http://www.douyutv.com/9603 or http://live.bilibili.com/live/5069.html(Chinese)
Chinese Version: p/3733137
(You can register your team here or in the Chinese Forum, which are the same; please don’t duple-post)
- OCWT 7 will begin in early March and will end in late March:
- There is no limit on the countries of the participant (first international OCWT!)
- The tournament works as a 4v4 competition. Each team should contain 5 to 8 participants (inclusive).
- Only team-registrations are accepted. Each team should contain 5 to 8 participants. Teams of size 6 or larger are suggested.
- At most 32 teams will be accepted, with an extra of the two teams as reserved. Other teams will be rejected from that on.
- During registration, you should post, in the forum, the full team list, including Captain, team name, team members, preferred competition time, etc. Please don't register twice at Chinese-specific forum and tournament forum.
- No sub-accounts and cheaters will be accepted. During the competition, any people who cheat or compete with others' account will be banned from OCWT forever.
- There is no limit on participants' representing countries.
- Due to the difficulties of the map pools, a rank of 2500 or higher (or with the skills near to that) is suggested.
- The organizing committee reserves the right to reject teams that contain cheaters/sub-accounts or teams that skills are not enough for competition, determined by the committee. Teams with successful registration will be updated on the accepted team list.
- The competition will be divided into group stage and elimination stage. Each group consists of 4 teams, with each team competes with all other teams in the group once. The two best teams will advance to the elimination stage. The teams are ranked as: Number of matches won > Number of games won - Number of games lost > Number of games won > Won-lost relationship. If two teams still get the same result, a rematch will be held.
- Elimination stage works as double-elimination tournament, and the schedule will be announced after group stage.
- Groups will be determined by drawings, and will regroup right before the elimination stage.
- 15 minutes before the start of the competition, the referee will create a multiplayer room and will invite the captains of both teams (or team members who are online). Captains are responsible for inviting their team members to join. In case there are no referees, one captain should create the multiplayer room according to the Committee, and send multiplayer record links to the Committee afterwards.
- First ban is determined by !roll of two teams (the team with smaller number bans first). Each team then bans two maps alternatively (back and forth), and the team with greater number on the previous roll picks first. The two teams then pick alternatively until one team won 4/5/6 points or a tie-breaker happens.
- Each team can select one map as a warm-up. Warm-up maps must not be maps in the map pool. In the elimination stage, if both teams agree, each team can select two maps as warm-up maps.
- If anyone dropped during the competition, the team can ask for a rematch for 1/2 times. The team which the dropped player is in reserves the right to ask for rematch or not. If players quit in purpose, they will be banned from the tournament.
- All matches will be done in mode Team VS. Failing a map does not nullify the player's score, but team fails will be counted as a lose. HardRock maps, along with some other maps will be competed in mode Head to Head, and the score will be calculated manually.
- If team fail happens during a HardRock map, it will be treated as a drop (Refer to rule 4) and a rematch will be hosted if the team with team fail still holds a chance to rematch. If a non-HardRock map is competed with Head to Head and a team fail happens, the score will still be calculated, though Team VS mode is still suggested in non-HardRock maps. Both teams have the responsibility to check the competition mode.
- Each map pool will be announced no later than the end of the previous round. The map pool will be listed in the update post.
- Each map pool will contain None/HardRock/Hidden/DoubleTime and TieBreaker maps. None and TB are of no mod mode, while the other three has the respective modes on.
- Before the match each team bans, then picks maps, as described above. Group stage will be in BO7 (Best-of-7), matches in elimination stage will be in BO9 (Best-of-9) before the semi-final, while BO11(Best-of-11) after the semi-final. Each team selects 3/4/5 maps alternatively; the team who wins 4/5/6 games will win the match, with a tie-breaker in case of a tie.
- The number of maps in None/HD/HR/DT will be 6/3/3/3 in BO7 and BO9 matches, and 6/4/4/4 in BO11 matches.(undecided, may be changed)
- It is a standard-mode 4v4 tournament.
- The match time will be announced some days beforehand. If re-schedule is needed, please contact the Committee no later than two days before the competition. If any team cannot group 4 team members 15 minutes after the competition, the team will be treated as lost.
- The map pool and map pack will be released in the post and every participant should download the map before the match.
- If, during the match, anyone don’t have the map twice, then he must be swapped for the rest of the competition (warm ups are not counted)
- 2 members can be swapped between each games.(Thanks to Bass for correcting this)
- If there are serious connection problems during the match, the Committee may make the decision to postpone the match. Teams should take the notification of the Committee before they offline/change competition time.
- Champion: Two months supporter for all team members of the winning team, Tag on personal page:
(Subject to change)
- First runner-up and Second runner-up: One month support for all team members
(There may be private prizes to be added)
Map selector:
Tag Designer: Nunnally Lamperouge
Staffs are also welcomed, including referees, statisticians and livestreamers. Anyone who is willing to help can leave their ID here or contact