
630 - Chip Tears

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Topic Starter
This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Thursday, April 01, 2010 at 7:55:02 PM

Artist: 630
Title: Chip Tears
Tags: Vocaloid Hatsune Miku Shulin xierbaliti IncrediBeast NicoNicoDouga
BPM: 128
Filesize: 7001kb
Play Time: 01:30
Difficulties Available:
  1. Chipped Tears (4.49 stars, 149 notes)
  2. Nini's Broken Tears (4.76 stars, 194 notes)
  3. Shulin's Perfect Tear (1.57 stars, 91 notes)
Download: 630 - Chip Tears
Download: 630 - Chip Tears (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing

-Started Beatmap-
*Added Dusty's Fix
*Added Killers Fix's
*Added Rust's Fix's
-Added new Diff-
*Added Ygo's Fix's
-Added New Diff-

*Added H-boys Fix's
*Added Xier's hitsounds <3
-Added New Diff-
*Added Natteke's Fix's
*Added Sushi's Fix's
*Added Orion's Fix's


*Added Fix's did storyboard map is complete~
*Added Beuchi's Storyboard <33
-Finished Map-
Umm... cant really find any errors plus the song is amazing and the pattern of the notes gives it a nice feeling playing it, you werent kidding when you said this was awesome :D +Star~
looks like this is going to be a very nicely done map as its coming along great so far
call me when its all finished and I will mod it fully, but have a star for now :)

suggestion time
00:05:366 (4) - I think it looks better using Linear sliders for this stuff rather than red slider-points
00:13:335 (3,4) - it stacks weirdly, messing up spacing (I only notice because your spacing is so constant)

00:37:007 (1) - Why a spinner? :? it doesn't feel like much of a spinner-y section to me

ok then...

[chipped tears]

00:02:085 (3) - move left one square

00:06:538 (6) - move up one and right one.

00:06:773 (7) - move up one and left one

00:07:007 (8) - move up one (this one and the previous two suggestions will make it a square. neat

00:52:241 (4,5) - not very fond of these irregular sliders. maybe neaten them up?

00:53:648 (5) - make this note end on the white beat, not the red one

00:59:741 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - move all of these one square to the right to match it up with the (7) slider

00:59:741 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,1,2,3) - move it all down one square to match the following notes.

01:18:023 (3) - move this up a bit to align. its not on any grid so just click and drag it a tiny bit up to snap.

still has a way to go... (looking at the length of song...) but still quite good

grr... Miku =.=

encouragement star! :)
00:41:460 (8) - This is hard to see.

That's all I found, I won't give a star now since you don't even have one diff, complete, but I will wish you good luck in mapping this, even if it is miku.

Delete the .osb file in the Song Folder and Full Submit.

Chipped Tears:

Combo Mod~
Download: 630 - Chip Tears (AtemiskKun) [Chipped Tears].osu
Here's my diff ^_^

Update: Oops! thought it went only until end of kiai XD anyways here's the updated version

Download: 630 - Chip Tears (AtemiskKun) [Sakura301's Lyrical].osu
not modding guest diffs...

[Chipped Tears]
00:30:391 (x) - Remove unnecessary break here if you want
01:08:581 (2) - Little uncomfortable about stacks here and other similar places but that's just feeling
01:24:080 (5) - Too close to (4), maybe place it below

...that's all i got

anyway nice map
Delete .osb file and full submit
Crop the .mp3.
Make kiai consistent between diffs?
Also make preview points the same for each diff

Sakura301's Lyrical
Set a preview point
00:25:523 (4) - The tail of the slider is blocked by the image burst (300,100,50) of 00:24:116 (7) when snaking sliders is off
01:31:265 (1) - Move 1/4 back

Chipped Tears
01:24:116 (5) - Spacing
Topic Starter
^^ Thankies~
Topic Starter
[quote="AtemiskKun"][quote="NoHItter"]Delete .osb file and full submit
Crop the .mp3.
Make kiai consistent between diffs?
Also make preview points the same for each diff

Sakura301's Lyrical
Set a preview point
00:25:523 (4) - The tail of the slider is blocked by the image burst (300,100,50) of 00:24:116 (7) when snaking sliders is off
01:31:265 (1) - Move 1/4 back

Chipped Tears
01:24:116 (5) - Spacing the 5 is keeping a nice pattern not really wanting to change it because id have to move the rest
[Chipped Tears]
01:24:116 (5) - This was pretty confusing at the first time since it's so close to the previous note.

[Sakura301's Lyrical]
-No preview point set
00:20:015 (6) - I think this note here doesn't fit in, but it's only my opinion.
00:25:288 (3) - Spacing
00:27:163 (7) - ^
01:18:960 (6) - ^

And the mp3 is lot longer than the map is, you should cut it. But overall the map was good and played well~ Star. ^^
i think you need clip the song...

Shulin's Perfect Tear
00:22:710(3) - end at 0:23:648

Sakura301's Lyrical
00:02:320(1) - Make symetric
00:09:820(1) - ^
00:20:015(6) - delete
00:27:398(8) - remove clap
00:28:335(x) - add a note with whistle
00:33:491(6) - end at 00:34:195

Chipped Tears
00:46:851~00:50:601 (4,5,1,2,3) - Make symetric
00:55:991(1) - end at 00:59:038
00:59:507(x) - add a note with finish,and turn the vioce down
00:59:741(1) - delete
00:59:976(x) - add a note with whistle
01:24:116(5) - spacing?
01:29:507(3) - delete and like this

I added some custom hitsounds.Try to use them if you like. :)
Delete the .osb file and you need full submit.

-Chipped Tears-
The list what I changed:
Added hitsounds.
Kiai time:01:02:320~01:16:616 and 01:17:320~01:32:320
00:28:570 (1) - end this spinner at 00:31:851
00:37:007 (1) - end this spinner at 00:39:351
00:51:538 add a circlr here
00:55:991 (1) - end at 00:59:038.
01:24:116 (5) - new combo and remove new combo form 01:24:819 (1) .
01:27:866 (1) - Added new combo
01:28:570 (2) - removed new combo
01:29:507 (4) - Added new combo
01:29:976&01:30:445 - added 2 circles.

Just suggestions.You can choose any part if you like. :3

Download: hitsounds.rar

Download: 630 - Chip Tears (AtemiskKun) [._.].osu
Topic Starter

H-boy wrote:

i think you need clip the song...

Shulin's Perfect Tear
00:22:710(3) - end at 0:23:648

Sakura301's Lyrical
00:02:320(1) - Make symetric
00:09:820(1) - ^
00:20:015(6) - delete
00:27:398(8) - remove clap
00:28:335(x) - add a note with whistle
00:33:491(6) - end at 00:34:195

Chipped Tears
00:46:851~00:50:601 (4,5,1,2,3) - Make symetric Done
00:55:991(1) - end at 00:59:038 done
00:59:507(x) - add a note with finish,and turn the vioce down not really needed
00:59:741(1) - delete i think its perfectly fine there to be honest
00:59:976(x) - add a note with whistle ^
01:24:116(5) - spacing? it follows a nice pattern and is perfectly readable if your paying attention
01:29:507(3) - delete and like this done but tweaked

thankies ^^

- Why only about 30% of the song is mapped? Cut the mp3 then.
- Omg, the offset is a bit late, I can really feel it when listeting to the hitsounds and when play I get ~22ms early hits.

- How is Hatsune Miku related to this song? o.0

[Shulin's Perfect Tear]

Looks fine to me.

[Sakura301's Lyrical]

Use more hitsounds

- 00:07:995 (1,2,3,4) - spacing is different comapring to 00:06:120 (1,2,3,4)
- 00:24:870 (1,2,3) - spacing is different on 3rd note
- 00:33:541 (6) - this slider must end at 00:34:010
- 01:31:315 (1) - start this spinner on 01:31:198 and end at 01:32:370

[Chipped Tears]


NoHItter wrote:

Sakura301's Lyrical
Set a preview point Done
00:25:523 (4) - The tail of the slider is blocked by the image burst (300,100,50) of 00:24:116 (7) when snaking sliders is off Fixed
01:31:265 (1) - Move 1/4 back Done

Lanttu wrote:

[Sakura301's Lyrical]
-No preview point set Already done on previous mod
00:20:015 (6) - I think this note here doesn't fit in, but it's only my opinion. It's following the lyrics
00:25:288 (3) - Spacing Fixed
00:27:163 (7) - ^ ^
01:18:960 (6) - ^ ^

Natteke desu wrote:

][Sakura301's Lyrical]

Use more hitsounds I need help from a hitsound expert for that

- 00:07:995 (1,2,3,4) - spacing is different comapring to 00:06:120 (1,2,3,4) Fixed i think
- 00:24:870 (1,2,3) - spacing is different on 3rd note DS says otherwise Oo
- 00:33:541 (6) - this slider must end at 00:34:010 Fixed
- 01:31:315 (1) - start this spinner on 01:31:198 and end at 01:32:370 Did that on previous mod ^^
Thanks for the input! ^^
Kudosu should be awarded to Natteke desu, that helped my guest diff o.o

Download: 630 - Chip Tears (AtemiskKun) [Sakura301's Lyrical].osu
00:20:065 (6,7,8) - obvious spacing error. Is (6) really needed?
00:54:870 (Break) - Considering the length of the song, I think this is a quite big break. Besides, it can be easily filled
01:04:948 (6,1) - Is this kind of Anti jump wanted? Even if I know it's here, i keep on clicking it too early. very annoying
01:19:948 (8,1) - (8) Hides the repeat of (1). This is problematic. and same thing on anti jumps

Nothing really wrong, but if you want, you can check AIMMod for minor spacing stuff

I like the song, though
Shulin's Perfect Tear:

01:07:995 (5) - Too far to the left
01:24:870 (1,4) - Make these go at 45 degrees like (2) and (3)

Sakura301's Lyrical:

00:02:370 (1) - Perhaps make this symmetrical? :)
00:09:870 (1) - ^
01:05:416 (1) - Too close to (6)
01:20:416 (1) - Too close to (8)

Chipped Tears:

00:15:495 ~ 00:21:120 and 00:23:932 ~ 00:28:620 - These breaks seem a bit unnecessary IMO... I don't know if you plan on mapping through them but I'd recommend doing so.

Nini's Broken Tears: Nothing wrong so far

Nice work so far! :) *star*

Sushi971 wrote:

00:20:065 (6,7,8) - obvious spacing error. Is (6) really needed? Fixed, how did that (6) get in there X_X
00:54:870 (Break) - Considering the length of the song, I think this is a quite big break. Besides, it can be easily filled I like it the way it is
01:04:948 (6,1) - Is this kind of Anti jump wanted? Even if I know it's here, i keep on clicking it too early. very annoying LOL, XD, ok let's see, it was required to be there and im not sure if i should flip this vertically, i had it there because that way the jump isnt too big, and i dont want this diff being too hard as it's supposed to be regular Normal
01:19:948 (8,1) - (8) Hides the repeat of (1). This is problematic. and same thing on anti jumps Fixed the combo burst hiding the repeat

I like the song, though
Deserves Kudosu!

pieguy1372 wrote:

Sakura301's Lyrical:

00:02:370 (1) - Perhaps make this symmetrical? That was the intention, but im not good at making a bezier symetrical yet
00:09:870 (1) - ^ It was a copy/paste so yeah... same thing as above
01:05:416 (1) - Too close to (6) In my defense... that's a new combo
01:20:416 (1) - Too close to (8) ^
Download: 630 - Chip Tears (AtemiskKun) [Sakura301's Lyrical].osu
All done! Here's my difficulty:

Download: 630 - Chip Tears (AtemiskKun) [Nini's Broken Tears].osu
just some suggestions.

- Add 'Shulin xierbalit IncrediBeasti' to tag and make sure that your tag all the diffs are the same
- delete .osb file and full submission again

[Sakura301's Lyrical]
00:27:448 (8) - remove sound clap at last silder (00:27:916)?

[Nini's Broken Tears]
00:59:088 - add break? (and clean your timing selection on this part too)

I like the song ~
starr ~

orioncomet wrote:

[Sakura301's Lyrical]
00:27:448 (8) - remove sound clap at last silder (00:27:916)? Done
Aditionally i added some more hitsounds throughout the song, i shouldnt depend on others to tell me the hitsounds so i am trying to create my own style ^^

Download: 630 - Chip Tears (AtemiskKun) [Sakura301's Lyrical].osu
guess I can't complain about all of the different breaks and kiai times as everyone made a difficulty
add Shulin to tags on all difficulties
have stack leniency the same on all the difficulties
Preview point on Sakura301's: 59273 (make it 59742 like the others...very small detail I know)
1 difficulty that is below 4 stars then 3 that are above it I suggest making Sakura301's below 4 stars
why is the Beatmap by Incredibeast shown on all difficulties?

Shulin's Perfect Tear:
00:58:620 (1) - start at 00:58:385? (same endpoint)

Sakura301's Lyrical:
I think when you have claps you should continue the rhythm of them more (look at Chipped tears to see what I mean)
lower overall diff/hp drain by 1
00:06:120 (1,2,3,4) - keep equal spacing throughout this
00:15:495 - oddly placed break..I would map this part as the break seems kinda random, maybe put the break like in chipped tears
00:30:260 (6,7,1) - don't think all the claps sound good together here
00:34:713 (2) - add clap
00:54:870 - this is a long break for the length of the song..and there isn't a big reason for it, try and remove some of it and map it?
01:04:948 (6,1) - spacing
01:19:948 (8,1) - spacing
01:31:198 (1) - remove clap

Chipped Tears:
go through the map and make sure all your combo's follow some sort of pattern as I didn't follow it at some points
00:22:057 (4) - add note

Nini's Broken Tears:
make countdown on normal (not halftime) like all the other difficulties?
00:21:120 - I would prefer you shorten this break and map some of it (then you can put a break later in the song if you want)
00:27:916 (4,5,1) - spacing
00:38:698 (1) - remove new combo
00:48:541 (1,2) - align these
01:00:495 - put break here
01:02:135 (2,4) - align
01:04:479 (1,2,3) - make this a straight line?
01:22:995 (1) - remove new combo?
01:24:166 (1,3) - align
01:30:729 (1) - start at 01:30:495 (same endpoint) + add finish

PM me after all the fixes and I will see what I can do about a pubble
Nini's Broken Tears
00:04:713 (4,5) - too close together
00:14:088 (2,3) - same
00:26:510 (1,2) - same
00:59:088 - insert break-time
delete all inherited timing section (green lines) that you are not using plz like in this section 00:59:088 - 01:01:432 -

Chipped Tears
01:15:026 (7,8) - wrong spacing
same, delete green lines that you are not using
00:59:557 - why dont you put the "Beatmap by IncrediBeast" in a breaktime? so it can be read it

Sakura301's Lyrical
unable countdown like in the others difficulties
01:30:963 (9) - move half beat later, same with the start point of the spinner

Shulin's Perfect Tear
unable countdown like in the others difficulties

Nice map!
Shohei Ohtani
;~; A slow song. Also holy this is hard to hitsound.



00:02:370 (1) - Add clap on end of slider and remove whistle
00:06:120 (1) - ^
00:07:995 (2) - Add finish on end of slider
00:34:713 (2) - Add clap on beginning and end of slider (not on repeat)
00:37:526 (2) - Add clap
00:37:760 (3) - Add clap on end of slider
00:39:401 (5) - Add clap
00:41:276 (2) - ^
00:43:151 (4) - ^

00:17:370 (1) - Add finish, remove clap
00:22:526 (4) - Add clap
00:24:166 (7) - Add clap on end of slider
00:24:870 (1) - Add finish, remove clap
00:25:573 (4) - Add clap on end of slider
00:29:557 (3) - Add clap
00:37:057 (3) - Add clap on beginning of slider
00:39:401 (2) - Add clap
00:39:870 (1) - Remove clap
00:42:448 (3,4) - Add clap
00:42:916 (5) - Add clap on end of slider
00:46:901 (2) - Add clap
01:03:541 (3) - ^
01:05:416 (1) - Add clap on repeat
01:06:354 (2) - Remove clap
01:06:588 (3) - Add clap
01:09:166 (1) - Add clap on end of slider
01:10:338 (3) - Add clap on beginning of slider
01:12:916 (1) - Add clap on end of slider
01:14:088 (3) - Add clap
01:15:963 (9,10) - ^
01:21:354 (2) - Remove Clap
01:21:588 (3) - Add clap
01:24:166 (1) - Add clap on end of slider
01:25:338 (3) - Add clap on beginning of slider
01:27:916 (1) - Add clap on end of slider
01:29:088 (3) - Add clap
01:30:495 (7,8,9) - ^

00:28:620 (1) - Add clap

00:04:948 (5) - Add clap
00:05:182 (6) - Add clap on repeat
00:25:338 (2) - Add clap on beginning of slider
00:26:276 (4) - Add clap
00:27:916 (4) - Add whistle
00:28:151 (5) - Add clap
00:29:557 (4) - Add whistle
00:30:026 (6) - Add clap
00:37:057 (3) - Add clap on second repeat
00:38:698 (3) - Remove new combo
00:50:182 (4) - Add clap on end of slider
00:54:870 (2) - Add finish
00:57:213 (4) - ^
00:57:682 (6,8) - Add claps
00:58:854 - Add break here
01:03:073 (1,2,3) - Spacing issue
01:05:651 (4) - Add clap
01:10:807 (6) - ^
01:20:651 (4) - ^
01:21:588 (7) - ^
01:26:276 (6) - ^
01:28:151 (2,6) - ^
01:30:026 (9,10) - ^


Shulin's Perfect Tear

[00:03:76] remove whistle?
[00:05:65] ^
[00:07:52] ^
[00:09:40] ^
[00:25:33] Put a "soft-slidertick" into the folder and add a green line (C1) here .
[00:30:26] add a normal green line so as to stop use C1
[00:50:65] add clap ,remove whistle
[00:52:52] move the whistle to [00:52:99]
[00:53:46] move .... .......... to [00:53;93]

Sakura301's Lyrical

[00:04:10] no need a whistle here, but maybe use custom ( soft-whistle ) "soft-slidertick2" on some white line this long slider? (cause i saw many ticks ..)
[00:17:27] ^
[00:00:00] ~ [00:32:20] volume too loud , i think use 80% is ok
kiai tima part : start at [01:02:37] and end at [01:1619]
[01:03:30] clap
[01:04:24] ^
[01:04:94] ^
[01:05:65] ^
[01:05:85] remove clap
[01:06:58] clap
[01:07:05] ^
[01:07:52] ^
[01:07:99] ^
[01:08:46] ^
[01:09:63] (slider) clap [ (slider) clap = all slider's begining & ending should use clap ]
[01:10:80] clap
[01:13:83] (slider) clap
[01:14:55] clap
[01:15:02] ^
[01:15:49] ^
[01:15:96] ^
[01:31:19] remove clap

Chipped Tears

[00:24:16] remove the clap slidertick

Nini's Broken Tears

[00:20:60] turn down the volume to 50%


James2250 wrote:

why is the Beatmap by Incredibeast shown on all difficulties?

Fixed. I'll give him the new .osb when I can.

Nini's Broken Tears:
make countdown on normal (not halftime) like all the other difficulties? Check
00:21:120 - I would prefer you shorten this break and map some of it (then you can put a break later in the song if you want) Do you think I should shorten it or just completely get rid of it? And, should I map more towards the beginning or the end of the currently existing break?
00:27:916 (4,5,1) - spacing Check
00:38:698 (1) - remove new combo Check
00:48:541 (1,2) - align these Check
01:00:495 - put break hereCheck
01:02:135 (2,4) - alignCheck
01:04:479 (1,2,3) - make this a straight line? Check
01:22:995 (1) - remove new combo? Check
01:24:166 (1,3) - align Check
01:30:729 (1) - start at 01:30:495 (same endpoint) + add finish Check

PM me after all the fixes and I will see what I can do about a pubble
Deserves Kudosu

Lissette wrote:

Nini's Broken Tears
00:04:713 (4,5) - too close together Check
00:14:088 (2,3) - same Check
00:26:510 (1,2) - same Check
00:59:088 - insert break-time Check
delete all inherited timing section (green lines) that you are not using plz like in this section 00:59:088 - 01:01:432 - I'll get Ateh to look at it.

Deserves Kudosu
Woah you sure finished this quick. Sorry didn't have time to check everything yet, been busy redoing my map's timing.

CDFA wrote:

00:04:948 (5) - Add clap Check
00:05:182 (6) - Add clap on repeat Check
00:25:338 (2) - Add clap on beginning of slider Check
00:26:276 (4) - Add clap Check
00:27:916 (4) - Add whistle Check
00:28:151 (5) - Add clap Check
00:29:557 (4) - Add whistle Check
00:30:026 (6) - Add clap Check
00:37:057 (3) - Add clap on second repeat Check
00:38:698 (3) - Remove new combo Check
00:50:182 (4) - Add clap on end of sliderCheck
00:54:870 (2) - Add finish Check
00:57:213 (4) - ^ Check
00:57:682 (6,8) - Add claps Check
00:58:854 - Add break here Check
01:03:073 (1,2,3) - Spacing issue Is this better? I had a bit of a hard time with it.
01:05:651 (4) - Add clap Check
01:10:807 (6) - ^ Check
01:20:651 (4) - ^ Check
01:21:588 (7) - ^ Check
01:26:276 (6) - ^ Check
01:28:151 (2,6) - ^Check
01:30:026 (9,10) - ^ Check
Deserves Kudosu

LKs wrote:

Nini's Broken Tears

[00:20:60] turn down the volume to 50% Check

Okay, here it is so far. I haven't mapped the break yet but I'll do that shortly.

Download: 630 - Chip Tears (AtemiskKun) [Nini's Broken Tears].osu

James2250 wrote:

guess I can't complain about all of the different breaks and kiai times as everyone made a difficulty
add Shulin to tags on all difficulties
have stack leniency the same on all the difficulties
Preview point on Sakura301's: 59273 (make it 59742 like the others...very small detail I know)
1 difficulty that is below 4 stars then 3 that are above it I suggest making Sakura301's below 4 stars Ehh... but if i go putting even more notes on those breaks the star difficulty will increase instead X_X
why is the Beatmap by Incredibeast shown on all difficulties?

Sakura301's Lyrical:
I think when you have claps you should continue the rhythm of them more (look at Chipped tears to see what I mean)
lower overall diff/hp drain by 1 Done
00:06:120 (1,2,3,4) - keep equal spacing throughout this I think it's fixed... kinda hard to see the grid X_X
00:15:495 - oddly placed break..I would map this part as the break seems kinda random, maybe put the break like in chipped tears Fixed, i hope
00:30:260 (6,7,1) - don't think all the claps sound good together here You think so? Oo ok
00:34:713 (2) - add clap Done
00:54:870 - this is a long break for the length of the song..and there isn't a big reason for it, try and remove some of it and map it? As i said on IRC im kind of blocked right now, this will have to wait
01:04:948 (6,1) - spacing Is it such a big deal? it's a new combo, and it's the opposite of a jump
01:19:948 (8,1) - spacing ^
01:31:198 (1) - remove clap Done
Deserves Kudosu

CDFA wrote:

00:17:370 (1) - Add finish, remove clap Done
00:22:526 (4) - Add clap Done
00:24:166 (7) - Add clap on end of slider Done
00:24:870 (1) - Add finish, remove clap Done
00:25:573 (4) - Add clap on end of slider Done
00:29:557 (3) - Add clap Done
00:37:057 (3) - Add clap on beginning of slider Done
00:39:401 (2) - Add clap Done
00:39:870 (1) - Remove clap Done
00:42:448 (3,4) - Add clap Done
00:42:916 (5) - Add clap on end of slider Done
00:46:901 (2) - Add clap Done
01:03:541 (3) - ^ Done
01:05:416 (1) - Add clap on repeat Done
01:06:354 (2) - Remove clap Done
01:06:588 (3) - Add clap Done
01:09:166 (1) - Add clap on end of slider Done
01:10:338 (3) - Add clap on beginning of slider Done
01:12:916 (1) - Add clap on end of slider Done
01:14:088 (3) - Add clap Done
01:15:963 (9,10) - ^ Done
01:21:354 (2) - Remove Clap Done
01:21:588 (3) - Add clap Done
01:24:166 (1) - Add clap on end of slider Done
01:25:338 (3) - Add clap on beginning of slider Done
01:27:916 (1) - Add clap on end of slider Done, wow im losing track of what im doing
01:29:088 (3) - Add clap Done
01:30:495 (7,8,9) - ^ Done
Deserves Kudosu

At LKs: Seeing as CDFH already did a hitsound mod dont think yours is needed now

Download: 630 - Chip Tears (AtemiskKun) [Sakura301's Lyrical].osu
Added storyboarded lyrics to my difficulty. May or may not fill in that first break, but if you all feel it's really necessary I'll restoryboard it.

Ateh, because I have the characters much bigger during my breaks, I'd have to do a custom one for each difficulty if you want them on the others, because I keep the lyrics small during playtime and make them large during breaks. Let me know tomorrow when you read this. Also please delete the osb file.

In order to view properly, extract files from Storyboard.rar into the Chip Tears folder.

Download: 630 - Chip Tears (AtemiskKun) [Nini's Broken Tears].osu

Download: Storyboard.rar

pieguy1372 wrote:

Shulin's Perfect Tear:

01:07:995 (5) - Too far to the left Reduced the curve so it's less left than it was.
01:24:870 (1,4) - Make these go at 45 degrees like (2) and (3) It's okay I think.

James2250 wrote:

Shulin's Perfect Tear:
00:58:620 (1) - start at 00:58:385? (same endpoint) Didn't do this because it gives Easy player time to adjust before spinning.
I added a few hitsounds to from LKs and CDFA's suggestions. That's about all, would be nice if you made a normal. XD Also adding my star I forgot it last time sorry ._.

Download: 630 - Chip Tears (AtemiskKun) [Shulin's Perfect Tear].osu
Topic Starter

Lissette wrote:

Nini's Broken Tears
00:04:713 (4,5) - too close together
00:14:088 (2,3) - same
00:26:510 (1,2) - same
00:59:088 - insert break-time
delete all inherited timing section (green lines) that you are not using plz like in this section 00:59:088 - 01:01:432 -

Chipped Tears
01:15:026 (7,8) - wrong spacing only note that i wont fix the spacing on because it keeps a nice pattern and its perfectly clear and readable thank you
same, delete green lines that you are not using
00:59:557 - why dont you put the "Beatmap by IncrediBeast" in a breaktime? so it can be read it this was only intentional for his guest difficulty

Sakura301's Lyrical
unable countdown like in the others difficulties
01:30:963 (9) - move half beat later, same with the start point of the spinner

Shulin's Perfect Tear
unable countdown like in the others difficulties

Nice map!
Topic Starter

James2250 wrote:

guess I can't complain about all of the different breaks and kiai times as everyone made a difficulty
add Shulin to tags on all difficulties
have stack leniency the same on all the difficulties
Preview point on Sakura301's: 59273 (make it 59742 like the others...very small detail I know)
1 difficulty that is below 4 stars then 3 that are above it I suggest making Sakura301's below 4 stars
why is the Beatmap by Incredibeast shown on all difficulties?

Shulin's Perfect Tear:
00:58:620 (1) - start at 00:58:385? (same endpoint)

Sakura301's Lyrical:
I think when you have claps you should continue the rhythm of them more (look at Chipped tears to see what I mean)
lower overall diff/hp drain by 1
00:06:120 (1,2,3,4) - keep equal spacing throughout this
00:15:495 - oddly placed break..I would map this part as the break seems kinda random, maybe put the break like in chipped tears
00:30:260 (6,7,1) - don't think all the claps sound good together here
00:34:713 (2) - add clap
00:54:870 - this is a long break for the length of the song..and there isn't a big reason for it, try and remove some of it and map it?
01:04:948 (6,1) - spacing
01:19:948 (8,1) - spacing
01:31:198 (1) - remove clap

Chipped Tears:
go through the map and make sure all your combo's follow some sort of pattern as I didn't follow it at some points
00:22:057 (4) - add note Done ^^

Nini's Broken Tears:
make countdown on normal (not halftime) like all the other difficulties?
00:21:120 - I would prefer you shorten this break and map some of it (then you can put a break later in the song if you want)
00:27:916 (4,5,1) - spacing
00:38:698 (1) - remove new combo
00:48:541 (1,2) - align these
01:00:495 - put break here
01:02:135 (2,4) - align
01:04:479 (1,2,3) - make this a straight line?
01:22:995 (1) - remove new combo?
01:24:166 (1,3) - align
01:30:729 (1) - start at 01:30:495 (same endpoint) + add finish

PM me after all the fixes and I will see what I can do about a pubble

Offset +5ms (500)

Storyboard images are too large. Try to get them below 800x600. Many of the images are 248x1238. Also, many of the images contain an excessive number of transparent pixels. For example, totuzen:

Only the area in the red (or is that green? I can't tell...) box is needed, the rest of the image in the white box should be cropped out.

You can scale them to be larger by using the storyboard editor or script. Also, I'm not quite sure why all your storyboarding is set to difficulty specific and copied into each difficulty. You can just stick everything in the .osb file to save time. The only difficulty specific thing would be the "Beatmap by Incredibeast" thing. It's fine as it is though, you don't have to change it.

Add a cursortrail.png. Copy the one from the default skin if you want.

Move the first kiai start timing section to 62,375 in all difficulties. It should be exactly on the large white tick on the timeline.
Move the second kiai start timing section to 77,375 in all difficulties.

Preview point at 01:01:666 sounds better.




Increase overall difficulty by 2 ticks. This will make the map EASIER to play.

00:17:370 (1,2,3,4,5) - this is really confusing. Place these notes further down so they don't appear under the slider
00:41:041 (6) - end this slider at 00:41:510 instead


00:01:666 (1,2) - I don't like how the map starts. I pretty much have to guess at when to click these notes. I suggest putting the first note at 00:02:370 instead. Also, having these notes here is preventing the countdown from showing. It will show up correctly if you get rid of everything before 00:02:370
00:22:291 (5) - fix spacing
00:24:870 - map something here


Fine. There are a bunch of unnecessary green timing sections, but it doesn't make any difference if you remove them or not.

Lybydose wrote:


Increase overall difficulty by 2 ticks. This will make the map EASIER to play.

00:17:370 (1,2,3,4,5) - this is really confusing. Place these notes further down so they don't appear under the slider Fixed them with some rotation hopefully it doesnt look too ugly X_X didnt want to mess up the pattern, also the slider wasnt supposed to be there it was put in to fix James mod about putting something in that break
00:41:041 (6) - end this slider at 00:41:510 instead Done
Download: 630 - Chip Tears (AtemiskKun) [Sakura301's Lyrical].osu
Topic Starter

Lybydose wrote:


Offset +5ms (500)

Storyboard images are too large. Try to get them below 800x600. Many of the images are 248x1238. Also, many of the images contain an excessive number of transparent pixels. For example, totuzen:


Only the area in the red (or is that green? I can't tell...) box is needed, the rest of the image in the white box should be cropped out.

You can scale them to be larger by using the storyboard editor or script. Also, I'm not quite sure why all your storyboarding is set to difficulty specific and copied into each difficulty. You can just stick everything in the .osb file to save time. The only difficulty specific thing would be the "Beatmap by Incredibeast" thing. It's fine as it is though, you don't have to change it.

Add a cursortrail.png. Copy the one from the default skin if you want.

Move the first kiai start timing section to 62,375 in all difficulties. It should be exactly on the large white tick on the timeline.
Move the second kiai start timing section to 77,375 in all difficulties.

Preview point at 01:01:666 sounds better.




Increase overall difficulty by 2 ticks. This will make the map EASIER to play.

00:17:370 (1,2,3,4,5) - this is really confusing. Place these notes further down so they don't appear under the slider
00:41:041 (6) - end this slider at 00:41:510 instead


00:01:666 (1,2) - I don't like how the map starts. I pretty much have to guess at when to click these notes. I suggest putting the first note at 00:02:370 instead. Also, having these notes here is preventing the countdown from showing. It will show up correctly if you get rid of everything before 00:02:370 i changed the offset but wll not move those notes i took off the start count instead the notes are almost directly in the center of the map and are easily readable if people normally dont look in the center of when it starts not my issue its perfectly readable even if ur eyes arent focused there
00:22:291 (5) - fix spacingthe notes flow perfectly fine into the 5 not a big jump and the ones follow after are well done
00:24:870 - map something here wont map this part seeing as how that middle part with the 5 was breaking up a big break i had and this is a slow and calm part of the song beats there wouldnt be neccesary in the least ^^ thank you for your time


Fine. There are a bunch of unnecessary green timing sections, but it doesn't make any difference if you remove them or not.
Hi hi!! :)

Here's the Storyboard I made :P I fixed the diffs too because the lyrics were "Diff Specific" for all diffs (kinda weird o.O) and IncrediBeast's SB appeared on all diffs.

So just drag and drop all the files on your map folder. I hope you like it!! :)
Download: Storyboard&DiffFix.rar


EDIT: Fix on one of the notes :3

  1. Sakura301's Lyrical has a different Preview Time: 59273 and Stack Leniency: 0.7 to other diff.s, you should inify them
  2. NicoNicoDouga is source? IMO it's more like artist
[Shulin's Perfect Tear]
  1. Really "perfect", nothing found
[Sakura301's Lyrical]
  1. 0:00:000 - 00:32:257 - I feel hitsound is loud, try 50%
  2. 00:47:375 - 01:02:375 - Break a little long for me
  3. 01:16:203 (x) - KIAI ends here
[Chipped Tears]
  1. 00:22:296 (5) - why this spacing so far?
[Nini's Broken Tears]
  1. fine
others are fine, nice SB and skin
Good for BAT check now
Huh? Why isn't Shulin in the tags? He made a diff for this map, right?
Topic Starter

Chacha17 wrote:

Huh? Why isn't Shulin in the tags? He made a diff for this map, right?
^^ because his name is in the title
Oops, so Shulin should be in the tags, please add it
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