
Au5 & Fractal - Blue

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 15 февраля 2016 г. at 23:33:26

Artist: Au5 & Fractal
Title: Blue
Tags: Shadren dubstep melodic
BPM: 175
Filesize: 8589kb
Play Time: 05:20
Difficulties Available:
  1. Euphoria (4,92 stars, 1220 notes)
Download: Au5 & Fractal - Blue
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Collab parts by Me and Shadren :3
Hitsounded by Me :3
Hey, beautiful map, especially the sliders!

A few things:

1) 01:30:172 (4) - maybe move this reverse slider closer to (3) and make it start from the quarter beat that's right after when (3) ends?

2) 01:53:144 (2,3,4,1,2) - This is way too difficult, died to it 5 times in a row pretty much instantly. Could you make it easier?

3) 04:17:444 (4) - Same as 1)

4) 04:21:944 (1,2,3) - This is kinda difficult to read, maybe spread them around more into a stream/spaced stream?

5) 04:24:686 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Maybe a 1/8 reverse slider could be placed somewhere here?

Also I'm thinking you could lower the HP drain to like 7 or something between 7 and 8, would suck to die just because of missing a few sliders or a stream which is very likely here, especially considering the song's length.
A really nice map^^ but some things are bugging me:

1) 01:53:144 (2,3,4,1,2) - Like J1NX1337 said, this part is really hard to read because before this part and after it its pretty slow, but then it changes instantly to very fast.

01:53:144 (2) - Most people will miss that. Move it over 01:53:229 (3) and move 01:53:401 (4) over 01:53:486 (1) . If you move 01:53:658 (2) next to it and flip it, it should be doable.

The HP drain is also way too high, i would recommend a 6,5 or 7.

Hope i was helpful^^

And its just a suggestion.
Topic Starter
thanks ^^ some fixed :3
00:25:715 (4) - Тут можно поставить симметричный слайдер, примерно такой
00:30:001 (6) - Эту ноту можно на 128;168 переместить, под изгиб слайдера.
00:31:029 (3,4,5) - В эту секцию стрим отлично зайдет, я думаю
00:43:886 - Отсюда и далее мне хитсаунты громоковатыми показались. Думаю стоит уменьшить громкость.
03:20:229 - Тут тоже
03:44:915 (1) - Этот слайдер можно триплом заменить, правда овермаппинг получается
03:53:144 (1) - А может лучше спиннер длинным слайдером заменить. Он у меня в почему-то в голове не увязывается :D
Вообще карта доведена почти до идеального состояния, поэтому мой мод получился таким маленьким, извини.
Удачи с рангом!
00:26:058 (1,2) - 1/3-sliders do not fit into the rhythm, a bit confusing to play although its not hard
00:42:172 (9,1) - NC should be on white tick so the player knows how long the stream is. Having them divided into 2x 8-combo groups is better to read. also you cant actually read the number on the first combo because of the overlap.
00:42:944 (1,2) - dont do this >.< kick sliders starting on blue tick and have their slider-tail end on a downbeat play horrific. either let (1,2) begin 1 tick earlier or remove (2) and let (1) begin 1 tick later
00:48:858 (4,5,6,7,8,1) - i would prefer to shorten the repeat slider by one tick like at 00:31:886 (2,3,4) to let the stream begin on a not-blue-tick
01:05:401 (5,6,7,8) - here you have it like that :P
01:31:201 (2,3,4) - 1/3-sliders again dont fit into the rhythm ;w; plays akward
01:53:229 (3,1,2) - confusing. while playing you already see the slider lenght of the dark blue combo which makes you think 01:53:229 (3) ist a 1/2 slider. also you wont expect a stream jump like 01:53:144 (2,3) which enhances the players (wrong) thoughts. move the inherited section from 01:53:486 to 01:53:229. remove 01:53:144 (2) and instead decrease slidervelocity of 01:52:801 (1) to x1.5
01:56:572 (7,1) - increase distance spacing a lttle bit (eg. move to x:328 y:108) to avoid 01:56:572 (7) - being read as a 1/4-slider which then leads to hitting 01:56:915 (1) too early
01:59:315 (1,2) - switch their position in time so you can tap to both of the strong beats
02:14:915 (2,3) - unstack please, it look to similiar to 02:14:915 (2,3) or 02:15:686 (4,1). just do i like at 02:15:686 (4,1) or any other
04:18:515 (2,3,4) - mentioned this already

otherwise thats a really epic map, gl with approval o/
Topic Starter
Thank u phaZ :3 Fixed almost all :3
00:31:544 (1,2) - a bit misreadable, some people misread it 1/2 rhythm.
consider add nc 00:31:886 (2) -
01:10:458 (3,4,5) - imo, bad flow. try to move to x452 y180
02:09:601 (6) - add nc?
02:27:944 (6,7,1) - use same DS here.
02:34:372 (10,1) - since 'stream of even number' isn't clean about playing,
i want to say about that. 02:34:372 (10) - delete or 02:34:458 - add note here?
02:51:258 (5,6) - too huge jump which can't support song.
03:08:572 (1) - need to add NC, for notice suddenly speed change.
04:20:315 (3) - quitely down-beat note, move to 04:20:229 -
04:27:429 (1,2,3) - are you sure about this stream's shape?
Topic Starter
Thank u for mod Lami :3 Some fixed
Modded, Observed and tested. Everything is timed well and I think this is ready for Qualified state!
Topic Starter

XTheSabreGamerX wrote:

Modded, Observed and tested. Everything is timed well and I think this is ready for Qualified state!
hah thank u ^^
random mod from #modreqs


  1. 00:10:972 (1) - use same shape, also move the middle anchor of 00:10:972 (1) - to the center
  2. 00:12:344 (1) - center anchor
  3. 00:13:715 (1,3) - same shape, it has to be perfectly symetrical
  4. 00:17:829 (1,2) - ^
  5. 01:03:086 (1) - maybe ctrl+j this? i mean, it would have more flow
  6. 01:46:972 (1,3) - same shape
  7. 02:18:515 (1) - maybe ctrl+h for better flow and make a blanket with 02:17:658 (2) - ?
  8. 04:19:201 (1,2) - i think these 2 aren't doing a perfect blanket
  9. 05:09:944 (1,2,3) - the flow here is a little weird imo
  10. 05:18:001 (10) - maybe move this a slighly down to make a blanket with 05:17:486 (9,1) - ?
yeah... my points are a little nazi, but that's because your map is good and i can't find much more since i'm a noob mapper/modder lol

Good luck with this ^^
Topic Starter

Kagetsu wrote:

random mod from #modreqs


  1. 00:10:972 (1) - use same shape, also move the middle anchor of 00:10:972 (1) - to the center
  2. 00:12:344 (1) - center anchor
  3. 00:13:715 (1,3) - same shape, it has to be perfectly symetrical
  4. 00:17:829 (1,2) - ^
  5. 01:03:086 (1) - maybe ctrl+j this? i mean, it would have more flow
  6. 01:46:972 (1,3) - same shape
  7. 02:18:515 (1) - maybe ctrl+h for better flow and make a blanket with 02:17:658 (2) - ?
  8. 04:19:201 (1,2) - i think these 2 aren't doing a perfect blanket
  9. 05:09:944 (1,2,3) - the flow here is a little weird imo
  10. 05:18:001 (10) - maybe move this a slighly down to make a blanket with 05:17:486 (9,1) - ?
yeah... my points are a little nazi, but that's because your map is good and i can't find much more since i'm a noob mapper/modder lol

Good luck with this ^^

Thank u for mod ^^ Some fixed

This mod has been done with both hitsounds and music volume set to 100%


  1. Sorry for beeing so late with this mod!
  2. 00:26:229 (2) - This slider tail is slightly mispositioned, move the point to x:320 y:264
  3. 02:19:715 (4) - This beat (due to low AR) is a little misleading and can look like a slider head, my suggestion is to move it slightly like you did with 02:18:429 (4) - this beat.
  4. 03:20:229 - After the break, the songs changes quite a bit for a moment, which is totally fine, but the sudden change makes 03:22:458 (3,4,5,1,2,3) - this jump quite unforgiving, make it a little easier maybe?
  5. 03:57:944 (1) - This slider looks a little out of place.. I suggest working on it to make it look more like the others, it's quite unique
  6. 04:08:229 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - Really sudden difficulty spike, it's inconsistent with the rest of the map. I suggest making 04:08:229 (1,2,3,4) - those sliders slide a little slower and also reducing the spacing. I also suggest to replace 04:09:086 (2,3,4) those with beats, which fit more the song (If you notice those are individual, non-drawn out sounds like the ones before)
Topic Starter
Thanks Chyo :3 Some fixed
Hi Katty Pie. Amazing map you got there. Just a few things to mention, before I move this map forward:

  1. You have missing skin files in [Hitobjects] set: lighting.png
  2. You also have missing skin files in [Slider] set: sliderb.png and sliderfollowcircle.png
  1. 01:35:315 (4) - I would add a new combo here since this slider velocity is lower than the previous note at 01:34:972 (3).
  2. 01:53:657 (5) - The end of this slider is unsnapped. Just drag the slider back and forth in the time frame and it should fix itself.
  3. 04:20:315 (3) - This slider sounds weired compare to the 1st kiai section at 01:33:001 (3) due to different sounds. I would just revamp the pattern at 04:19:886 (2,3) somehow. Also, 04:20:572 (1) is not perfectly stacked with the start of 04:19:886 (2).
Topic Starter

BeatofIke wrote:

Hi Katty Pie. Amazing map you got there. Just a few things to mention, before I move this map forward:

  1. You have missing skin files in [Hitobjects] set: lighting.png
  2. You also have missing skin files in [Slider] set: sliderb.png and sliderfollowcircle.png
  1. 01:35:315 (4) - I would add a new combo here since this slider velocity is lower than the previous note at 01:34:972 (3).
  2. 01:53:657 (5) - The end of this slider is unsnapped. Just drag the slider back and forth in the time frame and it should fix itself.
  3. 04:20:315 (3) - This slider sounds weired compare to the 1st kiai section at 01:33:001 (3) due to different sounds. I would just revamp the pattern at 04:19:886 (2,3) somehow. Also, 04:20:572 (1) is not perfectly stacked with the start of 04:19:886 (2).

Thank U for mod :3 All done :)
Bubble #1~
01:34:629 (1,2) - obvious 1/3
ike please doublecheck snapping in the wub part before moving this forward

I don't have the necessary freetime to take care of this so i hope this isn't bothering you, i just don't want this thing to go unnoticed and would advise doublechecking snapping
Oops, sorry about that. I'll double-check the snapping o3o

EDIT: I went the extra mile and double-checked the whole music instead of just the wub part.
The one you mentioned is the only one I missed :)
Topic Starter

Okoratu wrote:

01:34:629 (1,2) - obvious 1/3
ike please doublecheck snapping in the wub part before moving this forward

I don't have the necessary freetime to take care of this so i hope this isn't bothering you, i just don't want this thing to go unnoticed and would advise doublechecking snapping

Changed :3
I checked once more for any wrongly snapped notes on the map.
Should be good now. Have your bubble #1 back~
small mod
  • 00:12:172 - There's a strong audible drum here, is there a certain reason why there aren't any circles on this spot?
    00:17:658 - ^
    05:00:172 - ^
    05:16:629 - ^

I really liked the hitsounding! It just feels really weird for such big drums being left out. Maybe there's a reason that I haven't figured out but here we go with my first mod.
Topic Starter

Vopla wrote:

small mod
  • 00:12:172 - There's a strong audible drum here, is there a certain reason why there aren't any circles on this spot?
    00:17:658 - ^
    05:00:172 - ^
    05:16:629 - ^

I really liked the hitsounding! It just feels really weird for such big drums being left out. Maybe there's a reason that I haven't figured out but here we go with my first mod.
I think it's no need bcz It light parts with easy rhtyhm ^^ Thank U for check
Bubble #2


2016-01-06 13:08 Desperate-kun: ACTION is playing [ Au5 & Fractal - Blue [Euphoria]]
2016-01-06 13:13 Desperate-kun: cool map <3 so much fun
2016-01-06 13:14 Poggo: thank u ^^
2016-01-06 13:14 Poggo: ACTION shy
2016-01-06 13:14 Poggo: oh maybe U wanna test my new map?
2016-01-06 13:14 Poggo: I was upload it today
2016-01-06 13:14 Desperate-kun: ehh i will check Blue for now xD
2016-01-06 13:14 Desperate-kun: there might be some things to say
2016-01-06 13:14 Poggo: oki
2016-01-06 13:15 Poggo: maybe then IRC mod?
2016-01-06 13:15 Desperate-kun: yes
2016-01-06 13:15 Poggo: go
2016-01-06 13:16 Desperate-kun: hmm not an issue but maybe you could make 00:26:058 (1,2) - parallel? would fit more to your clean style imo
2016-01-06 13:16 Desperate-kun:
2016-01-06 13:17 Poggo: done
2016-01-06 13:17 Desperate-kun: 00:42:858 (9,1,2) - hmmm this pattern is weird
2016-01-06 13:18 Desperate-kun: the streamjump is pretty hard to play so it puts a lot of emphasis on 00:42:944 -
2016-01-06 13:18 Desperate-kun: but that is no strong beat
2016-01-06 13:18 Desperate-kun: it would be better to start the sliders on white and red ticks
2016-01-06 13:19 Poggo: U mean this
2016-01-06 13:19 Poggo: ?
2016-01-06 13:19 Poggo:
2016-01-06 13:19 Desperate-kun: yes that's much better
2016-01-06 13:19 Desperate-kun: or this
2016-01-06 13:19 Desperate-kun: i added one more note to the sream
2016-01-06 13:20 Desperate-kun: but yours also works
2016-01-06 13:21 Poggo: ok done
2016-01-06 13:21 Desperate-kun: cool
2016-01-06 13:21 Desperate-kun: 01:41:486 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,1) - <3
2016-01-06 13:21 Desperate-kun: this is so cool
2016-01-06 13:22 Poggo: ty :3
2016-01-06 13:26 Desperate-kun: the rest seems perfect to me
2016-01-06 13:26 Desperate-kun: i will check the technical things and you can have bubble 2
2016-01-06 13:27 Poggo: Can I update it now?
2016-01-06 13:27 Desperate-kun: yes ^^
2016-01-06 13:28 Poggo: done ^^
2016-01-06 13:31 Poggo: ?
2016-01-06 13:31 Desperate-kun: sorry i got distracted xD
2016-01-06 13:31 Desperate-kun: mapset seems all good
2016-01-06 13:31 Poggo: then post ur bub <3
2016-01-06 13:32 Desperate-kun: you should reply to p/4783544
2016-01-06 13:32 Poggo: it's U should
2016-01-06 13:32 Poggo: and I'll give U kd >.<
2016-01-06 13:32 Desperate-kun: hmm? o:
2016-01-06 13:33 Desperate-kun: no i mean, you have an unapplied mod
2016-01-06 13:33 Desperate-kun: before i bubble again you should reply to it
2016-01-06 13:33 Desperate-kun: and say what you fixed etc
2016-01-06 13:33 Poggo: ahahahaha
2016-01-06 13:33 Poggo: sr
2016-01-06 13:33 Poggo: wait ^^'
2016-01-06 13:34 Poggo: done
  1. Just some complaints.
  2. My personal suggestions.
  3. Highly recommended.
  4. Unrankable, you have to fix it.

  1. 00:25:029 (2,4) - nazi, stack
  2. 00:36:001 (2,3) - better to stack, may cause confusion
  3. 00:43:029 (2,3,4) - an awkward flow(in fact antijump) imo, try this?
  4. 00:46:457 (4,1) - make this distance a bit larger? the drum sound quite emphasizes
  5. 01:28:972 (1) - 01:29:486 (2) - extend to blue tick at least thanks, it sounds like broken now
  6. 01:29:829 (3,4) - the rhythm just goes wrong here, should be like
  7. 01:39:772 (5,1) - swap nc and nc at 01:40:458 (5) - ? just my view
  8. 02:33:772 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - try a decreasing ds on this stream, works better
  9. 04:03:344 - why no note? why not extend 04:02:744 (1) - ????????????
  10. 04:16:801 (2) - same as01:28:972 (1) -
  11. 04:17:144 (3,4) - again, same as 01:29:829 (3,4) -
  12. 04:27:086 (5,1,5) - same as 01:39:772 (5,1) -
Topic Starter

Minakami Yuki wrote:

  1. Just some complaints.
  2. My personal suggestions.
  3. Highly recommended.
  4. Unrankable, you have to fix it.

  1. 00:25:029 (2,4) - nazi, stack
  2. 00:36:001 (2,3) - better to stack, may cause confusion
  3. 00:43:029 (2,3,4) - an awkward flow(in fact antijump) imo, try this?
  4. 00:46:457 (4,1) - make this distance a bit larger? the drum sound quite emphasizes
  5. 01:28:972 (1) - 01:29:486 (2) - extend to blue tick at least thanks, it sounds like broken now
  6. 01:29:829 (3,4) - the rhythm just goes wrong here, should be like
  7. 01:39:772 (5,1) - swap nc and nc at 01:40:458 (5) - ? just my view
  8. 02:33:772 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - try a decreasing ds on this stream, works better <--- I don't like ._.
  9. 04:03:344 - why no note? why not extend 04:02:744 (1) - ????????????
  10. 04:16:801 (2) - same as01:28:972 (1) -
  11. 04:17:144 (3,4) - again, same as 01:29:829 (3,4) -
  12. 04:27:086 (5,1,5) - same as 01:39:772 (5,1) -

Another done :3 wait recheck~! Thank U for mod
seems you havent change the rhythm at 01:29:829 (3,4) - also 04:17:144 (3,4) - , imo it's very obvious that the beat is at 01:30:001 - and 04:17:315 - , i cant see any reason why you dont choose to follow the music. Can you give me some explanation of keeping it?

also, extend 04:16:286 (1) - to 04:16:715 - ?
Topic Starter

Minakami Yuki wrote:

seems you havent change the rhythm at 01:29:829 (3,4) - also 04:17:144 (3,4) - , imo it's very obvious that the beat is at 01:30:001 - and 04:17:315 - , i cant see any reason why you dont choose to follow the music. Can you give me some explanation of keeping it?

also, extend 04:16:286 (1) - to 04:16:715 - ?

ah forgot ;w; All done
Topic Starter

Minakami Yuki wrote:

Yaaaay 😊 thank u very much

I am sorry, but we've got a few things to consider before pushing this forward. Points in bold are the reasons why it was disqualified.

  1. You have to add SliderBorder yo your skinset. You can do it by editing your .osu difficulty and adding something like SliderBorder: 255,255,255 (where 255,255,255 can be replaced with any RGB colour you want.(
    Combo1 : 77,253,218
    Combo2 : 28,238,255
    Combo3 : 155,255,255
    Combo4 : 32,32,255
    Combo5 : 128,128,255
    SliderBorder: 255,255,255
  2. I believe that the animation of the sliderball does not work the way you intend it to. There are 10 frames and they are identical. Either add a working animation or remove the unnecessary frames.

  • Poggo
  1. 00:12:172 - even though it's already been offered once, I'd like to make sure that you don't want a circle here. The beat is really strong and in spite of the fact that it's a slow part I'd strongly suggest to have it clickable.
  2. 00:25:886 - there is a certain number of extended sliders which ignore beats like the one I linked. If you want more examples, 00:31:544 (1) - this one has a clear stop at 00:31:715.
    Note: 00:32:915 (1) - there are more than that, so I'd like to hear from you why it is done that way. Probably it's better to focus on stronger beats instead of using extended sliders that sound unnatural?
  1. 01:56:572 (7) - probbly could use a new combo to emphasize the 1/3 beat here.

Pretty interesting mix of styles. Good luck on re-qualification.

Feel free to contact me if you want something translated/explained better. The post is written in English, so that everyone is free to join the discussion.
Topic Starter

Bakari wrote:


I am sorry, but we've got a few things to consider before pushing this forward. Points in bold are the reasons why it was disqualified.

  1. You have to add SliderBorder yo your skinset. You can do it by editing your .osu difficulty and adding something like SliderBorder: 255,255,255 (where 255,255,255 can be replaced with any RGB colour you want.(
    Combo1 : 77,253,218
    Combo2 : 28,238,255
    Combo3 : 155,255,255
    Combo4 : 32,32,255
    Combo5 : 128,128,255
    SliderBorder: 255,255,255
    <--- done
  2. I believe that the animation of the sliderball does not work the way you intend it to. There are 10 frames and they are identical. Either add a working animation or remove the unnecessary frames.
<--- done


  • Poggo
  1. 00:12:172 - even though it's already been offered once, I'd like to make sure that you don't want a circle here. The beat is really strong and in spite of the fact that it's a slow part I'd strongly suggest to have it clickable.
  2. 00:25:886 - there is a certain number of extended sliders which ignore beats like the one I linked. If you want more examples, 00:31:544 (1) - this one has a clear stop at 00:31:715.
    Note: 00:32:915 (1) - there are more than that, so I'd like to hear from you why it is done that way. Probably it's better to focus on stronger beats instead of using extended sliders that sound unnatural?
  1. 01:56:572 (7) - probbly could use a new combo to emphasize the 1/3 beat here.

Pretty interesting mix of styles. Good luck on re-qualification.

Feel free to contact me if you want something translated/explained better. The post is written in English, so that everyone is free to join the discussion.
And fixed some moments with notes~
Alrighty requested to check and see if all changes were applied everything looks good now and I'm going to help you get this back to qualified status good luck and fight on!
Topic Starter

ztrot wrote:

Alrighty requested to check and see if all changes were applied everything looks good now and I'm going to help you get this back to qualified status good luck and fight on!
:3 Thank U

I've played this map.
Very nice bg,adjust,flow,About the bpm change timing.

I like it :)
Topic Starter

SolrosRepica wrote:


I've played this map.
Very nice bg,adjust,flow,About the bpm change timing.

I like it :)

Thank u :3
Oh yes, great improvements from when this just came out!

Love the slider symmetry as always, good job on both ends.

Almost there, nearly ranked! :)
Bubble #2
What's holding you back? PM me if no one qualifies within 12 hours.
Doublepost for the sake of posting a lovely heart.

Topic Starter

Bakari wrote:

Doublepost for the sake of posting a lovely heart.


Thank u very much :3
Rip my Blue set.

Gratz Katty~
Congrats /o/
Topic Starter

Mao wrote:

Congrats /o/

Baka ;w;
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