
Kazumi Totaka - Mii Plaza

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Topic Starter
This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on samedi, 12 décembre 2015 at 11:41:11

Artist: Kazumi Totaka
Title: Mii Plaza
Source: Mii Channel
Tags: wii nintendo
BPM: 114,2
Filesize: 1031kb
Play Time: 00:49
Difficulties Available:
  1. Easy (1,02 stars, 34 notes)
  2. Normal (1,76 stars, 78 notes)
Download: Kazumi Totaka - Mii Plaza
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing

Thank you guys! :3

✧ PolkaMocha
✧ Rohit6
✧ - Marco -
✧ [ microism ]
✧ Invalidism
✧ Hi Im Nathan
✧ Mako Sakata
✧ Electoz
✧ YellowManul
✧ Side
✧ Kuki
✧ Exa
✧ Arphimignon
✧ Ipas
✧ ByBy13

20:02 ayygurl:
20:02 Rohit6: wat
20:06 ayygurl: opinions? :o
20:07 Rohit6: i dont usually mod easier diffs :C
20:07 Rohit6: ill take a look
20:08 ayygurl: ok
20:09 Rohit6: its nice
20:09 ayygurl: ty
20:10 Rohit6: 00:25:379 (3,1) - dont do this
20:10 Rohit6: breaking the flow for no definite reason
20:10 Rohit6: 00:32:209 (1,2) - should be 3 circles like before
20:10 Rohit6: because the red tick is equally strong
20:10 Rohit6: 00:33:785 (1,2,1) - spacing dude
20:10 Rohit6: 2-> is too high asdf
20:11 Rohit6: 00:39:564 (3) - ending on strong beat
20:11 ayygurl: wait wait
20:11 Rohit6: 00:49:284 (1,2,3,4) - not according to the melody
20:12 ayygurl: breaking flow, u mean i should put a point on the red tick?
20:12 Rohit6: should be slider->slider->slider
20:12 Rohit6: no as in the direction change is too harsh
20:12 ayygurl: ok
20:12 ayygurl: btw when u finish the mod just put the irc on the forum so that i can give u a kudosu
20:12 Rohit6: its fine
20:12 Rohit6: kudosu is uselss
20:12 Rohit6: but you need sp
20:12 Rohit6: so ill post it
20:13 ayygurl: xD
20:13 ayygurl: i tought about that
20:13 ayygurl: thanks :D
20:13 ayygurl: its rankable isnt?
20:13 Rohit6: sure
20:13 Rohit6: its better quality than deez nuts
20:14 *Rohit6 is editing [ Nintendo - Mii Music Channel [Easy]]
20:14 Rohit6: 00:01:211 (1,2) - again flow break
20:14 ayygurl: wait wait
20:14 ayygurl: i need to finish the normal mods
20:14 ayygurl: but yea conitnue
20:14 ayygurl: ill read
20:14 ayygurl: btw
20:14 Rohit6: 00:05:414 (1,2) - dont put this in an easy diff
20:15 ayygurl: 00:33:785 (1,2,1) -
20:15 ayygurl: on the normal
20:15 ayygurl: can i let that?
20:15 ayygurl: its okay on the ai mod
20:15 Rohit6: youre making this for people who are absolutely stupid
20:15 Rohit6: at the game
20:15 Rohit6: okay lemme see
20:15 Rohit6: no you can
20:15 Rohit6: t
20:15 ayygurl: ok and
20:15 Rohit6: because it
20:15 Rohit6: looks like a 1/2 jump
20:16 ayygurl: why did you wrote: 2-> too high
20:16 Rohit6: 2->1*
20:16 ayygurl: wat thing
20:17 Rohit6: 00:33:785 (1,2,1) - the gap between 2->1 is too high
20:17 Rohit6: it doesnt look like a snap
20:17 Rohit6: it looks like a jump
20:18 Rohit6: 00:34:836 (1,2) - and then you have a 1/2 flow
20:18 Rohit6: which is less ds than the 1/4 snap
20:18 ayygurl: okay
20:18 Rohit6: confusing to newer playes
20:19 Rohit6: 00:33:785 (1,2,1,2) - im really unsure about this part
20:19 Rohit6: you should probably redo with ds
20:25 ayygurl: done
20:25 ayygurl: everything's done
20:25 ayygurl: thanks :D
20:25 Rohit6: 00:15:922 (2) - dont do these types of sliders
20:25 Rohit6: wait
20:25 ayygurl: easy diff?
20:25 Rohit6: yep
20:26 Rohit6: 00:24:328 (3,1) - do not do this
20:26 ayygurl: why ;-;
20:26 Rohit6: in easy
20:26 ayygurl: please they are good
20:26 Rohit6: check the 20:14 timestamp
20:26 Rohit6: i started the mods in easy from there
20:27 ayygurl: are u sure i cannot put these sliders?
20:27 Rohit6: its 50-5-
20:27 Rohit6: 50-50*
20:28 Rohit6: 00:26:429 (1) - the slider path should be clearly defined
20:28 Rohit6: in easier diffs
20:28 ayygurl: btw
20:28 ayygurl: updtae your map plz
20:28 ayygurl: i pudated
20:28 Rohit6: 00:34:836 (1,2) - break in flow again
20:31 ayygurl: ok cna u post the irc?
- Marco -
The artist is Kazumi Totaka and the track title is Mii Plaza (!_G ... Soundtrack)
Topic Starter
Thanks guys :D ! Do I have to put the title of the song in Japanese too? Or the name has been released in english?

Hi from my queue!

This is unrankable without hitsounds.

This background does not match haha.

May I suggest ... MMGN-5.jpg


00:09:621 (1) - This slider shape is not called for by the music.

00:18:027 (1) - If you bent the slider at 00:18:815, it would match the music better.

00:22:230 (1) - Where this slider finishes doesn't match the music.

00:22:230 (1,2) - This doesn't flow so nicely.

00:26:433 (1) - This slider shape is not called for by the music

00:34:840 (1) - Where this slider finishes doesn't match the music.

00:39:043 (1) - This slider shape is note called for by the music


00:02:528 (4) - This slider shape is not called for by the music.

00:07:782 (2) - ^

00:12:773 (3) - If this slider bent at 00:13:036, it would match the music.

00:13:824 (1) - This slider shape is not called for by the music.

00:15:137 (3) - ^

00:15:137 (3,4,5) - The first slider does not flow into the circle well.

00:16:188 (5,1,2,3) - These circles do not go in the direction the previous slider suggests.

00:18:027 (1) - This slider shape does not fit the song

00:24:332 (1) - ^

00:27:222 (2) - Alright I'm gonna stop mentioning slider shapes that don't fit, but please keep it in mind.

00:33:789 (1,2,1) - No blue and white transitions for normal modes. Fix that.

00:45:873 (3,4) - Flow here is bad

00:46:924 (5,1,2,3) - ^

That's all from me.

Wii music haha how interested 8D Good luck with this!
Topic Starter
Hey yo dude! Thanks for everything, I did everything you said on my map, the map is more cool to play but maybe less esthetic, that's not a big deal when I see maps in 2015 B). By the way, how should I hitsound this? I have no idea how I can deal with this, and for the bg, I wanna let it! It's relaxing~ :3.

Thanks again!
IRC! Great map 8-)

2015-10-04 20:23 Kuki: ACTION is editing [ Eptic - Space Cats [2 Space 4 Meh]]
2015-10-04 20:24 ayygurl: :D
2015-10-04 20:24 ayygurl: ty
2015-10-04 20:24 Kuki: 00:28:118 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - on these streams it looks to me like the spacing should get lower towards the end
2015-10-04 20:24 Kuki: rather than go from low to high like you have done
2015-10-04 20:25 ayygurl: ow
2015-10-04 20:25 ayygurl: okay
2015-10-04 20:25 ayygurl: im gonna do that i think
2015-10-04 20:26 ayygurl: because it is not very good to see too lol
2015-10-04 20:26 Kuki: lol
2015-10-04 20:26 Kuki: 00:49:547 (8,1) - this is awkward to play
2015-10-04 20:26 Kuki: really awkward
2015-10-04 20:26 Kuki: 00:50:618 (5,6) - this too
2015-10-04 20:27 ayygurl: ye
2015-10-04 20:27 Kuki: 00:57:904 (1) - sorta like just
2015-10-04 20:27 Kuki: spamming points randomly
2015-10-04 20:27 Kuki: like this
2015-10-04 20:27 Kuki: won't get you a nice slider
2015-10-04 20:27 Kuki: you need to put more focus into those
2015-10-04 20:28 Kuki: But that's all atm
2015-10-04 20:28 Kuki: Good luck :)
2015-10-04 20:28 ayygurl: i find them nice xDD
2015-10-04 20:28 Kuki: they're okay
2015-10-04 20:28 ayygurl: thank you brah !
2015-10-04 20:28 Kuki: but could be better iif you put more work in
2015-10-04 20:28 Kuki: ya know what i mean
2015-10-04 20:28 Kuki: no worries man
2015-10-04 20:28 ayygurl: if you compare to the sound you hear in the music its pretty cool to play them
2015-10-04 20:28 ayygurl: but ye i see :P
2015-10-04 20:28 ayygurl: thank you its cool to help me .D
2015-10-04 20:29 Kuki: no problem, good luck again lol
2015-10-04 20:29 ayygurl: the rest is "okay" ?
2015-10-04 20:29 ayygurl: :P
2015-10-04 20:30 Kuki: lol yeah
2015-11-22 23:30 ayygurl: hey
2015-11-22 23:30 ayygurl: ive seen your mode queue was closed
2015-11-22 23:30 ayygurl: but you can mod irc right?£
2015-11-22 23:31 Kuki: yea course
2015-11-22 23:31 Kuki: it's only closed cause those guys can't take them all
2015-11-22 23:31 Kuki: lmao
2015-11-22 23:31 ayygurl: thats cool thanks
2015-11-22 23:31 ayygurl: ACTION is listening to [ Kazumi Totaka - Mii Plaza]
2015-11-22 23:31 ayygurl: xD
2015-11-22 23:31 ayygurl: take a look at this
2015-11-22 23:31 ayygurl: i had the idea to map it
2015-11-22 23:31 ayygurl: because...
2015-11-22 23:31 ayygurl: your map
2015-11-22 23:31 ayygurl: Kappa
2015-11-22 23:32 Kuki: hahaha sick
2015-11-22 23:32 Kuki: first off I suggest a new bg
2015-11-22 23:32 ayygurl: yeah
2015-11-22 23:32 Kuki: lol
2015-11-22 23:32 ayygurl: i had to put hitsounds
2015-11-22 23:32 ayygurl: Argh everyone told me that
2015-11-22 23:32 Kuki: also it would be cool to gd gard if you feel like having one?
2015-11-22 23:32 ayygurl: idk if the hitsounds are good because its kinda hard to hitsounds
2015-11-22 23:32 Kuki: I did hs for mine in 10 mins
2015-11-22 23:32 Kuki: hahah
2015-11-22 23:32 ayygurl: gd gard?
2015-11-22 23:32 ayygurl: xD
2015-11-22 23:33 Kuki: hard* lmao
2015-11-22 23:33 ayygurl: ow yea
2015-11-22 23:33 ayygurl: idk
2015-11-22 23:33 ayygurl: its kinda hard to make a hard on this
2015-11-22 23:33 ayygurl: like very hard lol
2015-11-22 23:33 Kuki: i'll give it a go
2015-11-22 23:33 Kuki: you wanted irc tho right?
2015-11-22 23:33 ayygurl: yea why not
2015-11-22 23:34 ayygurl: but forgot for the hard
2015-11-22 23:34 ayygurl: i wanna try to rank 2 diffs first
2015-11-22 23:34 Kuki: aight
2015-11-22 23:34 ayygurl: :P
2015-11-22 23:35 ayygurl: if you dont wanna do the mod its alright
2015-11-22 23:35 ayygurl: i was just akin because i was like maybe you could mod it because of the map you made
2015-11-22 23:35 ayygurl: lol
2015-11-22 23:35 Kuki: even if it was a random song i'd still mod hahah
2015-11-22 23:35 Kuki: ACTION is editing [ Kazumi Totaka - Mii Plaza [Easy]]
2015-11-22 23:36 ayygurl: :D
2015-11-22 23:36 Kuki: 00:01:213 (1,1) - maybe make these the same slider
2015-11-22 23:36 Kuki: could be cool? idk haha
2015-11-22 23:36 ayygurl: maybe idk
2015-11-22 23:36 Kuki: lol
2015-11-22 23:36 ayygurl: ow yea
2015-11-22 23:36 ayygurl: gud idea
2015-11-22 23:37 Kuki: 00:07:517 (2,3,1) - this is pretty weird but it's cool
2015-11-22 23:37 Kuki: ahh it makes sense to make that change too
2015-11-22 23:37 Kuki: cause 00:07:517 (2,1) - are the same
2015-11-22 23:37 Kuki: i'm gonna have to disagree with 00:11:720 (2) - though
2015-11-22 23:37 Kuki: though it is a nice slider, it's not so ideal for easy difficulties
2015-11-22 23:38 ayygurl: wait wait
2015-11-22 23:38 ayygurl: i need to to the mods
2015-11-22 23:38 Kuki: as it leads the flow of the cursor down, and you've mapped to the left
2015-11-22 23:38 ayygurl: im slow
2015-11-22 23:38 ayygurl: lol
2015-11-22 23:38 Kuki: i'm fast, it's okay
2015-11-22 23:38 Kuki: I can just keep talking and you dont need to worry about replying
2015-11-22 23:38 Kuki: if you don't feel like it
2015-11-22 23:38 Kuki: hahah
2015-11-22 23:38 ayygurl: kk
2015-11-22 23:38 ayygurl: so yea
2015-11-22 23:38 ayygurl: how should i change it
2015-11-22 23:38 ayygurl: maybe a simple curved slider
2015-11-22 23:39 ayygurl: but thers only curved sliders on the map
2015-11-22 23:39 ayygurl: its gonna bu unesthetic
2015-11-22 23:39 ayygurl: lol
2015-11-22 23:39 ayygurl: be*
2015-11-22 23:39 Kuki: just doing this makes more sense, and it's an easy fix
2015-11-22 23:39 ayygurl: hmm
2015-11-22 23:39 Kuki:
2015-11-22 23:40 ayygurl: i can put this'
2015-11-22 23:40 ayygurl: ?
2015-11-22 23:40 ayygurl: because i did another slider
2015-11-22 23:40 ayygurl: lemme show u$
2015-11-22 23:41 Kuki: yep
2015-11-22 23:41 ayygurl: wat
2015-11-22 23:41 ayygurl: puush
2015-11-22 23:41 ayygurl: plz
2015-11-22 23:41 Kuki: lol
2015-11-22 23:41 Kuki: it's really slow for me too
2015-11-22 23:41 Kuki: idk
2015-11-22 23:41 ayygurl: ok fuck this i go on imgur
2015-11-22 23:41 ayygurl: lol
2015-11-22 23:42 ayygurl:
2015-11-22 23:42 ayygurl: looks fine to me
2015-11-22 23:43 Kuki: yeah that's fine
2015-11-22 23:43 ayygurl: sorry if im being noob
2015-11-22 23:43 ayygurl: lol
2015-11-22 23:43 Kuki: lol nw
2015-11-22 23:44 Kuki: this map is quite good
2015-11-22 23:44 Kuki: i'm surprised it's only been 2 months
2015-11-22 23:44 Kuki: I couldn't map this well till only a few months ago
2015-11-22 23:44 ayygurl: oh okay
2015-11-22 23:44 ayygurl: xD
2015-11-22 23:44 ayygurl: idk why the ds always change
2015-11-22 23:44 ayygurl: lol
2015-11-22 23:45 Kuki: lol what do you mean
2015-11-22 23:45 ayygurl: like it was on 1.1
2015-11-22 23:45 ayygurl: but its 0.9
2015-11-22 23:46 Kuki: did you change cs?
2015-11-22 23:46 Kuki: or sv?
2015-11-22 23:46 ayygurl: nope
2015-11-22 23:46 ayygurl: nope
2015-11-22 23:46 ayygurl: but dont worry
2015-11-22 23:46 ayygurl: its fine
2015-11-22 23:47 Kuki: lol
2015-11-22 23:47 ayygurl: at longs aimod says things about ds
2015-11-22 23:47 ayygurl: lol
2015-11-22 23:47 Kuki: 00:18:025 (1) -
2015-11-22 23:47 Kuki: try that instead
2015-11-22 23:47 Kuki: current is a bit boring and weird tool
2015-11-22 23:47 Kuki: too*
2015-11-22 23:47 Kuki: lmao
2015-11-22 23:48 ayygurl: looks nice yea :D
2015-11-22 23:48 Kuki: 00:20:127 (2) - make it two hitcircles maybe?
2015-11-22 23:49 ayygurl: not sure about this one
2015-11-22 23:49 ayygurl: i think thats fine
2015-11-22 23:49 ayygurl: should i put this for the bg?
2015-11-22 23:49 ayygurl:
2015-11-22 23:49 ayygurl: lmao someone told me that
2015-11-22 23:49 Kuki: perhaps two 1/2 sliders then
2015-11-22 23:49 Kuki: like my easy diff in my set
2015-11-22 23:50 Kuki: lmfao
2015-11-22 23:50 Kuki: possibly nsfw
2015-11-22 23:50 ayygurl: xD
2015-11-22 23:50 Kuki: well current background doesn't relate in literally any way
2015-11-22 23:50 Kuki: and that's a mii
2015-11-22 23:50 Kuki: so at least it's a start
2015-11-22 23:50 ayygurl: its chill
2015-11-22 23:50 Kuki: can literally google mii plaza
2015-11-22 23:50 ayygurl: yea not false
2015-11-22 23:50 Kuki: lol second result is my bg
2015-11-22 23:50 Kuki: lmfao
2015-11-22 23:51 ayygurl: im gonna see this later
2015-11-22 23:51 Kuki: 00:45:346 (2,3) - unrankable
2015-11-22 23:52 Kuki: no overlaps in easy difficulties allowed
2015-11-22 23:52 ayygurl: okay
2015-11-22 23:52 Kuki: this type especially
2015-11-22 23:52 ayygurl: bbut here im fucked up
2015-11-22 23:52 ayygurl: thats the hard part to map
2015-11-22 23:52 ayygurl: lol
2015-11-22 23:52 Kuki: 00:49:549 (1) - maybe a repeat part?
2015-11-22 23:52 Kuki: yeah it is
2015-11-22 23:53 ayygurl: with reverse arrows?
2015-11-22 23:53 Kuki: 00:45:346 (2) - make this a CURVE
2015-11-22 23:53 Kuki: perhaps
2015-11-22 23:53 Kuki: curve**
2015-11-22 23:53 Kuki: lo
2015-11-22 23:53 Kuki:
2015-11-22 23:55 ayygurl: looks prettx nice
2015-11-22 23:55 Kuki: alright well
2015-11-22 23:55 Kuki: good overall
2015-11-22 23:55 Kuki: really good
2015-11-22 23:55 Kuki: can probably ask for bn check at this point
2015-11-22 23:55 ayygurl: thanks :D
2015-11-22 23:55 ayygurl: REALLY?
2015-11-22 23:55 ayygurl: no i need more mods
2015-11-22 23:55 ayygurl: like 3 more
2015-11-22 23:55 ayygurl: maybe
2015-11-22 23:56 Kuki: 00:03:314 (1) -
2015-11-22 23:56 Kuki: i would suggest that there
2015-11-22 23:56 Kuki: ACTION is editing [ Kazumi Totaka - Mii Plaza [Normal]]
2015-11-22 23:56 Kuki: normal btw
2015-11-22 23:56 ayygurl: xD
2015-11-22 23:56 ayygurl: kk
2015-11-22 23:56 Kuki: because current flow is a bit weird and it could get you in trouble
2015-11-22 23:57 Kuki: butttttttt
2015-11-22 23:57 Kuki: then it's out of the playfield
2015-11-22 23:57 Kuki: maybe reuse this slider?
2015-11-22 23:57 Kuki: 00:01:213 (1) -
2015-11-22 23:57 ayygurl: yep
2015-11-22 23:57 Kuki: it's aesthetic btw
2015-11-22 23:57 Kuki: kinda hard word
2015-11-22 23:58 ayygurl: no waitt
2015-11-22 23:58 ayygurl: its okay
2015-11-22 23:58 Kuki: 00:12:771 (3,4) - again with the flowing to the right but the note is placed down
2015-11-22 23:58 ayygurl: look what i did
2015-11-22 23:58 ayygurl: because im a boss
2015-11-22 23:58 Kuki: lol
2015-11-22 23:59 ayygurl:
2015-11-22 23:59 Kuki: waiting for puush
2015-11-22 23:59 Kuki: lol
2015-11-22 23:59 Kuki: still doesn't really make sense flow wise
2015-11-22 23:59 ayygurl: k xD
2015-11-22 23:59 Kuki: mmmmm
2015-11-23 00:00 Kuki: just leave it though
2015-11-23 00:00 Kuki: unless like
2015-11-23 00:00 Kuki: qat mentions
2015-11-23 00:00 Kuki: you should be fine
2015-11-23 00:00 ayygurl: k
2015-11-23 00:00 ayygurl: :D
2015-11-23 00:00 Kuki: you see what i said about this right?
2015-11-23 00:00 Kuki: 00:12:771 (3,4) -
2015-11-23 00:00 ayygurl: yea i changed
2015-11-23 00:00 Kuki: good good
2015-11-23 00:00 ayygurl: but theres another flow shit pattern after xD
2015-11-23 00:01 ayygurl: 00:13:822 (1,2,3,4,5) -
2015-11-23 00:01 ayygurl: all of this
2015-11-23 00:01 ayygurl: has a bad flow
2015-11-23 00:01 ayygurl: i need to fix this later
2015-11-23 00:01 Kuki: that's fine
2015-11-23 00:01 ayygurl: really?
2015-11-23 00:02 ayygurl: okay xD
2015-11-23 00:02 Kuki: yeah
2015-11-23 00:02 ayygurl: i wanted to do my pro
2015-11-23 00:02 ayygurl: i tried so hard
2015-11-23 00:02 ayygurl: to lose it all
2015-11-23 00:02 ayygurl: in the end
2015-11-23 00:02 Kuki: it doesnt even matter
2015-11-23 00:02 ayygurl: it doesnt even matter
2015-11-23 00:02 ayygurl: lol
2015-11-23 00:02 ayygurl: are the hitsounds ok?
2015-11-23 00:02 Kuki: yeah
2015-11-23 00:03 Kuki: i suggest downloading grumd's hitsound copier
2015-11-23 00:03 ayygurl: yea boi
2015-11-23 00:03 Kuki: i can puush it to you if you like
2015-11-23 00:03 ayygurl: no problem
2015-11-23 00:03 Kuki: it just copies the same hs from one diff to the other
2015-11-23 00:03 ayygurl: already have it
2015-11-23 00:03 ayygurl: but
2015-11-23 00:03 Kuki: so they're exactly the same
2015-11-23 00:03 ayygurl: thats useless
2015-11-23 00:03 Kuki: ?
2015-11-23 00:03 ayygurl: because the easy diff has less more points
2015-11-23 00:03 ayygurl: so i had to do a different hitsounding
2015-11-23 00:03 ayygurl: xD
2015-11-23 00:03 ayygurl: but still
2015-11-23 00:03 ayygurl: they are not so bad
2015-11-23 00:03 ayygurl: pretty proud of it
2015-11-23 00:03 ayygurl: gtg
2015-11-23 00:03 ayygurl: :(
2015-11-23 00:04 ayygurl: can you continue the mod in 30 miinutes?
2015-11-23 00:04 Kuki: i'm done actually
Topic Starter
Thanks a lot mate :D !

Hello :)

  1. Really no kiai on both diff?
  2. That combo colors looks really good, but imo combo 1 and 2 kinda similiar with background especially combo 1, maybe you can replace or add a pink, or other soft color?
  3. Considering this a relax song, maybe disable the count down will more appropriate, since that count down very distracting
  4. Add more tags maybe? something related to mii channel
  1. Raise your volume please, use 30% might be better. Somehow the current kinda inaudible in some parts
  2. 00:01:215 - and 00:37:992 - and 00:39:043 - Uninherited point (green line) not snapped properly
  3. 00:00:162 (1) - Move up a bit to x:76 y:232, to fix the spacing issue?
  4. 00:18:025 (4) - NC I guess, try to follow two measurement of white big tick to have new combo
  5. 00:20:127 (5) - Maybe move to x:116 y:308, to fix the spacing issue?
  6. 00:24:330 (2) - That one almost out of screen on lowest resolution on playing, so maybe making this 00:22:228 (1) - more curve, then move this 00:24:330 (2) - above a bit? You can try something like or something similiar and adjust next note spacing
  7. 00:26:431 (1) - Maybe a bit readjusting the slider nodes there into something Somehow, how it turn to left a bit uncomfortable because the slider border a bit unclear to see might affect the readability of slider path
  8. 00:33:787 (3,4,1) - Also maybe you can a bit readjust the placement there? because 00:34:838 (1) - almost touching hp bar
  9. 00:43:244 (1) - That one also same as 00:26:431 (1) - Somehow, how it turn to left a bit uncomfortable because the slider border a bit unclear to see might affect the readability of slider path
  10. 00:47:447 (3) - Should be nc, and this one 00:49:549 (1) - better not nc

    Improve the hitsound a bit more
  1. AR 4 OD and HP 3 might be better, considering this is a calm song so I guess a high setup not really needed here
  2. Raise your volume please, use 30% might be better. Somehow the current kinda inaudible in some parts
  3. 00:34:052 - and 00:34:577 - and 00:34:832 - Uninherited point (green line) not snapped properly
  4. 00:13:559 (4) - Move that down to prevent overlap with 00:11:983 (2) - , then readjust next spacing
  5. 00:17:500 (3,1,2,3) - Spacing error, check again
  6. 00:30:635 (1,2,3) - and 00:32:211 (1,2,3) - on them also, better follow the DS at least to reduce the confuseness
  7. 00:34:838 (3,4,5) - Same
  8. 00:39:041 (1) - Maybe move to x:224 y:212 to fix that spacing error?

    So far so good, just minor sugestion
Better to follow Distance Spacing on Both Easy and Normal, to make it less confused to play for beginner
I think that's all for now, I might come again after some mods and reach the criteria, until then good luck!
Topic Starter
Hey! Thanks for the mod! I hope the Combo Colours and the New Combos are correct but except this everything's normally good! I was just wondering, how could I change the hitsounds on the Easy diff. ? If I remember the changes I did on the map, I didn't change them, but i'm not sure, and I don't know how I could possibly change them without creating a mess haha ;D.

Thanks again,

22:33 ayygurl: hey
22:34 Electoz: yes?
22:34 ayygurl: xD
22:35 ayygurl: do you give quick mods irc?
22:35 Electoz: why me lol
22:35 Electoz: give me a map then
22:35 ayygurl: xD
22:35 ayygurl: okay :D
22:36 ayygurl: btw nice to meet you :pp
22:36 ayygurl: here it is
22:36 *ayygurl is listening to [ Kazumi Totaka - Mii Plaza]
22:37 ayygurl: ty :D
22:37 Electoz: I might not find anything much though, so don't expect anything much
22:38 ayygurl: np np
22:38 Electoz: anyway, I'll be starting with easy now
22:38 ayygurl: okay :D
22:39 Electoz: you have 4 combo colours
22:40 Electoz: but the first two are the same
22:40 Electoz: so the latter
22:40 Electoz: why's that?
22:40 ayygurl: idk
22:40 ayygurl: wait
22:40 Electoz: wait
22:40 Electoz: I guess
22:40 Electoz: my pc gone mad
22:40 Electoz: hold on a minute
22:40 ayygurl: k
22:41 Electoz: just to make sure because I don't trust my pc
22:41 Electoz: your map has 4 combo colours right?
22:41 ayygurl: §yep i changed them
22:41 ayygurl: lemme show you
22:43 ayygurl: sorry for long time
22:43 ayygurl: puush is lagging lol
22:43 ayygurl:
22:44 Electoz: I guess my pc didn't gone mad
22:44 ayygurl: lol
22:44 Electoz: the first two
22:44 Electoz: looks almost the same
22:45 Electoz: I couldn't tell the differnce of colours between them at first
22:45 ayygurl: we can see the difference a lot more in game
22:46 ayygurl: the picture has not very good colors
22:46 ayygurl: i dunno why
22:46 Electoz:
22:46 Electoz: my pc couldn't tell the difference
22:47 ayygurl: wtf
22:47 ayygurl: thats weird
22:47 Electoz: If you didn't tell that the colours are different I wouldn't have noticed
22:47 Electoz: anyway, let's put that aside
22:47 ayygurl: we can clearly see the difference on the picutre tho
22:47 ayygurl: yea xD
22:47 Electoz: keep it for now, until others mention this
22:47 ayygurl: but thanks for telling
22:47 ayygurl: kk :D
22:50 Electoz: 00:15:924 (2) - this one
22:50 Electoz: overlaps the life bar, if you test it with default skin
22:50 ayygurl: okay
22:53 Electoz: this is just in my opinion, not completely unrankable or anything
22:53 Electoz: but when you map Easy
22:53 ayygurl: nah i changed np
22:53 Electoz: try to use 1/1 divisor
22:53 Electoz: to sum it up most of the objects are on the white tick
22:54 Electoz: some of objects you put are on the red tick
22:54 Electoz: 00:22:228 (1) - like this
22:54 Electoz: because mapping on the white tick only is easier for beginners to catch with the rhythm
22:54 Electoz: it's up to you though
22:55 Electoz: 00:34:838 (1) - this one also
22:55 Electoz: If I were you, I would extend those sliders to the next white tick
22:56 ayygurl: sooo
22:56 ayygurl: i put them to the white tick just before
22:56 Electoz: works fine too
22:57 Electoz: just make sure there aren't any DS problems when you shorten or extend sliders.
22:57 ayygurl: yea dont wor
22:57 ayygurl: worry
22:57 Electoz: seems nothing to point out for me now
22:57 Electoz: I'll go for Normal then
22:59 ayygurl: okay :D
23:00 Electoz: overall looks fine
23:00 Electoz: but
23:01 Electoz: there are some spaces that should be mapped
23:01 ayygurl: exemples?
23:01 Electoz: 00:20:915 here for an example
23:01 Electoz: it's just a small pause
23:01 Electoz: but since ar's still low it can become harder to read the next ones after the pause
23:02 Electoz: I believe that the pause there's still some sound that can still follow with.
23:02 Electoz: sry if my grammar messed up
23:02 ayygurl: np
23:02 ayygurl: im not surer
23:02 ayygurl: its kinda fucked up if i map this part
23:03 Electoz: lol
23:03 Electoz: how come
23:03 ayygurl: because
23:03 ayygurl: i dont really map the sound you hear in all the song,
23:03 ayygurl: i mean
23:03 ayygurl: the little drum thing
23:04 Electoz: just my opinion though, don't serious
23:04 Electoz: let's see, I'll do a final check here
23:06 ayygurl: :D
23:07 Electoz: are there any more tags to put in?
23:07 ayygurl: idk
23:07 ayygurl: what do you suggest
23:08 Electoz: let's see
23:08 Electoz: I'll browsing google for a sec
23:08 ayygurl: lemme upload btw new version
23:11 ayygurl: donee
23:11 ayygurl: don't forget to upload irc for a kudosu :D
23:11 Electoz: nothing found more for tags
23:12 Electoz: btw
23:12 Electoz: one last thing
23:12 ayygurl: ye
23:12 Electoz: widescreen support
23:12 Electoz: checked in Easy
23:12 Electoz: in Normal it didn't checked
23:13 Electoz: at least make those checks the smae
23:13 Electoz: *same
23:13 ayygurl: what should i put?
23:14 ayygurl: okay
23:14 ayygurl: everythings done
23:14 ayygurl: thanks :D
23:15 ayygurl: post irc plz xD
23:15 Electoz: dunno what you should put though, I don't remember that thing anymore
23:15 Electoz: lol
23:15 Electoz: you're welcome
Topic Starter
Hey thank you mate :P !

hey owo
request via pm o k


00:01:213 (1) - you don't need nc here
00:20:127 (2) - fix spacing owo (0,96x is not correct)
00:21:177 - i'd add here circle here for consistency
00:51:125 - same here, i'd add 2 circles or slider here ;w;

00:01:213 (1) - same as in normal
00:05:153 (5) - spacing fix
00:07:517 (1) - ^
00:51:125 - circles/slider here please too ;w;
cs 3,6? i'd use 3,5 or 3 ;w;
btw ar 3-3,5 fits better here, but idk owo

good luck!
Topic Starter
This post is useless don't ask me why.
Topic Starter

YellowManul wrote:

hey owo
request via pm o k


00:01:213 (1) - you don't need nc here k.
00:20:127 (2) - fix spacing owo (0,96x is not correct) k.
00:21:177 - i'd add here circle here for consistency
00:51:125 - same here, i'd add 2 circles or slider here ;w;

00:01:213 (1) - same as in normal kk.
00:05:153 (5) - spacing fix k.
00:07:517 (1) - ^ k.
00:51:125 - circles/slider here please too ;w;
cs 3,6? i'd use 3,5 or 3 ;w; I choosed 3.5.
btw ar 3-3,5 fits better here, but idk owo 3.9 Looks nice I think ^^.

good luck! Thanks!

Just to mention, the thing with the points you mentionned I should add, I'm gonna ask #modhelp about that.

Thanks for everything!
Dayum son.

Tbh this is pretty legit, I'd just suggest adding in hitsounds.
00:47:447 (1,2) - Dis diffspike, no notes like this before. Please replace with slider.

I see you have hitsounds but I didn't even realise they were hitsounds until I was done modding, they sound too much like a part of the song. Can you add extra soft-whistles on top?
00:12:771 (3) - Don't really like the end of this slider being so short and edgy, can you make it look neater at the end?
00:16:186 (2,3,4,5) - A bit high on the playing field and the notes not really fitting with the last curve can be a problem. Can you try making the slider here point left and this may make it all easier to play?

Pretty nice imo.
Topic Starter

Arphimigon wrote:

Dayum son.

Tbh this is pretty legit, I'd just suggest adding in hitsounds. *
00:47:447 (1,2) - Dis diffspike, no notes like this before. Please replace with slider. Okay :D.

I see you have hitsounds but I didn't even realise they were hitsounds until I was done modding, they sound too much like a part of the song. Can you add extra soft-whistles on top? *I added hitsounds on both difficulties! :D
00:12:771 (3) - Don't really like the end of this slider being so short and edgy, can you make it look neater at the end? Yep!
00:16:186 (2,3,4,5) - A bit high on the playing field and the notes not really fitting with the last curve can be a problem. Can you try making the slider here point left and this may make it all easier to play? I've put it a bit under.

Pretty nice imo. ty <3

Thanks Arphi :D !

- 00:01:213 - Useless inherited point (green line), better delete that

- 00:34:838 (1,2) - Spacing error, too big
- That 5% volume on 00:34:050 - and 00:34:575 - inaudible, please rise the volume a little more, 18% good enough like you did on 00:37:990 -
- 00:46:922 (3) - Improve the flow a bit by making that (3) something like this so the flow on 00:46:922 (3,1) - more natural

Call me back after :)
Topic Starter

Mako Sakata wrote:


- 00:01:213 - Useless inherited point (green line), better delete that" Okay!

- 00:34:838 (1,2) - Spacing error, too big Okay!
- That 5% volume on 00:34:050 - and 00:34:575 - inaudible, please rise the volume a little more, 18% good enough like you did on 00:37:990 - Yep!
- 00:46:922 (3) - Improve the flow a bit by making that (3) something like this so the flow on 00:46:922 (3,1) - more natural Yep!

Call me back after :) :)

- Marco -
gg ayygurl :D
Topic Starter
Thanks! This is my first bubble c: .
Placeholder c:
Topic Starter

ByBy13 wrote:

Placeholder c:

wat c:

ayygurl wrote:

ByBy13 wrote:

Placeholder c:

wat c:
it means that I will mod your map c:
Topic Starter
Thanks! Hope I can qualify this soon hehe! c:

congrats my man 8-)
Topic Starter
Thanks B).
Wait, I thought I modded this just a few days ago. Go for it ayygurl!
Topic Starter

  1. Disable widescreen support in entire diffs
  2. Sliderslide sound really disturbing . Please replace it using silent hitsound
  3. Sorry, for the combo colors, 1 & 2 and 3 & 4 are literally similar to each of them . It would be hard to distinguish the combo with only darken the next one a bit . I'd rather to use one of purple and one of blue, which means I only use 2 combo colors
  1. 00:00:162 (1,1) - For placement that result transition, this one really disturbing in my opinion . Something like this should play better
  1. Clear!
It has to be ready, but please clear things up regarding to combo colors stuff!
Good Luck!
Topic Starter

Ipas wrote:

Hello! ayy :3

  1. Disable widescreen support in entire diffs kk
  2. Sliderslide sound really disturbing . Please replace it using silent hitsound yep!
  3. Sorry, for the combo colors, 1 & 2 and 3 & 4 are literally similar to each of them . It would be hard to distinguish the combo with only darken the next one a bit . I'd rather to use one of purple and one of blue, which means I only use 2 combo colors
Yeah :D.

  1. 00:00:162 (1,1) - For placement that result transition, this one really disturbing in my opinion . Something like this should play better Done!
  1. Clear!
ye boi
It has to be ready, but please clear things up regarding to combo colors stuff! now qualify this c:
Good Luck! Thanks :D !

tfw general has more "problems" than the normal diff.

Thanks :D.
Hello! We did some changes via IRC
10:33 ByBy13: hi
10:33 ayygurl: hey!
10:33 ByBy13: IRC?
10:34 *ByBy13 is listening to [ Kazumi Totaka - Mii Plaza]
10:34 ayygurl: ow yea :D
10:34 ByBy13: oki doki
10:34 ayygurl: ty :D
10:35 ByBy13: np :)
10:35 ayygurl: tfw nothing's bad
10:35 ayygurl: xD
10:36 ByBy13: ugh I am afraid that your normal diff looks like a hard diff D:
10:36 ayygurl: holy
10:36 ayygurl: xD
10:36 ayygurl: nah its 1.82 stars olol
10:36 ayygurl: and it has no ds changes
10:37 ByBy13: I know that
10:37 ByBy13: but so many can use some 1/2sliders for example
10:37 ayygurl: wait
10:37 ayygurl: lemme show u
10:38 ayygurl: smthing i tought about it
10:38 ByBy13: oh :o
10:39 ayygurl:
10:39 ayygurl: but
10:39 ayygurl: the thing is that i dont wanna change everything now
10:39 ByBy13: not every where
10:40 ByBy13: just to simplify the diff a little bit
10:40 ayygurl: but is it good?
10:40 ByBy13: yes
10:40 ayygurl: the thing i changed
10:40 ayygurl: yea its more esthetic
10:40 ayygurl: you know what
10:40 ayygurl: every points i think its not very good
10:40 ByBy13: yea
10:40 ayygurl: estheticly
10:41 ByBy13: ye
10:41 ByBy13: =w=)
10:41 ayygurl: im gonna change it by a slider
10:41 ByBy13: okay
10:41 ByBy13: but not really everything
10:41 ayygurl: sounds a gud idea
10:41 ByBy13: :)
10:43 ayygurl: ok
10:43 ayygurl: i changed 2 more
10:43 ayygurl: so in total
10:43 ByBy13: okay :D
10:43 ayygurl: i changed 3 times
10:43 ayygurl: it looks better know
10:43 ByBy13: oh oki
10:43 ayygurl: now*
10:43 ByBy13: update pls
10:44 ayygurl: updated
10:44 ByBy13: oki
10:45 ByBy13: 00:03:051 (5)- NC snce there are the reset of the instruments and also seems that you forgot to add it here
10:46 ayygurl: both diffs?
10:46 *ByBy13 is editing [ Kazumi Totaka - Mii Plaza [Normal]]
10:46 ByBy13: in normal
10:47 ayygurl: k
10:49 *ByBy13 is editing [ Kazumi Totaka - Mii Plaza [Normal]]
10:49 ByBy13: 00:24:330 (1,2,3)- for improving the flow here,you can use this pattern ->
10:52 ByBy13: 00:26:431 (1,2)- try to move 2 to 181|258 for improving the flow here
10:53 ayygurl: §can you show a pic? i moved the 1 xD
10:53 ByBy13: oh wait a min
10:54 ayygurl: kk
10:54 ByBy13: 00:26:431 (1,2)- moved a little bit up now to 178|249
10:55 ByBy13: 00:30:635 (1,2)- these 2 circles can be a 1/2 slider to simplify the diff a bit let's say
10:55 ByBy13: 00:32:211 (1,2)- ^
10:55 ByBy13: don't forget to re-add the NCs there btw
10:57 ayygurl: and whistle
10:57 ayygurl: and claps
10:57 ayygurl: lol
10:57 ayygurl: kk
10:57 ByBy13: :)
10:57 ayygurl: its sad because i used to like deez triples
10:57 ayygurl: rip
10:57 ayygurl: xD
10:58 ByBy13: 00:36:939 (4,1)- The NC must be on 4 and not on 1 since there are the reset of the instruments on 4 and a NC there would be good
10:58 ayygurl: are you sure?
10:59 ayygurl: nobody told me that lol
10:59 ayygurl: bur ok
10:59 ayygurl: but*
10:59 ByBy13: yes really sure uwu
10:59 ayygurl: kk
11:03 ByBy13: 00:47:447 (1,2)- 2 circles -> 1/2 slider
11:03 ByBy13: + don't forget the NC,clap and whistle
11:03 ayygurl: can i let this one D: ?
11:03 ByBy13: mmm nop ;_
11:03 ByBy13: ;_;
11:04 ayygurl: plz
11:04 ByBy13: okay xd
11:04 ayygurl: just dis one D:
11:04 ByBy13: okay x)
11:04 ayygurl: thx :D
11:04 ByBy13: np
11:04 ByBy13: :3
11:04 ayygurl: lol
11:04 ayygurl: x)
11:04 ayygurl: ^^
11:09 ayygurl: is this okay?
11:09 ayygurl:
11:10 ByBy13: yeah
11:10 ayygurl: its not too high?
11:10 ByBy13: nop
11:11 ByBy13: just make the ss more better to see it more good
11:11 ayygurl: wat?
11:11 ayygurl: xD
11:12 ayygurl: 00:16:974 (3) -
11:12 ayygurl: whistle?
11:13 ayygurl: hallo?
11:13 ByBy13: no
11:13 ayygurl: xD
11:13 ByBy13: xD
11:13 ByBy13: it sounds too louder
11:13 ayygurl: okay
11:14 ByBy13: now let's see easy diff
11:14 ayygurl: k i updated
11:14 ayygurl: oh ok
11:14 ayygurl: but
11:14 ayygurl: i have to go ;_;
11:14 ByBy13: ugh
11:14 *ByBy13 is editing [ Kazumi Totaka - Mii Plaza [Easy]]
11:15 ayygurl: can u do it online + post the irc?
11:15 ByBy13: sure
11:15 ayygurl: perfect thanks
11:15 ayygurl: thanks again
11:15 ayygurl: hope someone can qualify this soon lol
11:15 ByBy13: np :)
11:15 ayygurl: see ya !
11:15 ByBy13: bye :D
11:15 ayygurl: hope i didnt did smthing wrong with dem hitsounds
11:15 ayygurl: and new combos lol
11:15 ByBy13: yeah :D

Also in easy on 00:07:517 (1,2,3)- there's clearly spacing issue and it must be fixed.Also the pattern doesn't look really good to my eyes so you can try this one ->

Call me back!
Topic Starter

ByBy13 wrote:

Hello! We did some changes via IRC
10:33 ByBy13: hi
10:33 ayygurl: hey!
10:33 ByBy13: IRC?
10:34 *ByBy13 is listening to [ Kazumi Totaka - Mii Plaza]
10:34 ayygurl: ow yea :D
10:34 ByBy13: oki doki
10:34 ayygurl: ty :D
10:35 ByBy13: np :)
10:35 ayygurl: tfw nothing's bad
10:35 ayygurl: xD
10:36 ByBy13: ugh I am afraid that your normal diff looks like a hard diff D:
10:36 ayygurl: holy
10:36 ayygurl: xD
10:36 ayygurl: nah its 1.82 stars olol
10:36 ayygurl: and it has no ds changes
10:37 ByBy13: I know that
10:37 ByBy13: but so many can use some 1/2sliders for example
10:37 ayygurl: wait
10:37 ayygurl: lemme show u
10:38 ayygurl: smthing i tought about it
10:38 ByBy13: oh :o
10:39 ayygurl:
10:39 ayygurl: but
10:39 ayygurl: the thing is that i dont wanna change everything now
10:39 ByBy13: not every where
10:40 ByBy13: just to simplify the diff a little bit
10:40 ayygurl: but is it good?
10:40 ByBy13: yes
10:40 ayygurl: the thing i changed
10:40 ayygurl: yea its more esthetic
10:40 ayygurl: you know what
10:40 ayygurl: every points i think its not very good
10:40 ByBy13: yea
10:40 ayygurl: estheticly
10:41 ByBy13: ye
10:41 ByBy13: =w=)
10:41 ayygurl: im gonna change it by a slider
10:41 ByBy13: okay
10:41 ByBy13: but not really everything
10:41 ayygurl: sounds a gud idea
10:41 ByBy13: :)
10:43 ayygurl: ok
10:43 ayygurl: i changed 2 more
10:43 ayygurl: so in total
10:43 ByBy13: okay :D
10:43 ayygurl: i changed 3 times
10:43 ayygurl: it looks better know
10:43 ByBy13: oh oki
10:43 ayygurl: now*
10:43 ByBy13: update pls
10:44 ayygurl: updated
10:44 ByBy13: oki
10:45 ByBy13: 00:03:051 (5)- NC snce there are the reset of the instruments and also seems that you forgot to add it here
10:46 ayygurl: both diffs?
10:46 *ByBy13 is editing [ Kazumi Totaka - Mii Plaza [Normal]]
10:46 ByBy13: in normal
10:47 ayygurl: k
10:49 *ByBy13 is editing [ Kazumi Totaka - Mii Plaza [Normal]]
10:49 ByBy13: 00:24:330 (1,2,3)- for improving the flow here,you can use this pattern ->
10:52 ByBy13: 00:26:431 (1,2)- try to move 2 to 181|258 for improving the flow here
10:53 ayygurl: §can you show a pic? i moved the 1 xD
10:53 ByBy13: oh wait a min
10:54 ayygurl: kk
10:54 ByBy13: 00:26:431 (1,2)- moved a little bit up now to 178|249
10:55 ByBy13: 00:30:635 (1,2)- these 2 circles can be a 1/2 slider to simplify the diff a bit let's say
10:55 ByBy13: 00:32:211 (1,2)- ^
10:55 ByBy13: don't forget to re-add the NCs there btw
10:57 ayygurl: and whistle
10:57 ayygurl: and claps
10:57 ayygurl: lol
10:57 ayygurl: kk
10:57 ByBy13: :)
10:57 ayygurl: its sad because i used to like deez triples
10:57 ayygurl: rip
10:57 ayygurl: xD
10:58 ByBy13: 00:36:939 (4,1)- The NC must be on 4 and not on 1 since there are the reset of the instruments on 4 and a NC there would be good
10:58 ayygurl: are you sure?
10:59 ayygurl: nobody told me that lol
10:59 ayygurl: bur ok
10:59 ayygurl: but*
10:59 ByBy13: yes really sure uwu
10:59 ayygurl: kk
11:03 ByBy13: 00:47:447 (1,2)- 2 circles -> 1/2 slider
11:03 ByBy13: + don't forget the NC,clap and whistle
11:03 ayygurl: can i let this one D: ?
11:03 ByBy13: mmm nop ;_
11:03 ByBy13: ;_;
11:04 ayygurl: plz
11:04 ByBy13: okay xd
11:04 ayygurl: just dis one D:
11:04 ByBy13: okay x)
11:04 ayygurl: thx :D
11:04 ByBy13: np
11:04 ByBy13: :3
11:04 ayygurl: lol
11:04 ayygurl: x)
11:04 ayygurl: ^^
11:09 ayygurl: is this okay?
11:09 ayygurl:
11:10 ByBy13: yeah
11:10 ayygurl: its not too high?
11:10 ByBy13: nop
11:11 ByBy13: just make the ss more better to see it more good
11:11 ayygurl: wat?
11:11 ayygurl: xD
11:12 ayygurl: 00:16:974 (3) -
11:12 ayygurl: whistle?
11:13 ayygurl: hallo?
11:13 ByBy13: no
11:13 ayygurl: xD
11:13 ByBy13: xD
11:13 ByBy13: it sounds too louder
11:13 ayygurl: okay
11:14 ByBy13: now let's see easy diff
11:14 ayygurl: k i updated
11:14 ayygurl: oh ok
11:14 ayygurl: but
11:14 ayygurl: i have to go ;_;
11:14 ByBy13: ugh
11:14 *ByBy13 is editing [ Kazumi Totaka - Mii Plaza [Easy]]
11:15 ayygurl: can u do it online + post the irc?
11:15 ByBy13: sure
11:15 ayygurl: perfect thanks
11:15 ayygurl: thanks again
11:15 ayygurl: hope someone can qualify this soon lol
11:15 ByBy13: np :)
11:15 ayygurl: see ya !
11:15 ByBy13: bye :D
11:15 ayygurl: hope i didnt did smthing wrong with dem hitsounds
11:15 ayygurl: and new combos lol
11:15 ByBy13: yeah :D

Also in easy on 00:07:517 (1,2,3)- there's clearly spacing issue and it must be fixed.Also the pattern doesn't look really good to my eyes so you can try this one -> I changed the pattern but there wasn't any spacing error xD.

Call me back! Hell yea!

I'll come again after by's bubble, just let me know if you update the set
Topic Starter

Mako Sakata wrote:

I'll come again after by's bubble, just let me know if you update the set
looks like it's already updated xD
ayyyyyyyyyyy girl watcha doin'?
wanna hang out at...
mii plaza?
*speaks italian*
Topic Starter
ayylmao xD
- Marco -

Arphimigon wrote:

*speaks italian*
Pizza \OwO/
Topic Starter
tiramisu B)

00:09:619(4,1)- The NC is supposed to be here and not on the next note since here are clearly the reset of the instruments
00:13:822(3)- Here shouldn't be a NC?
00:28:533(2,3)- The flow seems to be odd here in my opinion.I suggest to move the note (3) to 462|29 and then after this, the pattern should be like this ->
00:36:939(2)- In my opinion,you can curve this slider to improve the flow with the next note because now the flow feels odd to me
00:49:549(2)- This could start from 00:49:286- (1/2 tick) as you did in normal diff but you have to remove the repeat and then to extend the slider to 00:50:600- like here ->

Normal looks fine to me
Call me back and I'll rebubble it
double post xD

Should be fine now.Also checked green lines with 18& volume and they are audible enough

Topic Starter
thx :3, mako qualify plez xD
Placeholder to recheck, I have morning class today😩

Regarding the combo colors, maybe you can consider to add one more color like pink pastel or other color? Because imo it doesn't feel comfortable if a map just consist of two colors, furthermore those two colors kinda looks same

Aside from that good to go, call me back after you consider that thing :)
Topic Starter
Done :P
Intentional double post, Qualified!
did irre just lose his status as the only swiss mapper
trooth has been spoken :d

Okoratu wrote:

did irre just lose his status as the only swiss mapper
It's gotta take a while until he catches up :P

Congratz ayygurl~
Topic Starter

Irreversible wrote:

Okoratu wrote:

did irre just lose his status as the only swiss mapper
It's gotta take a while until he catches up :P

Congratz ayygurl~

thanks mate :D
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