hii~ just popping by
Normal:00:09:977 (3,4) - this downwards transition feels uncomfortable to follow for me and it feels flow breaking due to the downwards transition. consider doing something like
this. you'll sacrifice the blanket, but you'll be sacrificing the blanket over a smoother transition in the beginning of the diff.
00:33:676 (1) - use a drum finish here instead of a soft finish. you'll emphasize the bass drum if you do this.
00:40:876 (1) - ^
00:54:375 (4,5) - a bit of a nazi idea but consider moving this a bit to the left for a smoother transition during gameplay. it should look something like
01:05:174 (4) - i suggest using a 1/1 slider to keep that vocal consistency going. following the BGM suddenly might makes players feel uncomfortable during gameplay, so at least consider this before applying it.
01:09:674 (1) - same as 00:33:676 -
01:15:074 (3) - since you like mapping symmetrically and blanketing, consider doing something like
this for that purpose.
01:16:874 (1) - use a drum finish instead of that whistle. same reason as 00:33:676 -
01:20:474 (1) - here as well. same reason as above.
01:38:173 (3) - consider moving this down a bit for that smoother transition like i said before.
02:13:571 (4) - why don't you make this slider look like (3) for a better transition and i feel that doing this fits your mapping style.
02:25:270 (1) - stack the end of (1) on 02:23:471 (3) - . i feel that it'll look a lot neater and more fun to follow for players during gameplay. if you do this, then make (3) look like the slider you did.
02:53:169 (4) - replace this for a circle and a 1/6 slider because the circle will follow the BGM, and the slider will follow the vocals, making it more comfortable to follow.
03:11:169 (4) - same as 02:13:571 -
03:22:868 (1) - same as 02:25:270 -
nice diff. if you can keep your drum finishes more consistent, this diff will be perfect.Hard:00:07:877 (4,5) - this part feels overmapped since there are parts in the BGM that break off to pieces instead of following your rhythm selection. for this one, i highly suggest that you do something like
this to follow the BGM and to keep that steady flow going during gameplay.
00:11:477 (3,4) - ^
00:29:476 (3,4) - i'm sure you get the idea by now ><
00:53:475 (1) - keep that transition consistent in this part because it feels like you've given up on the jumps here and placed it here. no offense but that's what i think. for this one, maybe you can do something like
this to keep that jump pattern going and it'll look good and fun to follow during gameplay.
00:58:575 (4) - i feel that stacking this on (1) would feel more comfortable to follow during gameplay.
01:31:873 (2,3) - ;w; the spacing feels forced to follow since you're using the default spacing for this part. consider stacking (3) on the beginning of 01:31:273 (1) - to keep that consistent spacing.
01:52:572 (4,5) - use normal hitsounds here to emphasize the drums in this part of the song.
01:55:572 (2) - move this up a bit for a smoother transition in this part during gameplay like i said in normal.
01:58:872 (2) - use 2 circles instead to emphasize the drums better during gameplay. i feel that the slider feels awkward to follow during gameplay.
02:06:971 (5) - move this a bit to the right. same reason as 01:55:572 - .
02:28:570 (4,5) - same as 01:52:572 -
02:51:369 (3) - same idea as normal. replace this for a circle and a 1/6 slider to follow the vocals and BGM separately.
02:54:969 (2) - ^ and vice versa.
02:57:669 (1,2) -
you cannot silence both the sliderslide and slidertick at the same time as it's unrankable. this is something that has been overlooked a lot nowadays. raise the volume so that the sliderticks are hearable and rankable during gameplay.03:18:969 (4,5) - same as 01:52:572 -
03:33:367 (3,4) - ^
03:35:467 (1) - i really think it's possible to do a better blanket here. try to play around with the slider and you might see.
same as normal. keep your drum finishes consistent, and it'll be perfect .and that's all i got. GL