Tenseki wrote:
Attention plz GMTIt is just Fun comment, I will change to real modding when i come to my computer
BG Character request
로리가 너무 못생겻어요. 초등학생 쓰지말져.
전 중학생이 좋음 ^~^ 교복물은 필수 ^^
전 단발에 금색이나 은색이좋음 흑발도환영 ^^
왠만하면 바스트는 B컵으로 ^^
날씬한거 아니면 로리라고 할수없음 ㅋㅋ
짧은 교복치마 필수 ^^
안경도 있으면 귀여울듯 ㅋㅋ
매번 모딩 감사합니다 :3/Euny wrote:
- General
- 노답님 말씀대로라면, artist가 touyama nao아닌가요? 가상 아이돌 앨범 수록곡이라서 아니에요
- source는 원래 없어용?? 앨범은 소스에 들어가지 않아서
- Easy
- 00:14:311 (3) - ctrl*2 번 해주세요! 이뻐지기위해!
- 00:50:311 (3) - ^
- 01:07:911 (1) - ^ 이런건 안해도 괜찮아서 ㅋㅋ..
- 00:27:911 (1) - 이 슬라이더 00:25:911 (2) - 이거 잔상에 맞춰보시는거 어떠세요? 하신다면 00:28:711 (2) - 이거 x144 y64로만 옮겨주시면 다음콤보까지 맞는거같아요! 수정
- Normal
- 00:05:511 (1) - 오예 또있어요! ctrl*2번 해주세요!
- 00:06:311 (3) - ^
- 00:24:711 (1) - ^
- 00:43:511 (6) - ^
- 01:18:911 (4) - ^
- 01:25:311 (4) - ^
- 01:31:511 (3) - ^
이쯤이면 저를 위해 그냥 두신거같다는 생각이 듦니다 :3헤헷..
- Hard
- 00:09:511 (3) - 이거 13도정도 돌려보시겠어요? 다음 콤보로 이어지는 흐름이 더 좋은거같아요! 네
- 00:35:111 (3) - 15도정도 돌려보시는건 어떠세요? 역시나 다음으로 이어지는 흐름이 더 괜찮아지는거같은데.. 현재 흐름이 더 좋은거같아요. 1/1 박 빈공간이 있고 흐름은 그다지 상관 없을듯
- 00:37:511 (1) - 13도 돌려서 00:38:311 (3) - 이거랑 안겹치게 조금만 위에 두시는것도 콤보 치는데 큰 문제없을거같아요! 일부러 겹친거라서 :3
- 01:06:711 (2) - 이 콤보, 01:05:111 (2) - 이거 잔상에 오버랩되게 해보시는건 어떠세요? 물론 옆에 01:06:911 (3) - 이 콤보도 살짝만 오른쪽으로 당겨주시면 좋구요! 지금 흐름이 마음에 들어서 ㅠㅠ
- Kawaii
- 00:07:911 (3) - 이거 x268 y320으로 옮겨서 00:06:111 (2) - 랑 오버랩되게 두는게 제 생각엔 뭔가 더 깔끔해보여요! 스택하면 흐름이 맘에 안들어서 ㅠㅠ
- 00:09:511 (3) - 13도정도 돌려보세요. 다음 콤보랑 담요느낌 살아나면서 흐름도 더 괜찮아지는거같아요! 음 여긴 리매핑했어요
- 01:02:311 (4) - 이 슬라이더 조금만 더 둥글게 해서 01:03:911 (4) - 이 슬라이더 머리에 오버랩되게 두어보시는거 어떠세요? 수정
기회를 주시니 항상 감사드립니다 xD
lol yeah you're rightSekai-nyan wrote:
I think the artist should be like this instead: KANON NAKAGAWA starring Nao Toyama
Uncoded artist: 中川かのん starring 東山奈央
No kd ofc baka Dap o3o/
luxoDeh wrote:
01:02:111 (2) - I think the rhythm would be more consistent like this: that would increase the difficulty :3
01:05:311 (2) - well, if you changed, this is the same same
Aerous wrote:
Kawaii :
00:07:111 (1) - Missing hitsound at the start? Finish maybe ? it's bass, but I didn't use bass hitsound for this mapset
00:07:911 (3) - Wanna stack this on uhh 00:06:311 (2) - ? noooooooo
00:11:111(3) Make this slider look like the next slider I think it's fine lol
00:13:511 (1) Add finish ? i don't think it fits
00:30:511 (3) - Move this here ? So it can blanket with that slider ? i think current one is better for flow
00:45:511(1) - I think 20% is too low , maybe 35 - 40 ? same as hard
00:50:711 (2) - Flip this slider? i like the current flow
01:10:111 (3) - This looks better , it even blankest with the other note ! lol no blanket for me
Hard :
00:15:111 (1,2) - move it so it blankest better ? not meant to be blanket
00:28:711 (3) - move this down so it doesn't overlap seems fine to me owo
00:45:511 - 30%? 20% should be fine. but if it becomes a problem I will fix
00:56:711 (1) - move this to the left a bit ? not liking the overlap :3
Normal :
00:34:311 (1) - Move this here ? So it stacks . lol i don't think it's needed
Easy :
00:32:311 (1,2,3,1) Try this : // The slider at 00:31:111 (1) - needs to be relocated would ruin my symmetry slider that follows up
00:35:911 (2) - I don't like this sliderSwitch it out to this ? never!
CelsiusLK wrote:
recheck, no kds
- I'm pretty unsure, is "KANON NAKAGAWA" need to be capitalize ?
- 00:08:111 (4) - NC here for different snap ? it think its not needed
- 00:11:511 (4) - Ctrl+G would make here 00:11:111 (3,4) - a bit better imo i like the current flow
- 00:14:211 (3) - Delete whistle ? sound a bit not right for me i think its fine
- 00:21:311 - Increase volume a bit here around 20% sound a bit better for me here ok
- 00:20:911 (3,1) - Try this rhythm ? sound bettter imo , it kinda feel a bit awkward for me here since you intend to use slider end on downbeat here 00:21:511 - nah its fine imo
- 00:42:711 - Hitsound volume 30% ? 20% is fine
- 00:45:511 - the hitsound volume is a bit low here , try increase a bit to around 35-40% would be good , just to be safe here 20% is fine
- 00:46:311 - ^ ^
- 00:51:911 (1,4) - I recommend end these on 1/2 because it make the rhythm here play a bit better for me the 1/4 sound pretty a bit not need to be map that much imo since the way you use 1/4 spacing at slider end doesn't feel right to me somehow but it's up to you here i think it fits
- 00:55:111 (1,1,4) - ^ ^
- 01:14:311 - Hitsound volume 40% sound nice here it's fine imo
copy-paste hitsound mods to other diffs[Normal]
- 00:08:211 (5) - Delete this ? since the beat is 1/6 here , 1/4 not sound like 1/6 that much imo yea
- 01:00:511 (3) - 1/2 normal slider sound a bit better here imo i think it's fine
- 01:20:211 (6) - Same as 00:08:211 (5) - ok
- 01:06:711 (5) - Add clap at head and use whistle at tail instead ? yeah fixed
- 01:03:111 (4) - Whistle at head ? i think it will be too much
Call me back
- 00:07:111 (3,1) - Sound a bit weird here , try this ? mapping 00:07:711 - you have to do something with the slidertick sound here too if you fix
for recheck
NolanM wrote:
Kawaii =^_^=I think 8.5 approach rate is better im not sure... hm..
00:14:211 (3) is too far from 00:13:911 (2) I think. This jump is too hard comparing it with the rest of the song. ok
00:32:511 (4,1,2,3,4) - This group has big jumps, but 00:32:711 (1,2) are too close together. Maybe you can move 00:32:911 (2) to x:176 y:246. Isee that you're trying to stack it with the slider before, but when played, it doesn't feel like it flows that much. did something here
00:33:911 (5) - Maybe you can stack this on top of 00:33:311 (4) . that anti jump seems a bit harsh for me
01:28:911 (1) - If you want to, stack on top of 01:27:911 (2) ? i think its fine
01:31:802 - Move this a little bit further away from 01:31:511 (1), because I have the urgency to tap it a little earlier the way it is. sureHard :O00:40:311 (4) - I think this is too hard to read for hard players, because it's also similar to something you used in Insane too :3 Maybe you can just move it to the side a little, so it's not stacked on top of 00:40:311 (4) . ok
Is it allowed for 7.5 AR? If so, I think it's better with 7.5 AR :3 raised it a little
00:46:311 (2) - Fix DS more i dont see whats wrongNormal :301:10:711 (5,6) - You can make this a stack would be confusing imo
01:14:311 (1) - Why does normal have a spinner when hard/insane does not? same as easyEasy01:14:311 (1) - Same thing, why does normal and easy have a spinner here and other difficulties do not? because I think it fits for a short spinner
01:31:511 (3) - I think other mods will say that this is not easy enough for easy, but I think it's fine. Plus, what can you replace it with?? i changed to something easier
Sorry, this mod wasn't that detailed. When you mod my map, feel free only to make it as descriptive as this mod was, if you want :3
Good luck! This song is hawt :3 And I <3 dat background
Kibbleru wrote:
- how is this diff name even relevant to the song reported
- 01:12:511 (1) - i feel this nc isn't too necessary ya
- 00:21:311 - i think we've discussed about this before? what did u end up unsilencing that for the other map? do the same here haven't touched this diff since that discussion. fixed from previous mod anyway
- 00:07:911 (4,5,6) - dude u even used 1/6 on ur insane diff. already fixed from previous mods
01:20:111 (5,6) - ^ ^- 00:30:911 (4,1) - why does this look so off what
- 00:35:911 - the head could use some hitsounds? rip hitsound copier
00:39:111 (1) - ^ ^easy
- 00:35:711 (3,4) - a double circle like this is good for emphasizing stuff that sound alike, but here its a vocal then instrument. so u could switch to slider instead i think it's fine
- 00:51:911 (1,2) - here u can try 1/2 repeats instead i think it would be fitting towards the instruments that stand out here nah i'd rather have them like this
00:58:311 (1,2) - ^
- 00:34:311 (1,2) - ew /me runs reported
- 01:06:311 (2) - this part just feels a bit weird >> u could try this changed to something else
I already have kibb...Sekai-nyan wrote:
Call me after you get Celsius' bubble =3=/
fixalCelsiusLK wrote:
easy and normalhard
- use 60% volume here 01:17:311 - ? so the hitsound volume will somehow consistent with hard and insane
- 01:06:711 - Why no whistle here too ? , just like hard and insane
oh you nerfed easy ? there is no 1/2 slider here now 00:15:111 - , 00:18:311 -
- 00:21:311 - aw yea , you should delete this green timing point since you don't want to use low volume for this tick now in insane <_<
Call me back <_<
also holy shit you had like 21354564564545 BNs swarming this thread wanting to rank this, teach me your secrets.Setz wrote:
No Dap wrote:
really, REALLY?Lust wrote:
Howdy No Dap, I spoke to you in game over this:
I will have to disqualify this mapset due to the very quiet hitsounds around 00:45:511 - in the hard and insane difficulties. Players need to have the feedback, especially considering one of the quiet hitsounds is located on a clickable object. +10 - 15% should do the trick.
The BNG will handle this mapet from now on. Should be a quick requalification. Good luck!