
Sound Horizon - Utsukushiki Mono

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00:09:777 - note

00:20:687 扔3连?

00:31:937 (1) - 漏了00:32:959 很难受

02:25:118 (5,6) - 没平行好难受

04:42:138 (4) - ctrl+h的样子

05:46:513 - 3连?

Topic Starter

moonlightleaf wrote:


00:09:777 - note……因为人声有蓝线所以从头到尾都没跟

00:20:687 扔3连?……放连打就没有干净的感觉了……

00:31:937 (1) - 漏了00:32:959 很难受……因为口琴有蓝线所以从头到尾都没跟

02:25:118 (5,6) - 没平行好难受 …… 唔……

04:42:138 (4) - ctrl+h的样子……因为是finish所以和正常的地方不一样……

05:46:513 - 3连?……为何……

Heya! Mod as requested in-game~

  • Unrankable issues
  1. My opinion which I highly recommend changing it
  2. Small suggestions/nazi

  1. All clear.
  1. 01:30:573 (3,4,5,6,1) - This star pattern's movement can catch player's off-guard, due to the first one having a different kind of movement(by first one I mean 01:08:755 (3,4,5,6,1) - ). And on top of that, I do not really like the movement of this pattern when looked over it individually, as the movement between the notes are getting suddenly bigger then smaller then bigger etc., personally I like the movement in the first star pattern than this.
  2. 01:41:482 (3,4,5) - This is my personal opinion, but reducing the distance on (5) that much when (3) and (4) were basically 'far' jumps may have a negative effect on the movements of the player. Yes, this breaks off the consistency, but it reflects the instrument's 'mood' in this part when (5) is moved a bit more far apart.
  3. 02:25:459 (6) - You might as well give a little bit more spacing on this note, as this is having the same cymbals like 02:24:437 (3) - . It feels a little bit weird to have the same distance like 02:25:800 (7) - this did, as in the other parts, 02:25:800 (7) - this note had a lower distance than any other notes in the same type of rhythm.
  4. 02:41:482 (3) - Any reason why is there a normal addition on the head of this slider? I mean, there wasn't any in the other parts, but I don't see a specific reason for this to be here.
  5. 05:41:025 (4,5) - Something similar like the movement point made above, this doesn't necessarily have to be under 05:39:695 (6) - , it just doesn't really reflect the mood of the song in this part(the stanza being the most intense one here). Instead, you could blanket 05:39:695 (6) - this note instead with these notes, which may give a better emphasis to the song's mood.
Overall a really good map, with great song and hitsounds. They are beautiful :D
Topic Starter
my english very bad , i not well understand Orz

[Sc4v4ng3r] wrote:

Heya! Mod as requested in-game~

  • Unrankable issues
  1. My opinion which I highly recommend changing it
  2. Small suggestions/nazi

  1. All clear.
  1. 01:30:573 (3,4,5,6,1) - This star pattern's movement can catch player's off-guard, due to the first one having a different kind of movement(by first one I mean 01:08:755 (3,4,5,6,1) - ). And on top of that, I do not really like the movement of this pattern when looked over it individually, as the movement between the notes are getting suddenly bigger then smaller then bigger etc., personally I like the movement in the first star pattern than this.

    ……it‘s mean all star pattern like 01:08:755 (3,4,5,6,1) - ?? i prefer random jump , reasonably ≈ dull imo
  2. 01:41:482 (3,4,5) - This is my personal opinion, but reducing the distance on (5) that much when (3) and (4) were basically 'far' jumps may have a negative effect on the movements of the player. Yes, this breaks off the consistency, but it reflects the instrument's 'mood' in this part when (5) is moved a bit more far apart.

    …… same as above , random jump have fun XD , i prefer to do lively not logic
  3. 02:25:459 (6) - You might as well give a little bit more spacing on this note, as this is having the same cymbals like 02:24:437 (3) - . It feels a little bit weird to have the same distance like 02:25:800 (7) - this did, as in the other parts, 02:25:800 (7) - this note had a lower distance than any other notes in the same type of rhythm.
  4. 02:41:482 (3) - Any reason why is there a normal addition on the head of this slider? I mean, there wasn't any in the other parts, but I don't see a specific reason for this to be here.

    add jump when download ?? maybe it's a bit different with others ……
  5. 05:41:025 (4,5) - Something similar like the movement point made above, this doesn't necessarily have to be under 05:39:695 (6) - , it just doesn't really reflect the mood of the song in this part(the stanza being the most intense one here). Instead, you could blanket 05:39:695 (6) - this note instead with these notes, which may give a better emphasis to the song's mood.

    ……e .. you are right , but looks very complicated ...
Overall a really good map, with great song and hitsounds. They are beautiful :D

thx mod Orz
Hello c: From PM owo

It seems that your mapping style don't blanket very often? Blanketing makes things very pretty ww


  1. 00:26:482 (1,2) - Because of where (1) slider end is facing, (2) should be in front of (1), not behind.
  2. 01:06:027 (3,4,1) - You should emphasise on (1), not (4).
  3. 01:31:255 (5,6) - Ctrl+G so that 01:31:937 (1) will be emphasised
  4. 01:33:300 (3,4,1) - They should have same DS because (3) and (1) have the same sound on start. (1) should not have lesser DS.
  5. 01:37:391 (1,2) - You should blanket them
  6. 01:39:437 (4,1) - ^
  7. 01:51:027 (1,2) - Because of where (1) slider end is facing, (2) should be in front of (1), not behind.
  8. 02:21:027 (1,2) - Blanket? :?:
  9. 03:15:573 (1) - More DS?
  10. 05:14:021 (2) - This should be in front of the slider (1) because of its direction. This creates more flow.

Sorry for bad mod. PM me 如果你不明白一些提示。
00:23:755 (1) - NC移到00:25:118 (2) - 去突顯這一段的結束
01:08:755 (3) - 我會在這放NC
01:33:300 (3) - 擺在x:224 y:316 好看一些
01:57:846 (3) - 跟上面一樣頭壓尾不太好看
02:19:664 (4) - 試試

we did irc mod, here's a log
11:05 YellowManul: hmm
11:05 YellowManul: about nc
11:05 YellowManul: maybe you should do one nc per 2 big white ticks
11:05 YellowManul: ;w;
11:05 Narcissu: ;w;
11:05 Narcissu: why
11:05 YellowManul: hmm
11:05 YellowManul: like
11:05 YellowManul: 1-2 combos in one combo? ;w;
11:06 YellowManul: idk if it's ok
11:06 YellowManul: just noticed
11:06 Narcissu: maybe …… idk too
11:06 YellowManul: owo
11:06 Narcissu: Orz
11:06 YellowManul: oOooOrz
11:07 Narcissu: my last map use NC * every note with Storyboard XD
11:07 YellowManul: o:
11:07 YellowManul: nice
11:07 YellowManul: 00:25:118 (2,1) -
11:07 YellowManul: mb stack o3o
11:08 YellowManul: 00:37:391 (1,3) -
11:08 Narcissu: i prefer now Orz , like02:02:618 (1) -
11:09 YellowManul: ? ;w;
11:09 Narcissu: stack here a bit …… strange??
11:09 YellowManul: hmmm
11:09 YellowManul: ok don't do o3o
11:09 YellowManul: 00:37:391 (1,3) -
11:09 YellowManul: make them parallel
11:09 Narcissu: parallel ?
11:10 YellowManul:
11:10 YellowManul: 00:57:164 (2) -
11:11 YellowManul: i'd like to curve this one owo
11:11 YellowManul:
11:11 Narcissu: e …… i think unparalle more  lively …… all paralle a bit …… dull ??
11:11 Narcissu: like02:08:755 (4,5,1) -
11:11 YellowManul: hmm
11:11 Narcissu: ok
11:11 YellowManul: oki :3
11:12 YellowManul: 00:59:209 (1) - fix dat blanket o3o
11:12 Narcissu: ok
11:12 YellowManul: 01:01:937 (1) - and this a little bit! :3
11:12 Narcissu: 0.0
11:13 YellowManul: like
11:13 YellowManul: tail is not accurate ;w;
11:13 YellowManul: it should be on x:72 y:116
11:14 YellowManul: 01:31:937 (1) - blankeeeeeeeeeeeet owo
11:14 Narcissu: it's too meticulous ;w; , maybe i'm not good man
11:14 YellowManul: wut
11:14 Narcissu: i will fix these Orz
11:14 YellowManul: oh
11:14 YellowManul: it's ok
11:15 YellowManul: it's standart mod ;w;
11:15 YellowManul: ok
11:15 YellowManul: i'm not goin to notice blankets
11:15 Narcissu: Orz
11:15 YellowManul: look them all by urself then? ;w;
11:16 YellowManul: 01:57:846 (3) -
11:16 YellowManul: what about
11:16 YellowManul: :v
11:16 Narcissu: ok
11:17 Narcissu: need change more because i copy the rhythm lol
11:17 YellowManul: yeah i see
11:17 YellowManul: :3
11:19 YellowManul: 04:08:414 (3,4,5) -
11:19 YellowManul: wooooooooooow
11:19 YellowManul: o:
11:19 YellowManul: that jump series
11:19 Narcissu: bad flow ?
11:20 YellowManul: no
11:20 YellowManul: flow is good
11:20 Narcissu: QAQ
11:20 YellowManul: like
11:20 YellowManul: i'd reccomend you to reduce distance
11:20 YellowManul: 04:09:437 (5) -
11:20 YellowManul: 04:09:437 (5,1) -
11:20 YellowManul: here!!
11:21 Narcissu: reduce ?
11:21 Narcissu: wait me to 翻譯
11:21 YellowManul:
11:21 Narcissu: ok
11:21 YellowManul: example
11:23 YellowManul: idk why but i feel like this map needs some curve sliders, like here - 04:12:164 (4) -
11:23 YellowManul: ;w;
11:24 Narcissu: ok
11:24 YellowManul: 04:20:346 (5,1) - also this jump a little bit big
11:24 YellowManul: ;w;
11:24 Narcissu: move 04:20:346 (5) - up ?
11:24 YellowManul: yea!
11:24 YellowManul: or
11:25 YellowManul: CTRL+G + CTRL+H
11:25 YellowManul: and move o3o
11:26 YellowManul: 04:47:937 (4) -
11:26 YellowManul: this one is really hard to play
11:26 Narcissu: ye …… but i think it's no problem O_O
11:26 Narcissu: last part more hard XD
11:26 YellowManul: lOL
11:26 YellowManul: ok let's see
11:27 YellowManul: btw good map ;3
11:27 Narcissu: final part *
11:27 YellowManul: OH BOY
11:28 YellowManul: 05:57:676 (5) -
11:28 YellowManul: ok naziI
11:28 YellowManul: nazi
11:28 YellowManul: 05:57:676 (5) -
11:28 YellowManul: it's like
11:29 Narcissu: 嗯
11:29 YellowManul: too straight
11:29 Narcissu: curve ?
11:29 YellowManul: what about makian a triangle here
11:29 YellowManul: makin a*
11:29 Narcissu: i want to jump happy end ;w;
11:30 YellowManul: hmmm
11:30 Narcissu: it's too easy
11:30 YellowManul:
11:30 Narcissu: 0.0
11:30 YellowManul: owo
11:30 YellowManul: it's just my suggestion
11:31 YellowManul: you don't have to accept it
11:31 Narcissu: ok >.>
11:31 YellowManul: hmm
11:31 YellowManul: i think that's all

Well mapped, good luck! :)
Topic Starter

XiMerx wrote:

Hello c: From PM owo

It seems that your mapping style don't blanket very often? Blanketing makes things very pretty ww


  1. 00:26:482 (1,2) - Because of where (1) slider end is facing, (2) should be in front of (1), not behind.…… 的確我有點看不懂 ;w;
  2. 01:06:027 (3,4,1) - You should emphasise on (1), not (4). ……
  3. 01:31:255 (5,6) - Ctrl+G so that 01:31:937 (1) will be emphasised …… 這個反過來的話……後面那個就有點奇怪
  4. 01:33:300 (3,4,1) - They should have same DS because (3) and (1) have the same sound on start. (1) should not have lesser DS.……ok
  5. 01:37:391 (1,2) - You should blanket them…… 包好的話滑條就太彎了Orz
  6. 01:39:437 (4,1) - ^
  7. 01:51:027 (1,2) - Because of where (1) slider end is facing, (2) should be in front of (1), not behind.
  8. 02:21:027 (1,2) - Blanket? :?:
  9. 03:15:573 (1) - More DS? ??
  10. 05:14:021 (2) - This should be in front of the slider (1) because of its direction. This creates more flow.……ok

Sorry for bad mod. PM me 如果你不明白一些提示。

Evil_Twilight wrote:

00:23:755 (1) - NC移到00:25:118 (2) - 去突顯這一段的結束 …… 原來如此lol ,看來刻板的人是我
01:08:755 (3) - 我會在這放NC
01:33:300 (3) - 擺在x:224 y:316 好看一些……
01:57:846 (3) - 跟上面一樣頭壓尾不太好看……後面都是圈有點難動……
02:19:664 (4) - 試試 ……

就是速度有點慢了…… 之前我做成4.6星,AR9 OD8……最後還是放棄了 ah
thx mod …… i need time to fix too many 【
00:52:391 (3) - maybe curve might flow better?
00:55:118 (3) - i'd prefer a position more like this... i don't get the reason behind jump at 00:53:755 (1,2) - only
00:57:846 (3,4,1) - i don't think this spacing really fit well. there's no emphasis on drums at 00:58:527 (4) - but emphasis on drums at 00:57:846 (3) - and vocal, it feels random to play for me. mb try a position more like this?
01:00:232 (2) - maybe try a position more like x388 y248?
01:06:027 (3,4) - any reason this isn't blanket? seems u use a lot of blankets here but this one isn't
01:17:618 (4) - make it symmetric to 01:16:937 (3) - imo
01:41:823 (4,5) - imo spacing here doesn't fit emphasis from drum well. how about pattern like this instead... ? if u accept, maybe rearrange the other notes a bit so spacing isn't as high
02:18:300 - imo this rhythm would fit vocal a lot better
02:46:937 - maybe pattern like this could fit emphasis from drum better?
03:06:027 (3) - if "random jump" is what u prefer i think a jump like this would be good
03:17:618 (4,1) - seem odd for me there's no jump here bc it's in the middle of a jump pattern. how about position like this to keep spacing up?
03:47:959 (4,1) - jump here (1.6x DS)? seem to fit rest of the vocal in this area
03:52:732 (4) - x80 y344?
04:35:666 (2) - i think i get how u placed most of the jumps but i don't get this one. it's not a blanket and doesn't seem follow anything. imo move to x316 y300 and make jump between 04:35:666 (2,3) - fits better
05:40:360 (2,3) - 1/2 slider here? spacing at 05:40:692 (3,4) - doesn't seem to emphasize vocal well enough imo

all suggestions
first mod in 10 months, sorry in advance if it's not helpful 8-)
i like the hitsounds a lot ~
gl ~
Topic Starter

pieguyn wrote:

00:52:391 (3) - maybe curve might flow better? …… ok
00:55:118 (3) - i'd prefer a position more like this... i don't get the reason behind jump at 00:53:755 (1,2) - only …… e, i prefer own
00:57:846 (3,4,1) - i don't think this spacing really fit well. there's no emphasis on drums at 00:58:527 (4) - but emphasis on drums at 00:57:846 (3) - and vocal, it feels random to play for me. mb try a position more like this? …… no jump emphasis next jump more ?
01:00:232 (2) - maybe try a position more like x388 y248?…… ok
01:06:027 (3,4) - any reason this isn't blanket? seems u use a lot of blankets here but this one isn't…… random blanket XD
01:17:618 (4) - make it symmetric to 01:16:937 (3) - imo…… ok
01:41:823 (4,5) - imo spacing here doesn't fit emphasis from drum well. how about pattern like this instead... ? if u accept, maybe rearrange the other notes a bit so spacing isn't as high……it's too hard lol
02:18:300 - imo this rhythm would fit vocal a lot better……never follow vocal XD , random rhythm……
02:46:937 - maybe pattern like this could fit emphasis from drum better? ……ok
03:06:027 (3) - if "random jump" is what u prefer i think a jump like this would be good……ok
03:17:618 (4,1) - seem odd for me there's no jump here bc it's in the middle of a jump pattern. how about position like this to keep spacing up?……
03:47:959 (4,1) - jump here (1.6x DS)? seem to fit rest of the vocal in this area……ok
03:52:732 (4) - x80 y344?
04:35:666 (2) - i think i get how u placed most of the jumps but i don't get this one. it's not a blanket and doesn't seem follow anything. imo move to x316 y300 and make jump between 04:35:666 (2,3) - fits better
05:40:360 (2,3) - 1/2 slider here? spacing at 05:40:692 (3,4) - doesn't seem to emphasize vocal well enough imo……i want to add more note …… get PP ?

all suggestions
first mod in 10 months, sorry in advance if it's not helpful 8-)
i like the hitsounds a lot ~
gl ~

your mod all very pertinent about jump…… but if i jump all drum and downbeat …… the layout will be formalization…… i remove many jump because i want to make a easy and relax map Orz
thx mod XD
Very solid map here in general! Throwing some suggestions and we're good to go !

  1. 01:01:596 (5) - You can maybe move it to x:127 y:339 because it's doing an overlap with 01:00:573 (3) - at the moment and you could improve the jump here
  2. 01:18:641 (2) - I think you can move that note aswell to x:99 y:41 to get a flawless cursor's movement when playing these : 01:17:618 (4,1,2,3) -
  3. 01:23:073 (4,5) - You can try to rearrange the spacing here to get another flow and avoid some overlaps :
  4. 02:13:868 (4,5,6) - I was a little bit confused by this placement ; it sounded a bit random imo owo Maybe you can rearrange the placement here?
  5. 02:23:755 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - This is nice! Good job ♥
  6. 03:34:664 (1) - I'd Ctrl+G that note in order to make an awesome flow with 03:35:687 (2,3) - ( it improve the jump here!)
  7. 04:30:552 (3,4) - Your pattern could be more energic , try it like that :
Alright , once you applied those, call me bac for a recheck!
Topic Starter

Secretpipe wrote:

Very solid map here in general! Throwing some suggestions and we're good to go !

  1. 01:01:596 (5) - You can maybe move it to x:127 y:339 because it's doing an overlap with 01:00:573 (3) - at the moment and you could improve the jump here …… the overlap is my wish , like random and spontaneous , but too many people think it's bad Orz , i move too 144|344
  2. 01:18:641 (2) - I think you can move that note aswell to x:99 y:41 to get a flawless cursor's movement when playing these : 01:17:618 (4,1,2,3) - ……ok
  3. 01:23:073 (4,5) - You can try to rearrange the spacing here to get another flow and avoid some overlaps : …… the jump too big Orz
  4. 02:13:868 (4,5,6) - I was a little bit confused by this placement ; it sounded a bit random imo owo Maybe you can rearrange the placement here? …… random is romantic ! , i dont know how to change Orz
  5. 02:23:755 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - This is nice! Good job ♥ …… naya ~
  6. 03:34:664 (1) - I'd Ctrl+G that note in order to make an awesome flow with 03:35:687 (2,3) - ( it improve the jump here!) …… ok
  7. 04:30:552 (3,4) - Your pattern could be more energic , try it like that :……ok
Alright , once you applied those, call me bac for a recheck!
thx mod :)
Alright then!

Good luck with ranking it!

Topic Starter
thx bubble ;w;

as your say …… maybe i out of luck so i find bn fail 16* …… but i lose passion yet , i don't want to map more graveyard map . maybe it's my last map lol
oh this got so far already? well if you still need a bn checking it for rank just call me back~
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e …… plz check it if you don't mind ……
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hey from x'mas queue, you have BN for this? if not pm in game !
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Natsu wrote:

hey from x'mas queue, you have BN for this? if not pm in game !
ah …… no BN here but i wait appleeaterx check Timing , of coures you can check Timing too if you willing

my avatar without Christmas Hat now , x'mas queue should ignore me ???

Edit : hope people understand why i give up edit mp3 ……
timing is fine for me, approved~!
Topic Starter

ZZHBOY wrote:

timing is fine for me, approved~!

Yes !!!

Congratz Narcissu :D
Lily Bread
02:45:554 (1) - 03:40:094 (1) - 03:51:001 (1,2) - although technically fine they don't seem to fit the overall concept of your map before the break

otherwise a map like this is quite refreshing, thank you for making it
Asahina Momoko
:) :) :)
:D :D :D
Congratulation on qualify Narcissu! But I want to mention something about what I've found on this mapset

04:08:045(2,3)- The vocal are intensive and stronger as I can see but the spacing was decreased here if I'm not wrong which means that they doesn't emphasize the stronger vocals here.For emphasizing the vocals' intesify,you have to increase the spacing here as you did at 04:13:499(3,4)- for example
04:27:475(2,3)- A jump would be better here in my opinion because on 04:27:815(3)- the flute is going to be intensive here and also the other instruments as I can see and they need some emphasis having a little jump here
04:28:497(4,1)- The instruments are going to be intensive here especially the flute but I don't see any little jump here to emphasize the stronger and intensive instruments so to emphasize them I mean their intensify you have to increase the spacing I mean to have a little jump instead using an antijump which doesn't emphasize the stronger instruments
04:35:655(2,3)- On 04:35:996(3)- , the cymbals(the drums) are going to intensify here but comparing with other patterns like which have jump I mean which emphasize the stronger cymbals(drums) , on this pattern you didn't increase the spacing here to emphasize the stronger cymbals.Increasing the spacing here and having a little jump for emphasizing the stronger cymbals I mean drums wouldn't hurt at all
05:40:692(3,4,5)- The vocals are intensive here but I see that you used an antijump which doesn't emphasize the stronger vocals and their intensify at all.For emphasizing the vocals' intensify,you have to increase the spacing here so you will have a jump instead of antijump which doesn't emphasize the stronger vocals

Just throwing my opinion here about what I've found on this mapset.Let's see what will happen.
Gratz again anyway
Let's find out if that's actually so!

Please adress suggestions posted by ByBy13.

ByBy13 wrote:

Let's see what will happen.
Do reply the mod then I may help it back after my exam finished. :)
Can't agree with ByBy.
But i suggest the mapper to fix what Okoratu pointed out: ↓

Okoratu wrote:

02:45:554 (1) - 03:40:094 (1) - 03:51:001 (1,2) - although technically fine they don't seem to fit the overall concept of your map before the break

otherwise a map like this is quite refreshing, thank you for making it
Topic Starter

Okoratu wrote:

02:45:554 (1) - 03:40:094 (1) - 03:51:001 (1,2) - although technically fine they don't seem to fit the overall concept of your map before the break

otherwise a map like this is quite refreshing, thank you for making it
ye i think 1/2 is best …… but the song refrain too much , i want to do different Orz

Minakami Yuki wrote:

ByBy13 wrote:

Let's see what will happen.
Do reply the mod then I may help it back after my exam finished. :)
i will reply even if i I don't want to …… i don't know why here you are …… but thx your support ;w;
Topic Starter

ByBy13 wrote:

Congratulation on qualify Narcissu! But I want to mention something about what I've found on this mapset

04:08:045(2,3)- The vocal are intensive and stronger as I can see but the spacing was decreased here if I'm not wrong which means that they doesn't emphasize the stronger vocals here.For emphasizing the vocals' intesify,you have to increase the spacing here as you did at 04:13:499(3,4)- for example
04:27:475(2,3)- A jump would be better here in my opinion because on 04:27:815(3)- the flute is going to be intensive here and also the other instruments as I can see and they need some emphasis having a little jump here
04:28:497(4,1)- The instruments are going to be intensive here especially the flute but I don't see any little jump here to emphasize the stronger and intensive instruments so to emphasize them I mean their intensify you have to increase the spacing I mean to have a little jump instead using an antijump which doesn't emphasize the stronger instruments
04:35:655(2,3)- On 04:35:996(3)- , the cymbals(the drums) are going to intensify here but comparing with other patterns like which have jump I mean which emphasize the stronger cymbals(drums) , on this pattern you didn't increase the spacing here to emphasize the stronger cymbals.Increasing the spacing here and having a little jump for emphasizing the stronger cymbals I mean drums wouldn't hurt at all
05:40:692(3,4,5)- The vocals are intensive here but I see that you used an antijump which doesn't emphasize the stronger vocals and their intensify at all.For emphasizing the vocals' intensify,you have to increase the spacing here so you will have a jump instead of antijump which doesn't emphasize the stronger vocals

Just throwing my opinion here about what I've found on this mapset.Let's see what will happen.
Gratz again anyway
i use bad flow emphasize the some beat and syncopated , dotted rhythms . central symmetry , geometry cause people's attention too , jump not always the best choice . and i did not follow the voice where you point out…… could you understand my intentions before you mod ?

your mod wish me add jump all beat …… it's too boring and dull . the beautiful song like a fertile land , i plant narcissus on it , you turn it into a factory
a beautiful song doesnt need such emphasis on vocals or beats, just follow it, and just enjoy.
if you keep your mind on "putting jumps on strong beat" blablabla, most of the maps should be remapped lol

checked and seems all fine to me
rebubbled #1
proper reasons explained why no change here.
The mapper asked me if I like this song, and before we continue I've to mention that I do like this song. The instruments sound so softly, I just can't help liking this. Why else would I check this, right?

Narcissu wrote:

i will reply even if i I don't want to
The modder took their time to look through your set and give some ideas on how to make the map better. Why don't you take the opportunity to make the set better instead of replying in such a way?

Narcissu wrote:

i use bad flow emphasize the some beat and syncopated , dotted rhythms .

i plant narcissus on it , you turn it into a factory
The point is that you're neither being consistent. We can understand your intention to stick to less jumpy DS, yet using "bad flow" and "planting flowers" are completely different things. For example, the thing mentioned about emphasizing the beat on 05:40:692 (3,4) - is a valid point, which feels a lot better when emphasized properly. If you don't want to use jumps - that's totally fine, use any other of the instruments you've mentioned to gve a proper emphasis to the beat.

Minakami Yuki wrote:

a beautiful song doesnt need such emphasis on vocals or beats, just follow it, and just enjoy.
if you keep your mind on "putting jumps on strong beat" blablabla, most of the maps should be remapped lol
A beautiful song needs a beautiful map, hence, the mapper should mind every single aspect of the song. Consider all its ups and downs and changes in its nature, including giving proper emphasis to the beats that deserve it and gently mapping weaker beats. Besides, do not refer to other maps when we are focusing on this one, this won't help our discussion at all.

Hope thins makes our concerns more understandable.
I want to point out about 05:40:692(3,4,5)-.If you can see in this last kiai the same pattern but using jump,this pattern don't use any jump even if the vocal gets intensive.Having consistency on jumps in this kiai,you have to increase the spacing a little and also you will emphasize the instensify of the vocals in my opinion.
Also for other points for example 04:08:045(2,3)-,if you can take a look at 04:11:113(2,3)- and 04:13:499(3,4)- you've used jumps here I mean you've increased
the spacing but here you didn't and here you can notice that the vocals are intensive and they need some emphasize as you did at the points which I mentioned earlier so it wouldn't hurt if you will increase the spacing here a bit to give some emphasis to the intensify of the vocals.
The points which I've mentioned in my last mod were some inconsistency in jumps.It is a low song but it have some stronger beats as I can see.Just pointing out what I've mentioned last time
I think there are other ways to create emphasis. "Jumps" or increased spacing in general is just one way to go about achieving "emphasis". So i have to respectfully disagree when Byby says "For emphasizing the vocals' intensify,you have to increase the spacing here so you will have a jump instead of antijump which doesn't emphasize the stronger vocals".

Emphasis simply means to make something more noticeable. Anti-jumps can also be a means of emphasis because you are forcing the player to restrict their movement and focus. There are other ways to create emphasis too, without needing to use jumps/increased spacing, which Narcissu has listed.

Lovely map as always. Poke me if you're ever in need of another BN Narcissu :D.
Topic Starter

Bakari wrote:

Narcissu wrote:

i will reply even if i I don't want to
The modder took their time to look through your set and give some ideas on how to make the map better. Why don't you take the opportunity to make the set better instead of replying in such a way?

Because his mod indicate he is a new mapper and modder , if you are a DS mapper , other say “you should add random jump here , because the music is lovely and light” and DQ you map , are you willing reply his mod ? modder should be understand mapper‘s idea , respect mapper‘s way , its requires no illustration. his mod cant help me upgrade anything , only remap my map follow his mind

Hope thins makes our concerns more understandable.

ah …… my english very bad , I hope you can understand

ByBy13 wrote:

I want to point out about 05:40:692(3,4,5)-.If you can see in this last kiai the same pattern but using jump,this pattern don't use any jump even if the vocal gets intensive.Having consistency on jumps in this kiai,you have to increase the spacing a little and also you will emphasize the instensify of the vocals in my opinion.
Also for other points for example 04:08:045(2,3)-,if you can take a look at 04:11:113(2,3)- and 04:13:499(3,4)- you've used jumps here I mean you've increased
the spacing but here you didn't and here you can notice that the vocals are intensive and they need some emphasize as you did at the points which I mentioned earlier so it wouldn't hurt if you will increase the spacing here a bit to give some emphasis to the intensify of the vocals.
The points which I've mentioned in my last mod were some inconsistency in jumps.It is a low song but it have some stronger beats as I can see.Just pointing out what I've mentioned last time

you mod is right like “people will put on a Christmas hat at Christmas ” , i have to say again “ you mod make my map dull ” . the song refrain * N , you can ctrl+C+V+H+J 4bar again and again , map done and it's right in your opinion . my english bad , if you are chinese , i can try to explain it all use readily understood and agreed
What stops you from using other means of emphasis to the mentioned patterns? We (well, at least I) do get your point - you do not want to abuse jumps and it's perfectly fine. I respect that. But why can't you emphasize the beats ByBy listed in any other way?

If you believe that the beats ByBy mentions do not deserves any form of emphasis - just say so exlaining what made you believe it is true.
Topic Starter

your are right , but it's a beautiful song , as we know “random jump exhibit lovely song” “1/4 note and slider when rhythm music” “symmetric figure like religion and eternity” “monstrata's triangle have many PP”

its why i not always add jump when downbeat , my map gorgeous , it's best display of music , you can map the song follow your mind , more focus the beat …… but don't force me plz ……



i wait Kyubey give me flame …… plz help me when i get DQ*2 !!
We did discuss the things in-game as a continuation of what was mentioned in the thread. I offered to use antijumps and stacks instead of jumps in patterns which ByBy mentioned. The mapper commented on what they believe to be the best for the map, so after a quick discussion we've got our misunderstandings resolved.

No questions left from my side, good luck with getting it re-qualified!
seems like no one cares about the answer my points were given so.
02:45:554 (1) - Ok why is this one extended, I don't really understand it because nothing really hints at it and instruments would be better off with 1/2 sliders

03:40:094 (1) - 03:51:001 (1,2) - were probably done for vocals

It doesn't really fit into a concept to have 3 extended sliders in a total of 5 minutes of playtime.
They look really really random and i don't think they work that well, especially the first one.
Your rhythms are really simple, focused on instruments mostly.

so I believe your map is better off with these 3/4 sliders being simplified.
I agree with Narcissu, because there are more things you can do to emphasize the downbeat, or crashes. flow and patterning could do that as well. more importantly, I think it is important to understand the mapper, instead of overwrite the creator's opinion when doing mods. I believe that have a byby is trying to help, but she did not get the point mappers are trying to present here. more importantly, sometimes the slight change of ds on such a low bpm does not matter that much, but might break the flow and patterning. That's the point. I do mapping a lots low bpm songs as well and I actually know that when I increase ds on these map it really does not play that well, unless you play it with NightCore mode on.
And also because of low bpm, except the vocal track, it is relatively hard to change patterning, some difference should be acceptable as they really wont not break play experience.
I just want to say to someone: Why do you want to impose your style on others ?
Never do this please.
Topic Starter

Okoratu wrote:

seems like no one cares about the answer my points were given so.
02:45:554 (1) - Ok why is this one extended, I don't really understand it because nothing really hints at it and instruments would be better off with 1/2 sliders

03:40:094 (1) - 03:51:001 (1,2) - were probably done for vocals

It doesn't really fit into a concept to have 3 extended sliders in a total of 5 minutes of playtime.
They look really really random and i don't think they work that well, especially the first one.
Your rhythms are really simple, focused on instruments mostly.

so I believe your map is better off with these 3/4 sliders being simplified.
e …… sorry ithoughti had explained it…… 03:51:683 - have finish but 01:51:697 - without , other point of time same…… so i do different …… if you know musical form , you will find all extended sliders and jump is pink , it's why 04:46:904 (1,2,3,4) - is bule but 05:05:336 (1) - still bule

it's sophistry ↑↑↑ ……in fact 1/2 is best …… ignore me forget me
Nice lol we're posting all at once
I miss the disqualification format which consists of Disqualify Reason and Additional Modding
hey the finish thing makes surprisingly much sense, though i don't think it's necessary to do that kind of extension but at least you have a reason which isn't "because i can"
thank you for that answer <3

edit flame
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thx ;w;

Merry Christmas :)
Merry Christmas :)
I might not be a good timer but 88.01 bpm works better??
i doubt the artist went precisely for that .01 lol better ask someone else good at this
There is always a chance that the mp3 file itself got slightly modified during the bitrate change or something similar. This situation is pretty common.
I remember checking this :)

gratz man!
Is that hard one?
I can't belive.
2 slow... and this empty moment at the last 1 min( i think 1 min) of the map.
I'm so sorry but u must correct this mapy
now its like 50/1oo ducks
~Cya ^^
I cant stay silent.
Topic Starter

Kotek0_0 wrote:

Is that hard one?
I can't belive.
2 slow... and this empty moment at the last 1 min( i think 1 min) of the map.
I'm so sorry but u must correct this mapy
now its like 50/1oo ducks
~Cya ^^
e …… you wish i map a insane diff when last part ? ar7 or ar9, Which one should I choose :?

the BPM is 88~90 , you can use google search it

~ nya
Having evidence with an original source about the BPM would be really helpful.
Don't worry. All I want is to make sure that this is really the right BPM. Afterall, 80.01 is a very odd number, even though it might not have such a great effect on a short song. Yet, better checking it again.
i had no problem with the timing when i saw this map, some songs just have +- 0.01 ~ 0.05bpm for no apparent reason. it isn't the first time i've seen this.

gz on qualify, hope it becomes approved :) :)
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