
Caladborg - invoker [Taiko|OsuMania]

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on jueves, 1 de febrero de 2018 at 18:20:26

Artist: Caladborg
Title: invoker
Source: beatmania IIDX 21 SPADA
Tags: Backfire USAO Spy
BPM: 195
Filesize: 4410kb
Play Time: 02:03
Difficulties Available:
  1. Backfire's Inner Oni (5,5 stars, 909 notes)
  2. Futsuu (2,46 stars, 346 notes)
  3. Kantan (1,7 stars, 199 notes)
  4. Muzukashii (3,24 stars, 541 notes)
  5. Oni (4,33 stars, 693 notes)
  6. Spy.K's Another - 4Key (4,47 stars, 1435 notes)
  7. Spy.K's Hyper - 4Key (3,36 stars, 1068 notes)
  8. Spy.K's Normal - 4Key (1,98 stars, 689 notes)
  9. Ura Oni (7,1 stars, 968 notes)
Download: Caladborg - invoker
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Re-DL if you had this before 09/10 (BG Change)
Ura Oni featured in TWC 2016 finals mappool
Lost The Lights
Holi, mod a pedido. Esto son mas que nada sugerencias, sos libre de ignorar todo si querés. btw first (?

D=Big Don
K=Big Kat

  1. Fijate que algunas diffs tienen activado el Widescreen support, desactivalo.
  1. 00:19:394 - Creo que esta nota sonaria mejor aca 00:19:548 -
  2. 01:30:779 - Me suena mejor que muevas esta aca 01:30:625 - y esta otra 01:31:087 - aca 01:31:241 -
  3. 01:58:625 - Esto parece pattern de Muzu por la cantidad de notas, reducelas.
  4. 02:03:702 - Ya que es Futsuu, no me parece que haga falta esta nota. Recomiendo removerla.
  1. 00:49:548 - Me suena mejor como k.
  2. 00:50:394 - Move esta aca 00:50:318 -, por temas de hacer un poco mas facil la diff para el spread.
  3. 00:51:164 - ^ 00:51:087 -
  4. 00:52:856 - ^ 00:52:779 -
  5. 00:53:625 - ^ 00:53:548 - etc, tengo paja de marcar los demas. (inb4 reject all y quedo como un pelotudo)
  6. 00:59:394 - d se escucha mejor imo.
  7. 01:27:856 - El triplet se escucha aca, move 01:28:087 - a 01:27:933 -
  8. 01:45:394 - Me suena mejor a k, no escucho nada como para un d.
  9. 01:46:702 - Mueve esta aca 01:46:318 - y cambiala a d, hay un sonido ahi.
  10. 01:47:702 - ddk para este triplet, suena mejor, y ademas move 01:48:010 - a 01:48:164 - , que el sonido esta ahi.
  11. 01:50:318 - Lo mismo de antes.
  12. 01:51:241 - No creo que te vean bien esto para Muzu (Ya sabes como son los BN). Prueba k kkk d.
  1. 00:16:548 - Suena mejor que muevas esto a 00:16:394 - y lo cambies a k junto con 00:16:318 -
  2. 00:34:933 - Fijate si podes nerfear esto un poco, es muy dificil para el spread muzu-oni.
  3. 00:50:318 - ^
  4. 00:52:779 - ^
  5. 01:20:933 - Una nota aqui no hace daño.
  6. Un pequeño comentario, como se que Backfire va a hacer una Inner Oni, te recomendaria que nerfees esta diff para que el spread no sea tan grande.
Topic Starter

Lost The Lights wrote:

Holi, mod a pedido. Esto son mas que nada sugerencias, sos libre de ignorar todo si querés. btw first (?

D=Big Don
K=Big Kat

  1. Fijate que algunas diffs tienen activado el Widescreen support, desactivalo.
  1. 02:03:702 - Ya que es Futsuu, no me parece que haga falta esta nota. Recomiendo removerla. Esa nota es la que mas me encanta de todo el map asi que se queda (?
  1. 00:50:394 - Move esta aca 00:50:318 -, por temas de hacer un poco mas facil la diff para el spread.
  2. 00:51:164 - ^ 00:51:087 -
  3. 00:52:856 - ^ 00:52:779 -
  4. 00:53:625 - ^ 00:53:548 - etc, tengo paja de marcar los demas. (inb4 reject all y quedo como un pelotudo) DE HECHO
  5. 00:59:394 - d se escucha mejor imo. suena aceptable, pero lo prefiero como kdd
  6. 01:27:856 - El triplet se escucha aca, move 01:28:087 - a 01:27:933 - la verdad se escuchan en ambos lados, pero suena mas representativo ahi xD
  7. 01:45:394 - Me suena mejor a k, no escucho nada como para un d. A mi tampoco me suena a d, lo habia dejado asi por que creí que seria mas facil, de hecho lo cambiaré a k pero queria decirte por que lo hice asi xD
  8. 01:47:702 - ddk para este triplet, suena mejor, y ademas move 01:48:010 - a 01:48:164 - , que el sonido esta ahi. Eso esta siguiendo el scratch, no el synth, pero de todas formas lo segundo lo deje como d k (en vez de mover puse una nota mas)
  9. 01:50:318 - Lo mismo de antes. ayylmao
  10. 01:51:241 - No creo que te vean bien esto para Muzu (Ya sabes como son los BN). Prueba k kkk d.Lo deje como k kkk k y movi 01:52:010 (494) - a 01:51:856 -
  1. Un pequeño comentario, como se que Backfire va a hacer una Inner Oni, te recomendaria que nerfees esta diff para que el spread no sea tan grande.Sobre la diff de Backfire, ya esta estimado que sea de 5,7~6,2 para el spread, de todas formas nerfeare un poco aunque 1,2* del another a la posible diff de backfire es mas que razonable imo
Lost The Lights
Continuación del mod :I no kds

  1. Nada por acá.
[Black Another]
  1. Disable Widescreen Support
  2. 00:56:779 - Is this spinner really necessary? D:
  3. 00:58:548 - Changing this one to k sounds better imo.
  4. 01:46:010 - This one sounds better as k than this one 01:45:933 - here. Maybe ctrl+g them.
  1. Esta diff me parece perfecta, no hay mucho que te pueda sugerir para cambiarle, así que mejor no digo nada :I.
Ahora si, GL con este mapa!
Topic Starter
Applied everything, thanks m9 <4
Hey, M4M


Consigue un MP3 con 192kbps



01:51:856 (27) - kat?
02:02:318 (41) - K

No hay mucho que decir aqui, bastante bien


01:44:625 (28) - Creo que quedaría mejor como d
01:49:241 (42,43) - ctrl+g
02:03:702 (2) - No creo que esta ultima nota sea necesaria, es suficiente con el D anterior

Idem aqui, bastante bien


01:02:933 (296,297,298) - ddd
01:28:010 (372,373,374) - kkk
01:32:933 (397,398,399) - No se aqui, puede ser ddd, kkk o borrar la nota del medio
01:44:010 (436,437,438,439) - kkk d?
01:45:625 (448) - Borrala tal vez?
01:50:548 (477) - ^
01:47:702 (460,461,462) - kkk
02:03:702 (2) - Lo mismo que en Normal


HP=6. Creo que seria mejor que el HP 7 se quedara en las dos diffs mas difíciles
Tal vez bajar la intensidad a los cambios de SV un poco vendría bien

02:03:702 (288) - Lo mismo que en las otras dos diffs

No encontre mucho problema aqui

[Black Another]

01:04:164 (59,60,61,62) - These notes seem too weird to me, maybe turn them into 1/4 or make a 1/6 dddd pattern?
02:02:933 (355,356,357,358) - Same reason as above, make a 1/6 kkkd?

Nothing much here


Uhm, no sé si el símbolo de "†" está permitido, pero lo dejaré pasar
00:39:856 hasta 00:49:702 - Me parece raro que no haya aumentos de SV como en la diff anterior, sugiero añadirlos, queda bien en mi opinión

00:05:933 (23) - Por qué esta es la unica nota en 1/4 de toda esta seccion? lol
00:58:984 - Esta nota se ve rara aqui, es intencional?
01:09:471 (1) - Achica el spinner 1/4 hacia la derecha
01:11:933 (1) - ^
02:03:702 (410) - Lo mismo que en las otras diffs

Suerte con este map :) / Good luck :)
Mekadothong da-meka~!


d k = small notes
D K = large notes

"Ura" Muzukashii (Hyper)

00:30:010 (144) - don. OK
00:50:471 (240,241) - Ctrl+G
00:55:394 (261,262) - ^
00:59:394 (279) - d
01:03:087 (298) - d
01:28:164 (374) - ^
01:32:933 (397,398,399) - kakakat
01:45:241 (444,445,446,447,448,449) - I have different suggestions with those double 1/4 triplets. You can choose one: dokodon dokodon, double dodokat, or keep at all. This is the climax part then..
01:47:702 (461,462,463) - dokodon
01:50:164 (474,475,476,477,478,479) - same issue like before
01:52:933 (492,493,494) - dokodon again
01:55:241 (506,507) - k
From 02:01:702 to 02:02:087 - dokodon kakakat dokodon kakakat

Comment: Well I think you should give a simple monotonous 1/4 in hard (muzukashii) diff. Save those complex pattern in oni and up

Kawatta (Another)

00:12:164 (53,54,55) - kakakat
01:28:394 (48,49) - Ctrl+G
01:51:241 (189,190,191,192,193) - kadododokat
02:01:779 - d
02:02:318 (286) - Why not spinner?

Densetsu (Leggendaria)

00:20:010 (140,141,142,143) - possible overmapping. Just delete 'em all and leave 00:20:164 (143)
00:52:318 (450,451,452,453) - 1/6 streams? How about dododokat?
00:53:087 (460,461,462,463) - Same issue
00:58:471 (518,519,520,521,522) - delete note at 00:58:471, move 00:58:625 (519,520,521,522) to 00:58:47, and CTRL+G them so you will get proper color=#FF0000]dododo[/color]kat
01:03:164 (561) - delete
01:08:087 (611) - delete
01:20:318 (5) - k
01:45:010 (170,171) - delete
01:45:394 (174,179,186) - katu?
02:02:241 (391) - ^
From 02:02:318 to 02:03:189 - Y U NO 1/6 all katu streams

Consider re-map and prevent any overmaps

Good luck then
Topic Starter
midnaait mod

Midnaait wrote:

Hey, M4M


Consigue un MP3 con 192kbps



01:51:856 (27) - kat? Justo en esa nota el stream anterior termina y hay un pitch bajo asi que lo dejo como xd

No hay mucho que decir aqui, bastante bien


01:49:241 (42,43) - ctrl+g Meh, no suena especialmente mejor
02:03:702 (2) - No creo que esta ultima nota sea necesaria, es suficiente con el D anterior

Idem aqui, bastante bien


01:32:933 (397,398,399) - No se aqui, puede ser ddd, kkk o borrar la nota del medio lo deje así, ninguna de las 3 me convence

Aplico todo lo demas no por que me guste si no por que queria dejar esta diff un poco mas nerfeada xd


No encontre mucho problema aqui

[Black Another]

01:04:164 (59,60,61,62) - These notes seem too weird to me, maybe turn them into 1/4 or make a 1/6 dddd pattern? lo cambié a dddk, suena mejor y no da problemas con el D que viene
02:02:933 (355,356,357,358) - Same reason as above, make a 1/6 kkkd? Creo que este lo dejare asi, tiene un poco mas de coherencia con la cancion que el anterior

Nothing much here


Uhm, no sé si el símbolo de "†" está permitido, pero lo dejaré pasar
00:39:856 hasta 00:49:702 - Me parece raro que no haya aumentos de SV como en la diff anterior, sugiero añadirlos, queda bien en mi opinión Ninguna de las diffs tiene ni una linea verde ahi xD

00:58:984 - Esta nota se ve rara aqui, es intencional? Definitivamente
01:09:471 (1) - Achica el spinner 1/4 hacia la derecha no lo veo necesario
01:11:933 (1) - ^ ^

Suerte con este map :) / Good luck :)

CuticleThong s mod

CuticleThong wrote:

Mekadothong da-meka~!


d k = small notes
D K = large notes

"Ura" Muzukashii (Hyper)

00:30:010 (144) - don. OK It is a d
00:59:394 (279) - d It could be a bit hard to hit k kdd but it doesnt sound other way to me
01:28:164 (374) - ^ Reworked it into kkk in last mod
01:32:933 (397,398,399) - kakakat Also rejected it being kkk in last mod
01:45:241 (444,445,446,447,448,449) - I have different suggestions with those double 1/4 triplets. You can choose one: dokodon dokodon, double dodokat, or keep at all. This is the climax part then.. In last mod it changed into kkk k d d k
01:47:702 (461,462,463) - dokodon kkk sounds better for me
01:50:164 (474,475,476,477,478,479) - same issue like before its kkk k d k d now
01:55:241 (506,507) - k

Comment: Well I think you should give a simple monotonous 1/4 in hard (muzukashii) diff. Save those complex pattern in oni and up

Kawatta (Another)

00:12:164 (53,54,55) - kakakat i dont see any reason to make it kkk other than abekobe effect
01:51:241 (189,190,191,192,193) - kadododokat kdkkd or dkdkd fits much better than kdddk
02:01:779 - d
02:02:318 (286) - Why not spinner? Because with a slider it *could*(depends on player) as a ddddd... stream, rather than a dkdkd... stream (as you have to use both notes to pass the spinner), it could sound stupid but that is my reason

Densetsu (Leggendaria)

00:52:318 (450,451,452,453) - 1/6 streams? How about dododokat? meh
00:53:087 (460,461,462,463) - Same issue
00:58:471 (518,519,520,521,522) - delete note at 00:58:471, move 00:58:625 (519,520,521,522) to 00:58:47, and CTRL+G them so you will get proper color=#FF0000]dododo[/color]kat It doesnt sound necessary to me
01:45:010 (170,171) - delete Why?
01:45:394 (174,179,186) - katu? No
02:02:241 (391) - ^
From 02:02:318 to 02:03:189 - Y U NO 1/6 all katu streams It could be. I just prefer not.

Consider re-map and prevent any overmaps

Good luck then
Hi! M4M as you requested


  1. Change source to "beatmania IIDX" and put 21 SPADA in tags
  2. Offset 518 seems better
Change offset AFTER the mod


  1. 00:49:894 (424,425,426,427) - I don't think it's really a good idea to map the synth as 1/6 since the sound isn't really clear, so maybe map it as 1/4
  2. 00:51:125 (438,439,440,441) - ^
  3. 00:53:586 (462,463,464,465) - ^
  4. 00:54:971 (478,479,480,481) - ^
  5. 00:59:022 (521) - snap to 1/4
  6. 01:04:202 (569,570,571,572) - change to dkkd? it would follow the snare better imo
  7. 01:09:509 (1) - it's better to have at least a 1/2 gap between the note and the spinner so move this one 1/4 later?
  8. 01:11:971 (1) - ^
  9. 01:16:894 (1) - ^
  10. 01:33:432 (92,93,94,95) - change to 1/4, there aren't any 1/6 there (listen carefully to the song)
    Now the real fun begins.
  11. 01:45:279 (172,173,174,175) - 01:45:586 (177,178,179,180) - 01:46:048 (184,185,186,187) - these make no sense at all, there aren't any 1/6s in the song so change to 1/4 please
  12. 01:46:663 (192,193,194,195) - scratch is playing 1/4 there so change to 1/4
  13. 01:47:586 (204,205,206,207) - 01:47:894 (209,210,211,212) - ^
  14. 01:48:971 (221,222,223,224) - what are you following? there aren't any 1/6 there so change to 1/4
  15. 01:49:740 (231,232,233,234) - scratch plays 1/4 there
  16. 01:50:202 (238,239,240,241) - kkkd plays much better imo
  17. 01:50:509 (243,244,245,246) - ^
  18. 01:50:432 (242) - change to d if you followed the suggestion above
  19. 01:51:279 (252,253,254,255) - scratch plays 1/4 there
  20. 01:52:663 (270,271,272,273) - ^
  21. 01:54:048 (288,289,290,291) - ^
  22. 01:56:048 (314,315,316,317) - ^
  23. 01:57:432 (332,333,334,335) - ^
  24. 01:58:817 (348,349,350,351) - ^
rip 1/6s

[Backfire's Inner Oni]

  1. SV 1.40 maybe? 1.60 isn't really necessary imo since you don't have many 1/6s
  2. 00:28:971 (203,204,205,206) - ddk d would fit the synth better imo
  3. 02:02:971 (355,356,357,358,359) - I would put something like this instead, it would follow the song better imo
This map is too awesome for me

That's all, good luck for rank!
Topic Starter
Sayaka's mod

Sayaka- wrote:

Hi! M4M as you requested


  1. Change source to "beatmania IIDX" and put 21 SPADA in tags
  2. Offset 518 seems better
Change offset AFTER the mod


  1. 00:49:894 (424,425,426,427) - I don't think it's really a good idea to map the synth as 1/6 since the sound isn't really clear, so maybe map it as 1/4 I really like it as it is right now, and i dont think it disturbs gameplay neither so im leaving it like that
  2. 00:51:125 (438,439,440,441) - ^ ^
  3. 00:53:586 (462,463,464,465) - ^ ^
  4. 00:54:971 (478,479,480,481) - ^ ^
    Now the real fun begins.
  5. 01:45:279 (172,173,174,175) - 01:45:586 (177,178,179,180) - 01:46:048 (184,185,186,187) - these make no sense at all, there aren't any 1/6s in the song so change to 1/4 please Im deleting most 1/6 here but im keeping some that i think sounds fine to me
  6. 01:46:663 (192,193,194,195) - scratch is playing 1/4 there so change to 1/4 Im keeping this one
  7. 01:47:586 (204,205,206,207) - 01:47:894 (209,210,211,212) - ^ Removed
  8. 01:48:971 (221,222,223,224) - what are you following? there aren't any 1/6 there so change to 1/4 Removed
  9. 01:49:740 (231,232,233,234) - scratch plays 1/4 there Removed
  10. 01:50:202 (238,239,240,241) - kkkd plays much better imo Applied
  11. 01:50:509 (243,244,245,246) - ^ ^
  12. 01:50:432 (242) - change to d if you followed the suggestion above
  13. 01:51:279 (252,253,254,255) - scratch plays 1/4 there Im keeping it because it gives some sort of feeling that the high pitched noise is getting slower over time
  14. 01:52:663 (270,271,272,273) - ^ Applied
  15. 01:54:048 (288,289,290,291) - ^ Applied
  16. 01:56:048 (314,315,316,317) - ^ Applied
  17. 01:57:432 (332,333,334,335) - ^ Applied
  18. 01:58:817 (348,349,350,351) - ^
rip 1/6s

[Backfire's Inner Oni]

  1. SV 1.40 maybe? 1.60 isn't really necessary imo since you don't have many 1/6s
  2. 00:28:971 (203,204,205,206) - ddk d would fit the synth better imo
  3. 02:02:971 (355,356,357,358,359) - I would put something like this instead, it would follow the song better imo
Everything seems fine to me, applied it all
This map is too awesome for me

That's all, good luck for rank! Thanks ^^
Lost The Lights
yo sorry for the delay
o this is graveyarded

sooooo one spread issue, i didn't actually made suggestions about it but, you need to reduce the amount of notes in the muzu by like 50-75 notes and it should be better (i tried to explain it a bit in the mod)
you may ask me ingame if i was not clear about something.

- move - 00:04:824 (6) - to - 00:07:287 - as d ? => d ddd d d ddd d d, idk it seems more consistent than 2 times 3 notes and then 1/1s.
- hmm maybe move - 00:51:593 (52) - to - 00:51:748 - as k ? fits the break sound, might looks ballzy for a kantan but i don't think so. It works the same way you use those k d like at - 00:56:824 (58,59) - or - 00:59:286 (61,62) -.
- 00:54:364 - well since you used 3 1/2 in a row a bit later, i think adding something here is ok.
- 01:09:440 - 01:11:287 - try a spinner instead ? dang idk if - 01:11:902 - could be one too lol, no need i guess.
- 01:48:825 - huu from here i would just re-use what you did for - 01:43:901 (15,16,17,18,19,20) -, idk if you have a good reason to do something that different but it's exactly the same part in the song.

- 00:14:978 (39,40) - try D D ? K k doesn't play that well imo (also D works pretty well for that sound).
- 00:32:517 - could be a d here, wrosk well with - 00:30:055 (71) -, same at - 00:34:364 -.
- 00:44:210 - adding 2 d or 2 k is ok here i think.
- consider moving - 01:04:055 (149) - to - 01:40:210 - as k ? that rhythm is hard to handle, this move would make it a bit easier.
- 01:09:440 - refer to kantan i guess.
- hmmm second kiai is kinda messy man, example : -01:46:055 (33) - here you stop and ignore the important beat at - 01:46:364 -, but later you will follow that same sound - 01:48:824 (41) -. aslo the break at - 01:50:671 - feels pretty weird x_x..
well i suggest you to chose between the 2 sound i pointed, and ignore the other one (but this for the whole kiai). For example if you chose the second : add d at - 01:46:364 - and move - 01:46:670 (34,35) - to 1/2 later (=> k ddk with the first k starting the same way as the one at - 01:44:363 (27) -). if you chose this way, for the last break i pointed at - 01:50:671 - i suggest you to add 2 d, and remove - 01:51:439 (49,50) -. Then you can add a k at - 01:51:748 - to restart the same kinda rythm.
- 01:58:978 (69,70,71,72,73) - try kdd k ? it fits the same background melody that you follow for - 02:00:209 (75,76) -.

overall i suggest you to find like one or two xo ox/ooxo ox parts that don't need that much notes and make it different (with less notes i mean). Else the spread Futsuu-Muzu-Oni will be pointed as an issue. Futsuu=>Muzu +300 notes, Muzu=>Oni +200 x_x.. imo try to make something different in - 00:10:363 - 00:49:747 - to get less notes.
- 00:29:901 (142,143,144) - etc v
- 00:39:901 (187) - hmm that transition is kinda poor, that's two really different parts in term of melody but mapped the same way ;w;. I can't find a suggestion yet... but if you got some idea to make one part are another slightly different it would be cool imo.
- 00:45:286 (214) - move to - 00:45:440 - ? for the vocal idk. same at - 00:47:747 (226) - if you do.
- 01:22:978 (351) - move to - 01:23:133 - õ_o ?
- 01:47:593 (459) - maybe move this to - 01:47:287 - ? fits better the melody but maybe you don't like patterns starting with triplets ? or make it dk at - 01:47:287 - and remove the 2 ds around, like at - 01:52:209 (486,487) -.
- 01:58:055 (520) - i would still move that one at - 01:57:902 - even tho the beat is strong, the player is used to the rythm you have at - 01:55:439 (505) -.

- 00:02:824 (9) - d ? makes it consistent with - 00:07:747 (29) -.
- 00:27:747 (162,163,164,165,166,167,168,169) - start this at - 00:28:0056 - instead ? d kkd kkddk => d k d kkd kkddk, and del - 00:28:747 (172) -. So this is exactly like at - 00:25:133 -.
- 01:01:363 (408) - hmm either remove that one or make it similar at - 01:06:287 - ? this isn't really supported by the song so you need to do it more than once to make it leggit.
- 01:44:978 (135) - and - 01:51:132 (188) - change to k ? idk those d d d seem kinda poor to play.

[Backfire's Inner Oni]
- 00:36:132 (272,273) - swap colors, - 00:36:363 (275,276) - swap colors and - 00:36:671 - change to k ? so you got two times that ddkdkkkdk.., sounds pretty cool imo (prolly a bit easier to play tho).
- 01:18:210 - add d and change - 01:18:670 (16) - to k ? idk lmao i can feel it 8).
- huu - 01:46:978 (190,191,192) - and - 01:51:901 (241,242,243) - should be done the same way or almost imo.

your HP7 might pointed out js
- 00:14:979 (86) - prolly won't pass for qual. ddkdk D also works.
- 00:24:825 (186) - and you guys don't even use a K here.... well i don't even know if ooX is rankable with current rules in fact. I personnaly don't mind using 1/6 on that kind of sound.
- 00:54:825 - 1/6 should start here like all the others :c, same at - 00:58:517 - (ok not all the others since that one is different too hue).
- 01:29:133 (61) - / - 01:33:748 (96) - rip.
- 01:48:517 (214) - like at - - 00:24:825 (186) -, dddk 1/6 could do it, well not like you need to change this but looks kinda sad to not emphasize that sound somehow.
- 01:53:287 - holy... here you did it wtf
- 01:56:287 (309) - i would get a break here instad of - 01:56:902 - so both streams have the same size.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

good luck' (fix muzu spread and unrankable issues in taikocalypse and it should be alright or almost imo)
Topic Starter

Nofool wrote:

yo sorry for the delay
o this is graveyarded

sooooo one spread issue, i didn't actually made suggestions about it but, you need to reduce the amount of notes in the muzu by like 50-75 notes and it should be better (i tried to explain it a bit in the mod)
you may ask me ingame if i was not clear about something.

HP7 Is this really necessary?
- move - 00:04:824 (6) - to - 00:07:287 - as d ? => d ddd d d ddd d d, idk it seems more consistent than 2 times 3 notes and then 1/1s. It sounded weird and i was about to reject it , then i noticed you said "as d" and yeah its better i think
- hmm maybe move - 00:51:593 (52) - to - 00:51:748 - as k ? fits the break sound, might looks ballzy for a kantan but i don't think so. It works the same way you use those k d like at - 00:56:824 (58,59) - or - 00:59:286 (61,62) -. I used to think 1/2 snapped notes are to be avoided on kantan diffs but i have see some like those recently so i think im going to use it lol
- 00:54:364 - well since you used 3 1/2 in a row a bit later, i think adding something here is ok. Okay
- 01:09:440 - 01:11:287 - try a spinner instead ? dang idk if - 01:11:902 - could be one too lol, no need i guess. They sound like there could be a spinner there, but the finishers sound so cool to me , i want to keep them xD
- 01:48:825 - huu from here i would just re-use what you did for - 01:43:901 (15,16,17,18,19,20) -, idk if you have a good reason to do something that different but it's exactly the same part in the song. Well, it sounds weird indeed, but if i did map that section just like the previous one, this note 01:51:286 (26) - would have to be a k because that is mapped to a high pitched scratch (like i tried to represent on most diffs). Done it anyways XD

- 00:14:978 (39,40) - try D D ? K k doesn't play that well imo (also D works pretty well for that sound). I think i missed this one..
- 00:32:517 - could be a d here, wrosk well with - 00:30:055 (71) -, same at - 00:34:364 -. Mmmhm, feels nice..
- 00:44:210 - adding 2 d or 2 k is ok here i think. I thought a lot about adding them or not in the past, but as you think its fine so its for me lol
- consider moving - 01:04:055 (149) - to - 01:40:210 - as k ? that rhythm is hard to handle, this move would make it a bit easier. I think you put a wrong timing point...
- 01:09:440 - refer to kantan i guess. I like those finishers..
- hmmm second kiai is kinda messy man, example : -01:46:055 (33) - here you stop and ignore the important beat at - 01:46:364 -, but later you will follow that same sound - 01:48:824 (41) -. aslo the break at - 01:50:671 - feels pretty weird x_x..
well i suggest you to chose between the 2 sound i pointed, and ignore the other one (but this for the whole kiai). For example if you chose the second : add d at - 01:46:364 - and move - 01:46:670 (34,35) - to 1/2 later (=> k ddk with the first k starting the same way as the one at - 01:44:363 (27) -). if you chose this way, for the last break i pointed at - 01:50:671 - i suggest you to add 2 d, and remove - 01:51:439 (49,50) -. Then you can add a k at - 01:51:748 - to restart the same kinda rythm. Well, i had to remap the whole section from 01:43:902 - to 01:53:748 - , i think it now follows much better the song but also is harder to play (though Star rating went down from 2,1 to 2 lol)
- 01:58:978 (69,70,71,72,73) - try kdd k ? it fits the same background melody that you follow for - 02:00:209 (75,76) -. Ok

overall i suggest you to find like one or two xo ox/ooxo ox parts that don't need that much notes and make it different (with less notes i mean). Else the spread Futsuu-Muzu-Oni will be pointed as an issue. Futsuu=>Muzu +300 notes, Muzu=>Oni +200 x_x.. imo try to make something different in - 00:10:363 - 00:49:747 - to get less notes.
- 00:29:901 (142,143,144) - etc v
- 00:39:901 (187) - hmm that transition is kinda poor, that's two really different parts in term of melody but mapped the same way ;w;. I can't find a suggestion yet... but if you got some idea to make one part are another slightly different it would be cool imo. Modified the second part so it feels different from previous one
- 00:45:286 (214) - move to - 00:45:440 - ? for the vocal idk. same at - 00:47:747 (226) - if you do. I modified the section so i reject this
- 01:22:978 (351) - move to - 01:23:133 - õ_o ? I think is the same thing actually, both timings should have a note but in order to make breaks i had to cut one of them, and i prefer to keep it like that
- 01:47:593 (459) - maybe move this to - 01:47:287 - ? fits better the melody but maybe you don't like patterns starting with triplets ? or make it dk at - 01:47:287 - and remove the 2 ds around, like at - 01:52:209 (486,487) -. i did nothing because i didnt like the first suggestion and didnt understand the second..
- 01:58:055 (520) - i would still move that one at - 01:57:902 - even tho the beat is strong, the player is used to the rythm you have at - 01:55:439 (505) -. I think it better as it is,

- 00:02:824 (9) - d ? makes it consistent with - 00:07:747 (29) -.
- 00:27:747 (162,163,164,165,166,167,168,169) - start this at - 00:28:0056 - instead ? d kkd kkddk => d k d kkd kkddk, and del - 00:28:747 (172) -. So this is exactly like at - 00:25:133 -. I.. think..i..did it?..
- 01:01:363 (408) - hmm either remove that one or make it similar at - 01:06:287 - ? this isn't really supported by the song so you need to do it more than once to make it leggit. I think ill just remove it
- 01:44:978 (135) - and - 01:51:132 (188) - change to k ? idk those d d d seem kinda poor to play. Uhm.. fine.

[Backfire's Inner Oni]
- 00:36:132 (272,273) - swap colors, - 00:36:363 (275,276) - swap colors and - 00:36:671 - change to k ? so you got two times that ddkdkkkdk.., sounds pretty cool imo (prolly a bit easier to play tho). I dont think it is necessary as the stream isnt supposed to be a "loop"..
- 01:18:210 - add d and change - 01:18:670 (16) - to k ? idk lmao i can feel it 8). Uhm, you made it ddd k, but i applied it as ddk d, feels better imo xD
- huu - 01:46:978 (190,191,192) - and - 01:51:901 (241,242,243) - should be done the same way or almost imo. I dont think so, as it would mean modifing the following pattern which in my opinion is fine..

your HP7 might pointed out js
- 00:14:979 (86) - prolly won't pass for qual. ddkdk D also works.
- 00:24:825 (186) - and you guys don't even use a K here.... well i don't even know if ooX is rankable with current rules in fact. I personnaly don't mind using 1/6 on that kind of sound. K could be completely rankable i think, ill just leave it there because i want it to feel more like a break instead of spacing from a finisher. Also, i dont think that making it 1/6 will be a solution because it will just generate controversy when this map gets to BNs
- 00:54:825 - 1/6 should start here like all the others :c, same at - 00:58:517 - (ok not all the others since that one is different too hue).
- 01:29:133 (61) - / - 01:33:748 (96) - rip. I DONT THINK SO :DDDDDD
- 01:48:517 (214) - like at - - 00:24:825 (186) -, dddk 1/6 could do it, well not like you need to change this but looks kinda sad to not emphasize that sound somehow. sorry i cant do nothing here xD
- 01:53:287 - holy... here you did it wtf its the kiai, things goes wild on kiais LOL
- 01:56:287 (309) - i would get a break here instad of - 01:56:902 - so both streams have the same size. This..sounds...meh, i think it feels like its having a better flow right now..

good luck' (fix muzu spread and unrankable issues in taikocalypse and it should be alright or almost imo)
there is no placeholder it was a mod this whole time

I don't really see the need of kats in the intro, the song is pretty calm.
00:10:210 (40,41,42,43,44) - replace that with k D d to both show the disconnection in intensity of the intro to this part, as well as clearing out the loud kick? After all, you're gonna start here with a kick.
00:15:210 (87) - , 00:17:671 (113) - Delete to clear out the kick
00:18:979 (127,128,129,130,131,132,133,134,135,136,137,138) - Delete 00:18:979 (127,128,129,130,131,132) - and make 00:19:594 (133,134,135,136,137,138) - like this. (127 = D) It will empty out the transition but I believe this patterns shows more impact.
00:22:364 (161,162,163,164,165,166,167,168,169,170,171,172,173,174,175,176,177) - This pattern is extremely awkward as the song goes the same way. Imagine 00:22:133 (158,159,160,161) - as a stutter and continue your current patterning. It may look like this. (The end is at 00:24:825 - where I suggest you to put a K for the loud clap behind and removing the note before.
00:27:133 (205) - Change to don for obvious reasons I don't think I need to give :(
00:29:594 (229,230,231,232,233,234,235) - d k dkd instead? it will certainly impact the song more than ddkdkkd.
00:33:133 (262,263,264,265,266,267,268,269,270,271,272,273,274,275,276,277,278,279,280,281) - This can be a better alternative to your streams - the structure is the same and goes well with the mapping you used.
00:34:979 - to 00:38:671 - I feel like this stream is really overdone, I sincerely doubt people will let that pass...
00:39:748 (341) - Delete that and 00:39:902 (342) - D for a better impact?
00:48:825 (411,412,413,414) - Doubtful about that but maybe keep the first note only
01:04:210 (568) - k because snare
01:14:517 - did the spinner disappear

Additionally, some big notes are really confusing to play and don't really belong imo:
00:49:748 (422) - 00:50:979 (436) - 00:54:671 (475) - 00:55:902 (488) - 00:57:133 (499) - , I think you get the drill
before anyone complains that i want to nerf parts because i can't fc it :D

[Inner Oni]
Fix your green lines speed changes! Move them 1/16 later and add some more for the kiai times etc etc you know the drill. Right now, a lot of bar lines and the note falling on it scroll at different speeds.
Same thing as for Calypse about the intro, that thing at 19 secs and the longass stream 34 secs in.

Same concers as inner except the stream at 34 secs BECAUSE THERE'S NO STREAM LOL
01:19:594 - Move the green line at 01:19:210 - it's really really awkward atm.

[Muzukashii and lower]
wot is dem SV chang remov plox - 1.2x is actually overdone, especially when the change is brutal.
Also, the gap between Futsuu and Muzukashii is too big, consider increasing the note count on Kantan and Futsuu ?

poke me again
Topic Starter

_Gezo_ wrote:

there is no placeholder it was a mod this whole time

I don't really see the need of kats in the intro, the song is pretty calm.
00:10:210 (40,41,42,43,44) - replace that with k D d to both show the disconnection in intensity of the intro to this part, as well as clearing out the loud kick? After all, you're gonna start here with a kick.
00:15:210 (87) - , 00:17:671 (113) - Delete to clear out the kick
00:18:979 (127,128,129,130,131,132,133,134,135,136,137,138) - Delete 00:18:979 (127,128,129,130,131,132) - and make 00:19:594 (133,134,135,136,137,138) - like this. (127 = D) It will empty out the transition but I believe this patterns shows more impact. I dont really like at all to have no notes there when i can clearly hear drums there. I did use the dkk at the end though
00:22:364 (161,162,163,164,165,166,167,168,169,170,171,172,173,174,175,176,177) - This pattern is extremely awkward as the song goes the same way. Imagine 00:22:133 (158,159,160,161) - as a stutter and continue your current patterning. It may look like this. (The end is at 00:24:825 - where I suggest you to put a K for the loud clap behind and removing the note before.
00:27:133 (205) - Change to don for obvious reasons I don't think I need to give :(
00:29:594 (229,230,231,232,233,234,235) - d k dkd instead? it will certainly impact the song more than ddkdkkd. It feels weird to make it that way when 00:29:287 (221,222) - are there, because it feels like the previous "untz untz" has same rhythm than a drum roll (i dont know if i explained myself well..)
00:33:133 (262,263,264,265,266,267,268,269,270,271,272,273,274,275,276,277,278,279,280,281) - This can be a better alternative to your streams - the structure is the same and goes well with the mapping you used. Changed just 00:34:056 (267) - to kat like you pointed out, but other patterns makes it feel very lacking in flow
00:34:979 - to 00:38:671 - I feel like this stream is really overdone, I sincerely doubt people will let that pass... redesigned the stream so it follows better :x
00:39:748 (341) - Delete that and 00:39:902 (342) - D for a better impact? Made the second note a D but didnt feel like removing the first
00:48:825 (411,412,413,414) - Doubtful about that but maybe keep the first note only No
01:04:210 (568) - k because snare
01:14:517 - did the spinner disappear Well, i did the two first spinners because of the guttural voices in the song, then a space because there was only the synth (which i didnt want to map) then a noise going up in pitch so i put another spinner.

Additionally, some big notes are really confusing to play and don't really belong imo:
00:49:748 (422) - 00:50:979 (436) - 00:54:671 (475) - 00:55:902 (488) - 00:57:133 (499) - , I think you get the drill
Didn't remove any of those, i liked them that way and i also think they show more or less what my mapping style is, as i usually like xxO /ooX patterns (looming shadow of a tree long gone best mappu)
before anyone complains that i want to nerf parts because i can't fc it :D

[Inner Oni]
Fix your green lines speed changes! Move them 1/16 later and add some more for the kiai times etc etc you know the drill. Right now, a lot of bar lines and the note falling on it scroll at different speeds.
Same thing as for Calypse about the intro, that thing at 19 secs and the longass stream 34 secs in. Didnt really get what you wanted but i think green lines are ok..

Same concers as inner except the stream at 34 secs BECAUSE THERE'S NO STREAM LOL
01:19:594 - Move the green line at 01:19:210 - it's really really awkward atm. it is just for volume change and i dont want to apply it on the previous D

[Muzukashii and lower]
wot is dem SV chang remov plox - 1.2x is actually overdone, especially when the change is brutal.
Also, the gap between Futsuu and Muzukashii is too big, consider increasing the note count on Kantan and Futsuu ?
Added some notes on Futsuu, not so hard tbh, removed sv changes on muzu/futsuu/kantan. futsuu and kantan are fine to me i dont want to add too much things so it doesnt become a trouble
poke me again poked

-Anhedonia- wrote:

_Gezo_ wrote:

[Inner Oni]
Fix your green lines speed changes! Move them 1/16 later and add some more for the kiai times etc etc you know the drill. Right now, a lot of bar lines and the note falling on it scroll at different speeds.
Same thing as for Calypse about the intro, that thing at 19 secs and the longass stream 34 secs in. Didnt really get what you wanted but i think green lines are ok.. => It's due to the in-play line discrepancy. They are glitched and some people will point that out.
juegate la invokek
  1. You should raise HP by 1 on Kantan, Futsuu, Muzukashii, and Oni.
  2. BG should be 1366x768, you are one pixel off.
  1. SV1.4?
  2. 00:10:364 (41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58,59,60,61,62,63,64,65,66,67,68,69,70,71,72,73,74,75,76,77,78,79,80,81,82) - Just re-structure this part, you can probably tell what's wrong (rhythms at the beginning randomly simplify when the countdown vocals start).
  3. Last sream could actually be harder ;)
[Backfire's Inner Oni]
  1. 00:10:364 - I'd recommend taking a look at ^ that same part here too, since idk how you feel about how it is now with it being all dense but then slowing down suddenly halfway into the countdown.
  2. 00:36:132 (272) - Delete as a nerf (and maybe nerf it even more)? Taikocalypse has it easier, and it generally seems off to have this stream this hard in what is meant to be a diff below the hardest..... and to further add points to something you're probably already convinced to change, it's also weird that it just dies out at 00:37:748 and goes to normal patterns when the music is still hyping up.
  3. 00:52:747 (411) - Delete to match the earlier structure? I don't even care that you abandon that structure right after.
  4. 01:21:209 (29) - Delete since this is the only 1/4 here?
  5. 01:22:670 (38) - k? 8)
  6. 01:25:286 (54,55) - Swaperino?
  7. While it's not THAT bad, take a glance at the last kiai for any last minute structure fixes. Mainly things like how it starts with a 7plet, but the next verse doesn't etc. Maybe it could start with a big note and you could pick different spots for the 7plets like at the end of the phrase or something.
  8. 01:53:747 (259,260,261,262,263,264,265) - If this starts on the downbeat, then so should 01:54:824 (270,271,272,273,274,275,276) -
  9. Last stream should probably look more like how Taikocalypse has it right now lol.
  1. 1.4SV
  2. 00:14:132 (67) - Delete? A 5plet here kinda messes up spread.
  3. 00:22:055 (121,122,123,124) - Don't you mean d d d k?
  4. 00:34:979 to 00:39:594 - This should be easier, and better structured. 00:36:286 (229) - Delete this note to not have so many 5plets, 00:37:286 (236,237) - Delete these to make a short break, 00:37:516 (239,240) - Move these up to make a ddk instead so the pattern doesn't start on a triplet.
  5. 01:46:209 (146) - Let's nerf kiai by structuring it a bit, delete this note as a small break.
  6. 01:46:901 (152) - Then this one so the only 5plet can be at the end.
  7. Now you see how that is structured? How the pattern will start with some triplets and then have a 5plet somewhere at the end? Try doing that for the whole kiai, with some variation of course. The reason is because right now your placements seem random since sometimes you use a lot of 5plets and sometimes you only have triplets...
  8. Last stream can be harder, but maybe deleting 02:00:978 (270) - so they can prepare is a good idea.

    Most complaints will be in Muzukashii.
  1. If you're going to have parts like 00:34:979 in Oni, you really really need to make up for that here and in Futsuu.
  2. If Oni is going to be hard, Muzukashii should be hard for a Muzu, using more 1/4 in sections where Oni gets tough.
  3. Kiai for example, is pretty challenging on Oni with big notes, while it is a piece of cake on Muzukashii. At least do something like: d d k k d d d d d k d d k and use similar rhythms for the rest.
  4. 01:06:979 to Spinner - This part is another case of bad spread, where Oni has a bunch of notes but Muzukashii has 1/2.
  5. 01:33:132 (167) - Delete this? Best to keep everything ddd and kkk since that's what the diff has been the whole time.
  6. 01:39:287 - You can probably add a k between these to stay away from Futsuu.
  7. 01:48:824 (235,236,237) - Randomly missing a d kkk d like in the beginning of kiai?
  8. 01:54:055 (264,265,266) - It's kind of out of nowhere to have ddk in the kiai tbh.
  9. 01:58:670 (291,292,293,294,295,296,297,298,299,300,301,302,303) - I'd rather see a d d k k ddd k k k d d kkk d for this part.
  1. Changing this diff is going to depend a LOT on how you change Muzukashii. It needs more 1/2 uses in spots where the song spikes up, even if that just means k k d or something. You don't need as many breaks as you added.

    And no, those spinners aren't ok.
  1. More like [Shoshinsha], really needs to eliminate a TON of empty space. It's supposed to be a step down from Futsuu, not a difficulty for trees to play. Basically, less long breaks (but they are still important).
    (same thing with spinners not being ok)'
I'll easily re-check, just that these things need to be acknowledged.
Topic Starter

OzzyOzrock wrote:

  1. You should raise HP by 1 on Kantan, Futsuu, Muzukashii, and Oni. done
  2. BG should be 1366x768, you are one pixel off. okay
  1. SV1.4? I really prefer sv 1.6 for this one, as 1.4 looks VERY sluggish when playing. not only for me but also a lot of other guys who also think sv1.6 is just perfect for this map
  2. Last sream could actually be harder ;) harder now
  1. 00:34:979 to 00:39:594 - This should be easier, and better structured. 00:36:286 (229) - Delete this note to not have so many 5plets, 00:37:286 (236,237) - Delete these to make a short break, 00:37:516 (239,240) - Move these up to make a ddk instead so the pattern doesn't start on a triplet.
    I somewhat remapped it i guess? now its easier
  2. Now you see how that is structured? How the pattern will start with some triplets and then have a 5plet somewhere at the end? Try doing that for the whole kiai, with some variation of course. The reason is because right now your placements seem random since sometimes you use a lot of 5plets and sometimes you only have triplets... done for like almost every stream except some i really liked how they sounded with 5plet + something at the end
  3. Last stream can be harder, but maybe deleting 02:00:978 (270) - so they can prepare is a good idea. I just deleted the note but i dont think making that stream harder is a nice idea, i know its like the higher point in the song (what) and it could be like the hardest part but it would be just ridiculously harder than the whole map if i started making it a deathstream...

  • I basically applied everything
  1. Changing this diff is going to depend a LOT on how you change Muzukashii. It needs more 1/2 uses in spots where the song spikes up, even if that just means k k d or something. You don't need as many breaks as you added. uhhh okay

    And no, those spinners aren't ok.okay im deleting them and mapping synths..[/color]
  1. More like [Shoshinsha]Well, back when this map had IIDX naming this map was called Beginner, which in fact is almost a tutorial :^) , really needs to eliminate a TON of empty space. It's supposed to be a step down from Futsuu, not a difficulty for trees to play. Basically, less long breaks (but they are still important). so i suppose i made it a bit harder ..
    (same thing with spinners not being ok)' okay..
I'll easily re-check, just that these things need to be acknowledged. Uhm do it please
  1. 00:41:825 (202) - and 00:44:440 (215) - don't need to exist.
  2. 00:59:439 (54) - d?
  3. 01:45:363 (224) - and 01:47:824 (240) - and 01:50:286 (255) - and 01:51:979 (267) - and 01:54:287 (281) - and 01:56:439 (295) - Can all die and benefit spread better.
  4. And change that one ddk to ddd because wtf why only one
  • [Futsuu]
  1. 00:20:209 (50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58,59,60,61,62,63,64,65,66,67,68,69,70) - Should be harder, more like the next part. Add more notes to Kantan too.
  2. 00:50:364 - Add a note? 00:51:594 - same here. And try to do it again in the later spots.
  3. 01:29:133 to 01:38:210 - Too easy, this whole part. Add more notes here and in Kantan.
  1. 00:49:748 - This entire section is still too easy.
  2. The last 2 kiais are also really simple.
All I really have. Find another BN, because the set isn't ready but I've run out of opinions from my perspective.

SV 1.40 -> 1.20


00:22:517 (58) - delete.
00:24:671 (65) - delete.
00:49:132 (137) - remove Finish
01:45:132 (291,292,293,294,295) - d _ k _ k d k
01:50:055 (308,309,310,311,312) - d _ k _ k d k

00:28:978 (137,138,139,140,141,142,143,144) -

00:31:902 - add a don
00:34:055 (161,162,163,164) - k d d _ k
00:45:440 - add a don
01:45:132 (222,223,224,225,226,227) - d k k _ d d k
01:50:055 (249,250,251,252,253,254) - d k k _ d k d
Topic Starter

Nyan wrote:


SV 1.40 -> 1.20


00:22:517 (58) - delete.
00:24:671 (65) - delete.
00:49:132 (137) - remove Finish
01:45:132 (291,292,293,294,295) - d _ k _ k d k
01:50:055 (308,309,310,311,312) - d _ k _ k d k

00:28:978 (137,138,139,140,141,142,143,144) -

00:31:902 - add a don
00:34:055 (161,162,163,164) - k d d _ k
00:45:440 - add a don
01:45:132 (222,223,224,225,226,227) - d k k _ d d k
01:50:055 (249,250,251,252,253,254) - d k k _ d k d

All applied !
M4M here o/

00:27:593 (31,32,33) - d d k would match the pitch better imo
00:29:748 - add k, it would be consistent with 00:24:824 (27,28) -
01:06:670 (97,98,99,100,101,102) - k d k k d k k D would be fitting really nicely here. Also it matches the 3-plet patterning you used earlier for the same melody (00:52:209 (68,69,70,71,72,73,74,75) - for example)
01:41:439 (145,146,147) - density should be higher here during build-up imo
01:58:056 (181) - this should be shifted 1/1 later as you did here 01:48:517 (158) - for example through a d k d pattern

00:00:517 (1) - D like in Kantan?
First Kiai is really tricky with those finisher patterns, the rest seems fine to me though. (I think they are still okay for a Futsuu)

00:00:517 (1) - D like in Kantan?
00:27:901 (130,131,132) - what are you emphasizing here? Also I wonder why you stopped using the k d k patterning here and went for d d k and d d k d d d k during that part. I suggest using k d k based patterns here for consistency, the part doesn't get boring if you do so. The snare based patterning here (00:30:363 (144,145,146,147,148,149,150,151,152,153) - etc) gets more emphasis through that as well.

00:00:517 (1) - D like in Kantan?
00:24:671 - ddk pattern for this "swoosh" thingy?
00:29:979 - add k for the drums there
00:34:594 - ddk for swoosh thingy?

[Backfire's Inner Oni]
00:32:209 (226) - this doesn't stand out of the music so that a K fits here imo. Use a normal k instead. Especially if you compare it to 00:34:670 (249) -
01:04:209 (59,60,61,62) - this sounds more like a kkkd instead of a dddk to me
01:48:670 (207) - It would feel really nice to have a short break here especially after the strong beat on 01:48:516 (206) - . The music also comes to some kind of "hold" here which makes the break fit well imo
02:02:978 (354,355,356,357,358,359) - c-c-c-combobreaker for most who don't expect that lol :P fits the music though

[More Backfire?]
00:00:517 (1) - I think this should be consistent though all diffs. Use the D
00:24:671 (180,181) - if you want, (dddk) 1/6 would fit here as well
00:34:517 (275,276,277) - ^
00:34:825 (278) - remove for a break, the beat here is really weak. Also you had a break here 00:24:979 - which is quite similar
00:51:133 (431,432,433,434) - sounds more like dddk than kkkd. Besides that's your only kkkd pattern during that part
00:57:056 (492) - remove, there's no beat
Crazy end xD

Hope I could help you, good luck with ranking :)
lol taikocalypse isn't mine, I made just the inner :>
Topic Starter

DarkVortex wrote:

M4M here o/

00:27:593 (31,32,33) - d d k would match the pitch better imo
00:29:748 - add k, it would be consistent with 00:24:824 (27,28) -
01:06:670 (97,98,99,100,101,102) - k d k k d k k D would be fitting really nicely here. Also it matches the 3-plet patterning you used earlier for the same melody (00:52:209 (68,69,70,71,72,73,74,75) - for example)
01:41:439 (145,146,147) - density should be higher here during build-up imo
01:58:056 (181) - this should be shifted 1/1 later as you did here 01:48:517 (158) - for example through a d k d pattern

00:00:517 (1) - D like in Kantan?
First Kiai is really tricky with those finisher patterns, the rest seems fine to me though. (I think they are still okay for a Futsuu)

00:00:517 (1) - D like in Kantan?
00:27:901 (130,131,132) - what are you emphasizing here? Also I wonder why you stopped using the k d k patterning here and went for d d k and d d k d d d k during that part. I suggest using k d k based patterns here for consistency, the part doesn't get boring if you do so. The snare based patterning here (00:30:363 (144,145,146,147,148,149,150,151,152,153) - etc) gets more emphasis through that as well.

00:00:517 (1) - D like in Kantan?
00:24:671 - ddk pattern for this "swoosh" thingy?
00:29:979 - add k for the drums there
00:34:594 - ddk for swoosh thingy?

[Backfire's Inner Oni]
00:32:209 (226) - this doesn't stand out of the music so that a K fits here imo. Use a normal k instead. Especially if you compare it to 00:34:670 (249) -
01:04:209 (59,60,61,62) - this sounds more like a kkkd instead of a dddk to me
01:48:670 (207) - It would feel really nice to have a short break here especially after the strong beat on 01:48:516 (206) - . The music also comes to some kind of "hold" here which makes the break fit well imo
02:02:978 (354,355,356,357,358,359) - c-c-c-combobreaker for most who don't expect that lol :P fits the music though

[More Backfire?]
00:00:517 (1) - I think this should be consistent though all diffs. Use the D
00:24:671 (180,181) - if you want, (dddk) 1/6 would fit here as well
00:34:517 (275,276,277) - ^
00:34:825 (278) - remove for a break, the beat here is really weak. Also you had a break here 00:24:979 - which is quite similar
00:51:133 (431,432,433,434) - sounds more like dddk than kkkd. Besides that's your only kkkd pattern during that part
00:57:056 (492) - remove, there's no beat
Crazy end xD

Hope I could help you, good luck with ranking :)
Applied almost everything ! ( i forgot to point out which i didnt and right now i dont remember ;_; sorry orz)
Ya estás full mapset? =w= si no el mapa esta pa hacerle otra diff más pelua de 4K por si te tinca <3
Topic Starter

Nysrogh wrote:

Ya estás full mapset? =w= si no el mapa esta pa hacerle otra diff más pelua de 4K por si te tinca <3
No necesito mas diff ya que Spy está trabajando(not) en el mapset, pero gracias.
Hi dudes, mod by request (by -anhedonia- lmao) (1|2|3|4)

[Spy.K's Another]
the "ghost sound" of this map are kinda weird, because you can`t clearly hear it in the gameplay, maybe you should reconsider that.

00:00:979 (979|2) - This got the same tone as 00:01:287 (1287|1) - , move it to the 2º column
00:02:364 (2364|1,2671|3) - both notes got the same pitch as 00:02:979 (2979|0) - , move all to the 1º column
00:03:748 (3748|2) - this should be (maybe) the same pattern as 00:00:979 - so, move that note to the 2º column
00:04:364 (4364|2) - erase this, or add in 00:04:364 (4364|2) - , because they are the same, and don`t try to excuse that with the "DJ" voice
00:06:210 (6210|1) - move to the 3º column, same pitch as 00:05:902 (5902|2) -

This part is the same as the first section of the song, follow it if you want
00:07:287 (7287|2) - Move to the 4º column
00:07:594 (7594|1) - 4º column
00:07:748 (7748|2) - 2º column
00:07:902 (7902|0) - 4º column

00:08:671 (8671|0) - move to the 2º column, same pitch as 00:08:364 (8364|1) -
00:09:287 (9287|0) - erase, because i can`t understand why you added here and in 00:01:902 - no lol
00:11:287 (11287|2,11440|1,11594|0) - CTRL+H and move all to the 1-2-3 columns for follow the pitch correctly and for really feel it in game
00:11:748 (11748|2) - move to the 1º column, ^
00:12:517 (12517|2,12671|3) - CTRL+J, ^ (like a mirror pattern)
00:12:979 (12979|2) - move to the 4º column, ^
00:13:133 (13133|3,13287|2,13440|1,13594|0) - if you did the last suggestion, do a CTRL+H here
00:14:056 (14056|1,14210|2) - CTRL+J, ^
00:16:056 (16056|2) - move to the 2º column, ^ (remember, is for follow the pitch correctly in-game)
00:16:364 (16364|1) - move to the 3º column, ^
00:16:517 (16517|3) - move to the 2º column, ^
00:17:902 - Did you missed that pitch? or is intentional? add if not
00:18:671 (18671|1,18825|2) - CTRL+J, follow the pitch and you are not breaking any pattern :D

A huge recommendation
in 00:18:671 (18671|1,18825|2) --- 00:28:825 - you are using just double notes, instead of a variation, because we got triple snares, different pitchs and the main pitch in the red line so, my suggestion is a little rearrange like:
00:20:287 - 00:20:594 - 00:20:902 - in that blue lines (we are talking in 1/4 snap) add a note, make any pattern you want (with that condition) AND
00:20:364 - 00:20:671 - 00:20:979 - and many more red lines, erase one note, for keep the difficult and do noticeable every sound of the section



00:28:979 (28979|3) - Erase this
00:29:133 (29133|1) - move to the 3º column
00:29:287 (29287|2) - erase this

for emphazise the main pitch of the song

00:30:056 ---- 00:39:133 - you can do the same suggestion of ^
00:50:748 - you can add here and 00:50:902 - here, but you should erase a note in 00:50:825 - , this is for make the map a little more harder and for evade (a little) the monotony of the drums/synth
00:51:517 - you can add here and 00:51:671 - erase one of that notes, because i find a handstream unnecessary here (because i can`t listen a strong pitch here) and because i feel here 00:51:517 - you missed a note... or not lol
00:52:210 ---- 00:54:671 - why this is composed by normal-triple and in 00:49:748 - no? (and many patterns here are out of place comparated with the rest of the map)
00:53:902 - the same as 00:51:440 - , add in 00:53:979 - and erase in 00:54:133 - for no get confused during the gameplay
00:55:287 (55287|0,55287|1,55364|3,55364|2,55440|1,55440|0) - why... is not the same as 00:50:364 - and is completely a ghost pitch
00:55:671 - you can add here, erase in 00:55:748 - and add in 00:55:825 - , for make symmetry with the suggestion of before
00:56:440 - add a note and erase in 00:56:594 - , for follow the pitch of the drum and the "strange sounds" of the white line (the same as before)
01:02:748 - erase a note, here is not necessary a double because the pitch is not significantly intense (if you do that, move 01:02:825 (62825|1) - to the 4º column)
01:03:979 - erase a note, ^ totally
01:06:440 - you missed a note i think (because 01:01:517 - ) add it
01:08:825 - you missed a note (because 01:01:440 - and 01:06:364 - )
01:11:594 - same pitch as 01:11:902 - and they are different, add or erase a note
01:15:210 - i can feel a sound here, add it in 2º
01:15:287 - here too, add a note in 1º

Rearrange this
01:15:594 (75594|2) - move to 4º
01:15:671 (75671|1) - move to 3º
01:15:979 (75979|0) - move to 3º
01:16:056 (76056|2) - move to 1º
01:16:133 (76133|0) - move to 2º
01:16:210 (76210|1) - move to 4º
01:16:287 (76287|3) - move to 3º
01:16:364 (76364|1) - move to 1º
01:16:671 (76671|1) - this definitely is not an ascendent/descendent pattern, move to 1º
01:16:748 (76748|0) - move to 2º
01:16:825 (76825|1) - and move to 1º
01:17:287 (77287|1) - move to 1º
01:17:364 (77364|3) - move to 2º (pattern variety)
01:17:440 (77440|2) - move to 4º
01:17:517 (77517|1) - erase this, is not a noticeable pitch

i think you focused the most high pitch of the section so, that can help to notice the intention of the mapping in-game

01:19:594 (79594|0) - move to the 4º, time to arrange here too for a best follow of the music
01:19:748 (79748|3) - move to 2º, ^
01:19:902 (79902|2,80056|1,80210|2) - CTRL+H and move all 1 to the left
01:20:364 (80364|0) - move to the 3º column
01:20:825 (80825|2) - move to the 1º
01:20:979 (80979|0) - move to the 4º
01:21:440 (81440|0) - move to the 3º
01:21:594 (81594|2) - move to the 1º
01:22:210 (82210|0) - move to the 3º
01:22:517 (82517|2) - move to the 1º
01:22:979 (82979|2) - move to the 1º
01:23:133 (83133|0) - move to the 3º
01:23:287 (83287|1) - move to the 4º
01:23:440 (83440|3) - move to the 1º
01:23:594 (83594|0) - move to the 3º
01:23:748 (83748|3) - move to the 1º
01:23:902 (83902|2) - move to the 2º
01:24:056 (84056|0) - mvoe to the 3º
01:27:287 (87287|2) - move to the 1º (SORRY FOR ALL THE "MOVE TO", that part should look and feel like you are playing the song (literally lol)

01:29:440 (89440|0) - move to the 4º
01:29:594 (89594|3) - move to the 2º
01:29:748 (89748|2) - move to the 1º
01:29:902 (89902|0) - move to the 3º
01:30:056 (90056|3) - move to the 1º
01:30:210 (90210|1) - move to the 4º (SERiOUSLY, i hate doing this but i can`t spam the motive XD)
01:31:748 - add in 3º
01:31:902 (91902|2) - move to 1º
01:32:517 (92517|2) - move to 4º
01:32:825 - add a note, the pitch is intense here
01:32:902 (92902|1) - maybe you should erase this, i canpt feel a necessary ghost pitch or i don`t know... i feel it unnecesary
01:33:210 (93210|3) - this too, for make it more rhythmic erase it, the streams feels cutted, thats the reason

01:33:210 (93210|3) ---- 01:33:210 (93210|3) - ok what`s happening here? you are mixing the "scratch sound" and the pitch of the main sound, making a weird pattern for follow, all i can say is than try to do an rearrange in the "thrills", where the scratches are more noticeable.

[Spy.K's Hyper]
00:00:979 (979|2) - This got the same tone as 00:01:287 (1287|1) - , move it to the 2º column
00:02:364 (2364|1,2671|3) - both notes got the same pitch as 00:02:979 (2979|0) - , move all to the 1º column
00:03:748 (3748|2) - this should be (maybe) the same pattern as 00:00:979 - so, move that note to the 2º column
00:04:364 (4364|2) - erase this, or add in 00:04:364 (4364|2) - , because they are the same, and don`t try to excuse that with the "DJ" voice
00:06:210 (6210|1) - move to the 3º column, same pitch as 00:05:902 (5902|2) -

This part is the same as the first section of the song, follow it if you want
00:07:287 (7287|2) - Move to the 4º column
00:07:594 (7594|1) - 4º column
00:07:748 (7748|2) - 2º column
00:07:902 (7902|0) - 4º column

ok here we got the same problem of the "another diff" but i`ll not put so much emphazise in that (however would be awesome check the intention of the mod and apply it in every diff)
00:08:671 (8671|0) - move to the 2º column, same pitch as 00:08:364 (8364|1) -
00:09:287 (9287|0) - erase, because i can`t understand why you added here and in 00:01:902 - no lol
00:10:671 (10671|1,10825|0) - CTRL+H, here starts the ascendent pitch
00:17:902 - you missed a note, add it
00:18:671 (18671|1) - move it to the 4º column
00:18:825 (18825|3,18979|2) - move all 2 to the left

Lets rearrange the pitch
00:39:748 (39748|1) - move to 3º
00:39:902 (39902|0) - move to 2º
00:40:056 (40056|2) - move to 1º
00:40:210 (40210|1) - move to 3º
00:40:364 (40364|0) - move to 2º
00:40:517 (40517|2) - move to 1º
00:40:979 (40979|0) - move to 2º
00:41:133 (41133|1) - move to 1º
00:41:287 (41287|2) - move to 2º
00:42:517 (42517|2) - move to 2º
00:43:748 (43748|2) - move to 1º
00:46:210 (46210|3) - move to 1º
00:47:902 (47902|3,47902|0,48056|2,48056|1,48210|3,48210|0) - why??? the ghost drum have not sense in a hyper diff, i suggest remove it and follow the main pitch

01:06:440 - why do you ignores this? if you added in 01:01:517 - ? erase or add
01:11:594 - the same issue of the "another diff", same sound but different pattern, erase or add

Rearrange this
01:15:594 (75594|2) - move to 4º
01:15:671 (75671|1) - move to 3º
01:15:979 (75979|0) - move to 3º
01:16:056 (76056|2) - move to 1º
01:16:133 (76133|0) - move to 2º
01:16:210 (76210|1) - move to 4º
01:16:287 (76287|3) - move to 3º
01:16:364 (76364|1) - move to 1º
01:16:671 (76671|1) - this definitely is not an ascendent/descendent pattern, move to 1º
01:16:748 (76748|0) - move to 2º
01:16:825 (76825|1) - and move to 1º
01:17:287 (77287|1) - move to 1º
01:17:364 (77364|3) - move to 2º (pattern variety)
01:17:440 (77440|2) - move to 4º
01:17:517 (77517|1) - erase this, is not a noticeable pitch

the same as "another"

01:19:594 (79594|0) - move to the 4º, time to arrange here too for a best follow of the music
01:19:748 (79748|3) - move to 2º, ^
01:19:902 (79902|2,80056|1,80210|2) - CTRL+H and move all 1 to the left
01:20:364 (80364|0) - move to the 3º column
01:20:825 (80825|2) - move to the 1º
01:20:979 (80979|0) - move to the 4º
01:21:440 (81440|0) - move to the 3º
01:21:594 (81594|2) - move to the 1º
01:22:210 (82210|0) - move to the 3º
01:22:517 (82517|2) - move to the 1º
01:22:979 (82979|2) - move to the 1º
01:23:133 (83133|0) - move to the 3º
01:23:287 (83287|1) - move to the 4º
01:23:440 (83440|3) - move to the 1º
01:23:594 (83594|0) - move to the 3º
01:23:748 (83748|3) - move to the 1º
01:23:902 (83902|2) - move to the 2º
01:24:056 (84056|0) - mvoe to the 3º
01:27:287 (87287|2) - move to the 1º
01:29:440 (89440|0) - move to the 4º
01:29:594 (89594|3) - move to the 2º
01:29:748 (89748|2) - move to the 1º
01:29:902 (89902|0) - move to the 3º
01:30:056 (90056|3) - move to the 1º
01:30:210 (90210|1) - move to the 4º
01:31:748 - add in 3º
01:31:902 (91902|2) - move to 1º
01:32:517 (92517|2) - move to 4º
01:32:825 - add a note, the pitch is intense here
01:32:902 (92902|1) - maybe you should erase this, i canpt feel a necessary ghost pitch or i don`t know... i feel it unnecesary
01:33:210 (93210|3) - this too, for make it more rhythmic erase it, the streams feels cutted, thats the reason

01:51:210 (111210|3) - why is this here and in 01:51:210 (111210|3) - no? i think you should erase it

i`ll continue with "normal" tomorrow, because its 3 am right now lmao.
My suggestion: follow the pitch, make a feel of like you are literally playing it, the huge problem here is that, a disordered map ends in a weird map, i hope you consider it :)
Topic Starter
卍 :^)

Skalim wrote:

Hi dudes, mod by request (by -anhedonia- lmao) (1|2|3|4)

[Spy.K's Another]
the "ghost sound" of this map are kinda weird, because you can`t clearly hear it in the gameplay, maybe you should reconsider that.

00:00:979 (979|2) - This got the same tone as 00:01:287 (1287|1) - , move it to the 2º column
00:02:364 (2364|1,2671|3) - both notes got the same pitch as 00:02:979 (2979|0) - , move all to the 1º column
00:03:748 (3748|2) - this should be (maybe) the same pattern as 00:00:979 - so, move that note to the 2º column
00:04:364 (4364|2) - erase this, or add in 00:04:364 (4364|2) - , because they are the same, and don`t try to excuse that with the "DJ" voice This is exist.
00:06:210 (6210|1) - move to the 3º column, same pitch as 00:05:902 (5902|2) -

This part is the same as the first section of the song, follow it if you want
00:07:287 (7287|2) - Move to the 4º column
00:07:594 (7594|1) - 4º column
00:07:748 (7748|2) - 2º column
00:07:902 (7902|0) - 4º column

00:08:671 (8671|0) - move to the 2º column, same pitch as 00:08:364 (8364|1) -
00:09:287 (9287|0) - erase, because i can`t understand why you added here and in 00:01:902 - no lol
00:11:287 (11287|2,11440|1,11594|0) - CTRL+H and move all to the 1-2-3 columns for follow the pitch correctly and for really feel it in game
00:11:748 (11748|2) - move to the 1º column, ^
00:12:517 (12517|2,12671|3) - CTRL+J, ^ (like a mirror pattern)
00:12:979 (12979|2) - move to the 4º column, ^
00:13:133 (13133|3,13287|2,13440|1,13594|0) - if you did the last suggestion, do a CTRL+H here
00:14:056 (14056|1,14210|2) - CTRL+J, ^
00:16:056 (16056|2) - move to the 2º column, ^ (remember, is for follow the pitch correctly in-game)
00:16:364 (16364|1) - move to the 3º column, ^
00:16:517 (16517|3) - move to the 2º column, ^
00:17:902 - Did you missed that pitch? or is intentional? add if not
00:18:671 (18671|1,18825|2) - CTRL+J, follow the pitch and you are not breaking any pattern :D

A huge recommendation
in 00:18:671 (18671|1,18825|2) --- 00:28:825 - you are using just double notes, instead of a variation, because we got triple snares, different pitchs and the main pitch in the red line so, my suggestion is a little rearrange like:
00:20:287 - 00:20:594 - 00:20:902 - in that blue lines (we are talking in 1/4 snap) add a note, make any pattern you want (with that condition) AND
00:20:364 - 00:20:671 - 00:20:979 - and many more red lines, erase one note, for keep the difficult and do noticeable every sound of the section



00:28:979 (28979|3) - Erase this
00:29:133 (29133|1) - move to the 3º column
00:29:287 (29287|2) - erase this

for emphazise the main pitch of the song
I did personal changes here.

00:30:056 ---- 00:39:133 - you can do the same suggestion of ^ Self changed.
00:50:748 - you can add here and 00:50:902 - here, but you should erase a note in 00:50:825 - , this is for make the map a little more harder and for evade (a little) the monotony of the drums/synth Nope
00:51:517 - you can add here and 00:51:671 - erase one of that notes, because i find a handstream unnecessary here (because i can`t listen a strong pitch here) and because i feel here 00:51:517 - you missed a note... or not lol Nope
00:52:210 ---- 00:54:671 - why this is composed by normal-triple and in 00:49:748 - no? (and many patterns here are out of place comparated with the rest of the map) Missed
00:53:902 - the same as 00:51:440 - , add in 00:53:979 - and erase in 00:54:133 - for no get confused during the gameplay Nppe
00:55:287 (55287|0,55287|1,55364|3,55364|2,55440|1,55440|0) - why... is not the same as 00:50:364 - and is completely a ghost pitch Changed
00:55:671 - you can add here, erase in 00:55:748 - and add in 00:55:825 - , for make symmetry with the suggestion of before
00:56:440 - add a note and erase in 00:56:594 - , for follow the pitch of the drum and the "strange sounds" of the white line (the same as before)
01:02:748 - erase a note, here is not necessary a double because the pitch is not significantly intense (if you do that, move 01:02:825 (62825|1) - to the 4º column)
01:03:979 - erase a note, ^ totally
01:06:440 - you missed a note i think (because 01:01:517 - ) add it
01:08:825 - you missed a note (because 01:01:440 - and 01:06:364 - ) Different stuff
01:11:594 - same pitch as 01:11:902 - and they are different, add or erase a note
01:15:210 - i can feel a sound here, add it in 2º Yes
01:15:287 - here too, add a note in 1º Here no

Rearrange this
01:15:594 (75594|2) - move to 4º
01:15:671 (75671|1) - move to 3º
01:15:979 (75979|0) - move to 3º
01:16:056 (76056|2) - move to 1º
01:16:133 (76133|0) - move to 2º
01:16:210 (76210|1) - move to 4º
01:16:287 (76287|3) - move to 3º
01:16:364 (76364|1) - move to 1º
01:16:671 (76671|1) - this definitely is not an ascendent/descendent pattern, move to 1º
01:16:748 (76748|0) - move to 2º
01:16:825 (76825|1) - and move to 1º
01:17:287 (77287|1) - move to 1º
01:17:364 (77364|3) - move to 2º (pattern variety)
01:17:440 (77440|2) - move to 4º
01:17:517 (77517|1) - erase this, is not a noticeable pitch Nope

i think you focused the most high pitch of the section so, that can help to notice the intention of the mapping in-game

01:19:594 (79594|0) - move to the 4º, time to arrange here too for a best follow of the music
01:19:748 (79748|3) - move to 2º, ^
01:19:902 (79902|2,80056|1,80210|2) - CTRL+H and move all 1 to the left
01:20:364 (80364|0) - move to the 3º column
01:20:825 (80825|2) - move to the 1º
01:20:979 (80979|0) - move to the 4º
01:21:440 (81440|0) - move to the 3º
01:21:594 (81594|2) - move to the 1º
01:22:210 (82210|0) - move to the 3º
01:22:517 (82517|2) - move to the 1º
01:22:979 (82979|2) - move to the 1º
01:23:133 (83133|0) - move to the 3º
01:23:287 (83287|1) - move to the 4º
01:23:440 (83440|3) - move to the 1º
01:23:594 (83594|0) - move to the 3º
01:23:748 (83748|3) - move to the 1º
01:23:902 (83902|2) - move to the 2º
01:24:056 (84056|0) - mvoe to the 3º
01:27:287 (87287|2) - move to the 1º (SORRY FOR ALL THE "MOVE TO", that part should look and feel like you are playing the song (literally lol)

01:29:440 (89440|0) - move to the 4º
01:29:594 (89594|3) - move to the 2º
01:29:748 (89748|2) - move to the 1º
01:29:902 (89902|0) - move to the 3º
01:30:056 (90056|3) - move to the 1º
01:30:210 (90210|1) - move to the 4º (SERiOUSLY, i hate doing this but i can`t spam the motive XD)
01:31:748 - add in 3º
01:31:902 (91902|2) - move to 1º
01:32:517 (92517|2) - move to 4º
01:32:825 - add a note, the pitch is intense here
01:32:902 (92902|1) - maybe you should erase this, i canpt feel a necessary ghost pitch or i don`t know... i feel it unnecesary
01:33:210 (93210|3) - this too, for make it more rhythmic erase it, the streams feels cutted, thats the reason
As your wish.

01:33:210 (93210|3) ---- 01:33:210 (93210|3) - ok what`s happening here? you are mixing the "scratch sound" and the pitch of the main sound, making a weird pattern for follow, all i can say is than try to do an rearrange in the "thrills", where the scratches are more noticeable. Nothing wrong with following them, doesn't it?
[Spy.K's Hyper]
00:00:979 (979|2) - This got the same tone as 00:01:287 (1287|1) - , move it to the 2º column
00:02:364 (2364|1,2671|3) - both notes got the same pitch as 00:02:979 (2979|0) - , move all to the 1º column
00:03:748 (3748|2) - this should be (maybe) the same pattern as 00:00:979 - so, move that note to the 2º column
00:04:364 (4364|2) - erase this, or add in 00:04:364 (4364|2) - , because they are the same, and don`t try to excuse that with the "DJ" voice
00:06:210 (6210|1) - move to the 3º column, same pitch as 00:05:902 (5902|2) -

This part is the same as the first section of the song, follow it if you want
00:07:287 (7287|2) - Move to the 4º column
00:07:594 (7594|1) - 4º column
00:07:748 (7748|2) - 2º column
00:07:902 (7902|0) - 4º column

ok here we got the same problem of the "another diff" but i`ll not put so much emphazise in that (however would be awesome check the intention of the mod and apply it in every diff)
00:08:671 (8671|0) - move to the 2º column, same pitch as 00:08:364 (8364|1) -
00:09:287 (9287|0) - erase, because i can`t understand why you added here and in 00:01:902 - no lol
00:10:671 (10671|1,10825|0) - CTRL+H, here starts the ascendent pitch
00:17:902 - you missed a note, add it
00:18:671 (18671|1) - move it to the 4º column
00:18:825 (18825|3,18979|2) - move all 2 to the left

Lets rearrange the pitch
00:39:748 (39748|1) - move to 3º
00:39:902 (39902|0) - move to 2º
00:40:056 (40056|2) - move to 1º
00:40:210 (40210|1) - move to 3º
00:40:364 (40364|0) - move to 2º
00:40:517 (40517|2) - move to 1º
00:40:979 (40979|0) - move to 2º
00:41:133 (41133|1) - move to 1º
00:41:287 (41287|2) - move to 2º
00:42:517 (42517|2) - move to 2º
00:43:748 (43748|2) - move to 1º
00:46:210 (46210|3) - move to 1º
00:47:902 (47902|3,47902|0,48056|2,48056|1,48210|3,48210|0) - why??? the ghost drum have not sense in a hyper diff, i suggest remove it and follow the main pitch

01:06:440 - why do you ignores this? if you added in 01:01:517 - ? erase or add
01:11:594 - the same issue of the "another diff", same sound but different pattern, erase or add No

Rearrange this
01:15:594 (75594|2) - move to 4º
01:15:671 (75671|1) - move to 3º
01:15:979 (75979|0) - move to 3º
01:16:056 (76056|2) - move to 1º
01:16:133 (76133|0) - move to 2º
01:16:210 (76210|1) - move to 4º
01:16:287 (76287|3) - move to 3º
01:16:364 (76364|1) - move to 1º
01:16:671 (76671|1) - this definitely is not an ascendent/descendent pattern, move to 1º
01:16:748 (76748|0) - move to 2º
01:16:825 (76825|1) - and move to 1º
01:17:287 (77287|1) - move to 1º
01:17:364 (77364|3) - move to 2º (pattern variety)
01:17:440 (77440|2) - move to 4º
01:17:517 (77517|1) - erase this, is not a noticeable pitch

the same as "another"

01:19:594 (79594|0) - move to the 4º, time to arrange here too for a best follow of the music
01:19:748 (79748|3) - move to 2º, ^
01:19:902 (79902|2,80056|1,80210|2) - CTRL+H and move all 1 to the left
01:20:364 (80364|0) - move to the 3º column
01:20:825 (80825|2) - move to the 1º
01:20:979 (80979|0) - move to the 4º
01:21:440 (81440|0) - move to the 3º
01:21:594 (81594|2) - move to the 1º
01:22:210 (82210|0) - move to the 3º
01:22:517 (82517|2) - move to the 1º
01:22:979 (82979|2) - move to the 1º
01:23:133 (83133|0) - move to the 3º
01:23:287 (83287|1) - move to the 4º
01:23:440 (83440|3) - move to the 1º
01:23:594 (83594|0) - move to the 3º
01:23:748 (83748|3) - move to the 1º
01:23:902 (83902|2) - move to the 2º
01:24:056 (84056|0) - mvoe to the 3º
01:27:287 (87287|2) - move to the 1º
01:29:440 (89440|0) - move to the 4º
01:29:594 (89594|3) - move to the 2º
01:29:748 (89748|2) - move to the 1º
01:29:902 (89902|0) - move to the 3º
01:30:056 (90056|3) - move to the 1º
01:30:210 (90210|1) - move to the 4º
01:31:748 - add in 3º
01:31:902 (91902|2) - move to 1º
01:32:517 (92517|2) - move to 4º
01:32:825 - add a note, the pitch is intense here
01:32:902 (92902|1) - maybe you should erase this, i canpt feel a necessary ghost pitch or i don`t know... i feel it unnecessary Nope
01:33:210 (93210|3) - this too, for make it more rhythmic erase it, the streams feels cutted, thats the reason Nope

01:51:210 (111210|3) - why is this here and in 01:51:210 (111210|3) - no? i think you should erase it Excuse me? Same timing?

i`ll continue with "normal" tomorrow, because its 3 am right now lmao.
My suggestion: follow the pitch, make a feel of like you are literally playing it, the huge problem here is that, a disordered map ends in a weird map, i hope you consider it :)
Thanks for modding :)
Sorry I have big problem on reading long mods, so I didn't reply so much. However I fix most mods, so don't worry about those parts which I didn't reply, most of them are accepted. :D
Derelict Rain
Nice song :)

-Anhedonia- wrote:

  1. Spy.K's Normal - 4Key (2 stars, 675 notes)
  2. Spy.K's Another - 4Key (4,51 stars, 1491 notes)
  3. Spy.K's Hyper - 4Key (3,34 stars, 1086 notes)
last time i checked this wasnt here
Topic Starter

Unmei Muma wrote:

-Anhedonia- wrote:

  1. Spy.K's Normal - 4Key (2 stars, 675 notes)
  2. Spy.K's Another - 4Key (4,51 stars, 1491 notes)
  3. Spy.K's Hyper - 4Key (3,34 stars, 1086 notes)
last time i checked this wasnt here
last time you checked it rokodo was ranking maps
last time i checked sushi was called sushi971
Topic Starter
last time you checked hs714 was waifu :^)
she still is
Topic Starter
oh so you still checking invoker, great
get baited m9
mania check

Spy.K's Normal
00:22:517 (22517|3) - how about move to 2? feel much better to hit with a stair here
00:27:440 (27440|0) - same reason like above if you agree, move to 3
00:30:056 - you can use double here as well
00:47:646 (47646|2,47851|3,48107|2,48415|1) - i see your intention to catch the vocal, but the current snap may feels a little tricky for normal diff, my suggestion> (having them placing at white tick also catch the kick snare sound here nicely too)
01:03:517 (63517|2,63594|1) - suggest 3-1, just a mirror pattern from 01:02:979 (62979|2,63056|0,63287|3,63287|0) -
01:14:928 (74928|2,75184|3,75851|0) - like my concern before about vocal sync, perhaps you could try some other way here?
01:17:389 (77389|2,77697|2,78261|2,78415|1) - ^

Spy.K's Hyper
01:52:517 - till 01:53:133 - how about make here 1/4 stream?

Spy.K's Another
00:25:133 - till 00:29:133 - u can actually double each red timing line here, since previous you catch those with double. i notice this part u decided to catch the snare here as well. but i think making all red line double would do the trick better. (double snare+1/4)
01:30:517 (90517|3,90517|2,90671|0,90671|2,90825|1,90825|3,90979|0,90979|1,91133|0,91133|3) - is this all for main sync? then u probably missed a double at 01:30:364 -
01:33:133 - could use double here

Critical_Star wrote:

mania check

Spy.K's Normal
00:22:517 (22517|3) - how about move to 2? feel much better to hit with a stair here OK
00:27:440 (27440|0) - same reason like above if you agree, move to 3 OK
00:30:056 - you can use double here as well OK
00:47:646 (47646|2,47851|3,48107|2,48415|1) - i see your intention to catch the vocal, but the current snap may feels a little tricky for normal diff, my suggestion> (having them placing at white tick also catch the kick snare sound here nicely too) Adjust, please check again
01:03:517 (63517|2,63594|1) - suggest 3-1, just a mirror pattern from 01:02:979 (62979|2,63056|0,63287|3,63287|0) - Adjust, not sure if that pattern is what you hope me to do
01:14:928 (74928|2,75184|3,75851|0) - like my concern before about vocal sync, perhaps you could try some other way here? Adjust, please check again
01:17:389 (77389|2,77697|2,78261|2,78415|1) - ^ Adjust, please check again

Spy.K's Hyper
01:52:517 - till 01:53:133 - how about make here 1/4 stream? OK

Spy.K's Another
00:25:133 - till 00:29:133 - u can actually double each red timing line here, since previous you catch those with double. i notice this part u decided to catch the snare here as well. but i think making all red line double would do the trick better. (double snare+1/4) I think no
01:30:517 (90517|3,90517|2,90671|0,90671|2,90825|1,90825|3,90979|0,90979|1,91133|0,91133|3) - is this all for main sync? then u probably missed a double at 01:30:364 - Yes, added and found miss a note
01:33:133 - could use double here Added
Thanks for checking :D
Mania OK
Not sure if it's important for pop or not, but source should have SPADA all capitalized.
Shima Rin
I am just wondering if mania needs a diff below 2*?
Topic Starter

Ascendance wrote:

Not sure if it's important for pop or not, but source should have SPADA all capitalized.
damn dude, okay fixed

Tofu1222 wrote:

I am just wondering if mania needs a diff below 2*?

I think this might not slide since the diff is 2*, will see.
Topic Starter
Sorry, I forgot to update Normal diff , it makes conflict with the website vs in-game but I think that'll do
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