
samfree feat. Mitani Nana - NanaNana Fever Miracle Tonight

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Saturday, July 03, 2010 at 6:39:26 PM

Artist: samfree feat. Mitani Nana
Title: NanaNana Fever Miracle Tonight
Source: UTAU
Tags: Garven Krisom
BPM: 164
Filesize: 4849kb
Play Time: 03:00
Difficulties Available:
  1. Garven's Normal (3.29 stars, 215 notes)
  2. Insane (4.89 stars, 533 notes)
  3. Krisom's Easy (1.78 stars, 94 notes)
Download: samfree feat. Mitani Nana - NanaNana Fever Miracle Tonight
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
NanaNana Fever
Try 375 as offset

I did some weird rhythms in this, so the hit sounds were hard to make consistent... If it's weird to you, feel free to edit/maul/whatever.

Download: samfree feat. Mitani Nana - Nana Nana Fever Miracle Tonight (ouranhshc) [Garven's Normal].osu
I like it :)
Insane play really nice

Have a Star~
Oh, it's very nice.
I like Vocaloid , yurobeat , Ryu mix songs.
So I really like you chose songs and maps. :oops:
star~ :)

my mod
I think , you should change this following.
Source: UTAUloid
UTAU is all caps. uh... loid is really not needed... let you.
Garven's Normal
This following is my suggestion.
00:51:045 add note (I want to make same this pattern all chorus of the song.)
00:56:899 ^
01:28:728 (4) finish next white line?
01:53:972 add note
02:32:021 ^
This following is my suggestion.
00:35:131 finish next white line? or add note
02:27:996 (1) add hitsounds?

Good luck ;)
Ok, lets get this done.

Tags. Garven. Add him. All diffs :3
Guess who has an osb. in his foldeeeer >w<!
There's another singer in this version. I'm sure of it. The first part feels much more robotic than the second one. If you don't belive me, turn off hitsounds and compare 01:34:765 to 00:33:118. Look for the other singer so that you can add her. I doubt it is samfree singing.

-Technically, hitsounds are well made. But they tend to get a little annoying, specially in the chorus. Reduce the volume? Also, add some softwhistles a la LukaLukaNight Fever. Check that map, it has great hitsounding.
-00:29:826 (2,3,4...) This. This is kinda hard to read. You follow the lyrics in the combo before, but this one follows the beat (?). Besides, 00:31:106 (5,6,7,8) of this same combo seems to follow the lyrics, AGAIN D: How to fix? Oh well, you could add a soft whistle at the sliders (2) and (4) at the start and ending to make it more readeable. Also, you could remap this to the lyrics OR to the beats. A nice idea too would be transforming these sliders into repeat sliders?
-00:38:423 (1) - Ok, I now know what larto was talking about. It's nice to the view, but this spacing is really messed up. It's just one beat of distance, so this one should follow the distance snap more strictly than the others (wich are readeable). Watch out for stuff like that oury <_<
-00:48:667 (1,2,3,4,5) - Rotate By 225º? It looks better IMO. Also, (5) could be placed on where (1) or on where (5) is wihout messing up the spacing for (4,5,6), but that's up to you. (You can apply the same thing to 00:54:521 (1,2,3,4,5), but rotating by 135º)
-01:06:228 (9) - This slider could look much better. Try to create something like this. Here's the code if you rather using this one.
-01:08:789 (6) - Remove?
-01:21:411 (4,6) - I'm not going to force you, but I don't like how these sliders overlaps (5). Feel free to change it or not. I'd make a circle with them, though.
-01:45:740 (1,2,3,4,5) - A star pattern here would look awesome. Try to create one here, at 01:51:594 (1,2,3,4,5), and at these patterns in the slow section of the map. That way you get a jump wihout spacing issues.
-02:47:935 (3) - This looks too far away. Flipped vertically (1) and (2) ? Now make (3) as close to (2) as (1) is to (2). This is the same combo, so the spacing should be consistent. Moving just one grid down (3) and (4) seems to work nice wihout altering much else.

Everything else seems fine and ready. Well, it's readeable for me at least <_<

[Garven's Normal]
- Raise OD by 1 or by 2?
- 00:25:801 (3) - >_< This could be prettier.
- 02:36:777 (2) - This is curve. (1) is linear. Try to change the styles of the sliders in different combos, that's just a personal opinion, though.

Nothing more for this one. Try to use more sliders for big gaps between notes though. It felt empty sometimes >_<"

Overall, enjoyable, and some nice patterns pop out of nowhere in Insane.
Red: You must fix this.
Blue: You'd better do sth with this imo.
Green: Just suggestions.

look at what Krisom said.
emm.. the BG is 938*768, i think you need a 1024*768 one instead.
offset:got about -6

[Garven's Normal]
yay. OA+1
slider tick rate:2? sounds better.
00:48:667 (1) - there should be one more green line to change the hitsound sample before the note but not exactly on it.
01:01:837 (2) - finish at the end?
01:30:923 (3,4,5) - nazi, 1 grid left
01:58:545 (1) - finish at the end?
02:29:643 (1) - same as the 1st kiai.

00:11:350 (1,2) - increase volume on these two notes.
00:12:082 (1) - 00:23:789 (1) also make this part louder.
00:41:350 (1,2,4,5) - sth to nazi here... 1&2 1 grid right, 4&5 1 grid left.
00:48:667 (1) - there should be one more green line to change the hitsound sample before the note but not exactly on it. if you don't do that, when player hits earlier they will hear different sounds.
00:49:399 (5) - i guess you need a new combo.... and the shape of (1,2,3,4)... can you make it better?
00:55:253 (5) - ^
01:45:740 (1) - same timing point problem
02:18:850 (6) - whistle at the start.
02:19:399 (1) - whistle at the end.
02:20:314 (4) - whistle at the start.
02:20:862 (1) - whistle at the start and end.
02:22:874 (4) - ^
Garven's Normal
  • Lower HP drain one tick, it's kind of harsh for the lowest difficulty
  • 00:17:935 (1,8) - This part struck me as odd. It transitioned out of the surrounding pattern pretty suddenly. Personally I would change it, but it's still following the beat and it looks nice so it's only a suggestion

Wish I could do more, but everything else looks good to me. Starred
Offset : 371 ~ Resnap All Notes

•Garven's Normal•
02:00:009 (3,4) - Distance spacing.

Other diff is good for me.

Nice map~
[Mod Infos]

Azure: Suggestions.
Blue: You should fix this.


  • • Open all .osu files and change...
    //Background Colour Transformations
    Combo1 : 64,117,255
    Combo2 : 128,255,128

    • The easiest difficulty must be below a 3-star difficulty level.
    • Disable countdown
[Garven's Normal]

  • • 00:02:753 (1) - Remove "New combo"
    • 00:05:679 (1) - ^
    • 00:06:960 (2) - "New combo"
    • 00:08:423 (x) - Add a circle
    • 00:08:606 (1) - Remove "New combo"
    • 00:09:887 (2) - "New combo"
    • 02:48:667 (x) - Add a circle
Topic Starter
the easiest doesn't have to be below 3.00 <=== that is a guideline, and guidelines =/= rules
*I have some issues with the artist/title/source before I go any farther. I don't know why I didn't catch this on MikiMiki, but...
*samfree isn't the singer; the vocaloid/utau is. "samfree" (or capital s, whichever way) should be the source to stay consistent with most other vocaloid/utau songs.
*artist should just be "Mitani Nana"
*add "utau" to tags and possibly "vocaloid" as well?
*should "Nana Nana" be "NanaNana"? I'm not sure about this..

[Garven's Normal]
01:42:814 (1) - perhaps move back a white tick and extend?
01:59:459 (2,3,4,5) - spacing?

00:00:557 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - I was expecting these to get lower and lower in volume =(
00:03:484 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - ^
02:06:228 (1) - this sounds much better with 0 volume (or a decrescendo)
02:17:935 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - some of the whistles sound too loud and jangly here imo ;x
02:49:948 (1) - bleh don't end kiai in the middle of a spinner. End it 1/4th before it starts. Also, silence/decrescendo please

Like I mentioned in irc, I really dislike the difficulty spread for this map. Normal->Insane is kinda meh... Actually, I feel like Normal is a bit too tricky to be the easiest diff in this set. There's too many unpredictable offbeats due to the mildly-high bpm. The offbeats could be changed and the circle size could be upped, but I think that it would be better to just add a third diff. If you could at least add an Easy to the set (@ouran) I'd believe that this work would be much stronger. :p
Your hitsounds are getting better
Topic Starter

bmin11 wrote:

Your hitsounds are getting better
Victory !!!
star >w</
nice work
Arusha Shuna

Krisom's Easy
this diff has unused timing sections starting from 02:18:118 and on. Delete them
Garven's Normal
01:23:057 (x) - i'm expecting a note here, add one
nice! very well structured

sorry about late mod >"<

[Krisom's Easy]

[Garven's Normal]

very good!

sorry i can't find any problem, sorry >"<

nice map
nice song~
Krisom's Easy

Pretty much fine.

I did notice these while testing.

00:51:594 (3) - This slider has a jagged edge. Straighten the move points.

01:48:667 (3) - Also noted the jagged edge on this.

02:00:374 (1) - ^

Garven's Normal

00:16:472 (3) - Adjust the end move point up and right a unit or so to make it look like this.
I think it feels more natural that way.


Fine as far as I can tell. It flows very well.

nothing I would change

The overall difficulty is low, it makes 00:00:375 (1,2) - look really "WTF? are these 1/4 notes?"
Also, with the amount of notes this map has, it plays better with OD+2

patterns like 01:51:594 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) feel stressful to play because of the offbeat note, so I'd add some sliders in there but eh, w/e
02:52:326 (5,6,1) - This should be moved down 1 grid, it's not really symmetrical with (3,4)

mini circles :<

01:31:106 (3,1) - is the overlap intended?
01:32:570 (1,2,3,4) - what is this shape supposed to be? it doesn't look right
01:35:496 (1,2,3,4) - reverse of ^
02:04:033 (1,2,3) - it's almost straight but not quite? IMO it's better if make it either more straight or more curvy
01:08:789 (6) - whistle sound better than a clap
02:05:862 (5) - ^
02:49:765 (7) - ^

:O Nice map, you get my star /o/
No kudo plz
love insane :D
as your request.
My english is not good. I'm sorry about this but my contury is not english-speaking world. keep in mind please.

Citical Error : you must modify it.
Confusion : I belive it is not intended by mapper. in other word, I belive it is mistake.
Suggestion : just suggestion. you can avoid it.
Joke : I'm serious, but you can laugh and forget it.

[Krisom's Easy]

GENERAL : looks like incomplete note. I know, It is easy diff. but It's too short[.] It should be longer than this. or cut it another timing. I think this timing is not good.

GENERAL : I can find some useless timing section.

[Garven's Noraml]

GENERAL : increase overall diff 1 tik plz. It's almost easy diff.

01:42:814 (1) : this spinner should be start from 01:42:448.

02:00:557 (5) : spacing.


GENERAL : 777 Maximum combo was intended? lol. fun. I love this.
I can not find any crtical error so my modding is just suggestion or my personal discontent.

01:07:874 (1,2,3,4,5,6) : use more farther snap and Spread it whole screen. I think this is better.

02:00:374 (1) delete NC
02:00:557 (2) add NC
I think it is not intuitively.

02:17:935 ~ 02:29:277 : It's hard to understand. you can use more close distance snap in this part.

00:49:339 (5)
00:58:911 (1,2,3,4,5,6)
02:57:265 (8)
02:58:728 (8)
: It's very hard to understand. I think it is not intuitively. (I only point out these 4 timings, but i mean all similar patterns to these) I can not recomand reduce distance snap in one combo if it is not intuitively. even insane diff. this is veeery subjective. so it is up to you.


GENERAL : Good map. some part is unplayable with touchscreen, but I love this. this map should be a ranked map! good luck!
star~ :D
Mod4Mod this time? Well I'm quite bad modder and these are just suggestions XD

Krisom's Easy
00:23:789 (1) - How about somewhat silmilar like this?
00:25:253 (3) - ^
00:26:716 (1) - move middle of the slider one grid left, or 2~3 grid right? (just choose one you prefer or ignore it XD)
00:32:570 (1) - I think moving middle of the slider some grid left would be better.
01:00:374 (1,2,3) - about a grid right?
01:01:838 (1,2,3) - ...and 'snap' this to tiny grid?
01:03:301 (1) - how about curved slider? uh.... just suggetion XD
01:06:960 (1,2,3,4,5) - how about moving these about one grid left?
01:26:716 (1) - set a slider curve to linear? (or... press 'a' button? anyway currently it's bezier.)
01:29:643 (1) - ^
01:32:570 (1,2,3,4,5) - how about this?
01:35:496 (1,2,3,4,5) - ^, or something similar like this.
01:57:447 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - same as 01:00:374 (1,2,3,1,2,3)
02:04:033 (1,2,3) - arrange this to linear conformation?
02:04:765 (3,4,5) - ^

Garven's Normal
00:01:289 (3) - one grid up & one grid right?
00:04:948 (3) - one grid down & one grid left?
00:10:618 (3) - I think more symmetrical shape would work... maybe not XD
00:12:082 (1) - ^
00:13:545 (3) - ^
00:15:009 (1) - ^
00:26:716 (1) - move the end of the slider one or two grid down?
00:30:923 (3) - how about move the end of the slider one grid down and...
00:31:655 (4) - ...move this one gird left?
00:39:887 (3) - how about move first middle point of the slider one grid left and one grid down?
01:21:228 (2) - one grid up?
01:24:155 (2) - ^
01:47:935 (3,4) - I think normal-clap might be better...?
01:53:789 (6,7) - ^
01:57:082 (1) - make this slighty more curved?
01:58:545 (1) - ^
02:31:838 (6,7) - add clap in one of them?
02:37:692 (3,4) - same as 01:47:935 (3,4)

00:27:265 (4) - one grid left?
00:35:862 (3) - ^, or less than one grid maybe?
00:38:606 (2) - one grid left?
00:41:350 (1) - one grid right?
00:42:082 (4) - one grid left?
00:51:045 (5) - one grid down, and move the first middle point of the slider one grid down and one grid left?
00:56:350 (2) - one grid up?
00:56:350 (2) - how about moving middle of the slider one grid right?
01:50:131 (1,4) - one grid down?
02:00:923 (4,5,6,7) - one grid right?
02:20:862 (1) - how about moving middle of the slider one grid right?
02:38:789 (2) - move the end of the slider slighty left, about 1/2 grid?
02:40:070 (2) - one grid up?
02:56:990 (6,7) - one grid down?
02:58:454 (6,7) - ^

Overall, nice map so I'll star~

good map! star- :)
star~~ :)
Shohei Ohtani

01:06:228 (9) - Add clap on end of slider
01:08:972 (1) - Add something. I don't like the regular hitsound on this, but I'm not sure what would fit.~
02:04:033 (2,3,4,5) - Thanks for proving that I'm not the only one who uses diamond shapes ;~;
02:24:887 (7) - Remove slider and add a note
02:25:070 (1) - Move this note back to the red tick, and move everything else back accordingly.
02:26:533 - Add a note sometime between 02:25:070, and here.


Hi incompletely mapped diff.


CDFA wrote:

Hi incompletely mapped diff.
Hi ^^!
you now, I usually map Easy diffs fully, but this one is really repetitive at the end, it just goes "chorus chorus chorus" like 3 times <_<. I wouldnt even map an Insane completely for this.
nice map ;)
will mod later~

00:08:423 (4) - What about a hitcircle here ?
00:22:692 (4) - What about a hitcircle here ?
00:23:057 (4) - Sounds better in the red line until the mark
00:24:704 (2) - What about a hitcircle here ?
00:30:557 (3) - What about a hitcircle here ?

Nice map ;D
NanaNana Fever Miracle Tonight~

I love this song~

star> <

02:05:862 (4) - match 01:08:789 (4)? (hitsound wise)
Good, oh, also get rid of the first unused timing panel :x

02:38:423 (1,2) - hmm, either add slider whistles to sound like 00:57:448 (1) or remove the whistles to sound like 01:54:521 (1)...? the whistle as they are sound kinda... lacking
02:49:582 (3) - I say remove the whistles off this, they sound kinda extra imo ><
Not too sure about the slider tick rate here... hmm

hmm, lower the soft-hitclaps' volume in general, they still found loud for the sections you used them on (plus the default normal hitclaps during the kiai sound quiet compared to the custom soft-hitclap)
oh, normal-slidertick is the default clap, but what if the skin users are using have a different clap? add a normal-hitclap with the same hitsound as the slidertick...? (though... it'll make you add and arrange the timing panels more)
I see some nazi-able spacing, and I don't mean your usual patterns... too much to bother pointing out actually, oh well
02:55:618 - eh, why is this section louder than the kiai?
Start decreasing the volume for the ending, in reverse to how you increased it slowly during the beginning
Could use more finish hitsounds (in the paced clap parts)
You're patterns are playable cuz of the high OD~ ><


00:17:935 (1) - 00:19:216 (8) how about let these combo be same as others,I mean... follow the music
00:19:399 (1) - 00:20:496 (4) ^
01:08:972 (1) - set the volume 0 or add some hitsound in the end maybe sound better?
02:06:228 (1) - ^
02:49:948 (1) - ^
1:45:55 - It seems that this green line is not used ,delete it plz 0 0

This dif is easy to read and fun cuz overall(just like what Shinxyn said~)
But I think it can add more notes follow the music,anyway it works well as the vocal now ^^
Topic Starter

Aakiha wrote:


00:17:935 (1) - 00:19:216 (8) how about let these combo be same as others,I mean... follow the music
00:19:399 (1) - 00:20:496 (4) ^
01:08:972 (1) - set the volume 0 or add some hitsound in the end maybe sound better?done
02:06:228 (1) - ^done
02:49:948 (1) - ^done
1:45:55 - It seems that this green line is not used ,delete it plz 0 0

This dif is easy to read and fun cuz overall(just like what Shinxyn said~)
But I think it can add more notes follow the music,anyway it works well as the vocal now ^^

fabriciorby wrote:


00:08:423 (4) - What about a hitcircle here ?
00:22:692 (4) - What about a hitcircle here ?fixed
00:23:057 (4) - Sounds better in the red line until the mark
00:24:704 (2) - What about a hitcircle here ?fixed
00:30:557 (3) - What about a hitcircle here ?fixed

Nice map ;D

Shinxyn wrote:


02:05:862 (4) - match 01:08:789 (4)? (hitsound wise)nah
Good, oh, also get rid of the first unused timing panel :x done

02:38:423 (1,2) - hmm, either add slider whistles to sound like 00:57:448 (1) or remove the whistles to sound like 01:54:521 (1)...? the whistle as they are sound kinda... lackingdone
02:49:582 (3) - I say remove the whistles off this, they sound kinda extra imo ><done
Not too sure about the slider tick rate here... hmmchanged to 1

hmm, lower the soft-hitclaps' volume in general, they still found loud for the sections you used them on (plus the default normal hitclaps during the kiai sound quiet compared to the custom soft-hitclap)fixed
oh, normal-slidertick is the default clap, but what if the skin users are using have a different clap? add a normal-hitclap with the same hitsound as the slidertick...? (though... it'll make you add and arrange the timing panels more)fixed
I see some nazi-able spacing, and I don't mean your usual patterns... too much to bother pointing out actually, oh well
02:55:618 - eh, why is this section louder than the kiai?fixed
Start decreasing the volume for the ending, in reverse to how you increased it slowly during the beginningfixed
Could use more finish hitsounds (in the paced clap parts)
You're patterns are playable cuz of the high OD~ >< ;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;

Soft-hitclap is too quiet now ><!

oh, also, make the lighting 1x1 or something since it's a blank png file

Edit: volume levels fixed (close enough... though it would be easier to just copy the quieter file and rename...)
... the lighting... hmm, ouran won't change, I don't think it as a big deal, but next BAT might~
Topic Starter
o em gee, its a bubble
omg it`s a heart
Topic Starter
Yay its a heart
grats~ :)
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