Hi dudes, mod by request (by -anhedonia- lmao)
(1|2|3|4)[Spy.K's Another]
the "ghost sound" of this map are kinda weird, because you can`t clearly hear it in the gameplay, maybe you should reconsider that.
00:00:979 (979|2) - This got the same tone as 00:01:287 (1287|1) - , move it to the 2º column
00:02:364 (2364|1,2671|3) - both notes got the same pitch as 00:02:979 (2979|0) - , move all to the 1º column
00:03:748 (3748|2) - this should be (maybe) the same pattern as 00:00:979 - so, move that note to the 2º column
00:04:364 (4364|2) - erase this, or add in 00:04:364 (4364|2) - , because they are the same, and don`t try to excuse that with the "DJ" voice
00:06:210 (6210|1) - move to the 3º column, same pitch as 00:05:902 (5902|2) -
00:08:671 (8671|0) - move to the 2º column, same pitch as 00:08:364 (8364|1) -
00:09:287 (9287|0) - erase, because i can`t understand why you added here and in 00:01:902 - no lol
00:11:287 (11287|2,11440|1,11594|0) - CTRL+H and move all to the 1-2-3 columns for follow the pitch correctly and for really feel it in game
00:11:748 (11748|2) - move to the 1º column, ^
00:12:517 (12517|2,12671|3) - CTRL+J, ^ (like a mirror pattern)
00:12:979 (12979|2) - move to the 4º column, ^
00:13:133 (13133|3,13287|2,13440|1,13594|0) - if you did the last suggestion, do a CTRL+H here
00:14:056 (14056|1,14210|2) - CTRL+J, ^
00:16:056 (16056|2) - move to the 2º column, ^ (remember, is for follow the pitch correctly in-game)
00:16:364 (16364|1) - move to the 3º column, ^
00:16:517 (16517|3) - move to the 2º column, ^
00:17:902 - Did you missed that pitch? or is intentional? add if not
00:18:671 (18671|1,18825|2) - CTRL+J, follow the pitch and you are not breaking any pattern
![Grin :D](https://osu.ppy.sh/forum/images/smilies/242.gif)
A huge recommendationin 00:18:671 (18671|1,18825|2) --- 00:28:825 - you are using just double notes, instead of a variation, because we got triple snares, different pitchs and the main pitch in the red line so, my suggestion is a little rearrange like:
00:20:287 - 00:20:594 - 00:20:902 - in that blue lines (we are talking in 1/4 snap) add a note, make any pattern you want (with that condition) AND
00:20:364 - 00:20:671 - 00:20:979 - and many more red lines, erase one note, for keep the difficult and do noticeable every sound of the section
https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/7477134IF YOU DECIDED FOLLOW THIS:00:28:979 (28979|3) - Erase this
00:29:133 (29133|1) - move to the 3º column
00:29:287 (29287|2) - erase this
for emphazise the main pitch of the song
00:30:056 ---- 00:39:133 - you can do the same suggestion of ^
00:50:748 - you can add here and 00:50:902 - here, but you should erase a note in 00:50:825 - , this is for make the map a little more harder and for evade (a little) the monotony of the drums/synth
00:51:517 - you can add here and 00:51:671 - erase one of that notes, because i find a handstream unnecessary here (because i can`t listen a strong pitch here) and because i feel here 00:51:517 - you missed a note... or not lol
00:52:210 ---- 00:54:671 - why this is composed by normal-triple and in 00:49:748 - no? (and many patterns here are out of place comparated with the rest of the map)
00:53:902 - the same as 00:51:440 - , add in 00:53:979 - and erase in 00:54:133 - for no get confused during the gameplay
00:55:287 (55287|0,55287|1,55364|3,55364|2,55440|1,55440|0) - why... is not the same as 00:50:364 - and is completely a ghost pitch
00:55:671 - you can add here, erase in 00:55:748 - and add in 00:55:825 - , for make symmetry with the suggestion of before
00:56:440 - add a note and erase in 00:56:594 - , for follow the pitch of the drum and the "strange sounds" of the white line (the same as before)
01:02:748 - erase a note, here is not necessary a double because the pitch is not significantly intense (if you do that, move 01:02:825 (62825|1) - to the 4º column)
01:03:979 - erase a note, ^ totally
01:06:440 - you missed a note i think (because 01:01:517 - ) add it
01:08:825 - you missed a note (because 01:01:440 - and 01:06:364 - )
01:11:594 - same pitch as 01:11:902 - and they are different, add or erase a note
01:15:210 - i can feel a sound here, add it in 2º
01:15:287 - here too, add a note in 1º
Rearrange this01:15:594 (75594|2) - move to 4º
01:15:671 (75671|1) - move to 3º
01:15:979 (75979|0) - move to 3º
01:16:056 (76056|2) - move to 1º
01:16:133 (76133|0) - move to 2º
01:16:210 (76210|1) - move to 4º
01:16:287 (76287|3) - move to 3º
01:16:364 (76364|1) - move to 1º
01:16:671 (76671|1) - this definitely is not an ascendent/descendent pattern, move to 1º
01:16:748 (76748|0) - move to 2º
01:16:825 (76825|1) - and move to 1º
01:17:287 (77287|1) - move to 1º
01:17:364 (77364|3) - move to 2º (pattern variety)
01:17:440 (77440|2) - move to 4º
01:17:517 (77517|1) - erase this, is not a noticeable pitch
i think you focused the most high pitch of the section so, that can help to notice the intention of the mapping in-game
01:19:594 (79594|0) - move to the 4º, time to arrange here too for a best follow of the music
01:19:748 (79748|3) - move to 2º, ^
01:19:902 (79902|2,80056|1,80210|2) - CTRL+H and move all 1 to the left
01:20:364 (80364|0) - move to the 3º column
01:20:825 (80825|2) - move to the 1º
01:20:979 (80979|0) - move to the 4º
01:21:440 (81440|0) - move to the 3º
01:21:594 (81594|2) - move to the 1º
01:22:210 (82210|0) - move to the 3º
01:22:517 (82517|2) - move to the 1º
01:22:979 (82979|2) - move to the 1º
01:23:133 (83133|0) - move to the 3º
01:23:287 (83287|1) - move to the 4º
01:23:440 (83440|3) - move to the 1º
01:23:594 (83594|0) - move to the 3º
01:23:748 (83748|3) - move to the 1º
01:23:902 (83902|2) - move to the 2º
01:24:056 (84056|0) - mvoe to the 3º
01:27:287 (87287|2) - move to the 1º (SORRY FOR ALL THE "MOVE TO", that part should look and feel like you are playing the song (literally lol)
01:29:440 (89440|0) - move to the 4º
01:29:594 (89594|3) - move to the 2º
01:29:748 (89748|2) - move to the 1º
01:29:902 (89902|0) - move to the 3º
01:30:056 (90056|3) - move to the 1º
01:30:210 (90210|1) - move to the 4º (SERiOUSLY, i hate doing this but i can`t spam the motive XD)
01:31:748 - add in 3º
01:31:902 (91902|2) - move to 1º
01:32:517 (92517|2) - move to 4º
01:32:825 - add a note, the pitch is intense here
01:32:902 (92902|1) - maybe you should erase this, i canpt feel a necessary ghost pitch or i don`t know... i feel it unnecesary
01:33:210 (93210|3) - this too, for make it more rhythmic erase it, the streams feels cutted, thats the reason
01:33:210 (93210|3) ---- 01:33:210 (93210|3) - ok what`s happening here? you are mixing the "scratch sound" and the pitch of the main sound, making a weird pattern for follow, all i can say is than try to do an rearrange in the "thrills", where the scratches are more noticeable.
[Spy.K's Hyper]
00:00:979 (979|2) - This got the same tone as 00:01:287 (1287|1) - , move it to the 2º column
00:02:364 (2364|1,2671|3) - both notes got the same pitch as 00:02:979 (2979|0) - , move all to the 1º column
00:03:748 (3748|2) - this should be (maybe) the same pattern as 00:00:979 - so, move that note to the 2º column
00:04:364 (4364|2) - erase this, or add in 00:04:364 (4364|2) - , because they are the same, and don`t try to excuse that with the "DJ" voice
00:06:210 (6210|1) - move to the 3º column, same pitch as 00:05:902 (5902|2) -
ok here we got the same problem of the "another diff" but i`ll not put so much emphazise in that (however would be awesome check the intention of the mod and apply it in every diff)
00:08:671 (8671|0) - move to the 2º column, same pitch as 00:08:364 (8364|1) -
00:09:287 (9287|0) - erase, because i can`t understand why you added here and in 00:01:902 - no lol
00:10:671 (10671|1,10825|0) - CTRL+H, here starts the ascendent pitch
00:17:902 - you missed a note, add it
00:18:671 (18671|1) - move it to the 4º column
00:18:825 (18825|3,18979|2) - move all 2 to the left
Lets rearrange the pitch00:39:748 (39748|1) - move to 3º
00:39:902 (39902|0) - move to 2º
00:40:056 (40056|2) - move to 1º
00:40:210 (40210|1) - move to 3º
00:40:364 (40364|0) - move to 2º
00:40:517 (40517|2) - move to 1º
00:40:979 (40979|0) - move to 2º
00:41:133 (41133|1) - move to 1º
00:41:287 (41287|2) - move to 2º
00:42:517 (42517|2) - move to 2º
00:43:748 (43748|2) - move to 1º
00:46:210 (46210|3) - move to 1º
00:47:902 (47902|3,47902|0,48056|2,48056|1,48210|3,48210|0) - why??? the ghost drum have not sense in a hyper diff, i suggest remove it and follow the main pitch
01:06:440 - why do you ignores this? if you added in 01:01:517 - ? erase or add
01:11:594 - the same issue of the "another diff", same sound but different pattern, erase or add
Rearrange this01:15:594 (75594|2) - move to 4º
01:15:671 (75671|1) - move to 3º
01:15:979 (75979|0) - move to 3º
01:16:056 (76056|2) - move to 1º
01:16:133 (76133|0) - move to 2º
01:16:210 (76210|1) - move to 4º
01:16:287 (76287|3) - move to 3º
01:16:364 (76364|1) - move to 1º
01:16:671 (76671|1) - this definitely is not an ascendent/descendent pattern, move to 1º
01:16:748 (76748|0) - move to 2º
01:16:825 (76825|1) - and move to 1º
01:17:287 (77287|1) - move to 1º
01:17:364 (77364|3) - move to 2º (pattern variety)
01:17:440 (77440|2) - move to 4º
01:17:517 (77517|1) - erase this, is not a noticeable pitch
the same as "another"
01:19:594 (79594|0) - move to the 4º, time to arrange here too for a best follow of the music
01:19:748 (79748|3) - move to 2º, ^
01:19:902 (79902|2,80056|1,80210|2) - CTRL+H and move all 1 to the left
01:20:364 (80364|0) - move to the 3º column
01:20:825 (80825|2) - move to the 1º
01:20:979 (80979|0) - move to the 4º
01:21:440 (81440|0) - move to the 3º
01:21:594 (81594|2) - move to the 1º
01:22:210 (82210|0) - move to the 3º
01:22:517 (82517|2) - move to the 1º
01:22:979 (82979|2) - move to the 1º
01:23:133 (83133|0) - move to the 3º
01:23:287 (83287|1) - move to the 4º
01:23:440 (83440|3) - move to the 1º
01:23:594 (83594|0) - move to the 3º
01:23:748 (83748|3) - move to the 1º
01:23:902 (83902|2) - move to the 2º
01:24:056 (84056|0) - mvoe to the 3º
01:27:287 (87287|2) - move to the 1º
01:29:440 (89440|0) - move to the 4º
01:29:594 (89594|3) - move to the 2º
01:29:748 (89748|2) - move to the 1º
01:29:902 (89902|0) - move to the 3º
01:30:056 (90056|3) - move to the 1º
01:30:210 (90210|1) - move to the 4º
01:31:748 - add in 3º
01:31:902 (91902|2) - move to 1º
01:32:517 (92517|2) - move to 4º
01:32:825 - add a note, the pitch is intense here
01:32:902 (92902|1) - maybe you should erase this, i canpt feel a necessary ghost pitch or i don`t know... i feel it unnecesary
01:33:210 (93210|3) - this too, for make it more rhythmic erase it, the streams feels cutted, thats the reason
01:51:210 (111210|3) - why is this here and in 01:51:210 (111210|3) - no? i think you should erase it
i`ll continue with "normal" tomorrow, because its 3 am right now lmao.
My suggestion: follow the pitch, make a feel of like you are literally playing it, the huge problem here is that, a disordered map ends in a weird map, i hope you consider it
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