
toby fox - Undertale Boss Themes

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 07 August 2018 at 10:43:09

Artist: toby fox
Title: Undertale Boss Themes
Tags: bad time spoiler sans papyrus frisk chara flowey determination patience kindness human toriel asgore asriel mount ebott snowdin bravery integrity perserverance justice fallen human genocide alphys mettaton hotland dog soul love exp undyne flowey onionsan onionsama onionchan onion napstablook hope dream annoying demo heroine final battle voli dirai epilepsy ruins core waterfall neutral ending hard mode megalomania Nyeh Heh Heh! temmie idiot baka heart blue indigo purple yellow green orange soulless monster chiptune pixel 2015 spare act fight item heartache bonetrousle spear of justice spider dance death by glamour your best nightmare hopes and dreams megalovania muffet NEO undying omega photoshop raidiation indie hula earthbound belowstory morality marathon incorrigible undermeme
BPM: 239
Filesize: 31697kb
Play Time: 21:57
Difficulties Available:
  1. Virtues of a True Hero (6.71 stars, 4359 notes)
  2. You must be new here, play me! (2.73 stars, 1620 notes)
Download: toby fox - Undertale Boss Themes
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Knowing that you may pass this one day...
It fills you with determination.

SEE THIS POST: p/6210557 ... ll#/435911 download this version on this post if you want the separate difficulties as they wont be uploaded any longer.
yay undertale maps made by a decent mapper
i'll mini-mod later [edit: month later and still too lazy :^)]
[edit2: its been 7 months still haven't modded :^))))

oh by the way Toriel's theme is Heartache, not Heartbreak
Is this gonna be a Within Temptation Marathon kind of map? Way to go! You got my support! :D
also I'm open for a GD if you need
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This IS gonna be like Within Temptation Marathon.
As of now I'm trying to limit open space as much as possible, so maybe I'll let you take a part when I've done a decent amount.

@obee fixed the name my bad

This is great, I wish I had the determination to map something this long

No love for Battle Against a True Hero though :(
Your best nightmare (and finale if you have it in there) are actually 190bpm pure.
Bonetrousle is actually ~160.
Heartache is nearly half of what you made it, and is 4/4.
Spider dance i believe is 240.


heartache is 240, not 239.
The hopes&dreams timing point is, like, WAY off from where the song is. it also should be 180 i believe.
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About the 4/4, I did what I did to make the downbeats line up correctly.
About the 190bpm, I find it getting off later, but I'll listen to it again at a later point.
my heart cant handle this
lmao u didn't tell me about this ? ? ?

Death by Glamour in Preview Point , u da real mvp!
Those tags tho
Mah gawd this map, even if it isn't finished is fun as hell, can't wait to see the finished product. Here, take my stars!
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Whoa dem posts in a short time whoa
PS: I'm gonna add a lot more tags soon xd

I rechecked the timings and I think aside from double/halve issues it is fine, the start of Your Worst Nightmare definitely fits 189 more to me than 190
i love it really, keep up this good work !
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Sunai wrote:

i love it really, keep up this good work !
You bet!
I am almost tempted to mod this, despite being a retired modder, just cause i wanna see this get approved (once it's finished initial mapping ofc), It's THAT amazing of a map in it's current state, If you don't plan to get it approved, you definitely should.
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I am intending in the future to rank it, not very soon though.
Needs a lot of polishing, some rhythm and playability changes and *shudders* hitsounding but ye IT WILL BE DONE!

Arphimigon wrote:

I am intending in the future to rank it, not very soon though.
Needs a lot of polishing, some rhythm and playability changes and *shudders* hitsounding but ye IT WILL BE DONE!

Ew... hitsounding, if you want, once you're done with initial mapping, i can point you to some of my BNG friends that can help you tackle that.
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I'd prefer to hitsound it myself as I have a personal hitsound style with fits my mapping style, I can pretty much make everything on the map myself then call others for checks when it is all done.

Of course if people want to help FOR FREE then I don't mind because rejecting free stuff is stupid kinda silly but I can do it all myself and I guess it would be better that way.

Also votes for nerfing Death by Glamour or keeping it? I like it how it is as it represents the songs flashy and exaggerated style (and mettaton) but it IS a little OP

Arphimigon wrote:

I'd prefer to hitsound it myself as I have a personal hitsound style with fits my mapping style, I can pretty much make everything on the map myself then call others for checks when it is all done.

Of course if people want to help FOR FREE then I don't mind because rejecting free stuff is stupid kinda silly but I can do it all myself and I guess it would be better that way.

Also votes for nerfing Death by Glamour or keeping it? I like it how it is as it represents the songs flashy and exaggerated style (and mettaton) but it IS a little OP

Pls, its so damn hard to follow those sliders dude D:
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Empowers wrote:

Pls, its so damn hard to follow those sliders dude D:

Mettaton wrote:

Oh yes!
Look at those ratings!
I wanna join in!
It's Bonetrousle, not Bonetrousel ;)
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Fixd diff name
When can we mod this.

I'm hyped for that map. :33
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CookieKivi wrote:

When can we mod this.
I suspect an ETA of between 8 to 10 days!
Would it be ok if I do a guest diff for Your Worst Nightmare? sounds like a fun song map :D
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Arphimigon wrote:

I'm planning to map the entire marathon by myself
Also for some reason I cut YWN... better add the rest back soon.
But yeah I really don't want GDs as pretty much every GD I've ever gotten completely goes against my ways of mapping in some way or another.
arph ur popular famous ok i dont know anymore gg
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diraimur wrote:

arph ur popular famous ok i dont know anymore gg
ur friendly neighbourhood spiderman arphimigod

Rip mapping Megalovania

( always quote artist)
I never like thinking of Sans in this route as it's pretty much all your/my fault. Cri.
You see a mod
It fills you with DISAPPOINTMENT when you read it

HITSOUNDING. I know its in the description but I wanted to say it again. Also, everything is too loud in general imo
No Kiai? Those might be nice or smth

00:07:738 - DS?
01:09:746 - This section is kinda uncreative and slow and boring
02:08:163 - SCREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE Burst. Im not burst expert, but this is in fact a burst that is really fast and imo I dont feel it flows well with the song. Same goes for othere SCREEE bursts
02:16:863 - Strange direction here. Is this supposed to be a curve?
02:34:263 - Slider curveture
03:44:111 - Ohgod ok ds?
05:39:650 - feels a bit intense but what do I know?
05:40:866 - ^ for this star and other stars
05:41:271 - I am no mapper, but this is just slider 2fast sanicfast what the hell please remove this! Looks WAY too gimmicky and gimmicks seem a bit wierd 5 minutes into a 16 minute marathon. Especially slider breaking funtimes
05:46:136 - The intensity
08:39:726 - I know the song slowed down but this is a bit much imo with the ar
09:23:290 - Doko would be proud
09:36:705 - This looks like an easy note you would completely disregard without missing on it once already
10:55:494 - Ow my ears ow ow why 1/16 all of a sudden?
11:19:360 - This whole song is a very strong difficulty reduction despite intensity of song and the importance of this song in the game plot. I dont know how to make this harder, but I think it should be
11:48:710 - 12:05:230 - 13 seconds of boring IMO. and in a boring song
13:55:247 - sorry but I think this slider can look better
14:16:734 - IF you take out EVERYTHING before this, you still end up with 6.55 out of 6.66* just from this megalovania. That honestly tells me that most of the stars is here with these 240bpm jumps. I think that is a major issue. Buff everything else or nerf this.

So like, in the storyboard, you have make the Frisk that the song most accurately represents in mood in the background like up a bit and make everything else dim a bit. Like the first song you have the red one light up and the others dim a bit, in the break they all go to the same lightedness, then in the next song at 01:48:909 you can have the green one (or the blue one if you want to be canon) and so on and so forth. The colors can be used more than once.

Alternitively, you can make the Frisks light up to indicate the difficulty of the section (because they widely vary) in the same way as the light up in mood of song scenario. I think it is an amazing idea imo.

Mod end
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Hpocks wrote:

You see a mod
It fills you with DISAPPOINTMENT when you read it

HITSOUNDING. I know mate, about it being loud, I also know.
No Kiai? I don't want to add kiai really, it'd highlight important pars sure but it'd be weird over multiple maps.

00:07:738 - DS? Don't want them touching and slight distance imo is good for start note pressure however i reduced a bit
01:09:746 - This section is kinda uncreative and slow and boring not much I can do about it, the song at that point doesnt need flashy creative stuff or fast stuff
02:08:163 - SCREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE Burst. Im not burst expert, but this is in fact a burst that is really fast and imo I dont feel it flows well with the song. Same goes for othere SCREEE bursts Having a hold there would have NO pressure either! Those parts are a key point to how the map plays, if not the MOST important.
02:16:863 - Strange direction here. Is this supposed to be a curve? It is, but it IS a bit wide, reducing!
02:34:263 - Slider curveture I like the look of this and having a larger curve wouldn't represent any sound so I'll leave this.
03:44:111 - Ohgod ok ds? its the same as 03:43:589 (6,7) - but with a slider jump instead, i think it highlights the intensity more as there is pressuring lead sounds AND the drum
05:39:650 - feels a bit intense but what do I know? I'm nerfing this part completely, I keep dying on these and FCing a lot of the "meant to be harder" parts too
05:40:866 - ^ for this star and other stars the stars are purposefully jumpy and challenging because of the variance of pitches and to be a better transition instead of flow movement (snappy is easier to move out of) so I'd rather keep the stars.
05:41:271 - I am no mapper, but this is just slider 2fast sanicfast what the hell please remove this! Looks WAY too gimmicky and gimmicks seem a bit wierd 5 minutes into a 16 minute marathon. Especially slider breaking funtimes
I need to explain this for future modders: The maps in these represent the characters/fights of which they come from a lot as well as the songs themselves, I decided to make this part all about being flashy and dramatic, hence the fast sliders and NC spam, as it suits Mettatons style. I believe the song should be mapped with this in mind.
05:46:136 - The intensity ^
08:39:726 - I know the song slowed down but this is a bit much imo with the ar 0.9 to 0.7 is like 75% speed, thats a normal reduction to me, I'll see what others think
09:23:290 - Doko would be proud lol
09:36:705 - This looks like an easy note you would completely disregard without missing on it once already I agree, I just cant find a good alternative. I'll think of something!
10:55:494 - Ow my ears ow ow why 1/16 all of a sudden? LOL OK 1/8 sorry about your ears!
11:19:360 - This whole song is a very strong difficulty reduction despite intensity of song and the importance of this song in the game plot. I dont know how to make this harder, but I think it should be I disagree, I think the song represents freedom, and being grateful. I think it should be a peaceful experience. Also, ASGORE is much easier!
11:48:710 - 12:05:230 - 13 seconds of boring IMO. and in a boring song It's many peoples favourite and one of the most important songs so I cant just cut this, also I like the slowdown of this and the punchiness of the sounds. Makes it stick out more.
13:55:247 - sorry but I think this slider can look better I agree! Sadly I can't make good ones. I'll keep this suggestion in mind and play with shapes for this, but I can't change it right now cus I suck.
14:16:734 - IF you take out EVERYTHING before this, you still end up with 6.55 out of 6.66* just from this megalovania. That honestly tells me that most of the stars is here with these 240bpm jumps. I think that is a major issue. Buff everything else or nerf this.
If you remove Megalovania and have everything else before it, you have 6.24SR. Your Best Nightmare is around 6.1, Spider Dance is 5.9 and Death By Glamour is 5.77, I think these SRs fit the songs perfectly. If we are going by themes from the game/characters, Megalovania should indeed be the hardest difficulty in the song as well and by a long shot.

So like, in the storyboard, you have make the Frisk that the song most accurately represents in mood in the background like up a bit and make everything else dim a bit. Like the first song you have the red one light up and the others dim a bit, in the break they all go to the same lightedness, then in the next song at 01:48:909 you can have the green one (or the blue one if you want to be canon) and so on and so forth. The colors can be used more than once.
Actually, most bosses have a particular trait/colour to them. Like how Mettaton is yellow (Justice) as it relates to the shooting mechanism which you only use on him, and Muffet has purple for patience which is only in her fight. Mood is okay, but lighting up which colour goes with the boss would be much cooler.
Great first check, thanks!
ok, what are those sliders in death by glamour!?
i couldn't follow them on an 800x600 screen....
pls nerf

also, you said you wanted it, so here's a slider

just delete the one you have, and append this to the hitobjects in your .osu file (anywhere that isn't intercepting something else)
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SuperMinun wrote:

ok, what are those sliders in death by glamour!?

just delete the one you have, and append this to the hitobjects in your .osu file (anywhere that isn't intercepting something else)
thanks for the slider! also dw im nerfing death by glamour to around 2.5 or 3x SV soon
I'm going to be dropping play-based mods on each of these where I find I'm troubled by something, and a test play if you like, but I can't really do 220+ so the last map would look bad if I play it.... Anyway here's some stuff that disturbs me on the Papyrus theme

1. The SV throughout the map, it just feels off, like, it just feels sluggish throughout the entire thing, I'm not sure if this is just me being weird though
2. The high OD and AR hurt this part of the map, and many others aswell, I'd say you should keep the AR but lower the OD to like 9 to atleast make it so that casual scrubs like myself can A the (entire) map: :>
3. The 1/8 streams, I know they fit the song, but they don't fit the intensity of this part of the map... I'm sure you were expecting someone to comment on this sooner or later, I mean come on, it's basically 300 bpm out of nowhere...

That's it for this song...
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Brimroth wrote:

1. The SV throughout the map, it just feels off, like, it just feels sluggish throughout the entire thing, I'm not sure if this is just me being weird though
I don't actually mind going through the map and increasing the SV actually as long as the "snappy" theme is still there
2. The high OD and AR hurt this part of the map, and many others aswell, I'd say you should keep the AR but lower the OD to like 9 to atleast make it so that casual scrubs like myself can A the (entire) map: :>
meh 9.5 is overkill I shouldve made it 9 earlier on anyway
3. The 1/8 streams, I know they fit the song, but they don't fit the intensity of this part of the map... I'm sure you were expecting someone to comment on this sooner or later, I mean come on, it's basically 300 bpm out of nowhere...
ya but then theres no fun! also idk i think it fits papyrus's shouty and overdone nature
quick note; those streams in your worst nightmare are kinda REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
in that they move so fast you can't SS them without some sort of program to up your dpi higher than windows settings
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SuperMinun wrote:

quick note; those streams in your worst nightmare are kinda REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
in that they move so fast you can't SS them without some sort of program to up your dpi higher than windows settings
Sorry but this must be due to your hardware, I cant nerf this part because of that. I know a few people who can hit all the parts in this.

Arphimigon wrote:

SuperMinun wrote:

quick note; those streams in your worst nightmare are kinda REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
in that they move so fast you can't SS them without some sort of program to up your dpi higher than windows settings
Sorry but this must be due to your hardware, I cant nerf this part because of that. I know a few people who can hit all the parts in this. Interesting. I'll grab a new mouse next time I'm at the store.

Also, can you somewhat nerf spider dance (less 1/2 circle spam)
the sliders can stay. just remove like every 3rd circle or something
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I mapped it to the music as much as possible, that means sadly there is gonna be a lot of 1/2 spam.
Yeeee I'm not nice to new players in my maps, but I'm pretty strict in my sense of rhythms.

PS: The comment "nerf because I can't play" pretty much annoys all mappers, good or bad, new or old.
dem, 3 pages and 2 mods... I wanted to post "3 pages, 0 mods lolololol" D:
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Technically only one was a proper mod and the other was just some opinionsssss
Alright, time to shank the Mettaton theme a bit:

05:01:947 (1,2,3,1) - This pattern breaks in my brain for some reason, I'd move 3 down a bit to make it flow better, since this is the first part with any real spacing, players should be given time to get used to the spacing and all that.
05:42:893 (1,1,1,1) - Overlapping hurts, if you intend on keeping this thing, atleast rotate the last 2 around a bit
06:09:447 (4,5) - This might just be me not being able to read anything, but the slider should totally rotate in the other direction.

Really fun to play in general though.

09:29:284 (7,8,9,10,1) - This stream turns different than the others, different enough to be noticed when played.
10:04:257 (2,3,4) - Get these 1/8s out of here, I mean come on, this isn't Papyrus theme where it fits his trolly nature, this is the theme of fellow souls you're trying to save, they wouldn't be dicks enough to put a surprise 1/8 triple in here, they'd leave it to be something easy and playable, like a 1/4 slidertriple...
10:09:310 (2,3,4) - ^

Beta-flowey feels so good to play too. Really nice work here. Will post mods on the rest as I feel like it...
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Brimroth wrote:

Mettaton theme:
05:01:947 (1,2,3,1) - This pattern breaks in my brain for some reason, I'd move 3 down a bit to make it flow better, since this is the first part with any real spacing, players should be given time to get used to the spacing and all that. eh i made it a little easier on the snapping and spacing
05:42:893 (1,1,1,1) - Overlapping hurts, if you intend on keeping this thing, atleast rotate the last 2 around a bit changed a bunch of blegh in this part of the map
06:09:447 (4,5) - This might just be me not being able to read anything, but the slider should totally rotate in the other direction. made it easier to hit but that direction was intentional

09:29:284 (7,8,9,10,1) - This stream turns different than the others, different enough to be noticed when played. its like that on purpose cus mah patterns xd but srsly i dont think it hurts too much play-wise, it just looks different
10:04:257 (2,3,4) - Get these 1/8s out of here, I mean come on, this isn't Papyrus theme where it fits his trolly nature, this is the theme of fellow souls you're trying to save, they wouldn't be dicks enough to put a surprise 1/8 triple in here, they'd leave it to be something easy and playable, like a 1/4 slidertriple... no, this about flowey, and flowey wants to kill you over and over in any way possible
10:09:310 (2,3,4) - ^ ^
Rip cant kds

OK I think there shouldn't be many more mp3 edits, also the map ends on a nicely done 420mil so memes
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Double Posting for self-mod

Self Mod
Fix ur ncs
ew 6.66sr ok dad
00:19:892 (10,1) - These are awfully close compared to 00:19:139 (5,6) - ok dad
00:48:637 - Remove hitsound here pls ok dad
The chorus in bonetrousel is way easier than the five note 1/8 bursts, can you try and counter this? lol ok ill try later
02:46:967 - Make this slider end quieter, it's more obvious than the other 3/4s when it is in a calm part ok nazi
03:01:432 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - Same spacing? Make each increase! AMAZING IDEA
03:05:606 (1,2,3,4,5) - This is actually a pain to read. learn to read but fixd
03:41:606 (3,4,5,6,1) - R u sure about dis WTF DID I JUST REPLACE THIS WITH LOL
05:15:834 (3) - Fix ikr
05:36:915 (3,4,5,6) - Of all people YOU are stacking at different sounds!? ok dad
06:46:240 (1,1) - Imo too close ok
This sound lacks nice hitsounding I'll fix later
07:28:259 - All these stronger sounds on slider ends hurt me i'll change them later on
09:28:125 (7,8,9,10,1) - MORE END SLIDERS LIKE ThiS! sure
11:43:190 - No hitsounding here shi-
12:28:181 - Pls find out why this section triggers dirai so much found out sir, it succ
13:55:351 (1) - Sry m9 this slider is too random succ
14:22:901 (1,3,5) - perhaps put 5 down a little to make it fit this pattern ok dad
14:32:776 (6,1,2) - yo this spacing is soooooooooo offputting fixd
git gud nubs
Amazing and beautiful map, so much fun to play, worth the 16mins of my life. If this goes to graveyard I'll find Arphi irl and stab him until ranked

replay (02-05-2016 mm-dd-yyyy):

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HighTec wrote:

If this goes to graveyard I'll find Arphi irl and stab him until ranked
sry mate i wont be able to get enough ppl to mod 16 min map AND get BNs to rank it
its simply too long and hard for a 1 ranked mapper to try
unless you know BNs that'd rank this ofc, then its for grave eventually

I'm going to mod like a song per day or week or idk since I'm lazy modder, don't kds the future ones (obv)
so here is the first one

00:19:390 (1) - remove nc since u removed on 00:20:896 (6) -
00:22:403 (1) - remove dis nc too for consistency
00:25:415 (1) - ^
00:26:921 (1) - ^
00:24:662 (1) - imo 2 circles but idk i succ
00:55:038 (1) - why is dis nc'd while 00:56:545 (2) - and 01:13:114 (2) - and 01:14:620 (2) - arent
01:00:813 (6) - why isnt dis nc'd while 00:56:419 (1) - and 01:12:863 (1) - and 01:14:495 (1) - are
01:40:980 (4) - ctrl+right
01:47:507 (1) - ctrl+right, ctrl+down
01:47:884 (2) - ctrl+rightx2, ctrl+downx2

k im done here /me flies
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diraimur wrote:

00:19:390 (1) - remove nc since u removed on 00:20:896 (6) - pattern emphasis! patterns! besides my HP is lowered to account for stupid NCing
00:22:403 (1) - remove dis nc too for consistency idk i guess this feels more legit to me ok
00:25:415 (1) - ^ ok
00:26:921 (1) - ^ nope this is meant to be there
00:24:662 (1) - imo 2 circles but idk i succ too confusing to sightread imo idk
00:55:038 (1) - why is dis nc'd while 00:56:545 (2) - and 01:13:114 (2) - and 01:14:620 (2) - arent
01:00:813 (6) - why isnt dis nc'd while 00:56:419 (1) - and 01:12:863 (1) - and 01:14:495 (1) - are idk
01:40:980 (4) - ctrl+right i dont see why but i did smth else that should do whatever u wanted me to do there anyway
01:47:507 (1) - ctrl+right, ctrl+down did smth along those lines
01:47:884 (2) - ctrl+rightx2, ctrl+downx2 ok dad
filthy kds farmer (^:
welp. tired af. but i want to mod that.
00:07:842 (3,4) - Change it. People wil have problems to read dis since this is really unpredicted n' stuff. Maybe like this. not exactly like this. but something like this ok
00:18:637 (1,2,3,4,5) - just wanted to say that i love that patterns 65% pls
The patterns at spider dance are hard to read, but do you know what? i like it. and it fits spider dance purrfect.
btw, do you want some tea?

03:53:606 Its so empty.

04:56:578 (4,5,6,7,8) - Do the streams there really fit? Idk.. they were there so.. unexpected. maybe make sum other patterns. mind this for every stream until here 05:02:051

05:40:970- I can't mod sumthin like that.. welp.
.. i hope this helped. sorry that i didn't modded more.

16:23:901 - Please map this until the song ends.. ;w;
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CookieKivi wrote:

welp. tired af. but i want to mod that.
00:07:842 (3,4) - Change it. People wil have problems to read dis since this is really unpredicted n' stuff. Maybe like this. not exactly like this. but something like this ok aaaah i dont know, 3 IS more emphasised than 4 imo and it feels weirder putting them closer, i'll need more time to think of what i want to do here
00:18:637 (1,2,3,4,5) - just wanted to say that i love that patterns 65% pls oops
The patterns at spider dance are hard to read, but do you know what? i like it. and it fits spider dance purrfect. lol thats the first person who has had trouble readin the patterns there xd
btw, do you want some tea?

03:53:606 Its so empty. purposeful

04:56:578 (4,5,6,7,8) - Do the streams there really fit? Idk.. they were there so.. unexpected. maybe make sum other patterns. mind this for every stream until here 05:02:051 again like the first point, i'm not really sure what i wanna do here. At the beginning of every song I allow the player to get used to the metronome in order to understand what speed theyll be playing at though, so for now imma keep dis

05:40:970- I can't mod sumthin like that.. welp. LOL and this is the nerfed ver
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