I'm an alien wah who's been around for about 7-ish years (and counting) and plays a lot of rhythm games! Lately, I've been getting a lot more into VSRGs but still love to casually play osu!standard every now and then. I'm fairly laid back otherwise, and you can find me often on my Twitch channel here! Hope to see ya there!
I'm primarily a tech mapper! I do dabble in more regular mapping here and there, but I generally lean towards tech mapping for my style. I'm not super active in mapping nowadays, but I have been mapping on-and-off for a while (and even managed to get first place in the March 2021 MBC!) and still make an occasional map or two for fun!
I'm always open for modding and general critique! Feel free to send me a message in either osu! or Discord DMs and let me know that you're looking for a mod~ Just keep in mind that I generally lean more towards tech mapping, but I have enough experience under my belt to deal with most styles!