
People of osu!, why are you single?

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For me its because I'm 6'1 and guys don't like that
Because love hurts :roll:
I can't find the waifu of my dreams ;-; no shit
⊂(・﹏・⊂) pls?
maybe they are jealous when girl are taller

balldoowell wrote:

For me its because I'm 6'1 and guys don't like that
I'm fine with anyone shorter than me and I'm 6'3 so uh call me or something 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-)

Honestly, I'm single mostly because I know nobody who I'd like to be in a relationship with. And I'm terrible when getting to know new people.

as for me I just prefer living my life on my own since i have total liberty over what I want to do
i dont see the appeal of any man-child romance relationship (anything that isnt marriage basically)
Because I'm a stinky NEET who masturbates to cartoons.

IppE wrote:

Because I'm a stinky NEET who masturbates to cartoons.

osurude ppstorm

Khelly wrote:

Vuelo Eluko
im not
Single because all I need is yaoi and osu! to be satisfied with my life.
-Makishima S-
Because i don't trust womans.
I click circles in a weeaboo game. How the fuck could I not be single

balldoowell wrote:

For me its because I'm 6'1 and guys don't like that
they dont dislike it, it's intimidating and makes males look less 'male'

also ot: im not
play more
Shohei Ohtani

balldoowell wrote:

For me its because I'm 6'1 and guys don't like that
oh really because I'm pretty sure it's the fact that you have the most shit-eating face I've ever seen in my entire fucking life
E m i

balldoowell wrote:

For me its because I'm 6'1 and guys don't like that
if it was true why would it matter?
would you want to be with someone who cares so much about height? if you actually are that above average height then it just makes you a filter for those people.
Because i fuck every single relationship up.
Different settings can be told. But not public xD

And then when they leave me, or i already dumped them i'll go nuts for attention of them. Yay.
I want to keep the little money I have...........................................................and no one appeals to me enough for me to make a move gg
because momma said that little girls are the devil!
You damn lifeless weebs, the reason you're single is because you don't go the fuck out. No matter how retarded or how ugly you are, you can STILL get someone to be with you, and I have pretty solid evidence for that. It goes for you too, OP. No, you're not single because you're tall as fuck; there has to be something else about you or something that you aren't doing right.

That being said, some people prefer to be hermits or have been in too many relationships (no OsuPatrick, an internet relationship is not a real relationship) and don't want to go through one again for an extended period of time. :p

Aurani wrote:

You damn lifeless weebs, the reason you're single is because you don't go the fuck out.
no, you don't need to go outside to find someone, internet exists, i've been with someone IN REAL LIFE (not that "internet relationship" shit) for 4 years that way


FuZ wrote:

Aurani wrote:

You damn lifeless weebs, the reason you're single is because you don't go the fuck out.
no, you don't need to go outside to find someone, internet exists, i've been with someone IN REAL LIFE (not that "internet relationship" shit) for 4 years that way

You told me she broke up with you awhile ago

Khelly wrote:

You told me she broke up with you awhile ago
yes WoW was more important than her after all
osu has more priority than life
or vice versa

FuZ wrote:

no, you don't need to go outside to find someone, internet exists, i've been with someone IN REAL LIFE (not that "internet relationship" shit) for 4 years that way

Aren't you contradicting yourself there? You say it was a net relationship and then you proceed to say it wasn't. You CAN find someone on the net, I'm not saying you can't, but you ultimately have to GO OUTSIDE and check the person out in, well, person. You still have to have a proper real-life relationship for it to count as one - dating a bunch of pixels you barely know anything about is a good way to end up a wizard.

Aurani wrote:

Aren't you contradicting yourself there? You say it was a net relationship and then you proceed to say it wasn't
meeting someone on the internet and then making this person your gf in real life doesn't necessarily means it was an internet relationship at first, you can very well be friend before meeting and then ask her out after a few irl dates if you like the person

internet relationship for me means you only see the person on the internet because the person live very far from you or because you're a retard, real relationship means you see the person multiple time a week in real life

it doesnt matter where you find the person first

there are also some case where an internet relationship evolve into a real life relationship but most of the time it's a long distance relationship and the relationship will break at one point because of that distance
⊂(・﹏・⊂) no one.....? k didn't want to be in a relationship anyways

QuillGill wrote:

⊂(・﹏・⊂) no one.....? k didn't want to be in a relationship anyways
this thread is now about discussion
you can no longer date here

Rilene wrote:

QuillGill wrote:

⊂(・﹏・⊂) no one.....? k didn't want to be in a relationship anyways
this thread is now about discussion
you can no longer date here
Cause animu grills too distracting

Momiji wrote:

balldoowell wrote:

For me its because I'm 6'1 and guys don't like that
if it was true why would it matter?
would you want to be with someone who cares so much about height? if you actually are that above average height then it just makes you a filter for those people.
lol i love how this standard doesn't apply to females
5'0 womanlets these days won't settle for anyone under 6'2

t. angry manlet king

Anyway, I'm single because I'm too autistic to engage in conversations IRL
Topic Starter
Most of the short girl friends I know usually go for the shorter to average guy actually. Have you ever seen a 5ft girl try to kiss a 6ft and up guy? Shit is hilariously sad
jordan livin that five foot life

don't worry mang i know the struggle
no matter what you all tell yourselves, whether you're ugly, short, disabled or just retarded. You have bad social skills. The amount of eggy retards (solid 3/10's) i see with girlfriends is unreal. My fellow britbongs will understand when i mention the name 'Jeremy Kyle', so many loser waste of spaces on there with girlfriends, it's insane.

Find a social group with good guy to girl ratio, build confidence and stop being beta.
Also accept you might just be ugly and either do something about it or lower your standards.

(trying to stop being edgy and insulting random people, sorry if i failed, i love you)
You cant honestly believe it's ok to think that because people can get the trashy girls on jeremy kyle, being trash themselves, it's a good reason.

I watched a LOT of jeremy kyle on youtube and they're all terrible.
No but I believe people can get with people who are on their level, jeremy kyle being the lowest level. Also people only put the worst of jeremy kyle on youtube because thats what its known for, there are more than enough normal(ish) people that go on jeremy kyle.

Do you honestly believe these people don't have girlfriends/boyfriends for any other reason than bad social skills? Or are you just disagreeing to disagree
I think it's not very helpful or appealing to suggest that because those kinds of uneducated slobs/trash/slags/whatever get together that it's proof of an optimistic situation for others.
Relationships are like a game, people will partner up with the best person they can, based on social status, wealth, looks etc. I can't be bothered playing the game, it's too much effort and I don't want to be obligated to have to spend time with some women every so often. My standards are also quite high and I have next to nothing to offer myself.

B1rd wrote:

the game

FuZ wrote:


FuZ wrote:

B1rd wrote:

the game
Sorry I don't get the meme.

B1rd wrote:

the meme

B1rd wrote:

savage flan

xxjesus1412fanx wrote:

im not
holy shit don't give me a heart-attack
alternatively just find a really cool person that you enjoy spending time with and spend lots of time with them

no expectations, no entering a relationship for a "purpose", just let things fuckin go the way they're supposed to go

to be fair i'd also probably be single if i hadn't met my fiancee in the last year of high school but i find that the methodology of generally eliminating one's expectations does wonders for relationships of all types

B1rd wrote:

Relationships are like a game, people will partner up with the best person they can, based on social status, wealth, looks etc. I can't be bothered playing the game, it's too much effort and I don't want to be obligated to have to spend time with some women every so often. My standards are also quite high and I have next to nothing to offer myself.

balldoowell wrote:

Most of the short girl friends I know usually go for the shorter to average guy actually. Have you ever seen a 5ft girl try to kiss a 6ft and up guy? Shit is hilariously sad
i always wondered why murricans cares about the stupidest shit like this
I've never kissed anyone before so I wouldn't need to worry about such things.
I'm not looking for a relationship right now.
isn't this surveys?

also, i'm single because i don't want a relationship

Dulcet wrote:

isn't this surveys?

also, i'm single because i don't want a relationship
hi girl, asl?
I'm not single, i am married to black rock shooter.
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