
Sawai Miku - Colorful.(AnimeVer.)

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from m4m request

IN大部分都比较主观所以还是soda你自己考虑 不过滑条还是统一弧度看的顺眼
00:06:846 (1,2,3,4,1) - 这里可以再适当舒展一下的感觉,直角转弯好别扭


00:09:983 (1) - 可以换成drum

00:12:336 (3,4) -跳的最后一下可以试着在拉大点距离,打起来会顺一些

00:15:473 (2,3) - 卡手,建议3 ctrl+g,然后00:16:258 (4,5,6,7) - 这边这样
00:17:238 (3,4) - 这两个长滑条应该跟其他一样保持有弧度。保持风格统一

00:21:944 (5) - 这里overmap怪,没看出想表达什么,建议和前面保持一致

00:27:630 (1,2,3) - 怎么打都感觉很卡手,建议把2移到x184y234附近

00:29:199 (1,2) - 滑条弧度

00:55:669 (5) - 5也是类似00:27:630这种

01:06:062 (4) - flow变得不好,还是ctrl+g

01:07:238 (2,3,4) - 可以保持一样的ds来体现vocal 以及滑条弧度

01:16:258 (1,2,3) - ds


00:22:532 (3) - NC或者移开,要不这种stack在hard真的很坑

00:28:807 (4) - 换个折返跟鼓

00:05:277 (2,3) - 00:24:101 (3,4) - 00:39:983 (3,5) -
01:02:924 (3,4) -
00:20:375 (2,4) - 再调调
00:21:944 (4,1) - ^?01:11:160 (6,1) -
01:24:101 (1,1) -

01:09:787 (3) - 这里凸出来感觉不好打
00:21:356 (3) - finish

没啥了,再跟normal一样修修细节之类的,比如00:46:454 (2) - 这里滑条需要在修
00:22:925 (1) - finish
Topic Starter

TT Mouse wrote:

from m4m request

IN大部分都比较主观所以还是soda你自己考虑 不过滑条还是统一弧度看的顺眼
00:06:846 (1,2,3,4,1) - 这里可以再适当舒展一下的感觉,直角转弯好别扭 我感觉很不错啊;w;

00:08:317可以试着加一个1/6的折返来跟鼓,然后再加个drum音 打起来不舒服

00:09:983 (1) - 可以换成drum 都一样啦

00:12:336 (3,4) -跳的最后一下可以试着在拉大点距离,打起来会顺一些 现在还可以

00:15:473 (2,3) - 卡手,建议3 ctrl+g,然后00:16:258 (4,5,6,7) - 这边这样 反而更卡手了

00:17:238 (3,4) - 这两个长滑条应该跟其他一样保持有弧度。保持风格统一 放点直的好啊

00:21:944 (5) - 这里overmap怪,没看出想表达什么,建议和前面保持一致 咦?!

00:27:630 (1,2,3) - 怎么打都感觉很卡手,建议把2移到x184y234附近 我觉得还好拉,放过去难看啊

00:29:199 (1,2) - 滑条弧度 你的强迫症比我还严重

00:55:669 (5) - 5也是类似00:27:630这种 能打能看就行了orz

01:06:062 (4) - flow变得不好,还是ctrl+g 变得好奇怪

01:07:238 (2,3,4) - 可以保持一样的ds来体现vocal 以及滑条弧度 排版有点难解决orz

01:16:258 (1,2,3) - ds


00:22:532 (3) - NC或者移开,要不这种stack在hard真的很坑 我感觉很正常啊orz

00:28:807 (4) - 换个折返跟鼓

00:05:277 (2,3) - 00:24:101 (3,4) - 00:39:983 (3,5) -
01:02:924 (3,4) -
00:20:375 (2,4) - 再调调
00:21:944 (4,1) - ^?01:11:160 (6,1) -
01:24:101 (1,1) - 比较凸显的改了

01:09:787 (3) - 这里凸出来感觉不好打 嘛..还可以拉
00:21:356 (3) - finish

没啥了,再跟normal一样修修细节之类的,比如00:46:454 (2) - 这里滑条需要在修
00:22:925 (1) - finish
谢谢 :)
00:00:964 (1,3) - 好别扭啊直接3和1的尾巴覆盖吧,然后把2调到1的中间怎么样?
00:04:493 (2,3,4) - unified your space
00:08:611 (6,1) - 直接覆盖吧
00:14:885 (7) - 这个我觉得flow应该向上走然后大概是这样
00:15:473 (2,3) - 这个间距相比于前后左右来说太短了
00:21:356 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - ...我对这种摆法抱有疑问
00:24:493 (1,2,3) - 间距统一
00:39:983 (4,1) - 这俩的间距我觉得应该要比3-4大
00:48:611 (3,4,1) - 间距统一
00:55:865 (1) - 这个可以ctrl+g我觉得
01:16:258 (1,2,3) - 间距统一

00:00:179 (1,2,3) - ..太难了..在hard里...况且你在Insane里那种节奏分布才是对的....总而言之试试改成这样得了
00:29:101 (5) - 这个删掉....太难了在hard里再加上我觉得这个音没有必要
00:33:709 (4,1) - 通常这种情况我会建议说直接把1改成note单点还会比较简单..
00:41:258 (4) - 前面跟的好好的人声..这里突然要跟鼓点很奇怪,建议删掉
00:59:003 (1,2,3,1) - 太刻意了.....我个人不怎么喜欢这种摆法...觉得这边的节奏没有强到要刻意使用这种方法..

00:41:552 (6) - 这个删掉后效果会好很多

01:04:885 (4) - NC我觉得从这开始比较好
Topic Starter

tutuhaha wrote:

00:00:964 (1,3) - 好别扭啊直接3和1的尾巴覆盖吧,然后把2调到1的中间怎么样? 后面的排版有点难调,还是不要了orz
00:04:493 (2,3,4) - unified your space
00:08:611 (6,1) - 直接覆盖吧 分开一点好
00:14:885 (7) - 这个我觉得flow应该向上走然后大概是这样 感觉怪怪的
00:15:473 (2,3) - 这个间距相比于前后左右来说太短了 打起来还不错
00:21:356 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - ...我对这种摆法抱有疑问 除了有点坑还可以吧orz
00:24:493 (1,2,3) - 间距统一
00:39:983 (4,1) - 这俩的间距我觉得应该要比3-4大 往上拉开了
00:48:611 (3,4,1) - 间距统一
00:55:865 (1) - 这个可以ctrl+g我觉得
01:16:258 (1,2,3) - 间距统一

00:00:179 (1,2,3) - ..太难了..在hard里...况且你在Insane里那种节奏分布才是对的....总而言之试试改成这样得了
00:29:101 (5) - 这个删掉....太难了在hard里再加上我觉得这个音没有必要 感觉有点违和
00:33:709 (4,1) - 通常这种情况我会建议说直接把1改成note单点还会比较简单.. 为什么我会感觉现在的简单orz
00:41:258 (4) - 前面跟的好好的人声..这里突然要跟鼓点很奇怪,建议删掉 感觉有点违和
00:59:003 (1,2,3,1) - 太刻意了.....我个人不怎么喜欢这种摆法...觉得这边的节奏没有强到要刻意使用这种方法.. 我感觉还不错吧..

00:41:552 (6) - 这个删掉后效果会好很多

01:04:885 (4) - NC我觉得从这开始比较好
谢谢 :)
from my q

  1. offset sound a bit off , try offset -600 ? (don't forget to resnap everything if you make change )
  1. 00:21:948 (5,6) - I think spacing might be too big here , I prefer spacing like this
  2. 00:23:517 (3,4) - flow is pretty weird here a bit , the bent in flow here is pretty unintuitive somehow , something like this would be more intuitive
  3. 00:39:203 (2) - ctrl+g this and it would make flow here 00:38:615 (1,2,3) - nice imo
  4. 00:55:477 (4,5,1) - spacing and flow kinda feel derp here , kinda because the placement here is kinda not right it like you aim for straight flow but you fail here 00:55:673 (5,1) - since the spacing kinda different from 00:54:889 (3,4) - which make flow here not really nice imo but I see you want stack here 00:55:673 (5) - so I suggest something like this would work better since it kinda hard to make good staight flow here , angle flow kinda work well here
  5. 00:59:203 - here the pattern you trying to do is great but you can make it more clean , overlap side by side like this 00:59:203 (1,4) - , 00:59:399 (2,5) - is kinda not really looks nice you may adjust notes here to make pattern looks clean
  6. 01:05:673 (2,3,4) - I feel like spacing and flow here should be same or similiar as 01:04:889 (6,7,1) - since the music kinda same so just ctrl+g this 01:06:066 (4) - and that would make flow here good imo
  1. 00:08:218 (3) - this touch hp bar , move down a bit
  2. 00:11:944 (1) - ^
  3. 00:34:199 (1) - I think 1/4 is pretty hard for hard diff try use circles here instead ( apply to others 1/4 sliders too )
  4. 00:40:572 (2) - ctrl+g this and it would make flow here 00:40:179 (1,2) - nice imo
  5. 00:44:297 (3,4) - this is a bit hard to read for hard diff imo , try this rhythm ?
  6. 00:59:003 (1,2,3,1) - I'd prefer to not do anti-jumps here since the beat and not really emphasized that much and might be too hard to read for hard diff

    I think you can add some jumps so the hard can be more instresting and might make spread from hard to insane better
  1. 00:21:944 (4,5) - rhythm play weird here , it better to map this emphasized beat 00:22:533 - so the rhythm here will play a bit more intuitively
  2. 00:35:082 - clap ?
  3. 00:38:611 - finish ? ( apply hitsound to others diff too )
  4. 01:09:199 (2,3,4) - flow here is a bit weird , try this ?
  5. 01:11:160 (6) - missing clap
  1. 00:08:611 - it weird to skip this emphasized beat here , try this rhythm
  2. 00:52:729 - sound empty , add a note here ?
good luck :)
m4m owo!!

00:15:081 (2) - why not blanket the reverse too?
00:16:650 (1,2,1) - try to arrange these better o.o it looks unorganized right now..
00:26:062 - something u shouldnt ignore imo

sometimes flow is kinda harsh cuz of the angles... like
00:21:356 (2,3) - 00:24:101 (3,4,1) - 01:07:631 (4,1,2) - 01:14:689 (1,2) - 01:18:218 (2,3,4) -

also some sliders dont look very great .. but thats more a personal comment

---- 突然想起我該用中文的說 orz -----
00:03:120 (4) - 改到 00:03:317 - 1/1滑條 那裏才有鼓聲
00:08:022 (2) - clap
00:10:375 (1,2) - 00:15:081 (3,4) - etc.. 用copy paste好看多喔
00:49:983 (5,6) - 一直線吧 這樣不好看
01:11:160 (6) - clap

flow 的問題跟easy 也很像, 比如
00:19:395 (5,1) - 00:24:101 (3,4) - 00:25:669 (6,1) - 00:50:180 (6,7,1) - 00:56:650 (4,1) - 01:03:709 (4,5,6) -

00:08:611 (4) - nc 00:09:984 (1) - remove nc
00:28:807 (4,5) - 覺得加個reverse會比較好打
00:41:160 - 滑條在這開始? polarity 會比較好喔
00:44:297 (3) - reverse
00:58:023 - clap
01:04:297 (2) - 改成兩個圓圈吧.. 有點難打

00:00:964 (1) - spacing 好奇怪喔
00:15:473 (2,3) - bad flow
00:21:356 (1,2,3,4) - 很難打... 用 stream 或 kickslider 二選一, 別兩個都用 00:21:650 (3) - 在藍點上節奏很難抓好喔
00:26:062 (1) - flowww
00:49:983 (3) - ^
00:54:885 (3) - ^ ctrl+g 然後移一下就好了 (順便加個clap)
00:58:218 (3) - 又是flow
00:58:218 (3) - ^
01:07:238 (2,3,4) - 有點難看...

也看到你很喜歡疊 建議別太常用 因為疊起來德化只靠approach circle 去讀 但如果 節奏不同的話容易搞砸 (00:52:336 (3,1,2,3) - in hard)

never forget your m4m request
  1. 00:08:611 - 这么明显的音滑过去?
  2. 00:11:945 - 跨白线的滑条一般不合曲,除非某些重音在红线的曲子,这个明显不是
  3. 00:13:121 (1) - 节奏什么鬼
  4. 00:16:650 (1,2,1) - 不是非常建议这样排啊,背景里面有丰富的vocal和鼓,这又不是bridge为什么这样排,还有这样也不美观
  5. 00:24:101 (3,1) - 上面我说过这种滑条不合曲,这里也是一样,总之全曲的跨白线滑条建议你都改掉,除非有vocal或者其他特殊比较突出的rhythm
  6. 00:38:611 - 从这里开始的节奏丰富一点啊,2/1 spam很多人都不会喜欢的,跟一下其他节奏啊,这里节奏又不是特别少
  7. 00:53:120 (2) - 。。。怎么说呢,打击感不足,只能这样说了
  8. 01:00:571 (4) - nc
  9. 01:04:886 - 跟vocal的同时要兼顾打击感,这里vocal如果你把ru-mawa当一组会更好
  10. 01:06:454 (3) - 这种还是算了,你略过了太多vocal
  11. 01:08:414 (1,2) - 怎么我看你整个kiai都是这种节奏,尝试丰富下节奏让map变得更好玩,好玩的图才是好图,毕竟osu是游戏
  12. 01:25:670 (3) - nc
  1. 节奏比ez好了很多,但是相对ez美观度又差了,下note之前想想这样好不好看,至于怎么改嘛。。那是你的事
  2. 00:39:984 (3) - 节奏很奇怪,还有折返不要放在白线
  3. 01:22:336 (3) - 换轨建议吧滑条结束,不要用滑条换轨
  1. 00:06:258 - 建议加一个鼓点
  2. 00:28:807 (4,5,1) - 这个梗好难的。。。建议不要放
  3. 00:34:199 (1) - 爷爷这种梗比三连要难,看起来是更简单但是新手会切指吗。。。hard不要玩非折返1/4
  4. 00:35:474 - 这段真的不变速?变速才更合曲啊
  5. 00:59:787 (2,3,1) - 不太合曲啊,这里怎么都不适合放antijump,jump还合适
  6. 01:01:748 (2) - 这个变速毫无意义。。。
  7. 01:04:297 (2,3) - 同上面,不要玩这种梗
  8. 01:17:630 (4,1,2,3,4,5) - 你前面跟这里这么像让modder有一种这里是复制黏贴的错觉,改个方向啊至少
  9. 01:21:552 - kiai少空拍,除非音乐stop,不是vocal stop
  10. 01:24:690 - ^
  1. 00:00:571 (5) - 感觉不好,建议全部连打
  2. 00:03:120 (2,3) - 最好跟后面的连打区分出来,因为这里是两种乐器
  3. 00:21:552 (3,7) - 怎么ds不一样
  4. 00:26:650 - 嘛。。最好别空,实在想空的话放antijump
good luck
Topic Starter

CelsiusLK wrote:

from my q

  1. offset sound a bit off , try offset -600 ? (don't forget to resnap everything if you make change )I think it is very good
  1. 00:21:948 (5,6) - I think spacing might be too big here , I prefer spacing like this
  2. 00:23:517 (3,4) - flow is pretty weird here a bit , the bent in flow here is pretty unintuitive somehow , something like this would be more intuitive
  3. 00:39:203 (2) - ctrl+g this and it would make flow here 00:38:615 (1,2,3) - nice imo
  4. 00:55:477 (4,5,1) - spacing and flow kinda feel derp here , kinda because the placement here is kinda not right it like you aim for straight flow but you fail here 00:55:673 (5,1) - since the spacing kinda different from 00:54:889 (3,4) - which make flow here not really nice imo but I see you want stack here 00:55:673 (5) - so I suggest something like this would work better since it kinda hard to make good staight flow here , angle flow kinda work well here
  5. 00:59:203 - here the pattern you trying to do is great but you can make it more clean , overlap side by side like this 00:59:203 (1,4) - , 00:59:399 (2,5) - is kinda not really looks nice you may adjust notes here to make pattern looks clean
  6. 01:05:673 (2,3,4) - I feel like spacing and flow here should be same or similiar as 01:04:889 (6,7,1) - since the music kinda same so just ctrl+g this 01:06:066 (4) - and that would make flow here good imoI think it is very good
  1. 00:08:218 (3) - this touch hp bar , move down a bit I think it is very good
  2. 00:11:944 (1) - ^
  3. 00:34:199 (1) - I think 1/4 is pretty hard for hard diff try use circles here instead ( apply to others 1/4 sliders too )I think it is very good
  4. 00:40:572 (2) - ctrl+g this and it would make flow here 00:40:179 (1,2) - nice imoI think it is very good
  5. 00:44:297 (3,4) - this is a bit hard to read for hard diff imo , try this rhythm ? I think it is very good
  6. 00:59:003 (1,2,3,1) - I'd prefer to not do anti-jumps here since the beat and not really emphasized that much and might be too hard to read for hard diff

    I think you can add some jumps so the hard can be more instresting and might make spread from hard to insane better
  1. 00:21:944 (4,5) - rhythm play weird here , it better to map this emphasized beat 00:22:533 - so the rhythm here will play a bit more intuitively
  2. 00:35:082 - clap ?
  3. 00:38:611 - finish ? ( apply hitsound to others diff too )
  4. 01:09:199 (2,3,4) - flow here is a bit weird , try this ?
  5. 01:11:160 (6) - missing clap
  1. 00:08:611 - it weird to skip this emphasized beat here , try this rhythm
  2. 00:52:729 - sound empty , add a note here ?I think it is very good
good luck :)
Thank you very much :)
Topic Starter

Gaia wrote:

m4m owo!!

00:15:081 (2) - why not blanket the reverse too? ?
00:16:650 (1,2,1) - try to arrange these better o.o it looks unorganized right now.
00:26:062 - something u shouldnt ignore imo

sometimes flow is kinda harsh cuz of the angles... like
00:21:356 (2,3) - 00:24:101 (3,4,1) - 01:07:631 (4,1,2) - 01:14:689 (1,2) - 01:18:218 (2,3,4) -

also some sliders dont look very great .. but thats more a personal comment

---- 突然想起我該用中文的說 orz ----- HHH
00:03:120 (4) - 改到 00:03:317 - 1/1滑條 那裏才有鼓聲
00:08:022 (2) - clap
00:10:375 (1,2) - 00:15:081 (3,4) - etc.. 用copy paste好看多喔
00:49:983 (5,6) - 一直線吧 這樣不好看
01:11:160 (6) - clap

flow 的問題跟easy 也很像, 比如
00:19:395 (5,1) - 00:24:101 (3,4) - 00:25:669 (6,1) - 00:50:180 (6,7,1) - 00:56:650 (4,1) - 01:03:709 (4,5,6) -

00:08:611 (4) - nc 00:09:984 (1) - remove nc
00:28:807 (4,5) - 覺得加個reverse會比較好打
00:41:160 - 滑條在這開始? polarity 會比較好喔 我觉得现在符合节奏
00:44:297 (3) - reverse
00:58:023 - clap
01:04:297 (2) - 改成兩個圓圈吧.. 有點難打

00:00:964 (1) - spacing 好奇怪喔 还好把...
00:15:473 (2,3) - bad flow
00:21:356 (1,2,3,4) - 很難打... 用 stream 或 kickslider 二選一, 別兩個都用 00:21:650 (3) - 在藍點上節奏很難抓好喔
00:26:062 (1) - flowww 我觉得挺好orz
00:49:983 (3) - ^
00:54:885 (3) - ^ ctrl+g 然後移一下就好了 (順便加個clap)
00:58:218 (3) - 又是flow
00:58:218 (3) - ^ 刻意卖萌?HHH
01:07:238 (2,3,4) - 有點難看... 还好啦orz

也看到你很喜歡疊 建議別太常用 因為疊起來德化只靠approach circle 去讀 但如果 節奏不同的話容易搞砸 (00:52:336 (3,1,2,3) - in hard)

Thank Gaia :)
Topic Starter

Alex Li wrote:

never forget your m4m request
  1. 00:08:611 - 这么明显的音滑过去?
  2. 00:11:945 - 跨白线的滑条一般不合曲,除非某些重音在红线的曲子,这个明显不是
  3. 00:13:121 (1) - 节奏什么鬼
  4. 00:16:650 (1,2,1) - 不是非常建议这样排啊,背景里面有丰富的vocal和鼓,这又不是bridge为什么这样排,还有这样也不美观
  5. 00:24:101 (3,1) - 上面我说过这种滑条不合曲,这里也是一样,总之全曲的跨白线滑条建议你都改掉,除非有vocal或者其他特殊比较突出的rhythm
  6. 00:38:611 - 从这里开始的节奏丰富一点啊,2/1 spam很多人都不会喜欢的,跟一下其他节奏啊,这里节奏又不是特别少
  7. 00:53:120 (2) - 。。。怎么说呢,打击感不足,只能这样说了
  8. 01:00:571 (4) - nc
  9. 01:04:886 - 跟vocal的同时要兼顾打击感,这里vocal如果你把ru-mawa当一组会更好
  10. 01:06:454 (3) - 这种还是算了,你略过了太多vocal
  11. 01:08:414 (1,2) - 怎么我看你整个kiai都是这种节奏,尝试丰富下节奏让map变得更好玩,好玩的图才是好图,毕竟osu是游戏
  12. 01:25:670 (3) - nc
    Easy一部分问题看不懂 不好改,我想先放置。能改的改了
  1. 节奏比ez好了很多,但是相对ez美观度又差了,下note之前想想这样好不好看,至于怎么改嘛。。那是你的事
  2. 00:39:984 (3) - 节奏很奇怪,还有折返不要放在白线
  3. 01:22:336 (3) - 换轨建议吧滑条结束,不要用滑条换轨
  1. 00:06:258 - 建议加一个鼓点
  2. 00:28:807 (4,5,1) - 这个梗好难的。。。建议不要放
  3. 00:34:199 (1) - 爷爷这种梗比三连要难,看起来是更简单但是新手会切指吗。。。hard不要玩非折返1/4 为什么我觉得很简单orz
  4. 00:35:474 - 这段真的不变速?变速才更合曲啊 DS缩小了
  5. 00:59:787 (2,3,1) - 不太合曲啊,这里怎么都不适合放antijump,jump还合适 换梗
  6. 01:01:748 (2) - 这个变速毫无意义。。。
  7. 01:04:297 (2,3) - 同上面,不要玩这种梗
  8. 01:17:630 (4,1,2,3,4,5) - 你前面跟这里这么像让modder有一种这里是复制黏贴的错觉,改个方向啊至少 我觉得挺好的啊,反正图是用来打的
  9. 01:21:552 - kiai少空拍,除非音乐stop,不是vocal stop
  10. 01:24:690 - ^
  1. 00:00:571 (5) - 感觉不好,建议全部连打
  2. 00:03:120 (2,3) - 最好跟后面的连打区分出来,因为这里是两种乐器
  3. 00:21:552 (3,7) - 怎么ds不一样
  4. 00:26:650 - 嘛。。最好别空,实在想空的话放antijump
good luck
Topic Starter

Kagamine Ren wrote:

Topic Starter

Kagamine Ren wrote:

Adol Christin


  1. 00:00:571 (5) - 拆成两个单的滑条如何?感觉节奏上平滑一些。
  2. 00:07:826 (2,3,4,5) - 试试这个?
  3. 00:09:983 (1) - 如果是我的话会考虑这里用三连,稍微overmap一下。
  4. 00:21:356 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - 音乐和editor都告诉我这里该读作两个三连,但我依然每次都打错。。。
  5. 00:30:767 (1,3) - 不是很完美的blanket (Nazi,不要打我。。。)
  6. 00:51:748 (3) - 其实我个人是希望这根滑条的前半部分是弯的,看起来舒服点。
  7. 00:08:022 (3) - 把滑条尾的clap移动到5上
  8. 00:22:336 (7) - 滑条尾clap?
  9. 01:24:885 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - 一种建议的音效下法:3-6clap,7、8 drum sampleset clap,9、10 drum sampleset finish


  1. 00:06:846 (3) - 头上的whistle换成clap,你的I难度是这么干的
  2. 00:34:493 (2,3) - I难度里的各种drum addition音效哪里去了?
  3. 00:58:022 (2) - 滑条头的clap去了
  4. 01:24:885 (2,3) - 音效建议:参考I


  1. 01:03:709 (4) - 尾漏whistle



Sakaue Nachi
00:05:277 (4) - 建议这个也弄弯,保持一段的一致性
00:06:846 (1,2,3,4) - 这四个是一个部分,这样拐弯就不太好,其实也行吧。。。通常不这样而已
00:21:945 (6) - 这个是1/6 请仔细听
01:11:160 (6,7,1) - 这样的flow不合适,这里听着应该是个跳才对,可以把01:11:356 (7) - 放到296,119

00:15:081 (1) - 这个感觉这样好看点啊
00:41:258 (4,5) - 这个略坑,直接这样行了
01:00:572 (3) - 类似的音可以加个whis什么的

00:15:081 (3,4,5,1,2) - 这堆太长了,简化一下节奏
00:26:846 (2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3) - 同上
01:09:787 (3) - 摆右边一点啊,现在难看
01:11:553 (1,2) - 不太好看

00:34:101 (3) - 从这里开始吧00:34:101- 现在的时间间隔不太好

图整体还不错,good luck~
Topic Starter

Adol Christin wrote:



  1. 00:00:571 (5) - 拆成两个单的滑条如何?感觉节奏上平滑一些。
  2. 00:07:826 (2,3,4,5) - 试试这个?
  3. 00:09:983 (1) - 如果是我的话会考虑这里用三连,稍微overmap一下。意义不明,好好的为什么要overmap
  4. 00:21:356 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - 音乐和editor都告诉我这里该读作两个三连,但我依然每次都打错。。。 音乐好像没这样说
  5. 00:30:767 (1,3) - 不是很完美的blanket (Nazi,不要打我。。。)
  6. 00:51:748 (3) - 其实我个人是希望这根滑条的前半部分是弯的,看起来舒服点。
  7. 00:08:022 (3) - 把滑条尾的clap移动到5上
  8. 00:22:336 (7) - 滑条尾clap?
  9. 01:24:885 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - 一种建议的音效下法:3-6clap,7、8 drum sampleset clap,9、10 drum sampleset finish


  1. 00:06:846 (3) - 头上的whistle换成clap,你的I难度是这么干的
  2. 00:34:493 (2,3) - I难度里的各种drum addition音效哪里去了?
  3. 00:58:022 (2) - 滑条头的clap去了
  4. 01:24:885 (2,3) - 音效建议:参考I


  1. 01:03:709 (4) - 尾漏whistle 是clap



Topic Starter

Sakaue Nachi wrote:

00:05:277 (4) - 建议这个也弄弯,保持一段的一致性 感觉变难看了
00:06:846 (1,2,3,4) - 这四个是一个部分,这样拐弯就不太好,其实也行吧。。。通常不这样而已 就这样吧
00:21:945 (6) - 这个是1/6 请仔细听 怎么我觉得不是啊
01:11:160 (6,7,1) - 这样的flow不合适,这里听着应该是个跳才对,可以把01:11:356 (7) - 放到296,119 放到那里感觉更不对了

00:15:081 (1) - 这个感觉这样好看点啊 感觉不好看
00:41:258 (4,5) - 这个略坑,直接这样行了
01:00:572 (3) - 类似的音可以加个whis什么的

00:15:081 (3,4,5,1,2) - 这堆太长了,简化一下节奏 为什么我觉得一样长而且节奏不是很好
00:26:846 (2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3) - 同上 ^
01:09:787 (3) - 摆右边一点啊,现在难看
01:11:553 (1,2) - 不太好看 我觉得挺好

00:34:101 (3) - 从这里开始吧00:34:101- 现在的时间间隔不太好 怪怪的

图整体还不错,good luck~


  1. 建议把用S组的音效都换成S:C1,看得出来你是故意要那个长长的滑条音,但是那个很轻,根本听不到的,不如统一一下
  2. 音效太轻了,音乐里的声音又很大,导致听不清音效,建议整体加个15%-20%
  3. 00:08:219 - 这后面是1/6,rank版本应该是错的。


  1. 00:34:297 - 漏clap?
  2. 01:00:180 - 这边听不到啥特殊的音,所以建议滑条一直拉到01:00:572 - 好了
  3. 01:04:885 (1,2) - 这两个要么都直的要么都弯的吧,因为都是横着的,统一一点好看
  4. 01:00:964 - 这里不是纯vocal,有别的音的,所以还是map一下比较好,拉个滑条什么的。
  5. 无脑白线orz


  1. 00:03:317 (4) - 为啥只有这个用了红锚点
  2. 01:00:964 - 同Easy


  1. 00:33:709 (4,1) - 这个没啥意义的感觉,不如就简单的滑条+二连,好打
  2. 00:38:023 -00:38:415 - 这两个vocal还是跟一下比较好
  3. 00:40:964 (3) - 这个为啥藏在滑条下面,就是个普通的音,就普通按DS放好点,
  4. 00:53:709 - 这个空拍感觉难受,要空的话00:53:317 - 这个也空掉,不过我建议填上
  5. 01:00:964 - 同easy,建议map一下
  6. 01:05:081 (6,1) - 按照我个人习惯不会这么叠,因为后面的vocal是重音,而且是新的一个小节,就算不摆跳也建议按DS正常摆,不过这个影响不太大。
  7. 这个diff问题最多


  1. 00:25:669 (4,5) - ctrl+g,这连续两个逆flow,哭哭哦?
  2. 00:03:905 (9) - 如果想难一点的话把这个ctrl+g,感觉更好玩
  3. 00:00:571 (5,1) - 靠近一点,这点overlap挺难看的
  4. 00:10:964 - 这个vocal应该是放滑条合适,建议改下节奏
  5. 00:35:277 (10) - 这个跳不合适的感觉,建议跟前面近一点,不要强行stack,跟后面跳很合适
  6. 01:10:963 (5,6,7) - 这个跳跃跨度太大了,而且还是钝角,更难反应,跟01:10:571 (3) - stack会好点,但是还是建议改掉这个跳
  7. 感觉按现在的dq标准来看,这个还是感觉危险了点。
Topic Starter

Kagamine Ren wrote:


  1. 建议把用S组的音效都换成S:C1,看得出来你是故意要那个长长的滑条音,但是那个很轻,根本听不到的,不如统一一下
  2. 音效太轻了,音乐里的声音又很大,导致听不清音效,建议整体加个15%-20% 提升了10%
  3. 00:08:219 - 这后面是1/6,rank版本应该是错的。改了Insane的节奏


  1. 00:34:297 - 漏clap?
  2. 01:00:180 - 这边听不到啥特殊的音,所以建议滑条一直拉到01:00:572 - 好了 我觉得现在的挺好
  3. 01:04:885 (1,2) - 这两个要么都直的要么都弯的吧,因为都是横着的,统一一点好看
  4. 01:00:964 - 这里不是纯vocal,有别的音的,所以还是map一下比较好,拉个滑条什么的。低难度还是空出来好了现在的排版好难改啊
  5. 无脑白线orz


  1. 00:03:317 (4) - 为啥只有这个用了红锚点 为了不单调
  2. 01:00:964 - 同Easy


  1. 00:33:709 (4,1) - 这个没啥意义的感觉,不如就简单的滑条+二连,好打 只有我觉得滑条好吗orz
  2. 00:38:023 -00:38:415 - 这两个vocal还是跟一下比较好 为什么我觉得跟了听起来不舒服呢orz
  3. 00:40:964 (3) - 这个为啥藏在滑条下面,就是个普通的音,就普通按DS放好点,
  4. 00:53:709 - 这个空拍感觉难受,要空的话00:53:317 - 这个也空掉,不过我建议填上
  5. 01:00:964 - 同easy,建议map一下
  6. 01:05:081 (6,1) - 按照我个人习惯不会这么叠,因为后面的vocal是重音,而且是新的一个小节,就算不摆跳也建议按DS正常摆,不过这个影响不太大。 我觉得现在挺好
  7. 这个diff问题最多


  1. 00:25:669 (4,5) - ctrl+g,这连续两个逆flow,哭哭哦?
  2. 00:03:905 (9) - 如果想难一点的话把这个ctrl+g,感觉更好玩 怎么突然变鬼畜了
  3. 00:00:571 (5,1) - 靠近一点,这点overlap挺难看的
  4. 00:10:964 - 这个vocal应该是放滑条合适,建议改下节奏 我觉得还是现在好
  5. 00:35:277 (10) - 这个跳不合适的感觉,建议跟前面近一点,不要强行stack,跟后面跳很合适
  6. 01:10:963 (5,6,7) - 这个跳跃跨度太大了,而且还是钝角,更难反应,跟01:10:571 (3) - stack会好点,但是还是建议改掉这个跳 这个好像不好动,我考虑下
  7. 感觉按现在的dq标准来看,这个还是感觉危险了点。
M4M as requested.
00:03:905 (9) - Add whistle on head.
00:04:101 (1) - 怎么突然来了个3/4 前面后面都没有这样的啊
00:06:846 (1,2,3,4) - 弯一点,不要直线下来。
00:14:493 (5,6,7) - 5和7不要挨在一起
00:17:826 (4,2) - stack
00:26:062 (1) - flow感觉不好。最好挪到5上面。
00:52:728 (1,2,3) - 这里也想前面一样加上whistle啊
00:58:611 (4) - 这个jump有点莫名
01:06:062 (4,1) - 不好看qwq
01:10:375 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - 这间距。。。。。最好统一一下,跳的有点乱

00:41:258 (4) - 弱起听着有点怪
00:52:532 (1) - 建议空着这个红线,音很弱。从下面的大白线开始下。


CS2.5-2.8 HP2
00:11:552 (3) - 不跟大白线好可惜啊
00:13:121 (1) - 同上
00:16:650 (1,2,1) - 摆一个圆多好
00:21:356 (2,3) - Blanket 太明显了
00:24:101 (3) - 跟大白线啊


00:00:571 (5,1) – DS 用 0.45x ? 好看點我覺得
00:03:219 (3) – 刪除,鍵盤還沒有開始呢
00:21:356 (1,2,3,4) – (1,2,3) 不要和 (4)重疊? 好看點
01:04:885 (6) – 我建議這個comboing
01:07:238 (3,4,5) – flow有點奇怪…,類似這樣?
01:11:160 (6) – 放在 x:252 y:248?
01:17:434 (5) – 同01:04:885 (6)

01:04:885 (6) 和01:17:434 (5) 跟 insane一樣
00:11:944 (1) – 好像出界了

00:20:375 (2) – blanket得不太好,必要時可以加多一個點
01:03:709 (4) – 做 blanket?

00:08:023 (2) – blanket得不太好
00:41:356 – 加圓圈? 這段好像有點悶
01:27:238 (1) – 這個spinner得easy來說有點短… 但轉slider又有點怪,我也不知道怎好了 0.0

送你兩個星 :)
Topic Starter

Regraz wrote:

M4M as requested.
00:03:905 (9) - Add whistle on head.
00:04:101 (1) - 怎么突然来了个3/4 前面后面都没有这样的啊 我觉得没什么问题
00:06:846 (1,2,3,4) - 弯一点,不要直线下来。
00:14:493 (5,6,7) - 5和7不要挨在一起 没看懂有什么意义
00:17:826 (4,2) - stack
00:26:062 (1) - flow感觉不好。最好挪到5上面。
00:52:728 (1,2,3) - 这里也想前面一样加上whistle啊
00:58:611 (4) - 这个jump有点莫名
01:06:062 (4,1) - 不好看qwq
01:10:375 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - 这间距。。。。。最好统一一下,跳的有点乱

00:41:258 (4) - 弱起听着有点怪 原来是有一个note的但是很多都建议我这样简单点
00:52:532 (1) - 建议空着这个红线,音很弱。从下面的大白线开始下。 跟人声

没啥问题,圈怎么这么大,3.2-3.3啊多好 我是良心麻婆

CS2.5-2.8 HP2 我是良心麻婆
00:11:552 (3) - 不跟大白线好可惜啊
00:13:121 (1) - 同上
00:16:650 (1,2,1) - 摆一个圆多好
00:21:356 (2,3) - Blanket 太明显了
00:24:101 (3) - 跟大白线啊
Topic Starter

Mio_chan wrote:



00:00:571 (5,1) – DS 用 0.45x ? 好看點我覺得 还是现在的好
00:03:219 (3) – 刪除,鍵盤還沒有開始呢 没看懂,好像没什么问题啊
00:21:356 (1,2,3,4) – (1,2,3) 不要和 (4)重疊? 好看點 现在的好看也好读
01:04:885 (6) – 我建議這個comboing 还是跟大白线稳妥
01:07:238 (3,4,5) – flow有點奇怪…,類似這樣? 感觉4-5的flow更不好了
01:11:160 (6) – 放在 x:252 y:248? 我调了前面的跳
01:17:434 (5) – 同01:04:885 (6)

01:04:885 (6) 和01:17:434 (5) 跟 insane一樣
00:11:944 (1) – 好像出界了 紫色是什么意思啊 test里看没问题

00:20:375 (2) – blanket得不太好,必要時可以加多一個點 感觉差不多行了
01:03:709 (4) – 做 blanket?

00:08:023 (2) – blanket得不太好
00:41:356 – 加圓圈? 這段好像有點悶 easy节奏不用那么紧
01:27:238 (1) – 這個spinner得easy來說有點短… 但轉slider又有點怪,我也不知道怎好了 0.0 够长了

送你兩個星 :)
谢谢 :)
马克 最晚今天晚上摸 如果跳票尽管来裱我

为什么是Anime ver.不是TV size?



00:04:101 (1) - 这地方似乎3/4并没有1/2的效果好。。

00:04:493 (2,3,4) - 这几个滑条头我真心觉得可以加个自定义音效,类似钟声的那种

00:06:846 (1,2,3,4) - 这四个的话我觉得应该排成一个独立的形状比较好比如一条独立的直线,这四个和前四个还是能比较明显的听出来的,所以四个一组应该会好一点,但是在图里面的话,00:06:846 (1,2) - 这两个很明显与前四个是一伙的,这样我就感觉不太好,这地方我觉得原本应该是4+4,但是在这图里是个6+2,违和感不说强也让人觉得有点奇怪,试图的时候打的时候这个地方也没有打出很明显的节奏感,但是按理来说这地方的节奏感应该不会差的,所以我觉得你可以对连打的形状做点调整


00:08:023 (3,4) - 把3拉弯配上4这样的直线断滑条可能会好看一点,

00:13:415 - 这里听上去应该是漏音了,但是做成1/4的话这改动有点大。。看你怎么选了

00:21:748 (4,5,6) - 这地方可以拉开一点,让人更清楚这是拆开的防止乱滚键盘影响acc

00:47:238 (3,4) - 这里的话我还是觉得放个3连,3连最后一个放1/4滑条更好一点,00:47:238 (3) - 两个很强的鼓点放在这里

01:04:885 (6) - 01:05:670 (2) - 两个相同的歌词为什么不NC 呢?而且我觉得01:06:454 (5) - 更适合NC,因为这地方是大白线,而且vocal 很强,相比之下01:06:650 (1) - 就什么都不是了,其他几个难度同理

01:17:434 (5) - 01:18:218 (2) - 01:19:003 (5) - 同上

01:14:297 (9) - 这里可以把kiai 停一下,01:14:689 (1) - 这里再加回来,后面几个难度同理

01:21:748 (3,5) - 这样的叠在一起感觉并不是太好看,然而我也不知道应该怎么改比较好。。

Topic Starter

tm1209 wrote:



不到4星的难度的话我还是更倾向于AR8.5,但是OD8可能也要减少一点,就影响了你的送pp计划 为了pp虽然不是送我的

00:04:101 (1) - 这地方似乎3/4并没有1/2的效果好。。 但是改排版有点难

00:04:493 (2,3,4) - 这几个滑条头我真心觉得可以加个自定义音效,类似钟声的那种 默认的whistle挺好

00:06:846 (1,2,3,4) - 这四个的话我觉得应该排成一个独立的形状比较好比如一条独立的直线,这四个和前四个还是能比较明显的听出来的,所以四个一组应该会好一点,但是在图里面的话,00:06:846 (1,2) - 这两个很明显与前四个是一伙的,这样我就感觉不太好,这地方我觉得原本应该是4+4,但是在这图里是个6+2,违和感不说强也让人觉得有点奇怪,试图的时候打的时候这个地方也没有打出很明显的节奏感,但是按理来说这地方的节奏感应该不会差的,所以我觉得你可以对连打的形状做点调整

我知道你长懒看,个人建议 我觉得现在的挺好,这里我觉得是4+4

00:08:023 (3,4) - 把3拉弯配上4这样的直线断滑条可能会好看一点,

00:13:415 - 这里听上去应该是漏音了,但是做成1/4的话这改动有点大。。看你怎么选了 不改了

00:21:748 (4,5,6) - 这地方可以拉开一点,让人更清楚这是拆开的防止乱滚键盘影响acc 感觉没必要,拉开感觉更坑

00:47:238 (3,4) - 这里的话我还是觉得放个3连,3连最后一个放1/4滑条更好一点,00:47:238 (3) - 两个很强的鼓点放在这里 你让我跟rank版的那个节奏。让我想想

01:04:885 (6) - 01:05:670 (2) - 两个相同的歌词为什么不NC 呢?而且我觉得01:06:454 (5) - 更适合NC,因为这地方是大白线,而且vocal 很强,相比之下01:06:650 (1) - 就什么都不是了,其他几个难度同理

01:17:434 (5) - 01:18:218 (2) - 01:19:003 (5) - 同上

01:14:297 (9) - 这里可以把kiai 停一下,01:14:689 (1) - 这里再加回来,后面几个难度同理 还是无脑跟大白线NC,懒得改了

01:21:748 (3,5) - 这样的叠在一起感觉并不是太好看,然而我也不知道应该怎么改比较好。。

thx :)
sorry late
00:13:513 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - try this:
00:35:277 (10,1) - keep一下DS
01:10:963 (5,6,7,1) - try this:

00:15:081 (1) - 拉直 弯着挺难看的
00:25:669 (4,5,1) - 感觉这里不太适合stack
00:55:866 (1,2,3) - ↑ ,00:56:650 (2,3) 叠就可以了

00:04:101 (1) - 跟一下前一个slider的走向好看一些
00:47:238 (6) - 到00:47:631 结束就可以了

00:28:022 (4,1,2) - 都跟一下前一个note的走向
00:46:454 (2) - 尾部clap
00:52:729 - 放过这个重音感觉很莫名

edit for picture URL
Topic Starter

KaedekaShizuru wrote:

sorry late
00:13:513 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - try this: 现在的好
00:35:277 (10,1) - keep一下DS
01:10:963 (5,6,7,1) - try this: 现在的好

00:15:081 (1) - 拉直 弯着挺难看的 我感觉这样跟前面的走向贴合
00:25:669 (4,5,1) - 感觉这里不太适合stack 我感觉挺好,要改挺麻烦
00:55:866 (1,2,3) - ↑ ,00:56:650 (2,3) 叠就可以了

00:04:101 (1) - 跟一下前一个slider的走向好看一些
00:47:238 (6) - 到00:47:631 结束就可以了 我感觉现在比较贴合音乐

00:28:022 (4,1,2) - 都跟一下前一个note的走向
00:46:454 (2) - 尾部clap
00:52:729 - 放过这个重音感觉很莫名

edit for picture URL
thx :)
Topic Starter

Minakami Yuki wrote:


  1. Just some complaints.
  2. My personal suggestions.
  3. Highly recommended.
  4. Unrankable, you have to fix it.

  1. hp2?
  1. 01:02:141 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4) - 这一段没体现节奏特点,个人建议是做一点节奏上的改动,kiai的后半部分做的就可以,而这里全都是1/1接note的梗,显得相对无趣,可以选择多跟一些vocal
  1. 00:06:062 (1) - 用1/2滑条?感觉后面红线上的音还是不要忽略的好
  2. 00:23:316 (2,3) - blanket
  3. 00:41:258 (4) - 尾巴换个方向,现在视觉上的间距容易造成误读,向下吧?或者也可以把00:40:964 (3) - 做成一个1/2slider
  1. 照顾那点刷pp的人的话ar8.5比较好
  2. 00:00:964 (1,3) - 我个人不太喜欢这种flow以及overlap的方式,个人倾向于把note这么藏,不过只是个人看法而已啦
  3. 00:26:062 (1,2) - 这里的梗有对vocal的强调作用,可以把间距稍微拉大点,不要blanket:
  4. 01:05:081 (7,1) - 间距拉大点?有点和后面的差太大了
  5. 01:10:375 (2,3,4,5,6,7,1) - 这个间距打起来很不舒服怎么前面大后面还越来越小了
  6. 01:22:141 (5) - 放在01:22:336 (1) - 尾巴上?
  7. 01:26:454 (2,3,4) - 这个放左边点吧?离前面有点近啊
Topic Starter

Minakami Yuki wrote:

  1. Just some complaints.
  2. My personal suggestions.
  3. Highly recommended.
  4. Unrankable, you have to fix it.

  1. hp2?感觉意义不大无视掉了
  1. 01:02:141 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4) - 这一段没体现节奏特点,个人建议是做一点节奏上的改动,kiai的后半部分做的就可以,而这里全都是1/1接note的梗,显得相对无趣,可以选择多跟一些vocal

  1. 00:06:062 (1) - 用1/2滑条?感觉后面红线上的音还是不要忽略的好 我觉得现在挺好
  2. 00:23:316 (2,3) - blanket
  3. 00:41:258 (4) - 尾巴换个方向,现在视觉上的间距容易造成误读,向下吧?或者也可以把00:40:964 (3) - 做成一个1/2slider
  1. 照顾那点刷pp的人的话ar8.5比较好 我把HP改成6了,我不只是照顾刷pp的人
  2. 00:00:964 (1,3) - 我个人不太喜欢这种flow以及overlap的方式,个人倾向于把note这么藏,不过只是个人看法而已啦 我承认不怎么好看不过还挺顺手
  3. 00:26:062 (1,2) - 这里的梗有对vocal的强调作用,可以把间距稍微拉大点,不要blanket:
  4. 01:05:081 (7,1) - 间距拉大点?有点和后面的差太大了
  5. 01:10:375 (2,3,4,5,6,7,1) - 这个间距打起来很不舒服怎么前面大后面还越来越小了
  6. 01:22:141 (5) - 放在01:22:336 (1) - 尾巴上? 我不怎么喜欢直接放尾巴的那种方法
  7. 01:26:454 (2,3,4) - 这个放左边点吧?离前面有点近啊
Thank~ :)

  1. 00:23:316 (2,3) - 这真是blanket好了吗。。。不要敷衍我啊233
Edit: 哎我看了看还是有点歪,算了
Hi, just came here for some little clarification, some things in the beatmap were not done properly and must be changed. I would like to get this ranked, but I don't want to do so instantly after you'd fix the stuff, just to be sure nothing escapes from our sight. Doing so just for sure it doesn't get ranked instantly after this and so it gets checked by someone else than me before it gets final heart.
  1. I know you most likely got current metadata from anime's website, but it's not artist's website, just one's who made the anime and didn't participate on song at all. Most official are publisher's or artist's website or CD cases. You might notice they use different form, which is カラフル。(AnimeVer.) - On the whole cover, anywhere, there is not a single link to the anime's website, but there is link to the only official publisher (even Sawai Miku's website redirects there) - So capitalize V, remove the space between anime and ver and use Japanese brackets. Or just copy it from there or from their website, I am just saying the difference. Please don't take metadata from anime website - They are not artists, you might even notice they used different title in video. Always go for metadata from artist or publisher, then, lastly from users of the song. Romanization then would be Colorful.(AnimeVer.) obviously.
  2. Don't use CABAC and Deblocking filter in video for osu! It's not designed for real-time playback. CABAC is used for blu-ray films to reduce filesize, but it is harder to decode it, especially when you play a game (you won't recognize the filesize difference much for these resolutions and lengths). Deblocking filter is used to make a better visual quality, problem of this is it is not part of the video, decoder (or simply video player) will firstly decode the video and then will apply the filters - That means, your PC will read video and then add effect to it, again, only for watching. If possible, avoid such settings because it might result in lag for slower machines or if you run something on background. Since you have now opportunity to do so, use video without these effects.
  3. Not critically important, but source should be moreover 冴えない彼女の育てかた and Saenai Heroine no Sodatekata should be in tags - Respectively, we use metadata for official data, we don't use for example translations for songs, we just use original language which we romanize when there is romanize ability. But yeah, use the way you believe in.
  4. 00:08:317 (4) - On hard is out of the music, definitely cannot be 1/4. Please replace it with 1/6 on 00:08:219 - with 2 repeats, changing 1/3 for 1/4 is not okay if it is offbeat.
  5. 01:27:434 (1) - On hard might start on 01:27:337 - as you did not insane, I won't force it anyway, if you want to map the note on 01:27:239 - , then it also could have some consistency.
  6. 01:01:748 (4) - On insane is not snapped on any beat on the end. You never mapped a sound which was really not in the song. This is only case you did. It would be best if you ignored the 3/4 slider and kept only notes mapped with bigger jump, for example like this. What you maybe hear here is fading-out voice, but that is never on beat. For example in epic kind of songs where there are long voices, you never hear the end on beat, so you can map only the next lyric. You might say you actually did place it on 00:04:101 (1) - but be aware, this one is mapped to soft cymbal, which in comparison with fading-out voice is on the beat.
  7. Also HP on Easy is quite low, I'd choose or so 1.5, because this is not kind of the easiest easy and with current settings you actually can miss 1st two combos and still pass.
Summon me back when you are done, if you don't meet me in-game, use forum PM. Thank you.
Any additional questions are welcome.
Topic Starter

Wafu wrote:

Hi, just came here for some little clarification, some things in the beatmap were not done properly and must be changed. I would like to get this ranked, but I don't want to do so instantly after you'd fix the stuff, just to be sure nothing escapes from our sight. Doing so just for sure it doesn't get ranked instantly after this and so it gets checked by someone else than me before it gets final heart.
  1. I know you most likely got current metadata from anime's website, but it's not artist's website, just one's who made the anime and didn't participate on song at all. Most official are publisher's or artist's website or CD cases. You might notice they use different form, which is カラフル。(AnimeVer.) - On the whole cover, anywhere, there is not a single link to the anime's website, but there is link to the only official publisher (even Sawai Miku's website redirects there) - So capitalize V, remove the space between anime and ver and use Japanese brackets. Or just copy it from there or from their website, I am just saying the difference. Please don't take metadata from anime website - They are not artists, you might even notice they used different title in video. Always go for metadata from artist or publisher, then, lastly from users of the song. Romanization then would be Colorful.(AnimeVer.) obviously.
  2. Don't use CABAC and Deblocking filter in video for osu! It's not designed for real-time playback. CABAC is used for blu-ray films to reduce filesize, but it is harder to decode it, especially when you play a game (you won't recognize the filesize difference much for these resolutions and lengths). Deblocking filter is used to make a better visual quality, problem of this is it is not part of the video, decoder (or simply video player) will firstly decode the video and then will apply the filters - That means, your PC will read video and then add effect to it, again, only for watching. If possible, avoid such settings because it might result in lag for slower machines or if you run something on background. Since you have now opportunity to do so, use video without these effects.Because Network restrictions I can not get your Video. Osu! Able close the Video
  3. Not critically important, but source should be moreover 冴えない彼女の育てかた and Saenai Heroine no Sodatekata should be in tags - Respectively, we use metadata for official data, we don't use for example translations for songs, we just use original language which we romanize when there is romanize ability. But yeah, use the way you believe in.
  4. 00:08:317 (4) - On hard is out of the music, definitely cannot be 1/4. Please replace it with 1/6 on 00:08:219 - with 2 repeats, changing 1/3 for 1/4 is not okay if it is offbeat.
  5. 01:27:434 (1) - On hard might start on 01:27:337 - as you did not insane, I won't force it anyway, if you want to map the note on 01:27:239 - , then it also could have some consistency.
  6. 01:01:748 (4) - On insane is not snapped on any beat on the end. You never mapped a sound which was really not in the song. This is only case you did. It would be best if you ignored the 3/4 slider and kept only notes mapped with bigger jump, for example like this. What you maybe hear here is fading-out voice, but that is never on beat. For example in epic kind of songs where there are long voices, you never hear the end on beat, so you can map only the next lyric. You might say you actually did place it on 00:04:101 (1) - but be aware, this one is mapped to soft cymbal, which in comparison with fading-out voice is on the beat. I think it is no problem
  7. Also HP on Easy is quite low, I'd choose or so 1.5, because this is not kind of the easiest easy and with current settings you actually can miss 1st two combos and still pass. Can let Rookie Adapt to the game is Easy purpose
Summon me back when you are done, if you don't meet me in-game, use forum PM. Thank you.
Any additional questions are welcome.
苏打肉丝你这么快就又有图要飞了,口怕Σ( ° △ °|||)
Topic Starter

Misure wrote:

苏打肉丝你这么快就又有图要飞了,口怕Σ( ° △ °|||)
这图早就做好了 Σ( ° △ °|||)
Okay, so we fixed metadata, wrong rhythm on hard, some inconsistencies, swapped the video to ensure lower load which CABAC and deblocking filter causes. In the end we also fixed object hidden under the HP bar on hard.

I am now okay with current statement. Re-bubbled!

For qualifier: Check HP on easy once more, it shouldn't cause problems, but could fit a bit higher by few tenths. Also don't forget to tell me if you are in conflict with something I stated previously, thanks.


Metadata: The ranked version shows "(Anime Ver.)":
However, there are also proofs on: at the very bottom that say "COLORFUL ANIME VER. / SAWAI MIKU
カラフル。 (AnimeVer.) / 沢井美空"

I don't know which one is correct.

Please, check the offset as well! The ranked version shows a different one from the one you are using it. He placed it in the strongest beat from the very beginning (after the drum-y part). I think that would fit better as well.



OD +2 read what I wrote in the Normal diff.

Rhythm and Gameplay

  1. 00:27:630 (3,4) - This sounds SUPER bad to be honest. For following the vocals + beats you can either use 2 sliders (the first one from 00:27:631 - to 00:28:023 - and the second one from 00:28:415 - to 00:28:807 - ) however that would sound even worse, so I don't recommend it... or just one full slider from 00:27:631 - to 00:28:807 - with 1 reverse arrow at 00:28:219 - ... remember to add a Whistle to the reverse!



OD +1 will compensate the mapset as you are using 5 in Hard and 6 in Insane (this after reading the Easy notes, of course).

Rhythm and Gameplay

  1. 00:00:179 (1,2) - This sounds quite odd. You are mapping two different things in the same object and skipping lots of things in the middle of the sliders. Try placing a 1/2 slider from 00:00:180 - to 00:00:572 - with only one reverse arrow. This will follow the drum part correctly and it will leave some reaction time at the very beginning of the map for the most newbie players.

  2. 00:08:611 (3) - Would be better if you change it for two circles in order to emphasise the piano (?) sound. One in 00:08:611 - and the other one in 00:09:003 - .

  3. 00:14:101 - Add a circle here!


Rhythm and Gameplay

  1. 00:21:356 (1) - This sounds completely off from the music as its ignoring beats. Try replacing this for a 1/4 slider (instead of 1/2) with 2 reverse arrows from 00:21:356 - to 00:21:650 - and then add a circle with Clap in 00:21:748 - .

  2. 01:01:748 (4) - I don't dislike this, however the waiting time may be quite long. Instead of this awkward and poor circle that has nothing to do right here, why don't you try adding a spinner from 01:00:670 - to 01:01:748 - add Clap to it, if you feel like to.



AR -0.2 or 0.7 Remember that this is a super calm and slow song. AR8.5 or even 8 (what I STRONGLY recommend) would do a better job.

Rhythm and Gameplay

  1. 00:14:297 (4,5,6,7) - I don't get what you are trying to do right here. There's an increase in the accentuation rhythm of the music as this section goes on, but you are reducing the spacing between each note as the beats move on. Try something like:

  2. 00:21:552 (3) - Call me crazy, but this should be a 1/6 slider and end in 00:21:683 - . However, as this can be super tricky (and even end up on an unrankable issue) for an almost 4 SR map, I'd suggest you to replace 00:21:356 (1,2,3) - for a full 1/6 slider with 3 reverse arrows from 00:21:356 - to 00:20:964 (5) - .

  3. 00:49:983 (3) - This plays super bad considering that you are not mapping any anti-jump throughout the map. I'd strongly recommend you to Ctrl+G this and then moving 00:50:572 (4) - to the low-right, somewhere near x380 y160.

  4. 01:14:003 (7,8) - Place this properly. Do not map this under the slider because it will affect gameplay A LOT. Move them a bit above, maybe x256 y192.

  5. 01:14:297 (9) - NC here! There's a complete new section from what you were mapping.

  1. 00:14:493 (5) - Add Whistle as well.

I want to rank this ^^

Good luck!
Topic Starter

Yuii- wrote:



Metadata: The ranked version shows "(Anime Ver.)":
However, there are also proofs on: at the very bottom that say "COLORFUL ANIME VER. / SAWAI MIKU
カラフル。 (AnimeVer.) / 沢井美空"

I don't know which one is correct. I believe Wafu

Please, check the offset as well! The ranked version shows a different one from the one you are using it. He placed it in the strongest beat from the very beginning (after the drum-y part). I think that would fit better as well. I think now offset is good.



OD +2 read what I wrote in the Normal diff. I think now OD gap is Suitable

Rhythm and Gameplay

  1. 00:27:630 (3,4) - This sounds SUPER bad to be honest. For following the vocals + beats you can either use 2 sliders (the first one from 00:27:631 - to 00:28:023 - and the second one from 00:28:415 - to 00:28:807 - ) however that would sound even worse, so I don't recommend it... or just one full slider from 00:27:631 - to 00:28:807 - with 1 reverse arrow at 00:28:219 - ... remember to add a Whistle to the reverse!
I think this And did not get better.I choose my own ideas.



OD +1 will compensate the mapset as you are using 5 in Hard and 6 in Insane (this after reading the Easy notes, of course).

Rhythm and Gameplay

  1. 00:00:179 (1,2) - This sounds quite odd. You are mapping two different things in the same object and skipping lots of things in the middle of the sliders. Try placing a 1/2 slider from 00:00:180 - to 00:00:572 - with only one reverse arrow. This will follow the drum part correctly and it will leave some reaction time at the very beginning of the map for the most newbie players. I think this And did not get better.I choose my own ideas.

  2. 00:08:611 (3) - Would be better if you change it for two circles in order to emphasise the piano (?) sound. One in 00:08:611 - and the other one in 00:09:003 - . I think this And did not get better.I choose my own ideas.

  3. 00:14:101 - Add a circle here!
I think this And did not get better.I choose my own ideas.


Rhythm and Gameplay

  1. 00:21:356 (1) - This sounds completely off from the music as its ignoring beats. Try replacing this for a 1/4 slider (instead of 1/2) with 2 reverse arrows from 00:21:356 - to 00:21:650 - and then add a circle with Clap in 00:21:748 - .
    I think Not suitable for this Rhythm,Now is good
  2. 01:01:748 (4) - I don't dislike this, however the waiting time may be quite long. Instead of this awkward and poor circle that has nothing to do right here, why don't you try adding a spinner from 01:00:670 - to 01:01:748 - add Clap to it, if you feel like to.
I think this And did not get better.I choose my own ideas.



AR -0.2 or 0.7 Remember that this is a super calm and slow song. AR8.5 or even 8 (what I STRONGLY recommend) would do a better job. I believe player Would like it

Rhythm and Gameplay

  1. 00:14:297 (4,5,6,7) - I don't get what you are trying to do right here. There's an increase in the accentuation rhythm of the music as this section goes on, but you are reducing the spacing between each note as the beats move on. Try something like: I think this And did not get better.I choose my own ideas.

  2. 00:21:552 (3) - Call me crazy, but this should be a 1/6 slider and end in 00:21:683 - . However, as this can be super tricky (and even end up on an unrankable issue) for an almost 4 SR map, I'd suggest you to replace 00:21:356 (1,2,3) - for a full 1/6 slider with 3 reverse arrows from 00:21:356 - to 00:20:964 (5) - . Fix

  3. 00:49:983 (3) - This plays super bad considering that you are not mapping any anti-jump throughout the map. I'd strongly recommend you to Ctrl+G this and then moving 00:50:572 (4) - to the low-right, somewhere near x380 y160. Fix

  4. 01:14:003 (7,8) - Place this properly. Do not map this under the slider because it will affect gameplay A LOT. Move them a bit above, maybe x256 y192. Fix

  5. 01:14:297 (9) - NC here! There's a complete new section from what you were mapping.I think now is Right

  1. 00:14:493 (5) - Add Whistle as well.

I want to rank this ^^

Good luck!
Thanks~ :)
After some IRC modding...


Rankeddd!! (First map ranked... PLEASE NO DQ I SWEAR).
Gratz and also btw @yuii- chan, please keep in mind that any ranked version can't be used as a proof. =w=
Good luck with both of you! owo.
Topic Starter

Minakami Yuki wrote:

不好意思啊 orz
Adol Christin
Gratz :)
Wrong English metadata. Dequalify to fix this issue please.

There should be a space between "Colorful." and "(AnimeVer.)"

Source: I have the original disc and it says カラフル. (AnimeVer.) and not カラフル.(AnimeVer.), translates to "Colorful. (AnimeVer.)"


Online wrote:

Wrong English metadata. Dequalify to fix this issue please.

There should be a space between "Colorful." and "(AnimeVer.)"

Source: I have the original disc and it says カラフル. (AnimeVer.) and not カラフル.(AnimeVer.), translates to "Colorful. (AnimeVer.)"

Sir zis is very rude
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