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irc modded.

star'd :D
delete osb file in folder
use ctrl+shift+A to check for spacing errors
add x3ns0r and simplistiC to tags on all difficulties (and show on map details which map simplistiC created?)

I would go through and see where you can add some more notes which sound good
00:04:140 (5) - add note
00:04:843 (7) - add note
00:05:312 (10) - ^
00:05:546 (11) - ^
00:09:296 (4) - ^
00:14:453 (8) - ^
00:18:437 (4,5,1) - spacing
00:22:187 - map something here
00:28:046 (11) - add note
00:38:593 (1) - ^
00:38:828 (2) - ^
00:39:296 (4) - delete
00:40:937 (3,4) - spacing
00:41:640 (5,6,7) - spacing
00:48:671 (5,6,7,1,2,3,4) - spacing
00:55:703 (3,4) - spacing
00:57:578 (7,1) - spacing

Naite Iru:
I don't think I need to point out all the spacing errors (just check on ctrl+shift+A and try to fix everything listed there..distance snap can help too)
00:38:593 (1) - extend by 1/2
00:46:093 (1) - extend by 1/2
00:53:593 (1) - extend by 1/2
01:23:593 (1) - extend by 1/2
01:38:593 (1) - extend by 1/2

remove countdown like others
00:12:343 (4,5,6,7) - spacing
00:20:781 (1,3) - align
00:25:000 (5) - new combo
00:26:406 (1) - remove new combo
00:27:109 (2) - stack on the endpoint of 1 and move rest of combo around
00:36:171 (4) - start on nearest red tick, shorten by 1/4 and add a note at 00:36:484
00:43:984 (1) - remove new combo
00:49:609 (1) - remove new combo
00:50:312 (12) - new combo
00:51:718 (1) - remove new combo
00:53:125 (4,5,6) - make the line straight
00:56:406 (5,6,7,8) - spacing
break is too long for a song of this some of it
01:19:375 (1) - remove new combo
01:20:078 (3) - new combo
01:27:578 (6) - new combo

Chi no Namida:
00:42:578 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3) - odd spacing?

OK, I fix Eyedrops diff, hope it can help you.

I quit like the song, map seems still need lots of works, but I hope you wont give it up, and get this rank :)


Download: Mimu - Tears (AtemiskKun) [EyeDrops fix].osu
really good, a few things though

chi no namida

00:42:578 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3) - spacing?

naite iru

00:54:765 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - space 4 5 and 6 further away from 1 2 and 3


this is WAY too hard for an easy difficulty. and the spacing is further than in naite iru. this needs some fixing.

its star-worthy though! :)
Only following the syllables instead of the whole beat makes it kinda boring. Make it blend more with the beat of the song and add more hit sounds and it'll be more fun.
Add hitsounds~
00:04:843 (4) - shorten
(00:05:546 (x) - add a beat)
00:14:687 (3,4) - move back to the red tick (j twice)
00:14:687 (4) - remove the repeat
00:27:109 (6) - spacing
(00:27:578 (7) - align with 6)

[x3ns0r's Namida Ga Tomaranai]
00:12:812 (6) - remove grid snap and make it look neater.
00:16:093 (5) - This slider (and the others like it) look ugly. D:
00:19:375 (6) - spacing
00:31:796 (3) - I don't like where this is placed D:
00:32:500 (4) - spacing
00:36:093 (4) - move back to the white, shorten and repeat.
00:36:171 (4) - spacing
00:36:953 (5) - spacing
00:48:437 (6,3,4) - spacing
00:56:640 (6,7,8) - spacing
00:48:437 (6) - spacing
00:56:640 (6) - spacing
01:00:625 - What's with this huge break? Map it. D:

[Naite Iru]
Add hitsounds~
Fix the patterns AIMod shows as spacing errors.
Maybe like this: Click
00:49:375 (5) - Move it on top of the 3 after fixing the pattern spacing.
01:38:593 (1) - shorten to 01:39:531.

[Chi no Namida]
00:19:140 (11) - move on top of 9
00:26:640 (11) - same again move on top of 9
00:43:281 (4) - spacing
00:43:983 (3) - spacing

Nice map. :D
Topic Starter
Fix the patterns AIMod shows as spacing errors.
These were placed without the distance snap purposely to reduce the clutter of closely places circles in that area, which caused the area to become too busy and annoyingly block the sight of the next note. If you play map you will see that they are well placed to be easily visible and are no trouble to reach despite whatever AIMod might say.

00:49:375 (5) - Move it on top of the 3 after fixing the pattern spacing.
2 notes stacked directly over each other, even after a short amount of time as in this is something I refuse to do in a beatmap, it obscures the vision on the notes making a first play through of a map frustrating, reducing the interest in a repeat play. Add to the fact I don't agree with changing the notes AIMod says are in the wrong place, this mod becomes unnecessary

01:38:593 (1) - shorten to 01:39:531.
This would make the spin a black sheep, it would differ the spin time and ending note compared to all the other spinners in the beatmap. If the original MP3 is ever restored and I continue to map this song, it would be completely out of place.

from a person thats helping me complete it

James2250 wrote:

add x3ns0r and simplistiC to tags on all difficulties (and show on map details which map simplistiC created?)

Look my hitsound suggestion first should add clap in rhythm

2.Use a silent "soft-sliderslide.wav" will be better imo

[00:17:96] clap
[00:19:84] remove all the slider's whistle
[00:21:71] clap
[00:24:53] no clap on slider's end
[00:25:46] add a circle and clap
[00:29:21] clap here
[00:46:32] ^
[00:46:56] ^
[00:53:59] ^
[00:55:46] ^
[01:16:32] ^
[01:16:56] ^
[01:17;96] ^
[01:23:59] add a circle and clap
[01:25:46] add clap


[00:14:68] (3,4) there have no melody for set notes . i gave you 2 ways to sovle the problem

  • way 1 : move (3,4) to [00:14:45] (3) and [00:14:68] (4) . add finish on slider4's end

    way 2 : move (3,4) to [00:14:45] (3) and [00:14:68] (4) . and stop slider at [00:14:92]
[01:30:85] start the spinner at [01:30:39]. stop at [01:32:50] and add finish

Naite Iru

Use a silent "soft-sliderslide.wav" will be better imo

[00:06:95] move 2 grids doen
[00:13:75] (1,2,3) use a "Flip Vertically" on the three notes and fix spacing after you do it
[00:30:15] too short break, remove
[00:51:01] (1,2,3) spacing is wrong
[01:00:62] too short break, remove
[01:04:37] ^
[01:30:15] ^
[01:36:25] new combo or fix spacing
[01:38:59] spinner stop at [01:39:53]
[01:29:92] stop kiai here

x3ns0r's Namida Ga Tomaranai

[00:27:10] (2,3,4) move them 4 grids right
[00:31:32] (1,2) cover them on slider(3)'s end (you can do it better
[00:34:37] move 1 grid up and 1 grid right
[00:36:01] add a note
[00:36:17] start at [00:36;25] , and stop at [00:36:48]
[00:49:60] (1,2) move 1 grid right
[00:56:64] new combo or fix spacing
[01:20:70] (3,5) make Parallel
[01:28:51] move right a bit for better cover

Hitsound mod
[00:04:60] (3,4,5,6,7) spacing need be set all the same
[00:12:57] (5,6,7) bad spacing ,fix it
[00:17:96] clap
[00:21:71] ^
[00:23:59] ^
[00:25:46] ^
[00:27:10] (2,3,4) and add clap
[00:27:65] add finish
[00:31:32] clap
[00:31:56] ^
[00:47:96] ^
[00:49:60] ^
[00:49:84] ^
[00:51:71] ^
[00:53:59] ^
[00:55:46] ^
[01:25:46] ^

Chi no Namida

[00:06:25] add whistle?
[00:13:75] ^
[00:26:64] maybe move 8 grids down?
so good placement and hitsound :)

  1. osb.file seem useless, you should delete it
  2. Naite Iru and x3ns0r's Namida Ga Tomaranai had turned on countdown while other 2 diff. didn't, you'd better unify them
  3. Are you sure NicoNicoDouga is the source, in most case I saw mapper put it as artist. I know nothing about NicoNicoDouga, just wonder.
  4. I suggest you use a blank soft-sliderslide sound,, it sounds too loud in such a soft song
  • The clao you used not so good, this song is easy to add clap, just to hear where the song has clap then add at same place, for example:
  1. 01:16:328 (9,10) - Add clap
    and other same places you could add clap, I didn't point out them all
  2. 01:24:531 (1) - A note here instead
[Naite Iru]
  1. 01:23:593 (S) - Too short spinner, auto play should at least could get 2000 bonus
Just take a general look at it, I will do a full mod later days
star for now
offset needs to be the same on all difficulties (its 2494 on all but x3ns0r's
you don't need comma's in tags just put a space between each one

I have to agree that this difficulty could use some hitsound work with claps, try to make a better rhythm out of them
00:03:431 (1) - remove new combo
00:24:994 (2,3,4) - spacing
00:45:619 (10,11) - align
01:05:540 (7) - new combo
01:07:415 (5,6) - align
01:18:431 (1) - remove new combo
01:20:306 (7) - new combo
01:25:931 (1) - remove new combo
01:27:572 (6) - new combo

add whistles to some of the beginning parts
make tags the same as the other difficulty
00:43:978 (1) - remove new combo
01:06:244 (2) - extend by 1/1

Naite Iru:
in general increase the spacing by alot and redo the map (it just doesn't look good with all the notes being so close together)
00:47:494 (2,3,4) - spacing
go through and try and make the claps sound more organized (and remove some)
01:38:587 (1) - end at 01:39:525

might sound better with some more whistles at the start
00:42:572 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2) - spacing

(I would move this to pending by now)
ok school for me now~
[Naite Iru]

in general increase the spacing by alot and redo the map (it just doesn't look good with all the notes being so close together)
Most of the notes follow the distance snap of 1/4 except a few exceptions I used to clear up notes that couldn't be seen properly at this default spacing. I don't profess any great skill at this game, but I have had no troubles following the spacing or order used in this beatmap. That, more than anything, says to me it's fine.

00:47:494 (2,3,4) - spacing
I disagree about the spacing, but it has brought to my attention the timing issue between 3 and 4 for this combo. Soon to be fixed.

go through and try and make the claps sound more organized (and remove some)
This would be an area Atemisk is working on, I agree with you on this.

01:38:587 (1) - end at 01:39:525
This would make the spin a black sheep, it would differ the spin time and ending note compared to all the other spinners in the beatmap. If the original MP3 is ever restored and I continue to map this song, it would be completely out of place.
Looks like I'm repeating myself >.> basicly the spinners all follow a theme of running the same amount of time because they only turn up when a certain sound is used in the song. I would only change the length of the spinner if for some unknown reason the length of the sound it follows was different. It's not. The spinner is fine.
Delete all commas from tags. The tags should be separated by spaces.

What's the point of having custom countdown images while the map hasn't enabled the countdown in any difficulty? Please delete "count2.png" and "count3.png" from the folder and do full submit.


Why no kiai mode enabled?

00:25:462 (4,5) - Spacing.
00:42:337 (7) - Expand this slider by 1/4. It sounds better.


Poverty of hitsounds~

00:14:915 (4) - Move a bit right.
01:06:244 (2) - End it on the next white tick.
01:21:947 (1) - ^
01:29:447 (8) - End it on the previous white tick and map the remaining time of the refrain.

[Naite Iru]

Could you map the last 3 seconds of the map?

[01:32:025] - End the kiai here?
01:24:994 (2,3,4) - It's a spacing issue. Distance spacing in 01:24:525 (1,2) is the same, but the distance in the timeline is different.


00:26:634 (11) - Hidden slider repeat. I prefer Edit -> Flip Vertically.

Nice. I like this map. Call me back for a proto-bubble when fixed.
[Naite Iru]

Could you map the last 3 seconds of the map?
Done. Good idea ;D looks alot better and will probly reduce the "slider end at" comments

[01:32:025] - End the kiai here?
A job for Atemisk.

01:24:994 (2,3,4) - It's a spacing issue. Distance spacing in 01:24:525 (1,2) is the same, but the distance in the timeline is different.
I think I already fixed this earlier.
00:05:540 (7) - move it a square down
00:11:634 (5) - this slider'0s shape is pretty ugly... change it, please...
00:21:244 (4,5) - move them 8 squares down and some squares right
00:24:994 (2,3) - move 1st a square left and a square down, move 2nd and 3rd a square down...
00:25:931 (5,6,7,8) - ...and move these ones 2 squares up and 11-12 squares right!
00:42:337 (7) - slider ugly to listen. Change its shape, make it shorter and set 2-3 repeats on it! (or maybe change it wit a new-combo beat or two.)
00:50:306 (7) - new combo
01:02:962 (3) - move it a square up and 3 squares right
01:12:806 (6) - new combo
01:25:931 (1,3) - new combo on 3rd, remove previous new combo
01:30:853 (spinner) - start it on 01:30:619 and end it on 01:32:025

x3ns0r's Namida Ga Tomaranai
01:25:462 (3) - remove claps from this slider's 1st and 3rd repeat

Naite Iru
00:23:587 (spinner) finish instead of clap here

simplicistiC's Chi no Namida
00:14:681 (3) - whistle here
01:43:040 (spinner) - silence its end!

You had better to check AIMod's suggestions about all the modes to see good improvements... (just press Ctrl+Shift+A on Edit mode)
I can see anyway potential on this map, so let's star it!
Boom. <3

An awesome *cough**not so awesome but oh well**cough* diff~

And I changed the spinner a bit, hope you like it.

Download: Fuuko's Stuff.rar
00:44:447 (3) - Waayyyy too near to previous note.

[Naite Iru]
00:30:384 - Remove break?
01:00:853 - ^
01:04:486 - ^
01:30:970 - Kiai in a break looks very weird. End kiai at 01:30:150.

You messed again. ):

Download: Mimu - Tears (AtemiskKun) [Fuuko's Tears].osu
Hi hi! :)

Here are some suggestions for your map~ You don't have to change them if you don't agree with me :P
Let's go!!

~All Diffs~
- Source: NicoNicoDouga? Really? Wow, it doesn't sound like the typical NicoNicoDouga song...
- Tags: Vocaloid? I really don't think this song has something related to Vocaloid...
- All the difficulties need to have the same combocolours. Also, I don't think you need that many colours, some are hard to see sometimes because of the backgound (specially grey and white)

- Decrease HP Drain Rate a bit.

00:04:134 (5) - Fix Spacing.
00:06:244 (1) - ^
00:14:447 (3) - ^
00:24:994 (2) - ^
00:25:931 (5) - ^
00:26:869 (6) - New Combo. 8 is a bit too long for easy diffs.
00:27:103 (7) - Fix Spacing.
00:44:447 (3) - ^
01:02:494 (2,3) - ^
01:13:744 (2) - ^
01:24:290 (6) - New Combo.
01:25:931 (1) - Delete New Combo.

~x3ns0r's Namida Ga Tomaranai~
- Decrease Hp Drain Rate and Overall Difficulty and increase Circle Size, this diff looks harder than the "harder" one ._.
- Why 1/6 Snap Divisor? Resnap to 1/4.

00:14:915 (4) - Move it between (2,3)?
00:36:244 (4) - Fix spacing.
00:49:134 (8) - ^
01:06:244 (2) - ^?
01:29:447 (8) - Compare the spacing between (6,7), it makes (8) feel to be later, even having a correct spacing

~Naite Iru~
- This diff abuses of copypaste imo, you have the same pattern a lot of times along the map. Also, almost all the patterns on the map are going in an only direction (up-down). Try to be more creative and add more patters to make the map funner

00:02:494 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3) - And this is the pattern I said before... owo
00:38:587 (1) - This spinner is too short, even being "legal". I'd delete it :/
00:53:587 (1) - ^
01:08:587 (1) - ^
01:23:587 (1) - ^

~Fuuko's Tears~
- Wtf? Why all those Timing Sections? e_e Okay nvm... e_e'
- Resnap all notes, AIMod gave a lot of unsnapped notes~

01:02:493 (x) - Add a note here? Or add a repeat to (2).
01:06:712 (x) - Add a note here? Or add a repeat to (3).
01:09:994 (1,2,3,4,5) - Add a note after all these, or add a repeat, if feels empty oxo
01:15:150 (1) - Uhhh... Ninja spinner imo, delete it? oxo

~simplistiC's Chi no Namida~
- I'd decrease HP Drain Rate a bit, in the slow down section the HPbar goes down to the middle on Auto mode :/

00:18:665 (10,11) - Those are a bit hard to see. Move them away?
00:34:134 (6,7) - Uhhh.. I'm not sure if this is legal or not... but it's really confusing @w@...
00:35:072 (1,2,3,4) - Personally I hate this part, it feels like a random huge spacing, specially with the pattern after it.
00:42:572 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3) - Really really ugly spacing :/
01:35:540 (1) - Ninja Spinner... Delete it?
01:43:040 (1) - ^

Good Luck!! *star*
[quote="Beuchi-chan"]~All Diffs~
- Source: NicoNicoDouga? Really? Wow, it doesn't sound like the typical NicoNicoDouga song... Do you hate em, Beu? =o I pretty much like most things they do.
- Tags: Vocaloid? I really don't think this song has something related to Vocaloid... Indeed, Mimu is the username of a singer on the Japanese nicovideo website. I love her voice so much.

- All the difficulties need to have the same combocolours. Also, I don't think you need that many colours, some are hard to see sometimes because of the backgound (specially grey and white) I don't think it's that bad, except for the dark blue, which seems pretty hard to read sometimes.

~Fuuko's Tears~
- Wtf? Why all those Timing Sections? e_e Okay nvm... e_e' Yeah, Atemis messed em up. ;_;'
- Resnap all notes, AIMod gave a lot of unsnapped notes~ I don't see any unsnapped note. o_o Maybe it was because you had to change the red sections to green? ):
01:02:493 (x) - Add a note here? Or add a repeat to (2). You forgot to make this 0,5x, blame it on Atemis who messed it. XD
01:06:712 (x) - Add a note here? Or add a repeat to (3). ^
01:09:994 (1,2,3,4,5) - Add a note after all these, or add a repeat, if feels empty oxo ^
01:15:150 (1) - Uhhh... Ninja spinner imo, delete it? oxo I agree with it being ninja. XD But a spinner really fits there. ): And auto can 2000 it, so yeah...
Double post.
with changes. dont change stuff without asking me D; i wont forget about my diff and if i do, u can always remind me to check...just not every single post.

Download: Mimu - Tears (AtemiskKun) [simplistiC's Chi no Namida].osu
00:25:931 (5,1,2,3) - Incorrect spacing


Naite Eru
01:26:869 (5,6) - Also incorrect spacing

Fuuko's Tears
00:16:322 (1,2) - This jump is really quite unintuitive :

00:35:072 (1,2,3) - Unintuitive and really quite pointless spacing change
00:36:712 (4) - ^
00:37:650 (4) - ^
01:07:884 (1,2,3) - ^
01:09:759 (1,2,3) - ^
You can tell I really don't like these types of jumps.
[Naite Iru]

This diff abuses of copypaste imo, you have the same pattern a lot of times along the map. Also, almost all the patterns on the map are going in an only direction (up-down). Try to be more creative and add more patters to make the map funner
Copy paste wasn't used a single time, the recurring combos was a theme I decided to use to keep the song familiar from start to finish to make the beatmaps overall difficulty easier. As for using the downwards direction for the majority of the map, the songs called Tears, there's a girl holding an umbrella in the rain for a background, the hit circles have a water drop in them. I decided to play on this theme by having the notes cascade downwards as if they were rain as well. If you think that makes things too repetitive, that's fine. I can't please everyone so I generally aim to please myself and let like-minded people enjoy my work.

00:02:494 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3) - And this is the pattern I said before... owo
Intentional, as I said before. I like the familiarity it brings throughout the song when it appears. It's repeated in the same way the notes they follow are repeated in the song. Sure it's used a lot but this wasn't intended as a hard difficulty. I like relaxed, easy to follow and clearly placed beatmaps myself and that's what I've mapped.

00:38:587 (1) - This spinner is too short, even being "legal". I'd delete it :/
00:53:587 (1) - ^
01:08:587 (1) - ^
01:23:587 (1) - ^
I wouldn't. They follow the music for their placement and length. They are hittable. They add a bit of difficulty in an otherwise simplistic beatmap. Nuff said.

01:26:869 (5,6) - Also incorrect spacing
I hate the fact that I had to go back on what I originally said about never overlapping notes like this, but I see nothing wrong with the spacing. Its distance snapped for crying out loud. It is slightly obscured by the previous note though, so I decided to make it a new combo to help make it visible.

In blue suggestions, In red maybe important

-Mimu - Tears (AtemiskKun) [Fuuko's Tears].osb u don't use this... kill it :3
-Resize u BG to 1024x768

Nice star :3
Shohei Ohtani
General: Fix spacing. Just go through the song and double-check your spacing. There's no giant mistakes, but it's all just little stuff that makes the map look better ~.
00:42:337 (1) - Add clap on second repeat (Suggestion.)
01:30:619 (1) - Add finish

Naite Iru:
General: This might also need a spacing double-check.

General: I don't like the drumroll sounds in the beginning when there are sliders ;-;.
This is pretty much going to be one of my infamous clap mods since there's nothing else I see wrong ~.
00:19:603 (1,2) - Add claps
00:35:306 (2) - Add clap
00:39:994 (1) - ^
00:41:869 (5) - ^
01:24:994 (2) - ^
01:27:103 (5) - ^


01:03:900 (2) - Boring slider.
01:10:462 (1) - ^
01:43:040 (1) - Uneccesary spinner

Overall pretty sexy map. Star
I would have kiai time the same on all the difficulties but at least make it the same on the ones you created

go on shift+ctrl+A and fix *Everything* on this difficulty (for an easy there really shouldn't be any problems with AIMod)
personally I would just go through the entire map with 1.0 distance snap (or whatever you want to use) and make sure it allllll makes sense
00:30:853 (2) - move left to align with 1 (then align rest of combo)
00:38:587 (8) - move left to align with 7
(if I mod this again after for pubble I would expect to see AIMod say this map has no problems)

Naite Iru:
again not a fan of spacing on this one...I guess its correct but its mapped to a 0.5 distance snap and it just makes it play strangely...can't you redo it with a highly distance snap?
01:38:587 (1) - shorten by 1/2

00:22:650 (3) - move down 1 tiny grid
00:36:009 (4) - add note
I still think it could use some more hitsounds

00:31:790 (3) - new combo
00:46:790 (3) - new combo
01:07:181 (4) - shorten by 1/2

looks fine

EvilOonsta wrote:

They are hittable.
Hittable doesn't mean rankable. Also, you said you made a relaxing map, right? those sudden spinners ruin the relaxing ambient =(, but whatever x3

Oh btw, if you made the diff, you should put your name on the diff as well, and tell AtemiskKun to put your name on the Tags :3

-- Add "Kagamine Rin" and "Ren" to tags. And "EvilOonsta" if he/she made a diff.
-- Delete .osb and full submit.


-- Your combo colors look all the same imo you only need 1, 2 and 5. (Maybe 4 to)

00:05:540 (7,1) - Spacing too close.
00:08:587 (3) - New combo?
00:08:587 (3,1) - Spacing too close.
00:14:447 (3) - Move this so it's directly beneath 00:13:744 (1) -
00:18:900 (1,2) - Spacing too close.
00:30:853 (2,3,4) - Align properly.
00:32:025 (1,2,3) - Spacing is too close, space it properly.
00:36:244 (5,6,7) - ^
00:46:087 (6,1) - Spacing...
01:14:681 (3,1) - Spacing! (Too close)
01:21:947 (3,4) - ^

Well yeah the spacing is all over, admittedly some are more noticeable then others but there are a lot of anti-jumps here. Go over and recheck your spacing, use a consistent distance snap what you like or make the spacing more intuitive ^_^

Naite Iru

-- Difficulty name doesn't make much sense.
-- James suggestion of using a higher distance snap would work well imo, considering the easier difficulty had higher spacing!

00:02:494 to 00:14:915 - Is all clustered in the center of the map, maybe spread it out a little?
00:37:650 (x) - Note?
00:38:119 (x) - ^
00:45:150 (x) - ^
00:45:619 (x) - ^ - The sudden gap before the short spinner doesn't flow too well imo.
00:52:650 (x) - ^
00:53:119 (x) - ^ - You get the idea.
01:00:619 -- Empty, spinner might work well.
01:14:447 (1) - Remove new combo.
01:30:150 to 01:32:025 -- Empty, it feels like something should be here (spinner?), if you want a break then put in a break.
01:36:244 (7) - New combo.

Overall spacing is low... it plays kind of clustered, I'd recommend increasing it a little especially so the 1/2's don't overlap. Also those short spinners are rather sudden and nothing leading up to them, suggested new notes are just suggestions, ^_^


00:13:744 (1) - Use the custom slide.
01:09:290 (1) - Lower the volume on this spinner.

You could probably use a custom slide in the soft sections, other than that the map is good.

Fuuko's Tears:

00:31:790 (3) - New combo.
00:46:790 (3) - New combo. (Repeating mods ftw!)

Really nice difficulty.

simplistiC's Chi no Namida:

-- Difficulty name??

00:22:650 (1) - Remove new combo.
00:35:072 (1,2,3,4) - Jump here wasn't intuitive.
01:24:525 (4) - New combo?
01:43:040 (1) - Silence all of the spinner.

Good map set overall, though I did repeat some of the things that have already been said lol... ~ Star
Heres my difficulty... WHAT THE F***!? +27!? how the hell do you do that so fast!?

Download: Mimu - Tears (AtemiskKun) [TheKillerhjkhjk no Namida].osu

  • 00:38:587 (8) None at the middle
    00:43:744 (2) Clap

    00:46:087 (6) Distance Problem & 1 Gird left
Naite Iru
  • 00:08:822 (2) None
    00:29:447 (3) Clap at middle?
    00:40:931 (4) Whistle
    01:30:150 (x) Insert Spinner?
  1. IMO, Lack of hit sound

    00:32:494 (4) Clap?
    00:49:603 (1,2) Distance
    00:53:587 (6) 1 left, 1 down
  • 00:30:384 (4) Symmetry
    00:32:962 (5) Whistle

    01:04:134 (5) 1 down, 1 left
  • 01:08:353 (3) Whistle
Okay then, Proto Bubble :D
i really like this song~

:) starstarstar
try using this ^.^ I'll mod it later

wow good map&song. :)
and here's some hitsound suggestions. ;)

Use Slider Tick Rate: 2 and you need a blank normal-slidertick& a blank soft-slidertick hitsounds.
BTW there's no blank sliderwhistle hitsound in this map. You should add it.

-simplistiC's Chi no Namida-
00:09:994 (1) - make volume lower. 25%~35% is good.
00:37:181 (2) - remove whistle.
01:21:947 (1,2) - add whistle?
01:20:775 (4) - use normal-hitnormal hitsound here?
01:27:572 (1,2) - add whistle.
01:28:275 (4) - also use normal-hitnormal hitsound here will be better.

good diff :) I love this diff

-Fuuko's Tears-
Use custom hitsound1. soft-sliderslide should be blank in this map. ;)
00:52:884 (2) - use normal-hitnormal hitsound here.

-x3ns0r's Namida Ga Tomaranai-
Also,I like use blank sliderslide.
And..some volume modding:
start~00:16:556 80%
00:17:025~00:31:556 30%
00:31:790~00:44:915 20%
00:46:790~01:00:384 30%~35%
01:01:790~01:16:556 55%~60%
01:17:025~end 50%

-Naite Iru-
65%~70% volume.
simplistiC's Chi no Namida's hitsounds are very good.Try to leaning to use whistle&claps as that diff.
00:21:947 (3) - remove clap and add whistle
00:32:962 (3,4) - remove whistle
00:34:369 (6) - remove clap and add whistle at the end.
00:35:072 (1,2) - ^
00:38:587 (1) - remove clap
00:46:087 (1) - remove clap and add finish
00:47:494 (1) - only use clap at the second repeat.
00:48:665 (2) - remove whistle
00:48:900 (3) - use normal-hitnormal hitsound here volume 30%~35%.
00:49:134 (4) - remove clap and add clap at the end.
00:50:306 (1) - remove clap and add whistle at the end.
00:51:009 (2) - remove clap and add whistle at the repeat.
00:53:587 (1) - remove clap and add finish
00:56:869 (3) - remove clap at the slider's start
00:57:806 (2) - remove clap
00:58:744 (2) - ^
01:02:025 (1,3) - remove whistle
01:03:431 (4) - remove clap
01:04:134 (5) - remove clap and add whistle.
01:05:775 (1,2,3,4,5) - ^
01:09:994 (1) - remove clap and add whistle at the end.
01:10:462 (2) - remove clap
01:10:931 (1) - ^
01:11:869 (2) - remove clap and add whistle at the end
01:12:806 (3) - ^
01:13:978 (2) - remove clap and add whistle at the slider's start
01:14:447 (1) - remove clap and add whistle at the end
01:15:384 (3) - add whistle
01:17:494 (2) - remove clap and add clap at the slider's end
01:18:431 (1) - remove clap and add whistle
01:18:900 (2) - use normal-hitnormal hitsound here volume 30%~35%
01:19:134 (3) - remove clap
01:19:603 (4) - add clap
01:20:072 (1) - remove clap and add whistle.
01:20:072 (1) - remove clap and add whistle at repeat&end.
01:21:947 (3) - remove clap and add whistle.
01:23:587 (1) - remove clap and add finish
01:24:994 (1) - remove the first clap and add whistle at start&repeat.
01:25:697 (2) - remove whistle
01:25:931 (3) - remove clap and add whistle at start&repeat. use normal-hitnormal hitsound at the end
01:27:103 (2) - add clap
01:27:572 (3) - remove clap and add whistle at start&repeat
01:28:509 (4) - remove clap and add whistle at repeat&end
01:29:447 (5) - remove clap and add whistle
01:34:134 (4) - remove the first clap and add whistle.
01:35:072 (6) - remove clap and add whistle
01:36:947 (9) - add whiste
01:38:587 (1) - remove clap and add finish

65%~70% volume.
add a green line at 00:30:384,normal hitsound,40% volume. and another green line at 00:31:087,soft hitsound.
01:16:322 (1,2) - add clap
01:25:931 (4) - remove clap

starx3 for good map&song. :)
good job on improving it
another kds star for you
The fade to black at the end is kind of weird. Maybe get a screenshot of the last scene in the movie and use that as the last storyboard image or something? Some of the difficulties used a spinner near the end, and it's weird having it be black, go to the girl under the umbrella, fade to black again.

[simplistiC's Chi no Nanida]
01:43:392 This volume change is pretty noticable with the spinnerspin sound. Try to either fade it out with several timing points or start it at the soft volume.

I'd suggest lowering the overall volume of the hitsounds at the beginning. Especially since the drum rolls on the slider sound sticks out really bad.
00:36:244 I'd move this slider to start at 00:36:009 and end in the same place it is now.

[Naite Iru]
00:41:400 [1, 2, 3, 4] Spacing.

Agent Spin Here wrote:

Fuuko's Tears

00:16:322 (1,2) - This jump is really quite unintuitive :

I like it...I will keep it.

CDFA wrote:



Shulin wrote:

Fuuko's Tears:

00:31:790 (3) - New combo.


00:46:790 (3) - New combo. (Repeating mods ftw!)


Really nice difficulty.

Thank you very much. *-*

sonnyc wrote:

  • 00:30:384 (4) Symmetry


    00:32:962 (5) Whistle


    01:04:134 (5) 1 down, 1 left


xierbaliti wrote:

-Fuuko's Tears-
Use custom hitsound1. soft-sliderslide should be blank in this map. ;)
00:52:884 (2) - use normal-hitnormal hitsound here.

I am using C2, but everytime I try to go with it, somehow BSS changes it. >_>
So, I am really sad about the fact that C2 always gets removed. ):
If it keeps happening, delete my diff.

  1. The fade-out at the end is kinda... meh. Can't you do something about it?
  2. I think video offset is a bit late. Don't know if it's my computer lagging though. P:
[Naite Iru]
  1. The random sampleset changes don't feel right to me. =<
  2. The Kiai starting at 01:26:634 is awkward.
[x3ns0r's Namida Ga Tomaranai]

00:48:900 (7) - First I said WHAT, I thought the spacing was incorrect but it's just off by one grid.

[simplistiC's Chi no Namida]

01:17:025 (4) - New combo?
01:24:525 (4) - Same as above.

~ ~ ~

To be honest, I expected less since the impression you gave me on IRC, but the map is pretty good.
Ummm offset is early 10-15ms Fix that I'll bubble it
IRC corrections. tear~
Nice map
Hey congrats on your first ranked map :D
Congratulations =w=
I can't believe my diff was ranked...without...C2....

Man, I would rage...I will just remap this. Sheesh.

Thanks, Atemiskkun, for keeping that note I told you about removing my diff if it happened again, okay? *being ironic*

Gratz, anyways.
Real1 modding time... Oh already ranked. Good job!

ooh second most played in 24 hrs... NICE
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