I'm curious of what kind of hobbies / activities fellow Osu! players could have so share if you feel like that!
And by "hobbies" I mean anything else than Osu!, Other videogames or being otaku/geek
My own number one hobby after Gaming would be Juggling!
I have been juggling with "devil sticks" for about 4 or 5 years now.
if you don't know what devilsticks are and you are intrested heres a link for the lazy people:
I have also juggled with balls, diabolo and acrylic contact ball
But I'm not really good with those.
And by "hobbies" I mean anything else than Osu!, Other videogames or being otaku/geek
My own number one hobby after Gaming would be Juggling!
I have been juggling with "devil sticks" for about 4 or 5 years now.
if you don't know what devilsticks are and you are intrested heres a link for the lazy people:
I have also juggled with balls, diabolo and acrylic contact ball
But I'm not really good with those.