
NICO Touches the Walls - Broken Youth (TV Size)

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on sábado, 19 de septiembre de 2015 at 11:31:40

Artist: NICO Touches the Walls
Title: Broken Youth (TV Size)
Source: NARUTO -ナルト-
Tags: Shippūden Tatsuya Mitsumura Hajime Okano 夏の雪 Ki/oon Records Ending
BPM: 176
Filesize: 12557kb
Play Time: 01:29
Difficulties Available:
  1. Chuunin (2,96 stars, 219 notes)
  2. Genin (1,94 stars, 130 notes)
  3. Jonin (3,69 stars, 250 notes)
  4. Kage (4,32 stars, 307 notes)
Download: NICO Touches the Walls - Broken Youth (TV Size)
Download: NICO Touches the Walls - Broken Youth (TV Size) (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Naruto Shippuden Ending 6

Renamed all diffs and changed mp3... so re-download if you had this map before august 17
Nice song, sounds pretty cool. The hitsounds are awesome! Nice use with changing the slider velocity, it was done well,

00:48:853 (3) -

00:34:535 (4,5,6,7,8) - I like this pattern, I think you should start a new combo on 4, it would make the pattern stand out more. Try making slider 5 curved like slider seven, then the pattern would have a cool symettry.

00:44:251 (1) - I would either take the Kiai time that starts here and combine it with the next one, or just get rid of this one completely and leave the second one as it is.

I think it's a good map, I like the song and the actual notes themselves have a good rhythm with the hitsounds making it feel like your drumming the beat. It has good for the most part I was able to guide my hand around the map without getting lost. It's a fun map and you should keep working on it.
Topic Starter

Hammish wrote:

00:34:535 (4,5,6,7,8) - I like this pattern, I think you should start a new combo on 4, it would make the pattern stand out more. Try making slider 5 curved like slider seven, then the pattern would have a cool symettry.

Hammish wrote:

00:44:251 (1) - I would either take the Kiai time that starts here and combine it with the next one, or just get rid of this one completely and leave the second one as it is.
I think the kiai time is ok... I'll leave it as is for now

Thx for modding :)
Desde el foro #spanish


Deberias mirar los consejos del AIMOD

Ademas en el tag deberias poner que ending de naruto es.

El hard no tiene el mismo orden de KIAI TIME que tiene el resto a el le faltan

Todas las dificultades deben terminar en el mismo lugar, en el mismo minuto segundo, centesima etc.

Un consejo mas, tu mapa realmente a elemento le sigue el ritmo a la voz a la guitarra o a ambas debes elegir aquellos ritmos que sean faciles seguir para cualquiera, si no te decides pronto provocaras muchas confunciones


00:02:319 - Te falto llenar esta nota
00:02:660 (1) - Remover nuevo combo No se pueden poner nuevos combos albitrairamente, cuando uses nuevos combos deben ser por algun cambio del ritmo o por algo mas importante
00:07:092 - nota aqui
00:07:774 - nota aqui
00:08:796 (1) - el combo debe seguir
00:10:160 (3) - New combo por el cambio de ritmo al entrar la voz del cantante
00:13:910 - Debe haber una nota aqui
00:14:251 (1) - otro combo al azar
00:20:046 - nota aqui
00:21:069 - 00:21:410 - Espacio incomodo deberias llenarlos o reducirlos
00:24:990 (1) - combo al azar
00:32:660 (1) - ^
00:36:751 (1,2) - Solo llegan hasta 2 de combo a menos que haya un cambio necesario no deberias dejarlo asi
00:38:115 (1) - ^
00:43:569 (1) - Combo azar
00:50:046 - nota
00:50:728 - ^
00:51:410 - ^
00:51:751 (5) - con un circulo basta, el slider no es necesario
00:52:433 (6) - New combo
00:55:160 (1) - Snap Distance, aqui tu mapa se volvio un jump y eso es de dificultades hard para arriba
00:56:865 - nota
00:58:228 - nota
01:02:660 (1) - Combo azar
01:09:137 - 01:09:819 - 01:10:501 - nota please
01:13:910 (1) - Seguir combo


Hay dos secciones ritmicas mas en el mapa 01:19:365 - 01:20:728, aunque veo que es para relanterizar a un slider, basta con usar un timing section

00:06:751 (2,3,4) - Demasiado legos de su objeto anterior por muy hard que sea no deberia haber saltos asi
00:10:160 (1,2,3,4) - Me gusta la forma, pero se ejecuta mal, al forzar el mapa a ser mas dificil
00:11:524 (1) - Esta muy lejos
00:12:887 - Falta una nota
00:15:615 - nota aqui
00:16:296 - aqui tambien
00:17:660 (2) - Snap distance
00:18:342 - nota aqui
00:21:069 (3) - Snap Distance
00:22:092 - 00:22:433 - Notas aqui
00:33:342 (1) - Debio de haber seguido el combo
00:45:955 (5) - Snap distance please
00:45:955 (5,6,7,8) - Snap distance
00:48:682 (5) - snap distance
00:48:682 (5,6,7,8) - snap distance
00:52:433 (7) - New combo
00:55:160 (1) - Tremendo salto snap distance
00:55:842 (6,7,8) - Este patron se hace monotono debes variar ya es la tercera que lo veo, no he dicho que este mal, pero pero los lazos de tiempo en que lo usas son muy cortos
00:59:762 (6,7,8) - strike
01:06:921 (5,6,7) - este me gusto porque el angulo es diferente

Hasta aqui pude llegar, pase mucho tiempo inactivo y no poseo la habilidad para juzgar un insane, a el mapa le falta mucho, tanto mejorar como en ritmo como en formas y patrones, este mod solo miro lo superficial pero aun hay muchas cosas que mejorar

No siendo mas te deseo suerte
Hola, vengo que #spanish modding queue ya que posteaste tu mapa allí. Luz verde para ti y tu mapa. Haz mapeado una canción genial y es digna de mods. Por favor, no abandones el mapa. ><

  1. Bueno, primero que todo, necesitas ubicar un punto de previsualización en el mapa. Esto se hace yendo a la barra de tareas del editor, por consiguiente timing y ubicar esto como punto de previsualización. Yo sugiero que lo pongas aquí 00:43:569
  2. El kiai time es la parte más importante de la canción y veo que entre la normal y la hard hay una gran diferencia de kiais. Por favor, así como hiciste con la hard, ubica el kiai desde aquí 00:44:251 hasta 01:06:069 en TODAS las dificultades. Eso implica borrar el inherited point de aquí 00:52:433 en la normal y en la hard
  3. La sección de Artist y Romanised Artist están trocadas. En Artist debe ir NICO Touches the Walls y en Romanised Artist debe ir ニコタッチズザウォールズ
  4. Las tags son como la información que referencian al mapa y veo que no tienes ninguna. Considera incluir esta pequeña lista allí.
    1. Tatsuya Mitsumura
    2. Hajime Okano
    3. 夏の雪
    4. Ki/oon Records
  5. Los puntos rojos (llamadas usualmente uninherited timing points) deben ser IGUALES en todas las dificultades, por ello sugiero que elimines estos dos puntos 01:19:365 y 01:20:728 De tu Hard.
  6. En tu insane este spinner 00:42:546 (1) es demasiado cortico, lo cuál es inrankeable en estas dificultades ya que ni siquiera el tester default de osu alcanza hacer 1k en él. Por lo tanto sugiero que termine aquí 00:43:399 o reemplazar por un slider. :P

  1. Bueno, antes de comenzar arregla estas sugerencias del AiMod antes que nada. (AiMod es una herramienta muy últi a cuánto mod se refiere para chequear errores y demás) Y la puedes abrir con ctrl + Shift + A
  2. 00:02:660 (1) Remueve el NC (Nuevo Combo) de este objeto para mantener consistencia.
  3. 00:04:365 (2,3) Puedes mejorar el espacio entre estos dos objetos de esta forma.
  4. 00:12:887 (2,1) El flujo entre estos dos objetos es muy raro. Y no es intuitivo, intenta algo más predecible.
  5. 00:14:933 (1) Remueve el NC de este objeto para mantener consistencia.
  6. 00:36:069 (5) Agrega NC.
  7. 00:36:751 (1) Remueve NC.
  8. 00:38:115 (1) ^
  9. 00:43:569 (1) ^
  10. 00:46:637 (1) ^
  11. 00:46:978 (1) Agrega NC.
  12. 00:48:001 (1) Remueve NC.
  13. 00:49:365 (1) ^
  14. 00:52:433 (6) Agrega NC.
  15. 00:24:990 (1) Esto es confuso, considero que lo reemplazed por un slider largo que no tenga repeticiones.
  16. 00:36:751 (1,1) El overlap (Una nota sobre otra) se ve feo en las dificultades menores si está mal hecho, por eso considero que arregles la forma de ese slider.
Hay mucho para trabajar en esta Dificultad. Así que, ¡ánimo! :D

HardEn primer lugar la hard es la mejor dificultad de todo el mapset. ¡Bien hecho! :D/
  1. 00:14:251 (1,3) Overlap como estos se ven feos en las hards. Intenta hacer un patrón más limpio.
  2. 00:27:546 (4) Stackea (Ponlo debajo de) en el final de este slider 00:26:183 (2)
  3. 00:28:910 (6) ^ pero en el inicio del slider.
  4. 00:37:433 (7) Agrega NC
  5. 00:38:796 (1) Remueve NC.
  6. 00:40:160 (4) Agrega NC.
  7. 00:41:524 (1) Remieve NC.
  8. 00:41:524 (1,2) Intenta mejorar este blanket. Te sugiero hacer ese slider un poco más curvo como esto.
  9. 00:50:387 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) Consistencia de Nuevos combos aquí, por favor. Creo que ya sabes cómo arreglarlo.
  10. 00:54:478 (1) Remueve el NC. Esto no es necesario.
  11. 00:57:717 (8,1) Lo mismo que puntualicé en el punto 1. Deberías intentar hacer algo más ordenado. Intenta esto:
  12. Recuerda reducir la velocidad de este slider 01:19:365 (2) y borrar los puntos rojos en el timing. c:

Como no sé modear dificultades mayores, mi mod termina aquí. ¡Éxitos con tu mapa! n.n

Aquí una estrella
Hola o3o

No soy precisamente bueno en estas cosas, así que sólo te hablaré de la Normal. Siéntete libre de descartar aquello con lo que no estés de acuerdo.

- - -

00:08:115 (5) - ¿Y si lo acercas un poco a la nota anterior? (mantener presionada la tecla alt mientras lo mueves puede servirte).
00:08:796 - Nota aquí.
00:09:137 - Slider acá.
00:09:819 - Otra nota aquí. Para un resultado como ese (si no te convence puedes acomodarlo distinto).
00:12:546 - Una nota más (creo que facilitaría la forma de "tomar" lo que sigue).
00:18:342 - En esta parte te sugeriría este orden .
00:20:046 - Nota.
00:23:115 - En esta otra parte te sugeriría este orden
00:24:990 (1) - Aquí te recomendaría quitar una repetición y acomodarlo en 00:24:819 - (tal vez sea necesario cambiarlo de tamaño para que se adapte a la nueva ubicación). Si lo haces considera presionar control+g, así como también este nuevo lugar (en la pestaña(?) "Editar" busca la opción "rotar...", te ayudará para que quede como desees. Si no mal recuerdo yo usé -6).
00:32:660 (1) - Te sugiero borrarlo (no sé si sea prudente en una Normal).

Coincido con pife1 respecto a los espacios incómodos, como ahí 01:00:615 (2,3,4,5) - . Sí, el ritmo(?) da chance de llegar hasta ellos; pero aún así me parece que podría reducirse un poco la distancia entre uno y otro (ejemplo: ).

01:02:660 (5) - ¿Y si lo sustituyes con una nota? Quizás dejándola en ese mismo sitio para que no te compliques.
01:03:001 - ¿Qué te parece que desde ahí comience el spinner y termine en 01:04:705 - ?

- - -

Sobre el punto de previsualización:
Como aún no vi que lo pusieras... acá lo encuentras. Puedes cambiarlo todas las veces que gustes hasta que estés satisfecho; pero, debe ser el mismo para todas las dificultades.
Toda la información que modifiques en la sección Song Setup también debe ser la misma para todas las dificultades.
Ten muy en cuenta lo anterior.

- - -

Supongo que por mi parte eso sería todo. Suerte con tu mapa.

You requested a mod on our modding queue, so ClickNoise and me are going to mod your map~ :3 (Collab)
Remember, I'm just expressing my opinion, so don't be offended when I criticize something, thanks~


● Disable "Widescreen" in every difficulty since there is no storyboard.
● Turn the Snap Divisor to 1/2 in Normal since you're not allowed to use 1/4 streams or triplets.

● Please fix these snapping issues in your normal difficulty (shown below & rule above).

● I don't really like the countdown, but that's up to you.
● How about a green combo colour, because they're in the woods?
● You should definitely use the small grid for beatmaps, 'cuz blankets will be better.


● 00:01:808 (1,2) - Improve that blanket please.
● 00:04:024 (3,1) - How about you make these similiar to each other?
● 00:04:535 (1,2) - These too. You can do that with shortcuts like CTRL+G, CTRL+H and CTRL+J .
● 00:05:899 (7) - Move this one down so it's similiar with 00:05:387 (4,6,1) - these.
● 00:06:751 (3,1) - Improve that blanket.
● 00:07:433 (2,3) - ^
● 00:08:796 (7) - I think it'd look better if you pull it one down, so it's more next to the previous slider.
● 00:16:893 (6,7) - How about you stack them properly?
● 00:21:410 (6) - Move to X358 Y350 for perfect stack with the previous slider.
● 00:29:933 (1) - How about this?

● 00:33:683 (2,3) - That flows bad. :c
● 00:34:705 (2) - CTRL+G for better flow please.
● 00:36:240 (6,9) - That overlap is very bad for flow and gameplay, I know it's supposed to be symmetrical, but pleeeease change it.
● 00:38:115 (3,4) - That overlap isn't nice.
● 00:39:478 (5,1) - ^
● 00:45:444 (1,2) - Try to improve that blanket please. (Tiny grid or no grid snapping at all)
● 00:46:637 (4,1) - Bad overlaaaap.
● 00:48:171 (1,2,3) - Make these similiar like the pattern at the beginning.
● 00:50:046 (2,3) - Use CTRL+G on each of them. Don't use it to both at the same time. For better flow.
● 00:51:069 (2,3,4) - Improve that blanket please.
● 00:56:182 (4) - Move to X152 Y168 to make the distance to the sliders - 00:55:671 (2,5) - symmetrical. And CTRL+G these for better flow - 00:56:012 (3,4) -
● 01:00:615 (1,2,3) - First of all, overlap. Second, that flows bad, because every slider is heading downwards. Use some CTRL+G for better flow please.
● 01:04:024 (2,3,4,5) - I don't like that pattern, you could do better, but that's a matter of opinion though.
● 01:07:433 (8,9) - Better blanket please.
● 01:11:524 (1,2,3) - Flows bad, like 01:00:615 (1,2,3).
● 01:18:171 (8,9,4,8,9,4) - What's up with these overlaps, they look so strange. :c

Good luck with ranking your beatmap, hope we helped! :3


  1. 00:24:819 (6) - Try not to overlap.
  2. 00:25:842 (1,2) - Please stack them.
  3. 00:26:183 (2,3) - Overlap.
  4. 00:27:205 (3,4) - Stack them.
  5. 00:27:546 (4,5) - Overlap.
  6. 00:28:569 (5,6) - Stack them too.
  7. 00:38:796 (1,2) - ^
  8. 00:39:819 (3,4) - ^
  9. 00:40:842 (5,6) - ^
  10. 00:43:569 (1,2) - Try to do a perfect blanket with these Silders.
  11. 01:13:910 (3,4) - Please improve the blanket c:
  12. 01:22:433 (1,2) - Stack them..
  13. 01:23:626 (3,4) - Please remove this overlap.


  1. 00:01:296 (2,3,4) - Please improve this blanket.
  2. 00:04:023 (2,3,4) - ^
  3. 00:04:876 (5,6) - Stack them perfectly.
  4. 00:18:512 (5,6) - Improve this blanket too.
  5. 00:35:387 (1,2) - ^
  6. 00:36:751 (5,6,7) - ^
  7. 00:36:922 (6,7) - Overlapping
  8. 00:39:478 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - Improve this blanket
  9. 00:41:524 (1,2) - ^
  10. 00:52:433 (1,2,3,4) - ^
  11. 00:58:569 (2,3,4) - ^
  12. 01:01:296 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - ^
  13. 01:03:342 (1,2,3,4,5) - ^
  14. 01:04:535 (5,6) - Slightly overlapping.
  15. 01:08:796 (1,3) - Overlapping..

I hope i could help you :)

Good luck with that Map :3
Topic Starter
I changed a lot of things in the beatmap so I won't write all the changes I made since the first to the last mod (lol).
All I can say is that I fixed almost all of things that you guys said, and also, thanks for modding my beatmap.

Ready for more mods O:
hi~ Archangel
from My Queue
Red : Unrankable issue / must fix.
Bold : Should be fixed / highly suggested.
Black : Just suggestion.

  1. 00:02:660 - delete green line.
    this point is don't need change BPM for Normal diff (All points)
  2. 00:08:115 - same as above
  3. 00:10:842 (10,1) - use DS1.0x
  4. 00:30:274 (1) - umm not fitting spinner.

    delete spinner
  1. 00:08:115 (8) - I think not fitting Reverse slider.
    hitting back sound is here -> 00:08:115 - 00:08:285 - 00:08:455 -
  2. 00:10:160 (1,2,3,4) - this jump slider is difficult for Hard diff.
  3. 00:25:842 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - You if you should be a little more neatly arranged 8-)
  4. 00:37:433 (7,8,9) - nice arranged :D
  5. 00:54:308 - add note
  1. 00:16:893 (6) - umm. move at 00:16:808 -
    this point not hitting sound x_x
  2. 00:19:279 (7) - same as above
    move at 00:19:194 -
  3. 00:29:933 (1) - end at 00:31:978 -

    I think many not fitting stream
    ex)00:32:660 (1,2,3) - 00:35:899 (2,3,4,5,6) - 00:38:796 (1,2,3) -
I think this normal diff and hard diff is need more other mod
gl! naruto!
Topic Starter

litoluna wrote:

  1. 00:02:660 - delete green line. ✓ fixed
    this point is don't need change BPM for Normal diff (All points) ✓ all fixed
  2. 00:08:115 - same as above ✓ fixed
  3. 00:10:842 (10,1) - use DS1.0x do you mean distance snap? ✓ fixed? i guess?
  4. 00:30:274 (1) - umm not fitting spinner. ✘ i think this spinner is the correct way to change between voice and drums so... i'll leave it as is

    delete spinner
  1. 00:08:115 (8) - I think not fitting Reverse slider. ? not sure about this... i'll leave as is for now.
    hitting back sound is here -> 00:08:115 - 00:08:285 - 00:08:455 -
  2. 00:10:160 (1,2,3,4) - this jump slider is difficult for Hard diff. ✘ well... i think it should be a consistency beetween difficulties, since insane is much more difficult than hard, i think the hard diff should be a little difficult too.
  3. 00:25:842 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - You if you should be a little more neatly arranged 8-) ? will see what can i do...
  4. 00:37:433 (7,8,9) - nice arranged :D
  5. 00:54:308 - add note ✓ done

  1. 00:16:893 (6) - umm. move at 00:16:808 - ? not sure about this... I think is good, but at the same time i think is a little weird, so idk
    this point not hitting sound x_x
  2. 00:19:279 (7) - same as above
    move at 00:19:194 -
  3. 00:29:933 (1) - end at 00:31:978 - ✓ fixed

    I think many not fitting stream
    ex)00:32:660 (1,2,3) - 00:35:899 (2,3,4,5,6) - 00:38:796 (1,2,3) - ✘ I think they're ok

I think this normal diff and hard diff is need more other mod yeah... i think the same xD
gl! naruto!
Thanks for modding (:
Hi, DahplA here posting from Jloughman14's and DahplA's Modding Team. This is a response in regards to this request. Please be sure to vote here on how helpful our mod was.

Lol, pretty quick aren't I?

  1. 00:02:490 (3) - Move the two red anchor points to the left slightly more, to create a more centralised transition here. Right now it's slightly off to the right.
  2. 00:04:535 (1) - Reconsider the positioning of this. Firstly, because of the way it bends, it looks very close to 00:04:365 (4) - . It also overlaps slightly with 00:05:217 (3) - , so moving it upwards and to the right slightly would be the best option. While you're at it, why not make 00:04:535 (1,2) - These two the exact same shape with copy paste and some rotation.
  3. 00:05:899 (7,1) - If it were me, I'd change this pattern a little. You could turn this into a set of jumps containing of two alternating sets of circles. The picture explains it better. It makes more sense, as the player is able to get a good idea of where the circle will appear, and not be confused with odd positioning.
  4. 00:10:501 Slider velocity decrease is very unnecessary and is not called for in the song. Most likely won't get past Qualified if the QATs see this. Also very confusing to read, since it looks exactly like a 1/2 slider. Remove this, and others if there are any more.
  5. 00:11:183 Same issue as above (I'll stop mentioning this now).
  6. 00:57:376 Remove clap
  7. 00:57:717 ^
  1. 00:23:115 (1,4) - Just to polish it up, move 3,4 over to the left slightly so it doesn't overlap.
  2. 00:46:808 (8) - I feel it's a bad idea to have a sliderend placed on a downbeat. It doesn't give the best audio feedback. I recommend changing it to 2 circles, that way you can get a clickable object on the most important beat.
  3. 00:49:535 (8) - ^
  4. 00:57:717 (8) - ^
  5. 01:00:444 (8) - ^
  6. 00:47:319 and 00:50:046 Just want to draw your attention to these two timing points. On the first one, you've applied NC, however you skip it on the second point and NC on its next object. It's best to keep it consistent and have the NCs where they are meant to be (which in this case would be 00:50:046 (9) - )
  7. 01:09:990 (4) - Since you have to hold the sliderball in the middle section for a bit, it falls under Slider Manipulation which is considered unrankable.
  8. 01:23:967 (4) - This slider could be mapped better. If you're looking to map to the vocals, then remove this and place other sliders. If you're attempting to map to the drums, then turn this into a 1/4 instead of a 1/2
  1. 00:06:069 (1) - Fix blanket
  2. 00:11:524 (1) - Inconsistent distance spacing
  3. 00:20:387 (1) - ^
  4. 00:22:774 (2) - ^
  5. 00:38:115 (4) - ^
  6. 01:13:910 (3) - Stacking a note directly under another slider like this is questionable. I'd remove it, as it may be harder for new players to read.
Topic Starter

DahplA wrote:

  1. 00:02:490 (3) - Move the two red anchor points to the left slightly more, to create a more centralised transition here. Right now it's slightly off to the right. ✓ fixed
  2. 00:04:535 (1) - Reconsider the positioning of this. Firstly, because of the way it bends, it looks very close to 00:04:365 (4) - . It also overlaps slightly with 00:05:217 (3) - , so moving it upwards and to the right slightly would be the best option. While you're at it, why not make 00:04:535 (1,2) - These two the exact same shape with copy paste and some rotation. ✓ fixed
  3. 00:05:899 (7,1) - If it were me, I'd change this pattern a little. You could turn this into a set of jumps containing of two alternating sets of circles. The picture explains it better. It makes more sense, as the player is able to get a good idea of where the circle will appear, and not be confused with odd positioning. ✓ I slightly changed the pattern... idk if it's better now xD

  4. 00:10:501 Slider velocity decrease is very unnecessary and is not called for in the song. Most likely won't get past Qualified if the QATs see this. Also very confusing to read, since it looks exactly like a 1/2 slider. Remove this, and others if there are any more.
  5. 00:11:183 Same issue as above (I'll stop mentioning this now).

    I don't know about this... because

    Hammish wrote:

    Nice use with changing the slider velocity, it was done well
    so... now I'm confused xD
  6. 00:57:376 Remove clap ✓ fixed
  7. 00:57:717 ^✓ fixed

  1. 00:23:115 (1,4) - Just to polish it up, move 3,4 over to the left slightly so it doesn't overlap. ✓ fixed
  2. 00:46:808 (8) - I feel it's a bad idea to have a sliderend placed on a downbeat. It doesn't give the best audio feedback. I recommend changing it to 2 circles, that way you can get a clickable object on the most important beat. ✓ fixed
  3. 00:49:535 (8) - ^ ✓ fixed
  4. 00:57:717 (8) - ^ ✓ fixed
  5. 01:00:444 (8) - ^ ✓ fixed
  6. 00:47:319 and 00:50:046 Just want to draw your attention to these two timing points. On the first one, you've applied NC, however you skip it on the second point and NC on its next object. It's best to keep it consistent and have the NCs where they are meant to be (which in this case would be 00:50:046 (9) - ) ✓ fixed
  7. 01:09:990 (4) - Since you have to hold the sliderball in the middle section for a bit, it falls under Slider Manipulation which is considered unrankable.
    ✓ fixed
  8. 01:23:967 (4) - This slider could be mapped better. If you're looking to map to the vocals, then remove this and place other sliders. If you're attempting to map to the drums, then turn this into a 1/4 instead of a 1/2✓ fixed

  1. 00:06:069 (1) - Fix blanket ✓ fixed
  2. 00:11:524 (1) - Inconsistent distance spacing ✓ fixed
  3. 00:20:387 (1) - ^ ✓ fixed
  4. 00:22:774 (2) - ^ ✓ fixed
  5. 00:38:115 (4) - ^ ✓ fixed
  6. 01:13:910 (3) - Stacking a note directly under another slider like this is questionable. I'd remove it, as it may be harder for new players to read
    ? - I have a problem with this, because if I dont stack the notes, they make bad overlaps... so idk (anyways I changed it a bit)
I really appreciate your modding, because i fixed a lot of things in the beatmap... I'll ask to a friend about the slider velocity decrease.

thanks for your time.
Kyle Y
#modding queue
IRC modding
19:38 Kyle Y: hi
19:39 Archangel: hi
19:39 Kyle Y: I received you modding request
19:39 Kyle Y: first of all, Language refer to the song, not for the language for modding
19:40 Kyle Y: um... are you free to have a IRC modding?
19:40 Kyle Y: as you are new in mapping
19:40 Archangel: irc?
19:40 Archangel: idk what is that
19:40 Archangel: xD
19:40 Kyle Y: I mod it while you edit it
19:41 Kyle Y: Internet Relay Cha
19:41 Kyle Y: chat
19:41 Archangel: ah
19:43 Kyle Y: then let's have IRC modding?
19:44 Archangel: it's ok for me
19:45 Kyle Y: okay.
19:45 Kyle Y: btw, can you play with your insane without fail?
19:46 Archangel: I dont think so xD
19:47 Archangel: maybe in a few retrys
19:47 Kyle Y: becasue I fail on it also
19:47 Archangel: do you mean fc?
19:47 Kyle Y: my rank is #43___
19:47 Kyle Y: no
19:47 Kyle Y: just pass
19:47 Kyle Y: #43XXX
19:47 Kyle Y: I can't play this 4.46 star song
19:47 Archangel: ah... yeah i can pass it
19:48 Archangel: will try
19:49 Kyle Y: then maybe I just mod Insane with you?
19:49 Kyle Y: <3 stars hard a little bit hard for me
19:51 Archangel: less than 3 stars?
19:51 Kyle Y: 2.76 <3
19:51 Kyle Y: hard for modding
19:51 Kyle Y: not for play
19:52 *Kyle Y is editing [ NICO Touches the Walls - Broken Youth (TV Size) [Insane]]
19:52 Archangel: I see
19:52 Kyle Y: let's start, as I need to bath later on
19:52 Archangel: ok
19:52 Kyle Y: have you ever read the post about slider drawing and the flowing
19:53 Kyle Y: do you know what blanket is?
19:53 Archangel: yeah
19:53 Kyle Y: then I just directly tell you which is poor flowing is okay
19:53 Kyle Y: 00:01:126 (2,3) - poor flowing
19:53 Kyle Y: 00:03:001 (4,1) - blanket
19:54 Kyle Y: 00:05:217 (3,4,5,6,7,1) - poor looking, try this
19:55 Kyle Y: I just draw very briefly
19:55 Kyle Y: 00:07:092 (1,2) - poor flowing
19:55 Kyle Y: 00:07:944 - missing
19:55 Kyle Y: 00:08:967 (8) - constant ds from (7) and to (1)
19:56 Kyle Y: 00:10:501 (3) - why suddent change SV (slider velocity)
19:56 Archangel: ds means distance snap?
19:56 Kyle Y: yup
19:57 Kyle Y: 00:09:563 (5,7) - sorry I cannot here any sound here, del it
19:58 Kyle Y: 00:13:740 - missing
19:58 Kyle Y: 00:12:887 (6) - 1/2 slider+ circle
19:58 Kyle Y: 00:12:887 (6) - 00:12:887 (6) - missing
19:58 Kyle Y: 00:16:211 (2) - no sound for 1/4, del
19:59 Kyle Y: 00:15:615 (4) - no sound for 1/4, use 1/2 beat slider
19:59 Kyle Y: 00:16:893 (6) - move to 00:16:808 -
19:59 Kyle Y: I think you should listen to 1/4 sound
19:59 Kyle Y: 00:17:660 - missing
20:00 Kyle Y: 00:18:853 - missing
20:00 Archangel: what to do with 00:16:893 (5) - ?
20:00 Kyle Y: 00:19:194 - missing and del 00:19:279 (7) - becasue no 1/4 soudn
20:00 Archangel: delete?
20:00 Kyle Y: move to 00:16:808 -
20:00 Kyle Y: 00:19:620 - missing
20:01 Kyle Y: btw, your offset seems a little bit error
20:01 Kyle Y: about 1/16 beat or 3/32 beat error
20:01 Kyle Y: I check for you later on
20:02 Kyle Y: 00:20:217 - missing
20:02 Kyle Y: 00:21:069 (5) - no 1/4, use 1/2 slider
20:02 Kyle Y: 00:21:836 (9) - no 1/4
20:02 Kyle Y: 00:21:921 (1,2) - ctrl+g
20:03 Kyle Y: 00:22:944 - missing
20:03 Kyle Y: 00:23:967 - you miss the bea here
20:03 Kyle Y: 00:24:649 - 00:24:990 - missing
20:03 Kyle Y: 00:25:671 - 00:26:012 - missing
20:04 Kyle Y: 00:26:524 - miss the big tick here
20:04 Kyle Y: 00:27:376 - missing
20:04 Kyle Y: 00:27:887 - same
20:04 Kyle Y: btw, I don't think SV change here 00:25:501 -
20:04 Kyle Y: del it
20:05 Kyle Y: 00:29:933 (1) - spinner not suitable, use circle and slider replace it please
20:05 Kyle Y: 00:32:745 (2,5,7) - no 1/4 sound
20:05 Kyle Y: if you can hear when you use 25%, then you can map it, otherwise it is overmap
20:06 Archangel: 25% of what?
20:07 Kyle Y: playback rate
20:07 Kyle Y: 00:42:546 (1) - not suitable for using spinner
20:07 Kyle Y: 00:42:546 (1) - missing
20:08 Kyle Y: 00:42:546 (1) - missing
20:08 Kyle Y: 00:41:524 - I think you should use slider for this part, as it is really... too much circle
20:08 Kyle Y: 00:43:654 (2) - not 1/4 soudn
20:09 Kyle Y: 00:53:115 (6) - just mind on your blanketing, pattern is not the focus for this modding
20:10 Kyle Y: 00:54:052 (1,4,6,8,10,12) - no 1/4
20:10 Kyle Y: 00:54:052 (1,4,6,8,10,12) - hey.. you skip it
20:10 Kyle Y: 01:01:808 - missing
20:10 Kyle Y: 01:02:063 (2,4) - not 1/4 sound
20:11 Kyle Y: 01:02:063 (2,4) - missing
20:11 Kyle Y: sorry
20:11 Kyle Y: 01:02:490 - missing
20:11 Kyle Y: 01:02:745 (6,8) - no 1/4 sound
20:11 Kyle Y: 01:03:001 - use slider on 01:03:001 -
20:11 Kyle Y: 01:04:705 - sldier
20:12 Kyle Y: 01:05:132 (2,5,7) - no 1/4 sound again
20:12 Kyle Y: 01:05:899 - missing
20:12 Kyle Y: 01:06:240 - missing
20:12 Kyle Y: 01:06:580 - missing
20:12 Kyle Y: 01:07:007 - missing
20:12 Kyle Y: 01:07:347 (7) - no 1/4 sound
20:13 Kyle Y: 01:07:433 (8) - missing beat on 01:07:603 - ,01:07:774 - 01:07:944 -
20:13 Kyle Y: 01:08:626 - missing
20:13 Kyle Y: 01:08:967 - missing
20:14 Kyle Y: 01:10:671 (7,8) - don't use that curve slider in Insane, unless it is emphasising sth
20:14 Kyle Y: 01:09:989 (5,6,7,8) - move 1/2 beat later, and add circle at 01:09:819 -
20:15 Kyle Y: 01:12:717 - missing
20:15 Kyle Y: 01:14:592 (1) - start at 01:14:336 -
20:16 Kyle Y: end at 01:17:319 -
20:16 Kyle Y: 01:16:978 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1,2,3,4) - I don;t think it is good
20:17 Kyle Y: 01:19:535 - 01:19:620 - missing
20:17 Kyle Y: 01:19:961 - 01:20:132 - 01:20:302 - missing
20:17 Kyle Y: 01:20:643 - missing
20:18 Kyle Y: 01:20:984 - missing 01:21:154 - missing
20:18 Kyle Y: 01:21:495 - missing
20:18 Kyle Y: 01:21:666 - missing
20:18 Kyle Y: 01:21:750 (4) - slider
20:18 Kyle Y: 01:21:750 (4) - missing
20:18 Kyle Y: 01:22:774 - 01:22:859 - missing
20:19 Kyle Y: 01:22:688 - missing
20:19 Kyle Y: 01:23:115 - 01:23:200 - missing
20:19 Kyle Y: 01:23:370 - 01:23:455 - 01:23:541 - 01:23:711 - missing
20:19 Kyle Y: 01:23:796 - slider
20:19 Kyle Y: A lot of 1/4 sound here
20:20 Kyle Y: of course you no need to follow also, just base of the pattern and your mapping
20:20 Kyle Y: If xxx_xxx sounds better than xxxxxxx (stream), then use xxx_xxx
20:21 Archangel: yeah
20:21 Kyle Y: 01:24:819 (2) - 1/2 beat slider and 01:23:626 (5) - 1/2 beat slider 01:25:330 (1) - start at 01:25:416 -
20:21 Archangel: maybe the streams
20:21 Archangel: are a little weird
20:21 Kyle Y: end at 01:27:887 -
20:22 Kyle Y: for the nc(s),
20:22 Kyle Y: every four beat per one nc for >= Hard diff and 8 beat for NM and EZ
20:22 Kyle Y: new combo
20:23 Kyle Y: also, every SV change use one nc
20:23 Archangel: do you think the sv change is ok?
20:23 Kyle Y: not quite
20:24 Archangel: for example
20:24 Archangel: this
20:24 Archangel: 00:10:501 (3) -
20:24 Archangel: is it ok?
20:24 Kyle Y: this one not okay for me
20:24 Archangel: or i have to change it
20:26 Kyle Y: yup
20:26 Archangel: 00:11:183 (1) -
20:26 Archangel: is it ok?
20:26 Kyle Y: del it
20:26 Kyle Y: 00:22:433 (3) - this also, del the green line
20:27 Archangel: yeah
20:27 Archangel: i'm on it
20:27 Kyle Y: 00:10:160 - I will just x0.75 here
20:28 Kyle Y: 00:16:978 - until here use back x1.9
20:28 Kyle Y: 1.0
20:28 Archangel: and delete the other green lines?
20:29 Kyle Y: 00:33:342 - 0.75 here again
20:29 Kyle Y: 00:43:569 - x 1.0
20:29 Kyle Y: 00:44:251 - x 1.2
20:29 Kyle Y: 01:06:069 - x.10
20:30 Kyle Y: 1.0
20:30 Kyle Y: 01:22:433 - 0.75 or 0.5
20:31 Kyle Y: I just leave for a while,
20:31 Kyle Y: come back in 10 minutes
20:31 Archangel: ok
20:31 Archangel: i'll do some change
20:31 Archangel: changes*
20:43 Kyle Y: back
20:43 Kyle Y: then I post this log to forum
Topic Starter

Kyle Y wrote:

#modding queue
IRC modding
19:38 Kyle Y: hi
19:39 Archangel: hi
19:39 Kyle Y: I received you modding request
19:39 Kyle Y: first of all, Language refer to the song, not for the language for modding
19:40 Kyle Y: um... are you free to have a IRC modding?
19:40 Kyle Y: as you are new in mapping
19:40 Archangel: irc?
19:40 Archangel: idk what is that
19:40 Archangel: xD
19:40 Kyle Y: I mod it while you edit it
19:41 Kyle Y: Internet Relay Cha
19:41 Kyle Y: chat
19:41 Archangel: ah
19:43 Kyle Y: then let's have IRC modding?
19:44 Archangel: it's ok for me
19:45 Kyle Y: okay.
19:45 Kyle Y: btw, can you play with your insane without fail?
19:46 Archangel: I dont think so xD
19:47 Archangel: maybe in a few retrys
19:47 Kyle Y: becasue I fail on it also
19:47 Archangel: do you mean fc?
19:47 Kyle Y: my rank is #43___
19:47 Kyle Y: no
19:47 Kyle Y: just pass
19:47 Kyle Y: #43XXX
19:47 Kyle Y: I can't play this 4.46 star song
19:47 Archangel: ah... yeah i can pass it
19:48 Archangel: will try
19:49 Kyle Y: then maybe I just mod Insane with you?
19:49 Kyle Y: <3 stars hard a little bit hard for me
19:51 Archangel: less than 3 stars?
19:51 Kyle Y: 2.76 <3
19:51 Kyle Y: hard for modding
19:51 Kyle Y: not for play
19:52 *Kyle Y is editing [ NICO Touches the Walls - Broken Youth (TV Size) [Insane]]
19:52 Archangel: I see
19:52 Kyle Y: let's start, as I need to bath later on
19:52 Archangel: ok
19:52 Kyle Y: have you ever read the post about slider drawing and the flowing
19:53 Kyle Y: do you know what blanket is?
19:53 Archangel: yeah
19:53 Kyle Y: then I just directly tell you which is poor flowing is okay
19:53 Kyle Y: 00:01:126 (2,3) - poor flowing
19:53 Kyle Y: 00:03:001 (4,1) - blanket
19:54 Kyle Y: 00:05:217 (3,4,5,6,7,1) - poor looking, try this
19:55 Kyle Y: I just draw very briefly
19:55 Kyle Y: 00:07:092 (1,2) - poor flowing
19:55 Kyle Y: 00:07:944 - missing
19:55 Kyle Y: 00:08:967 (8) - constant ds from (7) and to (1)
19:56 Kyle Y: 00:10:501 (3) - why suddent change SV (slider velocity)
19:56 Archangel: ds means distance snap?
19:56 Kyle Y: yup
19:57 Kyle Y: 00:09:563 (5,7) - sorry I cannot here any sound here, del it
19:58 Kyle Y: 00:13:740 - missing
19:58 Kyle Y: 00:12:887 (6) - 1/2 slider+ circle
19:58 Kyle Y: 00:12:887 (6) - 00:12:887 (6) - missing
19:58 Kyle Y: 00:16:211 (2) - no sound for 1/4, del
19:59 Kyle Y: 00:15:615 (4) - no sound for 1/4, use 1/2 beat slider
19:59 Kyle Y: 00:16:893 (6) - move to 00:16:808 -
19:59 Kyle Y: I think you should listen to 1/4 sound
19:59 Kyle Y: 00:17:660 - missing
20:00 Kyle Y: 00:18:853 - missing
20:00 Archangel: what to do with 00:16:893 (5) - ?
20:00 Kyle Y: 00:19:194 - missing and del 00:19:279 (7) - becasue no 1/4 soudn
20:00 Archangel: delete?
20:00 Kyle Y: move to 00:16:808 -
20:00 Kyle Y: 00:19:620 - missing
20:01 Kyle Y: btw, your offset seems a little bit error
20:01 Kyle Y: about 1/16 beat or 3/32 beat error
20:01 Kyle Y: I check for you later on
20:02 Kyle Y: 00:20:217 - missing
20:02 Kyle Y: 00:21:069 (5) - no 1/4, use 1/2 slider
20:02 Kyle Y: 00:21:836 (9) - no 1/4
20:02 Kyle Y: 00:21:921 (1,2) - ctrl+g
20:03 Kyle Y: 00:22:944 - missing
20:03 Kyle Y: 00:23:967 - you miss the bea here
20:03 Kyle Y: 00:24:649 - 00:24:990 - missing
20:03 Kyle Y: 00:25:671 - 00:26:012 - missing
20:04 Kyle Y: 00:26:524 - miss the big tick here
20:04 Kyle Y: 00:27:376 - missing
20:04 Kyle Y: 00:27:887 - same
20:04 Kyle Y: btw, I don't think SV change here 00:25:501 -
20:04 Kyle Y: del it
20:05 Kyle Y: 00:29:933 (1) - spinner not suitable, use circle and slider replace it please
20:05 Kyle Y: 00:32:745 (2,5,7) - no 1/4 sound
20:05 Kyle Y: if you can hear when you use 25%, then you can map it, otherwise it is overmap
20:06 Archangel: 25% of what?
20:07 Kyle Y: playback rate
20:07 Kyle Y: 00:42:546 (1) - not suitable for using spinner
20:07 Kyle Y: 00:42:546 (1) - missing
20:08 Kyle Y: 00:42:546 (1) - missing
20:08 Kyle Y: 00:41:524 - I think you should use slider for this part, as it is really... too much circle
20:08 Kyle Y: 00:43:654 (2) - not 1/4 soudn
20:09 Kyle Y: 00:53:115 (6) - just mind on your blanketing, pattern is not the focus for this modding
20:10 Kyle Y: 00:54:052 (1,4,6,8,10,12) - no 1/4
20:10 Kyle Y: 00:54:052 (1,4,6,8,10,12) - hey.. you skip it
20:10 Kyle Y: 01:01:808 - missing
20:10 Kyle Y: 01:02:063 (2,4) - not 1/4 sound
20:11 Kyle Y: 01:02:063 (2,4) - missing
20:11 Kyle Y: sorry
20:11 Kyle Y: 01:02:490 - missing
20:11 Kyle Y: 01:02:745 (6,8) - no 1/4 sound
20:11 Kyle Y: 01:03:001 - use slider on 01:03:001 -
20:11 Kyle Y: 01:04:705 - sldier
20:12 Kyle Y: 01:05:132 (2,5,7) - no 1/4 sound again
20:12 Kyle Y: 01:05:899 - missing
20:12 Kyle Y: 01:06:240 - missing
20:12 Kyle Y: 01:06:580 - missing
20:12 Kyle Y: 01:07:007 - missing
20:12 Kyle Y: 01:07:347 (7) - no 1/4 sound
20:13 Kyle Y: 01:07:433 (8) - missing beat on 01:07:603 - ,01:07:774 - 01:07:944 -
20:13 Kyle Y: 01:08:626 - missing
20:13 Kyle Y: 01:08:967 - missing
20:14 Kyle Y: 01:10:671 (7,8) - don't use that curve slider in Insane, unless it is emphasising sth
20:14 Kyle Y: 01:09:989 (5,6,7,8) - move 1/2 beat later, and add circle at 01:09:819 -
20:15 Kyle Y: 01:12:717 - missing
20:15 Kyle Y: 01:14:592 (1) - start at 01:14:336 -
20:16 Kyle Y: end at 01:17:319 -
20:16 Kyle Y: 01:16:978 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1,2,3,4) - I don;t think it is good
20:17 Kyle Y: 01:19:535 - 01:19:620 - missing
20:17 Kyle Y: 01:19:961 - 01:20:132 - 01:20:302 - missing
20:17 Kyle Y: 01:20:643 - missing
20:18 Kyle Y: 01:20:984 - missing 01:21:154 - missing
20:18 Kyle Y: 01:21:495 - missing
20:18 Kyle Y: 01:21:666 - missing
20:18 Kyle Y: 01:21:750 (4) - slider
20:18 Kyle Y: 01:21:750 (4) - missing
20:18 Kyle Y: 01:22:774 - 01:22:859 - missing
20:19 Kyle Y: 01:22:688 - missing
20:19 Kyle Y: 01:23:115 - 01:23:200 - missing
20:19 Kyle Y: 01:23:370 - 01:23:455 - 01:23:541 - 01:23:711 - missing
20:19 Kyle Y: 01:23:796 - slider
20:19 Kyle Y: A lot of 1/4 sound here
20:20 Kyle Y: of course you no need to follow also, just base of the pattern and your mapping
20:20 Kyle Y: If xxx_xxx sounds better than xxxxxxx (stream), then use xxx_xxx
20:21 Archangel: yeah
20:21 Kyle Y: 01:24:819 (2) - 1/2 beat slider and 01:23:626 (5) - 1/2 beat slider 01:25:330 (1) - start at 01:25:416 -
20:21 Archangel: maybe the streams
20:21 Archangel: are a little weird
20:21 Kyle Y: end at 01:27:887 -
20:22 Kyle Y: for the nc(s),
20:22 Kyle Y: every four beat per one nc for >= Hard diff and 8 beat for NM and EZ
20:22 Kyle Y: new combo
20:23 Kyle Y: also, every SV change use one nc
20:23 Archangel: do you think the sv change is ok?
20:23 Kyle Y: not quite
20:24 Archangel: for example
20:24 Archangel: this
20:24 Archangel: 00:10:501 (3) -
20:24 Archangel: is it ok?
20:24 Kyle Y: this one not okay for me
20:24 Archangel: or i have to change it
20:26 Kyle Y: yup
20:26 Archangel: 00:11:183 (1) -
20:26 Archangel: is it ok?
20:26 Kyle Y: del it
20:26 Kyle Y: 00:22:433 (3) - this also, del the green line
20:27 Archangel: yeah
20:27 Archangel: i'm on it
20:27 Kyle Y: 00:10:160 - I will just x0.75 here
20:28 Kyle Y: 00:16:978 - until here use back x1.9
20:28 Kyle Y: 1.0
20:28 Archangel: and delete the other green lines?
20:29 Kyle Y: 00:33:342 - 0.75 here again
20:29 Kyle Y: 00:43:569 - x 1.0
20:29 Kyle Y: 00:44:251 - x 1.2
20:29 Kyle Y: 01:06:069 - x.10
20:30 Kyle Y: 1.0
20:30 Kyle Y: 01:22:433 - 0.75 or 0.5
20:31 Kyle Y: I just leave for a while,
20:31 Kyle Y: come back in 10 minutes
20:31 Archangel: ok
20:31 Archangel: i'll do some change
20:31 Archangel: changes*
20:43 Kyle Y: back
20:43 Kyle Y: then I post this log to forum
Thanks for modding, updated


  1. 00:08:796 - que piensas de agregar un nuevo combo aqui? ya que desde 00:08:796 - hasta 00:11:183 - me parece un combo muy largo y en 00:08:796 - hay un sonido un poquito mas alto
  2. 00:10:160 (9,10,1) - me parecen muy rigidos, no estoy en contra de los sliders rectos pero poner muchos sliders rectos juntos si se ve mal, considera darle algo de forma a algunos como venias haciendo en todo el mapa
  3. 00:25:501 - elimina esa linea verde, no esta permitido ponerle cambios de velocidad a normales/easys
  4. 00:39:137 (2) - esta perfecto para hacer un blanquet con 00:38:115 (4) -
  5. 00:52:433 (1) - porque este slider le da la espalda a 00:51:751 (5) - ?
  6. 00:43:569 (1) - porque empieza tan abajo? el cambio de arriba para abajo puede ser muy confuso para los jugadores
  7. 01:03:001 (1) - no me parece poner un spin ahi sigue mas el sonido y ritmo de la musica, no solo el vocal.
  8. compara desde 01:00:615 - hasta 01:05:387 - y desde 00:49:705 - hasta 00:52:433 - tienen practicamente el mismo instrumental pero esta mapeado tan diferente :O
  9. 00:36:751 (2,3) - muy pegado a mi parecer, en comparacion a lo que hicistes en otro lado, 00:53:796 (4,5) -


  1. 00:08:115 (8) - no es necesario exagerar, en slider de ida y vuelta en 1/2 es suficiente
  2. 00:21:751 (4,1) - porque no hacer un blanquet aqui? ya que 00:22:092 (1) - se ve muy mal ubicado?
  3. te aconsejo que ah 00:26:183 (2) - 00:27:546 (4) - 00:28:910 (6) - le des una mejor forma
  4. 00:39:478 (2,3) - que paso con ese pequeño blanquet? tarta de hacerlo mejor como venias haciendo
  5. 00:43:058 (1) - no es necesario u.u creo que poniendo notas ahi se veria mejor
  6. cuida mucho la distancia entre notas, veo que estas usando 1.1 pero tienes partes mapeada con 1.2 o hasta con 1.3 y se ve mal, ajusta toda tus notas manteniendo el mismo espacio, ejemplo: 00:47:660 (1) - no es la misma distancia que tiene con 00:46:978 (10) - que con 00:47:660 (1) - , same with this 00:48:171 (3) -

Espero que te vaya bien en este proyecto, mucha suerte
Topic Starter

-Sh1n1- wrote:


  1. 00:08:796 - que piensas de agregar un nuevo combo aqui? ya que desde 00:08:796 - hasta 00:11:183 - me parece un combo muy largo y en 00:08:796 - hay un sonido un poquito mas alto
  2. 00:10:160 (9,10,1) - me parecen muy rigidos, no estoy en contra de los sliders rectos pero poner muchos sliders rectos juntos si se ve mal, considera darle algo de forma a algunos como venias haciendo en todo el mapa
  3. 00:25:501 - elimina esa linea verde, no esta permitido ponerle cambios de velocidad a normales/easys
  4. 00:39:137 (2) - esta perfecto para hacer un blanquet con 00:38:115 (4) -
  5. 00:52:433 (1) - porque este slider le da la espalda a 00:51:751 (5) - ?
  6. 00:43:569 (1) - porque empieza tan abajo? el cambio de arriba para abajo puede ser muy confuso para los jugadores
  7. 01:03:001 (1) - no me parece poner un spin ahi sigue mas el sonido y ritmo de la musica, no solo el vocal.
  8. compara desde 01:00:615 - hasta 01:05:387 - y desde 00:49:705 - hasta 00:52:433 - tienen practicamente el mismo instrumental pero esta mapeado tan diferente :O
  9. 00:36:751 (2,3) - muy pegado a mi parecer, en comparacion a lo que hicistes en otro lado, 00:53:796 (4,5) -


  1. 00:08:115 (8) - no es necesario exagerar, en slider de ida y vuelta en 1/2 es suficiente
  2. 00:21:751 (4,1) - porque no hacer un blanquet aqui? ya que 00:22:092 (1) - se ve muy mal ubicado?
  3. te aconsejo que ah 00:26:183 (2) - 00:27:546 (4) - 00:28:910 (6) - le des una mejor forma
  4. 00:39:478 (2,3) - que paso con ese pequeño blanquet? tarta de hacerlo mejor como venias haciendo
  5. 00:43:058 (1) - no es necesario u.u creo que poniendo notas ahi se veria mejor
  6. cuida mucho la distancia entre notas, veo que estas usando 1.1 pero tienes partes mapeada con 1.2 o hasta con 1.3 y se ve mal, ajusta toda tus notas manteniendo el mismo espacio, ejemplo: 00:47:660 (1) - no es la misma distancia que tiene con 00:46:978 (10) - que con 00:47:660 (1) - , same with this 00:48:171 (3) -

Espero que te vaya bien en este proyecto, mucha suerte
thx for modding
Hola, vengo de #spanish modding q, y este es mi primer mod :D así que siéntete afortunado(?

00:21:751 (1) - Agregaría un slider con reverse al igual que este 00:20:387 (1) - borraría 00:22:774 (2) - y agregaría un slider de 1/4 acá 00:22:433 -

00:23:796 (4) - Acortaría este slider a 1/4 y le agregaria una nota en 00:24:478 - como para que tuviera sentido con lo que venía antes

En Hard pusiste un spinner en 00:30:103 - y en Insane en 00:29:933 - por lo que te recomendaría que (aparte de que estuvieran en el mismo tiempo) en esta dificultad también pongas un spinner, o simplemente quitárselos a las otras diffs.
01:13:910 (4) - Encuentro que la velocidad de este slider es muy lento, además que cambia mucho con respecto a lo que venía y eso no es recomendable para una normal. Además que en Hard e Insane pusiste un spinner en 01:14:251 - (ambas difieren un poco en el tiempo, así que te recomendaría que los ajustaras al mismo), por lo que acomodaría un poco acá, y pondría un spinner.
01:19:024 (1) - Si haces lo anterior tendrías que sacar este spinner :P

00:08:796 (1,2,3) - y 00:09:478 (4,5,6) - Encuentro que queda mejor si le haces ctrl+g a esos.
00:15:955 (6) - Mejorar blanket
00:45:444 (5,6) - Creo que quedaría mejor si usas snap aquí.
01:13:058 (6) - Mejorar blanket

00:08:796 (6) - Agrega NC
00:09:137 (1) - Borra NC
00:12:887 (5) - Agrega NC
00:13:228 (6) - Creo que se vería mejor si no estuviesen stackeadas.
00:13:569 (1) - Borra NC
00:14:251 (4) - Agrega NC
00:14:592 (6,1) - Creo que deberías acerca estas dos notas a las dos anterior, así le das más énfasis a la nota que viene con un mini jump
00:14:762 (1) - Borra NC
00:15:615 (4) - Agrega NC. (Básicamente es poner un nuevo combo en los ticks blancos más grandes)
00:25:842 (1) - Encuentro que 0,5x es muy lento, considera aumentarle la velocidad, porque el cambio es muy drástico, le pondría 0,8x o 0,75x
00:41:865 (2,3) - Me gustó el jump, solo que para el nivel de la canción puede ser muy grande, considera achicarlo un poco si lo encuentras necesario.
00:42:717 (1) - Nuevamente 0,5x lo encuentro muy lento :P Considera aumentarlo un poquito.
00:54:308 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) - Esto es personal, pero encuentro que quedaría mejor si no "apretaras" tanto este stream, quizás poner la primera nota un poquito más abajo, así va escalando mejor encuentro.
01:00:103 (8,1) - Creo que deberías distanciar un poco acá.
01:02:490 - Podrías agregar una nota acá
01:03:171 - ^
01:23:967 (6,7) - Podrías hacer de estas dos notas un slider, suena mejor imo.

Espero que te haya ayudado en algo :P
Suerte con la canción!
Topic Starter

iYiyo wrote:

Hola, vengo de #spanish modding q, y este es mi primer mod :D así que siéntete afortunado(?

00:21:751 (1) - Agregaría un slider con reverse al igual que este 00:20:387 (1) - borraría 00:22:774 (2) - y agregaría un slider de 1/4 acá 00:22:433 -

00:23:796 (4) - Acortaría este slider a 1/4 y le agregaria una nota en 00:24:478 - como para que tuviera sentido con lo que venía antes

En Hard pusiste un spinner en 00:30:103 - y en Insane en 00:29:933 - por lo que te recomendaría que (aparte de que estuvieran en el mismo tiempo) en esta dificultad también pongas un spinner, o simplemente quitárselos a las otras diffs.
01:13:910 (4) - Encuentro que la velocidad de este slider es muy lento, además que cambia mucho con respecto a lo que venía y eso no es recomendable para una normal. Además que en Hard e Insane pusiste un spinner en 01:14:251 - (ambas difieren un poco en el tiempo, así que te recomendaría que los ajustaras al mismo), por lo que acomodaría un poco acá, y pondría un spinner.
01:19:024 (1) - Si haces lo anterior tendrías que sacar este spinner :P

00:08:796 (1,2,3) - y 00:09:478 (4,5,6) - Encuentro que queda mejor si le haces ctrl+g a esos.
00:15:955 (6) - Mejorar blanket
00:45:444 (5,6) - Creo que quedaría mejor si usas snap aquí.
01:13:058 (6) - Mejorar blanket

00:08:796 (6) - Agrega NC
00:09:137 (1) - Borra NC
00:12:887 (5) - Agrega NC
00:13:228 (6) - Creo que se vería mejor si no estuviesen stackeadas.
00:13:569 (1) - Borra NC
00:14:251 (4) - Agrega NC
00:14:592 (6,1) - Creo que deberías acerca estas dos notas a las dos anterior, así le das más énfasis a la nota que viene con un mini jump
00:14:762 (1) - Borra NC
00:15:615 (4) - Agrega NC. (Básicamente es poner un nuevo combo en los ticks blancos más grandes)
00:25:842 (1) - Encuentro que 0,5x es muy lento, considera aumentarle la velocidad, porque el cambio es muy drástico, le pondría 0,8x o 0,75x
00:41:865 (2,3) - Me gustó el jump, solo que para el nivel de la canción puede ser muy grande, considera achicarlo un poco si lo encuentras necesario.
00:42:717 (1) - Nuevamente 0,5x lo encuentro muy lento :P Considera aumentarlo un poquito.
00:54:308 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) - Esto es personal, pero encuentro que quedaría mejor si no "apretaras" tanto este stream, quizás poner la primera nota un poquito más abajo, así va escalando mejor encuentro.
01:00:103 (8,1) - Creo que deberías distanciar un poco acá.
01:02:490 - Podrías agregar una nota acá
01:03:171 - ^
01:23:967 (6,7) - Podrías hacer de estas dos notas un slider, suena mejor imo.

Espero que te haya ayudado en algo :P
Suerte con la canción!
= applied
= not applied

thx for modding :)

General (Metadata, Timing, etc.)


  1. Place "NARUTO -ナルト- " as the source and you can put Shippūden (Or Shippuden) in the tags.
  2. Maybe add an audio lead-in of 1000 or 2000?
  3. Try an offset of 630.


  1. 00:14:251 (5,1) - Maybe remove the NC from (1) and place it on (5) instead?
  2. 00:57:902 (6) - Add an NC here.
  3. 00:59:948 (1) - Remove NC.
  4. 01:11:539 (1,2,3) - Suggestion.


  1. 00:07:262 (x) - Maybe add a note here?
  2. 00:20:899 (3) - Suggestion 1 | Suggestion 2.
  3. 00:57:887 (10) - Add a new combo here and remove the NC from 00:58:569 (1).
  4. 01:25:245 (1) - If you an accurate location to start your spinner, it should be here when the guitar hits.


  1. 00:08:455 (5) - Maybe shorten this back to the red tick, it sounded odd when listening to it.
  2. 00:12:887 (1) - ^ Same as above, it doesn't really fit in with the music.
  3. 00:15:615 (1) - ^
  4. 00:18:001 (2) - ^
  5. 00:19:194 (6) - This sounds a bit better on the red tick imo.
  6. 00:20:899 (5,6) - Here you should delete (5), bring (6) in it's place and lengthen it. Example.

The map just needs a bit more polishing out before it can get ranked, keep it up.
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