
Optional in-game clock/timer

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This is a feature request. Feature requests can be voted up by supporters.
Current Priority: +172
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Original request

It's very easy to lose your sense of time when playing fullscreen and enjoying the hell out of the game.

I'd suggest an optional in-game timer or a clock (time online/time actually playing beatmaps etc.).

The reason why I'd request it, is that it would make it easier to take consistent breaks for resting.

Feature: Optional in-game clock/timer

Location: Song menu/pause menu/failscreen/results screen

Style: Either a clock or a session timer, just like the one in the main menu (happy, Transformau5?)

Reason: To ease the taking of regular breaks for people who lose track of time while enjoying the hell out of the game.

Current solution: The main menu timer and clock, which are fine where they are, when you are already aware that you need to check the time and don't want to alt-tab.
There's the time in the main screen?
Just click the huge "osu" circle in the main menu lmao
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I mean a constant timer/clock, like the frame time counter.

If I was aware that I need to check the time I can just alt tab or check my phone. Did you think someone is that dumb? :D:D
Then I see no reason why you would need additional time when it's already provided.
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Pawsu wrote:

Then I see no reason why you would need additional time when it's already provided.
It's like an "!uptime" on Twitch, or a timer on the top centre when you shift-tab into Steam Overlay. It shows you how long your current play session is etc.
As I already explained, if you see that you've been playing for 3 hours non-stop, then it's probably a good idea to take a break even if you feel on point.
Have you ever opened the game
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Transformau5 wrote:

Have you ever opened the game
Have you ever gone past the main menu? Maybe you're a mapper, but as a player, I'm 99.99% in the song list or actually playing the game, instead of sitting in the main menu. That means I don't see a clock or a timer until I exit out to the main menu, which means I'm already tired and going to quit, or have played for way too long without noticing the time.
Dupe t/37703

abraker wrote:

Dupe t/37703
Not a dupe. This request is asking for an optional clock as part of the interface. That thread is asking for a command to display current time.
This would actually be a nice feature to have, considering osu! crashes for me when I alt-tab, so I can't check the time that way. :P
EDIT: I'll give support in 7 hours... if I remember. :P

Fayne Aldan wrote:

abraker wrote:

Dupe t/37703
Not a dupe. This request is asking for an optional clock as part of the interface. That thread is asking for a command to display current time.
This would actually be a nice feature to have, considering osu! crashes for me when I alt-tab, so I can't check the time that way. :P
EDIT: I'll give support in 7 hours... if I remember. :P
Topic Starter
This is a different concept because I'm not asking for a way to check the time. I'm asking for a way to be more aware of the time (for example, a small, almost transparent "time played" counter in the top right or top centre in the song picking menu). When I'm already aware that I want to know the time, I can check it in a million ways: I can alt tab, check my physical clock, or go to the main menu, or type smth in chat.

Before I become aware that I want to know the time, I can easily play for 3-6 hours. Yes this is not a problem for people who like to multitask, or are interrupted by something, but as a huge fan of the game who likes to fully focus on the game, when I'm playing, I'll start noticing the time when my hands are already rekt for the day, or when I have already set a timer outside of the game for breaks or other obligations.

I'm not saying this is the most important thing that needs attention immediately, just bringing up a point that the main menu clock is useless as a "completed clock request that can never be challenged" when it's visible only under a second in a day for me, and that's only when I'm checking how many beatmaps I have.
Hey guys I'm too lazy to tap escape a few times and click a huge-ass button in the main menu to read a thing that's already there, add a new feature pls

Praw wrote:

This is a different concept because I'm not asking for a way to check the time. I'm asking for a way to be more aware of the time (for example, a small, almost transparent "time played" counter in the top right or top centre in the song picking menu). When I'm already aware that I want to know the time, I can check it in a million ways: I can alt tab, check my physical clock, or go to the main menu, or type smth in chat.

Before I become aware that I want to know the time, I can easily play for 3-6 hours. Yes this is not a problem for people who like to multitask, or are interrupted by something, but as a huge fan of the game who likes to fully focus on the game, when I'm playing, I'll start noticing the time when my hands are already rekt for the day, or when I have already set a timer outside of the game for breaks or other obligations.

I'm not saying this is the most important thing that needs attention immediately, just bringing up a point that the main menu clock is useless as a "completed clock request that can never be challenged" when it's visible only under a second in a day for me, and that's only when I'm checking how many beatmaps I have.
t/202645/start=0&&hilit=clock ???
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What you linked is an "Overall time played" counter, to watch how many hours have you played all time. What I'm thinking of, is a daily/per session counter or just a clock to make the player aware of the time. Possible locations:
Guess what
It's also in the main menu
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Transformau5 wrote:

Guess what
It's also in the main menu
I guess you can't understand no matter how I explain.

I'll try for the last time, I'll segment it for you.

What's the use of the main menu clock...

for someone who can obsessively...

play for several hours...

without losing focus,

without going to the main menu...

without alt-tabbing...

without needing a toilet break...

without needing rest...

without needing to check their phone...

until their hands hurt...

or they are dehydrated...

or their eyes are hurting...

or any other reason.

I already know your answer: "Stop being obsessed, get a life, use your own timer, be smart like me."
This is just a feature request, so no I won't stop being obsessed, just like many other players, yes I don't have a "life" in your definition and yes I'm already using my own timer to rest my eyes/hands/body and stretch and will continue doing it, so this is just a quality-of-life feature request. If you think this is the stupidest request, you can always request a moderator to delete this thread.
I'm with Praw. An option to have a clock while playing beatmaps, or browsing your song list, would be nice. :D
I can agree with the feature not being necessarily bad.

A lot of games do tell their players to take breaks frequently and so does osu! (in a help tooltip in the main menu, I believe). Most games usually just send a message to the chat telling their players that they should take a break, but as the chat is not (necessarily) a vital part of osu! I don't think it would work this easy.

Other than that I don't really know a place that would have space for an additional clock to show your playtime, maybe it could be incorporated with osu!next if the need for an ingame clock that's accessible from all screens is really that big. So in the end I'm kinda neutral on this feature request.

Tried something with Photoshop, but it wouldn't work that way since song name length varies, obviously.
You can also see the time when in the chat.

Praw wrote:

you can always request a moderator to delete this thread.

If you really are so obsessed that you can't even stop for 10 seconds to go to the main menu to check the time, what's the actual point?
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Transformau5 wrote:

Praw wrote:

you can always request a moderator to delete this thread.

If you really are so obsessed that you can't even stop for 10 seconds to go to the main menu to check the time, what's the actual point?
Well I hope you ever find something that you like/love that much that you can focus on it over 10 seconds.
^Didn't understand the post at all

Pawsu wrote:

You can also see the time when in the chat.
Well, current time does not equal the actual playtime, and it's easy to lose track of time when being focused etc.

As mentioned, the basic idea is not too bad, but ever finding a right place for it is probably not going to work out. It's not a necessity, as you can just go back to the main menu.

Praw wrote:

Transformau5 wrote:

Guess what
It's also in the main menu
I guess you can't understand no matter how I explain.
I'll try for the last time, I'll segment it for you.
What's the use of the main menu clock...
for someone who can obsessively...
play for several hours...
without losing focus,
without going to the main menu...
without alt-tabbing...
without needing a toilet break...
without needing rest...
without needing to check their phone...
until their hands hurt...
or they are dehydrated...
or their eyes are hurting...
or any other reason.
although this is extremely exaggerated(hopefully), if someone is so hooked into the game they can't take 5 seconds to check the main menu, they need a break. i'm not going to lie. while this might be a nice extra touch, i just don't find this requested all that needed
I think that most people still can't get this into their skulls that the session's length is also featured in the main menu timer, so I'll just point it out here
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deadbeat wrote:

although this is extremely exaggerated(hopefully), if someone is so hooked into the game they can't take 5 seconds to check the main menu, they need a break. i'm not going to lie. while this might be a nice extra touch, i just don't find this requested all that needed
I'll explain to you as well then. It's not about not being able to take 5 seconds, it's about not even noticing that you could take 5 seconds to check the main menu. Hours go by or your hands get tired etc etc and then you notice. When it's late and when it doesn't matter any more.

Whether or not someone needs a break is just an opinion and it's as worthwile as my opinion that when you don't even like the game enough that you lose track of time, then you should take a break or look for a more interesting game for you.
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Transformau5 wrote:

I think that most people still can't get this into their skulls that the session's length is also featured in the main menu timer, so I'll just point it out here
We all know that and it is irrelevant. It's like having a clock on your back instead of on your hand, so that when you want to know the time you have to find a mirror, instead of slightly directing your eyes towards your hand.

I guess I just have to edit my badly worded original post.
The best thing you can do is delete this post instead of trying to prove everyone that you are the only one who's right
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Transformau5 wrote:

The best thing you can do is delete this post instead of trying to prove everyone that you are the only one who's right
Telling someone they're wrong doesn't mean I'm right, but I guess you need a few more years to develop past the "right&wrong, black&white" phase, which is common for kids.
You wouldn't insist on others being wrong if you weren't right, would you?
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Transformau5 wrote:

You wouldn't insist on others being wrong if you weren't right, would you?
I do not know if I'm right or wrong objetively, what I do know is that my feature request is misunderstood completely by people and ridiculed by the same people. Therefore I try to fix it by explaining what my feature request is about in more detail.

For me it's not hard to imagine a person who never loses track of time, but for you it's somehow impossible to imagine a person different than you and therefore you disrespect them instead of trying to understand or ignore them. But yeah, sadly most men gain the ability to see the world through someone else's eyes only when they get a child.
Right, now start bitching about my age and made-up characte traits, it will surely help your request.
My point is that if someone is so obsessed about the game that they can't alt+tab or go to the main menu to check the time (which take only a few seconds), what's the point of adding another clock? These people wouldn't even bother using it, following your logic. Besides, the game already has various methods to check time, as shown in other posts in this thread. Why do you think there's any need for another one?
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Transformau5 wrote:

Right, now start bitching about my age and made-up characte traits, it will surely help your request.
My point is that if someone is so obsessed about the game that they can't alt+tab or go to the main menu to check the time (which take only a few seconds), what's the point of adding another clock? These people wouldn't even bother using it, following your logic. Besides, the game already has various methods to check time, as shown in other posts in this thread. Why do you think there's any need for another one?
Well I'm just defending my request, I'd have stopped a long time ago, but I don't want the last reply to be some totally misunderstood post about the situation, making it look like I have abandoned the thread or that the misunderstood post is "right" even though it's not right in this thread's context. I'll keep replying as long as there's some misunderstanding.

I'll explain the concept even more specifically. You imply that the obsessed person has a choice to alt-tab or to go to the main menu or to be obsessed. I imply that they don't. And they don't even have to be obsessed, there is a psychological term for periods of intense focus, it's called a flow state. In flow state you are fully focused on your task or your activity. If the activity doesn't involve constantly checking the time, then you do not even notice how fast minutes or even hours pass. That's usually supergood, because you get things done quicker and better, but when the activity is something that could be unhealthy, if taken to an extreme, then it is not the best.

This request is not about adding a new way to check the time or to check the session length, it is about giving an option to stay more aware of the time, while in-game. Like an extreme version of this would be a non-optional huge pop-up that says "Take a break!" every hour or 45 minutes, but that is not what anyone wants, me neither, even though there might be some people who might need that.
In my opinion, it's the player who's responsible of how they spend time. If you're conscious enough to be aware of yourself spending too much time on a game, then you should put that awareness to good use and check the time whenever you're unsure whether you should finish your circle clicking/drum beating/fruit catching/key mashing session. If not, then you could have entire walls covered in clocks and you'd still spend lots of time playing; it's either that or the "take a break" pop-up you've mentioned, but also, denied, so I won't refer to it in any future posts to come. Hey, peppy isn't gonna hold your hand all the time, right?
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Transformau5 wrote:

In my opinion, it's the player who's responsible of how they spend time. If you're conscious enough to be aware of yourself spending too much time on a game, then you should put that awareness to good use and check the time whenever you're unsure whether you should finish your circle clicking/drum beating/fruit catching/key mashing session. If not, then you could have entire walls covered in clocks and you'd still spend lots of time playing; it's either that or the "take a break" pop-up you've mentioned, but also, denied, so I won't refer to it in any future posts to come. Hey, peppy isn't gonna hold your hand all the time, right?
I didn't ask him to hold my hand, this is a feature request, not a demand.
So since the recent request is marked as duplicate, bumping this.
This can serve a convenience throughout the game as it would require just a glance rather than a click, pretty sure it should be very simple to implement anyway compared to all other else stuffs.
o x
I read through this whole thread and I don't see the point of it. The points you gave are not easily applied to most osu! players. Also by the sounds of what you are saying the user who has these extreme play times with no rest won't even look at the clock unless they consciously want to know the time. And if you think that then it takes absolutely no effort to go to the main menu. The fact is if ever implemented the clock isnt going to be massive you arent going to see it the whole time in song select. and having a clock/timer that gives that much information would take up a lot of space and interfere with a lot of stuff that is already in the beatmap selection. I just don't see why you would need 2 clocks/timers. And having the clock/timer optional means that not every user will benefit from this. I have a lot of things that I don't agree with. Just throwing my two cents in here, good luck with your request.
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Cawub wrote:

The points you gave are not easily applied to most osu! players.
Hence "optional".

Cawub wrote:

Also by the sounds of what you are saying the user who has these extreme play times with no rest won't even look at the clock unless they consciously want to know the time. And if you think that then it takes absolutely no effort to go to the main menu. The fact is if ever implemented the clock isnt going to be massive you arent going to see it the whole time in song select.
I look at the maps star ratings all the time, even though I do not consciously want to know them. I also look at what mods I have active (transparent grey text in the bottom-left), even though I do not consciously want to know them. I look at the mapper's name, even though I don't consciously want to know it. I look at my frame time, even though I don't consciously want to know it.

The info is provided, it is not in my face, and it is not necessary for my gameplay, but it's there in the in-game environment and it makes several decisions easier and faster. A small optional transparent clock/timer would make time/break management easier with no downsides.

If I was already curious about time, I could alt-tab or check my phone faster than going out of the in-game environment to the main menu.
Sandy Hoey

Praw wrote:

Cawub wrote:

The points you gave are not easily applied to most osu! players.
Hence "optional".

Nathaneal wrote:

Your request should be for the benefit of all players, not only you.
Asking for a feature that only a few will use won't be noticed as one that everyone has been wanting since 2009.
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Nathaneal wrote:

Your request should be for the benefit of all players, not only you.
Asking for a feature that only a few will use won't be noticed as one that everyone has been wanting since 2009.
Having an extra option(freedom) is a benefit to all players. Just like having an option to play windowed mode, or an option to change cursor size.
Didn't read anything else than last page but anyways, what is preventing you to press F8 and look at the time the last message in #osu! was sent ? There is so many people there that there is always at least 1 message every minute.
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Arnold0 wrote:

Didn't read anything else than last page but anyways, what is preventing you to press F8 and look at the time the last message in #osu! was sent ? There is so many people there that there is always at least 1 message every minute.
Focus, fun, anything. The same thing that prevents you from actively feeling your toes when you're playing osu!. This request is not about making it easier to check the time, it is about having a way to stay aware of time.
o x
Well the point I have is if you are so focused to not even click to look at the time or turn on a message ticker than you are going to be to focused to even care about the time even if you see it, I just don't see why they would add something that already takes no effort to use.
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Cawub wrote:

Well the point I have is if you are so focused to not even click to look at the time or turn on a message ticker than you are going to be to focused to even care about the time even if you see it, I just don't see why they would add something that already takes no effort to use.
1 click = infinitely more effort than 0 clicks, even though as I said, this request is not about the effort. It also could have a timer function for extra value.
the clock at the top of the fps counter looks good
and sometimes when mapping/storyboarding i didn't know what time it is lol and it would be faster to put the clock at the top of the fps counter, i can use alt+tab to view it but slower
i second this idea, it'd be a pretty good addition in my eyes
I agree with this, This'll come in Handy
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