
DragonForce - Through The Fire And Flames

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Saturday, July 05, 2008 at 1:09:11 PM

Artist: DragonForce
Title: Through The Fire And Flames
BPM: 199.97
Filesize: 7329kb
Play Time: 01:51
Difficulties Available:
  1. Easy (1.34 stars, 103 notes)
  2. Normal (3.32 stars, 266 notes)
  3. Hard (4.51 stars, 394 notes)
  4. Expert (4.92 stars, 514 notes)
Download: DragonForce - Through The Fire And Flames
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
My 2nd big project I've been working on in osu! You're likely familiar with this one if you've played guitar hero 3. :P

Since the entire song is over 6 minutes in length, the beatmaps do not go through all of it. (easy ends after the 1st chorus while normal, hard, and expert end after the 2nd chorus.)

Everything appears to be looking alright, but if there are any issues w/anything, let me know.

Anyway, hope you enjoy. :)

Word of advice for expert: Have a fast finger. :P

Also, If you feel that expert isn't hard enough for you, I have an insane level as well. Consider yourself good if you pass it. (without mods) :P

Edit: Corrected a few wrongly timed notes on easy.
Edit 2: Minor edits to Easy and Normal, Made Insane a bit easier.
Edit 3: Changed 'Insane' Difficulty to 'Expert'.
Edit 4: Reworked all difficulties, Mainly Easy and Normal, but Hard and Expert have some changes as well.
Edit 5: Added more whistle/finish sounds. Tweaked all difficulties even more.
Edit 6: Made corrections on hard and expert.
Edit 7: Adjusted bpm and offset
Edit 8: Fixed spacing on expert
Edit 9: Added new difficulty in between hard and expert called 'expert', renamed old expert to insane, just in case. slight change to old expert.
Edit 10: made corrections burai mentioned on 7/4
Edit 11: Went through all difficulties and double-checked distance w/ distance snap (except expert, since I just made that, pretty sure it's right.)
Edit 12: Corrected spacing on expert awp pointed out
Edit 13: Removed insane (don't worry, I still have a backup just in case)
Edit 14: reduced slider tick rates on easy and normal, fixed spacing.

Download: DragonForce - Through The Fire And Flames (kingcobra52) [Insane].osu
It was pretty good. Easy wasn't so easy, but then again, this is the hardest song on guitar hero.
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Thanks, Kidwii. :)

I made some minor adjustments to Easy and Normal and made the intro on Insane easier. Be sure to update. ;)
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Err...Anyone else have any comments? This is only my 2nd map so I'd really appreciate some feedback. :)
Played through easy and normal, nothing jumped out at me as being bad. I like the sliders. I'll look over it more thoroughly when I have more time. :)
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Thanks, Luigi!

I don't know if you noticed, but I just updated all the difficulties. I mainly added in beats in some places where there were none. Looking forward to your analysis. :)
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Sorry for the delay.

I only have a couple issues, and I'm kind of torn on both of them.

First, you use a lot of short, repeating sliders. Those fit the theme really well, and I like how they sound, but it's almost impossible to tell when to stop holding them, especially when there are a bunch in a row, and they all seem to have a different number of repeats.

The other is that the stream at the beginning of Expert mode seems really overkill.

Still, those are both difficulty-based issues which I don't really feel comfortable making the call on. Timing and spacing are pretty good in all of them, so I'll give this a star and try to bug other mods into giving their opinion on the difficulty.

Also, minor qualm, but I'd love if one of those huge sliders was guitar-shaped :)
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Thanks, Luigi.

I think I'm going to wait for someone else to comment before making any adjustments. I understand where you're going with the repeating sliders. Would it be better if they all of them were the same instead of me varying the lengths, or should they be taken out entirely?

As for the intro on expert, I could decrease the difficulty a bit, but since the song itself is notable for its difficulty in guitar hero (and I think stepmania), I want to make it hard enough so that anyone who wants to pass it has to work for it, even saturos. :P
BPM: 199.97
Offset: 2,348

Just a tad off. It's difficult to time because of all the different things going on at once.

Good job making an easy map on a European Flower-Power Metal track. Most people would go overboard. I should be criticizing you rather than simply saying "Good job" but that's really all I can do.

03:17:94 (3,1,1) - Tricky, but not particularly problematic after your first time through.

02:13:21 (6) - Snap it to the whole beat at 02:13:13.
03:17:94 (3,1,1,1,1) - oh rats combo breaker D= (ignore this)

01:47:63 (5,6,7) - Beatspacing issue (6 is too close to 7 compared to the distance between 5 and 6)
01:50:03 (5,6,7) - Again, beatspacing issue
Honestly, I thought there'd be more notes. Like, quarter note streams. Might be too buttfucking hard to play it like that though =x Or too high of a score. It's worth a ton as it is because of those sliders. So I guess good call on that.
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Thanks, awp.

I updated with all the fixes you mentioned above and adjusted the bpm/offset.

...but now I really don't know whether I should lighten the difficulty a bit or not. ><

I guess I'll bug burai or something else who's experienced and see. ;)
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Ok, those errors should be corrected now. I even found some other spacing errors you didn't mention. ;)
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Ok. Here's what I did.

I created a new 'expert' difficulty with most of the same beats as the old expert except:

1. the intro is toned down.
2. spacing is closer.
3. sliders are not as fast.
4. overall, not as hard, but still a challenge.

I haven't decided whether to replace this new difficulty with the old expert, so I instead renamed the old expert to insane and kept it for now. Do you think this should replace it, or should I have 5 difficulties? What do you guys think?
As I said on irc, it's fine by me if have five difficulties.
Insane is pretty insane and I want to pass this before it gets ranked.

[02:00:41](8): closer to 7.
[02:25:16](7): new combo?

[00:27:55](1): farther away from previous note.

Some other spacing issues, but they're very minor and most seem intended.

This map is crazy and just zips through almost the entire screen.
Going to bubble (having second thoughts because I think I may have overlooked somethings). You should probably go back and look through them all again, just to be safe and sure. Check for spacing inconsistencies. I may have come across some and then threw them off because they felt like they were meant to be there.
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Ok. I believe everything is good to go on spacing. In case burai or someone else looks over this, I used 0.6 spacing on easy, normal, hard, and expert, and 0.9 for insane. (except for the intro, which is 0.6)

Quick question though, is the calculated maximum score in the editor include the difficulty bonus? If it doesn't, then I need to find some way to increase insane's max score so it won't be so close to expert methinks.
love it!!!!
01:47:63 (5,6,7) - Beatspacing issue

imo you only need one of either Expert or Insane because they're so damn similar. Probably Expert because the beatspacing's friendlier <3
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Darn, too bad there isn't a way to make just insane unranked and the others ranked. I kinda want to see either saturos or burai attempt to pass it. :P

In any case, what the verdict on the score? am I gonna have to find some way to reduce it? ><

kingcobra52 wrote:

Darn, too bad there isn't a way to make just insane unranked and the others ranked. I kinda want to see either saturos or burai attempt to pass it. :P
You can post Insane as an attachment on first post.

kingcobra52 wrote:

In any case, what the verdict on the score? am I gonna have to find some way to reduce it? ><
I feel no need to scramble with that.
* Reduce slider tick rate from 4 to 2. Insane points for such an easy map, plus it sounds better that way.

* Reduce slider tick rate from 4 to 2. Same thing as with easy.
* 00:15:54 (1): Spacing

Otherwise ok for ranking by me.
Ranked. Have fun with it.
The long little sliders are horrible. ~_~

Anyway, good job with this beatmap. ;)
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
Lets all high-the fuck-five Rolled!

(slider break, in case you didn't notice)

Rolled so pro~ <3
Ace of Trades
I just wanted to say... not because I suck at this game... but I do have a couple complaints....
First.... This is AWESOME!!!! I mean, it's tough, but cool... but... just venting here... it's beatmaps, notestrings or whatever it's called in EVERY SINGLE RHYTHM GAME that creates the insane, live alone... in their basement (or their mom's basement) that sit and memorize EVERY SINGLE BEAT!!! I mean... it's cool to be challenged, so we can do better... but COME ON!!!! Really! I mean the first time I saw it on guitar hero, I just knew Neversoft pulled a Konami/SNK. Which is NOT a complement... also... LOTS of note 3 under note 1 with a 2 next to it.... Thats CRAZY!!! YOU CAN'T SEE EM! I feel, if you're gonna make something INSANELY HARD, make it fun! Rhythm game makers just don't seem to see that...
also... only like half the song? If you're gonna make the HARDEST F***n' song... i da no... leik... MAKE THE WHOLE SONG!!!!
another thing... how come NO ONE is MAN ENOUGH to make another Dragonforce song? It's not their only song.... I would do it... but I'm working on Mario Minor by Powerglove and then making Where in the World is Carmen Sandiago? since it has yet to be made...

Ace of Trades wrote:

Insert mass amounts of ellipses and nonsense ranting here.
If you want to play the whole map through, play this one. It's only approved, so it won't effect your ranked score, but it's quality. The reason this one is not mapped throughout the entire song is because of ranking standards. The score would be faaar too high to be allowable, and thus not rankable.

Also, this map isn't really that challenging in comparison with a lot of other maps. Look around.

And contrary to popular belief, most everyone that plays this game has a life. No, really. Grow up, please.
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Ace of Trades

Pokebis wrote:

ur dumn
Wow... um... well... nice reply there! I can see your IQ level now... it only has one digit...

Saturos wrote:

The reason this one is not mapped throughout the entire song is because of ranking standards.
I see your point there

Saturos wrote:

Also, this map isn't really that challenging in comparison with a lot of other maps. Look around.
I know... but only being half finished made me kinda... snap.

Saturos wrote:

And contrary to popular belief, most everyone that plays this game has a life. No, really. Grow up, please.
I'm not talking this game... I'm talking about ALL GAMES. Things like the people who memorized Through the Fire and Flames in Guitar Hero 3 and the people who own a actual DDR machine... not the people who play this game.

Also, I LOVE your quote... it's AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ace of Trades wrote:

Also, I LOVE your quote... it's AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You had three quotes.

Also, people don't really remember every single beat on beatmaps in osu!. People like Saturos have this thing called skills. Skills are developed over a time of doing an action and usually increase the more the experience the person has with this action. osu! is obviously a game that requires a bit of dedication to master, thus consuming some time. Sure, we could spend time with it, but maybe we do it to entertain ourselfs.
I've seen couples (opposite sexes in fact!) at arcades playing DDR amazingly. And they were having fun.
Also many osuers such as our friend Saturos here has a job. I'm unsure if he spends his time in a basement or not, but he defiantly has an actual life.
Also, why are you even here, it seems like you're criticizing yourself like a hypocritical freak.
And how come I don't know who you are, you've obviously made something very good out of your life and must be a super successful business owner. And a famous actor. And you must also have lost your virginity at age 5 like all the other kool kidz/successful people.
Please show me what you have made of your life before attacking ours.
Oh, and my IQ is over 9000 digits long.

Pokebis wrote:

Blah blah
Grats on being more retarded than Ace. He was likely referring to a quote in my sig. His response wasn't offensive at all, either. ;x
Ace of Trades
YES!!!!! You are the winner.

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Congrats! (For those that haven't seen yet, he's the first to fc this on expert)

I award you an osu medal! :)

I suppose that means Rolled and myself need to finally get around to doing it, too. >>
Thanks. Nice medal. :)
This is the best map I ever played. Only map that i gave 10 stars. :D
Now, my dream is to play map DragonForce - Operation Ground and Pound :twisted:
One more thanks to you for map, and thanks to Saturos for mobilization :)
That guy on my avatare is the guitarist of DragonForce: Herman Li :D
theeeere we go
holy shit holy shit holy shit holy shit no way no way no way no fucking way oh my god oh my god oh my god holy shit 100 fucking % my hands holy shit holy shit holy shit holy shit that just fucking happened.

Grats. You deserve a cookie :D
Go easy guys. :) And THX :D
You gave me a run for my money.

However, the deed is done.

you get a medal to for getting #1 on EXPERT....

Wow!!! 5x100 :)
You're kickass :twisted:
Congrats man!
Saturos, now it's your turn :D
Rolled and I were having a DT expert race, which i horribly lost. And I just realized that the intro to Expert is spelling "FORCE". Now i feel stupid... thanks.
Hi dude! I love your bitmap! But there is one crazy moment on normal where i always spoil -.- that's 404th note. Please tell me how to hit it right way not to break combo ^^.
Best regards, Droon

Droon wrote:

Hi dude! I love your bitmap! But there is one crazy moment on normal where i always spoil -.- that's 404th note. Please tell me how to hit it right way not to break combo ^^.
Best regards, Droon
Just.. click and keep holding till the slider ends? :P You don't have to move your mouse while holding it if that's what your problem is.
Oh. :idea:
Thanks ^.~
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