusing difficulty name
00:27:007 - throws me off every time. make the sound changes on white ticks please.

00:13:964 (11) - wrong sound
00:14:275 - add note and do that sound

confusing difficulty name
00:01:647 - no break.
00:41:188 (2) - New combo
01:31:080 (2,3) - 这两个顺序反过来会不会更好点x_x
01:31:908 (2,3) - ^
01:36:048 (1,2,3) - Ctrl+H
01:37:911 (3,4) - ^
01:39:360 (2,3,4) - 很难按吧x_x
02:14:753 (4) - 345之间的间距不一样
02:20:343 (8) - ^
02:21:274 (4) - ^
02:33:178 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - 真没必要这样x_x 2移开吧
02:57:710 (3) - 间距
02:58:538 (7) - ^
03:09:820 (7) - ^

我只是肉眼扫一遍 随便点两个就这么多间距问题x_x

00:13:240 (5,6,7) - 之间间距可以小一点x_x
00:14:275 (x) - ...这后面还有音你怎么就突然停了x_x要不一开始这串就别用串用长slider或者用串什么的 这里突然刹车真是233
00:32:907 (7) - 突然大变spacing...建议NC或者改掉
00:38:703 (5,6,7,8) - 歪的...
00:45:328 (1,2,3,4) - v_v这歪哪里去了..
01:42:259 (7) - 间距
01:49:504 (2) - 和10挤一起不好看x_x 并且间距
01:57:785 (1) - 往左上拉开点 毕竟是从这里开始重音x_x 没必要和前面那堆挤一起233 建议拉到整个的中间至少
02:15:585 (1) - 这个的位置很容易误导人 不建议这么放
03:01:958 (1) - 往左边拉一点 这个三角好残疾...
03:03:614 (8) - 故意的?前后间距
03:14:172 (3,4,5) - 位置这么大 干吗都要挤一起呢...不好看啊stress

[Snowy Koi]
00:42:637 (4,5,6) - 往上移 这样跟前面的2放会误导人 顺便new combo
00:44:707 (1) - 取消new combo
00:45:535 (4) - new combo
00:52:781 (1,2) - 123需要摆近一点 而且1可以再拉远一点
00:55:679 (4) - 前后间距
01:24:041 (8) - 这里不建议用红线slider 毕竟中间还有音
02:28:628 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - 这堆摆放的太随便了 让人找不到规律
02:31:526 (6) - new combo
02:33:390 (13) - new combo
02:34:011 (1) - 取消new combo
02:37:737 (1) - 可以再往右边拉点

02:37:737 (1) - 取消new combo
00:32:079 (1) - 这个做为三星难度来说太过分了
00:37:875 (1) - spacing.
基本上来说 N难度不允许SPACING变化 而且大跳是更不能存在的 建议自己修一修 我不多说了

00:41:191 (1,2,3) - 这个不好说 我估计不行
00:47:402 (6) - new combo
00:54:442 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - 这种的我建议你改掉...后面不提了
01:16:802 (4) - 加长1/2
01:42:475 (1) - 取消new combo
01:44:131 (2) - new combo

很多基础问题 其他还行x_x
Topic Starter
[STRESS] All fixed for Insane Diff and Yumeko's Ouka. Other diffs fixing in progress
Yumeko Yuki

eveless wrote:

00:41:188 (2) - New combo fixed
01:31:080 (2,3) - 这两个顺序反过来会不会更好点x_x 嗯 是好点 fixed
01:31:908 (2,3) - ^ ^
01:36:048 (1,2,3) - Ctrl+H 这个我觉得没必要了
01:37:911 (3,4) - ^ 这个spacing可以啊 Ctrl反而乱了 :o
01:39:360 (2,3,4) - 很难按吧x_x fixed
02:14:753 (4) - 345之间的间距不一样 fixed
02:20:343 (8) - ^ fixed
02:21:274 (4) - ^ fixed
02:33:178 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - 真没必要这样x_x 2移开吧 fixed
02:57:710 (3) - 间距 没注意到 :o fixed
02:58:538 (7) - ^ fixed 但感觉还是有点差别
03:09:820 (7) - ^ fixed
很多地方没注意到 感谢提醒 :D

Download: Kozato snow - Koi Gatsu Ouka (_Kiva) [Yumeko's Ouka].osu

Roddie wrote:


[*]Both Haku's Easy and Gatsu have five combo colors. And all of those difficulties have different color schemes. :| Try and keep the combo colors all the same for the all difficulties.

[*]Those five difficulties needs some more hitsound work. idk how to do a better work with hitsound >.<

  • [*]00:34:566 (1)-Fix the spacing on this by using the distance snap. Keep the spacing consistent. This is an Easy difficulty after all. :P
  1. 01:16:802 (4)-Fix the spacing on this by using the distance snap. Oh, and extend the end of that slider onto 01:17:630. It would fit better that way. And fix the spacing on the notes afterwards. it's better as it is now ( starting from 01:17:009 (4) to 01:17:630 )
  2. 01:10:177 (4)-Fix the spacing on this by using the distance snap. 1.02x -> 1.00x >.<
  3. 01:11:626 (1)-^ ^
  4. 01:23:220 (1)-^
  5. 01:26:533 (1)-^
  6. 01:43:348 (2)-^But do something like this. >.> just strange that it isn't the same you modded on my pc >.<, though slider have their pattern

    And fix the spacing on the notes afterwards.

Sallad4ever wrote:

- Haku's Easy have different BPM then the other diff,

[Haku's Easy]
The stack leniency is unrankable, increase it around 3 ticks it's rankable if selectionable in the editor, and i did have stacking problem that made the diff worsier (0 and 0.1 it's unrankable, >0.2 rankable)
00:34:566 (1) - no jump in the easiest diff please Arleady corrected
00:47:402 (6) - NC (new combo) this :oops:
01:44:131 (2) - ^ is arleady NC'ed
01:16:802 (4) - extend this 1/2 beat later uh?, having the present
01:18:458 (5) - please put this somewhere else, the spacing is bad and the previous silenced slider make this more confusing :o ?.? only slidertick was silenced tough >.<, and did use similiar thing over the map ...

Nice map and Good Luck~

ziin wrote:


offset: 1440 or -216
Delete the second red timing section, there is no need for it.

[haku's easy]
map the whole thing Other blood for me >.<
using translator for this >.<

eveless wrote:

00:41:191 (1,2,3) - 这个不好说 我估计不行 using 0.10x here >.< , to not occupy all the screen and have a good graphical effect >,<
00:47:402 (6) - new combo
00:54:442 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - 这种的我建议你改掉...后面不提了 using 0.10x here >.< , to not occupy all the screen and have a good graphical effect >,<
01:16:802 (4) - 加长1/2 ?.?
01:42:475 (1) - 取消new combo oki
01:44:131 (2) - new combo
Download: Kozato snow - Koi Gatsu Ouka (_Kiva) [Haku's Easy].osu

HakuNoKaemi wrote:

The stack leniency is unrankable, increase it around 3 ticks it's rankable if selectionable in the editor, and i did have stacking problem that made the diff worsier (0 and 0.1 it's unrankable, >0.2 rankable)
I don't think stack leniency matters much, but there are some cases where a slider completely overlaps another slider, or you stacked a beat on a slider which is just slightly too soon (for an easy). If it's selectionable in the editor, it's not necessarily rankable (Difficulty 10, circle size 7, catch the beat only).

HakuNoKaemi wrote:

map the whole thing Other blood for me >.<
Talking with other modders they agree that you should make all songs about the same length. Mapping less is somewhat lazy, and easy players should get a chance to play the full song too. I've also clicked on a song before, the length was 1:30 (on the easy difficulty) so I figured it would be a quick insane to do. Turns out the insane was 4 minutes long...
Here's the hitsounds correction (removing the small gap XD)

Offset everywhere = 1062 for now (second opinion would be appreciated)
BPM = 144,917 or 144,920 (second opinion would be appreciated as well)
Use new MP3
Remove red bar


Oh and changing the offset in hard (with the arrows in the timing panel) makes Osu! crash for some reason XD.

Didn't remembered to adjust combocolours >.<
Download: Kozato snow - Koi Gatsu Ouka (_Kiva) [Haku's Easy].osu

ah, they just removed Stack Leniency 0 and 0.1, than i should say that 0.2> is rankable and did ask it to a BAT too >.<
- aboit timing 1st BPM: 144.900 | Offset: 1,026
2nd BPM: 144.900 | Offset: 120,266
don't forget to resnap all notes stuff. your old PBM on 2nd timing is sound a bit fast, imo. but offset sound fine to me. if still not work i'd ask other pro timing to help.
- add HakuNoKaemi to tag?

[Haku's Easy]
- why this diff use different offset? 1,440 =/= 1,026 tho, but it's 1,025. so +1 to offset. nor just use same offset as other diffs. sorry for nazi timing.
00:36:222 (3) - add hitsound like 00:34:566 (1)? it sound like missing hitsound to me when i heard all hitsound on your diff x_x

- resnap all notes
- remove audito-lead-in?
00:37:464 (6) - wrong spacing
01:27:154 (6) - ^

[Snowy Koi]
- resnap all notes
- remove audito-lead-in?
- 2nd timing is different from other diff, use 144.913 and don't forget resnapp all notes stuff
02:52:849 (2) - add sound finish at last silder @_@?

- resnap all notes
00:13:655 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - move them a bit farther from 00:13:448 (8)?
01:24:255 (3) - wrong spacing? move this note a bit farther from (2)
02:14:757 (2) - new combo? or fix spacing 02:15:171 (4,5) - move them a bit closer to (3), if you look at 02:14:343 (1) to 02:14:757 (2), and 02:14:757 (2,3) to 02:15:171 (4,5), they shouldn't on the same spacing
02:59:473 (4,5,6,7,8,9,1) - move them a bit farther from 02:59:059 (3)?

[Yumeko's Ouka]
- resnap all notes
- 2nd offset is different from other diff,use 120,266 and don't forget resnapp all notes stuff
look nice
Topic Starter
All fixed (include guestdiffs) :P thx for modding

orioncomet wrote:

[Haku's Easy]
- why this diff use different offset? 1,440 =/= 1,026 tho, but it's 1,025. so +1 to offset. nor just use same offset as other diffs. sorry for nazi timing.
00:36:222 (3) - add hitsound like 00:34:566 (1)? it sound like missing hitsound to me when i heard all hitsound on your diff x_x
was all did ?.?

but i had did it all :D
Are at Unsnapped!

Great sound's

I wish you good luck un the remap
Topic Starter

Kurisuchianu wrote:

Are at Unsnapped!

Great sound's

I wish you good luck un the remap
I resnaped them after changing to new timing settings. Thx for reminding anyway.
but whats the need for Remap?
Nice MAP
nice map star~!! :)
Nice song and map, really
Feel free to ignore my suggestion if you don't like :)

[Snowy Koi]
00:14:483~00:27:112 - hitsound is too large, 1~2 gird decrease or change to soft-custom1 ?
01:54:483~01:57:382 - I think soft-custom 1 is better

00:37:050 (5) - too far away from 4
00:49:473 (1,2,3) - 1 grid down
01:26:533 (1) - no new combo?
01:28:810 (1) - ^
01:31:709 (2) - 5 grid up?
02:13:945 (timing) - close kiai here if you are not mapping after this

[Haku's Easy]
01:10:384 (4) - start at 01:10:177 , end at the same point
01:17:009 (4) - ^
why not end the map same as [Gatsu]?


aesopl19193 wrote:

[Haku's Easy]
01:10:384 (4) - start at 01:10:177 , end at the same point
01:17:009 (4) - ^

not followed...

why not end the map same as [Gatsu]?

Download: Kozato snow - Koi Gatsu Ouka (_Kiva) [Haku's Easy].osu
划水+路过 ._.

这张...啊啊 音效很好 但是觉得有些微妙的问题不想mod了...


Topic Starter

Selee wrote:

划水+路过 ._.

这张...啊啊 音效很好 但是觉得有些微妙的问题不想mod了...



orioncomet wrote:

- aboit timing 1st BPM: 144.900 | Offset: 1,026
2nd BPM: 144.900 | Offset: 120,266
don't you have to have the metronome correct? offset 1026 gives the long white tick on beat 4.
heya. Can't find really anything on the map... it's... nicely done, I think.

Yuki Yuki
01:07:071 (1,2,3,4,5) - Don't like. You make the player sit through two 10 second long breaks and he only gets to play this.
The same goes for... any other diff like this, map at least one of the breaks.

Why is this diff called Lunatic? It doesn't make sense unless the song's related to Touhou :<
01:20:115 (1,1,2,3,4) - I absolutely hate this kinda stack.

01:54:276 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3) - add some hitsounds to this stream.
02:55:338 - why is there Kiai here?

I guess you can use custom sounds for the begin of the map.
00:58:375 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) - this spacing is very confusing. I thought of this as a stream the first time I tested it.
02:02:750 (2,3) - stack properly
02:25:522 (1,2) - have those in Soft sample, without custom hitsounds :<
02:52:021 (1) - ^
02:52:021 (1) - extend to 02:52:849 - , remove (2), and add a 5 notes 1/4 stream, starting at 02:53:255

BAD end. End the diff please at the same spot as the 2 other Insanes.

Ah... always those lazy assed Normal and Easy diffs. At least end them on a point which makes sense.
Map the song until 02:27:181 >:(
Very confusing spacing in this map. Jumps and Antijumps in combination don't work well together IMO. But since stuff like that goes against the mapping style...
00:33:324 (2) - stack on the end of 00:32:081 (1) - , and adjust the pattern after this.
00:51:957 (1) - VERY bad jump.
01:07:071 (1,2,3,4,5) - no. exchange (1,2,3) with a slider.

Map the song until 02:27:181 >:(
besides that... fine, I guess.
Topic Starter

Tenshi-nyan wrote:

heya. Can't find really anything on the map... it's... nicely done, I think.

Yuki Yuki
01:07:071 (1,2,3,4,5) - Don't like. You make the player sit through two 10 second long breaks and he only gets to play this.
The same goes for... any other diff like this, map at least one of the breaks. -hmm, this actually worked very well

Why is this diff called Lunatic? It doesn't make sense unless the song's related to Touhou :< - i should change back to "Insane"
01:20:115 (1,1,2,3,4) - I absolutely hate this kinda stack. -emm .well. fixed

01:54:276 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3) - add some hitsounds to this stream. -- currently cant find a hit sound that fits here
02:55:338 - why is there Kiai here? - ooops fixed

I guess you can use custom sounds for the begin of the map.
00:58:375 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) - this spacing is very confusing. I thought of this as a stream the first time I tested it.
02:02:750 (2,3) - stack properly
02:25:522 (1,2) - have those in Soft sample, without custom hitsounds :<
02:52:021 (1) - ^
02:52:021 (1) - extend to 02:52:849 - , remove (2), and a a 5 notes 1/4 stream, starting at 02:53:255

BAD end. End the diff please at the same spot as the 2 other Insanes. --agree, Snowy is just being lazy

Ah... always those lazy assed Normal and Easy diffs. At least end them on a point which makes sense.
Map the song until 02:27:181 >:( - ah ok fixed
Very confusing spacing in this map. Jumps and Antijumps in combination don't work well together IMO. -agree, this map was in Normal (under3.5) and i put more notes in and makes it around 4.0

00:33:324 (2) - stack on the end of 00:32:081 (1) - , and adjust the pattern after this. - oh you sure? its an 2.0X jump
00:51:957 (1) - VERY bad jump. - agree fixed
01:07:071 (1,2,3,4,5) - no. exchange (1,2,3) with a slider. - fine

Map the song until 02:27:181 >:(
besides that... fine, I guess.
- thanks for modding :D
mapped to the point tenshi said ..

Download: Kozato snow - Koi Gatsu Ouka (_Kiva) [Haku's Easy].osu
song name:Rengetsu Ouka
Topic Starter

soulfear wrote:

song name:Rengetsu Ouka
._. 我现在pending的满了 改了歌名后不让我full submit
隨便進個難度 改好名 然後別退 選擇open diffculty 打開其他難度 改名
Snowy Dream
否则估计你也要像我重复传2个一样的图杯具了 :?
Topic Starter

Snowy Dream wrote:

否则估计你也要像我重复传2个一样的图杯具了 :?
8-) 绝世好图
就感觉上感觉OD很低可能在中间 但设置跟我想的不一样 (不要改 XD 节奏很好?
我渣渣 挑不出什么毛病 但还是感觉哪里有什么不对哈 XD

Snowy Dream
Topic Starter

DarkRingSystem wrote:

8-) 绝世好图
就感觉上感觉OD很低可能在中间 但设置跟我想的不一样 (不要改 XD 节奏很好?
我渣渣 挑不出什么毛病 但还是感觉哪里有什么不对哈 XD

:D 这是送分向沙包歌曲

Mystica wrote:


Snowy Dream wrote:

nice map
Awesome map,
But there are some unsapped notes in [Gatsu]

have a star~
话说COMBO COLOR不统一没问题吗0 0
Topic Starter

KillerRind wrote:

Awesome map,
But there are some unsapped notes in [Gatsu]

have a star~
fixed. thanks for reminding
Hmmm, ok...

  1. Hmmm, this difficulty has a lot of spacing infringements. It can get really confusing between the combos so use a constant distance snap.
  2. One example is 01:28:189 (2,3,1)
[Snowy Koi]
  1. You really have to add some more hitsounds for the beginning.
Hahaha, great job....

Star and Kudosu star...
尼玛 快去求泡
Yumeko Yuki

Sallad4ever wrote:

[Yumeko's Ouka]
00:19:036 (6,7,8,9,10,11) - the stack is kinda messed up here, decrease the stack leniency by 2 fixed
01:39:774 (5,6) - this is kinda unexpected and confusing if player didn't enabled the snaking slider, I suggest to move 5 somewhere else thanks for suggestion
02:33:178 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - ugh bad overlap and it's an anti-jump too. Move the streams somewhere else please fixed
Nice diff ;)

sorry to see this post too late :(

Download: Kozato snow - Rengetsu Ouka (_Kiva) [Yuki YukI].osu
Star :)
:) :)
Colin Hou
  1. 00:14:690 (1,2,3,4) - 这个叠得很诡异... 1从中心上移一格 2从中心右移 3中心下移 4中心下移一格试试
  2. 00:39:535 (1,2) - spacing
  3. 01:44:959 (5,6) - ^
  4. 02:18:485 (5,6,7) - ^
  5. 02:42:294 (4,5,6) - ^
  6. 02:54:717 (5) - new combo
  7. 02:54:924 (1) - cancel new combo
  8. 02:55:131 (2) - new combo
[Snowy Koi]:
  1. 不太清楚3I现在究竟是什么个情况... 不过这个难度如果要当Hard的话有点牵强 stream长度维持在5连的话还可以接受 鉴于需要做大手术...先不作具体mod 注意难度要把握在Gatsu和其他两个I之间
Topic Starter

Colin Hou wrote:

  1. 00:14:690 (1,2,3,4) - 这个叠得很诡异... 1从中心上移一格 2从中心右移 3中心下移 4中心下移一格试试
  2. 00:39:535 (1,2) - spacing
  3. 01:44:959 (5,6) - ^
  4. 02:18:485 (5,6,7) - ^
  5. 02:42:294 (4,5,6) - ^
  6. 02:54:717 (5) - new combo
  7. 02:54:924 (1) - cancel new combo
  8. 02:55:131 (2) - new combo
[Snowy Koi]:
  1. 不太清楚3I现在究竟是什么个情况... 不过这个难度如果要当Hard的话有点牵强 stream长度维持在5连的话还可以接受 鉴于需要做大手术...先不作具体mod 注意难度要把握在Gatsu和其他两个I之间

All Fixed.
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