R.I.P. GiraffekNuL, forever in my heart Proud owner of the BITPOF (Believe In The Power Of Friendship) Tourney Team We're kinda dead now https://www.twitch.tv/viveliam< i stream sometimes, come check me out Lmao not anymore
25k rank - 14/02/2016 10k rank global - 23/05/2016 5k rank global - 26/07/2016 2.5k rank global - 27/10/2016 1k rank global - 31/03/2017 500 rank global - 16/07/2017 250 rank global - 15/10/2017 100 rank global - 15/05/2018 50 rank global - 03/11/2018 25 rank global
Top 100 Netherlands - 07/07/2016 Top 50 Netherlands - 26/08/2016 Top 25 Netherlands - 18/11/2016 Top 10 Netherlands - 06/04/2017 Top 5 Netherlands - 15/07/2017 Top 3 Netherlands - 12/09/2017 Top 2 Netherlands - 15/10/2017 Hi Jacky - 09/04/2018 Overtaken by skyrovania - 03/12/2020 nvm I am gamer - 23/02/2021 Finally freeeeeeee - 28/11/2022
3000 total pp - 21/02/2016 4000 total pp - 03/05/2016 5000 total pp - 09/08/2016 6000 total pp - 06/11/2016 7000 total pp - 04/03/2017 7500 total pp - 21/05/2017 8000 total pp - 15/07/2017 8500 total pp - 15/08/2017 9000 total pp - 14/10/2017 9500 total pp - 13/01/2018 10000 total pp - 17/03/2018 10500 total pp - 29/05/2018 11000 total pp - 27/07/2018 11500 total pp - 03/11/2018 12000 total pp - 07/02/2019 PP Update 12500 total pp - 02/02/2021 PP Update again 13000 total pp - 06/03/2021 big gamer 13500 total pp - 16/05/2021 14000 total pp - 06/06/2021 14500 total pp - 05/10/2021 15000 total pp - 19/01/2021 15500 total pp - 04/07/2022 16000 total pp
200 pp play - 29/02/2016 250 pp play - 30/05/2016 300 pp play - 26/08/2016 350pp play - 18/11/2016 400pp play - 19/04/2017 450pp play - 16/07/2017 500pp play - 04/10/2017 550pp play - 17/03/2018 600pp play - 17/03/2018 650pp play - 29/05/2018 700pp play - 03/11/2018 750pp play - 23/02/2021 800pp play - 06/03/2021 850pp play - 28/06/2022 900pp play
5 First place ranks simultaneously - 16/10/2017 10 First place ranks simultaneously - 29/10/2017 25 First place ranks simultaneously - 05/04/2018 50 First place ranks simultaneously - 14/08/2018 100 First place ranks simultaneously - 29/03/2019 250 First place ranks simultaneously
top 100 300+ pp plays - xx/xx/xxxx top 100 350+ pp plays - 12/11/2017 top 100 400+ pp plays - 14/06/2018 top 100 450+ pp plays - 07/02/2019 pp update top 100 500+ pp plays - 03/02/2021 pp update again top 100 550+ pp plays - 11/11/2021 pp update lmao top 100 600+ pp plays - 05/07/2022 top 100 650+ pp plays