
Alpharomeo66's Just For Fun Summer Tournament!

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Alpharomeo66 presents the Just For Fun Tournament!!

Make sure you read ALL this in order to get the procedure and what this is about!! Arigato Gozaimasu!!

The Tourney has Ended, so sorry to anyone who was late. :(

Ranks Requirements
The max rank you can be is 50k and there is no minimum rank!

Fill out this form, then I'll put you in!!!

Player Name:

...You were expecting more? XD

Players Registered For Tourney!

People who couldn't participate: Underscore_ , Kandashi, TasticTactics, Grieviious
:( I'm sorry you guys/girls couldn't participate. Hope you can next tourney!!!

How to Win
The winner is based off these things:
Highest Score & Passing the Map

Highest Score
This is simple, person with the highest score!

No, matter how many times you fail in the map, as long as you are revived at the end, your score will count.

In-Game Mods?
Unlike other tourneys, you're allowed to use mods, if you want that extra boost to get to the finals! :D
(But, if you think the map is too hard, you're allowed to use the easy mod. Though it will lower your chance at winning at points.)

Tourney Time
The Tourney will be on July 19th, 2015 2:00pm (14:00) for Pacific Time (Canada & U.S.)

Just for Fun?
Yeah, just for fun means that there will be no prize in this tourney other then having fun, hence the name: Just for Fun! Unless someone generous would supply me a Supporter Tag to give away! That would be very appreciated!!

Host and Mods
I will be teaming up with the group/leader Quad Aces to host this tournament! If you want to help being a mod then just PM me! (Though, I might just be a single mod but we'll see, if you request for mod, but I have no need for extras, you'll get an instant registration. Considering you're in the rank limit.)

Host: Alpharomeo66 (ME!!)
Mod(s): Meowting, Abittoohircine, Dionysaw
Ref(s): Loliception, Dionysaw

My GREAT gratitude to all Mods and Ref(s)!!!

Rules and Stuff
Here are the rules!:
I've thought of some rules!! XD.
Teams or 1 on 1 for matches?: 1 on 1 !
Rooms: The mods and myself will make rooms for the players to play in. The name of the rooms should be the two players names like this: Alpharomeo66 vs. ForeverFabulous. The rooms will have 3 free player slots, 1 for mod/host, 2 for the players.
Finals: The finals will be played when the host (ME!!) is present!

Procedure of Setting Up Games
First, I would gather all the participants together in one lobby, then they roll and then I will write their numbers down then this will happen: If the number of participants are even then I'll pair up people with opposite numbers (Ex: if the numbers were 27, 65, 42, 78, 12, 55, 36 and 26, i would get the player with the highest number(78) to go against the player with the lowest number(12), then player with 2nd highest(65) to go against the player with the 2nd lowest(26) and yadda-yadda you get it. (I hope XD)

Procedure of Games
The games are going to be BO5 (Best out of 5), the tie breaker will be when both players get 2 points, 2-2, and they will play the Tie-Breaker Map!

To pick a map, both players will roll and player with higher roll, gets to pick a map from the map pool, and both players get to ban 2 maps, meaning that they can't pick those maps for the whole game. Then they will switch, and the other player gets to choose a map. Then, whoever wins will send me the name of the player they beat, I cross their name off, then I'll pair them off with another winner of a separate game.

Everyone who loses during the tourney will get a game invite from me to join the end game event lobby, where, after the finals, I'll gather everyone and we'll play some requested maps!

End Tourney Event (READ! :D)
At the end, if you want to join I'll host a separate game where all the participants will join, we'll celebrate the end of the tourney, congratulate the winner (If someone provides the Supporter Tag, I'll ask them to give the winner the tag.), then we will rotate hosts and play some map that the players pick! Just like a little end game event!

Trouble Understanding the Aspects?
If you're feeling like this guy: :? Don't fret, send me a message and I'll explain what you don't get!
UserName: Vovkalak

My current rank is #52544
Username: Ppuskalin

My current rank is #364,919
Username: TasticTactics

Rank: 50k
Player Name : Si1entKiTTeh

Rank : Alpha u know dis...

Also fix the Tie-Breaker in the map pool

Also when will this take place? So I can practice ;)
Player name: Underscore_

Rank: 42k

the Netherlands GMT+1

Ez makes reading more difficult for most people, so I wouldn't expect anyone to use it if I were you.
Username: -_Juna_-

My current rank is #60,853

Can i stream the tournament?
Username: -Nino-

My current rank is 78K

Glhf :3
Username: CharmCaster

Rank: 69K (Ooohh, hehe XD)

I got a question, whats the GMT?
Username: przepson

Current rank: #55,862

Time play is not problem for me :)
To late to enter? If not i'm currently rank 53472 ^^
if ima not to late :P

Name : Kandashi

current rank :70227

ima noob xD
I'd like to register~

Username: isla-

My current rank is #55,271

Thank you~! :D

I would like register


Player Name: [MaruDeLaCreme]

Thanks! uvu
Topic Starter

-_Juna_- wrote:

Username: -_Juna_-

My current rank is #60,853

Can i stream the tournament?
Sure!! I really don't mind if you do!!
Topic Starter

Si1entKiTTeh wrote:

Player Name : Si1entKiTTeh

Rank : Alpha u know dis...

Also fix the Tie-Breaker in the map pool

Also when will this take place? So I can practice ;)
June 19th! You're welcome!!
Topic Starter

CharmCaster wrote:

Username: CharmCaster

Rank: 69K (Ooohh, hehe XD)

I got a question, whats the GMT?
I'm really sorry but, i don't know. :( But I'm sure you can find out!
EDIT: Just found it!! It would either be 7:00pm or 6:00pm. ^^ You're welcome!!!!

alpharomeo66 wrote:

Tourney Time
The Tourney will be on July 19th, 2015 2:00pm (14:00) for Pacific Time (Canada & U.S.)
Can you help me ? When it's 14:00 Canada & U.S. , it's ??:?? in france ? D :
Topic Starter

DorSko974000 wrote:

alpharomeo66 wrote:

Tourney Time
The Tourney will be on July 19th, 2015 2:00pm (14:00) for Pacific Time (Canada & U.S.)
Can you help me ? When it's 14:00 Canada & U.S. , it's ??:?? in france ? D :
I found it!! If it's 14:00 (2:00 pm) in Canada and U.S., It will be 8:00pm in France!! You're welcome!!
Damn, looks like I will be out of the City that weekend. Bummer because I could totally win this tourny :D

Are you planning on streaming the matches?

alpharomeo66 wrote:

If it's 14:00 (2:00 pm) in Canada and U.S., It will be 8:00pm in France!! You're welcome!!
I don't think this is right. This site says France time is 11:00pm.
Name: MakesnoSensei
Rank: 15k
Topic Starter

ScreamingHawk wrote:

Damn, looks like I will be out of the City that weekend. Bummer because I could totally win this tourny :D

Are you planning on streaming the matches?

alpharomeo66 wrote:

If it's 14:00 (2:00 pm) in Canada and U.S., It will be 8:00pm in France!! You're welcome!!
I don't think this is right. This site says France time is 11:00pm.
Well, then maybe you're right XD. Hopefully it's not 11:00pm in france so he/she can play. ;)
Topic Starter

MakesnoSensei wrote:

Name: MakesnoSensei
Rank: 15k

I'm so sorry but it seems like you're WAY too high level for this tourney, don't worry though. as I will be hosting a higher rank tourney later in the summer (hopefully my job won't interfere with this)

alpharomeo66 wrote:

Si1entKiTTeh wrote:

Player Name : Si1entKiTTeh

Rank : Alpha u know dis...

Also fix the Tie-Breaker in the map pool

Also when will this take place? So I can practice ;)
June 19th! You're welcome!!
June? XD
Topic Starter

Isla- wrote:

alpharomeo66 wrote:

June 19th! You're welcome!!
June? XD
Whoops!! July 19th XDDD Sorry!!!
Nick: impek
Rank: 97510
Player Name:JpgBlackCat

My current rank is:938,909
About the time zone... if it's 02.00 pm in canada and u.s, then in Indonesia it would be 04.00am, right?
i'm going to die T_T
Wait, if Indonesia's time will be 4 am and Canada will be 2pm.........which means, I HAVE TO BE THERE AT 3AM???? (Indonesisa is 1 hour early then Singapore) I think I'm gonna sit this one out TT_TT :(
Topic Starter

Isla- wrote:

About the time zone... if it's 02.00 pm in canada and u.s, then in Indonesia it would be 04.00am, right?
i'm going to die T_T
Umm, It's Either 4:00 am or 1:00 am... XD Hopefully you can participate though!!
Topic Starter

CharmCaster wrote:

Wait, if Indonesia's time will be 4 am and Canada will be 2pm.........which means, I HAVE TO BE THERE AT 3AM???? (Indonesisa is 1 hour early then Singapore) I think I'm gonna sit this one out TT_TT :(
Aww, too bad... :( But, I would appreciate if you could participate!!! But, if you can't I fully understand. No hard feelings!!! ^^ Hopefully we can play Osu together off-tourney!!
Username: NightFireGaming

rank 39k but im not that good xD
bold and brash
Username: bold and brash

Rank: 80k (ATM)
I'd like to join.
My username is Chunelle
My rank is 56k (currently)
Hello! (c-can I participate??)

Nickname: [ -Yuu- ]

Rank: #58,880 (If it change I will update later)
Topic Starter

[ -Yuu- ] wrote:

Hello! (c-can I participate??)

Nickname: [ -Yuu- ]

Rank: #60,319 (If it change I will update later)

Sure!!! I would love for you to join!!! ^^
Topic Starter

bold and brash wrote:

Username: bold and brash

Rank: 80k (ATM)
Yeah!! You can totally join!! ^^ Thank you!!
Topic Starter

Chunelle wrote:

I'd like to join.
My username is Chunelle
My rank is 56k (currently)
Yup!! You can join, totally!!! ^^ Thanks!!
Topic Starter
Regarding that message I sent to all Tournament Participants, That thing will be at the beginning of the tourney, instead of the end, remember if you can't do this thing, I will make another Game for anyone who can't/doesn't want to do the thing. Also PM me!! Thanks!!!(I didn't send another message because, it hurts. XD)

EDIT: You may put what time is now in Canada so others can calculate what time is in their countries

FedeBankai amigo mio te quiero mushooooooooo HACEME UN PAN CON MANTEQUILLAAAAAAA
name: FedeBankai
Name: Satellite97
Rank: 66k
IGN: dark_assassin16
Rank: 182,269
Thanks (^.-)

Also, when does registration end and if you fail to show up, what happens?
Name: andreifurlan
Rank: 44,767
Topic Starter

dark_assassin16 wrote:

IGN: dark_assassin16
Rank: 182,269
Thanks (^.-)

Also, when does registration end and if you fail to show up, what happens?

Registration End? I guess 16th of July. ^^
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dekay wrote:


EDIT: You may put what time is now in Canada so others can calculate what time is in their countries
Added you, BTW I did, it's under Tourney Time. ^^
Topic Starter

dark_assassin16 wrote:

IGN: dark_assassin16
Rank: 182,269
Thanks (^.-)

Also, when does registration end and if you fail to show up, what happens?

If you fail to show up we'll wait 5 mins, then if you don't show up, I'll mark you as DNS (Did not show) and the opponent goes on to the next round. ^^

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