
Kozato snow - Rengetsu Ouka

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Saturday, May 07, 2011 at 6:18:25 PM

Artist: Kozato snow
Title: Rengetsu Ouka
Tags: Kiva Snowy Dream Yumeko Yuki HakuNoKaemi wmfchris aabc271
BPM: 144.91
Filesize: 8634kb
Play Time: 03:17
Difficulties Available:
  1. Haku's Easy (1.9 stars, 174 notes)
  2. Ouka (4.74 stars, 507 notes)
  3. Ren (3.94 stars, 241 notes)
  4. Snowy (4.91 stars, 656 notes)
  5. Taiko Collab (4.89 stars, 1062 notes)
  6. Yuki YukI (5 stars, 642 notes)
Download: Kozato snow - Rengetsu Ouka
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing

SB updated , Please re-download if you downloaded this beatmap before June 2nd

Storyboard by sherrie__fay

Special Thanks to :
Colin Hou
Card N'FoRcE

and you.

XD Kiva goog job...
nice map :oops:
Snowy Dream
Snowy Dream
唔 玩了一遍 很好呢。。
乃做图比我好多了= =。。
00:29:637 (8) New combo
00:36:209 (9) New combo
00:39:572 (9) New combo
00:46:144 (9) New combo
01:20:348 (2) 你确定这个点的时间放的准嘛= =?
01:25:884 (10) New combo
01:29:403 (1) 稍微放远点。。玩的时候就这么断了。。
01:49:325 (11)New combo
01:58:216 (12)New combo
02:08:951 (7) New combo
02:13:100 (8)New combo
02:17:664 (11)New combo
02:22:227 (11)New combo
new combo设置很有问题啊..0.0
BPM改了么?然后你确定点了[Resnap all notes]了么
Topic Starter

ddddd519 wrote:

new combo设置很有问题啊..0.0
BPM改了么?然后你确定点了[Resnap all notes]了么
Yumeko Yuki
什么时候做的这图啊 :o


而且00:14:479-02:00:550这段改了什么东西把原来的circle全部都提前了点 :?

还有完善了下spinner的skin :)
._. 神马都没
Snowy Dream
Osu!→Edit→这歌→移动到要作为预览点的位置→timing→Set Current Position as Preview Point

Download: Kozato snow - Koi Gatsu Ouka (_Kiva) [ddddd519's koi].osu
Yumeko Yuki
这几天北欧二周目 GD晚了点 :)

哦对了 还有我发现有一个地方要稍微修改一下offset(音源问题 :shock:
具体参考下我的map 8-)

Download: Kozato snow - Koi Gatsu Ouka (_Kiva) [expert].osu
Snowy Dream
[ddddd519's koi]
00:15:307 (1,2) Spacing error.

[Yumeko's Ouka]
00:49:459 (4,5)这样连着真的大丈夫だ?
01:07:467 (1,1)这样的new combo真的大丈夫だ?
01:45:965 (2)Spacing.(随意)
01:47:414 (1)给个new combo的理由>.>

01:48:035 (6) Spacing error.
Yumeko Yuki
[Yumeko's Ouka]
00:49:459 (4,5)这样连着真的大丈夫だ?
01:07:467 (1,1)这样的new combo真的大丈夫だ?
01:45:965 (2)Spacing.(随意)
01:47:414 (1)给个new combo的理由>.>
all resnap

Download: Kozato snow - Koi Gatsu Ouka (_Kiva) [Yumeko's Ouka].osu
star :)
Yumeko Yuki
3个insane难度是不让rank的 :(
Topic Starter

Yumeko Yuki wrote:

3个insane难度是不让rank的 :(
._. 在哪里改
Snowy Dream
↑ 3insane
Yumeko Yuki
但我们的话就..... :(
Topic Starter
Yumeko Yuki

Download: soft-hitnormal2.rar

Download: Kozato snow - Koi Gatsu Ouka (_Kiva) [Yumeko's Ouka].osu
Shoot a star :3
Your image size is not correct. It has to be 800x600 or 1024x768

I like your insane difficulty :) Nicely done!
Just one thing - 02:13:929 - you have too short breakpoint here. make it longer or put it away.
and the same problem with breakpoint is here - 03:07:030
and one more thing - with your KIAI mod - it doesn't end in your song. you have to end it in : 03:20:176.
Well,that is all with this difficulty! Good luck :) and Star!
3I估计rank不可 尤其是还没有E和N的情况下
and star it!
02:09:685 (6) - finish?
02:17:966 (4) - finish?
02:18:897 (8) - what does this quiet section represents? I can clearly hear why this one is silent, for example 01:21:769 (4)
02:22:934 (6) - change this to finish and then change 02:23:452 (8) to whistle ?
02:24:590 (5) - finish?
02:55:126 (8) - finish?
03:15:621 (6) - change this to whistle and then change 03:16:035 (10) to whistle?

Awesome work with the hitsounds. I just love it!
Hatsune Miku_old

Audio Lead-in: I recommend using audio lead in of 1 seconds, this should be the same for all difficulties (I'm saying this because currently, Insane's audio lead in differs from others)

Preview time: They are different in all the difficulties, and they should be the same.
ddd519's Koi has 120143, Insane has 120233, and Yumeko's Ouka -1

The tag's are not the same in all difficulties, and they should be. Yumeko's Ouka difficulty is missing "ddddd519 Yumeko"

Hmm, your post at my queue only said about modding insane, but seeing that the first post says that ddd519's Koi Yumeko's Hard and Lunatic are ready for mods, i'll mod them too


ddd519's Koi is missing a red timing section, at around 2 minutes. And yes, I'm not being specific because Yumeko's Ouka offset is set at 120262 while the Insane is set at 120266. And since you're using the same mp3 file, the red sections should be the same for all difficulties.
Which one is right? I'm not sure, cause i'm not expert at timing.

Yumeko's Ouka:

Let's start with: 358 objects are not snapped to the timing.
Oh my god at the green sections. I do wonder though, if you were to have used a normal-hitclap2.wav, would have the hitsounds overlap? If it didn't it would have saved so much time. Lol

00:14:065 (7,8,9) - Consider adding clap to them
01:35:429 (4,5) - The anti jump is so out of place.

Just finished yumeko's mod, and im sorry to tell you that i gotta stop for now, will continue a bit later, got something to do.
If i don't finish my mod yet in 2 days, do pm me please

Alright, here's the other part of the mod


01:07:898 - I strongly suggest you to start kiai time at 01:07:691 - It just looks bad to look at the fountain appears in that moment.
01:20:112 (1,2) - Should be deleted
01:20:940 - This spot seriously needs a beat to be added
Hmm, now that i have seen more this diff, i gotta say that i really dislike the inconsistency throughtout the map, and im talking about the inconsistency in your beat placement in the timeline (example: 01:07:691 - have a beat, while in 01:20:940 - dont have any) and your hitsounds. But oh well, seeing that it is indeed your intention to make them inconsistent, ill leave it at that.

ddd519's Koi :

00:18:415 (7) - Consider deleting this circle
00:21:521 (6) - Take out a repeat
00:24:626 (1,2,3) - Potentially unrankable because you can't see the repeats, get more opinions about this from others.
00:46:570 (7,8,9) - ^
02:30:805 - The triple should be in here, and not in 02:31:219 -
02:53:784 - Start the kiai time at 02:53:681 -

Also, because this map posses 3 Insanes difficulties, it will have to go for aproval, just saying in case you were'nt aware of it.
Topic Starter

There are a lot of parts I want to nazi, but it's not a big difference.

But I'm still gonna nazi some parts.

00:51:125 (12,1) - big difference compared to the first combo.

00:55:058 (1,2,3) - Here, the streams are farther.
00:57:128 (4,5,6~) - Then here, they're closer again.

00:59:819 (10,11,12) - Spacing changes.

When you change sounds, it doesn't sound right at times.

01:53:024 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - Move these further apart. ;;
02:45:607 (8,9) - ^

But it's good, nonetheless.


00:22:975 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - This is the same beat, yet the spacing decreases.

Gah, there's a lot of spacing I don't like, random spacing increases and decreases throughout the map. If you can, fix them. It's just spacing, and it's supposed to be insane, I guess, so it might not matter much.


AAAH, more spacing I disapprove of. ;;

You can probably disregard my spacing needs for now, but if someone else asks for you to fix it, you probably should. :x

I like the sounds in Insane and Ouka though. :D

-The soft-hitnormal2.wav doesn't really seem to fit a type of sound that would play on every single note, but it might just be me. o_o

ddd519's Koi:


00:43:051 (5) - Too close to (4)
00:45:328 (3) - Too far away from (2)
01:30:251 (10) - Too far away from (9)
01:53:231 (4) - Too close to (3)


00:22:147 (2) - Too close to (1)
00:23:389 (3) - Too far away from (2)
00:23:389 (3,4,5,6,7,8) - Spacing here is too close
Okay, it looks like you didn't use Distance Snap consistently here... the spacing varies a lot and most of the time it doesn't seem to fit. I'd recommend going through the map and resnapping all the notes (except for jumps) to a constant distance. I'd say 1.0x or 1.2x would work well here.
01:43:299 (1) - Remove the New Combo
02:52:021 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - This might be somewhat confusing
02:54:505 (4,5) - This doesn't play well since it only has three repeats and (5) is too far away. Either move (5) closer or remove (4) and extend (4) by a repeat.
03:00:302 (12) - Add a New Combo here and remove it from (1) on the next combo
03:01:958 (7) - ^
03:03:614 (7) - ^
03:05:270 (4) - ^
03:05:374 (5,6,7) - Slightly confusing
03:10:239 (7) - Add a New Combo here and remove it from (1)
03:11:895 (7) - ^
03:13:551 (6) - ^
03:15:207 (4) - Add a New Combo

Yumeko's Ouka:

00:27:524 - Add a note?
00:36:426 (9) - New combo
00:39:524 (5) - Add a New Combo
00:40:773 (1) - Remove this New Combo and put it on (2). Also, I'm not sure I quite like how this goes. I'd recommend moving (2) to where this slider starts, and possibly shortening this slider by 1/8.
00:41:809 (4) - Somewhat confusing (perhaps shorten it by 1/2 and add a note where the slider ends)
00:44:500 (6) - Add a New Combo and remove it from (1) on the next combo
01:27:564 (8) - Add a New Combo here and remove it from (1)
01:29:220 (6) - ^
01:34:187 (11) - ^
01:36:050 (5) - Too close to (4). Also, new combo?
01:39:155 (7) - Add a New Combo here and remove it from (1)
01:41:018 (1) - Remove this New Combo
01:42:674 (1,2,3) - Too close to each other (somewhat confusing)
02:00:681 (5) - Add a New Combo here and remove it from (1)
02:02:337 (10) - ^
02:03:993 (6) - ^
02:05:649 (3) - ^
02:08:960 (7) - ^
02:10:616 (7) - ^
02:13:928 (11) - ^
02:15:376 (5) - Add a New Combo here
02:16:825 (1) - Remove this New Combo
02:17:239 (3) - Add a New Combo
02:20:551 (9) - Add a New Combo here and remove it from (1)
02:22:207 (7) - ^

I found mostly aesthetic issues- the beat placements were fine. Most of the issues were with New Combos. They should generally be placed once every four or eight beats, with some exceptions such as jumps. Good luck! :) *stars*
Topic Starter
All fixed :P
Trying to use 1.2X distance
加勒个油~~ :) :)
:) star

_Kiva wrote:

Youre still missing the fact that because it contains 3 insanes, on which by the way none of them feels like a hard, it is pretty much unrankable, but aproveable.
Also youre still missing the diff that is suppoed to be less than 3 star rating. Maybe that 3.45 stars Gatsu is easy enough to fill that role, but since i haven't seen it yet, i cant be so sure..
Topic Starter

ErufenRito wrote:

_Kiva wrote:

Youre still missing the fact that because it contains 3 insanes, on which by the way none of them feels like a hard, it is pretty much unrankable, but aproveable.
Also youre still missing the diff that is suppoed to be less than 3 star rating. Maybe that 3.45 stars Gatsu is easy enough to fill that role, but since i haven't seen it yet, i cant be so sure..
I am trying to make that Gatsu as easy as possible..I ve made a really easy one but it still gives me an 3.5 star D:
Just quickly checked your gatsu's diff and it is definitely not easy enough imo. You would be very lucky if you can rank it with that diff as the easiest.
Quality shit. Good stuff for first map, seriously. Cept Gatsu diff lol, needs work.

Who the hell is Yumeko? o.o good stuff. why so pro

One this I noticed though-

02:21:382 (9,10) - This is super hard to read, maybe move the 10 for better visibility?
Topic Starter

yeahyeahyeahhh wrote:

Quality shit. Good stuff for first map, seriously. Cept Gatsu diff lol, needs work.

Who the hell is Yumeko? o.o good stuff. why so pro

One this I noticed though-

02:21:382 (9,10) - This is super hard to read, maybe move the 10 for better visibility?
Hmm Yumeko is just Yumeko Yuki , he made a guestdiff in FlowerDance which is really awesome.
LOL i havent spend anytime working on Gatsu yet.
Thanks for ur notice :D
Colin Hou
I wowed at my first play of [Yumeko's Ouka]. really nice one.

  1. ok, I'm afraid 'spinner-background.png', 'spinner-metre.png' should be remade, because you touched the aspect ratio while resizing it to 1023x692, and as the background is also too wide (1024x786 is the max size), I did something on the original BG and plz make new spinner skin based on this. **it's a 1.5MB .png, so plz use a .jpg as BG**
  2. you need a spinner-approachcircle.png, hit0.png, spinner-osu.png, spinner-spin.png
  3. disable countdown
  4. disable lean-in in [Insane], [ddd519's Koi], [Gatsu]
  5. make all diffs' first offset 1026
  6. [ddd519's Koi] is not on the information page of this song, maybe a full submit can fix this
  7. this is no 2nd offset for [ddd519's Koi]?
  8. the [Gatsu] is really kind like a Hard x_x, and as you said, I'll leave it to you
[Yumeko's Ouka]:
  1. 01:36:050 (5) - new combo
  2. plz map to the end, this is really an excellent work and you should finish this
  3. 00:52:771 (1) - start this at 00:52:884 and add note here.
  4. 01:39:983 (2) - you can notice its end is not correctly placed under (1). adjust this slider with your shift button down can fix this.
  5. 02:12:893 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - more smoothly?
  1. 00:32:912 (7,8,1) - (8,1) too close, keep the same spacing here
  2. 00:39:536 (1,2,3) - really misleading space, move (2) farther
  3. 00:46:161 (9) - how about place this right on 00:45:747 (7)
  4. 00:46:161 (9,1) - too close
  5. 00:46:161 (9,1) - most of the reverse arrow is covered
  6. 01:25:081 (7,8,9) - spacing, place (8) closer to (7) to keep the balance
  7. 01:30:670 (2,3,4) - ^
  8. 01:48:060 (6) - 1 more repeat
  9. 01:52:615 (2) - 3 grids up, and keep this spacing on 01:53:236 (4,5)
  10. 01:54:271 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - make the combo: 8,8,8,5
  11. 02:12:894 (9) - whistle
  12. 02:58:438 (1,2,3,4) - misleading spacing x_x
  13. 03:03:821 (1,2,3,4) - ^
  14. 03:04:856 (4,1) - ^
  15. 03:05:684 (4,1) - ^
  16. 03:14:586 (4,5,6,7) - spacing
[ddd519's Koi]:
  1. remove the section at 02:53:784, 03:07:102
  2. 00:25:454 (2,3) - most part of the reverse arrow is hidden and players would mistake this as a note not as repeating slider, please find a better way to make the reverse arrow visible
  3. 00:42:637 (4,5,6) - spacing
  4. 00:46:570 (7,8,9) - wth
  5. 01:05:305 (1) - not fit here at all
  6. 01:14:311 (1) - make the volume to 60
  7. 01:14:621 (T) - move this section to 01:14:828
  8. 01:30:044 (9) - move 2 grids right
  9. 01:34:106 (T) - custom override 2? sounds horrible x_x, keep C1 plz
  10. 01:52:817 (2,3,4) - spacing
  11. 02:15:175 (T) - C2 again OTZ
  12. 02:46:021 (9) - ctrl+r
this is indeed 3 Insane now +_+

you should remove 1 Insane and map/find a [Hard] and a [Normal] for this. star for now

p.s: wth WIP ._.
nice map star.
Yumeko Yuki

pieguy1372 wrote:

Yumeko's Ouka:

00:27:524 - Add a note?
00:36:426 (9) - New combo
00:39:524 (5) - Add a New Combo
00:40:773 (1) - Remove this New Combo and put it on (2). Also, I'm not sure I quite like how this goes. I'd recommend moving (2) to where this slider starts, and possibly shortening this slider by 1/8.
00:41:809 (4) - Somewhat confusing (perhaps shorten it by 1/2 and add a note where the slider ends)
00:44:500 (6) - Add a New Combo and remove it from (1) on the next combo
01:27:564 (8) - Add a New Combo here and remove it from (1)
01:29:220 (6) - ^
01:34:187 (11) - ^
01:36:050 (5) - Too close to (4). Also, new combo?
01:39:155 (7) - Add a New Combo here and remove it from (1)
01:41:018 (1) - Remove this New Combo
01:42:674 (1,2,3) - Too close to each other (somewhat confusing)
02:00:681 (5) - Add a New Combo here and remove it from (1)
02:02:337 (10) - ^
02:03:993 (6) - ^
02:05:649 (3) - ^
02:08:960 (7) - ^
02:10:616 (7) - ^
02:13:928 (11) - ^
02:15:376 (5) - Add a New Combo here
02:16:825 (1) - Remove this New Combo
02:17:239 (3) - Add a New Combo
02:20:551 (9) - Add a New Combo here and remove it from (1)
02:22:207 (7) - ^
all fixed thx :)

Colin Hou wrote:

[Yumeko's Ouka]:
  1. 01:36:050 (5) - new combo fixed
  2. plz map to the end, this is really an excellent work and you should finish this done but maybe not well as before :(
  3. 00:52:771 (1) - start this at 00:52:884 and add note here. fixed
  4. 01:39:983 (2) - you can notice its end is not correctly placed under (1). adjust this slider with your shift button down can fix this. fixed
  5. 02:12:893 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - more smoothly? fixed

thx for mod :)

Download: Kozato snow - Koi Gatsu Ouka (_Kiva) [Yumeko's Ouka].osu
Snowy Dream
00:22:556(1) 看上去很不舒服=A= down 1 grid
00:36:840(4,5) 不对称大丈夫?
00:38:703(1) Delete newcombo
00:39:531(2) Add newcombo
01:30:873(1) 这是给新手玩的么。。这跳的。。7.83×的距离。。
02:00:266(T) 时间点删除

Download: Kozato snow - Koi Gatsu Ouka (_Kiva) [ddd519's Koi].osu
Topic Starter

soulfear wrote:

Snowy Dream

soulfear wrote:

大丈夫 萌大乃
00:16:353 (3) - Move this nearer to 4
00:18:001 (1,1,1,1) - Move them nearer to each other
00:29:545 (1) - Unrankable slider...cannot see the reverse sign
00:38:664 (1) - Move this closer to the previous note
:( Bad Diff. There are notes too far from each other

ddd501's Koi
This diff is average but too many hitsounds :o

01:22:718 (6) - Too close to 5

Yumeko's Ouka
Overall Diff +2
Topic Starter

DragonSparta wrote:

00:16:353 (3) - Move this nearer to 4
00:18:001 (1,1,1,1) - Move them nearer to each other
00:29:545 (1) - Unrankable slider...cannot see the reverse sign
00:38:664 (1) - Move this closer to the previous note
:( Bad Diff. There are notes too far from each other

Agree :(
I havent spent any time on this diff yet
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