
SON OF KICK - Hours ft. Lady Leshurr & Paigey Cakey [Osu|Osu

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All added, ready.
Go again.
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LOL thanks for trying to push this forward again HabiHolic! However, needed to selfpop now since I'm waiting for Starry- to recheck the osu!mania (my bad for not stating it, I just figured out yesterday).
Ayy. All done, checked with Starry, here are the Updates:

Please replace drum-hitnormal10 with this one: Hitsound


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Updated, now ready for realz.
Had a talk with Feerum about fixing hitsound inconsistencies within his difficulties, alongside giving him a new kick sample for the mapset. Also went through a few unsnapped/useless green lines with Irre.

The skin-sets should be fine. I can't find them on the wiki anymore (skin-sets in the ranking criteria may be outdated because of this), and the main issue with the hit elements were fixed. It might be worth checking up with Deif again, although I'm fairly sure it's fine.
  1. 01:01:044 (1,1,1,1) - Excuse me, but this is extremely unreadable for a difficulty that is something between Normal and Advanced (which is not a regular Hard but something easier). Moreover, this is the only pattern in the whole mapset that provides a difficulty spike. Go through all insanes and extras and you won't see something that hardcore and demanding reading skills. Another reason to change it is the fact you have no idea if 01:02:926 (1) - this is a slider or two circles which are cramped, lol. I'm reminding you one beatmap got DQ'd because of that on EXTRA diff where you were participating as a GDer and you should avoid such stuff. If you don't understand what I'm talking about: *BEEP* Of course, there were circles and then a slider but this is Medium and not an Extra and it's already hard to play it you know. BTW as a personal suggestion I'd recommend AR5.5 because of the bpm, sv and stuff going harder and harder from here: 01:12:889 (1) - I guess you know what I mean. D:
Good luck!
Call me your get rebubbled. I will Ranked.
Hmm I personally think the pattern on Medium is not a problem anymore - The whole diff is pretty gimmicky (01:14:997 (1,2) - 01:20:471 (4,1) - ) and the spread has enough "clean" difficulties to allow for something like this as an additional difficulty. It's nice to provide a difficulty that's different for the average osu! player once (which is usually just done on Insane / Extra level).
iirc the normal exists for the sole purpose of having allowing for more creative patterns like this in medium
and tbh just as desp daid the whole diff has creative patterns like that and if you can read approach circles this pattern shouldn't even pose a problem in terms of playability o.o?

Asphyxia wrote:

22:01 Irreversible: should i rename medium to special medium?
22:02 Irreversible: so it's indicated that it has weird stuff
22:02 Asphyxia: uh
22:02 Asphyxia: you do you
22:02 Asphyxia: im fine either way
I think that would also work as some sort of alternative lol
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Krfawy wrote:

  1. 01:01:044 (1,1,1,1) - Excuse me, but this is extremely unreadable for a difficulty that is something between Normal and Advanced (which is not a regular Hard but something easier). Moreover, this is the only pattern in the whole mapset that provides a difficulty spike. Go through all insanes and extras and you won't see something that hardcore and demanding reading skills. Another reason to change it is the fact you have no idea if 01:02:926 (1) - this is a slider or two circles which are cramped, lol. I'm reminding you one beatmap got DQ'd because of that on EXTRA diff where you were participating as a GDer and you should avoid such stuff. If you don't understand what I'm talking about: *BEEP* Of course, there were circles and then a slider but this is Medium and not an Extra and it's already hard to play it you know. BTW as a personal suggestion I'd recommend AR5.5 because of the bpm, sv and stuff going harder and harder from here: 01:12:889 (1) - I guess you know what I mean. D:
Good luck!
We have talked about it so many times, I've added a new diff because of you .. which was indeed a good solution. I won't fix it - reasoning can be found above, it's what I've told you ingame quite often already.

Okoratu wrote:

and if you can read approach circles
Do we read and count approach circles or notes when we play?

Anyways, okay, I'm okay with the overlapping pattern itself but I am not okay with the last slider that I actually popped the bubble for. As a normal-diff no mod player I feel personally harassed with this slider because it seriously is a troll pattern because of it's not-that-easy-to-read-nature and saying stuff like 'I made more diffs to comfort you' or 'you can count how many approach circles there are' is not a really professional/nice/good answer to my opinion, just saying. I can give the bubble back but 01:02:926 (1) - this note is not a really good idea due to the stuff I've mentioned before and it should be discussed with the wider public aka the staff & BNs and players at the same time because getting an answer about this pattern only from people who are above 10K in rankings (or at least they were the only people who posted their opinions in this thread, sorry if you're not the only one guys) is not really objective since their point of view on what is easy and what is not can be slightly distorted. Something similar would happen if someone asked me or you, Irre, about SR7-8 220BPM Extra diff to Dragonforce if certain patterns are playable or no, and I hope you can understand it guys.

However, if you think I did a bad thing, I'm sorry and I will not worry you with this mapset anymore, just get your previous/accurate nominators back.

EDIT: What I mean by 'not-that-easy-nature' is the slider has no sliderborders visible and only circles are visible.
I think Krfawy has right there, for me as a player that can't really play Std very well this is invisible, there are like 2 circles, I'm getting confused there. ;;
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LOL we've came up with a solution after 69 years of war

Don't tell Loctav that we secretly have #69 sessions every weekend L69L

gratz :3
:O Gratz :3 awesome CtB difficulty
lmao 3 times qualified
Nice :D
yay <3
There are still some skin elements missing as "reversearrow.png". We need confirmation for those elements: Feel free to look for more opinions before getting this requalified.

"play-warningarrow.png" belongs to the set of the playfield, along with "play-skip.png", "section-fail.png", "section-pass.png" which would be needed.

Make sure the next guys doublecheck the skin elements >_>
Such a bad reason to dq a map.
at this rate desperate and mao will farm 50 posts congratulating this map

can we collectively blame Deimos for redoing a part of the wiki which is connected to the RC for cases like this XD
>Keep downloading the beatmap almost everyday for two weeks
>See no skin included
>Notice a DQ post which says there are some skin files missing

I seriously don't understand this game and I hope you can help me get what is going on here, like really.

EDIT: Irre, what is my reward for passing Gangsta diff? *BEEP*
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I got the skin for the map
sipping on that BN

Thinking bout some maps
I don't give a uh about what you mod
I don't give a uh about what you mod
It's nothing but a skin
so just fade out and live
pour it up and qualify

pour it up, bubble
hurry up, qualify
got a BN on my line
so just call me up quick

i just performed a DQ
and I dq'd it hard, rip

had to prove i was a QAT
and sure enough did

and sure enough i did it forgive me for giving any
the dq my blood is within it
and "kill my mapper spirit" i forbid it

the beauty is in my dqs
i'm ruthless but i've got modding spirit

loctav said if i want it
i have to go out and dq it

so now im out i'm dqing
my dq out near by tomorrow

and i'm counting down till it's dq'd
cause i'm shouting out that im due

to be one of the dqer to conquer
ain't acting deserve an dq-award

need practice before you get it qualif'd
im just acting like a monster

i'm that ill i need a doctor
in fact bcuz of bad maps

im back to being modest
cause dq's are always honest

attacking any map
i am the baddest to ever follow

Mao even Desperate-Kun
fantastic deserve a scholarship

And honestly I don't really have anything to say
I'm going through a dilemma now I'm feeling kinda faint
Got so many things that's happening going on in my thread
And now I'm going insane
and now I feel it's a shame

And now I know it's insane
real qualification it ain't a game
it's power within the skin
and i don't know what to add
for hours i feel the ache
for hours throughout the day
there's a lot of people adding a skin
a lot of people ain't

sometimes i wanna stay
sometimes i wanna quit
sometimes i wanna qualify
sometimes i wanna disqualify

but i'll never ever leave
disqualified forever stay
Best response to a DQ of all time xD
Mapping is a happy thing :^)

Deif wrote:

Feel free to look for more opinions before getting this requalified.
I'm pretty sure that aside from skinning issues (which should have been properly addressed 2 DQ's ago) this map doesn't need more opinions
just please don't give up on the map again Irre, this deserves to stay ranked
You don't wanna hear my opinion >:)
I'm sure if I start poking around the Taiko diffs I can find some stuff, too

Gangsta Collab
  1. 01:33:216 (9,10,11,12,13,14,15) - stack after high bpm jumps + stream burst. no. that literally plays like shit. pls pls pls pls pls change this.

  1. 00:52:193 (1,2) - 00:52:875 (2,3) - dunno if it's just me but, this is literally hell to read because the slider is SO short, it's pretty easy to mistake that as a triple.
  2. 01:04:915 (3) - normal-hitnormal intentional?
  3. 01:08:651 (4,1) - stack ruins flow here, and i think it's not wise to stack them because 1 has really strong vocal.
  4. 01:17:512 (3,4,5,6,1) - small jumps on the very right side of the screen and then a massive jump towards new combo is literally painful to execute.
  5. 01:23:723 (4) - is this supposed to be normal sample set or additions? feel like addition is better.
  6. consider increasing the AR to 9.2-9.3. stacks, high bpm, small-large jumps, they're very hard to read already. and uh, I feel like the drum snares are way too exaggerated such as the ones at 00:46:966 (1) - 00:44:021 (1) -

I played this mapset a lot when it got qualified, these are just the things that bothers me. please consider changing them.

Bearizm wrote:

Gangsta Collab
  1. 01:33:216 (9,10,11,12,13,14,15) - stack after high bpm jumps + stream burst. no. that literally plays like shit. pls pls pls pls pls change this.
still much better than adding back-and-forth jumps for the sake of giving more pp!

no changes on my side
*calming down intensifies*
I didnt like that end since the first time i saw it. PP arguements aside, I just dont like a difficulty spike in the last few seconds of a map. It's pretty justified being there, if not really annoying!
everyone calm down pls lmao
i want to see mao and desp congatulating this soon
Ciyus Miapah
Sauci is a masterpiece :)
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Blue Dragon wrote:

Deif wrote:

Feel free to look for more opinions before getting this requalified.
I'm pretty sure that aside from skinning issues (which should have been properly addressed 2 DQ's ago) this map doesn't need more opinions
just please don't give up on the map again Irre, this deserves to stay ranked
Well in all honesty I don't know how to approach the issue properly, because RC is vague AF. I want to keep the slider border only, and I do not see the sense behind the need to add other skin elements as the ranking criteria says:
But I'm not skinning circles or anything, I just want the slider border. I'm aware it got unranked because I've added some shit but that's because someone told me to do.. but I never saw the sense behind that so I can as well delete them . .
Natteke desu

Bearizm wrote:

  1. 00:52:193 (1,2) - 00:52:875 (2,3) - dunno if it's just me but, this is literally hell to read because the slider is SO short, it's pretty easy to mistake that as a triple.
    Well, i partly agreed,it could be hard to read, but i want to keep consistency in pattern and since it's extra i think this can stay
  2. 01:04:915 (3) - normal-hitnormal intentional?
  3. 01:08:651 (4,1) - stack ruins flow here, and i think it's not wise to stack them because 1 has really strong vocal.
    nah, it's intended like some kind of flowbreak because of vocals
  4. 01:17:512 (3,4,5,6,1) - small jumps on the very right side of the screen and then a massive jump towards new combo is literally painful to execute.
    pretty much the same
  5. 01:23:723 (4) - is this supposed to be normal sample set or additions? feel like addition is better.
    idk i prefer normal sample
  6. consider increasing the AR to 9.2-9.3. stacks, high bpm, small-large jumps, they're very hard to read already. and uh, I feel like the drum snares are way too exaggerated such as the ones at 00:46:966 (1) - 00:44:021 (1) -
    okie ar is 9.2 now

I played this mapset a lot when it got qualified, these are just the things that bothers me. please consider changing them.

dang irre such a F A I L E R
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Updated, deleted skin but kept slider border.
Increased AR to 9.2.

VINXIS wrote:


I checked the beatmap properly. Are you happy now, Irre? XD

Sorry, Okeh, I'm not Mao :(
Elo 8-)
[Elvis' Extra]
00:45:319 (2) - WaW :?
his entire diff is built around these 6~8x jumps
people names in sb:

Kyubey is purple
Normal is purple
Medium is purple
Kyshiro is purple
TicClick is purple
Hyper is purple
Insane is purple
Elvis is purple
Gangsta Collab is purple
Nwolf is purple
sauci is purple
all feerum diffs have his name in yellow

I'm laughing so much rn
cause feerum is special and different. he is mapping mania
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