Works on Chrome, Firefox and Opera!
- Displays up to top 100 scores for each beatmap
- Displays pp for each score
- Sort by pp
- Displays scores according to selected mods
- Displays friend rankings
- Display score date
- Display pp rank
- Search scores of any user
- Search multiple users at once with a comma separated list
- Download replay of any score (if available)
- Beatmap mirrors
- Display numerical value of CS, AR, HP, OD
- osu!preview
- osu! Web Beatmap Viewer
- Display max combo value
- Display recent plays (including failed scores) in userpage
- Display top 100 most played maps in userpage
- Detailed top ranks
- Slider to highlight recent scores in beatmap listing and top ranks
- Display global and country rank in performance ranking
- Subscription to mappers and maps
- Beatmap information in userpage top ranks/recent plays
- Settings tab to enable/disable osuplus features
- Force show difficulties in beatmap listing
- Display "pp if ranked or fc" for maps with scoreboards and user recent plays (click the pp value) (only for standard)
- Export beatmap leaderboard to csv
- Match cost calculator
- BWS calculator
2.3.12 (8 Aug 2024)
Features- Added BWS ranking in userpage (disabled by default, enable it in settings)
- Fixed spoilerboxes not working
- Fixed red banner disappearing if you save settings, without entering your API key
2.3.11 (1 Jul 2024)
Features- Added Mino mirror link (disabled by default; enable in settings)
- Added osu! Web Beatmap Viewer as a beatmap preview alternative
- Added setting options to disable both beatmap previews
- Fixed osuplus not working due to all requests instantly timing out
- Fixed global/country ranking formatting
- Removed some code for old site
2.3.10 (4 Mar 2024)
Bugfixes- Disabled updating scoreboard in beatmap page when in Lazer mode
2.3.9 (30 Jan 2023)
Features- Put recent 24h in a spoilerbox
- Fixed userpage scores not loading because of new lazy loading feature
2.3.8 (8 Aug 2022)
Features- Removed subscriptions (use the site's built-in mapper subscription system)
- Updated NeriNyan mirror link
- Added NeriNayn NoVid link
- Added "Show recent 24h" option in settings
- Fixed some features not working when going back and forth in history
- Updated pp if fc calculation (but still not up-to-date)
- Added both API links ( and
2.3.7 (23 Mar 2022)
Bugfixes- Fixed userpage rank chart overflowing
- Fixed beatmap scoreboard countries
- Fixed beatmap scoreboard displaying some players' countries wrongly
Older changelog
2.3.6 (28 Jan 2022)
Bugfixes- Fixed userpage detailed score stats
2.3.5 (9 Jan 2022)
Bugfixes- Fixed userpage best and first plays not showing detailed stats
- Fixed max combo not appearing on beatmap pages
- Fixed mp matchcost showing NaN if there is a map where everyone gets 0
2.3.4 (4 Jan 2022)
Bugfixes- Fixed userpage
2.3.3 (13 Dec 2021)
Features- Added match cost #plays and #tops
- Added mp grades (for standard only)
- Fixed mp match cost doesn't load for large mps
- Fixed match cost bathbot/flashlight formula sometimes give NaN
- Fixed match cost map selector bug if there are multiple same maps
2.3.2 (24 Oct 2021)
Features- Settings icon draggable
- Rate-limited to 1 request every 100ms (due to users getting banned for sending 100s of requests at once)
2.3.1 (9 Sep 2021)
Bugfixes- Fixed beatmap scoreboard not loading for some people
- Fixed beatmap mirrors not appearing on some beatmaps
2.3.0 (30 Aug 2021)
Features- Match cost calculator in mp pages
- Replaced /p/api links with
- Moved mirrors/subscribe button in beatmaps page to before the ellipsis
2.2.9 (27 Apr 2021)
Features- Beatmap page
- Added Sayobot novid mirror (enable in settings)
- Added NeriNyan and mirrors (enable in settings)
- Hovering over pp shows more precise pp (like official)
- Right clicking mod options cycle them backwards
- Added optional mod selectors DT/NC and HT
- Friends scores show every mod score (instead of just their top score)
- Fixed osu!preview link
- Fixed subscriptions tab
- Added back pp header in scoreboards without pp
- Fixed pp leaderboards country/global column messing up when switching filter too quickly
2.2.8 (17 Jan 2021)
Features- RIP bloodcat
- Added Beatconnect mirror
- Added Sayobot mirror (disabled by default)
- Temporary replacement for osu!preview
2.2.7 (7 Dec 2020)
Features- Added option to show site swapper in new site in settings (false by default)
- Fixed beatmaps page formatting
- Added spaces to some mods tooltip
2.2.6 (29 Oct 2020)
Features- Added "export to csv" button on beatmap page
- Fixed missing country flag on new beatmap page
2.2.5 (28 Oct 2020)
Bugfixes- Added modding discussion link in subscriptions in old site
- Fixed mods being vertical in new userpage recent section
- Fixed CTB Droplet Miss displaying incorrect value in new beatmap page
- Updated Mirror mod icon
- Updated V2 mod mini icon
2.2.4 (31 Aug 2020)
Features- New userpage scores when hovered shows its relative position
- Fixed new beatmaps page not working with non-English languages
- Fixed new beatmaps page mods taking up multiple lines
- Fixed highlight recent scores on new beatmaps page
- Clicking a score on new beatmaps page takes you to the score page (same as on original page)
- Ctrl-click opens in new tab (unlike original page)
2.2.3 (29 Jul 2020)
Bugfixes- Replaced new beatmaps page date column with original time column
- Fixed new mod icons not showing
2.2.2 (6 Jul 2020)
Features- Shows pp and pp if fc for recent plays in userpage (click the "pp") (only for standard)
- Fixed not working on beatmaps page
- Fixed "pp if fc" on beatmaps page
- Fixed pp ranking page
- Fixed "Most played" tab in old userpage
- Added ScoreV2 icon on recent plays in userpage
- Eslinted
2.2.1 (30 Apr 2020)
Features- Added mirror mod filter (temporary image)
- Fixed invisible white text in various places
- Fixed detailed scores for best plays in new userpage
- Fixed difficulties in beatmaps in subscriptions tab
- Added total playcount for beatmaps in subscriptions tab
- Fixed new site header blocking api key message
2.2.0 (30 Dec 2019)
Features- Display "pp if ranked or fc" for maps with scoreboards (click the pp value) (only for standard)
- Userpage top ranks "?" modal now has options to see map values with HR/EZ
- Subscriptions page now also has pagination at the bottom
- Fixed slider missing in new site's userpage
- Fixed scoreboards not loading for non-standard scores
- Fixed beatmap page score row rank icon when the row is more than 1 line tall
- Fixed old site beatmap page not highlighting friends' scores
2.1.5 (19 Sept 2019)
Features- Search user textbox in beatmap page:
- Now autofills to your username
- Accepts multiple usernames, separated by commas (e.g. "Vaxei,Rafis,xasuma")
- Now displays rank #1 onwards instead of all rank #0
- Fix Mirror mod not displaying properly
- Search user textbox text in new site's beatmap page is now black (instead of invisible white)
2.1.4 (17 June 2019)
Bugfixes- Now loads on*
- Update rank images
2.1.3 (24 Jan 2019)
Bugfixes- Fixed beatmap page on new site
- Fixed userpage on new site
- Fixed beatmap page for unranked maps on old site
- Fixed repeated loads on new site if you go back
- Fixed new site subscriptions tab
2.1.2 (29 Sept 2018)
Bugfixes- Fixed beatmap scores displaying incorrect date again
- Fixed user recent scores displaying incorrect date
- Fixed user "show more" top scores not giving full details
- Fixed osuplus overwriting scoreboard country ranking/friend ranking/mod ranking for supporters
- Fixed compatibility with Opera tampermonkey
- Adjusted Beatmaplisting/Subscription tabs in old site
2.1.1 (25 Sept 2018)
Bugfixes- Fixed beatmap scores displaying incorrect date
2.1.0 (14 Sept 2018)
Features- Added the following features on the new site (basically all the old features):
- Beatmap page:
- slider to highlight recent scores
- subscribe map
- Userpage:
- display recent plays (including failed scores)
- detailed top ranks
- slider to highlight recent top scores
- beatmaps information on top ranks/recent plays
- subscribe mapper
- Performance ranking page:
- display global and country ranks
- Beatmaplisting:
- tab for subscribed maps and mappers
- Beatmap page:
- Fixed userpage not displaying correct stats on recent plays for ctb/mania
- Fixed osuplus not running on unranked beatmaps
- Now works with Firefox Greasemonkey
2.0.2 (4 Sept 2018)
Features- Added support for Touch Device mod
- Fixed osuplus failing when there's banned player on leaderboard
2.0.1 (3 Sept 2018)
Bugfixes- Fixed recent scores displaying incorrect date
2.0.0 (2 Sept 2018)
Features- Added the following features on the new site:
- Beatmap page:
- top 100 scores
- pp 2 decimal places
- sort by pp
- selected mods scores
- friends' scores
- score date
- search scores of any user
- download replay of any score (if available)
- Bloodcat mirror
- max combo value
- Beatmap page:
- Added setting to display pp in 0 or 2 dp
- Beatmap score rank will not link to replay if replay is unavailable
1.7.0 (27 Sept 2017)
Features- Settings tab on top right to enable/disable osuplus features
- Added link in osu!preview to open in new tab
- Added setting to force show difficulties in beatmap listing
- Fixed Most Played tab
1.6.0 (22 June 2017)
Features- Subscription to mappers and maps
- Under the "Subscription" header at the top of the beatmaplisting page
- Works like YouTube subscriptions: the maps you subscribed and the maps mapped by the mappers you subscribed will appear in the list, with the most recently updated map appearing at the top.
- Subscribe to a mapper by manually adding their name in the subscriptions tab from above, or clicking the subscribe button in their userpage below their avatar
- Subscribe to a map by clicking the subscribe button in the beatmap's page beside the download buttons
- Unsubscribe by clicking the subscribed button (for mappers and maps) or under the subscriptions tab highlight the mappers/maps and click remove
- Beatmap information in userpage top ranks/recent plays (hover over the score and click the "?" that appears in the top right corner)
1.5.7 (25 May 2017)
Bugfixes- Fixed Most Played tab (again)
1.5.6 (18 May 2017)
Bugfixes- Fixed rank image not displaying properly (due to ppy moving the image address)
1.5.5 (22 Feb 2017)
Features- Display multiple scores (if available) when you search the user in beatmap listings
- Multiple scores by the same player (when multiple mod combinations selected) are now greyed out
1.5.4 (8 Feb 2017)
Bugfixes- Fixed top pp scores in userpage displaying incorrect stats if it is not your top score
- Fixed score stats in userpage for CTB (now {300/100/50/droplet miss/miss}) and mania (now {max/300/200/100/50/miss})
- Search user textbox now appears faster
1.5.3 (1 Nov 2016)
Bugfixes- Show pp rank checkbox now remembers your choice
- Loads faster (when show pp rank is disabled)
- Fixed most played tab (again)
1.5.2 (16 Sept 2016)
Bugfixes- Checkbox to show global/country rank now (and it remembers your choice)
- Fixed global/country rank for Firefox
1.5.1 (15 Sept 2016)
Bugfixes- Fixed column headers for search user scores
- Button to show global/country rank (to be compatible with osu!savePP)
1.5.0 (12 Sept 2016)
Features- Display pp rank in beatmap listing
- New loading image
- Display global and country rank in performance ranking
- Fixed unchecking highlight not dehighlighting in userpage
- Fixed max combo displaying nullx for Taiko/Mania in userpage (now doesn't display at all, since max combo is not available for Taiko/Mania in the API)
1.4.0 (27 May 2016)
Features- Detailed top ranks
- Star rating in most played
- Slider to highlight recent scores in beatmap listing and top ranks
- Fixed most played not working (again)
- Fixed taiko acc calculation
1.3.1 (12 May 2016)
Bugfixes- Fixed most played not working
1.3.0 (9 May 2016)
Features- osu!mania mods
- Display recent plays (including failed scores) in userpage
- Display top 100 most played maps in userpage
- Display total 300/100/50 hits
- Display hits/play
- Improved performance
- Reduced size of images
1.2.1 (15 Feb 2016)
Bugfixes- Now works with Greasemonkey 1.15.1 on Pale Moon
1.2.0 (11 Feb 2016)
Features- Mod icons
- Allow fuzzy mod selection (e.g. so you can display scores with DT or HDDT)
- Download replay of any score (if available)
- osu!preview
- Bolded star difficulty
- Display max combo value
- Images now hard-coded in base64
- No longer displays your name twice in friend ranking if you are your own friend
- No longer displays duplicate scores if you click buttons too fast
1.1.0 (18 Jan 2016)
Features- API prompt more obvious
- Sort by pp
- New bloodcat image button (thanks Dionysaw)
- Show date score is set
- Simple loading label when loading
- Faster on Firefox
1.0.3 (14 Jan 2016)
Bugfixes- Now works with Firefox!
1.0.2 (14 Jan 2016)
Features- pp now to 2 decimal places
1.0.1 (14 Jan 2016)
Bugfixes- Fix inconsistent friend ranking (the API can screw up if you do multiple requests at the same time, or something)
1.0 (13 Jan 2016)
Features- Highlight friends
- Display friend rankings
- Search scores of any user
- Fix osu!mania scorelist
0.1 (6 Jan 2016)
Features- Displays up to top 100 scores
- Displays pp for each score
- Displays scores according to selected mods
- Bloodcat mirror
- Display numerical value of CS, AR, HP, OD
- Ensure you have Tampermonkey/Greasemonkey installed and enabled.
- Click the download link above. Tampermonkey/Greasemonkey will automatically open a tab, prompting you to install the userscript. Install it.
- On Chromium browsers, userscripts may not run properly without enabling Developer Mode. If necessary, enable Developer Mode for your browser (for Tampermonkey users, see
- Go to any osu webpage. There should be a big red banner at the top prompting you to use your osu!API key.
- To get your osu!API key, go to p/api or home/account/edit#legacy-api.
- Under the "Legacy API" section, click "New Legacy API Key +".
- Put "osuplus" as application name and "" as application url.
- Click "Show Key" to reveal your api key. Copy the key.
- Use your api key by clicking the "here" in the red banner. Paste your api key when prompted.
