
IGZ WT 2015-16 #3 [CLOSED]

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- Kameyo -

Xayler wrote:

X-Blade wrote:

Anyone here gonna spoil what they're gonna pick as their warm-ups?
I mean, as the warm-ups doesn't give any points, what's the point in keeping them secret?
This is my warm-up map: ;) ;)
I might have chosen a warm-up map. It will probably be Otherwise I will go with Big black, Freedom dive, Can't defeat airman or Defenders :P :) ;)

elrzulffio wrote:

I can't describe it. It's just not enjoyable, most likely because like most new players I don't like old mapping style. Maybe I'm wrong, but I doubt you'll find a lot of people who will enjoy this map. Just my opinion of course and it doesn't really matter what I think about the mappool, I'm going to play in the tournament anyway.
Some people like it, some don't. The thing is, the mappool isn't just only for fun. It can provide some strategies. Players who are comfortable with the old mapping style will have an advantage at this point.
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Electoz wrote:

elrzulffio wrote:

I can't describe it. It's just not enjoyable, most likely because like most new players I don't like old mapping style. Maybe I'm wrong, but I doubt you'll find a lot of people who will enjoy this map. Just my opinion of course and it doesn't really matter what I think about the mappool, I'm going to play in the tournament anyway.
Some people like it, some don't. The thing is, the mappool isn't just only for fun. It can provide some strategies. Players who are comfortable with the old map style will have an advantage at this point.
^^ what he said
Oh I completely understand it, the more diverse mappool the better for the competition. I took advantage of it myself last time as I really like Clumsy Thoughts and apparently everyone else hated this map. Just sharing my opinion about that map.
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elrzulffio wrote:

Oh I completely understand it, the more diverse mappool the better for the competition. I took advantage of it myself last time as I really like Clumsy Thoughts and apparently everyone else hated this map. Just sharing my opinion about that map.
Yea, every map last time had their group of players. As you noticed, what someone dislikes someone else may like.
Well yea this tourny is going to be interesting as there are already many maps where I have around 80% acc. :D
sorry for such thing but is it ok if I leave the tourney? there is a late scheduled event that will happen in 9-10 for me, so I think I won't be attending..

elrzulffio wrote:

Oh I completely understand it, the more diverse mappool the better for the competition. I took advantage of it myself last time as I really like Clumsy Thoughts and apparently everyone else hated this map. Just sharing my opinion about that map.
Yeah, I agree, I mostly played From under cover, which is an AR7 HD map, which everyone also hated :)

tbag188 wrote:

In about 13h I've most likely updated the OP with mappool and some very minor rule changes.

@Allenwalker88 Welp, uhm this mappool the HR pool is fairly... uhm, "Un-HR-like". Few lower (and I mean REALLY low) AR maps.
Nice to know really. AR10 so stupe

Xayler wrote:

So has anyone those "special" abilites like doing DT,HR or HD maps? Of course they should be secret, but I wonder if anyone here has already focused on some mod.

I will look forward to play HR. ;)

Good luck everyone anyways, practice the heart mostly, as when you play against your opponent -> the heart beating is the thing what will drop your combo.
HD mainly

tbag188 wrote:

Just finished placing the mappool into OP. Make sure you got the RIGHT MAP FROM EVERY SONG!

@Xayler I'm eyeballing the participant list and I can remember that quite a few of the players have played HR in earlier tourneys, can't find a single HD specialist from my earlier tournaments tho :/.
I mostly focus on HD, If I can play a song, I can HD it and get the exact same score (Sometimes even better, like I get on Future Son)

Xayler wrote:

So has anyone those "special" abilites like doing DT,HR or HD maps? Of course they should be secret, but I wonder if anyone here has already focused on some mod.

I will look forward to play HR. ;)

Good luck everyone anyways, practice the heart mostly, as when you play against your opponent -> the heart beating is the thing what will drop your combo.
I am a full on HD player, If I can play a map, I can play it as good or even better with HD.
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Sniker_Dawhoop wrote:

sorry for such thing but is it ok if I leave the tourney? there is a late scheduled event that will happen in 9-10 for me, so I think I won't be attending..
It is completely fine, I'll take you out of the list.
Will the tournament be updated live?
Like, with a bracket that is updated after every single match?
If that wasn't thought of, I'll happily create one and update it when the registration phase is done.
Also, will this tournament be using score V1 or V2?
And Why no FreeMod maps?
So many questions o-O
Last tourney was v1. So i mean v1 again. Last tourney all matches were in google docs and the referees wrote the results in it . t/390020/start=45 < there is an answer to freemod
Player Name: EvE_Andromeda
Current Rank: #112,688
Nationality: Malaysian
Favourite Map?: 40mP feat.yuikonnu - Ame to Asphalt [Giralda's Hard]

skilledmine wrote:

Last tourney was v1. So i mean v1 again. Last tourney all matches were in google docs and the referees wrote the results in it . < there is an answer to freemod
Do we have to download something besides the map? Like is there a special client to download?
You guys only have to dl the maps
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dang. Skilled too fast.

skilledmine wrote:

Last tourney was v1. So i mean v1 again. Last tourney all matches were in google docs and the referees wrote the results in it . t/390020/start=45 < there is an answer to freemod
oh, ok thanks :)
Player Name: Hanak-Krakatoa
Current Rank: 87,125
Nationality: Italian
Favourite Map?: King for a day
I have passed so far every map so I find no problem, the AR 9.8 map can be a secret weapon. ;)

skilledmine wrote:

You guys only have to dl the maps
- Kameyo -

Xayler wrote:

I have passed so far every map so I find no problem, the AR 9.8 map can be a secret weapon. ;)
Not so secret anymore ;)
Sorry, I think I have to sign out of this.

I hope you all have fun :)
Player name: Kulja123
Current rank: #123,507
Nationallity: Serbian
Favourite Map:Maffalda - pensamento tipico de esquerda caviar (5 star)
Hope i didnt do anything wrong :)
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Kulja123 wrote:

Player name: Kulja123
Current rank: #123,507
Nationallity: Serbian
Favourite Map:Maffalda - pensamento tipico de esquerda caviar (5 star)
Hope i didnt do anything wrong :)
You did it correctly. I'll add you once I have time.
Player Name: Mishyarn
Current Rank: 152072
Nationality: Italian
Favourite Map?: Cold Green Eyes ft. Roos Denayer by Bearizm
Hey if you are still looking for refs I could help. I have never been a ref before but I will try to help any way I can.

Xayler wrote:

I have passed so far every map so I find no problem, the AR 9.8 map can be a secret weapon. ;)
Now I know what to ban.

Here100 wrote:

Your nationality isn't Europe cx
Your nationality is Macedonian cx
I just looked through the participants and I noticed that you wrote MishyaM and not MishyaRN. Could someone please change it? XD Thanks.
Anyone asked Doomsday if he wanan Stream this? If no one has i will

Xayler wrote:

I have passed so far every map so I find no problem, the AR 9.8 map can be a secret weapon. ;)
If you guys keep giving away all your 'secrets' perhaps I do have a shot this time :D

Allenwalker88 wrote:

Anyone asked Doomsday if he wanan Stream this? If no one has i will
Do it.

zz-e wrote:

Xayler wrote:

I have passed so far every map so I find no problem, the AR 9.8 map can be a secret weapon. ;)
If you guys keep giving away all your 'secrets' perhaps I do have a shot this time :D
Actually...he might be misleading us to ban it for him...
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Mishyarn wrote:

I just looked through the participants and I noticed that you wrote MishyaM and not MishyaRN. Could someone please change it? XD Thanks.
Lol. I'll do it.
Player Name: Shizkiller
Current Rank: #121545
Nationality: Dutch
Favourite Map: ONE OK ROCK - Clock Strikes

First time participating in a tournament. pls go easy on me.
IGN: Ashmar
Rank: #121064
Nationality: Dutch/Netherlands
Map: Give It Up - Knife Party(Shadren)

I can never FC in a multiplayer Kappas be prepared.
Mentally not ok.
Player Name:Zesty
Current Rank: ~140k
Favourite Map:Last Note. - Caramel Heaven (

X-Blade wrote:

zz-e wrote:

If you guys keep giving away all your 'secrets' perhaps I do have a shot this time :D
Actually...he might be misleading us to ban it for him...
You never know ;)

By the way I just lost 4 - 0 in a tournament to 2k player, the feeling to lose is nice.... not. :D
At least I know now how to get my pressure down while I'm vs someone, there I was the lowest rank, here I'm one of highest, but still the rank doesn't matter. :roll:

If anyone is interested then it was this tournament: t/393514
there are a lot of participants. I might get a problem next month ^^''
Well, I'm here for fun. I already know I'm going to be killed by everyone I play against, but idc. I usually laugh when I lose and actually almost never fc a map first time I play it, cause I just test them and got used to it now. Good luck :)
Played the mappool.
Double Time is kinda easy compared to other mods. HardRock maps can be a real secret weapon if you strategized them wisely.
But from what I read on previous post, I think people underestimated HD pool, this HD pool is the real deal here. Those 4 maps almost cover in every aspect of abilities. While Nomod maps is the best if you're an underdog and willing to upset your opponents.

I think most people here are comfortable with the Tiebreaker. But it will be the most thrilling map in the mappool when you're playing in real matches.

Welp, that's what I thought about the mappool in this tournament. Overall mappool itself is kinda interesting, it would require at least some practice+tactics if you're trying to win this tourney. But hey, all of things above are just my two cents. Please don't take what I said too serious lol.
I also played the maps. I would say HD is the hardest and HR maps come second everything else is a bit normal/average. So RIP me. I can't do HR and HD xD
Tfw you want to join but the matches start at 5am in your timezone ;-:
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Electoz was pretty much on point on what we (or I) thought of when building mappool, NoMod is for consistent players, FCing that shit is ALOT. Maps aren't specially hard but pretty long, while the shortest map from that pool is the hardest (OK Hero might be pretty close but I'd still say it's snowstorm).

HD pool covers as much of HD skills from low AR to "trick-reading" as possible for a pool of this size. HR is just tricky with variety and DT will be an acc-race 90% of time. TB has some weirdish patterns but rly not that hard... falls between hero and t-t-techno IMO.

A well rounded but difficult (?) pool.
Ivaltek would be funny to play cuz Nobody of top 50 Done it with hd

tbag188 wrote:

Electoz was pretty much on point on what we (or I) thought of when building mappool, NoMod is for consistent players, FCing that shit is ALOT. Maps aren't specially hard but pretty long, while the shortest map from that pool is the hardest (OK Hero might be pretty close but I'd still say it's snowstorm).

HD pool covers as much of HD skills from low AR to "trick-reading" as possible for a pool of this size. HR is just tricky with variety and DT will be an acc-race 90% of time. TB has some weirdish patterns but rly not that hard... falls between hero and t-t-techno IMO.

A well rounded but difficult (?) pool.
I almost fced snowstorm while i died like instantly on hero welp
ALso i asked Doomsday but he hasn't replied yet
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skilledmine wrote:

Ivaltek would be funny to play cuz Nobody of top 50 Done it with hd
That difficulty is hard to read thus not played too much, ppl will fail on it, but once you get a grasp of it, it's not impossible.
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Allenwalker88 wrote:

tbag188 wrote:

Electoz was pretty much on point on what we (or I) thought of when building mappool, NoMod is for consistent players, FCing that shit is ALOT. Maps aren't specially hard but pretty long, while the shortest map from that pool is the hardest (OK Hero might be pretty close but I'd still say it's snowstorm).

HD pool covers as much of HD skills from low AR to "trick-reading" as possible for a pool of this size. HR is just tricky with variety and DT will be an acc-race 90% of time. TB has some weirdish patterns but rly not that hard... falls between hero and t-t-techno IMO.

A well rounded but difficult (?) pool.
I almost fced snowstorm while i died like instantly on hero welp
ALso i asked Doomsday but he hasn't replied yet
Hero has 2 hard points, the beginning and at ~75% in. Other than that it's fairly simple. Well the hp drain is shit...

Some just have easier time on other maps than others. ie I can read hard HD ARs but can't fc most of the HR maps in earlier pools that ppl said were too easy.

skilledmine wrote:

Ivaltek would be funny to play cuz Nobody of top 50 Done it with hd
The beatmap url on the first page somehow shows taiko mode instead of standard lol.
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Electoz wrote:

skilledmine wrote:

Ivaltek would be funny to play cuz Nobody of top 50 Done it with hd
The beatmap url on the first page somehow shows taiko mode instead of standard lol.
LOL I thought there was smthng weird XD gotta scratch some of the earlier post. bc I'm pretty sure I got +1m points on it.
fun fact: I've been playing the mappool maps recently and i've been able to pass only 4 (with their respective mods) : 2 HR (where i usally lose) and 2 nomod x)
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JeremTheOuf wrote:

fun fact: I've been playing the mappool maps recently and i've been able to pass only 4 (with their respective mods) : 2 HR (where i usally lose) and 2 nomod x)
Funfact: I wasn't joking when I said we have the hardest map in WT in this pool. Another Funfact: the pool overall is really fking hard compared to earlier ones. Another one: it will get harder overall.
Dank Uta
Player name: cmarius214
Current rank: #84,859
Nationality: Romanian
Favourite map: Streaming heart - Reol

tbag188 wrote:

JeremTheOuf wrote:

fun fact: I've been playing the mappool maps recently and i've been able to pass only 4 (with their respective mods) : 2 HR (where i usally lose) and 2 nomod x)
Funfact: I wasn't joking when I said we have the hardest map in WT in this pool. Another Funfact: the pool overall is really fking hard compared to earlier ones. Another one: it will get harder overall.
i already passed first try some 4.5* maps x)
btw i keep training on them and now i'm at 8 passed maps
JTR Lone
Nationality: Murican' (U.S.)
Favourite Map: Bangbros - Yeah Yeah Yeah! (Nightcore Mix) (

My first tourney, hopefully I don't rank up.
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JeremTheOuf wrote:

i already passed first try some 4.5* maps x)
btw i keep training on them and now i'm at 8 passed maps
Correct attitude :!: :!: :!:

Ps. I'll update the participant list later today
just a question? Do you need to chose 1 warm-up map that you stick with or can you change it each game?

shizkiller wrote:

just a question? Do you need to chose 1 warm-up map that you stick with or can you change it each game?
You can change it each game ;)
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Damn... even players are faster to answer than I.

JeremTheOuf wrote:

shizkiller wrote:

just a question? Do you need to chose 1 warm-up map that you stick with or can you change it each game?
You can change it each game ;)
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On this one ppl can quote me, WT #4 will be an 2 weekend long one. No matter the final format.
36 participants, nice. How the groups are made btw? Randomly or rank or?

Xayler wrote:

36 participants, nice. How the groups are made btw? Randomly or rank or?
Now's your chance to answer now tbag!!
Btw did you just forget to add me to the staff list? lol. shoot I didn't answer that mail
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Electoz wrote:

Now's your chance to answer now tbag!!

Xayler wrote:

36 participants, nice. How the groups are made btw? Randomly or rank or?
You guys are seeded into pools and every group will have 1 player from each pool. So it's part of both.
So many guys :D

tbag188 wrote:

Damn... even players are faster to answer than I.
yes i do answer faster than you x)
Cold Femboy
Player Name: IamEld3st
Current Rank: 199694
Nationality: Czech Republic
Favourite Map?: Highscore :3
Is 13:00 GMT like, GMT +0?
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Allenwalker88 wrote:

Is 13:00 GMT like, GMT +0?

tbag188 wrote:

Allenwalker88 wrote:

Is 13:00 GMT like, GMT +0?
So if I'm 11+ GMT it'll be like midnight for me kinda?
Wait, so if I'm in pst, this will start at 5 am? Count me out :P. Remove me from the competitors list please, I won't be able to make it :?
I'll say this to avoid any further misunderstandings, this is my interpretation as a referee ONLY. tbag correct me if I'm wrong in any part of this

From the information I have received, the first match will be started at 13.00 GMT and will go until midnight at latest.
What does this mean? It means that the first match of the tournament will start at 13.00 . But it doesn't mean that you will have your first match EXACTLY on 13.00 . tbag himself will adjust a reasonable schedules with your timezone(s). The workload we(referees and staff) received ourselves covered 11 hours. That should be more than enough for every timezone(s).

By the way tbag, how do you gonna do if participants in the same group have too much time difference? This is the first time I'm reffing in your tournament so I'm just curious.

Anyway, what I said above might not be 100% correct. But I have to say something here just in case that you're thinking of withdrawing from the tourney. So don't be hasty about things.

Logicians wrote:

Wait, so if I'm in pst, this will start at 5 am? Count me out :P. Remove me from the competitors list please, I won't be able to make it :?
What Electoz says is true. The American participants were scheduled to play around 6 o'clock GMT last time, which is about 9 to 12 am for Americans.

Though for Australian peeps (i.e. Alienwalker) I have to say the probability of playing at night might be quite large..
Player Name: DewVoltage
Current Rank: 101829 (May change around a bit) :P
Nationality: United States
Favourite Map?: Nightmare(Maxin Remix)

First time competing in an Osu tournament hype! (I'm prepared to get rekt.) :D
Player Name: Surplexed
Current Rank: 116006
Nationality: United States
Favourite Map: Everything Will Freeze

First time competing as well ^_^ Going to be fun
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Allenwalker88 wrote:

So if I'm 11+ GMT it'll be like midnight for me kinda?
Yea that is correct, and with the current number of participants (5 players x 8 groups) your last match, even if placed in the first group would be anywhere between 2AM to 3AM. If we go to the other extreme (and have matches as LATE as possible) the games would begin somewhere between 19GMT->21GMT being 6AM or 8AM your time.

I know these times can suck for peeps on the extreme east or west looking at from EU, but this is the best way (so far I've discovered) to reach as many as possible players around the globe.

Electoz wrote:

From the information I have received, the first match will be started at 13.00 GMT and will go until midnight at latest.
What does this mean? It means that the first match of the tournament will start at 13.00 . But it doesn't mean that you will have your first match EXACTLY on 13.00 . tbag himself will adjust a reasonable schedules with your timezone(s). The workload we(referees and staff) received ourselves covered 11 hours. That should be more than enough for every timezone(s).

By the way tbag, how do you gonna do if participants in the same group have too much time difference? This is the first time I'm reffing in your tournament so I'm just curious.

Anyway, what I said above might not be 100% correct. But I have to say something here just in case that you're thinking of withdrawing from the tourney. So don't be hasty about things.
I didn't find anything wrong in your message, latest group to start their matches (Group F last time) started at around 18:30GMT.

Simple enough, that's why I am using a pool ranking before drawing ppl into their final groups. The players from US for example will automatically be placed in the later starting groups filling their pools slot in that group, while Asian players will be placed in the earlier groups filling their pools respective slots in them. Europeans can pretty much be placed in any group.
When we get the two last people in, what would the full schedule look like?
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X-Blade wrote:

When we get the two last people in, what would the full schedule look like?
I'll post the link to docs already tonight or later tomorrow, there are already the refs and base of the schedule.
Hmm, if I'm rank 86k at the moment, then do I have a high chance of being a seed?
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Xayler wrote:

Hmm, if I'm rank 86k at the moment, then do I have a high chance of being a seed?
The seeding goes like this. IGZWT points>Rank. And players are placed into 5 Pools (Top Seed/High Seed/Mid Seed/Low Seed/No Seed). Looking at your rank I'd say you fall somewhere around High or Mid seeded pools.

ie. Player A has 100pts and is 120K ranked while Player B has no points and is 80K ranked, will the Player A have higher(or same) seeding as Player B.

The system is in noway perfect, but neither would be just looking at everyones rankings.

tbag188 wrote:

Xayler wrote:

Hmm, if I'm rank 86k at the moment, then do I have a high chance of being a seed?
The seeding goes like this. IGZWT points>Rank. And players are placed into 5 Pools (Top Seed/High Seed/Mid Seed/Low Seed/No Seed). Looking at your rank I'd say you fall somewhere around High or Mid seeded pools.

ie. Player A has 100pts and is 120K ranked while Player B has no points and is 80K ranked, will the Player A have higher(or same) seeding as Player B.

The system is in noway perfect, but neither would be just looking at everyones rankings.
Hmm, it's quite understandable, but this can make things easier for me (if I don't fail), as I don't have those points.

shizkiller wrote:

Player Name: Shizkiller
Current Rank: #121545
Nationality: Dutch
Favourite Map: ONE OK ROCK - Clock Strikes

First time participating in a tournament. pls go easy on me.
It's my first time too, good luck.

X-Blade wrote:

shizkiller wrote:

Player Name: Shizkiller
Current Rank: #121545
Nationality: Dutch
Favourite Map: ONE OK ROCK - Clock Strikes

First time participating in a tournament. pls go easy on me.
It's my first time too, good luck.
Maybe we can have a practice match if you want.
I practiced with Dasvi a couple days ago, I wouldn't mind it. Anyways happy new year everyone here. :D

Xayler wrote:

I practiced with Dasvi a couple days ago, I wouldn't mind it. Anyways happy new year everyone here. :D
You too. Got my new years present - 1000 pp

Allenwalker88 wrote:

Xayler wrote:

I practiced with Dasvi a couple days ago, I wouldn't mind it. Anyways happy new year everyone here. :D
You too. Got my new years present - 1000 pp
Nice, I remember getting it like a week ago, good milestone.

But I hate myself because I didn't get 1337pp, got more... :x

Anyways my global acc is now more than 95% which was one of my goals so far, I will need to get my mojo in tournament and then I will be unstoppable. 8-)
You too. Got my new years present - 1000 pp[/quote]

Nice, I remember getting it like a week ago, good milestone.

But I hate myself because I didn't get 1337pp, got more... :x

Anyways my global acc is now more than 95% which was one of my goals so far, I will need to get my mojo in tournament and then I will be unstoppable. 8-)[/quote]

I got like 90% overall acc heh

Quoting it like, so stuffed up
Well, I had 91% accuracy 2 weeks ago, and the best way to improve it is just to play your current skill level maps (the real skill, not 5* ones), example for me it's currently 3-4* maps, I've basically only played them so give it a try. ;)

Xayler wrote:

Well, I had 91% accuracy 2 weeks ago, and the best way to improve it is just to play your current skill level maps (the real skill, not 5* ones), example for me it's currently 3-4* maps, I've basically only played them so give it a try. ;)

Buttttttt, my 5* maps call out to me in my sleep ;), nah not really but i can't find any maps of that caliber i enjoy annoyingly

shizkiller wrote:

Thanks. Maybe we can have a practice match if you want.
Sure, I'll check with Here100 if he wants to join today too.

Allenwalker88 wrote:

Xayler wrote:

Well, I had 91% accuracy 2 weeks ago, and the best way to improve it is just to play your current skill level maps (the real skill, not 5* ones), example for me it's currently 3-4* maps, I've basically only played them so give it a try. ;)

Buttttttt, my 5* maps call out to me in my sleep ;), nah not really but i can't find any maps of that caliber i enjoy annoyingly
92% here...
Cold Femboy
Sadly dont have time on 9.1. So sign me out :(

X-Blade wrote:

shizkiller wrote:

Thanks. Maybe we can have a practice match if you want.
Sure, I'll check with Here100 if he wants to join today too.
When would this practice be?
- Kameyo -
I would be up for a practice match too if anyone would like to :)

- Kameyo - wrote:

I would be up for a practice match too if anyone would like to :)
A practice match seems pretty fun though. I agree with this.

So yeah, if you guys lack some people to play with then you can call me in.
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