
steampianist - The Undertakers Daughter instrumental [OsuMan

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iconing something doesn't make you any more helpful than the others. pada akhirnya apa yang elu lakuin jauh lebih banyak daripada apa yang rivals lakuin

biar semuanya imbang, anggap aja gw emang perlu dua bubble

AncuL wrote:

iconing something doesn't make you any more helpful than the others. pada akhirnya apa yang elu lakuin jauh lebih banyak daripada apa yang rivals lakuin

biar semuanya imbang, anggap aja gw emang perlu dua bubble
I believe i did say idc bout that exactly from previous post, not sure why you keep mentioning that.
What irks me is the fact that there isnt even communication with me after self-dq and just directly go through without even me know anything about this, seriously.
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jadi ceritanya protastic ngomong ke gw kalo lu pernah ngomong ke dia kalo elu bakal pergi (meskipun dia nggak tau kapan). ditambah gara-gara elu selama beberapa hari terakhir jarang online di discord, jadi menurut gw pernyataan dia bener

gw nggak pernah ngeganggu orang-orang yang offline dengan alasan bahwa gw nggak mikir kalo orang tersebut bakal on secepatnya
haduh, yang penting juga ini clear ga ada maslah.. kalau personal gini mending move ke tempat lain
lagi pula kalau masalah orang ga bisa able ya maklumin, pake disabdain gini segala ngewe...

dah dah dramanya.. idk whats happening, if this not related with and more looks like personal yah.. move please or stop posting then

AncuL wrote:

jadi ceritanya protastic ngomong ke gw kalo lu pernah ngomong ke dia kalo elu bakal pergi (meskipun dia nggak tau kapan). ditambah gara-gara elu selama beberapa hari terakhir jarang online di discord, jadi menurut gw pernyataan dia bener

gw nggak pernah ngeganggu orang-orang yang offline dengan alasan bahwa gw nggak mikir kalo orang tersebut bakal on secepatnya
Mksdnya wlaupun gw pergi bukan brrti smua apk gw off.. wa blm bs bka osu slama sminggu bkan brrti ga bisa buka discord, lu bisa tinggal sisipin message lewat discord dan selesai, ga prlu lakuin rumus trigono atau aljabar yang berhalaman2, gitu aja.

Dan klo lu emang buru2 bgt pengen ngerank blang kek klo ad bn laen yg pngen u pnggil.. jangan tiba2 nyamber gitu.. gw kget lu mau nunggu protas selama 2 minggu tapi nunggu gw 2 hari tiba2 lgsg nyamber..

Apapun lah, not my business anymore .
damai please OK ;)
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Aslinya selama protas pergi gw sempet minta blocko sama nivrad tapi dua-duanya ngegantung gw doang :(
brhtni eek postingnya njir mau ngikutin langkah q ya weka wake dah, pindah grup sblah discord si bnyk-teman :joy: plis

AncuL wrote:

Aslinya selama protas pergi gw sempet minta blocko sama nivrad tapi dua-duanya ngegantung gw doang :(
Req bn laen bs dapetny wktu abis dq, bkn wktu lg nunggu qualify, logic lol.
Okay okay, kalian berdua harap tenang di forum publik ini. Kalau benar-benar ingin ngelanjutin silahkan lakukan itu di PM kalian.

Lain kali untuk AncuL agar lebih sabar dalam menunggu BN yang sedang bekerja sama denganmu. Kamu tau kan discord / forum pm masih bisa mengirim pesan kepada user yang sedang offline agar bisa dibaca nanti pada saat user tersebut online ? Lakukan itu lain kali jika BN yang sedang membantumu sedang agak sulit untuk dihubungi. Harap ingat bahwa BN membantu mapmu agar bisa masuk ke qualified section itu adalah hal yang GRATIS sepenuhnya sehingga hal yang seenggaknya bisa kamu lakukan itu adalah menghargainya sebaik mungkin. Hal yang telah kamu lakukan ke Maxus ini bukanlah salah satunya. Oleh karena itu wajarlah kalau dia merasa tersinggung.

Dan untuk Maxus sendiri diharapkan agar bisa memaafkan kesalah si AncuL anggap aja sesuatu yang tidak diharapkan terjadi dan untungnya tidak fatal untukmu.

ooh Rivals juga jangan lupa bahwa BN itu adalah sebuah TIM maka bekerjalah sebagai tim, kamu tahu bahwa kamu tidak mengurus map ini sebelum di DQ maka sebaiknya kamu menghubungi BN yang bersangkutan dengan map ini sebelum di DQ. Lain kali jangan lupa tentang ini.

You sound like making ancul disrespect your work completely while i dont think he intent to. This is Prolly just a misscomunication between us.

Because ancul claimed that he cant contact you plus you havent been online for 8 days straight is what makes me think (and him) you might have problem with your irl or smth. Who knows what people in internet do. (Tho yes i should probably ask ancul did he even try to DM you, misyakes on my end)

Human being human i guess, mistakes often happen. And just because this is one of his first ranked map, maybe he just being overexcited to it so he forgot that he should prolly contact maxus before making any decisions to moving this forward.

No hard feelings k c: just posting this one because i just woke up lel.

Edit: wup gk liat ada shur and new page. Will keep that in my future work. Sorry y'all
Shurelia already covered it nicely, so I guess you can try to see what he said there.

I won't pursue this any further, but at least just try to let other BN know and discuss with them if something happens to the map they icon, and not just go through things like that like a meteor next time.


Maxus wrote:

hebat banget si, ga percaya gw.
sugoi, shinjirarenai

selamat pak ancul.. lain kali sabar yaa
aku aja sabar meski 2 tahun diphp zenkamiblokodll haaaaaaahaaa :cry:
Gratz ancul for first rank 'w'

ArcherLove wrote:

aku aja sabar meski 2 tahun diphp zenkamiblokodll haaaaaaahaaa :cry:
turut berduka gan :lol: :cry:
Whatever was going on here, i hope everyone did calm down a bit.

I came here because i have some concern about some snaps in this Beatmap.
Since you tried to snap most of the notes very accurate, some are wrong.

It begins here 00:20:345 -

The first and 3rd note are wrong. The Notes should be placed at:
00:20:352 - (1/12)
00:20:386 - (1/16) This one you have correct. It's actually 1/32 but this is not possible and this one is the most close snap.
00:20:433 - (1/12)
Don't forget to snap the LN ending here 00:19:514 (19514|2) - correct then too.

00:26:433 (26433|3,26433|2) - These are wrong. They should be on the next 1/16 line, 00:26:446 - . It's pretty audible.
00:26:379 (26379|1) - This one also to the next 1/16 line here: 00:26:386 -

00:41:946 (41946|4,42000|5) - Here again. Both should be on the next 1/16 line.

00:57:406 (57406|0) - This one is too early. Move it to 00:57:419 -

02:41:514 (161514|0) - Should be on the next 1/16 line here 02:41:527 -
03:08:865 (188865|1) - This one doesn't even have a sound so it's a Ghost Note.

03:08:892 - Here is a tom sound but this one is 1/8. If you want to map it the notes should be on 03:08:892 - , 03:08:933 - and 03:08:973 - .
04:22:217 (262217|6,262271|5,262325|4) - I am pretty sure this one is wrong snapped too because the sound for this note 04:22:325 (262325|4) - here begins way earlier.

06:00:000 (360000|5) - This is 100% a Ghost Note. These is absolute no own sound.
06:01:568 (361568|4) - Another Ghost Note. Again no own sound. Nothing.

06:39:784 (399784|0,399784|1,399865|2,399865|3) - Why are these doubles while 06:35:568 (395568|4,395649|2) - , aren't?
I don't see a reason for this inconsistency.

I think that should be all. Please tell me what you think. I am pretty sure the above mentioned notes are wrongly snapped. Additionally i would like to hear what's with these Ghost Notes.
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Thanks for the concerns you posted! I'll try to resolve this quickly. In the mean time, i think it's alright to distinguish the fire
Alright then. I gonna take the Map down to fix the snaps and other things from my mod.
Please reply to it properly so that i at least know what got changed and what not!

Disqualified for now
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Feerum wrote:

06:39:784 (399784|0,399784|1,399865|2,399865|3) - Why are these doubles while 06:35:568 (395568|4,395649|2) - , aren't?
I don't see a reason for this inconsistency.
06:35:568 (395568|4,395649|2) - is consistent with 06:27:784 (387784|0,387865|2) - , while it's not with 06:39:784 (399784|0,399784|1,399865|2,399865|3) (this part is more consistent with a set of doubles on 06:43:514 - ) - because it's further away on the "climatic stage". though i tweaked this a bit so it wouldn't be painful for the right hand

The rest is fixed. It's just there because of my recklessness

AncuL wrote:

Feerum wrote:

06:39:784 (399784|0,399784|1,399865|2,399865|3) - Why are these doubles while 06:35:568 (395568|4,395649|2) - , aren't?
I don't see a reason for this inconsistency.
06:35:568 (395568|4,395649|2) - is consistent with 06:27:784 (387784|0,387865|2) - , while it's not with 06:39:784 (399784|0,399784|1,399865|2,399865|3) (this part is more consistent with a set of doubles on 06:43:514 - ) - because it's further away on the "climatic stage". though i tweaked this a bit so it wouldn't be painful for the right hand

The rest is fixed. It's just there because of my recklessness
Alright. Thanks for the reply. Yeah then i'm fine with it.
For the BNs checking this again. Take another close look at the snaps
00:25:352 (25352|4,25392|5,25433|6) - This isn't three sounds, it's just two. Remove 00:25:392 (25392|5) - , and I believe 00:25:433 (25433|6) - should be at 00:25:413 -

00:40:946 - I think there's actually a note here, like a triplet. Might consider adding it but meh

00:41:953 (41953|4,42014|5) - This is probs more accurate on 1/6 tbh. Currently, it sounds like the notes are too drawn out.

Let's hope this is everything lol
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Protastic101 wrote:

00:25:352 (25352|4,25392|5,25433|6) - This isn't three sounds, it's just two. Remove 00:25:392 (25392|5) - , and I believe 00:25:433 (25433|6) - should be at 00:25:413 - it's three imo. 00:25:352 (25352|4) - kick and and 00:25:392 (25392|5,25433|6) - pianos

00:40:946 - I think there's actually a note here, like a triplet. Might consider adding it but meh

i like how both of these are actually identical sounds but you suggested me differently. i make both using 3 notes grace anyways

00:41:953 (41953|4,42014|5) - This is probs more accurate on 1/6 tbh. Currently, it sounds like the notes are too drawn out. this was resolved on feerum's check @.@ i decided to keep this
you should keep an icon log at this point just to show how many times this has been rebubbled because im literally an idiot :thinking:
wew why dq

03:49:352 (229352|1) - you might want to accent this flute with short ln
03:52:054 (232054|4) - yet this one doesn't really sensible since the last flute is in the white bar

04:14:973 (254973|3) - you might want to accent another flute at 04:15:298 - in same column
04:20:487 (260487|6) - ^
04:24:379 (264379|1) - ^
04:28:271 (268271|6) - ^

because 04:23:406 (263406|2) - consistency

05:08:649 (308649|5,308811|5) - any reason to make anchor? this one could be spreaded

05:39:946 (339946|5,340109|2,340271|0,340433|4,340595|2,340757|5,340919|3,341082|1,341244|4) - could use 1/4 (or shorter than 1/2) because there's a gap between flute

05:46:919 (346919|5) - pretty sure this flute should be snapped at 05:47:082 -

06:44:757 (404757|5) - u sure with x0.75? the gap between next note a little closer, different than in x1.0 in game field

loved the way you put SV but still those anchors + LNs (and your 123 S 765 style) gives a somehow crampy feeling while playing

requal pls
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Arzenvald wrote:

wew why dq

03:49:352 (229352|1) - you might want to accent this flute with short ln it's on the slowjam part so i think it'd be too hard

04:14:973 (254973|3) - you might want to accent another flute at 04:15:298 - in same column eh i think there's no need to do it because the flute sounds like it's extended

05:39:946 (339946|5,340109|2,340271|0,340433|4,340595|2,340757|5,340919|3,341082|1,341244|4) - could use 1/4 (or shorter than 1/2) because there's a gap between flute slowjam part `~` i don't really want to make parts like these so complicated

06:44:757 (404757|5) - u sure with x0.75? the gap between next note a little closer, different than in x1.0 in game field idk man i guess i'll consult to protastic about this

loved the way you put SV but still those anchors + LNs (and your 123 S 765 style) gives a somehow crampy feeling while playing intended lolololololololollolololololololololololololo
thanks <3
hoo i didn't look at the slowjam, if the SV still above 0.75 applying some flutes would still fairly playable, plus its an insane difficulty map?
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I still don't want to make it so complicated :p
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4th bubble done in the map by protastic
i hope it doesn't go any longer
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06:27:784 -

i haven't touched anything at this part
as per request
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fixed. but since protastic doesn't want to care about the map anymore i have to go the longer way

AncuL wrote:

protastic doesn't want to care about the map anymore
weak. no stamina. smh
3 times DQ :/
01:11:406 - so uhh why the SNs are formed in trill instead of jacking like the pattern after ( - 01:13:352 (73352|5,73514|5,73676|0,73838|0) - ). think you can made it jacked while still maintaining the LN with pitch

01:24:054 (84054|6,84379|1) - was thinking it'd be pcool to 1/2 LNed this for guitar string. + still have the violin(?) tho

01:31:838 (91838|0,92163|5) - ^

07:19:190 (439190|6) - so the violin exist like 1/6 and the guitar string ends on 1/4 so i dont really see why is this getting full 1/1

07:26:973 (446973|6) - ^

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I'll apply this later. really didn't look at my emails of these i've fixed all of the issues and made a few tweaks to the patterns around the fixed part. this needs more consistency checks though, especially on the last kiai
The Undertakers Daughters instrumental
1) 04:48:541 (288541|6,288541|1) For those sounds I feel you have to emphasize more, add a third note in the same line, for all the sounds like that.
2. For this: 04:52:757 (292757|1,292919|1,292919|3) a similar situation happens, you have to emphasize more, but not adding more notes to both jacks, try this:

Another example: 04:54:703 (294703|2,294865|4,294865|2) - try to add this note for that one 04:54:865 (294865|0) - That can give you an idea of the type of emphasize.

I don't see nothing else wrong, but still, this mod is too short.
No Kudosu.
Just to clarify, in point number 1 when I said "all the sounds like that" I referred to the "hits", and also referred you have to check all the map, no only further the examples, for example: on 01:31:514 I feel you have to emphasize more that hit, other example is 01:35:406
I feel the "hits" has to be more emphasized through the map.
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lol fuck it i'll just use 3 notes on the trumpet thing at 04:48:054 -

also on your second post, you were mentioning the first kiai, which i don't intent to be very hard because i took the theme of difficulty progression throughout the map. maybe i'll consider it if i find more complains which i won't get because nobody is looking at my map

and kudosu is given because it worths it
hullo 1/5 (checkcount)

my turn for my icons to get destroyed

this'll mostly be a consistency/snap mod since the map looks pre good to me


00:06:865 (6865|3,6865|2) - idk how I feel about this being two LNs when the sound itself is a single piano note

00:25:352 (25352|4,25392|5,25433|6) - I'm 95% sure this is two notes and not 3 snapped in 1/6 like

It's very different to an actual triplet like 00:40:919 (40919|0,40960|1,41000|2) -

00:26:325 (26325|0,26386|1,26446|2,26446|3) - on a scale of 1-10 how certain are you that this is 1/16?

00:38:973 (38973|3) - this section is sick, having the piano on the left and the percussion on the right is an awesome theme i luv it

00:40:919 (40919|0,40960|1,41000|2) - This is too slow snapwise, 1/12 seems right to me

01:31:352 (91352|2) - Whats the justification for this being so long? It sounds like it should be 1/2 like the ones before it in the same sound pattern (extends to the other examples of this as well)

02:22:109 (142109|5,142163|4) - is a triple snapped to 1/8 like

02:41:514 (161514|0,161568|1,161568|3) - more than a 2 step here but it's already kinda dense so having this simplification is ok

03:37:027 (217027|1,217190|1) - this jack does not belong. It doesn't fit with the theme. It comes right after the theme. Ree. move 03:37:190 (217190|1) - to 6

05:41:784 (341784|2) - Having this be 1/6 when everything else around for ages is 1/4 is weird, are you 500000000000% sure it's 1/6 and not on the blue tick like 30ms later?

06:52:541 (412541|3,412595|5) - Should be 3 notes

07:33:784 (453784|2,453946|2,454109|1,454271|1) - I dont think these belong as the song lacks that distinct percussion sound here
07:35:730 (455730|6,455892|6,456054|5,456217|5) - here too as well as others. I think the jacks should only be used when that sound appears like here 07:40:595 (460595|6) -

07:54:142 (474142|3,474142|5) - smh big chords only 2 notes smh smh
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Litharrale wrote:

00:26:325 (26325|0,26386|1,26446|2,26446|3) - on a scale of 1-10 how certain are you that this is 1/16? 9/10. it's a consistently spaced 1/16 snapping (3/16)
01:31:352 (91352|2) - Whats the justification for this being so long? It sounds like it should be 1/2 like the ones before it in the same sound pattern (extends to the other examples of this as well) it doesn't really need any song-related justifications. it's there to give some uniqueness to the map

02:22:109 (142109|5,142163|4) - is a triple snapped to 1/8 like changed something but not exactly like this

07:54:142 (474142|3,474142|5) - smh big chords only 2 notes smh smh kinda justified
the rest is changed i think
so this is what it feels like to place an icon thats not a pop
00:25:406 (25406|6) - shouldn't this be snapped at 00:25:433 - ?
I litearlly dont hear any piano sound at where its snapped right now
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I'll check on that with the next bIG mod
move along w
22:29 Arzenvald: 01:07:514 (67514|5) - kira kira click.wav nya bisa dibikin 30% keatas gk, but like semua
22:29 Arzenvald: bell nya juga yg 60% jadi 80%
22:29 Arzenvald: :^)
22:29 *Arzenvald is editing [ steampianist - The Undertakers Daughter instrumental [Journey]]
22:29 AncuL: owo
22:29 Arzenvald: 01:10:109 (70109|0,70109|4) - soalnya kadang ada yg 2 kyk gini
22:30 AncuL: buat bell sama click kayaknya mending volume samplenya yang digedein
22:30 Arzenvald: bisa pake audacity kan?
22:30 AncuL: bisaa
22:30 AncuL: bisa tolongin nggak? wkwkkw
22:30 Arzenvald: dasar
22:30 AncuL: tambahin 2-3dB
22:30 AncuL: xdd
22:30 Arzenvald: bentar
22:30 Arzenvald: dasar ngerjain
22:31 AncuL: wkwkwk
22:32 Arzenvald: click mah kudu manual
22:32 Arzenvald: soalnya dah lewat 0db
22:32 AncuL: nggak masalah sih kalo plus berapa db
22:32 AncuL: kan tetep aja volume clicknya kecil yang di hitsound
22:33 Arzenvald: iye tau, makanya yg 20 di bikin 30
22:33 Arzenvald: edit osu manual
22:33 AncuL: oh iya
22:33 AncuL: let
22:33 AncuL: 's see
22:33 Arzenvald: find 20:Click.wav
22:33 Arzenvald: replace 30:Click.wav
22:33 Arzenvald: ez
22:34 Arzenvald: semuanya 20% kan pas nge hs?
22:34 AncuL: kk
22:34 AncuL: mayber
22:35 Arzenvald: btw hi-hat di bagian kiai nge blend banget
22:35 Arzenvald: like you can't tell if its bga or hitsound
22:35 Arzenvald: imo replace sama hitsound lain akan lebih wise
22:35 AncuL: naikin jadi berapa?
22:35 AncuL: meh it's fine imo
22:36 Arzenvald: kena kamikaze hitsound crusade gw gk balik lagi ngenominate :V
22:37 Arzenvald: 00:33:136 - dari sini sampe ending volume green line nya dibikin 20%, di kiai 30%
22:37 Arzenvald: or 30% & 40%
22:38 AncuL: oh iya lupa gw ganti
22:38 Arzenvald: like
22:38 Arzenvald: cuma di awal doang, dan di bagian yg piano solo, hs 10% kedengeran
22:42 Arzenvald: 01:54:703 - missing btw
22:42 Arzenvald: 02:10:433 (130433|1) - pindah ke 7, 02:10:595 (130595|4) - pindah ke 3
22:44 AncuL: 08:04:706 (484706|5) - ini gw pindah ke 7
22:44 AncuL: 08:07:241 (487241|6) - ini ke 6
22:44 Arzenvald: great
22:45 AncuL: 1:54:703 - apa yang missing
22:45 AncuL: 01:54:703 - apa yang missing
22:46 AncuL: 02:10:757 (130757|1) - ini gw pindah ke 5
22:46 AncuL: 02:10:919 (130919|2) - ini 2
22:46 Arzenvald: piano
22:47 AncuL: gw ga denger apa-apa
22:47 AncuL: timestampnya bener?
22:47 Arzenvald: bener kok masih main piano disitu
22:48 AncuL: ??
22:48 Arzenvald: 06:06:973 - jgn 5 > 0,33
22:49 Arzenvald: teleport rada imba
22:49 Arzenvald: 06:16:595 (376595|4) - disini sih oke
22:49 AncuL: gimana yak
22:49 AncuL: menurut gw sih fine aja
22:49 AncuL: soalnya jedanya rada panjang
22:50 Arzenvald: intensitas nya yg di spot yg itu kurang support buat teleport, like, player yg belum pernah main ini pasti ngerasa kyk diff spike doang
22:51 Arzenvald: like gk se nge 'BOOM' di 06:16:595 -
22:51 AncuL: menurut gw sih itu malah jadi tempat transisi ke bagian yang lebih "epic"
22:51 Arzenvald: iye tapi gk perlu teleport
22:52 AncuL: masa sih wkwk
22:52 Arzenvald: gk se intens 05:52:311 -
22:52 Arzenvald: dan 06:16:595 -
22:52 Arzenvald: bandingin aja suaranya
22:53 AncuL: kalo berdasarkan suara emang nggak sebanding
22:53 AncuL: liat aja gw cuma naro notenya 2
22:53 Arzenvald: iye lu sendiri paham kan maksud gw
22:53 AncuL: tapi gw naro teleportnya di slider tailnya loh
22:54 AncuL: jadi emphasisnya bukan di pressnya, tapi di releasenya
22:54 Arzenvald: bukan tailnya, next note jatoh nya kenceng bat
22:54 AncuL: pas release langsung dikasih teleport
22:54 Arzenvald: iye over emphasis imo
22:54 Arzenvald: gk miss gw cuma kyk gk sesuai porsi visual sama feedback audio nya
22:55 AncuL: aaa
22:55 AncuL: bentar gw nerf dikit aja
22:55 Arzenvald: iya yg penting next nya jgn 0.3 dan 0.4
22:55 Arzenvald: normalize nya x1 yak
22:56 AncuL: aaaa
22:56 AncuL: gw mager buka kalkulator
22:56 Arzenvald: 06:52:541 (412541|3) - i believe this should be 1/8
22:56 Arzenvald: note nya keduluan
22:57 AncuL: o ya
22:57 Arzenvald: even ada 06:52:636 - grace
22:57 AncuL: gw ganti gini
22:57 Arzenvald: 07:00:379 (420379|4,420703|0,421027|3) - bisa di hold 3 3 nya bagus kali ya
22:57 Arzenvald: transisi stuff
22:58 Arzenvald: imgur :eyes:
22:58 AncuL: nggak bisa buka imgur ya
22:58 Arzenvald: bisa
22:59 AncuL:
22:59 Arzenvald: 07:03:784 (423784|4,423946|6) -
23:00 Arzenvald: itu yg mana ya
23:00 Arzenvald: oh iya
23:00 Arzenvald: yg 3
23:00 Arzenvald: oke
23:00 Arzenvald: gud
23:00 AncuL: nah. terlalu rapih
23:00 AncuL: eh cara normalize gimana
23:00 Arzenvald:
23:00 Arzenvald: wait
23:01 Arzenvald:
23:01 Arzenvald: 07:19:190 (439190|0) - 07:26:973 (446973|2) - bikin 1/4 ln juga pls C:
23:01 AncuL: wut
23:02 AncuL: ya
23:02 Arzenvald: 03:44:000 (224000|2,224325|3) - bikin 1/2 anchor dah
23:02 Arzenvald:
23:02 AncuL: di bagian situ gw masih nggak mau nyentuh anchor
23:02 Arzenvald: pitch chan desu
23:03 AncuL: still tho
23:03 Arzenvald: 03:47:892 (227892|2,228217|4,228541|2) -
23:03 AncuL: intensity naik sepanjang map
23:03 Arzenvald: 1/2 anchor emang overkill yak awkwkwkwk
23:03 AncuL: gimana ya
23:03 Arzenvald: gw ngerti kok
23:04 AncuL: sip
23:04 Arzenvald: 04:36:379 (276379|5) - holyshit gk kedengeran sama sekali hs nya
23:04 Arzenvald: btw karena banyak element di map yg ke modif even setelah bubble, gw gk bisa langsung nominate
23:04 Arzenvald: (qualify)
23:04 AncuL: 03:51:946 -
23:04 Arzenvald: including da fucking delay
23:04 Arzenvald: good
23:05 AncuL: itu udah gw ganti jadi 20%
23:05 Arzenvald: iye
23:05 Arzenvald: bentar gw upload hitsoundnya
23:05 AncuL: btw buat yang bagian squeak gw ganti jadi awal lagi aja
23:05 Arzenvald: squeak apa
23:06 AncuL: 06:06:973 -
23:06 Arzenvald: oh iya
23:06 Arzenvald: sip yg penting bukan teleport
23:06 Arzenvald:
23:07 AncuL: (masih teleport)
23:07 AncuL: menurut gw bagus gini sih
23:07 AncuL: soalnya bagian setelahnya itu bagian paling intense dalam map ini
23:08 Arzenvald: iye tapi agak aneh klo maksain part yg bukan intense di bikin intense, padahal belum intense (?)
23:08 Arzenvald: ngomong apa si gw
23:10 AncuL: 06:12:054 -
23:10 Arzenvald: oh ok
23:11 Arzenvald: ude si gw cuma pen nge fix hitsound sama sv yg tadi
23:11 Arzenvald: sisanya oke lah, dah sering gw testplay juga kok
23:12 Arzenvald: update dih
23:13 AncuL: oh iya yang ini juga gw pindahin 00:25:433 -
23:13 AncuL: Umo- ngasitau di thread
23:13 AncuL: dah gw update dulu
23:15 AncuL: taroh log pak
23:16 Arzenvald: udah di update sama file hitsound yg gw kasi?
23:16 AncuL: iya
23:16 *Arzenvald is listening to [ steampianist - The Undertakers Daughter instrumental]
23:16 AncuL:
23:24 Arzenvald: btw bisa kasi source metadata?
23:25 AncuL: satu-satunya cuma site newgrounds
23:28 Arzenvald: e btw
23:28 Arzenvald: newgrounds celtic folk vocaloid oliver strings violin
23:29 AncuL: hm?
23:29 Arzenvald: remove newgrounds dari tag lol
23:29 AncuL: :thinking:
23:29 Arzenvald: lah newgrounds emang apa, situs forum
23:29 AncuL: iya sih
23:30 AncuL: map-map baru juga ada tag newgrounds
23:31 Arzenvald: berarti add soundcloud bandicamp to tag
23:32 Arzenvald: karena basically sama sama nge tag situs
23:32 AncuL: technically no since instrumental ver only appears on newgrounds
23:32 Arzenvald: oo
23:32 Arzenvald: tambah Mayu di tag
23:32 AncuL: mayu siapa
23:33 Arzenvald: vocal nya
23:33 AncuL: vocalnya bukannya oliver
23:33 Arzenvald: weh klo itu gw taunya baca dari soundcloud nya wkwkwk
23:34 Arzenvald: gk tau olivier atau mayu sih
23:34 AncuL: baca dimana lol
23:34 Arzenvald:
23:35 Arzenvald: oh salah baca
23:35 AncuL: gw gak nemu
23:35 Arzenvald: ok
23:35 Arzenvald: fix my bad
23:35 AncuL: wkwk
23:35 Arzenvald: berarti yg add di tag : Lili ironpianist
23:36 AncuL: oh iya ironpianist
23:37 AncuL: gw nambahinnya liliandstitch aja kali ya
23:37 Arzenvald: serah
23:37 Arzenvald: boleh
23:38 AncuL: eh
23:38 AncuL: celtic gw hapus aja ya
23:38 Arzenvald: ngga juga gpp deh
23:38 Arzenvald: hapus juga gk masalah
23:38 AncuL: hapus aja
23:38 AncuL: nggak nemu soalnya wkwk
23:39 Arzenvald: 04:55:838 - 10% lagi volume nya
23:39 Arzenvald: ehhh
23:39 Arzenvald: 05:05:568 (305568|3) - dari sini aja
23:40 Arzenvald: 05:37:676 (337676|3) - 15%
23:41 AncuL: eh kayaknya nggak perlu terlalu akurat deh
23:41 Arzenvald: btw 5% gk supported
23:41 AncuL: pake 5-10-20-30 nggak apa-apa
23:41 Arzenvald: like
23:41 AncuL: maksudnya 5% nggak supported?
23:41 Arzenvald: lu mau pakai sv 0.01, munculnya jadi 0.10
23:41 Arzenvald: sama kyk 5%, munculnya 8%
23:41 AncuL: nggak masalah wkwk
23:42 Arzenvald: kyk salah baca, tapi gw gk salah baca deh
23:42 AncuL: perasaan ada kok map yang make 5%
23:42 AncuL: gw nggak pernah baca referensinya sih
23:42 Arzenvald: iye masi kedengeran si
23:42 Arzenvald: namanya juga bug
23:42 AncuL: kalo kabar yang sv 0.01 gw sering denger
23:43 AncuL: 07:16:433 - ini gw ganti 3 note
23:43 Arzenvald: ok
23:43 AncuL: WTF star rating turun jadi 4.75
23:43 AncuL: ok
23:44 Arzenvald: yaudah paling itu aja
23:44 AncuL: gw upload lagi dulu deh
23:44 Arzenvald: ok
23:45 AncuL: udah ya
23:46 Arzenvald: apa gw langsung nominate ya
23:47 Arzenvald: like
23:47 Arzenvald: everything is fine
23:47 AncuL: ga masalah sih setau gw
23:47 AncuL: kan udah dibubble ini
23:52 AncuL: jadi? owo
23:52 Arzenvald: 02:30:865 (150865|5) -
23:53 Arzenvald: 1/6
23:53 AncuL: nggak keliatan
23:53 Arzenvald: piano nya jelas loh
23:53 AncuL: + kalo dijadiin 1/6 jadi kurang kuat
23:53 Arzenvald: lah add note aja
23:54 Arzenvald: 02:30:919 - di 3
23:54 Arzenvald: :^)
23:54 AncuL: udah kebanyakan =w=
23:54 Arzenvald: katanya kurang kuat
23:54 Arzenvald: dih
23:54 Arzenvald: gk jadi out of place aja, meanwhile yg lain di add bagian grace note nya
23:55 AncuL: juga jadi nggak konsisten ama ini 02:29:892 -
23:55 Arzenvald: feedback audionya beda om
23:56 AncuL: sama kok. crash + kick + piano + vocal kecil
23:56 AncuL: btw changed deh
23:56 AncuL:
23:57 Arzenvald: wait itu yg mana
23:57 Arzenvald: oh
23:57 Arzenvald: gitar
23:57 Arzenvald: ok
23:57 Arzenvald: bole bole
23:58 AncuL: eh salah
23:58 AncuL: harusnya snappingnya 1/8
23:58 Arzenvald: ok
23:58 AncuL: gini aja deh =w=
00:03 AncuL: btw gw udah ngantuk wkwk
00:04 Arzenvald: uda di update?
00:04 Arzenvald: last thing
00:04 Arzenvald: hp 8.5 or riot
00:04 Arzenvald: wdf

please raise HP to 8.5 or more because damn this map is already spamable with OD 7.5 while the hp itself is very forgiving for advanced players.
can nominate afterward because not much changed inside the chart itself, basically just raised file volume and adjusting green line volume, making things audible
Topic Starter
ya sure
also bumped OD to 8

07:48:054 - i also made small changes here to make the chord amount consistent. please recheck on the part to see whether it's fine or not
heart or flame is the same rite?
p/6432668 1st nomination, checked thoroughly and issues from past DQ are resolved

nominated! good luck <3
could you make a original gameplay version of this instead of that piano thingy
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