
solfa feat.Chata - hot splash! [Taiko]

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 12 March 2016 at 01:16:53

Artist: solfa feat.Chata
Title: hot splash!
Tags: opening parasol visual novel iyuna 天ヶ咲麗
BPM: 153
Filesize: 3035kb
Play Time: 01:46
Difficulties Available:
  1. Futsuu (2.02 stars, 197 notes)
  2. Kantan (1.47 stars, 116 notes)
  3. Muzukashii (2.64 stars, 297 notes)
  4. Oni (3.41 stars, 424 notes)
Download: solfa feat.Chata - hot splash!
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
i'm fallin' in love like a hot splash <3

Volta feat. Chata
  1. hot splash!
  2. Miracle infinity
  3. sing a song!
  4. Prism lovely day
  5. ...
Hello~ From queue~

Why is this so well mapped? ;w;

  1. Uncheck widescreen support on Kantan, Futsuu and muzu.

  1. 00:20:599 (17,18) - Swap these two notes, 00:20:599 (17) - has a drum sound so d would fit more. ( And following the vocals it's better too since 00:20:599 (17) - has a higher pitch than the other two.)
  2. 00:21:775 (19,20) - Swap them, because here 00:22:560 (20) - following the vocals, it sounds more like a k imo.
  3. 00:50:011 (18) - Change to k, vocals has the same pitch as here 00:50:795 (19) -
  4. 00:56:677 (3,4) - Swap them, same reason as 00:20:599 (17,18) -
  5. 01:35:314 (3,4,5) - About this, i think skiping the sound here 01:34:769 - feels worse than skip the one you mapped, i suggest you to:
  6. move 01:35:314 (3) - here 01:34:769 (3) -
  7. 01:36:405 (4) - here 01:35:859 (4) -
  8. 01:37:495 (5) - here 01:36:950 (5) - ( if you do this, make your spinner start from 01:37:495 (1) - )

  1. 00:39:814 (11) - Change to k, the pitch of the voice is higher here.
  2. 00:53:540 (33,34) - Change to k d or d k, following the vocals, both notes can't be the same color imo ( I would go for k d since 00:48:834 (24,25,27,28,30,31) - are k d as well.)
  3. 00:59:422 (47) - Maybe k here? almost same sound as 00:58:638 (45,46) -
  4. 01:04:128 (60) - Change to k, there is a cymbal sound in the background.
  5. 01:10:207 (76) - Move it here 01:09:422 (74) - for a better flow/following the vocals in a better way.
  6. 01:22:756 (111) - Move it here 01:21:971 (109) - For same reason as above ^.

  1. 00:39:226 (15) - Delete for consistency with 00:31:971 (3,4,5,6) - ( And sounds weird imo.)
  2. Well in think that's all, very nice muzu.

  1. 00:05:306 (18) - Add a d here? sounds empty here.
  2. 00:13:050 (9) - I think deleting this note would make a better flow.
  3. Very nice oni too.

Good luck for ranking this~
Topic Starter

-Tenshi- wrote:

Hello~ From queue~

Why is this so well mapped? ;w; :3

  1. Uncheck widescreen support on Kantan, Futsuu and muzu. ah yes. typical freshly uploaded mistake lol

  1. 00:20:599 (17,18) - Swap these two notes, 00:20:599 (17) - has a drum sound so d would fit more. ( And following the vocals it's better too since 00:20:599 (17) - has a higher pitch than the other two.) changed (17) to d
  2. 00:21:775 (19,20) - Swap them, because here 00:22:560 (20) - following the vocals, it sounds more like a k imo. nope, (20) is fine as d to give stronger emphasis at 00:24:128 (21) -
  3. 00:50:011 (18) - Change to k, vocals has the same pitch as here 00:50:795 (19) - no, it is clearly same pitch as 00:49:226 (17) -
  4. 00:56:677 (3,4) - Swap them, same reason as 00:20:599 (17,18) - definitely different than 00:20:599 (17,18) since 00:56:677 (3) is high pitched and current pattern fits better
  5. 01:35:314 (3,4,5) - About this, i think skiping the sound here 01:34:769 - feels worse than skip the one you mapped, i suggest you to:
  6. move 01:35:314 (3) - here 01:34:769 (3) -
  7. 01:36:405 (4) - here 01:35:859 (4) -
  8. 01:37:495 (5) - here 01:36:950 (5) - ( if you do this, make your spinner start from 01:37:495 (1) - )
    added k at 01:34:769 and i did timing improvement

  1. 00:39:814 (11) - Change to k, the pitch of the voice is higher here. fixed
  2. 00:53:540 (33,34) - Change to k d or d k, following the vocals, both notes can't be the same color imo ( I would go for k d since 00:48:834 (24,25,27,28,30,31) - are k d as well.) fixed
  3. 00:59:422 (47) - Maybe k here? almost same sound as 00:58:638 (45,46) - the pitch is going up start from here so d is also fine
  4. 01:04:128 (60) - Change to k, there is a cymbal sound in the background. no, it works as reverse pattern of 01:02:167 (54,55,56) -
  5. 01:10:207 (76) - Move it here 01:09:422 (74) - for a better flow/following the vocals in a better way. current placement will help emphasis 01:10:795 (78,79) - in a way better
  6. 01:22:756 (111) - Move it here 01:21:971 (109) - For same reason as above ^. same as above

  1. 00:39:226 (15) - Delete for consistency with 00:31:971 (3,4,5,6) - ( And sounds weird imo.) fixed
  2. Well in think that's all, very nice muzu.

  1. 00:05:306 (18) - Add a d here? sounds empty here. intentionally leave empty to give calmer atmosphere before the spinner
  2. 00:13:050 (9) - I think deleting this note would make a better flow. the note here can emphasis the vocal imo
  3. Very nice oni too. :3

Good luck for ranking this~
thank you for mod~
jelas ada si Chata, lagu2 gaem best bener kalau ada dia :U

irc mod
01:38 Surono: when open is maekkk nub
01:38 Surono: wrong chat
01:40 Flying Pan: lol
01:40 Surono:
01:51 Surono: reduce offset -4, di tambah -2 lagi kalau mau pas
01:51 Surono: hi pro
01:51 Flying Pan: apaan tuh
01:51 Surono: hi pro
01:52 *Surono is listening to [ solfa feat.Chata - hot splash!]
01:53 Flying Pan: engga ah malah jadi kecepetan..
01:53 Surono: y, pro
01:55 Surono: kecepeten h3eh3 iya,. mau mod irc?/?
01:55 Flying Pan: bole
01:55 Flying Pan: blm pernah nyoba si wkwk
01:55 Surono: apaan nich cupu masnya
01:55 Surono: cepet jadi BN
01:55 *Surono is playing [ solfa feat.Chata - hot splash! [Oni]] <Taiko> +DoubleTime
01:56 Surono: spect dulu sn1nch
01:56 Flying Pan: mana tombol spect nya
01:56 Surono: di dengkul kuda
01:56 Flying Pan: sumpeh ga ada
01:56 Surono: ketik /spectating SurSIRR
01:56 Surono: ketik /spectating SurSIRR [2[2[2[2[
01:57 Flying Pan: oh gw masih di editor wkwkw
01:57 Surono: wew
01:57 Flying Pan: sana mane
01:57 Surono: ketik /watch Surono
01:57 Flying Pan: maen
01:59 Surono: map pr o
01:59 Flying Pan: ada miss tuh
01:59 Flying Pan: kurang pro situ
01:59 Surono: iya MISS
01:59 Surono: :C yah kenyataan. situ pasti pass
01:59 *Surono is editing [ solfa feat.Chata - hot splash! [Oni]]
01:59 Surono: 00:30:403 - tesss
02:00 Flying Pan: iya tapi gak pake DT
02:00 Surono: y. q juga bisa
02:00 Surono: 00:05:306 - ada ruang ga enak, tambah don napa mz
02:01 Flying Pan: pitchny sama sperti 00:31:383 -
02:01 Surono: 00:30:403 - maksudnya sama kek yg itu?
02:02 Flying Pan: iya
02:02 Flying Pan: yang 5:306
02:02 Flying Pan: tenshi juga bilang gitu sih
02:02 Flying Pan: hmm
02:02 Surono: kan ada tsss right? tapi depen u, ga pake finisher juga gpp.. soft nadanya
02:02 Surono: idih kok megang teguh omongan orang... `_L` thiz ur map
02:05 Surono: kamar ga ada sinyal yo ngene
02:05 *Surono is editing [ solfa feat.Chata - hot splash! [Oni]]
02:06 Surono: bentar gw liat spreadnya.. walah 00:46:677 - gw malah pengen ini di apus di oni, tapi udah ada pembagiannya di muzu
02:06 Flying Pan: nasibmu nak
02:06 Surono: 00:46:677 - mending ini pindah 00:47:069 - ke sini buat muzu, nada kuat ye
02:08 Surono: tapi keknya polanya ngikut vokal ye? 00:52:756 (27,28,29,30) - kek ini? lol keep aja kalau ga mau ganti
02:09 Surono: tapi k kdd k itu udah ngeflow ketimbang kdk d k
02:10 Flying Pan: bentar itu muzu apa oni
02:10 Surono: muzu yus
02:11 Flying Pan: 00:46:481 (10,11,12,13) -
02:11 Flying Pan: yang itu?
02:11 Surono: 00:54:520 - ini mending hapus, atau pindah ke 00:54:128 - sini lol. mending hapus, ngikut si kat terus 00:54:912 - don buat ni drum doang
02:11 Surono: buat Oni
02:12 Surono: iye itu muzu k ddk, selanjutnya k kdd d k
02:14 Flying Pan: iya sih awalnya ngikutin beat tp disitu jadi vokal
02:14 Flying Pan: 00:54:520 - itu udah diapus kmaren haha tp blm update
02:14 Surono: yelahh..
02:16 Surono: ini sebenernya udah bagus oni sama muzu, tapi lagi w mau liat2.. dan banyak sound mappabel nich. gw bisa buat Inner inich
02:19 Flying Pan: coba aja tapi kalo overmap gw gak mau ambil wkwk
02:19 Surono: dah segini aja. low diff dah bagus pasti :U mz kan calon BN. gw savelog ye
02:19 Surono: anjeg, ga lah.. lah deka di hati itu overmap :'U gw males ngemodnya. dicheck sendirih
02:20 Flying Pan: ocee

Oni and Muzu is enough fine imo, cuz priority follow to rhytm than de vocal and low diff not needed to say from me lol. patterns is looks good with follow vocals... and have more mappable pitch to map.. i will try to make Inner, kalau ga kuat... will make Oni *ikutan ye lol

Topic Starter
thx for midnight irc mod.
via forum pm.

  1. How about changing HP to 8/7/6/5 (K/F/M/O)?
  2. I don't recommend using 5% volume although it is spinner. it is really not feeling to hit.
  1. 00:13:932 (7,8,9) - It is not problem. but i think it would be better mapping to follow vocals.
  2. 00:15:501 - How about adding note? vocals is still exists on here. and it would be better to remove 00:17:069 (11).
  3. 00:24:912 (22,23) - Swap hitsounds except finish. personally, 23 is more higher pitch imo.
  4. 00:56:285 (2) - Melody is increasing on next note. it would be better changing to d imo.
  5. 01:29:618 (53) - Change to d following melody?
  6. 01:33:148 (1,2) - Melody is down on 2. i think it would be better changing to kd.
  1. 00:12:756 (8,9,10,11) - Similar opinion as Kantan. it would be better to play that mapping to follow vocals imo.
  2. 00:21:775 (31,32,33,34) - Same as above. how about changing to dk kd or dk k?
  3. 00:31:971 (2) - I think it is not necessary to emphasize. it is enough to use d imo.
  4. 00:59:422 (47,48,49,50,51,52) - Well... how about mapping to follow vocals?
  5. 01:03:344 (57) - Move to 01:03:148 following voicals?
  6. 01:33:148 (135,136) - Same as Kantan. swap these.
  1. 00:27:265 (57) - There is K on other diffs. it needs to add clap on here imo.
  2. 00:42:363 (19) - Why only this sound is mapped although other similar sound on this part is not mapped?
  3. 00:55:501 - Pattern is a bit long compared to general parts. it needs to remove some notes imo.
    1. 00:56:089 (3) - 00:56:873 (7) - Remove one or both.
    2. 00:58:050 (12) - I don't think this note is necessary.
    3. 00:59:226 (16) - Same as above.
    4. 01:03:344 (32,33) - Personally, this triplet is not necessary.
  4. 01:29:422 (55) - How about making little break like as 01:16:677?
  5. 01:05:697 (4,5) - It is not good that using a bit long pattern imo. remove this for making little break.
  6. 01:18:246 (4,5) - Same as above.
  7. 01:25:795 (38,39) - Remove? this triplet is a bit not matched.
  8. 01:28:246 (50) - Feeling is cutted on here. how about removing?
  9. 01:29:030 (52) - It would be better moving to 01:28:638 imo if you apply above mod.
  1. 00:42:756 (28) - There is not strong sound. it would be better removing this imo.
  2. 01:01:775 (32) - k? actually it is higher vocals than around imo.
  3. 01:03:344 (42,43) - Remove?
Sorry for late.
Topic Starter

Underflow wrote:

via forum pm.

  1. How about changing HP to 8/7/6/5 (K/F/M/O)? ok
  2. I don't recommend using 5% volume although it is spinner. it is really not feeling to hit. the spinner sound is annoying to me if louder so i'll keep it atm and see other opinion

  1. 00:13:932 (7,8,9) - It is not problem. but i think it would be better mapping to follow vocals.i prefer map to the beat here
  2. 00:15:501 - How about adding note? vocals is still exists on here. and it would be better to remove 00:17:069 (11). kept to make 4/1 break
  3. 00:24:912 (22,23) - Swap hitsounds except finish. personally, 23 is more higher pitch imo.alright. also changed 00:24:128 - to D
  4. 00:56:285 (2) - Melody is increasing on next note. it would be better changing to d imo. fixed
  5. 01:29:618 (53) - Change to d following melody? nice idea but i prefer to make it simple k k k there
  6. 01:33:148 (1,2) - Melody is down on 2. i think it would be better changing to kd. fixed
  1. 00:12:756 (8,9,10,11) - Similar opinion as Kantan. it would be better to play that mapping to follow vocals imo. keep
  2. 00:21:775 (31,32,33,34) - Same as above. how about changing to dk kd or dk k? ^
  3. 00:31:971 (2) - I think it is not necessary to emphasize. it is enough to use d imo. fixed
  4. 00:59:422 (47,48,49,50,51,52) - Well... how about mapping to follow vocals? keep
  5. 01:03:344 (57) - Move to 01:03:148 following voicals? ^
  6. 01:33:148 (135,136) - Same as Kantan. swap these. fixed
  1. 00:27:265 (57) - There is K on other diffs. it needs to add clap on here imo. fixed. also changed 00:27:069 - to d
  2. 00:42:363 (19) - Why only this sound is mapped although other similar sound on this part is not mapped? it will make better transition to next part imo
  3. 00:55:501 - Pattern is a bit long compared to general parts. it needs to remove some notes imo. nerfed
    1. 00:56:089 (3) - 00:56:873 (7) - Remove one or both.
    2. 00:58:050 (12) - I don't think this note is necessary.
    3. 00:59:226 (16) - Same as above.
    4. 01:03:344 (32,33) - Personally, this triplet is not necessary.
  4. 01:29:422 (55) - How about making little break like as 01:16:677? it's ok, this is the climax
  5. 01:05:697 (4,5) - It is not good that using a bit long pattern imo. remove this for making little break. nope to make better spread with oni
  6. 01:18:246 (4,5) - Same as above.^
  7. 01:25:795 (38,39) - Remove? this triplet is a bit not matched. hmm i think it matched.
  8. 01:28:246 (50) - Feeling is cutted on here. how about removing? keep to make consistency with 01:24:912 -
  9. 01:29:030 (52) - It would be better moving to 01:28:638 imo if you apply above mod.
  1. 00:42:756 (28) - There is not strong sound. it would be better removing this imo. i think it will give better transition. keep for now
  2. 01:01:775 (32) - k? actually it is higher vocals than around imo. its fine becuse it;s lower than 01:03:148 -
  3. 01:03:344 (42,43) - Remove? removed 01:03:834 - instead
Sorry for late. np
thank you for mod :3
Hi, from M4M~


00:00:208 (1,2,3) - Change to d k d? These colours work in the other difficulties, but in the Kantan you only have these three hits to compare each other with. 00:01:776 (2) is higher pitch 1 and 3.

00:13:932 (7,8,9) - ^ You've matched the 1/1 in this section to the humming in this section (I think). It'll also match the Futsuu.

00:25:697 (23) - Remove the finisher on this hit. It's fine, but 00:24:128 (21) has an actual cymbal sound and strong emphasis than 00:25:697 (23). Same in all difficulties.

00:30:403 (1) - Add a finisher for the cymbal sound? Same in all difficulties.

01:11:187 (25) - Add a finisher? This will keep consistency with the rest of the difficulties. Same at 01:23:736 (45).

01:13:932 (29) - Change to k to contrast with the finisher on the next hit. Ctrl + G for 01:13:540 (28,29) is an alternative.

01:16:677 - This is more of a personal preference, but I only end kiais in the middle of the chorus if there's absolutely no instrumentals. Remove this inherited point? If accepted, do in all difficulties.

01:28:050 (50,51) - Ctrl + G to match the Futsuu.

01:28:442 (51) - Add a finisher to match Muzukashii and Oni. Do the same in the Futsuu.

01:23:736 (45) - Add a finisher? This sounds similar to 01:14:324 (30).

01:33:948 (2,3) - This is fine, but perhaps the BPM change make this difficult to time for Kantan level players. Remove? It'll also help build a better difficulty curve with the Futsuu.


00:04:913 (7,8) - One of these should be a d. I'd change 00:04:913 (7) to d because you've matched to the lower pitched piano, and the lower pitched piano here sounds exactly the same as 00:01:776 (3).

00:16:873 (19) - Move to 00:17:658? There is vocals and instrumentals at this time, which I think would be more suitable.

00:20:011 (26,27) - This has an inconsistent rhythm with 00:21:775 (31,32,33), and is somewhat difficult for the beginning. You could add a k at 00:19:814 and change 00:20:207 (27) to d to match the instrumentals and keep a uniform rhythm.

00:26:677 (44) - Idk, I'd personally change this to k. Imagine (don't actually do this) you had a hit at 00:27:069. It'd most likely be a d. Now, you have a k d d d k rhythm, which could be made better by changing to k. If you get what I mean :P

00:33:148 (3,4) - Ctrl + G? 00:33:148 (3) has a lower vocal pitch than the next hit, and 00:33:540 (4) would match 00:34:324 (5) with a k sound, like you had it in the Kantan, which sounded beautiful.

01:02:363 (55) - Change to d? The pitch of the vocals is lower than the surrounding hits, like you had it in the Muzukashii.

01:03:344 (57,58,59,60) - I'd personally match this to 01:01:775 (53,54,55,56). The pitch for these four hits is higher than the previous four.


00:04:913 (9) - Change to k? For the same reason as the first suggestion in the Futsuu.

00:17:658 - Add a hit here? The difficulty gap between the Muzukashii and Oni is large here. A k would be nice.

00:48:638 - Add a hit here? It'll flow better imo.

00:51:383 (8) - Remove? This is the only hit in a pair 1/2 which is matched to the vocals.

00:52:756 (12) - Change to d. The pitch of the vocals is higher in the next hit.

01:09:030 - You could add a hit here unless you want to strictly match to the vocals. Same at 01:21:579.

01:09:226 (20,21,22) - d k k or d d k would match the pitch of the vocals better imo. Same at 01:21:775 (20,21,22).

01:15:501 (46) - Change to d? It will contrast better with the finisher in the next hit.


00:12:952 (8,9,10,11,12) - Idk, but I just think that ddkkd would sound better.

00:17:461 (34,35,36,37) - Change the rhythm like this to match the instrumental rhythm better.

00:43:932 (32,33,34,35) - For these four hit 1/2 rhythms in this section, I don't really understand the different pattern in the usage of d k k d and d k d d. Perhaps the former is for instrumentals and the latter is for vocals? I'm not really sure :/

01:01:971 (33,34,35) - ddk would sound better imo.

01:04:030 - Add a hit here? There can be instrumentals.

01:32:756 - You can add a hit here and at 01:32:952 for the triangle sound.

Good luck on rank~
Hey! (late sorry ;w;) mod as requested :P

  1. Couldn't find anything worth pointing out, good job :D
  1. 00:26:677 - k?
  1. 00:11:187(5,6,7) - kkd? ddd doesn't fit imo
  2. 01:21:579 - add d here
  1. 00:17:854 - k
  2. 00:19:422 - k
  3. 01:10:991 - k
  4. 01:23:540 - k (same as above)
  5. 01:18:050(3,4,5) - ddk

aaaaa hope you rank this, I love chata >///< good luck! 8-)
Topic Starter

newyams99 wrote:

Hi, from M4M~


00:00:208 (1,2,3) - Change to d k d? These colours work in the other difficulties, but in the Kantan you only have these three hits to compare each other with. 00:01:776 (2) is higher pitch 1 and 3. changed to k k d since i think it's better to start all diff with same colour

00:13:932 (7,8,9) - ^ You've matched the 1/1 in this section to the humming in this section (I think). It'll also match the Futsuu. fixed

00:25:697 (23) - Remove the finisher on this hit. It's fine, but 00:24:128 (21) has an actual cymbal sound and strong emphasis than 00:25:697 (23). Same in all difficulties. no, the instrument sound is stressed and it worth to emphasize with finisher.

00:30:403 (1) - Add a finisher for the cymbal sound? Same in all difficulties. this is the beginning of the calmest part and i think a finisher will be too loud, so i'll keep it for now.

01:11:187 (25) - Add a finisher? This will keep consistency with the rest of the difficulties. Same at 01:23:736 (45). fixed

01:13:932 (29) - Change to k to contrast with the finisher on the next hit. Ctrl + G for 01:13:540 (28,29) is an alternative. no, this has different sound than 01:16:677 (33,34,35) - so current pattern is fine to give variation

01:16:677 - This is more of a personal preference, but I only end kiais in the middle of the chorus if there's absolutely no instrumentals. Remove this inherited point? If accepted, do in all difficulties. hmm i'll consider about this but the phrase 'dont let you go' is fit to be a bridge between kiai imo

01:28:050 (50,51) - Ctrl + G to match the Futsuu. fixed

01:28:442 (51) - Add a finisher to match Muzukashii and Oni. Do the same in the Futsuu.dunno but i think it doesn't fit well in kantan and futsuu

01:23:736 (45) - Add a finisher? This sounds similar to 01:14:324 (30).ok

01:33:948 (2,3) - This is fine, but perhaps the BPM change make this difficult to time for Kantan level players. Remove? It'll also help build a better difficulty curve with the Futsuu. only removed (3)


00:04:913 (7,8) - One of these should be a d. I'd change 00:04:913 (7) to d because you've matched to the lower pitched piano, and the lower pitched piano here sounds exactly the same as 00:01:776 (3). no, a variation is nice and the melody piano is different than the first one.

00:16:873 (19) - Move to 00:17:658? There is vocals and instrumentals at this time, which I think would be more suitable. current placement is fine because there is bass sound and plays better

00:20:011 (26,27) - This has an inconsistent rhythm with 00:21:775 (31,32,33), and is somewhat difficult for the beginning. You could add a k at 00:19:814 and change 00:20:207 (27) to d to match the instrumentals and keep a uniform rhythm. yeah i was intend to change the rhytm. only added k tho

00:26:677 (44) - Idk, I'd personally change this to k. Imagine (don't actually do this) you had a hit at 00:27:069. It'd most likely be a d. Now, you have a k d d d k rhythm, which could be made better by changing to k. If you get what I mean :P yeah i understand. kkd sounds better so changed :D

00:33:148 (3,4) - Ctrl + G? 00:33:148 (3) has a lower vocal pitch than the next hit, and 00:33:540 (4) would match 00:34:324 (5) with a k sound, like you had it in the Kantan, which sounded beautiful. beutiful indeed. changed.

01:02:363 (55) - Change to d? The pitch of the vocals is lower than the surrounding hits, like you had it in the Muzukashii. it works as reversed pattern of 01:03:736 (58,59,60) - and i think its better to used simple pattern for this in futsuu

01:03:344 (57,58,59,60) - I'd personally match this to 01:01:775 (53,54,55,56). The pitch for these four hits is higher than the previous four. i'd prefer to use reverse pattern for variation. but changed the first one to ddd and the second one to kkk


00:04:913 (9) - Change to k? For the same reason as the first suggestion in the Futsuu. nope

00:17:658 - Add a hit here? The difficulty gap between the Muzukashii and Oni is large here. A k would be nice. added some more notes.

00:48:638 - Add a hit here? It'll flow better imo. sure

00:51:383 (8) - Remove? This is the only hit in a pair 1/2 which is matched to the vocals.fixed

00:52:756 (12) - Change to d. The pitch of the vocals is higher in the next hit. no, the rhytm will be inconsistent

01:09:030 - You could add a hit here unless you want to strictly match to the vocals. Same at 01:21:579.

01:09:226 (20,21,22) - d k k or d d k would match the pitch of the vocals better imo. Same at 01:21:775 (20,21,22). no, i'm not following pitch there

01:15:501 (46) - Change to d? It will contrast better with the finisher in the next hit. no problem with k


00:12:952 (8,9,10,11,12) - Idk, but I just think that ddkkd would sound better. personal preference

00:17:461 (34,35,36,37) - Change the rhythm like this to match the instrumental rhythm better. changed to different pattern

00:43:932 (32,33,34,35) - For these four hit 1/2 rhythms in this section, I don't really understand the different pattern in the usage of d k k d and d k d d. Perhaps the former is for instrumentals and the latter is for vocals? I'm not really sure :/ that's right i used dkkd if the vocal is exceptional (i.e higher pitch) that i think needs to be emphasized with k. it can be good variation than just following dkdd beat tho.

01:01:971 (33,34,35) - ddk would sound better imo. dkd will make this more challanging imo

01:04:030 - Add a hit here? There can be instrumentals. yeah but personally feels the flow is better if leave empty there

01:32:756 - You can add a hit here and at 01:32:952 for the triangle sound. i want to make the ending as calm as possible so i keep it same with muzu.

Good luck on rank~

Jona wrote:

Hey! (late sorry ;w;) mod as requested :P

  1. Couldn't find anything worth pointing out, good job :D
  1. 00:26:677 - k? yes

  1. 00:11:187(5,6,7) - kkd? ddd doesn't fit imo i only use simple unicolor triplet in muzu (ddd and kkk) for introducing player to 1/4 rhytm
  2. 01:21:579 - add d here no, for consistency with 01:09:030 - a break is needed because i use some 1/4 in the kiai.
  1. 00:17:854 - k changed pattern from previous mod
  2. 00:19:422 - k no, d will fits more to the relatively lower pitch
  3. 01:10:991 - k same, pitch is going down
  4. 01:23:540 - k (same as above) ^
  5. 01:18:050(3,4,5) - ddk why?

aaaaa hope you rank this, I love chata >///< good luck! 8-)
thanks for both mods :3
Mod req via forum-PM
Sorry I'm late ._.

  • [Muzukashii]
  1. 00:53:344 (13,14) - Swap these two so that you have a consistency of the kat rhythm with 00:52:756 (11) - and 00:53:932 (15) - ?

  2. 00:59:226 (13) - Try deleting this note. The k k d d k here seems abit forced for this part of the song. And also by deleting this note, you'll be able to put some emphasis on the single vocal note "shu" at 00:59:030 - with the kat

  • [Oni]
  1. 00:47:069 (45) - I suggest deleting this so that the note rhythm for this part is consistent and follows up nicely with 00:45:501 (38,39,40,41) -

  2. 01:00:010 - While testplaying, I expected this note to be a kat instead because it's almost like a repeat of 00:55:893 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) -. So, how about changing this note to kat to maintain the consistency of the structure and kat rhythm?

That's pretty much all I could find lol, I apologize for the shortness.
Kantan and Futsuu are both fine with consistent flow of note structures throughout the difficulties, so I couldn't find anything wrong with them.
Please don't give any kudosu if none of these suggestions are applied.
Topic Starter

Jerry wrote:

Mod req via forum-PM
Sorry I'm late ._.

  • [Muzukashii]
  1. 00:53:344 (13,14) - Swap these two so that you have a consistency of the kat rhythm with 00:52:756 (11) - and 00:53:932 (15) - ? yes but modified a bit.

  2. 00:59:226 (13) - Try deleting this note. The k k d d k here seems abit forced for this part of the song. And also by deleting this note, you'll be able to put some emphasis on the single vocal note "shu" at 00:59:030 - with the kat true that it feels a bit forced. but i want to make this section denser so i'm not deleting this note, just changed the structure to fit the music better.

  • [Oni]
  1. 00:47:069 (45) - I suggest deleting this so that the note rhythm for this part is consistent and follows up nicely with 00:45:501 (38,39,40,41) - it's fine to have a note here for consistency with 00:53:344 -

  2. 01:00:010 - While testplaying, I expected this note to be a kat instead because it's almost like a repeat of 00:55:893 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) -. So, how about changing this note to kat to maintain the consistency of the structure and kat rhythm? sound good. why not.

That's pretty much all I could find lol, I apologize for the shortness.
Kantan and Futsuu are both fine with consistent flow of note structures throughout the difficulties, so I couldn't find anything wrong with them.
Please don't give any kudosu if none of these suggestions are applied.
thanks for the mod. short but helpful :3
Request via Simple Taiko Modding Queue



ALL Suggestions are based in notorious sounds (other reason is with comments)

don = d
kat = k
Big Don = D
Big Kat = K



Delete spinner and leave empty space ....

00:27:658 - Delete spinner and add notes in 00:28:050- , 00:28:834- , 00:29:018- (are need notes in this part, is kantan i know but a spinner with notable sounds is very rare and bad)

01:30:403 - Delete spinner and add notes (same position as 00:27:658- )

01:37:495 - Starts spinner here and ends as mentioned in other diffs.


Same indication about spinner as Muzu/Oni but in this part can be empty space or just 2 notes

00:13:844 - Move to 00:13:736- (a "triple" here sounds better imo)

01:12:560 - Remove finish (is a bit questionable about if hard or not this combination)
01:25:109 - Same ^

Same indication about last spinner as Muzukashii / Oni



Same indication about 1st spinner as Oni.

00:20:403 (10,11) - Change to k (have almost same vocal pitch sound these 2 notes)

01:07:854 (16,17) - ctrl+g (if follow vocal sound is better a swap)

01:21:187 - Change to k (for vocal sound, is same pitch as previous note)

Same indication about last spinner as Oni.



00:05:698 - Change spinner for notes in piano tones (one thing in this part can be good but need emphasis in sounds).

00:13:050 - Delete
00:13:246 - Move to 00:13:442-
00:13:540 - Change to k (with these 3 points can be more fluid and triple is more adequate in this part)

00:17:756 - ctrl+g with next note (I think you want to focus on finishing the combo here for a new sequence, but it is better if it ends in blue note)

00:18:736 - Delete
00:19:422 - Change to k (with these 2 changes is consistent with previous changed sequence °above points° and consistent with next point ° 00:20:991- ° )

00:22:363 - Change to k (have same pitch sound as previous note)

00:24:520 - Add finish (where is big note as 00:25:697- ?)

00:55:305 - Change to ddk (better emphasis for starts a new sequence)

01:10:795 - Change to k (have same tone as 01:10:403- )

01:12:069 - Delete (better emphasis in vocal and 5-note in this part is really rare)

the spinner ends better in 01:41:859- why here ends vocal sound.

Topic Starter

xtrem3x wrote:

Request via Simple Taiko Modding Queue



ALL Suggestions are based in notorious sounds (other reason is with comments)

don = d
kat = k
Big Don = D
Big Kat = K



Delete spinner and leave empty space .... i don't like leaving it empty

00:27:658 - Delete spinner and add notes in 00:28:050- , 00:28:834- , 00:29:018- (are need notes in this part, is kantan i know but a spinner with notable sounds is very rare and bad) i still think spinner is best suited here. let's see if there is same opinion from other modder

01:30:403 - Delete spinner and add notes (same position as 00:27:658- ) ^

01:37:495 - Starts spinner here and ends as mentioned in other diffs. i see the point. but i prefer end the spinner when the music stops.


Same indication about spinner as Muzu/Oni but in this part can be empty space or just 2 notes notes at the intro can't reflect the density so i prefer use spinner in every diffs.

00:13:844 - Move to 00:13:736- (a "triple" here sounds better imo) wrong timestamps lol.i made the structure a reverse of 00:16:873 - so i will keep it

01:12:560 - Remove finish (is a bit questionable about if hard or not this combination) deleted 01:13:148 - to give more break after the finisher
01:25:109 - Same ^

Same indication about last spinner as Muzukashii / Oni same reason as kantan



Same indication about 1st spinner as Oni.

00:20:403 (10,11) - Change to k (have almost same vocal pitch sound these 2 notes) changed (10) into k

01:07:854 (16,17) - ctrl+g (if follow vocal sound is better a swap) the lowest pitch is at (17) so current one is fits better

01:21:187 - Change to k (for vocal sound, is same pitch as previous note) it would conflict with the drum sound so i put d here

Same indication about last spinner as Oni.



00:05:698 - Change spinner for notes in piano tones (one thing in this part can be good but need emphasis in sounds).

00:13:050 - Delete
00:13:246 - Move to 00:13:442-
00:13:540 - Change to k (with these 3 points can be more fluid and triple is more adequate in this part)
will consider, but not agree with changing 00:13:540 as it serves to give sense of the vocal pitch

00:17:756 - ctrl+g with next note (I think you want to focus on finishing the combo here for a new sequence, but it is better if it ends in blue note) changed to d.

00:18:736 - Delete
00:19:422 - Change to k (with these 2 changes is consistent with previous changed sequence °above points° and consistent with next point ° 00:20:991- ° )
same as above points

00:22:363 - Change to k (have same pitch sound as previous note) it wouldn't work with my structure

00:24:520 - Add finish (where is big note as 00:25:697- ?) nope, i don't want to overused finisher in this section

00:55:305 - Change to ddk (better emphasis for starts a new sequence) kkd fits the drum better here

01:10:795 - Change to k (have same tone as 01:10:403- ) might consider

01:12:069 - Delete (better emphasis in vocal and 5-note in this part is really rare) there is drum sound and it's better to make the kiai denser

the spinner ends better in 01:41:859- why here ends vocal sound.

thank you for mod :3
Hi, from my queue~

Really sorry for the delay :cc

D (Big d)
K (Big k)

[ Kantan]

00:26:873 (13) - Remove this note to emphasize the finish 00:27:265 (14) -
00:30:403 - You can put a finish because if you listen well you can express the same sound
01:23:344 - Remove this note to follow the consistency with 01:24:520 (11,12) -

[ Futsuu]

00:30:403 - You can put a finish because if you listen well you can express the same sound
00:37:854 - Remove this note to follow the consistency with 00:30:403 (1,2) -

[ Muzukashii]

00:30:403 - You can put a finish because if you listen well you can express the same sound

[ Oni]

00:17:854 - Change to k to follow the soft sound.
00:30:403 - You can put a finish because if you listen well you can express the same sound
Delete this 01:04:814 - and put a finish here 01:04:912 - because you have this finish in Kantan, Futsuu and Muzukashii.

Nice Beatmap! I hope my mod has been helpful you :3, Good luck~ ~
from my Queue
"Parasol" hmm leh uga

00:15:109 - d suaranya rendah
00:18:442 - pindah red tick di depan ? flow jadi pas

00:19:814 - disini patternya kurang ok , maybe
| 00:20:403 - delete
| 00:20:599 - k
| 00:20:991 (12,13) - bikin dkd

00:22:952 - d ? emphasize
00:24:520 - k high pitch

00:41:775 - ada sedikit suara k disini
00:42:560 - ^

00:45:893 - add note ?
00:55:305 - delete ? biar suara gitarnya jadi jelas

00:59:226 - delete, patternya ga sync sama vocal
01:03:344 - delete, overlap

00:00:404 - add d
00:04:129 - ^
00:05:109 - ^

| 00:10:207 - | 00:10:795 - | ini pitch suaranya absurd, coba buat kayak gini

00:17:560 - add k
00:24:030 - add d , agak weird kalo kosong

00:54:520 - delete ? overlap

cuma itu aja sih
aq ga bisa mod lagu damai gini :(
Good Luck ~
Topic Starter

game rock wrote:

Hi, from my queue~

Really sorry for the delay :cc

D (Big d)
K (Big k)

[ Kantan]

00:26:873 (13) - Remove this note to emphasize the finish 00:27:265 (14) - keep for better spread with futsuu
00:30:403 - You can put a finish because if you listen well you can express the same sound i prefer start the calm section with small note
01:23:344 - Remove this note to follow the consistency with 01:24:520 (11,12) - added note at first part instead

[ Futsuu]

00:30:403 - You can put a finish because if you listen well you can express the same sound same as kantan
00:37:854 - Remove this note to follow the consistency with 00:30:403 (1,2) - ok

[ Muzukashii]

00:30:403 - You can put a finish because if you listen well you can express the same sound nup

[ Oni]

00:17:854 - Change to k to follow the soft sound. d will flows better with next sequence
00:30:403 - You can put a finish because if you listen well you can express the same sound
Delete this 01:04:814 - and put a finish here 01:04:912 - because you have this finish in Kantan, Futsuu and Muzukashii. i don't want to sacrifice the snare drum in oni

Nice Beatmap! I hope my mod has been helpful you :3, Good luck~ ~
thanks for mod~
NM request



Marks with '?' means some unnecessary change

00:05:600 - 5% is too low(volume),I suggest to 15% is ok

00:29:422 - add d

00:49:618 - remove this

00:58:246 - still high pitch?change to k

01:03:148 - move the next k to here

01:16:285 - this and next note change to d

01:29:618 - low pitch,change to d

01:32:167 - add D here

00:05:600 - again volume to 15%

00:20:403 - change to k?

00:40:599 - this change to d and next to k

01:35:859 - a bit high pitch,change to k

Perfect diff,few suggestions only :)

00:02:168 - this change to d,next to k

00:05:600 - volume to 15%

00:17:854 - to k

00:20:207 - ^

00:30:991 - add k

00:36:285 - add d

00:40:403 - this change to k next to d

00:57:854 - this and next note to k


The best pending map I've seen
This should be ranked
Good Luck :)
Topic Starter

[R] wrote:

from my Queue
"Parasol" hmm leh uga

00:15:109 - d suaranya rendah iya tapi gak pas sama suara drumnya jadi gak enak
00:18:442 - pindah red tick di depan ? flow jadi pas no. not ini bisa menekankan suara bass disini

00:19:814 - disini patternya kurang ok , maybe
| 00:20:403 - delete
| 00:20:599 - k
| 00:20:991 (12,13) - bikin dkd
betul. diubah dikit berdasarkan suggestion

00:22:952 - d ? emphasize hmm k lebih cocok buat snare drumnya.
00:24:520 - k high pitch no. masih sama kok pitchnya sama 00:24:912 -

00:41:775 - ada sedikit suara k disini karena secara umum bagian ini kalem jadi saya pake lebih dikit note
00:42:560 - ^

00:45:893 - add note ? keep for better spread with futsuu
00:55:305 - delete ? biar suara gitarnya jadi jelas ^

00:59:226 - delete, patternya ga sync sama vocal this works as a build-up before the kiai
01:03:344 - delete, overlap not overlap i think.. i intend to gradually increase the density before the kiai

00:00:404 - add d
00:04:129 - ^
00:05:109 - ^
no, that will be too dense for a calm intro

| 00:10:207 - | 00:10:795 - | ini pitch suaranya absurd, coba buat kayak gini

ada suara di 00:10:207 - kok. dan suara drumnya emang sesuai ama pattern saat ini.

00:17:560 - add k changed next note to d
00:24:030 - add d , agak weird kalo kosong agak sulit karena 00:24:128 - disini ada finisher

00:54:520 - delete ? overlap gak ada yang overlap kok. gak masang perubahan SV disini

cuma itu aja sih
aq ga bisa mod lagu damai gini :(
Good Luck ~

iloveyou4ever wrote:

NM request



Marks with '?' means some unnecessary change

00:05:600 - 5% is too low(volume),I suggest to 15% is ok i feel this spinner can representing the intro better with really low volume

00:29:422 - add d that might be too hard for futsuu player

00:49:618 - remove this keep to maintain rhythm consistency

00:58:246 - still high pitch?change to k ok

01:03:148 - move the next k to here nope. this works as reverse of 01:01:775 -

01:16:285 - this and next note change to d k can fits the snare drum better here

01:29:618 - low pitch,change to d following snare drum. but i guess d can flows better. will consider this

01:32:167 - add D here nope. it's ok for futsuu

00:05:600 - again volume to 15%

00:20:403 - change to k? fixed

00:40:599 - this change to d and next to k pitch is dropping so k and d would fits better

01:35:859 - a bit high pitch,change to k d is also fine because pitch is going down

Perfect diff,few suggestions only :)

00:02:168 - this change to d,next to k oh. that sounds good! also swapped 00:05:306 (18,19) -

00:05:600 - volume to 15%

00:17:854 - to k no to make same end with 00:19:422 -

00:20:207 - ^ doesn't sounds good imo because doesn't work with my structure

00:30:991 - add k
00:36:285 - add d
keep to make less density for this calm part.

00:40:403 - this change to k next to d they have similar pitch with 00:39:618 (20,21) - so i would keep it

00:57:854 - this and next note to k nope, they have same with 00:57:854 - so d would fits better


The best pending map I've seen
This should be ranked
Good Luck :)
thanks for both mods :3
hi from my modding queue

k = small kat
K = big kat
d = small don
D = big don
  1. 00:04:913 (4) - change to k
  2. 01:15:109 (16) - if you are following the vocals then this should be moved to 01:14:912
  3. 01:28:442 (16) - change to k
  4. 01:29:226 (17,18) - change both to d

  1. 00:20:011 (6) - change to d
  2. 00:27:658 - optional - add a d here? There is a sound here and its not too difficult for a Futsuu
  3. 00:48:442 (23) - add d
  4. 01:30:403 (35) - same as 00:27:658

  1. 00:01:776 (4) - I honestly think you should change this to a k especially since you did it for 00:04:913 (9)
  2. 00:48:638 (17) - move to 00:48:442
  3. 00:51:383 - add a k here?
  4. 00:53:344 (13) - move to 00:52:952
  5. 01:09:030 - add a d here for better flow. you did it here 01:12:952 (38)
  6. 01:21:579 - ^ same as above
  7. 01:31:775 (63) - Change to K

I'll end it here. I hope this mod was helpful, GL
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