A Simple script to save users pp to compare later.
When you click on "SavePP", the user's pp is saved in your browser. Then when you access the user's page with his pp saved, the script compares the current user's pp with the saved pp.
The script is still under development.
I'm adding new features and fixing bugs.
I use tampermonkey on chrome :3
You need Greasemonkey if you use Firefox/Waterfox.
Download: https://greasyfork.org/pt-BR/scripts/15929-osu-pp-save
When you click on "SavePP", the user's pp is saved in your browser. Then when you access the user's page with his pp saved, the script compares the current user's pp with the saved pp.
The script is still under development.
I'm adding new features and fixing bugs.
I use tampermonkey on chrome :3
You need Greasemonkey if you use Firefox/Waterfox.
Download: https://greasyfork.org/pt-BR/scripts/15929-osu-pp-save