
AZU - For You (TV size)

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Thursday, November 10, 2016 at 10:05:07 PM

Artist: AZU
Title: For You (TV size)
Source: NARUTO-ナルト- 疾風伝
Tags: Shippuden ending 12 ED child sakura soft jpop [_joey_] joey DreaM117er
BPM: 88
Filesize: 7328kb
Play Time: 01:28
Difficulties Available:
  1. 117's Light Insane (4 stars, 234 notes)
  2. Easy (1.35 stars, 87 notes)
  3. Hard (3.23 stars, 256 notes)
  4. Insane (4.67 stars, 337 notes)
  5. Joey's Light Insane (4.04 stars, 232 notes)
  6. Normal (2.13 stars, 152 notes)
Download: AZU - For You (TV size)
Download: AZU - For You (TV size) (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
8th Beatmap

117's Light Insane -- by DreaM117er
Joey's Light Insane -- by [ Joey ]

6th (special thanks for the extra effort)
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Cerulean Veyron
It's Perfect!

It's Perfect!

Tip Section
When ever you do these:

Try taking them farther from one another, example

This picture is from 00:26:096 (2,3,4,5,1) -

Tip section
00:02:403 (1,2,3,4) -
00:06:835 (2,3,4) -
Are pretty much random, shapes are much more acceptable.
Like for example, here 00:09:221 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) -

Other then that, just fine!
Try getting someone to make you an Extra Guest Difficulty, might be easier to get approved that way!
Good Luck!
Topic Starter

-Ldan- wrote:

It's Perfect!

It's Perfect!

Tip Section
When ever you do these:

Try taking them farther from one another, example -- The stack at 00:26:096 (2,5) - might not be the best, so I could change that since it's not the strongest pattern, but I don't think it's that bad. If more people think otherwise I'll change it. However, one thing about the pattern you suggested is that the distance between (3) and (4) is about .6x when it should be more like 1.0x, and (2) and (4) overlap in a way I don't like. Plus not stacking (3) and (4) breaks the pattern of that rhythm, so I think I'll keep that the same.

This picture is from 00:26:096 (2,3,4,5,1) -

Tip section
00:02:403 (1,2,3,4) -
00:06:835 (2,3,4) -
Are pretty much random, shapes are much more acceptable. -- These aren't random. Look at the big picture. They are half an octagon
Like for example, here 00:09:221 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) -

Other then that, just fine!
Try getting someone to make you an Extra Guest Difficulty, might be easier to get approved that way! -- I would love for this mapset to have an Extra. I don't want to map more though, so I'll try asking around. If you know anyone who would want to, let me know!
Good Luck! -- Thanks for the mod. I appreciate the feedback.

Hello there from my Queue! Don't forget to vote on my poll. Thank you!

  1. 00:10:585 (2) - end slider at 00:10:926
  2. 00:11:267 - add a circle or slider on this part since there is a nice downbeat
  3. 00:16:380 - try this
  4. 00:16:721 (3) - remove this if you applied the slider above ^^
  5. 00:25:586 (1) - move upwards. (too far off screen)
  6. 00:33:767 (1,2) - blanket better

  1. I think this should be at AR4
  2. Fix this:
  3. 00:03:767 (1,4) - fix overlap
  4. 00:05:471 (4,1) - don't stack
  5. 00:31:380 (2,4) - dont stack, might be confusing for new players
  6. 01:09:903 (3,5) - blanket better
  7. 01:13:994 (5,1,2) - fix overlap
  8. 01:27:630 (4,5,6) - triangle better

  1. Try with AR8?
  2. Fix this:
  3. 00:09:903 (3,4,5,6) - try this
  4. 00:11:778 (5,1) - blanket this
  5. 00:22:858 (1,2) - ^^
  6. 00:30:699 (4,5,1,2,4,5) - make this cleaner. sorta messy
  7. 00:32:403 (1,2,3,4) - square this
  8. 01:22:175 (5) - move downwards (a bit offscreen)

Cute map. Love the song too. Hope this helps. :) Goodluck!
Topic Starter

Hiyori wrote:

Hello there from my Queue! Don't forget to vote on my poll. Thank you!

  1. 00:10:585 (2) - end slider at 00:10:926 – I like it
  2. 00:11:267 - add a circle or slider on this part since there is a nice downbeat – ^
  3. 00:16:380 - try this did not like this one as much
  4. 00:16:721 (3) - remove this if you applied the slider above ^^
  5. 00:25:586 (1) - move upwards. (too far off screen) – looks fine to me:
  6. 00:33:767 (1,2) - blanket better – fixed

  1. I think this should be at AR4 – made AR 3.5
  2. Fix this: – fixed
  3. 00:03:767 (1,4) - fix overlap – fixed
  4. 00:05:471 (4,1) - don't stack – I think it's fine
  5. 00:31:380 (2,4) - dont stack, might be confusing for new players – maybe, I'll get some more opinions, but I think it's fine
  6. 01:09:903 (3,5) - blanket better – fixed
  7. 01:13:994 (5,1,2) - fix overlap – go to View → Hit animations. 5 and 2 are only overlapping for a very brief time that I don't think this presents a design problem
  8. 01:27:630 (4,5,6) - triangle better – was intending to be more of a zig-zag, made (5,6) parallel with the end of (3,4)

  1. Try with AR8? – no AR 7 fits better
  2. Fix this: – fixed
  3. 00:09:903 (3,4,5,6) - try this – it's a nice flow and could go in the map just fine. It really could just be a coin flip between our flows, but I think I'll stick with the one I have.
  4. 00:11:778 (5,1) - blanket this – was going for this blanket 00:11:267 (3,1) - , and honestly I don't think it looks bad now.
  5. 00:22:858 (1,2) - ^^ – I don't see why. It changes the flow drastically, so if you had a problem with the flow, it's a little more helpful to explain why there is a problem since right now I don't see one.
  6. 00:30:699 (4,5,1,2,4,5) - make this cleaner. sorta messy – the notes fade fast enough that I don't think this presents a design issue
  7. 00:32:403 (1,2,3,4) - square this – the parallelogram looks fine and the jump at (3,4) fits better with this shape
  8. 01:22:175 (5) - move downwards (a bit offscreen) – fixed

Cute map. Love the song too. Hope this helps. :) Goodluck! – thanks for the mod, glad you liked it!
small random mod

  1. 00:02:403 (2,1) - incorrect spacing
  2. 00:44:676 (1,2) - ^
Generally I'm a bit confused about the whole start and how you highlight the different notes.
00:03:767 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - how come the spacing is so low here but so big here 00:05:471 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - when they have the same intensity (excluding 00:06:324 (7) -) If anything the spacing between these should be equal but have it differ here 00:06:153 (6,7) - to emphasize the change in the music. 00:08:540 (5,6,7,8) - another example almost no change in music but a huge change in spacing. Use spacing to emphasize notes/sections. That is done well here 00:11:267 (5) - more like this.
  1. 00:23:540 (3,4) - have a small spacing here like you had on every other clap
  2. 00:28:994 (3,4) - ^

This has potential
Topic Starter

Asfand wrote:

small random mod


  • fixed these
  1. 00:02:403 (2,1) - incorrect spacing
  2. 00:44:676 (1,2) - ^
Generally I'm a bit confused about the whole start and how you highlight the different notes.
00:03:767 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - how come the spacing is so low here but so big here 00:05:471 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - when they have the same intensity (excluding 00:06:324 (7) -) If anything the spacing between these should be equal but have it differ here 00:06:153 (6,7) - to emphasize the change in the music. 00:08:540 (5,6,7,8) - another example almost no change in music but a huge change in spacing. Use spacing to emphasize notes/sections. That is done well here 00:11:267 (5) - more like this.

I'm not exactly sure how you want me to change the pattern, so I'll explain how I interpreted the music.

bigger image:

We start on a rising scale. The general rise in pitch feels to me like the music is rising in intensity. To reflect this, I made the DS of 00:03:767 (1,2,3,4) – higher (1.3x) across this pattern. I think what you're trying to make me change is that fact that I use a constant DS instead of a variable one (being more specific would make me not rant so much XD ). The reason I used a constant DS is that the song feels smooth, peaceful, and chill. Having the DS be constant groups the rising/falling scales better to feel more connected. Having a variable DS gives more energy to these patterns since it gives more detail to individual notes, which disrupts this peaceful vibe. Instead, having a constant DS then sets us up to break this constant DS at 00:10:585 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) – to give this more energy and make it feel more climactic relative to what came before it.

It then goes to falling scale at a higher pitch. Since it starts on a higher note, I made a jump at 00:04:278 (4,5) – to reflect this higher intensity. The general falling pitch feels to me like the music is lowering in intensity so I used a lower DS at 00:04:449 (5,6,7,8) - (~.8x). After testing, it seemed a little too low, so I increased this to .9x, but the idea is the same.

The harmony kicks in at 00:05:130 (1) – which shows a change from our low energy falling scale, so I think a jump reflects this nicely while still not being too energetic since it's a slider.

Lastly we have a rising set of rising notes. I think the distance of 00:05:642 (3,4) - and 00:05:983 (5,6) – being jumps helps reflect the bigger change in pitch here. Since 00:06:153 (6,7) – is in a higher octave, a higher spacing than 00:05:471 (2,3) - or 00:05:812 (4,5) – feels nice. 00:05:471 (2,3) - and 00:05:812 (4,5) – both rise in pitch equally, so these should have the same distance. So the distance at 00:05:130 (1,2) – needs to set up all of this nicely. If it's too big, then we have some pretty big jumps to look forward to, but that may not fit the pacing to the difficulty of the map on a whole. Since the music hasn't really risen in pitch yet, we want to start low in intensity so that higher intensity sections look higher, so starting this with a normal, low spacing of 1.0x feels nice.

As far as 00:08:540 (5,6,7,8) – goes, the ideas of the above apply, but the execution may have been off. I wanted to give a rest here since the player is clicking so much, and looking at the big picture, a rest kind of feels nice for the pacing. I might have made the spacing a little too low, so I'd be open to discussion about that if I hear more of this opinion.

  1. 00:23:540 (3,4) - have a small spacing here like you had on every other clap -- ? I don't know what you're suggesting for me to do, this looks consistent with how I've set up the pattern
  2. 00:28:994 (3,4) - ^

This has potential -- thanks, I'm glad you like it!
hey its me ur modder here for the M4M

  1. Tags and audio lead in for Joey's diff conflicts with the other diffs
  2. I think Joey's diff also does not have video
  3. Not sure if this is important but the jump from Normal to Hard is quite wide

  1. There are alot of missed red line beats in the map. For example 00:11:949 (1) - . The red line at 00:12:119 - has a beat on it (in the case of this map it should have a soft-finish hitsound on it), but it is ignored as the 1/1 slider (white line to white line) just passes over it. I suggest you change it to a circle + 1/1 or 1/2 slider (red line to white line) and put the soft-finish on both the hitcircle and the head of the slider. A good example would be 00:22:858 (1,2) -. Other sliders with similar problem include 00:17:403 (1) - , 00:33:767 (1) -, 00:36:494 (1) -, 00:44:676 (1) -, 00:47:403 (1) -, 01:11:948 (1) -, 01:14:675 (1) -, 01:17:403 (1) -, 01:20:130 (1) -, 01:22:857 (1) - mapping these with the circle may seem weird but ignoring them is weirder
  2. 00:29:676 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - I dont think these should be 8 circles as that would be 21 single taps in a row which is more intense than the song calls for
  3. 00:55:755 - missed red beat, needs a circle or something and place a soft-finish on that beat
  4. 01:05:982 - ^
  5. 01:11:437 - ^
  6. 01:22:516 (6) - Remove soft-finish on slider head
  7. 01:10:585 (1) - Remove soft-finish on slider end
  8. 01:25:073 (5) - Remove soft-finish
  9. 01:06:153 (6) - ^
  10. 00:33:767 (1) - change this to your custom soft-finish
  11. 00:44:676 (1) - ^
  12. 00:55:585 (1) - ^
  13. 00:36:494 (1) - Remove whistle
  14. 00:47:403 (1) - ^

[Joey's Light Insane]
  1. 00:33:937 (2) - Remove whistle from end
  2. 00:36:665 (2) - ^
  3. 00:34:960 (4) - Remove whistle
  4. 00:37:687 (4) - ^
  5. Finish up your hitsounds lol
  6. 00:36:324 (1,2) - This rhythm is kinda weird, 1/2 shouldn't end on white line. Even if you decide to keep this I think the NC should be moved to (2)
  7. 01:09:562 (3,4,5) - Kinda breaks flow

  1. Wont mention any hitsounds/rhythm issues as I mentioned them all in the Insane diff already. They are mostly the same
  2. 00:05:812 (3,4,5,1) - this part is too hard compared to the rest of the map
  3. I think for the whole map you should either stick to 00:12:630 (3,4) - (fully overlap) or 00:13:994 (3,4) - (slightly offset). considering 00:14:335 (4) - overlaps with 00:14:676 (1) - I think the first one looks better
  4. 00:30:869 (5,1) - this jump is too wide
  5. 00:32:744 (3,4,5) - ^ this one is insane level
  6. Overall the difficulty seems abit too high for Hard imo :?

  1. 00:17:403 (1) - Flow here is quite awkward, maybe try something like ?
  2. 00:31:380 (2,3,4) - This may be hard to read for normal
  3. 00:56:266 (3,4,5) - Awkward flow, maybe ? Just suggestion
  4. 01:28:312 (6) - This note is unnecessary

  1. 00:13:312 (3,1) - Blanket
  2. 00:33:085 (3,1) - No stack in easy
  3. 00:55:585 - No circle on here?
  4. 01:27:971 (3) - This should be just a circle

Good luck with your map! :D
m4m from queue

  1. Inconsistency in combo colours... joey's diff doesn't have any xd
  2. Inconsistency in AudioLeadIn... joey's diff has 1500 while the others have 2000
  3. Inconsistency in Tags check joey's tags xD
  4. i believe the source should be 'NARUTO-ナルト-疾風伝' or 'NARUTO-ナルト- 疾風伝'. add shippuden in tags. you should ask IamKwaN for a metadata check tho

  1. i find like the SV in general (2,1) is too much for this kind of calm song... just my opinion tho
  2. 00:00:358 - 0,75 SV seems way too fast
  3. 00:02:403 - isn't this part a little weird? the spacing suddenly changes, but there is not a big change in music... also, the way the objects overlap makes this pattern have a messy look. i believe you're intended to map guitar here, if this is true, then you should focus in guitar changes to make spacing changes.
    However 00:02:403 (1) - isn't that bad because it's a newcombo. you should try to mantain the same distance between objects, even if they aren't consecutive
  4. 00:11:608 (7,8,1) - this doesn't play that nice because it's too linear, sharp angles are almost always the best option to make jumpy patterns... maybe ctrl+ g on 00:11:608 (7,8) - ... it also provides more emphasis to 00:11:949 (1) -
  5. 00:12:801 - are you sure you don't want to map this beat? :(( it's where the vocal returns
  6. 00:12:971 (4,5,1) - too linear for my taste... maybe try something like this?
  7. 00:14:165 - same as previous... maybe this xd
  8. 00:16:040 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - this pattern looks cool! ... problem is the jumps should be on 00:16:892 (6,7,8,1) - , because it's where the vocals begin... i would do something like this (look how 00:16:892 (6,7,8,1) - form a cool triangle lol
  9. 00:18:767 (1) - this note needs more emphasis
  10. 00:22:517 (7) - i didn't like the way 7 overlaps with 00:21:494 (1,2,3,4) - ... just my opinion tho
  11. 00:23:199 - kinda weird that you ignored this beat
  12. 00:32:915 (4,5) - spacing is increasing in this part and then BOOM! it suddenly decreases... doesn't play that good imo :((
  13. 00:34:960 (1,2,3,4,5) - those are too close eachother imo... try ctrl+shift+s on this
  14. 00:37:687 (1,2,3,4,5) - maybe this? so they don't overlap xd

Joey's Light Insane
  1. 00:17:062 (4,1) - this might be too hard to read xD
  2. 00:20:301 (2,3,4) - too linear... it doesn't play that good :(( maybe try this?
  3. 00:22:176 (3) - this feels a little close compared with previous patterns
  4. 00:32:403 (1) - delete new combo maybe... there isn't a big change in music.. and the pattern is the same xd
  5. 00:38:028 (2,5) - maybe move those 2 to upside, so the angle between 00:38:028 (2,3) - is more comfortable
  6. 01:09:903 (4,5) - kinda weird that these 2 were stacked when the voice is getting higher
  7. 01:22:857 (1) - add more emphasis?
  8. 01:24:903 (3) - unsnapped slider

  1. 00:32:403 (1,2,3,4,5) - this might be too hard for a hard (lol) consider using some sliders, because there are somebeats that aren't that important, so they could be in sliders tails
  2. well... couldn't find much more on this diff... because it's already nice and there are some stuff that i already mentioned before, so... say them again it's pointless

  1. 00:31:721 (3,1) - not sure if u intended to make a blanket with those 2, pointing it anyways lol

  1. 00:33:085 (3,1) - stacks in easy diffs are questionable... i'd prefer don't do that
  2. 00:48:767 (2) - isn't aiming to 00:50:130 (1) - (god... that's why i dislike to mod easy stuff lol)
  3. 00:56:266 (1,2) - same ^ it might be confusing for newbie players

hope it helps! good luck
Topic Starter
Hey, sorry about not color coding but im lazy and tired.

Rtyzen wrote:

hey its me ur modder here for the M4M

  1. Tags and audio lead in for Joey's diff conflicts with the other diffs
  2. I think Joey's diff also does not have video
  3. Not sure if this is important but the jump from Normal to Hard is quite wide

  1. There are alot of missed red line beats in the map. For example 00:11:949 (1) - . The red line at 00:12:119 - has a beat on it (in the case of this map it should have a soft-finish hitsound on it), but it is ignored as the 1/1 slider (white line to white line) just passes over it. I suggest you change it to a circle + 1/1 or 1/2 slider (red line to white line) and put the soft-finish on both the hitcircle and the head of the slider. A good example would be 00:22:858 (1,2) -. Other sliders with similar problem include 00:17:403 (1) - , 00:33:767 (1) -, 00:36:494 (1) -, 00:44:676 (1) -, 00:47:403 (1) -, 01:11:948 (1) -, 01:14:675 (1) -, 01:17:403 (1) -, 01:20:130 (1) -, 01:22:857 (1) - mapping these with the circle may seem weird but ignoring them is weirder

    A lot of these are trying to go with the vocals instead, or they are purposefully ignoring the bass for pacing reasons. You're right that I'm forcing a perspective, and if I'm completely off base then more people will call me out on it and I will change it, but I'd like to try to keep these rhythms.
  2. 00:29:676 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - I dont think these should be 8 circles as that would be 21 single taps in a row which is more intense than the song calls for – compared to the intensity at 00:01:210 (1) – in the map and song, I think this is good as is. This is a climax for a section of the song and I want it to feel a little more intense than usual.
  3. 00:55:755 - missed red beat, needs a circle or something and place a soft-finish on that beat – I wish it didn't, but you're right
  4. 01:05:982 - ^ – changed to two ½ sliders to go with the vocals
  5. 01:11:437 - ^ – I'd rather stick to the vocals.
  6. 01:22:516 (6) - Remove soft-finish on slider head – okay
  7. 01:10:585 (1) - Remove soft-finish on slider end – okay
  8. 01:25:073 (5) - Remove soft-finish – I'm gonna be an idiot and keep as is because it sounds better like this
  9. 01:06:153 (6) - ^
  10. 00:33:767 (1) - change this to your custom soft-finish – I'm trying to emphasize the melody and not the bass, so I want to keep this. Same for the rest of these.
  11. 00:44:676 (1) - ^
  12. 00:55:585 (1) - ^
  13. 00:36:494 (1) - Remove whistle
  14. 00:47:403 (1) - ^

  1. Wont mention any hitsounds/rhythm issues as I mentioned them all in the Insane diff already. They are mostly the same
  2. 00:05:812 (3,4,5,1) - this part is too hard compared to the rest of the map – nerfed it a little bit
  3. I think for the whole map you should either stick to 00:12:630 (3,4) - (fully overlap) or 00:13:994 (3,4) - (slightly offset). considering 00:14:335 (4) - overlaps with 00:14:676 (1) - I think the first one looks better – chose slightly offset and fixed it up a bit
  4. 00:30:869 (5,1) - this jump is too wide – I think this one is okay.
  5. 00:32:744 (3,4,5) - ^ this one is insane level – fixed
  6. Overall the difficulty seems abit too high for Hard imo :? – I think the spread will be okay

  1. 00:17:403 (1) - Flow here is quite awkward, maybe try something like ? – Good suggestion
  2. 00:31:380 (2,3,4) - This may be hard to read for normal – yeah you're right, goodbye pattern I like
  3. 00:56:266 (3,4,5) - Awkward flow, maybe ? Just suggestion – changed pattern
  4. 01:28:312 (6) - This note is unnecessary – It goes with the chime which provides a resolution, so I disagree

  1. 00:13:312 (3,1) – Blanket – fixed
  2. 00:33:085 (3,1) - No stack in easy – fixed
  3. 00:55:585 - No circle on here? – I'm worried about the time after a spinner. If more people suggest this, then yes I will add
  4. 01:27:971 (3) - This should be just a circle – The slider end goes with the chime which provides a resolution, so I disagree

Good luck with your map! :D – thanks, sorry I use strict, unintuitive rhythms.

Kagetsu wrote:

m4m from queue

  1. Inconsistency in combo colours... joey's diff doesn't have any xd
  2. Inconsistency in AudioLeadIn... joey's diff has 1500 while the others have 2000
  3. Inconsistency in Tags check joey's tags xD
  4. i believe the source should be 'NARUTO-ナルト-疾風伝' or 'NARUTO-ナルト- 疾風伝'. add shippuden in tags. you should ask IamKwaN for a metadata check tho – changed for now, but yeah I should probably ask

  1. i find like the SV in general (2,1) is too much for this kind of calm song... just my opinion tho – As an aside, I don't like thinking in that way. Calmness in an osu map is determined by the skill of the player. For instance 1.4 SV is very fast for an Easy player and 2.1 SV is very slow for an insanely good player. So in order to judge if an SV is inappropriate, I think it's better to look at the spacing in the map. I think the map is spaced fine for a map with 2.1 SV, so my intended target audience is going to be players with a little more speed than what you may have thought, and they will find this not so fast.
  2. 00:00:358 - 0,75 SV seems way too fast – lowered to .68 since I don't want the next notes to feel too fast.
  3. 00:02:403 - isn't this part a little weird? the spacing suddenly changes, but there is not a big change in music... also, the way the objects overlap makes this pattern have a messy look. i believe you're intended to map guitar here, if this is true, then you should focus in guitar changes to make spacing changes. – 00:02:915 (4) – has high pitch and high volume. In order to emphasize this, I grouped the whole four notes as having the same intensity as (4). I like the way this works.
    However 00:02:403 (1) - isn't that bad because it's a newcombo. you should try to mantain the same distance between objects, even if they aren't consecutive
  4. 00:11:608 (7,8,1) - this doesn't play that nice because it's too linear, sharp angles are almost always the best option to make jumpy patterns... maybe ctrl+ g on 00:11:608 (7,8) - ... it also provides more emphasis to 00:11:949 (1) - – kept the general flow but increased the spacing and made an angle between (7,8)
  5. 00:12:801 - are you sure you don't want to map this beat? :(( it's where the vocal returns – yes. There needs to be a 1/1 slider after the long click session, and this rhythm works well in transitioning away from the vocal toward the bass.
  6. 00:12:971 (4,5,1) - too linear for my taste... maybe try something like this? – I'm fine with linear flow
  7. 00:14:165 - same as previous... maybe this xd
  8. 00:16:040 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - this pattern looks cool! ... problem is the jumps should be on 00:16:892 (6,7,8,1) - , because it's where the vocals begin... i would do something like this (look how 00:16:892 (6,7,8,1) - form a cool triangle lol – the vocals are not the focus of this section and play more of a background roll. I'd rather focus on the harp sound instead, which I think I've spaced reasonably as is. The vocals have their moments later in the map like in some parts of the kiai, which is a better place to emphasize them.
  9. 00:18:767 (1) - this note needs more emphasis – if it does, then so does all the other downbeats in this section. This would raise the intensity of this calm section more than I'd like, so I'd rather keep it calm with no jumps here.
  10. 00:22:517 (7) - i didn't like the way 7 overlaps with 00:21:494 (1,2,3,4) - ... just my opinion tho – was a little tricky but I rearranged to avoid bad overlap
  11. 00:23:199 - kinda weird that you ignored this beat – eh. The bass isn't so strong there, so I thought this worked fine
  12. 00:32:915 (4,5) - spacing is increasing in this part and then BOOM! it suddenly decreases... doesn't play that good imo :(( – yeah you're right, changed
  13. 00:34:960 (1,2,3,4,5) - those are too close eachother imo... try ctrl+shift+s on this – fixed
  14. 00:37:687 (1,2,3,4,5) - maybe this? so they don't overlap xd – while they are a bit cluttered, I'd rather keep it like this to preserve a smaller DS.

  1. 00:32:403 (1,2,3,4,5) - this might be too hard for a hard (lol) consider using some sliders, because there are somebeats that aren't that important, so they could be in sliders tails – fixed
  2. well... couldn't find much more on this diff... because it's already nice and there are some stuff that i already mentioned before, so... say them again it's pointless

  1. 00:31:721 (3,1) - not sure if u intended to make a blanket with those 2, pointing it anyways lol – these have faded so much that blanketing them would have no noticeable impact

  1. 00:33:085 (3,1) - stacks in easy diffs are questionable... i'd prefer don't do that – unstacked
  2. 00:48:767 (2) - isn't aiming to 00:50:130 (1) - (god... that's why i dislike to mod easy stuff lol) – fixed
  3. 00:56:266 (1,2) - same ^ it might be confusing for newbie players – fixed

hope it helps! good luck – thanks for the mod!
can i make a GD ;-; //really like this song #naruto FC <3
i'll mod this on saturday because I really need to study zzz
Topic Starter

KantoKun wrote:

can i make a GD ;-; //really like this song #naruto FC <3
Check forum pm and get back to me.

Rizen wrote:

i'll mod this on saturday because I really need to study zzz
Thanks for letting me know. Take your time, and good luck on those exams.
From queue~

00:12:630 - the claps sound a bit off because the brunt of the musical claps come in about 1/8 beat later. Don't have to change, but if its possible to make it better then do that.
00:56:948 (1,2) - slider bodies too close
01:06:153 (3,4) - improve blanket
01:16:039 (1,2,3) - ^
01:24:903 (4,5) - DS
-If you ever need to remap this difficulty, I would change the DS to 1.1. It seems pretty cramped right now.

Joey's Light Insane
-Change the combo colors to the ones used in the other difficulties.
00:12:971 (6) - don't really like the shape of this slider because it's tiny and has a super sharp angle.
00:14:165 (4,2) - blanket
00:21:324 (1,2,3) - ^
00:30:528 (4,1) - ^
00:35:471 (3,5) - ^
00:44:676 (1,2) - ^
00:47:233 - note barely audible, maybe just skip this note.
00:56:266 (3,1) - blanket
01:25:585 (1,3) - ^

Good luck!

00:12:630 (2,3,4) - I dunno, the flow break for 2 -> 3 is understandable due to the gap, but 3,4 look really awkward visually due to how sharp you've made the pattern look, maybe try smoothing it out for a bit better visuals (This will result in the probably moving of 00:14:676 (1,2,3) - )
00:17:403 (1,2,3) - I guess I'm more salty over the face that 3 -> 4 has simple flow off the slider while the linear sliders don't
00:28:312 (1,2,3,4) - Not really a fan of the motion of basically going back and doing the same pattern, I don't see it repeated elsewhere
00:31:039 (1,2,3,4) - ctrl + g 00:31:721 (3,4) - to better follow flow
01:01:380 (2,3) - lol it's not perfectly centered
01:17:403 (1,3) - It's kinda awkward, since by the time the slider is done, 3 appears and that can be kinda confusing

00:03:085 (4,5,6) - This looks all clumped up, maybe rotating it so it's like below, a bit of re-adjusting is required tho
00:06:835 (2,3,4) - I'm like, all for linear things, but this really doesn't look good lol, it's so edgy
00:11:949 (1,2,3) - lol you need to fix this slider flow, 1 -> 2 looks awkward following slider flow
00:31:040 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Nerf this, this is pretty extreme, since you not only force players to make a pretty sharp motion for 3 -> 4, but you also have it so there's no break, and players are kinda used to a small break for spacing like this so it can catch them off-guard
00:55:585 (1,2,3,5,6,1) - This kinda reminds me of some really old maps, because the notes appear but you have to basically wait a bit until you could actually click the note lol
01:06:153 (3,1) - improve flowowow
01:07:687 (5,1) - You've been emphasizing vocals wh happened
01:15:357 (2,3,4) - This is 1/3 lol
01:22:175 (5,6) - You don't do this anywhere in the map iirc so like, real unstructured

[l insane]
Missing video, combo colors
00:13:994 (3) - you make 00:12:460 (4) - then make this clickable wh
00:47:233 (1) - meh slider on a passive note while you make the downbeat unclickable for a louder note is gross
01:06:835 (2,3,4,5,6) - I like how this all is given basically the same amount of emphasis as 01:06:153 (4,1) -
01:09:903 (4,5) - why stack yyyyy
01:15:528 (4) - this is still 1/3 lol
01:19:448 (3,4) - What justifies this .3.

mm done listening to this song lol

this needs a lot of work tbh
I just discovered this map (I love this song <3), I played through the hard diff and I got troubles reading these kinds of patterns:
00:12:971 (3,4)
I think it's too hard to read for a hard diff. Maybe you should move the "4" just a bit to the left or right and it'll be better. :)
(Just tested, much better in my opinion :X)

Anyway, thanks for mapping this awesome song~ .

- For easy diffs (or easiest), you really want to spoon-feed the player and make sure they can read the map completely fine. e.g. the pattern at 00:22:176 (3,4,1,2) - would probably stumble most new players. Something like this would be easier to read
- 00:31:040 (1,2,3) - instead of slider circle circle, try repeat slider circle. I think this would suit this part of the easy diff better as the sounds at the slider ends and circle at 00:31:040 (1,2) - are all the same sound (basically), and then a circle at 00:33:085 (3) - as the sound is different (clap)
- 01:17:403 (1) - just a normal curved slider would probably fit it better, the slider ending position points to the upper left, but the next object is down right
- AR = 3 maybe? explained later in hard
- It's an easy mm

- 00:58:312 (1,2) - consider swapping positions of these two circles (then readjusting upcoming objects). It feels more natural imo with this placement as the previous slider points to the right
- 01:06:835 - doesn't really make sense for me to miss this beat, other than that you want to put a break there. I think it'll be best to put a circle there for rhythm continuity with stuff like 00:55:925 (2) -
- AR = 5.5 maybe? explained later in hard

- 00:04:788 (5) - unsnapped by a few ms
- 00:15:187 (2) - spacing derp?
- 00:40:415 (1) - circle then 1/1 slider? I feel as though the guitar sound shouldn't be missed
- 00:52:176 (2,3) - consider this?
- 01:13:994 (3) - spacing this out breaks the consistency as you don't usually space out claps such as at 01:12:630 (2) - .
- 01:24:732 (3,4) - this really doesn't flow that well because it requires the player to make 2 sharp turns and feels icky imo. try something like this maybe
- main thing I don't like about this difficulty is that everything seems so bunched up... You can try ease this by raising the AR to somewhere like 8

- 00:24:903 (5) - move this to somewhere like 140//51. It'll look waaay neater and doesn't really mess up gameplay
- 00:55:585 (1,2) - nice stacks
- 00:56:948 (1) - just an ordinary 1/1 slider with no repeats sounds better imo. The sound on red tick isn't noticeable to warrant a slider repeat
- 01:03:085 (3,4) - Try ctrl+g each slider then continue after that. It'll follow the music going from increasing pitch to decreasing pitch (also will create a nice circular motion)

I can't even mod well anymore :((
Topic Starter
No reply = fixed

Yahuri wrote:

From queue~

00:12:630 - the claps sound a bit off because the brunt of the musical claps come in about 1/8 beat later. Don't have to change, but if its possible to make it better then do that. – this is a problem that the mp3 has that I don't really have any way to fix perfectly. The custom hitclap does a significantly better job than the default clap, which is the best I can do
00:56:948 (1,2) - slider bodies too close
01:06:153 (3,4) - improve blanket
01:16:039 (1,2,3) - ^
01:24:903 (4,5) – DS
-If you ever need to remap this difficulty, I would change the DS to 1.1. It seems pretty cramped right now. – I agree with the point and will keep this in mind for future maps

Good luck! – thanks for the mod


Battle wrote:


00:12:630 (2,3,4) - I dunno, the flow break for 2 -> 3 is understandable due to the gap, but 3,4 look really awkward visually due to how sharp you've made the pattern look, maybe try smoothing it out for a bit better visuals (This will result in the probably moving of 00:14:676 (1,2,3) - )
00:17:403 (1,2,3) - I guess I'm more salty over the face that 3 -> 4 has simple flow off the slider while the linear sliders don't
00:28:312 (1,2,3,4) - Not really a fan of the motion of basically going back and doing the same pattern, I don't see it repeated elsewhere -- the singer emphasizes it in a way that feels a little unique in the song, so I don't think there is a consistency issue because the song is different here.
00:31:039 (1,2,3,4) - ctrl + g 00:31:721 (3,4) - to better follow flow -- moved 00:32:403 (5) - instead
01:01:380 (2,3) - lol it's not perfectly centered
01:17:403 (1,3) - It's kinda awkward, since by the time the slider is done, 3 appears and that can be kinda confusing

00:03:085 (4,5,6) - This looks all clumped up, maybe rotating it so it's like below, a bit of re-adjusting is required tho – blanketed (3,6) to give it structure. I like the flow as is so I'd like to keep it
00:06:835 (2,3,4) - I'm like, all for linear things, but this really doesn't look good lol, it's so edgy – I don't see any weaknesses in the design. What about this do you dislike?
00:11:949 (1,2,3) - lol you need to fix this slider flow, 1 -> 2 looks awkward following slider flow
00:31:040 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Nerf this, this is pretty extreme, since you not only force players to make a pretty sharp motion for 3 -> 4, but you also have it so there's no break, and players are kinda used to a small break for spacing like this so it can catch them off-guard – Hope it's better.
00:55:585 (1,2,3,5,6,1) - This kinda reminds me of some really old maps, because the notes appear but you have to basically wait a bit until you could actually click the note lol – AR increased slightly, but I don't see a problem here
01:06:153 (3,1) - improve flowowow – drop off flow is fine as is
01:07:687 (5,1) - You've been emphasizing vocals wh happened – how would you map it so that it goes with the vocals better? Seems fine to me as is.
01:15:357 (2,3,4) - This is 1/3 lol – the vocals are ¾ yes, but if I mapped it with a circle on 01:15:783 - , the polarity change would cause a sour play experience. Overall, this ¾ rhythm in the vocals isn't dramatic enough to take the player off of their ½ expectations. It's better to switch to the harmony here to have a more intuitive rhythm.
01:22:175 (5,6) - You don't do this anywhere in the map iirc so like, real unstructured

this needs a lot of work tbh – Can you give a general opinion about where you think it needs improving? Is it just more structure/flow mistakes that you didn't want to write out than can be ironed out by other mods, is it with one particular difficulty, or is there something deeper that you dislike?
thanks for the mod!

@Harakiri_j – good point, added


Rizen wrote:


- For easy diffs (or easiest), you really want to spoon-feed the player – best advice all day, fixed
- 00:31:040 (1,2,3) - instead of slider circle circle, try repeat slider circle. I think this would suit this part of the easy diff better as the sounds at the slider ends and circle at 00:31:040 (1,2) - are all the same sound (basically), and then a circle at 00:33:085 (3) - as the sound is different (clap) – good idea
- 01:17:403 (1) - just a normal curved slider would probably fit it better, the slider ending position points to the upper left, but the next object is down right
- AR = 3 maybe? explained later in hard – 2
- It's an easy mm

- 00:58:312 (1,2) - consider swapping positions of these two circles (then readjusting upcoming objects). It feels more natural imo with this placement as the previous slider points to the right – little worried about the stack, but yeah agreed.
- 01:06:835 - doesn't really make sense for me to miss this beat, other than that you want to put a break there. I think it'll be best to put a circle there for rhythm continuity with stuff like 00:55:925 (2) - – I don't like the continuity or “consistency” argument. 00:55:925 (2) – is different because it is a finish that introduces a section while 01:06:494 (1) – is a finish that ends a section. I think you have to look locally at the rhythm, and since a break makes sense and is what I want to do, I prefer to have a break.
- AR = 5.5 maybe? explained later in hard – 4.5

- 00:04:788 (5) - unsnapped by a few ms
- 00:15:187 (2) - spacing derp?
- 00:40:415 (1) - circle then 1/1 slider? I feel as though the guitar sound shouldn't be missed – it's a bit tricky. 00:39:221 (1,2,3,4) – really emphasizes the vocals, so I think a 3/2 slider helps emphasize the syncopation and stressed note better, which keeps the player on the vocals so they can more easily read 00:41:267 (2,3) - . The added note on the big white tick seems to conflict with that too much.
- 00:52:176 (2,3) - consider this? I like the flow as is but I structured it a little better
- 01:13:994 (3) - spacing this out breaks the consistency as you don't usually space out claps such as at 01:12:630 (2) - .
- 01:24:732 (3,4) - this really doesn't flow that well because it requires the player to make 2 sharp turns and feels icky imo. try something like this maybe
- main thing I don't like about this difficulty is that everything seems so bunched up... You can try ease this by raising the AR to somewhere like 8 – While I kind of agree, I don't think it's clumped up that badly. Increased AR to 7.5

- 00:24:903 (5) - move this to somewhere like 140//51. It'll look waaay neater and doesn't really mess up gameplay – I'm going for a certain symmetry, so only doing this messes that up and kind of looks odd. So here is what I would get if I added a structural constraint: . Very nice design, but there are significant differences in the patterns. One is that the DS is bigger, which I kind of don't like. The other is the flow cuts to the left instead of cutting to the right at (5). For these reasons, I think I'd rather keep the original pattern despite the fact it looks a little worse.
- 00:55:585 (1,2) - nice stacks – not sure if this is a compliment or a subtle implication that I should actually stack these. If I did actually stack these, then I have three stacks in a row all doing different things, which is kind of confusing, so I'll stick to these “nice stacks.”
- 00:56:948 (1) - just an ordinary 1/1 slider with no repeats sounds better imo. The sound on red tick isn't noticeable to warrant a slider repeat – the reverse doesn't actually have a click though, so the rhythm issue isn't huge. A reverse does add a flow change, which helps keep the intensity up, which I'd rather do since a 1/1 slider really slows down the map a lot.
- 01:03:085 (3,4) - Try ctrl+g each slider then continue after that. It'll follow the music going from increasing pitch to decreasing pitch (also will create a nice circular motion) – I'm not feeling it :(

I can't even mod well anymore :(( – don't be hard on yourself, you did a good job. Thanks for the mod!

  1. I think slider tick rate 2 fits this song perfectly, specially in the lower difficulties
  2. 00:00:358 - one of these uninherited timing points is not needed, you can use a negative offset to achieve the same thing you are trying to do here.
  3. check tags and audio leadin, there are some conflicts.
  1. 00:01:040 (1) - as i said above, i think you should use slider tick rate 2 here, and un silence them, it follows the background music very nicely, try it :D
  2. 00:55:585 - you are ignoring arguably the strongest beat in the song which is the start of the chorus, just seem very wrong, if you are worried about the spinner, you can shorten it to the previous white tick instead of ignoring this strong beat.
    Nothing else to say here. hard to find any faults with a metronome clicker which is pretty much what you have here. while its not wrong in any way, it is just not very interesting :\ there is not alot of rhythm variety at all
  1. same thing I said about easy applies here, this difficulty could use more variety, in normals you will want to make use of some 1/2 rhythms, of which there are none in this map
  2. 00:39:903 (2,3) - nazi blanket
    yeee, pretty hard to mod something this simple without being incredibly nitpicky, so I will spare you
  1. holy crap, yeah this is where what i was fearing would happen, actually happens. you have no 1/2 rhythims in normal, and hard has alot of them. this difficulty spread is not appropriate. you are going to have to do some remapping on these 2 difficulties to bridge the gap a little better
  2. 00:18:085 (3,4) - these stacks really dont make any sense to me. you did this alot throughout the map, but I just dont see the reason for them. I would unstack these if I were you, considering how simple the normal was to read.
  3. 00:58:312 (1,2) - I know you are following the music here, but this pattern at this bpm can be difficult to play. you have 6 circles in a row and suddenly 2 of them are stacked, you should use a slider somewhere here.
  4. 01:28:141 (5) - maybe use regular 1/2 here
[Light Insane]
  1. missing video
  2. 00:29:676 (1) - move this slider down some, will improve flow from the previous object
  3. 00:52:517 (7) - NC for slider speed decrease
  4. the overall spacing in the map is pretty big, pretty much the same in the kiai as everywhere else, and you are using very fast slider speeds even for the more clam parts of the song, you should reconsider some of these things
out of time for now, took a quick look at the insane, the spacing at the start seemed kind of random, and the patterns looked a little sloppy such as 00:03:255 (6,7,8,1,2,3) - you should try to clean those up

the biggest concern is difficulty spread between normal and hard, as it is right now it is very much unacceptable. anyway, good luck with the map!
Topic Starter

Setz wrote:


  1. I think slider tick rate 2 fits this song perfectly, specially in the lower difficulties -- added to easy since everything else is already slider tick 2
  2. 00:00:358 - one of these uninherited timing points is not needed, you can use a negative offset to achieve the same thing you are trying to do here.
  3. check tags and audio leadin, there are some conflicts.
  1. 00:01:040 (1) - as i said above, i think you should use slider tick rate 2 here, and un silence them, it follows the background music very nicely, try it :D -- I like un-silencing the slider ticks on the easy, but not on the Insane, and I think it would be unwise for me to be inconsistent. I think I will end up un-silencing them, but let me run it by Joey first
  2. 00:55:585 - you are ignoring arguably the strongest beat in the song which is the start of the chorus, just seem very wrong, if you are worried about the spinner, you can shorten it to the previous white tick instead of ignoring this strong beat. -- shortening the spinner seems, odd, I'll just add the note here and hope the pause in between is enough
    Nothing else to say here. hard to find any faults with a metronome clicker which is pretty much what you have here. while its not wrong in any way, it is just not very interesting :\ there is not alot of rhythm variety at all -- Wish I could map easy's better
  1. same thing I said about easy applies here, this difficulty could use more variety, in normals you will want to make use of some 1/2 rhythms, of which there are none in this map -- addresed
  2. 00:39:903 (2,3) - nazi blanket -- okay
    yeee, pretty hard to mod something this simple without being incredibly nitpicky, so I will spare you
  1. holy crap, yeah this is where what i was fearing would happen, actually happens. you have no 1/2 rhythims in normal, and hard has alot of them. this difficulty spread is not appropriate. you are going to have to do some remapping on these 2 difficulties to bridge the gap a little better -- remapped the Normal to have 1/2 rhythms.
  2. 00:18:085 (3,4) - these stacks really dont make any sense to me. you did this alot throughout the map, but I just dont see the reason for them. I would unstack these if I were you, considering how simple the normal was to read. -- The stack is to help emphasize the clap. See on the Insane at 00:25:951 (5,1) - etc for a similar effect. These used to be auto-stacked, but Harakiri_j has a good point that stacking them in this way is easier to read
  3. 00:58:312 (1,2) - I know you are following the music here, but this pattern at this bpm can be difficult to play. you have 6 circles in a row and suddenly 2 of them are stacked, you should use a slider somewhere here. -- added a slider
  4. 01:28:141 (5) - maybe use regular 1/2 here -- I think this pattern is playable as is and expresses the chimes better
out of time for now, took a quick look at the insane, the spacing at the start seemed kind of random, and the patterns looked a little sloppy such as 00:03:255 (6,7,8,1,2,3) - you should try to clean those up -- cleaned up a little bit, but would have loved to hear more opinions on this map, but I understand

the biggest concern is difficulty spread between normal and hard, as it is right now it is very much unacceptable. anyway, good luck with the map! -- thanks so much for the mod. Re-doing the rhythm in the Normal has helped a lot, thanks for spelling it out for me!
from #modreqs

Check AIMod, there are conflicts
I don't see the reason for the large amount of red timing points you have. Delete all of them except the 1st one or use green inherited points

00:01:040 (1,2) - Ctrl + V this pattern and rotate it to the fit your 2nd one. At the moment they aren't exactly the same
00:10:585 (2) - Just use 3 points. Looks ugly atm
00:20:130 (1) - Use a copy of 00:18:767 (3) but CTRL+J it
01:01:039 (1,2) - Blanket

00:09:903 (2,4) - Blanket this better
00:50:812 (2,3) - ^

For the start of your song your DS is changing without any given indication in the music. If you want to play around with DS changes I suggest you use jumps that change direction instead of having a snake. The first time I played this I found it very difficult to read because I assumed the gap meant a break.

00:18:085 (3,4) - these stacks really dont make any sense to me. you did this alot throughout the map, but I just dont see the reason for them. I would unstack these if I were you, considering how simple the normal was to read. -- The stack is to help emphasize the clap. See on the Insane at 00:25:951 (5,1) - etc for a similar effect. These used to be auto-stacked, but Harakiri_j has a good point that stacking them in this way is easier to read
Umm about that ^ I don't see how its stacked like how you've done it..

00:55:925 (2,3) - Here you have a jump according to the rhythm and 00:59:505 (7,1) - here you don't yet the spacing is only a tad different. If you intend to keep the jumps then make the space between 2,3 bigger so that there is a distinct difference between that and 7,1

[Light Insane]
Nice diff
Check timing points, the first timing point is unused. Also remove all the reds
00:33:937 (2) - Make this a little bit straighter so it doesn't look like a failed blanket
01:09:903 (4,5) - Move these out from underneath the slider, difficult to read because 01:11:266 (2) - uses the same pattern but with different timing
01:11:437 (3) - This could be just a bit more perfect if it lands directly on 01:11:266 (2)

00:00:358 (1) - Adjust this sliders end so it blankets 00:01:380 (2)
The start is too busy yet its calm. I suggest using a little bit of sliders to give the player a break.
00:03:767 (1,2) - Slider
00:09:221 (1,2) - Slider
I don't think this change would hinder the difficulty too much if you're worried about that. It just makes more sense and is less overmapped to add in these sliders
00:41:949 (1,2) - This is hard to tell apart from 00:42:630 (4,5) Change the pattern
00:55:585 (1,2) - Stack these (all your other stacked double notes are 1/2 beats apart)
00:55:925 (3,4) - Unstack these
01:00:016 (2) - Stack on top of 01:00:187 (3)

Also I suggest you tidy up some of those long sliders and some look ugly e.g. 01:22:857 (1)
Topic Starter
no reply = fixed

Pentori wrote:

from #modreqs

Check AIMod, there are conflicts – Joey needs to update his stuff.
I don't see the reason for the large amount of red timing points you have. Delete all of them except the 1st one or use green inherited points – the middle ones are there to go with the vocals, but fixed the beginning

00:01:040 (1,2) - Ctrl + V this pattern and rotate it to the fit your 2nd one. At the moment they aren't exactly the same – this is intentional and I think it's fine
00:10:585 (2) - Just use 3 points. Looks ugly atm
00:20:130 (1) - Use a copy of 00:18:767 (3) but CTRL+J it
01:01:039 (1,2) - Blanket

00:09:903 (2,4) - Blanket this better
00:50:812 (2,3) - ^

For the start of your song your DS is changing without any given indication in the music. If you want to play around with DS changes I suggest you use jumps that change direction instead of having a snake. The first time I played this I found it very difficult to read because I assumed the gap meant a break. – What about the third or fourth time? These DS changes are here to go with certain pitch changes, which are fall on stronger beats in each of these measures, and I am confident that a DS change can work. As far as the direction goes, do you mean like this: This would feel very unnatural. If the first object wasn't a slider it could work, but there aren't many like that in the map. Because the jumps are out of slider, it's better for the flow to go in a more continuous motion imo.

00:18:085 (3,4) - these stacks really dont make any sense to me. you did this alot throughout the map, but I just dont see the reason for them. I would unstack these if I were you, considering how simple the normal was to read. -- The stack is to help emphasize the clap. See on the Insane at 00:25:951 (5,1) - etc for a similar effect. These used to be auto-stacked, but Harakiri_j has a good point that stacking them in this way is easier to read
Umm about that ^ I don't see how its stacked like how you've done it.. – the example was to show that a “stack” under this rhythm makes some sense as a technique. My execution was a bit sloppy, so I made my stacks more uniform, but still not auto-stacked for reasons stated above.

00:55:925 (2,3) - Here you have a jump according to the rhythm and 00:59:505 (7,1) - here you don't yet the spacing is only a tad different. If you intend to keep the jumps then make the space between 2,3 bigger so that there is a distinct difference between that and 7,1 – reduced the spacing at (7,1)

00:00:358 (1) - Adjust this sliders end so it blankets 00:01:380 (2)
The start is too busy yet its calm. I suggest using a little bit of sliders to give the player a break.
00:03:767 (1,2) – Slider – As stubborn as I want to be, you're right. Thank you.
00:09:221 (1,2) - Slider
I don't think this change would hinder the difficulty too much if you're worried about that. It just makes more sense and is less overmapped to add in these sliders
00:41:949 (1,2) - This is hard to tell apart from 00:42:630 (4,5) Change the pattern – As far as all these stack issues go, it's complicated because both versions of the stack are fundamental parts of how I mapped it, so I don't have an easy answer to these stack issues. I'll get some more opinions first and postpone any changes until later
00:55:585 (1,2) - Stack these (all your other stacked double notes are 1/2 beats apart)
00:55:925 (3,4) - Unstack these
01:00:016 (2) - Stack on top of 01:00:187 (3)

Also I suggest you tidy up some of those long sliders and some look ugly e.g. 01:22:857 (1) – triggered xD. Oh I see it's the end part that's a little screwy. The only slider I think actually looks ugly is 00:44:676 (1) - , and I'm open to any suggestions, but I'm not actually good at slider art.
Thanks for a good mod.

00:14:676 (1,2,3) - It feels awkward to change direction here imo
00:37:858 (2) - You should make it straight as 00:36:494 (1) - is, because 00:33:767 (1,2) - have both the same shape
00:39:903 (2,3,1) - Obviously you need to change their shapes if you apply the suggestion before
00:48:767 (2) - What about making it straight as for 00:46:040 (2) - ?
01:03:766 (1) - I honestly don't like this shape... this is really better looking imo


00:17:403 (1) - move it left ?
00:56:778 (4) - nazi but move to (264;180)
01:04:448 (2) - move to (12;68)
01:06:494 (1,2) - I really think it's soso to use the same pattern as 01:05:812 (4,5) - since they are really different
Really well made

00:04:108 (2) - DS isn't high enough, it was confusing when I played it
00:09:562 (2) - and 00:10:926 (2) - ^ I almost missed, tbh
00:07:176 (3) - Looks closer from (2)
01:05:130 (1) - The "middle" of the slider looks under its beginning/end, idk if you get what I mean but I don't like it
01:07:172 - Overlap here, not really unreadable

Good luck !
Topic Starter

6th wrote:


00:14:676 (1,2,3) - It feels awkward to change direction here imo - made the flow less sharp, but it still goes back and forth
00:37:858 (2) - You should make it straight as 00:36:494 (1) - is, because 00:33:767 (1,2) - have both the same shape -- I think it's fine as is
00:39:903 (2,3,1) - Obviously you need to change their shapes if you apply the suggestion before
00:48:767 (2) - What about making it straight as for 00:46:040 (2) - ? -- okay
01:03:766 (1) - I honestly don't like this shape... this is really better looking imo -- fixed


00:17:403 (1) - move it left ? -- why?
00:56:778 (4) - nazi but move to (264;180) -- this is intentional as it curves with the sliders
01:04:448 (2) - move to (12;68) -- don't use grid snap
01:06:494 (1,2) - I really think it's soso to use the same pattern as 01:05:812 (4,5) - since they are really different -- hmm, okay
Really well made

00:04:108 (2) - DS isn't high enough, it was confusing when I played it -- The DS is consistent with the rest of the stuff
00:09:562 (2) - and 00:10:926 (2) - ^ I almost missed, tbh
00:07:176 (3) - Looks closer from (2)
01:05:130 (1) - The "middle" of the slider looks under its beginning/end, idk if you get what I mean but I don't like it - I think I see what you're trying to describe the slider as, I just don't understand why that is a problem
01:07:172 - Overlap here, not really unreadable -- What's overlapping and why is it bad?

Good luck ! -- Thanks!

Finished. then I will find 2-3 modw when you updated :)
Topic Starter
Welcome aboard!
Hello from hyouri's Modding Queue~


  • Insane

    I'm first going to admit this kind of map is very difficult to mod, because it all has to do with pattern and spacing, that's pretty much all I can mod right now.
  1. 01:07:687 (7) - off-pattern/misplaced imo, could be moved to like x:286|y:156
  2. 00:32:744 (3,4,5) - spacing of these three is larger than 00:32:403 (1,2,3) -
  3. 01:10:073 (6) - this feels very off-flow

  4. You could add "ED" in the tags because that's a common term to describe ending just as opening is described OP

  5. I didn't really notice a storyboard, but you have a sprite in there. If you didn't intend to have one you can disable "Widescreen support" in song setup

    Combo Colors
  6. Maybe try combo colors like these?

    Good luck!
from DreaM117er

00:01:892 (5,7) - Why don't you stack

00:11:267 (5,6,7,8) - I suggest use different rhythm,like this,

00:31:721 (5,6,7,8) - and00:31:040 (1,2,3,4) - ,both same rhythm,why do you use different DS

00:32:403 (1,2,3,4,5) - also

00:49:961 - miss note

00:55:585 (1,2,3) - its not good rhythm,1 and 2 is so near

01:13:994 (4,5) - stack

01:15:357 (2,3) - stack

117‘s light insane
00:25:415 - I think add a note is nopro

00:33:597 - I suggest do this,

00:36:324 - also

00:16:296 (2) - unsnap?

00:43:653 (2,4) - stack

Fuck my poor English,sorry,GL
I talk with KantoKun, then he say main BPM is 88, not 176.

So all red line should be like this: (88, 81.7, 82.5, 86.25, 88)

SV should be x2 :)

My diff is here, then check AI mod in your diff
osu file format v14

AudioFilename: Azu - For You (Tv Size).mp3
AudioLeadIn: 2000
PreviewTime: 55585
Countdown: 0
SampleSet: Soft
StackLeniency: 0.7
Mode: 0
LetterboxInBreaks: 0
WidescreenStoryboard: 1

Bookmarks: 11267
DistanceSpacing: 1.1
BeatDivisor: 4
GridSize: 4
TimelineZoom: 1.4

Title:For You(TV size)
TitleUnicode:For You(TV size)
Version:117's Light Insane
Source:NARUTO-ナルト- 疾風伝
Tags:Shippuden ending 12 child sakura soft jpop [ Joey ]


//Background and Video events
Video,-181,"For you.flv"
//Break Periods
//Storyboard Layer 0 (Background)
//Storyboard Layer 1 (Fail)
//Storyboard Layer 2 (Pass)
//Storyboard Layer 3 (Foreground)
//Storyboard Sound Samples


Combo1 : 15,48,119
Combo2 : 215,0,0
Combo3 : 255,128,255

Topic Starter

hyouri wrote:

Hello from hyouri's Modding Queue~


  • Insane

    I'm first going to admit this kind of map is very difficult to mod, because it all has to do with pattern and spacing, that's pretty much all I can mod right now.
  1. 01:07:687 (7) - off-pattern/misplaced imo, could be moved to like x:286|y:156 -- this is intentional because I want to emphasize this note, but I can be persuaded if more people point this out
  2. 00:32:744 (3,4,5) - spacing of these three is larger than 00:32:403 (1,2,3) - was intentional, but now I like constant DS better
  3. 01:10:073 (6) - this feels very off-flow -- I'm sorry you feel that way. I think it's good as is.

  4. You could add "ED" in the tags because that's a common term to describe ending just as opening is described OP -- okay

  5. I didn't really notice a storyboard, but you have a sprite in there. If you didn't intend to have one you can disable "Widescreen support" in song setup -- fixed

    Combo Colors
  6. Maybe try combo colors like these? -- the current colors go with the colors sakura is wearing in the background, so I prefer these.

    Good luck! -- Thanks for the mod!

__Ag wrote:

from DreaM117er

00:01:892 (5,7) - Why don't you stack -- I prefer this type of stack because it gives a clearer visual sign to the player that this is a stack.

00:11:267 (5,6,7,8) - I suggest use different rhythm,like this, -- this suggested rhythm really kills the intensity I'm trying to build in the map. While I can kind of agree the rhythm of the opening section is a little too strong, this is not the place to be lowering it

00:31:721 (5,6,7,8) - and00:31:040 (1,2,3,4) - ,both same rhythm,why do you use different DS -- this is a sort of climax to this section of the song, so I'd like to end it with a challenging pattern. The increasing DS is supposed to represent that.

00:32:403 (1,2,3,4,5) - also

00:49:961 - miss note -- The real problem in this section is 00:33:767 (1,1) - . By going with the vocals in this way, I set a precedence for having large breaks. So your suggestion would kind of clash with this rhyyhm, which is why I'm not changing it now. I do like following this vocal, but I'm going to get some more opinions on it and see if that's really for the best.

00:55:585 (1,2,3) - its not good rhythm,1 and 2 is so near -- okay I tried to add some spacing changes.

01:13:994 (4,5) - stack

01:15:357 (2,3) - stack

117‘s light insane
00:25:415 - I think add a note is nopro

00:33:597 - I suggest do this,

00:36:324 - also

00:16:296 (2) - unsnap? -- woops, fixed

00:43:653 (2,4) - stack -- fixed

Fuck my poor English,sorry,GL-- Your English is just fine, thanks for the mod!

DreaM117er wrote:

I talk with KantoKun, then he say main BPM is 88, not 176.
SV should be x2 :)
Although I think 176 gives better expectations of the map to the player, I will concede that the more experienced mappers know best. Changed.

17:34 pinataman: hey sotarks. I was wondering if you could give me your opinion on this map
17:34 *pinataman is editing [ Azu - For You(TV size) [Insane]]
17:34 Sotarks: Oh hello :)
17:34 pinataman: I'd also be willing to M4M since I really think I could use your help getting my map ranked
17:35 Sotarks: "my help" ?
17:35 Sotarks: I'm a shitmodder :/
17:35 pinataman: you have opinions on things and I'd like to hear them atleast
17:39 Sotarks: omg
17:39 Sotarks: this diff is really
17:39 Sotarks: cool
17:40 pinataman: eh
17:40 *Sotarks is listening to [ Azu - For You(TV size)]
17:40 Sotarks: the other light insane
17:40 Sotarks: also really cool
17:41 Sotarks: The problem is your diff I guess
17:41 Sotarks: Really not enjoyable to play
17:41 Sotarks: I mean all those single taps at the begining
17:42 Sotarks: 00:08:540 (5,6,7,8) - stuff like this is lame I mean :/
17:42 Sotarks: The spacing is perfect before
17:42 Sotarks: youj really emphasis the piano
17:43 Sotarks: 00:29:676 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - lame
17:44 pinataman: so i should make that one less clicky?
17:44 Sotarks: It's not tricky
17:44 Sotarks: at all
17:44 pinataman: do you think it should be?
17:45 Sotarks: Well
17:45 Sotarks: I think a song like this
17:45 Sotarks: shouldn't be tricky
17:45 Sotarks: but enjoyable to play
17:45 Sotarks: like the 2 light insanes
17:45 Sotarks: but this is my own opinion
17:46 Sotarks: 01:11:266 (3,4) - this is a bit undermapped
17:46 Sotarks: 01:12:119 - U're missing a lots of beats like this one, makes me sad.
17:46 pinataman: sure, I think two sliders is slightly overmapped, but it's closer to what it should be than two circles
17:47 Sotarks: well It's totally not my style of map I guess
17:47 Sotarks: but idk how I can help you to rank it
17:47 Sotarks: i'm not a BN
17:49 pinataman: well this has been helpful as is, so thank you for that.
17:49 pinataman: if you want you can post this to the thread and I'll kudosu

GL dude
Mod from q

  1. For the tags I think you have to use "[_Joey_]" for the right results.

  1. 00:03:086 (4) - Ctrl + G for better flow from 00:02:744 (2,3) -
  2. 00:08:540 (5,6) - Could really use more spacing
  3. 00:11:778 (8) - I think you should move this to (266, 288) so 00:11:608 (7,8,1) - has the same spacing to make it more fluid to play
  4. 00:11:949 (1) - Shorten to 1/2 so you don't skip the finish on at 00:12:119 -
  5. 00:17:403 (1) - ^
  6. 00:29:676 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - I feel like this is a little too much. Adding sliders that lead to the jumps at 00:31:040 (1) that actually fit the song would make more sense imo
  7. 00:37:687 (1,2,3,5) - Space these out a little so they're not overlapping
  8. 01:03:085 (3,4) - Space these out a little more so it follows the spacing from the sliders beforehand
  9. 01:05:812 (5,6) - Space out more
  10. 01:28:141 (1) - You could NC this

Joey's Light Insane
  1. Missing video
  2. 00:11:949 (1) - NC
  3. 00:22:687 (5) - You could move this somewhere to the left instead of having a boring triple stack.
  4. 00:51:836 (5) - NC here or 00:51:325 (4) -

  1. 00:10:926 (2) - Move this down a little so it's not overlapping with 00:10:245 (5,6) -
  2. 00:15:187 (2,3,4,5) - Maybe use this rhythm instead -
  3. 00:20:643 (2,3,4,5) - ^
  4. 00:35:813 (4) - I think this would look better curved, maybe like -

  1. 00:24:222 (3,4,5,6) - I think that rhythm might be a little too difficult for Normal, and I'd replace with repeating sliders like -
  2. 00:31:381 (2,3,4) - ^
Are you really sure that the downbeat is correct? First off, the melody begins 00:01:040 here which is not a downbeat. Additional to that the real vocal (or lyrics, whatever) starts 00:11:949 here which is also not a downbeat. But I'm sure that it would be since it's the case in pretty much every song. Also a thing that doesn't make since is that 00:11:949 has a strong drum sound but 00:13:313 doesn't even though it is the downbeat atm.
AiMod tells you to fix the tags since they are not consistent in all diffs.
The red line on 00:54:221 doesn't have correct BPM. I'm not really sure if it's a problem since no difficulty mapped this break, but just to make sure you can actually change the BPM to 91,8. The next red line (thus 00:54:875 ) is also slightly off if you look really close to the ticks. Just increase the BPM by 0,1 and you got the right one.

Since you map the song as it would be 176BPM I'd really suggest to increase the AR by 1 since the density is a bit high sometimes. Maybe it's just a bad habit of me to want every Easy to have AR3 lol.
01:27:630 (2,3) - Personally I'd like it more with CTRL + G. You probably know that a downbeat has a stronger sound which is also the case here. And especially since this is the end of the song the last sound will be stronger / more emphasized than the previous ones. So having it clickable would be really neat, even though I can understand you not doing it because of the bells on the red tick.

00:31:381 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - In my opinion those pattern would cover the music better if you would switch the position of slider and circle. The reason for that is that the first drum (or bass?) sound begins on the slidertail. That means it doesn't have the emphasis it should actually have. Not a big thing though.
00:43:994 (4,5) - As above.
01:28:312 (8) - Should't this one have an NC for consistency? :p

00:07:176 (3) - Are you sure that you don't want to CTRL + G this slider? Plays way nicer and you also did it later on.
00:10:414 (6,1) - Hitting this one will be very hard due the change of the cursors speed without having a sharp angle.
00:31:040 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4) - As in Normal. Especially in this difficulty you might feel how much better it would with the emphasis I described (even though you can use more circles here since a Hard allows it).
01:18:766 (1,4) - I feel triggered by this overlap. ;___;

[117's Insane]
For some reason you have a higher HP drain than Joey's Light Insane even though you have a lower density in your diff. Maybe talk with him and switch the HP values or something? Also I'm not sure about the diffnames as Insane sounds harder than Light Insane. o_O
00:22:347 (4,5,6,1) - Stacking 4 circles is really boring. Try this? Feels really nice imo because it fits really well to the pitch changes in her voice.

[Joey's Light Insane]
00:11:950 (2) - Maybe I'm mistaken but shouldn't this be NC'd for consistency?
01:28:312 - Really boring that you didn't place something here to have a cool finish. :/

The only thing I can say about the beginning is that it plays really weird with antijumps like 00:03:426 (5,6) . Especially this pattern 00:16:040 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) plays really weird. I get the idea about using it, but it should rather be highlighted with bigger jumps as you also did sometimes.

I don't wanna look lazy now, but the anti-jumps are the only thing that really bother me in that diff. D:
Topic Starter
No reply = fixed

@Sotarks, addressed all of them except the last one

Knotts wrote:

Mod from q

  1. For the tags I think you have to use "[_Joey_]" for the right results.

  1. 00:03:086 (4) - Ctrl + G for better flow from 00:02:744 (2,3) - – I like this flow, so I'd like to keep it. I did reduce the DS in a hope that this is not too difficult for the player, and because stacking looks nice
  2. 00:08:540 (5,6) - Could really use more spacing
  3. 00:11:778 (8) - I think you should move this to (266, 288) so 00:11:608 (7,8,1) - has the same spacing to make it more fluid to play – I want to emphasize the downbeat, so I increased the DS so that it will be more obvious it's a jump
  4. 00:11:949 (1) - Shorten to 1/2 so you don't skip the finish on at 00:12:119 - – I think I'm wrong for rejecting this, but look at the pacing of the map so far. The last section was pretty intense, so I'd like to give rest to the player. A ½ slider doesn't give enough rest imo, and the 1/1 slider goes nicely with the vocal, so I think it's okay here.
  5. 00:17:403 (1) - ^ – consistent with above
  6. 00:29:676 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - I feel like this is a little too much. Adding sliders that lead to the jumps at 00:31:040 (1) that actually fit the song would make more sense imo – A little unsure what you want out of this, but I changed the flow very slightly to keep what I want and to make the flow into 00:31:040 (1) a little smoother
  7. 00:37:687 (1,2,3,5) - Space these out a little so they're not overlapping
  8. 01:03:085 (3,4) - Space these out a little more so it follows the spacing from the sliders beforehand – it's a little tricky, but yeah I kinda did
  9. 01:05:812 (5,6) - Space out more
  10. 01:28:141 (1) - You could NC this

  1. 00:10:926 (2) - Move this down a little so it's not overlapping with 00:10:245 (5,6) -
  2. 00:15:187 (2,3,4,5) - Maybe use this rhythm instead - is a nice suggestion, I like how it diversifies the rhythm. It sometimes is a little odd because the clap isn't clickable, but overall I think it's an improvement
  3. 00:20:643 (2,3,4,5) - ^
  4. 00:35:813 (4) - I think this would look better curved, maybe like -

  1. 00:24:222 (3,4,5,6) - I think that rhythm might be a little too difficult for Normal, and I'd replace with repeating sliders like -
  2. 00:31:381 (2,3,4) - ^ – used a different rhythm
gl -- thanks so much!

Stjpa wrote:

Are you really sure that the downbeat is correct? First off, the melody begins 00:01:040 here which is not a downbeat. Additional to that the real vocal (or lyrics, whatever) starts 00:11:949 here which is also not a downbeat. But I'm sure that it would be since it's the case in pretty much every song. Also a thing that doesn't make since is that 00:11:949 has a strong drum sound but 00:13:313 doesn't even though it is the downbeat atm. – yeah this was recently changed from 176 bpm to 88 bpm, so this was unintended.
AiMod tells you to fix the tags since they are not consistent in all diffs. -- will let joey fix this
The red line on 00:54:221 doesn't have correct BPM. I'm not really sure if it's a problem since no difficulty mapped this break, but just to make sure you can actually change the BPM to 91,8. The next red line (thus 00:54:875 ) is also slightly off if you look really close to the ticks. Just increase the BPM by 0,1 and you got the right one. – thanks for looking into it, but you were right that this isn't an issue.

Since you map the song as it would be 176BPM I'd really suggest to increase the AR by 1 since the density is a bit high sometimes. Maybe it's just a bad habit of me to want every Easy to have AR3 lol. – went to 2.5
01:27:630 (2,3) - Personally I'd like it more with CTRL + G. You probably know that a downbeat has a stronger sound which is also the case here. And especially since this is the end of the song the last sound will be stronger / more emphasized than the previous ones. So having it clickable would be really neat, even though I can understand you not doing it because of the bells on the red tick. – good idea

00:31:381 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - In my opinion those pattern would cover the music better if you would switch the position of slider and circle. The reason for that is that the first drum (or bass?) sound begins on the slidertail. That means it doesn't have the emphasis it should actually have. Not a big thing though. – The current circle is also strong though, so I used a different rhythm that made both clickable
00:43:994 (4,5) - As above. – I think it's fine as is
01:28:312 (8) - Should't this one have an NC for consistency? :p

00:07:176 (3) - Are you sure that you don't want to CTRL + G this slider? Plays way nicer and you also did it later on. – Yeah, I'll abandon the gimmick. Fixed
00:10:414 (6,1) - Hitting this one will be very hard due the change of the cursors speed without having a sharp angle. – I don't think it will be too big of an issue that I'd like to keep it.
00:31:040 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4) - As in Normal. Especially in this difficulty you might feel how much better it would with the emphasis I described (even though you can use more circles here since a Hard allows it).
01:18:766 (1,4) - I feel triggered by this overlap. ;___; – I'm so sorry D:)

The only thing I can say about the beginning is that it plays really weird with antijumps like 00:03:426 (5,6) . Especially this pattern 00:16:040 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) plays really weird. I get the idea about using it, but it should rather be highlighted with bigger jumps as you also did sometimes. – I spaced both of these out a tiny bit, but I don't think this is that bad.

I don't wanna look lazy now, but the anti-jumps are the only thing that really bother me in that diff. D: – don't worry about it, I'm just very critical about the Insane. Thanks for the good mod!
[ Joey ]
updated :)
osu file format v14

AudioFilename: Azu - For You (Tv Size).mp3
AudioLeadIn: 1500
PreviewTime: 55585
Countdown: 0
SampleSet: Soft
StackLeniency: 0.7
Mode: 0
LetterboxInBreaks: 0
WidescreenStoryboard: 1

DistanceSpacing: 1.4
BeatDivisor: 4
GridSize: 4
TimelineZoom: 1.900001

Title:For You(TV size)
TitleUnicode:For You(TV size)
Version:Joey's Light Insane
Source:NARUTO-ナルト- 疾風伝
Tags:ending 12 child sakura soft jpop


//Background and Video events
//Break Periods
//Storyboard Layer 0 (Background)
//Storyboard Layer 1 (Fail)
//Storyboard Layer 2 (Pass)
//Storyboard Layer 3 (Foreground)
//Storyboard Sound Samples


After update Joey's and my diff, then I will give you a big check.

I fix red line, sorry for my bad count ability.

@Notice: you should fix tags by yourself, not GDer

osu file format v14

AudioFilename: Azu - For You (Tv Size).mp3
AudioLeadIn: 2000
PreviewTime: 55585
Countdown: 0
SampleSet: Soft
StackLeniency: 0.7
Mode: 0
LetterboxInBreaks: 0
WidescreenStoryboard: 1

Bookmarks: 11267
DistanceSpacing: 1.1
BeatDivisor: 4
GridSize: 4
TimelineZoom: 1.4

Title:For You(TV size)
TitleUnicode:For You(TV size)
Version:117's Light Insane
Source:NARUTO-ナルト- 疾風伝
Tags:Shippuden ending 12 ED child sakura soft jpop [_joey_] joey DreaM117er


//Background and Video events
Video,-181,"For you.flv"
//Break Periods
//Storyboard Layer 0 (Background)
//Storyboard Layer 1 (Fail)
//Storyboard Layer 2 (Pass)
//Storyboard Layer 3 (Foreground)
//Storyboard Sound Samples


Combo1 : 15,48,119
Combo2 : 215,0,0
Combo3 : 255,128,255

#2, Don't give me KD

  1. You MUST fix these mod
  2. Tags you have to fix in all sets:
    Shippuden ending 12 ED child sakura soft jpop [_joey_] joey DreaM117er
  3. Remove unused hitsounds: "soft-hitclap34.wav", "soft-hitfinish34.wav", "soft-hitwhistle34.wav"
  4. Then DON'T use mp3 file hitsounds, convert to wav file: "soft-hitwhistle10.mp3", "soft-hitfinish.mp3", "soft-hitwhistle3.mp3"
  1. fine :)

  • 01:15:016 (2) - use 1/4 slider would be nice
  1. Good :)
  1. 00:02:062 (4,1) - avoid these jump, it would give players a big break. Keep DS
    00:02:744 (3,4) - ^
    00:03:426 (6,1) - ^
    00:04:108 (2,3) - ^
    00:04:961 (6,1) - ^
    00:06:324 (5,1) - ^
    00:07:517 (4,1) - ^
    00:08:199 (3,4) - ^
    00:08:881 (6,1) - ^
    00:09:562 (2,3) - ^
    00:10:414 (6,1) - ^
  1. You can rename difficulty name to "Joey's Insane", remove "Light"...up to you.
    00:17:062 (4) - I think this one no need red point bending, remove it??
  2. That's all, good :)
  1. I can't give you too much better mod for this diff, sorry
  2. You should listen again this song, then re-think what is rhythm and what should be follow.

then, good luck to all guys :)

from my Q
sorry for lateeeeeeeeeeee

i think this song should be use 176 BPM :o
and u must remove (TV size) in title and write in Tag

CS is so big.. i suggestion 2.5 Cs
and sv 1.8 is so fast in easy diff

nice easy i can't find anything

but so board because so many 1/1 sliders
u can use 1/2 slider and circles more

01:14:335 - u can put circle here


00:12:971 (4) - I think all this half stack in this diff are confuse u can stack that

[light insane]
00:20:983 (4,1) - so distant

[light insane 2]
this diff name is Insane don't light insane

[last diff]
u can use custom diff name

sorry for late and bakamod :o i'm so tired these days
B r o k e n
my modding queue
quite a short mod, not even sure if this will help but here ya GO ;D==:D

no issue found

00:41:949 (1) - make this slider even with 00:40:585 (3) - ?
00:26:949 (1,2) - even these 2 out?

00:56:948 (1) - stop slider blue tick and add a single circle? fits vocal better, or keep it to your liking
00:59:675 (1) - ^
01:07:857 (1,2,3) - you have what I suggest like that here, maybe you just don't want to repeat patterns?
01:21:494 (1,2,3,4,5) - think about fixing the 5 to make this shape into a star?

117 light insane
01:21:153 (1) - this note here sounds weird, I suggest remove or add another single note on the next blue tick, to make the flow of notes feel better, actually adding another single note isn't that bad but the flow of notes afterwards just still feels weird to me, idk, nvm just keep it to your liking xD, well I just wanted to point out it feels weird haha

Joey's Light Insane
00:21:835 (2,3) - clean this up? make it more even
This diffculty would be consider an Insane instead of "Light Insane"

No issue found by me

Map looks really well to me.
Here we go my mod
note that everythings here is just my opinons

117's Light Insane
00:11:097 (1) - im not sure what is this for
00:12:120 (2) - i think this long slider should be at 00:11:949
00:16:892 (5) - delete this and place a hitcircle at the next red tick, or just move the slider to the white tick, and ofc you need to delete the pervious hitcircle
00:20:983 (4) - im not sure what you follow here, to fix i think you just replace the slider with 3 hitcircle
00:52:347 - something here
00:54:875 (1) - if i'm were you, i'll shorten this slider and add 1 more slider at here 00:55:238, and ofc same SV
01:05:982 (4) - 3 hitcircle better
01:19:619 (4) - the vocal is just not clear enough to be follow here

Joey's Light Insane
00:13:994 (3) - i'm pretty sure the next slider should start here
00:33:937 (2,3) - redesign, for me it looks weird, specially the second slider,i think its headed the wrong way
00:36:324 (1) - please don't do something like this,its really feels weird when i testplay, like its not mean there
00:47:233 (1) - ^
01:19:448 (3,4) - i prefer if you seperate this thing, even if you want to keep it, its not symetry

i think almost all of the song is overmapped, the song is not meant to be fully hitcirlce, its morely like sliderish song
00:05:983 (5,6) - the gap too far
00:16:040 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - rework, replace it with some slider
00:22:346 (6,7,8) - ^
00:25:074 (6,7) - delete no sound there
00:27:801 (6,7,8,1) - delete then reposition the next slider to the white tick, and don't forget to put a hitcircle here 00:28:824
00:30:528 (5) - this should be slider, or just remove it
00:31:040 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5) - spaceing quite strange, specially this part 00:32:403 (1,2,3,4,5) lower it a bit
00:52:176 (1,2) - too make things attractive try to reposition this, suggestion
00:58:482 (2) - delete
01:01:210 (2) - ^
01:06:664 (2) - ^
01:09:391 (2) - ^
01:28:141 (1) - just end it like the other insane, this note is just doesnt fit the song, because the 'kring' song at the end isnt that dominan to be follow

Thanks in advance for choosing my ModQ
Come again next time
Good Luck with your map
Topic Starter

DreaM117er wrote:

#2, Don't give me KD

  1. You MUST fix these mod
  2. Tags you have to fix in all sets: -- fixed
    Shippuden ending 12 ED child sakura soft jpop [_joey_] joey DreaM117er
  3. Remove unused hitsounds: "soft-hitclap34.wav", "soft-hitfinish34.wav", "soft-hitwhistle34.wav"-- fixed
  4. Then DON'T use mp3 file hitsounds, convert to wav file: "soft-hitwhistle10.mp3", "soft-hitfinish.mp3", "soft-hitwhistle3.mp3"-- fixed
  1. fine :)

  • 01:15:016 (2) - use 1/4 slider would be nice -- There's no real note there, so instead I made 01:13:994 (6) - a slider to add more rhythm to this section
  1. Good :)
  1. 00:02:062 (4,1) - avoid these jump, it would give players a big break. Keep DS -- there's some pitch changes in this section that I feel are expressed nicely with some DS changes, and this section is more intense than the average section
    00:02:744 (3,4) - ^ -- However, I have a little too much of this, so I killed the jumps on the NC'd notes
    00:03:426 (6,1) - ^
    00:04:108 (2,3) - ^
    00:04:961 (6,1) - ^
    00:06:324 (5,1) - ^
    00:07:517 (4,1) - ^
    00:08:199 (3,4) - ^
    00:08:881 (6,1) - ^
    00:09:562 (2,3) - ^
    00:10:414 (6,1) - ^
  1. I can't give you too much better mod for this diff, sorry
  2. You should listen again this song, then re-think what is rhythm and what should be follow. -- I'll talk to you irc about some of the concerns I'm having about the rhythm

then, good luck to all guys :) -- thanks for the help!


Moa wrote:

from my Q
sorry for lateeeeeeeeeeee

i think this song should be use 176 BPM :o -- I think so too, but the ranking people disagree, and there the ones in charge of that
and u must remove (TV size) in title and write in Tag -- let me get confirmation of this

CS is so big.. i suggestion 2.5 Cs -- I like the big CS
and sv 1.8 is so fast in easy diff -- Due to 88bpm, this is .9 SV on 176 bpm, which is reasonable

nice easy i can't find anything

but so board because so many 1/1 sliders
u can use 1/2 slider and circles more

01:14:335 - u can put circle here -- put a slider end there


00:12:971 (4) - I think all this half stack in this diff are confuse u can stack that -- I prefer this stack because it's more readable

[last diff]
u can use custom diff name -- I think Insane is a good name for this difficulty

sorry for late and bakamod :o i'm so tired these days -- thanks for the mod!

B r o k e n wrote:

my modding queue
quite a short mod, not even sure if this will help but here ya GO ;D==:D

00:41:949 (1) - make this slider even with 00:40:585 (3) - ? -- you have eyes like a hawk
00:26:949 (1,2) - even these 2 out? -- That's not necessary here, and what I have sets up the next pattern better

00:56:948 (1) - stop slider blue tick and add a single circle? fits vocal better, or keep it to your liking
00:59:675 (1) - ^
01:07:857 (1,2,3) - you have what I suggest like that here, maybe you just don't want to repeat patterns?
01:21:494 (1,2,3,4,5) - think about fixing the 5 to make this shape into a star? -- the pattern has the structure of an incomplete hexagon, which I prefer since a star is too tight of a curve

Map looks really well to me. -- thank you, and thanks for the mod!

CyberX wrote:

Here we go my mod
note that everythings here is just my opinons

i think almost all of the song is overmapped, the song is not meant to be fully hitcirlce, its morely like sliderish song -- I guess we're looking for two different things out of this osu map. I think the harp or whatever is strong enough to justify my circles
00:05:983 (5,6) - the gap too far -- this is intentional, the harp takes a high pitched note here that I want to emphasize
00:16:040 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - rework, replace it with some slider -- again, the harp in the harmony is a nice filler rhythm for this section.
00:22:346 (6,7,8) - ^
00:25:074 (6,7) - delete no sound there -- going with the harp
00:27:801 (6,7,8,1) - delete then reposition the next slider to the white tick, and don't forget to put a hitcircle here 00:28:824 -- this is something that I hoped would be mentioned because I don't know what to do. The drum is speaking to me too much to ignore it here. However, this is inconsistent with a lot of places like 00:11:949 (1) - and 00:33:767 (1) - where I ignore the drum.I feel like the pacing of the map allows me to do this, but I think that's a poor justification. I feel like I have to do what I feel is right, which is keep what I have, but I'm pretty sure I'm being a stubborn blockhead. I think you have the solution which is to ignore the drum in these kinds of places, but I'll get a few more opinions before I change.
00:30:528 (5) - this should be slider, or just remove it -- I don't see why, it goes with the harp nicely
00:31:040 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5) - spaceing quite strange, specially this part 00:32:403 (1,2,3,4,5) lower it a bit -- this is the climax of the section, and I think the idea of having increased DS is good. It might be overdone, so I'll consider it in the future, but if this is too big, then I'd rather make everything else bigger in order to make this smaller by comparison (in fact, I did a bit for the chorus).
00:52:176 (1,2) - too make things attractive try to reposition this, suggestion -- what's unattractive with the way I have it? There's symmetry across the y-axis now, and 00:51:324 (5) - has faded so that (2) doesn't overlap with it
00:58:482 (2) - delete -- But this is expressing the drum part and it fills in the rhythm better than a break would
01:01:210 (2) - ^
01:06:664 (2) - ^
01:09:391 (2) - ^
01:28:141 (1) - just end it like the other insane, this note is just doesnt fit the song, because the 'kring' song at the end isnt that dominan to be follow -- Since you don't click the reverse sliders, I think it's a way to make these sounds "passive" while still giving the map the same resolution the song has with these chimes.

Thanks in advance for choosing my ModQ
Come again next time
Good Luck with your map -- thanks for the mod! I appreciate your input even if I disagree a lot, and I'm sorry I'm being stubborn about certain things.
hi m4m and focusing on rhythm like you said

so if you flip your diff it makes your SR lower..? I'm gonna do this next time I have a diff thats 2.01/2.02* or so

00:01:040 - If youre going to have a massive sequence of circles I would really like this to be clickable to set you in that metronome kind of rhythm
00:03:767 (1) - make this a slider like you did 00:02:404 (1) - . Same sound
00:05:813 (4) - ^ 00:03:085 (4) -
00:11:097 (4) - The jump should be at this note instead of (5) to match the music
About the beginning there are a lot of places where you didnt put sliders that would have definitely play well like 00:01:551 (3) - which you dont really have to but if you want to keep the position of your current sliders you should put them in other places with the same sound for consistency
00:12:630 (3) - honestly I would just have it as a slider to match the vocals, the pause seems a bit too forced
00:13:313 (1) - use this rhythm? it matches the vocals and gets rid of that awkward pause
00:26:267 (3) -
00:27:460 (4) - how about turning this into a 1/4 slider ? it matches the bass hit which you've been trying to map throughout the entire section. With that being said how about making 00:30:188 the start of a slider instead of the end of one for the same reason as above
00:31:040 (1) - Im not the best at jump patterns myself but this one doesnt look too attractive :/ I think you should give it another go from scrap
00:33:767 (1) - I think you should map the bass hit at 00:33:938. how about this? or same for 00:36:494 (1) -
00:42:801 - add circle
00:44:676 (1) - same as 00:33:767 (1)
00:47:403 (1) - ^
00:52:006 - I think its better to add a circle here imo
00:55:925 (3) - make this into a slider
00:59:675 (1) - ^
00:56:948 (1) - I dont think a reverse slider fits here imo
01:03:766 (1) - suggestion
01:06:153 (6) - remove finish from head
01:17:403 (1) - suggestion This is similar to the double bass hit thing i mention earlier. This goes for other places such as 01:20:130 (1) etc as well
01:27:289 (3) - make this a 1/4 slider to match the rhythm of the last measure?

00:10:586 (2,3) - I would ctrl g this

About your normal diff, I think the first 10 secs should have th rhythm reworked imo as some of the 1/4 slider + circle combo seems a bit random
Heres my suggestion for the first measure 00:01:040 (1) - and do something like that and just follow the piano as its easier to follow

If you're going to make 00:41:267 (3,4) clickable then 00:40:926 shouldnt be clickable as well. try this

00:42:119 (2) - is it just me or can you hear un-needed hitsounds on the tail

Well thats all from me. I'm not an expert on rhythm but you ask for my suggestions so try them out and see if you like them. GL!
Topic Starter

Kisses wrote:

hi m4m and focusing on rhythm like you said

so if you flip your diff it makes your SR lower..? I'm gonna do this next time I have a diff thats 2.01/2.02* or so – woops, that's not supposed to be there. And I think I changed something after I flipped it, so don't quote me on this.

00:01:040 - If youre going to have a massive sequence of circles I would really like this to be clickable to set you in that metronome kind of rhythm – I had it this way because I thought it expressed the held vocal better, though I regretted not having that note there. So I messed around with the SV and spacing that got the best of both worlds
00:03:767 (1) - make this a slider like you did 00:02:404 (1) - . Same sound – see below
00:05:813 (4) - ^ 00:03:085 (4) -
About the beginning there are a lot of places where you didnt put sliders that would have definitely play well like 00:01:551 (3) - which you dont really have to but if you want to keep the position of your current sliders you should put them in other places with the same sound for consistency – I was surprised how smoothly it played after making a lot of sliders. With that said, I think this part of the song is rather intense, so I'd like to see more circles, which means I either make it all circles and very few sliders to solve your consistency issue, or I be a little inconsistent (though I can argue my way out of an inconsistency argument). However, 00:07:517 (6) – played nicely as a slider, so this is the only one I changed. It's subtle, but it helps keep the intensity at the right place.
00:13:313 (1) - use this rhythm? it matches the vocals and gets rid of that awkward pause I want this section to feel calmer, so a longer slider and a 1/2 break feels better to me than filling in with sliders and circles. Your rhythm is fine, but it really comes down to whether you think the pause is good or not, and I think it is, so I'd like to keep it.
00:33:767 (1) - I think you should map the bass hit at 00:33:938. how about this? or same for 00:36:494 (1) - – After testing, I think both rhythms are good. However, I'm tired of debating whether or not the melody is worth it, and so following the bass is the rhythm that will get me less modders and BN's upset, so I'll change it.
01:03:766 (1) - suggestion I think a longer slider expressed the held vocal better
01:17:403 (1) - suggestion This is similar to the double bass hit thing i mention earlier. This goes for other places such as 01:20:130 (1) etc as well – The vocals are too powerful for this. If I include the circles here, then the emphasized note isn't 01:17:403 (1) - it's 01:17:573 (2) - , which doesn't express this powerful lyric in a good way to me.

I didn't test the following because the suggestion is too far off of my intention.

00:11:097 (4) - The jump should be at this note instead of (5) to match the music – what makes you say this? From my perspective, I'm going with the harp (I think you call this the piano), and the harp makes a high pitch note at (5), which sounds more energetic to me, and thus gets the jump.
00:12:630 (3) - honestly I would just have it as a slider to match the vocals, the pause seems a bit too forced – I like this pause. It calms the map down to go with the music by changing the player's attention to the bass.
00:26:267 (3) -
00:27:460 (4) - how about turning this into a 1/4 slider ? it matches the bass hit which you've been trying to map throughout the entire section. With that being said how about making 00:30:188 the start of a slider instead of the end of one for the same reason as above – 00:27:630 (5) – is a strong note both in the bass (the clap) and in the harp (which is the rhythm I'm going with), so I don't like a slider on (4).
00:31:040 (1) - Im not the best at jump patterns myself but this one doesnt look too attractive :/ I think you should give it another go from scrap – what do you dislike about this? I don't see the problem now, but I'd be more inclined to if you can give me a good reason what is bad about it. It seems like the structure and symmetry of this makes sense from an aesthetic view after I cleaned up the symmetry a bit.
00:42:801 - add circle – I don't see why since the note there is not really what I'm going with. The clap is strong enough to take this pause. I did make the spacing more in touch with the rhythm though, so hopefully that helps.
00:52:006 - I think its better to add a circle here imo – nah, I'd rather calm the map down for the following notes
00:55:925 (3) - make this into a slider – I think the clap is strong enough to highlight with the ½ pause. Plus, the vocals also sounds staccato, so a pause reflects that a little bit too.
00:59:675 (1) - ^
00:56:948 (1) - I dont think a reverse slider fits here imo – I think it's better than a ½ slider which is the only alternative that I can think of that stays on rhythm. What would you suggest?
01:06:153 (6) - remove finish from head – but the bass
01:27:289 (3) - make this a 1/4 slider to match the rhythm of the last measure? – I want to make this more intense, and the rhythm I have is on goes with the bass.
00:10:586 (2,3) - I would ctrl g this – I think the later part is more intense, so that's where the two circles should go. It's really a coin flip though.

About your normal diff, I think the first 10 secs should have th rhythm reworked imo as some of the 1/4 slider + circle combo seems a bit random
Heres my suggestion for the first measure 00:01:040 (1) - and do something like that and just follow the piano as its easier to follow – observe that the music emphasizes the notes at 00:05:812 (5,6) – with higher volume, and this plus 00:11:267 (5,6) – are arguably the strongest notes in this section. I think my map should aim to have these objects be the emphasized ones, so I think my current rhythm does a good job in those locations. As for 00:02:403 (3,4,5,6) - , I think the emphasized notes here are slightly different, but the ¼ rhythm should occur here to for pacing and consistency reasons.

If you're going to make 00:41:267 (3,4) clickable then 00:40:926 shouldnt be clickable as well. try this one is a toss up for me. The reason I don't like your suggestion is because the slider then ends on a note with no emphasis which can make the click at 00:40:926 feel rushed. However, a click there does make sense, and it could be worth this rushed feeling. I'm unsure, so I'll leave it as is for now, but if someone else mentions it I'll probably change it.

Well thats all from me. I'm not an expert on rhythm but you ask for my suggestions so try them out and see if you like them. GL! – thanks for the mod. It made me think about a lot of things. Changed a lot of stuff, seems better now.
Log Off Now
NM request from my queue


Looks fine, although add a space between You and (TV Size) in the title :P


00:13:313 (3) - nazi blanket fix - Move slider end to X:126 Y:275

00:22:176 (3,4,1) - Maybe a less aggressive flow here? This is the only one in this section that feels a bit awkward to play compared to the rest due to the shape you have here

01:03:766 (1) - Maybe try and make the wave the same length on both sides?

01:18:766 (2,3) - This shape can be improved, at the moment it looks like a failed blanket although i'm not sure if you intended for it to blanket, I would suggest either mirroring the previous slider or blanketing it to improve aesthetics

01:28:312 (3) - NC this? (since you did in the normal difficulty)


A lot of blankets can be improved in this difficulty

00:02:403 (3,5) - Personal opinion - I think these would look better blanketed, since this is a really calm into the blanket pattern would create a more circular and wave type flow which fits this part of the music better imo (something similar to this 00:07:858 (3,4,5,6) - )

00:03:767 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Again I would prefer a more circular flow for this section of the music, maybe something like this?

00:16:040 (4,5) - Blanket can be improved (curve sliders more)

From this point on my only other suggestion is that you tone down your usage of 1/4 notes here as they can be really difficult for players playing these difficulties even at this BPM. You should still be fine to use some 1/4 but only if the music really calls for it, for example here 00:24:222 (3,4) - you can probably get away with 1/2 sliders, but here 00:31:040 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - it is probably fine since the music almost requires it. This also applies to the kiai time (even more so than this section imo)


00:22:858 (1,2,3) - This just doesn't flow well imo and is totally out of consistency for the rest of the flow of this section, angling the end of the slider slightly towards 00:23:369 (2) - should fix this

Blankets can be checked over again

01:00:698 (3,4,1,2) - This is really hard to read imo and flow is janky, maybe a small jump section would fit here (just don't overdo the spacing too much because of the transition from vocal -> drum)

01:09:562 (3,4,5,6) - The jump between 5-6 doesn't make sense if you don't create jumps from 3 - 4 - 5. The vocal is more intense here and it doesn't make sense to only have a jump for one part when the rest are the same.

01:11:266 (3) - Should be slider imo, heavily violin emphasis is on the blue tick aswell (even though ik you're following the vocal it still makes sense to put one imo)


Ok thats me done, starting to get late here :p Hope this helps!
Topic Starter
no reply = fixed

Log Off Now wrote:

NM request from my queue


Looks fine, although add a space between You and (TV Size) in the title :P -- yeah, I need to fix that, but I'll try getting a full metadata check first since their might be other issues.


00:13:313 (3) - nazi blanket fix - Move slider end to X:126 Y:275

00:22:176 (3,4,1) - Maybe a less aggressive flow here? This is the only one in this section that feels a bit awkward to play compared to the rest due to the shape you have here

01:03:766 (1) - Maybe try and make the wave the same length on both sides? -- I don't see the issue, looks fine to me

01:18:766 (2,3) - This shape can be improved, at the moment it looks like a failed blanket although i'm not sure if you intended for it to blanket, I would suggest either mirroring the previous slider or blanketing it to improve aesthetics

01:28:312 (3) - NC this? (since you did in the normal difficulty)


A lot of blankets can be improved in this difficulty -- lazy, and they're mostly fine

00:02:403 (3,5) - Personal opinion - I think these would look better blanketed, since this is a really calm into the blanket pattern would create a more circular and wave type flow which fits this part of the music better imo (something similar to this 00:07:858 (3,4,5,6) - )

00:03:767 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Again I would prefer a more circular flow for this section of the music, maybe something like this? -- nice

00:16:040 (4,5) - Blanket can be improved (curve sliders more) -- But if I do, the flow at 00:16:722 (5,1) - is less smooth. I prefer it this way because the pattern looks fine as is while having smoother flow.

From this point on my only other suggestion is that you tone down your usage of 1/4 notes here as they can be really difficult for players playing these difficulties even at this BPM. You should still be fine to use some 1/4 but only if the music really calls for it, for example here 00:24:222 (3,4) - you can probably get away with 1/2 sliders, but here 00:31:040 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - it is probably fine since the music almost requires it. This also applies to the kiai time (even more so than this section imo) -- I need these 1/4 rhythms to make the spread nice since the Hard is filled with 1/4 rhythms. I also think my 1/4 rhythms make sense and play well, but if you have any you specifically don't like I'm all ears


00:22:858 (1,2,3) - This just doesn't flow well imo and is totally out of consistency for the rest of the flow of this section, angling the end of the slider slightly towards 00:23:369 (2) - should fix this

Blankets can be checked over again -- lazy, and they're mostly fine

01:00:698 (3,4,1,2) - This is really hard to read imo and flow is janky, maybe a small jump section would fit here (just don't overdo the spacing too much because of the transition from vocal -> drum) -- I feel like jumps would make it more janky. Not sure what I could do to help this, though I'll keep my eye on it

01:09:562 (3,4,5,6) - The jump between 5-6 doesn't make sense if you don't create jumps from 3 - 4 - 5. The vocal is more intense here and it doesn't make sense to only have a jump for one part when the rest are the same. -- I think the the note on (6) is stronger than the others, so I'm okay with it having higher spacing. However, I like your idea of having some additional spacing around here since these vocals are more intense than normal, so made the spacing at (3,4,5) 1.20x.

01:11:266 (3) - Should be slider imo, heavily violin emphasis is on the blue tick aswell (even though ik you're following the vocal it still makes sense to put one imo) -- Generally, players follow one track of the music, so switching from vocals to violin will upset the people listening to vocals, and the people listening to the violin will be upset I went with the vocals. I'd rather fully satisfy one audience than kind of satisfy everyone.


Ok thats me done, starting to get late here :p Hope this helps! -- thanks a lot!
A r M i N
M4M from In-game chat

GENERAL this is caused by the brackets just write Joey and leave them out please


Try avoiding linear jumps like at 00:03:000 make them as sharp as possible

00:00:358 (1) -
00:02:062 (7,3) - stack
00:03:426 (5,3) - stack
00:03:767 (1) - like this
00:07:858 (1,6) - stack
00:11:779 (8) - move to x 152 y88
00:27:631 (5,6,7,8) - why change spacing
00:32:403 (1,2,3,4,5) - make a star jump maybe ? Its not needed tho
00:58:312 (1,2,3,4,5) - too linear
01:02:744 (2) - fail stack
01:03:425 (4) - ^
01:07:175 (4,5,6,7) - linear
01:14:675 (1) - like the first one


00:26:437 (4) - Fail blanket i think
00:27:290 (2) - confusing
00:36:324 (1) - Let that white tick be pressable not a slider end on it cause its pretty strong
00:38:540 (4) - fail blanket
00:39:562 (2) - ^
00:44:847 (2) - ^
00:47:574 (2) - ^
01:03:085 (3) - ^
01:19:789 (4) - dont let them overlap too confusing and doesnt look good


00:23:199 (2,2) - wanna stack them ?
00:26:438 (3,1) - ^
00:35:813 (3) - fail blanket
01:13:653 (2) - ^
01:16:039 (1) - ^
01:19:619 (4) - its a litttllleeee off


00:16:381 (2,3,4) - see how the gap between them is not the same ? please fix
00:17:404 (1) - fail blanket
00:21:494 (1) - ^
00:21:494 (1,2,3,4) - why change distance that much in hard diff
00:26:097 (2,3,4,5) - strange direction change
01:06:664 (2,3) - too far away
01:10:244 (6,3) - fail stack


00:04:449 (2) - fail blanket
00:16:040 (4) - try curving them more looks better
00:39:904 (2) - fail blanket
01:06:494 (1) - instead of that, put a short slider
01:16:039 (4) - fail blanket


LOL Slider speed 1.80 really ? put it on 0,7-0,9 please dude yes okay the BPM is very slow... then put it on like 1.40 or sth
why is the tickrate on 4 tho ?

looks fine

Cool map I love the song keep up the gr8 work and good luck with your map ;P
Dont forget my map
Topic Starter

A r M i N wrote:

M4M from In-game chat


Try avoiding linear jumps like at 00:03:000 make them as sharp as possible -- I like curved flow because it's less intense. It makes the sharp flows feel stronger by comparison, which gives me more tools to highlight certain parts of the song.

00:27:631 (5,6,7,8) - why change spacing -- there is a significant pitch change in the harps that make the song feel more intense, and I think a jump like this is a good reflection of that


00:16:381 (2,3,4) - see how the gap between them is not the same ? please fix -- good eye
00:21:494 (1,2,3,4) - why change distance that much in hard diff -- I'm not a Hard player, so I may very well be off in how much I jump by, but there is a significant pitch change in the harps that make the song feel more intense, and I think a jump like this is a good reflection of that. I could see nerfing the spacing though if more people have a problem with this

fixed a few of the picky blankets/stacks but kept most of my flow and rhythm, thanks for the mod!
[ Joey ]
irc mod
22:55 [ Joey ]: So i think it would be easier to explain my mod in game. Im having trouble explaining myself on forum
22:56 pinataman: alright gimme a sec im almost done with your normal
22:56 [ Joey ]: awesome
22:56 pinataman: the rhythm looks mostly good, is there anything that the BN complained about in terms of rhythm?
22:57 [ Joey ]: there wasnt. I think the biggest problem was some sloppy flow issued, that i believe i fixed before you looked at it
22:57 [ Joey ]: issues*
22:57 [ Joey ]: well there were some rythm issues...i fixed those also tho
22:59 pinataman: k, i
22:59 [ Joey ]: ty ty ty i realy appreciate it
22:59 pinataman: sure thing
23:00 [ Joey ]: so ill start with the big issues on your map first, and then i will get picky
23:00 pinataman: sounds good
23:01 [ Joey ]: so in this first whole section
23:01 [ Joey ]: are the sliders random? or is there some sort of structure that im missing
23:02 pinataman: yeah they're basically random. The used to all be mostly circles but people complained it was too intense
23:02 [ Joey ]: because i feel like this first part can be easily improved if sliders land on the same types of piano notes
23:02 pinataman: so they were added in certain places as rests
23:02 [ Joey ]: it will certainly give it more structure
23:03 pinataman: The thing is if I make this consistent, then I either have too many sliders or very few
23:03 pinataman: and I dislike that
23:03 [ Joey ]: hmm, ill give you an example, and lets see if you like it
23:04 [ Joey ]: so make sure you have a saved version uploaded, because im gonna scrap like the first 5 seconds of this right now
23:05 pinataman: k
23:05 [ Joey ]: 00:03:597 - so up to here im gonna redo and see if you like it
23:06 [ Joey ]: 00:01:040 -
23:06 [ Joey ]: so the very first part will have this sort of rythm, with those last 4 notes being hit with sliders
23:07 [ Joey ]: and then basically just copy past that same rhythm to come right after it
23:07 [ Joey ]: as see if you like that
23:09 [ Joey ]: If you would prefer to just keep a lot of circles, then i have some other suggestions
23:10 pinataman: yeah, what would you say if 00:05:131 (1) - , 00:06:495 (1) - and 00:08:540 (5,6) - were the only sliders?
23:12 [ Joey ]: still feels a little random to me
23:14 pinataman: what if they were all circles?
23:14 [ Joey ]: hmm that might be a little too much
23:14 pinataman: so how few sliders can I add to this section so that it's not too much but consistent?
23:15 [ Joey ]: actually i just realized, the other diffs dont even start that early
23:15 [ Joey ]: do you still want to start that early in the song
23:15 [ Joey ]: err wait, some diffs do
23:16 pinataman: the GD's don't start this early but I do
23:16 [ Joey ]: i see
23:17 [ Joey ]: dang this is a tough call
23:18 [ Joey ]: this reminds me of a skystar map
23:18 *[ Joey ] is editing [ Sawai Miku - Konna Sekai, Shiritakunakatta. (Anime Ver.) [Skystar's Insane]]
23:18 [ Joey ]: this can be a good reference
23:19 [ Joey ]: just the piano in the beginning
23:21 [ Joey ]: how about you use a slider every time she starts a vocal
23:22 pinataman: no I think I just have to compromise. Your first suggestion seems to be nice, let me test it out some more
23:23 [ Joey ]: 00:02:744 - 00:03:767 - 00:05:472 - 00:06:494 - 00:07:006 - 00:08:881 - those would be the sliders on vocals, which isnt bad
23:27 pinataman: alright, well I guess I'm okay with changing to one of those two options
23:27 pinataman: did you have other major problems?
23:27 [ Joey ]: well once you figure out where you want the sliders, i think the next problem would actually be the placement of the notes
23:28 [ Joey ]: the spacing feels reall sporatic atm
23:28 pinataman: won't don't you like about the current placement?
23:28 pinataman: hmmm
23:29 [ Joey ]: and there are also some flow issues
23:29 [ Joey ]: 00:05:471 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - like this combo, is very uncomfortable to play due to the angles you use
23:29 pinataman: yeah I could see that
23:30 [ Joey ]: and this combo also feels smaller than the rest 00:07:858 (1,2,3,4,5,6) -
23:30 [ Joey ]: idk, this first section just has a very random feel to me
23:31 pinataman: well, the rhythm I can concede was random due to pacing issues I had with it. But the spacing was based on pitch
23:31 [ Joey ]: oh is it?
23:31 pinataman: high pitch or rising pitch = higher spacing, lower pitch/decreasing pitch was lower spacing
23:32 [ Joey ]: yeah thats good
23:33 [ Joey ]: I thinkt he problem i have with the flow is that there arent enough sharp angles
23:33 pinataman: everyone says that XD
23:33 [ Joey ]: oh lol
23:33 pinataman: well not everyone, but enough people say it that it makes me confused
23:34 [ Joey ]: so yeah that first part i can only kind of give you a general idea of what i think can be fixed, i dont really have any specific examples
23:34 pinataman: alright
23:36 [ Joey ]: well...i could give you suggestions on some parts to make them feel better
23:36 [ Joey ]: im not sure how much of that part you are planning on changing
23:36 [ Joey ]: if you are planning on remapping the first part, ill just move on
23:37 pinataman: most of it will stay the same
23:37 pinataman: i think my flow and spacing are fine
23:37 pinataman: curvier flow is better than sharp flow on less intense sectinos
23:37 pinataman: the more intense sections having the sharper flow highlights the strong parts of the song better
23:38 [ Joey ]: i see
23:39 [ Joey ]: should you hit this drum? 00:12:119 -
23:40 pinataman: the reason I didn't before was a pacing issue
23:40 pinataman: there were a lot of circles that drained your stamina
23:41 [ Joey ]: you could hit it with a slider tail
23:41 pinataman: the player wanted a break after it, and so lessening the rhythm by going with a long slider felt better than forcing the player into that section
23:41 [ Joey ]: i gotcha
23:42 [ Joey ]: I think a circle should go here 00:15:528 -
23:42 [ Joey ]: because of that piano that starts
23:43 pinataman: you don;t like the anti-jump to emphasize the clap at 00:15:358 (4) - ?
23:43 [ Joey ]: hmm
23:44 [ Joey ]: for some reason my ears went to the piano
23:44 [ Joey ]: but yeah i do like it
23:45 [ Joey ]: i definitely think these need more space between them
23:46 [ Joey ]: this part was already made super easy by the long sliders
23:46 pinataman: yeah I could see that.
23:46 [ Joey ]:
23:46 [ Joey ]: something like that
23:46 pinataman: I do want this section to feel calm, but scaling up by like 1.1 or 1.2 seems like it could work
23:47 pinataman: what part is that?
23:47 [ Joey ]: oh sorry! lol 01:03:766 (1,2) -
23:47 [ Joey ]: my bad
23:49 pinataman: ok
23:49 [ Joey ]: 01:12:630 (2,3) - this spacing can confuse the player
23:50 [ Joey ]: i would either stack it, or give it more space
23:51 pinataman: how much space do you think it needs. would 1.15 be enough?
23:52 [ Joey ]: id give it like, at least 1.3
23:52 pinataman: I guess I'll stack it then
23:54 [ Joey ]: and i guess thats it for the important stuff
23:54 [ Joey ]: the long sliders in the kiai are a bit weird
23:54 [ Joey ]: considering this is the hardest diff and the diffs below it hit more notes
23:55 pinataman: yeah but they emphasize the lyrics so nicely
23:55 pinataman: I tried putting a cirlce before the slider at 01:14:675 (1) -
23:55 pinataman: and I thought it played so poorly
23:58 [ Joey ]: thats what I would do
23:58 [ Joey ]: put a circle before it
23:59 pinataman: I'm upset. I think I'm gonna run into a lot of the same critcism over this and I think I'm in the right about this
23:59 [ Joey ]: :/
00:00 pinataman: what do you think about 00:50:131 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2) -
00:01 [ Joey ]: i mean, i dont think you are wrong exactly, but yeah, its definitely not a popular opinion
00:01 [ Joey ]: I think that combo is really good
00:01 [ Joey ]: i would give more space between the last 2 notes tho
00:01 [ Joey ]: to emphasize the finish
00:02 pinataman: how much space?
00:03 [ Joey ]: um
00:03 [ Joey ]: like 1.5
00:13 [ Joey ]: i hope i at least kind of helped
00:13 [ Joey ]: let me know if there is anything else i can do
00:14 pinataman: oh no you absolutely did
00:14 pinataman: it may not be things im super psyched about, but it greatly improves the rankability
00:14 pinataman: and im getting this ranked
00:15 pinataman: i;ll probably finish this in like 10 min, maybe give one final testplay?
00:19 [ Joey ]: for sure
00:42 pinataman: k
00:42 *pinataman is listening to [ Azu - For You(TV size)]
00:45 [ Joey ]: first part deinitely feels better
00:45 pinataman: couldn't quite address some of the later issues because when I tried I implemented it poorly and its getting late so I wanted to finish this up
00:45 pinataman: but what do you think about the beginning now?
00:46 [ Joey ]: its a lot better
00:46 pinataman: feels the same but just less difficult
00:47 [ Joey ]: well i think it feels better
00:47 pinataman: i guess I should be happy about that :D
00:47 [ Joey ]: ^-^
00:47 pinataman: I'll try working on it more soon and ask dreamer what he thinks
00:47 [ Joey ]: cool cool
00:48 pinataman: thanks so much for the help
00:48 pinataman: good luck with Mitis touch
00:48 [ Joey ]: ya no problem
00:48 [ Joey ]: thanks for the mod on short notice
00:48 [ Joey ]: ty :)
M4M request from in-game
[*]00:01:040 to 00:11:949 - Imo it would look better if you would use a slightly lower SV for this beginning part because right now I feel like it's too fast. But that's a feel thing.
[*]And I feel like you could rearrange and nerf some jumps in the beginning part because right now it's a bit too much for a calm part.
[*]00:41:949 (1,2) - Unstack for better flow
[*]01:06:664 (2) - Move to x216 y112?
[*]01:16:210 (2) - Move to x308 y180 for smoother flow
[*]00:26:949 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - I think you should do something simular to what you did with 00:24:222 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - because that plays so wonderfully
[*]00:50:471 (2,3,4,5) - Use this rhythm to catch the downbeat
[*]00:52:176 (1,2) - Higher spacing

Fun diff
Joey Light Insane
Why not map the beginning part? This ver of the song is pretty short after all.

[*]00:24:733 (2) - Jump is a bit too big, so move it to x368 y156
[*]00:36:324 (6,1) - Replace with 2 notes to catch the offbeat
[*]00:46:722 (4) - Missed a clap on sliderhead
[*]00:49:449 (4) - ^
[*]01:05:130 (1) - ctrl+g for better flow?
[*]01:07:516 (6,1) - Weird flow, I dont know what you could do to fix it, so keep it

Not much to say other than it had some weird flows at times but it was ok
117 Light Insane
Y u no map beginning ;_;

[*]00:21:836 (2) - ctrl+g
[*]00:22:176 (3,4,5,6,1) - Feels like desperate stacking, would play better if unstacked but thats up to you.
[*]00:24:904 (1) - Remove nc
[*]00:39:222 (1) - Why not 2 circles like you did before?
[*]01:11:266 (2,3) - Unstack since theres a tone shift (violin)

Finest diff in this set. Well done
[*]00:06:324 (5) - Move to x368 y208
[*]01:06:664 (2,3) - Spacing error

Nothing else to say. Well done
Map is pretty good. Get a few more mods and call those bn's! Good luck!
Topic Starter

DavidEd wrote:

M4M request from in-game
try adding list, as I've done here
  1. 00:01:040 to 00:11:949 - Imo it would look better if you would use a slightly lower SV for this beginning part because right now I feel like it's too fast. But that's a feel thing. – see below
  2. And I feel like you could rearrange and nerf some jumps in the beginning part because right now it's a bit too much for a calm part. – this part of the song is not calm, especially if the player is to focus on the harp. The strong vocals also add a strong emotional intensity to this part, especially when you compare it with the calm part of the map that starts at 00:11:949 (1) - . I can see how, say, four really long artful sliders would make this section interesting and fit your “calmer” feel to it in the sense that this intense moment of the song is supposed to soothe the listener, but I like the way I have it because it makes this section strong relative to other parts of the map, which I think reflects the song better to this target audience.
  3. 00:41:949 (1,2) - Unstack for better flow – keeping because the stack mirrors the drum at 00:36:494 (1,2) -
  4. 01:06:664 (2) - Move to x216 y112? – I prefer this jump, but I did nerf it a little bit.
  5. 01:16:210 (2) - Move to x308 y180 for smoother flow – this off-flow is intentional
  6. 00:26:949 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - I think you should do something simular to what you did with 00:24:222 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - because that plays so wonderfully – but these sections of the song are quite different in the pitch of the harp, and I don't want all these sections plus 00:29:676 (1,2,3,4,5,6) – to feel so similar because more diverse flow feels nicer
  7. 00:50:471 (2,3,4,5) - Use this rhythm to catch the downbeat – I'll get another opinion about this. I kind of want to follow the singer here, but it does play a little strangely.
  8. 00:52:176 (1,2) - Higher spacing – nah, I'd rather this be calm.
Fun diff -- glad you liked it!
[*]00:06:324 (5) - Move to x368 y208 – I'd like to keep this jump
[*]01:06:664 (2,3) - Spacing error – fixed

Nothing else to say. Well done
Map is pretty good. Get a few more mods and call those bn's! Good luck!
thanks for the mod and the kind words!
I think you could play a little more with hitsounds, in this song normal-hitnormal fit very well on the kickdrums.
the current hitfinish blends too much with the song that it's actually not audible for me.
and since those additive hitsounds fit too much, the soft-hitnormal (which doesn't fit that much) really stands out and makes the map sound pretty dull in general, especially in the part before 00:12.

I miss the build-up in the maps. The song clearly starts soft with more percussion added later on, but the beginning of your map is as intense as the chorus.

offset +6?

NM from my Queue

  1. 00:12:630 - omg why this green line unsnapped by 1ms asdfghjkl

  1. 00:18:767 (3) - Ctrl+J? cuz that kind of flow is good for me in my opinion, not forcing you tho

  1. 00:34:960 - Add note here? just a little emphasis for the vocals
  2. 00:37:688 - ^ and also for the following rhythms like that

  1. 01:00:187 (2,4) - They are nearly overlapping maybe bring down (2) a little bit?

  1. 00:10:755 (2,4) - How about a Ctrl+G for these two notes, jumps better imo.
  2. 00:38:369 (5) - Put it somewhere near 00:39:222 (1) - ? just for a little emphasis at 00:38:540 (6) -
  3. 01:05:812 (4,5) - How about overlap them like this
sorry for short and noob mod, don't kd if not helped, goodluck nice song <3
Topic Starter

happy30 wrote:

I think you could play a little more with hitsounds, in this song normal-hitnormal fit very well on the kickdrums.
the current hitfinish blends too much with the song that it's actually not audible for me.
and since those additive hitsounds fit too much, the soft-hitnormal (which doesn't fit that much) really stands out and makes the map sound pretty dull in general, especially in the part before 00:12.

-- I'd be open to custom hitsounds, but not the ones you suggested. Let me talk to you about this more since I don't have a good custom hitsound library

I miss the build-up in the maps. The song clearly starts soft with more percussion added later on, but the beginning of your map is as intense as the chorus. --Let me first say that it is intentional for the beginning to be intense. However, you're right, the pacing is a little bit off. Did a few things to nerf the beginning and buff the chorus.

offset +6? -- Yeah, sounds good, but let me apply later so that GD'ers fix it too.

thanks, and sorry for late reply

Janpai wrote:

NM from my Queue

  1. 00:12:630 - omg why this green line unsnapped by 1ms asdfghjk -- good catchl

  1. 00:18:767 (3) - Ctrl+J? cuz that kind of flow is good for me in my opinion, not forcing you tho -- that would make a very strong flow, but the music isn't so strong here, so I like mine better

  1. 00:34:960 - Add note here? just a little emphasis for the vocals -- I think the simpler rhythm is more appropriate
  2. 00:37:688 - ^ and also for the following rhythms like that

  1. 01:00:187 (2,4) - They are nearly overlapping maybe bring down (2) a little bit? -- The real fix to this is to use a base spacing of 1.1x, but this is a major change that doesn't actually add that much. The pattern looks fine because structure and it's not that crowded

  1. 00:10:755 (2,4) - How about a Ctrl+G for these two notes, jumps better imo. -- I think that's a good suggestion, but the pattern I have has a few benefits I'd like to keep. First, mine has a more zig-zag flow, which helps contrast itself better from the previous combo, so I don't like going with your suggested circle flow. Second, having the DS increase instead of decrease on these four notes helps to highlight the next four notes better and acts as a mirror to what it does, which I like a lot.
  2. 00:38:369 (5) - Put it somewhere near 00:39:222 (1) - ? just for a little emphasis at 00:38:540 (6) - -- I see what you're saying, so I did I increased the DS, just without moving (5)
  3. 01:05:812 (4,5) - How about overlap them like this -- I think what I have looks fine, and I like the little extra DS in my pattern.
sorry for short and noob mod, don't kd if not helped, goodluck nice song <3

thanks, and sorry for late reply
Hi from NM req

-Widescreen support? Do you use storyboard?
-Cause you say just focus to the insane diff, i'll choose the long slider version


- 00:05:472 How about like this? it'll make a good flow, of course you can make variation here

- 00:08:540 (5) move the slider's tail to x:212 y:284
- 00:08:881 (6) remove the curve of the slider ( to make a good flow ) then move it to x:204 y:204
- 00:10:756 (2,4) ctrl + g, it'll better for played
- 00:11:608 (7,8) ^
- 00:11:276 NC ( just sugestion )
- 00:24:903 ^
- 00:43:483 (2,3) ctrl + g, it'll better for played
- 00:46:040 (2,3,4) ^

Topic Starter

MadaoX wrote:

Hi from NM req

-Widescreen support? Do you use storyboard? -- fixed
-Cause you say just focus to the insane diff, i'll choose the long slider version


- 00:05:472 How about like this? it'll make a good flow, of course you can make variation here -- 00:05:812 (4) - is a strong note. I think a flow change better represents the stronger note, and repetition of the same flow doesn't emphasize that note enough
- 00:08:540 (5) move the slider's tail to x:212 y:284 -- I am very confused how this helps
- 00:08:881 (6) remove the curve of the slider ( to make a good flow ) then move it to x:204 y:204 -- rotated (5) to make the flow clash less, but I'm really cornered by the structure here.
- 00:10:756 (2,4) ctrl + g, it'll better for played -- I think that's a good suggestion, but the pattern I have has a few benefits I'd like to keep. First, mine has a more zig-zag flow, which helps contrast itself better from the previous combo, so I don't like going with your suggested circle flow. Second, having the DS increase instead of decrease on these four notes helps to highlight the next four notes better and acts as a mirror to what it does, which I like a lot. Plus the current DS highlights the pitch changes nicely
- 00:11:608 (7,8) ^ -- ^
- 00:11:276 NC ( just sugestion ) -- why?
- 00:24:903 ^ -- it's not necessary and would break NC pattern for no reason
- 00:43:483 (2,3) ctrl + g, it'll better for played -- nice. was worth all the red
- 00:46:040 (2,3,4) ^ -- I don't see the benefits of this, and I don't like the jump into (5)

GL~ -- Thanks!
M4M in game

IRC mod
14:43 Trent83: well i see your mod and...
14:45 Trent83: you need to be more direct at modding
14:46 Trent83: and don't be so mysterious
14:46 pinataman: some ideas aren't easy for me to describe. what would you like me to explain differently?
14:47 Trent83: no no
14:47 Trent83: its only a tip
14:47 Trent83: was very confusing for me some parts of your mod xDDD
14:47 pinataman: okay, not sure what to do better, but I'll pay more attention to that
14:48 Trent83: try to
14:48 Trent83: and when you are modding xDD
14:48 Trent83: take ur time
14:48 Trent83: for say that you want to say
14:53 Trent83: so lets do irc
14:57 Trent83: 00:03:086 (4) - try to flip this vertically
14:57 Trent83: 00:05:472 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - fix this pattern
14:58 Trent83: 00:33:767 (1) - ok
14:58 Trent83: now
14:58 Trent83: try to erase all the jumps
14:58 Trent83: of the first part
14:58 Trent83: until here 00:33:767 (1) -
14:59 Trent83: they aren't really necessary
14:59 Trent83: because that is the slow part of the song
14:59 Trent83: 00:35:813 (6) - random jump
14:59 Trent83: 00:37:176 (3,3) - really random overlap
15:00 Trent83: 00:44:847 (2,3) - doesn't look good
15:00 Trent83: 00:50:983 (4,5) - fix flow
15:00 Trent83: 00:55:925 (3,4) - confusing stack
15:00 Trent83: 00:57:630 (3,1,2) - fix blanket
15:01 Trent83: 00:58:141 (4,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1) - too much circles for a insane diff
15:01 Trent83: 00:59:505 (8,1) - death jump (unrank)
15:01 Trent83: 01:05:812 (4,5) - random overlap
15:02 Trent83: try to use more sliders
15:02 Trent83: 00:01:040 (1,2,3,4) - fix flow
15:02 Trent83: 00:04:790 (6) - x: 212 y:116
15:03 Trent83: 00:07:176 (4,5) - weird change of flow
15:03 Trent83: 00:13:994 (3,4) - ruins flow
15:03 Trent83: 00:15:358 (4,5) - ^
15:03 Trent83: 00:17:403 (1,2) - ^
15:03 Trent83: 00:19:790 (4,5) - ^
15:04 Trent83: 00:20:130 (1,2) - ^
15:04 Trent83: 00:26:267 (3,4) - ^
15:04 Trent83: 00:28:312 (1,2) - ^
15:04 Trent83: 00:28:994 (3,4) - ^
15:05 Trent83: 00:52:176 (1,2) - you passed from a curve flow to a lineal flow
15:05 Trent83: fix that
15:06 Trent83: 00:55:925 (3,4) - ruins flow
15:06 Trent83: 00:58:482 (2,3) - death jump
15:06 Trent83: 00:59:675 (1,2) - try to remove that stack
15:06 Trent83: 01:01:039 (1,2) - ^
15:07 Trent83: 01:12:630 (3,4) - ^
15:07 Trent83: 01:13:994 (4,5) - ^
15:07 Trent83: 01:15:357 (3) - ^
15:07 Trent83: thats all
Topic Starter

Trent83 wrote:

M4M in game

IRC mod
00:37:176 (3,3) - really random overlap – I'd be willing to change this if you can propose a reasonable solution that isn't just stacking. The DS into (1) matters.

00:44:847 (2,3) - doesn't look good – curved it harder so it's a more clear circle, should look better.

00:59:505 (8,1) - death jump (unrank) – This is wildly false.

00:04:790 (6) - x: 212 y:116 – took the idea of making it more vertical, just used different placement

Everything else I disagreed with, find me in game if you want an explanation for anything you mentioned.

Hey~ M4M here.

  1. The Light Insanes is starting later. This is not unrankable, but in this case there’s a large gap of 11 seconds. So I highly advise the GD’ers to start where pinataman starts.

Insane (short sliders):
  1. I like this insane the best, but only because I am not such a big fan of long sliders.
  2. 00:00:358 (1) –Move the red node of this slider downwards a bit. It looks neater imo:
  3. 00:02:403 (1,5) –Avoid this tiny overlap. Just move (5) a bit to the right. For neatness reasons.
  4. 00:03:767 (1,4) –Rather stack this. Imo it’ll look neater.
  5. 00:06:153 (6,7) –Make this spacing similar to 00:05:472 (2,3,4,5) – since they have the same beat and it’ll look tidier.
  6. 00:05:983 (5,2) –Try rearranging 00:06:495 (1) – so that (5) and (2) are stacked on top of each other. Just move (1) a bit to the right.
  7. 00:07:858 (1,2,5,6) –You can improve these stacks 100% by selecting an object and using:
  8. 00:09:222 (1,2,3,4) –Try this:
  9. 00:10:585 (1,2,3,4) –Rather try a placement like this to make the pattern more interesting and challenging:
  10. 00:11:095 (4,7,8) –Make sure the distance here is similar. Make sure (8) and (7) are equal distance away from (4)
  11. 00:14:165 –I can hear a vocal here, so I think a circle would be a good idea there.
  12. 00:15:528 -^
  13. 00:23:710 -^, etc.
  14. 00:24:562 (3,1,2) –Perfect this stack. It looks untidy atm.
  15. 00:25:756 (2) –I suggest trying to form a blanket somewhere with one of the circles for neatness reasons. Try this:
  16. 00:33:085 (5,1,2) –Stack this.

Joey's Light Insane:
  1. I suggest naming this diff Joey’s Insane and not Light because it doesn’t really look “light” to me. And there’s another Light Insane as well.
  2. 00:33:768 (1,2) –A blanket here will be nice.
  3. 00:38:028 (2,5) –Stack this.
  4. 00:41:949 (1,2) –I realized that some of the jumps like this one is much bigger than in the hardest diff. I would make the jump here smaller.
  5. 00:44:676 (1,2) –This, for example, looks fine.
  6. 01:19:448 (3,4) –Rather unstack the heads. It looks a bit untidy.
  7. 01:28:141 (6) –A new combo here will be nice.

117’s Light Insane:
  1. Uncheck widescreen support.
  2. 00:12:972 (1) –Unnecessary new combo. Rather remove it since there’s nothing in the music to support a new combo here.
  3. 00:16:892 (5) –The red tick in the middle of this slider can be mapped out. Like this:
  4. 00:18:427 (1) –Same as 00:12:972 (1) –
  5. 00:29:336 (1) -^, etc.
  6. 01:00:528 (4) –Same as 00:16:892 (5) –

  1. 00:11:267 (3) –This placement can cause awkward flow. Perhaps something like this instead:
  2. 00:12:630 (3,4) –Perfect this stack.
  3. 00:13:994 (3,4) -^, etc.
  4. 01:22:516 (6) –Move this down two pixels or so to mirror 01:22:175 (5) – better:

  1. 00:07:176 (2) –Move this slider two pixels upward so it’s in line with 00:06:495 (1) –
  2. 00:24:903 (4) –Try this:
    It looks tidier.
  3. 01:09:903 (3) –This flow can be improved. Ctrl+J, then Ctrl+H and then Ctrl+G this slider.

Looks fine.

Good Luck~! :D
Topic Starter

-Nya- wrote:

Hey~ M4M here.

  1. The Light Insanes is starting later. This is not unrankable, but in this case there’s a large gap of 11 seconds. So I highly advise the GD’ers to start where pinataman starts. – I agree

Insane (short sliders):
  1. I like this insane the best, but only because I am not such a big fan of long sliders.
  2. 00:00:358 (1) –Move the red node of this slider downwards a bit. It looks neater imo: – I prefer the smoother red node, but I changed the beginning so the curve looks a little nicer
  3. 00:02:403 (1,5) –Avoid this tiny overlap. Just move (5) a bit to the right. For neatness reasons. – The (1) slider has faded in time that I'd like to keep this. I think this change gives only marginally better design while making it marginally worse in spacing/flow.
  4. 00:03:767 (1,4) –Rather stack this. Imo it’ll look neater. – I think this overlap looks ok. The DS being smaller with my marginally worse design is a big win for the spacing because it emphasizes 00:04:449 (5) – stronger with bigger relative spacing.
  5. 00:06:153 (6,7) –Make this spacing similar to 00:05:472 (2,3,4,5) – since they have the same beat and it’ll look tidier. – You're missing the intention behind this which might be my fault. Increased the DS to emphasize the change in pitch.
  6. 00:05:983 (5,2) –Try rearranging 00:06:495 (1) – so that (5) and (2) are stacked on top of each other. Just move (1) a bit to the right. – They've faded in time that this is not necessary.
  7. 00:07:858 (1,2,5,6) –You can improve these stacks 100% by selecting an object and using: – yeah messed this up, fixed
  8. 00:09:222 (1,2,3,4) –Try this: – hmmm, I could see how my design isn't 100% nice, but I don't like using horizontal symmetry in this way because it looks too formulaic, so there's an advantage in the angle I have. Will consider this one though with more opinions.
  9. 00:10:585 (1,2,3,4) –Rather try a placement like this to make the pattern more interesting and challenging: – Monstrata makes too many maps. This flow is better.
  10. 00:11:095 (4,7,8) –Make sure the distance here is similar. Make sure (8) and (7) are equal distance away from (4) – fixed, thanks
  11. 00:14:165 –I can hear a vocal here, so I think a circle would be a good idea there. – this is an instance where switching from harmony to melody and vice versa makes the rhythm too clunky. This is a calm section of the song, and I think these 1/1 breaks do a good job of giving rest while sticking to one main track of the song.
  12. 00:15:528 -^
  13. 00:23:710 -^, etc.
  14. 00:24:562 (3,1,2) –Perfect this stack. It looks untidy atm. – 00:24:562 (3,1) – These are on the same coordinate, and there isn't even any value by stacking these because the notes have faded completely.
  15. 00:25:756 (2) –I suggest trying to form a blanket somewhere with one of the circles for neatness reasons. Try this: – What about being consistent with the stacking in this section like 00:22:858 (1,2) - ?Is the blanket worth this inconsistency or worth removing all of these stacks? Should I remove this whole entire flow structure because of this overlap issue? I think these flows are good enough that they justify this slightly suboptimal design (the overlap isn't THAT bad).
  16. 00:33:085 (5,1,2) –Stack this.– fixed

  1. 00:11:267 (3) –This placement can cause awkward flow. Perhaps something like this instead: – I will probably have to change this pattern, but I'd like to get a second opinion on how to do it.
  2. 00:12:630 (3,4) –Perfect this stack. – This +7x, +7y stack is intentional to make it easier for the Hard player to read.
  3. 00:13:994 (3,4) -^, etc.
  4. 01:22:516 (6) –Move this down two pixels or so to mirror 01:22:175 (5) – better: – rotate this by 9 degrees and you'll see that it's symmetrical. I prefer this design better.

  1. 00:07:176 (2) –Move this slider two pixels upward so it’s in line with 00:06:495 (1) – – The symmetry is supposed to be on a slanted line, not the axes. I made the slanted line more angled so it's more apparent that that is the intention
  2. 00:24:903 (4) –Try this: – Yes
  3. 01:09:903 (3) –This flow can be improved. Ctrl+J, then Ctrl+H and then Ctrl+G this slider. – Yes

Good Luck~! :D -- thank you, and thanks for the good mod!
requested m4m xd
im bad modder btw sorry

  1. 00:06:494 (1,2) - you can do some funnier slider than you just simply diagonally pulled lol >
  2. 00:43:313 (2) - I prefer this angle for better flow as easy imo
  3. 01:25:585 (1) - this wave looks very forced imo, you can just simply round this...
  1. 00:17:404 (1) - blanket with 00:16:722 (5) - looks better
  2. 00:24:222 (3,4) - Try this rhythm, fits more with vocals too!
  3. 00:32:233 (4) - maybe can remove this, pretty harsh imo
  4. 01:06:494 (1,2) - I prefer to convert this to slider, 4 circles in a row is pretty hard to read and hit
  1. 00:44:676 (1) - and related on this, you can split this to 2 sliders to more smooth transitions with next section~
  2. 01:04:448 (2) - remove finish?
  3. gud
  1. how about AR8.5 or 8.8? Yes you used a lot of 1/4 there but sond itself is calm so ye
  2. 00:22:347 (4,5,6) - how about you unstack them and do some circular flow how 00:18:767 (1,2,3,4,1) - was?
  3. 01:19:107 (2,3,4) - beat patterns were a bit awkward, try this?
  4. 01:28:141 (1) - try use default whistle on head here, sounds nice imo
  1. 00:12:971 (5) - uh, yes I saw some of your GD and you used to make fun sliders but consider this to make it more simple xd
  2. 00:22:687 (5) - stack this on 00:22:176 (3) - for more fun movement and for the high-pitched vocals too?
  3. 00:23:710 (3) - this tail have stack miss with 00:23:199 (2) - blame editor lol
  4. 00:36:324 (1) - why started this here? If you want to keep 00:35:812 (5,2) - I prefer this slider can convert two circles for emphasize the 00:36:494 - imo
  5. 00:42:119 (2) - remove whistle on tail?
  6. 00:45:358 (3) - remove whistle on head
  7. 00:46:380 (3) - whistle on head
  8. 01:19:789 (4) - stack this tail on tail of 01:19:107 (2) - and 01:20:130 (1) - stack to 01:17:403 (1) - ? Sorry for bad explanation xd
  9. 01:28:141 (6) - default whistle on head fits nicely
  1. 00:22:005 (4) - how about move this to around 81|115? After the triangle 00:21:494 (1,2,3) - this can be pretty hard to hit for player even it has small distance.
  2. 00:27:971 (7,8) - I would like to scale this down a bit, I can't see on the audio itself that can be emphasized to boost the scale from 00:27:630 (5,6) - yet.
  3. 00:38:199 (4,5) - how about copy-paste the pattern of 00:37:858 (2,3) - and scale up to x1.2? Looks more neat for jumps imo
  4. 00:54:875 (1,2) - Maybe slider here works better for some instruments I heard xd
  5. 01:04:448 (3,4) - remove finish on their head
  6. 01:11:607 (4) - maybe CTRL + H and J works here. This can be emphasize more the high-pitch vocal imo>>
overall it's good enough to getting ranked, goodluck!
Topic Starter

Akitoshi wrote:

requested m4m xd
im bad modder btw sorry

  1. 00:06:494 (1,2) - you can do some funnier slider than you just simply diagonally pulled lol > -- wow yeah, huge room for improvement here, thanks
  2. 00:43:313 (2) - I prefer this angle for better flow as easy imo -- yes
  3. 01:25:585 (1) - this wave looks very forced imo, you can just simply round this... -- I like the wave
  1. 00:17:404 (1) - blanket with 00:16:722 (5) - looks better -- This sets up the flow to be a little too repetitive in the next measure. I think a straight slider looks fine and the flow is better than getting marginal design improvements
  2. 00:24:222 (3,4) - Try this rhythm, fits more with vocals too! -- that rhythm works, but I like mine a little bit more
  3. 00:32:233 (4) - maybe can remove this, pretty harsh imo -- yes
  4. 01:06:494 (1,2) - I prefer to convert this to slider, 4 circles in a row is pretty hard to read and hit -- yeah you're right
  1. 00:44:676 (1) - and related on this, you can split this to 2 sliders to more smooth transitions with next section~ -- I think it's fine as is
  2. 01:04:448 (2) - remove finish? -- nah, I don't think it interferes with the clap and it goes with the beat
  3. gud
  1. 00:22:005 (4) - how about move this to around 81|115? After the triangle 00:21:494 (1,2,3) - this can be pretty hard to hit for player even it has small distance. -- the DS is so small that I can't see this being to big of a problem to read this as a stack. I also like the small DS to emphasize (5) more.
  2. 00:27:971 (7,8) - I would like to scale this down a bit, I can't see on the audio itself that can be emphasized to boost the scale from 00:27:630 (5,6) - yet. -- (7) is a little higher pitched in the harmony than (5) (listen to the harp noise), which is why I like the bigger DS
  3. 00:38:199 (4,5) - how about copy-paste the pattern of 00:37:858 (2,3) - and scale up to x1.2? Looks more neat for jumps imo -- The pattern is extremely structured as is. If I made a change, it wouldn't be for the design
  4. 00:54:875 (1,2) - Maybe slider here works better for some instruments I heard xd -- circle is good here
  5. 01:04:448 (3,4) - remove finish on their head -- nah, I don't think it interferes with the clap and it goes with the beat
  6. 01:11:607 (4) - maybe CTRL + H and J works here. This can be emphasize more the high-pitch vocal imo>> -- that played a little nicer, but I'm having trouble working it into the next part. I understand your concern though, so I increased the DS to help give a little more intensity here.
overall it's good enough to getting ranked, goodluck! -- thanks, and thanks for the good mod!Everything here was worth the thought and some helped quite a lot.
Am I late perhaps... ? I guess I am... sowwy


  • remove one Insane =w=

    Check the following files to be sure they have no more than 5ms of delay:[list:1337]soft-hitclap.wav



  • I find the AR and the general SV of this diff a bit too high. You probably did this to raise the difficulty to an appropriate value, but imo it's not really a good fit

    00:11:267 (5,6) - so, these two guys are part of 2 different rhythms, right? 5 is on instruments, 6 is on vocals.
    My opinion here is to add a NC on 6 and also change how the next 3 beats play, because it is indeed a different rhythm (yet as it is now it seems like being part of the same rhythm as before). Just a suggestion here (2 is getting blanketed by the next long slider, while the decreasing spacing should be the factor that tells the players "this is a new rhythm" as well as the fact 6 is now stacked under 4)

    00:25:074 (6) - imo this shouldnt be here since it kinda breaks the pattern you use so much (reference: 00:26:267 (3,4) - and similar ones)

    00:26:949 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - I'll be honest here, I can't really understand the meaning of this pattern. What I mean is not regarding flow (which could be improved, but it's still fine) but rather how these beats are placed on the screen: 00:26:949 (1,2,3,4) - this part is nice and cool since it's a simple diiamond pattern, but once I check the other half of the pattern I just get confused.
    Alright, I know I'm probably being a bad guy here, but I do have an option for it (at least one that makes more sense imo, so don't take it personally):
    Suggestion + explanation

    1, 2 and 3 are the same as before, so you don't need to move them a single inch.
    I then Ctrl + G'd 4 and 5 and placed 4 the way you see it now: to make a sort of triangle with 1 and 2
    6 and 7 were meant to carry on the rhythm created with 4 and 5, therefore they have same angle and direction. 7 is stacked on 1
    Finally, if you take 6, 7 and 8 you'll notice they're making a triangle, while 2, 3 , 4 and 6 are all on the same line at constant spacing.

    All of this was also to give more emphasis to the drum beats you kinda ignored with your current pattern.

    00:31:040 - 00:33:085 - idk... I'm not a fan of constant spacing, since you're gonna ignore a lot of beats which should be more important. An example here is the fact you totally ignore the drum beats which are the ones that literally create the rhythm for this part of the song.
    imo you should put a 1/2 slider on the following beats to give the emphasis I mentioned above: 00:31:040 (1) - 00:31:721 (5) - 00:32:403 (1) -

    00:52:176 (1,2) - What about a slider instead? A slow one, not a fast one as your other sliders maybe

    00:59:846 - if you follow vocals you should use this beat imo

    01:05:812 (4,5) - I bet you can avoid that overlap

    01:26:948 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - These guys should have lower spacing, since the song is fading out.


Joey's Light Insane

  • 01:06:153 (4) - just personal, Ctrl + G?

    01:21:323 (5,1) - this jump is a bit stiff, since the slider goes in the opposite direction. What about this? Or even Ctrl + G 1

    00:55:585 - double timing section at this point, remove one
Nice diff


117's Light Insane

  • good job, I have nothing to say here. I would just make it uglier lol



  • 00:21:835 (2,3,4) - this doesn't look so clean imo. What about this?

    00:55:925 (2) - I hear a long note on vocals here tho

    01:13:994 (3,4) - seeing this spacing after you presented me with things like 00:31:551 (3,4) - is a bit confusing. In general I can see why you put more spacing, but the way you do that needs some improvement because in my eyes most of the times there are only circles put there to make the cursor move. Try to give a meaning, a feeling to your map whenever possible.



  • Imo the intro should have a lower SV, since it's calmer. From there on the SV looks fine tho

    The rest looks fine.



  • 00:07:858 (1) - No need for NC here

    looks fine

That's all. Sorry again for being late but uh... I'm just too forgetful lame excuse
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