
630 - Chip Tears

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Offset +5ms (500)

Storyboard images are too large. Try to get them below 800x600. Many of the images are 248x1238. Also, many of the images contain an excessive number of transparent pixels. For example, totuzen:

Only the area in the red (or is that green? I can't tell...) box is needed, the rest of the image in the white box should be cropped out.

You can scale them to be larger by using the storyboard editor or script. Also, I'm not quite sure why all your storyboarding is set to difficulty specific and copied into each difficulty. You can just stick everything in the .osb file to save time. The only difficulty specific thing would be the "Beatmap by Incredibeast" thing. It's fine as it is though, you don't have to change it.

Add a cursortrail.png. Copy the one from the default skin if you want.

Move the first kiai start timing section to 62,375 in all difficulties. It should be exactly on the large white tick on the timeline.
Move the second kiai start timing section to 77,375 in all difficulties.

Preview point at 01:01:666 sounds better.




Increase overall difficulty by 2 ticks. This will make the map EASIER to play.

00:17:370 (1,2,3,4,5) - this is really confusing. Place these notes further down so they don't appear under the slider
00:41:041 (6) - end this slider at 00:41:510 instead


00:01:666 (1,2) - I don't like how the map starts. I pretty much have to guess at when to click these notes. I suggest putting the first note at 00:02:370 instead. Also, having these notes here is preventing the countdown from showing. It will show up correctly if you get rid of everything before 00:02:370
00:22:291 (5) - fix spacing
00:24:870 - map something here


Fine. There are a bunch of unnecessary green timing sections, but it doesn't make any difference if you remove them or not.

Lybydose wrote:


Increase overall difficulty by 2 ticks. This will make the map EASIER to play.

00:17:370 (1,2,3,4,5) - this is really confusing. Place these notes further down so they don't appear under the slider Fixed them with some rotation hopefully it doesnt look too ugly X_X didnt want to mess up the pattern, also the slider wasnt supposed to be there it was put in to fix James mod about putting something in that break
00:41:041 (6) - end this slider at 00:41:510 instead Done
Download: 630 - Chip Tears (AtemiskKun) [Sakura301's Lyrical].osu
Topic Starter

Lybydose wrote:


Offset +5ms (500)

Storyboard images are too large. Try to get them below 800x600. Many of the images are 248x1238. Also, many of the images contain an excessive number of transparent pixels. For example, totuzen:


Only the area in the red (or is that green? I can't tell...) box is needed, the rest of the image in the white box should be cropped out.

You can scale them to be larger by using the storyboard editor or script. Also, I'm not quite sure why all your storyboarding is set to difficulty specific and copied into each difficulty. You can just stick everything in the .osb file to save time. The only difficulty specific thing would be the "Beatmap by Incredibeast" thing. It's fine as it is though, you don't have to change it.

Add a cursortrail.png. Copy the one from the default skin if you want.

Move the first kiai start timing section to 62,375 in all difficulties. It should be exactly on the large white tick on the timeline.
Move the second kiai start timing section to 77,375 in all difficulties.

Preview point at 01:01:666 sounds better.




Increase overall difficulty by 2 ticks. This will make the map EASIER to play.

00:17:370 (1,2,3,4,5) - this is really confusing. Place these notes further down so they don't appear under the slider
00:41:041 (6) - end this slider at 00:41:510 instead


00:01:666 (1,2) - I don't like how the map starts. I pretty much have to guess at when to click these notes. I suggest putting the first note at 00:02:370 instead. Also, having these notes here is preventing the countdown from showing. It will show up correctly if you get rid of everything before 00:02:370 i changed the offset but wll not move those notes i took off the start count instead the notes are almost directly in the center of the map and are easily readable if people normally dont look in the center of when it starts not my issue its perfectly readable even if ur eyes arent focused there
00:22:291 (5) - fix spacingthe notes flow perfectly fine into the 5 not a big jump and the ones follow after are well done
00:24:870 - map something here wont map this part seeing as how that middle part with the 5 was breaking up a big break i had and this is a slow and calm part of the song beats there wouldnt be neccesary in the least ^^ thank you for your time


Fine. There are a bunch of unnecessary green timing sections, but it doesn't make any difference if you remove them or not.
Hi hi!! :)

Here's the Storyboard I made :P I fixed the diffs too because the lyrics were "Diff Specific" for all diffs (kinda weird o.O) and IncrediBeast's SB appeared on all diffs.

So just drag and drop all the files on your map folder. I hope you like it!! :)
Download: Storyboard&DiffFix.rar


EDIT: Fix on one of the notes :3

  1. Sakura301's Lyrical has a different Preview Time: 59273 and Stack Leniency: 0.7 to other diff.s, you should inify them
  2. NicoNicoDouga is source? IMO it's more like artist
[Shulin's Perfect Tear]
  1. Really "perfect", nothing found
[Sakura301's Lyrical]
  1. 0:00:000 - 00:32:257 - I feel hitsound is loud, try 50%
  2. 00:47:375 - 01:02:375 - Break a little long for me
  3. 01:16:203 (x) - KIAI ends here
[Chipped Tears]
  1. 00:22:296 (5) - why this spacing so far?
[Nini's Broken Tears]
  1. fine
others are fine, nice SB and skin
Good for BAT check now
Huh? Why isn't Shulin in the tags? He made a diff for this map, right?
Topic Starter

Chacha17 wrote:

Huh? Why isn't Shulin in the tags? He made a diff for this map, right?
^^ because his name is in the title
Oops, so Shulin should be in the tags, please add it
star :3
Make sure the tags are the same in all difficulties. Sakura301 is in the tags in all but her own difficulty.

The rest looks good. The song is sexy too. Oh, and also the SB.

Edit: Bubbled after tag fix!
Hmmm... Ranked then.
Another one?

96kbps audio re-encoded as 128kbps

Seriously guys?

Unranked due to atrocious audio quality.

I felt like I've said that before recently. Hmmm.

Recut that mp3 to whatever length you had it at and get the timing verified and whatever.

Ephemeral wrote:

Unranked due to atrocious audio quality.
Ugh... I remember I asked Atemisk about that on IRC the first time I downloaded it because it sounded weird. *sigh* :|

Call me when you have the new timing, I'll fix the Storyboard :3
Also considering how you dont care about my diff more than your ranking, you can remove it, i didnt finish it i was wondering how it was ranked in the first place, i did tell you on IRC "I still need to map through that break or a bit of it, i just dont have any ideas right now" If you dont care about me finishing my diff then i suggest you remove it.

Also i did tell you how i did not like "Beatmap by IncrediBeast" appearing on my guest Diff when IncrediBeast is a guest mapper, if Anyone's name should appear in my diff is either you (the original mapper) or me (the guest diff mapper), if this gets ranked again before you remove my guest diff im gonna be very mad.

Edit: Actually i request that this doesnt get ranked again until my diff is removed

Sakura301 wrote:

Also considering how you dont care about my diff more than your ranking, you can remove it, i didnt finish it i was wondering how it was ranked in the first place, i did tell you on IRC "I still need to map through that break or a bit of it, i just dont have any ideas right now" If you dont care about me finishing my diff then i suggest you remove it.

Also i did tell you how i did not like "Beatmap by IncrediBeast" appearing on my guest Diff when IncrediBeast is a guest mapper, if Anyone's name should appear in my diff is either you (the original mapper) or me (the guest diff mapper), if this gets ranked again before you remove my guest diff im gonna be very mad.

Edit: Actually i request that this doesnt get ranked again until my diff is removed
The thing about my "made by" tag appearing on all difficulties was a mistake and got fixed last week...didn't you see that?

Anyways, I'll bug him to look at this thread.
set offset to 460ms based on the new(?) mp3 file.

also, does the storyboard need to be fixed?

oops.. BTW, two guest diff. , four player names.. what happened?

Edit: fixed and Bubbled.
Looks pretty good!

Sorry I wasn't fast enough to mod your map. :o

Keep your eyes open for when I open up my queue again to nab first spot with a new request. :)

Grats on getting this ranked!
don't forgot this plz T.T

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