
GobouP - White*Christmas

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Thursday, March 05, 2015 at 12:05:42 AM

Artist: GobouP
Title: White*Christmas
Tags: hatsune miku kagamine rin len meiko kaito kamui gakupo megpoid gumi megurine luka sf-a2 miki kaai yuki hiyama kiyoteru vocaloid xmas christmas gobou-p marathon
BPM: 139.99
Filesize: 6706kb
Play Time: 05:30
Difficulties Available:
  1. Christmas (3.04 stars, 604 notes)
Download: GobouP - White*Christmas
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Special project: 2nd Ranked 1st approval!!
Merry Christmas :D
Christmas: done!
SB: done!
Modders and Checkers
GamerCL (x2)
Static Noise Bird
Project Railgun
Minakami Yuki #1!
jonathanlfj #1!
Minakami Yuki (x2) #2!!
Zero__wind Flame'd!!!
First mod :3

00:13:466 (5 - 12) - Es difícil de leer

00:27:537 (6 - 11) - Es difícil de leer

00:45:764 (6) - Cambia ese slider

00:49:367 (1) - Cambia ese slider

01:32:895 - Coloca un hitcircle (Ahí:

02:15:048 (1) - Cambia ese slider

Después esta todo bien :D

Topic Starter

GamerCL wrote:

First mod :3

00:13:466 (5 - 12) - Es difícil de leer yo lo veo bien :3

00:27:537 (6 - 11) - Es difícil de leer ^

00:45:764 (6) - Cambia ese slider como? :/

00:49:367 (1) - Cambia ese slider ^

01:32:895 - Coloca un hitcircle (Ahí: quiero enfatizar mas la vocal en esa parte, por eso los sliders estan asi

02:15:048 (1) - Cambia ese slider como? :/

Después esta todo bien :D

no te doy kudo porque no hice nada :3 ya te di los tips para mejorar en el modeo :3
igualmente, gracias por modear :3
Llamame cuando tengas el hitsounding pronto.. Tenia planeado modear este mapa, pero no me gusta modear algo que no esta completito completito :P
From Christmas Queue.. y por que es mapper hispano ;)

22:30 *ErunamoJAZZ is watching [ GobouP - White Christmas [Christmas]]
22:31 *CSLMVenezuela runs
22:34 ErunamoJAZZ: Colocale el od en 8
22:36 ErunamoJAZZ: 01:21:109 (3) - ese normal sample se oye raro
22:37 ErunamoJAZZ: mejor dejalo como venias antes
22:37 ErunamoJAZZ: 01:25:823 - aaaaaaaaaaa, esto se siente incomodo
22:38 ErunamoJAZZ: como si rompieras el flujo
22:39 ErunamoJAZZ: yo te recomendaría hacerle un stack sobre 5
22:39 ErunamoJAZZ:
22:39 CSLMVenezuela: esperate un segundo, no con lo de normal sample, lo coloque ahi por el aumento de intensidad
22:39 ErunamoJAZZ: colocando una nota ahí, claro.
22:39 ErunamoJAZZ: pero la intencidad... la de la canción? o la que le quieres dar_?
22:40 ErunamoJAZZ: porque si se siente mal, es porque la musica claramente no cambia su intensidad ahí
22:40 ErunamoJAZZ: :P
22:40 CSLMVenezuela: de la vocal, claro
22:40 CSLMVenezuela: deberias ir mas lento, no soy flash xD
22:41 ErunamoJAZZ: lavoz de miku es más suave xD
22:41 ErunamoJAZZ: la de kaito sile queda bien, pero amiku no
22:41 CSLMVenezuela: ok, arreglado lo del normal sample
22:42 ErunamoJAZZ: 01:39:537 - algo parecido a lo de antes.. el espacio no lo sentí bien...
22:43 ErunamoJAZZ: yo le haría algo así:
22:43 ErunamoJAZZ: (si. con más espacio)
22:45 ErunamoJAZZ: 01:48:323 - stackealo ahí mismo... la voz de miku hace algo suave ahí.
22:47 ErunamoJAZZ: 02:48:109 - mismo del primero.
22:48 ErunamoJAZZ: 03:01:823 - mismo del segundo.
22:49 CSLMVenezuela: podrias retroceder un segundo...
22:50 ErunamoJAZZ: a q parte xD
22:50 *ErunamoJAZZ va en el breack
22:50 CSLMVenezuela: 01:25:823 - con esto, dices añadirle una note ahi, stakeandola en la cola de 5?
22:50 ErunamoJAZZ: no en la cola. En la cabeza
22:50 CSLMVenezuela: yo no soy flash chiamo, mi computadora es demasiado lenta xD
22:51 CSLMVenezuela: en la cabeza???? :/
22:51 ErunamoJAZZ: en x:176 y:200
22:52 CSLMVenezuela: yo entiendo que es la cabeza, pero estas seguro que seria una buena idea colocarlo ahi? :/
22:53 ErunamoJAZZ: sep
22:53 ErunamoJAZZ: no es un salto extremo, y el flujo no lo siento raro
22:54 ErunamoJAZZ: claro, si te dicen algo, ya morarás
22:54 ErunamoJAZZ: miraras
22:54 CSLMVenezuela: a mi no me parece la verdad
22:54 ErunamoJAZZ: por qué?
22:56 CSLMVenezuela: recuerda que mapa tambien tiene un ds (pero a mano alzada, me gusta mas asi :3)
22:57 CSLMVenezuela: ademas, el colocarlo en la cabeza siento como un estilo extraño
22:57 ErunamoJAZZ: bueno, me sigue gustando la sigerencia que te hice xD
22:57 ErunamoJAZZ: colocandolo arriba le quita intencidad
22:58 ErunamoJAZZ: pero ponlo como te sientas bien :)
22:58 ErunamoJAZZ: extraño??
22:58 ErunamoJAZZ: el mapa de fanz eso si es extraño
22:58 ErunamoJAZZ: un normal mapeado como insane xD
22:59 CSLMVenezuela: fanz?
22:59 ErunamoJAZZ: luego te lo muestro
22:59 ErunamoJAZZ: 05:05:252 - nota aquí
23:00 CSLMVenezuela: el de dadadadada?
23:00 ErunamoJAZZ: no, el de navidad
23:00 ErunamoJAZZ: 05:18:966 - nota~ (disculpa, pero muero de sueño xD)
23:00 CSLMVenezuela: quien lo mappeo?
23:02 CSLMVenezuela: bueno, por ahora lo unico que me haz dicho son los espacios en blanco y lo del normal sample
23:05 ErunamoJAZZ: feo
23:05 ErunamoJAZZ: aplicale un fade rápido para que lo blanco quede blanco
23:07 ErunamoJAZZ: oye
23:07 ErunamoJAZZ: relajate. Yo posteo esto
23:07 ErunamoJAZZ: miras la imagen luego
23:08 ErunamoJAZZ: ammm... y al final del mapa no pondrás algo de "Merry Christmas, mom"
23:08 ErunamoJAZZ: o algo así? xD
23:08 CSLMVenezuela: ok, como te parecio el sb?
23:08 ErunamoJAZZ: sencillo y bonito :3
23:09 ErunamoJAZZ: bueno, esto es todo... te lo rankearán rápido
23:09 ErunamoJAZZ: te quedó bueno
23:09 CSLMVenezuela: eso espero :D
23:09 ErunamoJAZZ: lo del od, es para que no sea instant 100% para todo el mundo
23:10 CSLMVenezuela: puedes adivinar de donde saque el estilo de mapeo?
23:10 ErunamoJAZZ: mio no es (?
23:10 ErunamoJAZZ: xD
23:10 CSLMVenezuela: jamas, asegura eso xD
23:11 ErunamoJAZZ: parece de HelloSCV
23:12 CSLMVenezuela: me gusta el estilo de asphyxia, es una combinacion entre jonathanlfj y minakami yuki, mis 2 mappers favoritos :D
23:12 CSLMVenezuela: tambien tiene algo de HelloSCV y fycho, sus estilos son geniales <3
23:13 ErunamoJAZZ: jeje, bueno, posteo

Very good mapped... rank soon pls!
Hola! Vengo a modear del ''Christmas Queue''


  1. Viendo que tenes un Storyboard, el Letterbox During Breaks se ve un poco feo. Si yo fuera tu, lo sacaria.

  1. 00:15:966 (3,4,5) - Esto se ve feo desde mi punto de vista. Seria mejor que apilaras (stackearas) el final de (3) con el final de (5), definitivamente se ve mejor, yo hice algo mas o menos asi
  2. 00:34:823 (6,7) - Esperaba un spacing mas alto entre estos sliders, ya que lo venias haciendo asi cuando la musica se escuchaba de esta manera. ¿Que te parece mover (7) a x:436 y:172 (o alrededor) para ser consistente en este aspecto?
  3. 00:39:966 (3,4) - Esta sugerencia es para darle al mapa algo de estructura (y algo un poco nazi hehe). Curvando estos sliders, vas a obtener mejor estructura viendo que el siguiente slider es curvo tambien (5), yo hice algo mas o menos asi
  4. 00:54:752 (5) - Hmm.. Agrega un New Combo por el cambio tan notorio en la voz (?
  5. 01:00:966 (3) - Se ve feo que el principio y el final de este slider este superpuestos :/. Intenta mover el final de este Slider algunos grids hacia arriba.
  6. 01:12:109 (5,6,7) - Hmm.. Quizas quieres mover un poco este patron hacia abajo para que (7) no toque al score.
  7. 01:21:537 (4,5) - Incrementa el spacing entre estos objetos por consistencia con el siguiente pre-coro. Ademas juega bien si haces esto.
  8. 01:47:680 (1,2,3) - Uff.. este stack, no me gusta como juega :/, ya que en lo general los usas en los espacios de 1/1 y no en un patron constante de 1/2. Deberias desapilar esas notas.
  9. 02:17:037 (5) - Como dije anteriormente, creo que un New Combo entraria bien aca.
  10. 02:19:395 (2) - *Nazi* si, nazi pero vas a poder hacer una pequeña blanket si moves el punto medio de este slider a x:152 y:144
  11. 02:29:466 (2) - El blanket no es perfecto y en definitiva fluye mejor si ubicas esta nota por afuera de los Sliders, es decir en x:84 y:308
  12. 02:30:323 (4) - Aca seria lo mismo, si ubicas la nota por afuera del slider fluye mejor, si queres apilala con (5), sino pone esta nota donde empieza (5) y move el slider hacia un costado.
  13. 03:19:823 (7,1) - La verdad este overlap no es como los demas del mapa, este se ve y juega desprolijo :/. ¿Por que no intentas algo mas asi?
  14. 03:21:109 (3) - Deberias mejorar este slider xD. Yo hice algo asi, pero fue a las apuradas, fijate si podes hacer algo mejor
  15. 04:03:109 (3,4) - La composicion de este patron te quedo bastante extraña, sumando que el (3) esta casi afuera de la pantalla. Yo intentaria otra cosa, te dejo esto como ejemplo, vas a tener un pequeño efecto en zig-zag que no juega para nada mal y asi evitas esta rara composicion.
  16. 04:11:680 (1,2) - ¿Por que no invertir la forma de los Sliders? Siento que juega mejor.
  17. 05:05:466 (7) - Deberias mover el final del slider un poco hacia arriba, asi no se superponen y se ve mejor.
  18. 05:30:537 - Termino tan chato el mapa :(. Yo intentaria un pequeño flash con el SB o al menos un pequeño flash kiai en la ultima nota, pero bueno.. lo dejo a tu criterio xD.
- La verdad me sorprendio este mapa, bien hecho en general :D. Quizas algunos overlaps estaban medio raro, pero como jugaban bien no moleste mucho con esto hehe.
Con respecto al resto, ¡buen flow y buen ritmo empleaste!, cosa rara hoy en dia hehe. Solo los hitsounds me parecieron muy basicos, pero meh.. yo soy exquisito con eso, no estan mal de todas maneras.

Eso es todo de mi parte! Dejo unas estrellitas para mostarte mi apoyo!
Espero que te ayude!
Buena Suerte con el mapa! :)
Topic Starter

mancuso_JM_ wrote:

Hola! Vengo a modear del ''Christmas Queue''


  1. Viendo que tenes un Storyboard, el Letterbox During Breaks se ve un poco feo. Si yo fuera tu, lo sacaria. no se como, la opcion esta bloqueada D:

  1. 00:15:966 (3,4,5) - Esto se ve feo desde mi punto de vista. Seria mejor que apilaras (stackearas) el final de (3) con el final de (5), definitivamente se ve mejor, yo hice algo mas o menos asi fix~
  2. 00:34:823 (6,7) - Esperaba un spacing mas alto entre estos sliders, ya que lo venias haciendo asi cuando la musica se escuchaba de esta manera. ¿Que te parece mover (7) a x:436 y:172 (o alrededor) para ser consistente en este aspecto? mmm... ok, fix~
  3. 00:39:966 (3,4) - Esta sugerencia es para darle al mapa algo de estructura (y algo un poco nazi hehe). Curvando estos sliders, vas a obtener mejor estructura viendo que el siguiente slider es curvo tambien (5), yo hice algo mas o menos asi buena idea, fix~
  4. 00:54:752 (5) - Hmm.. Agrega un New Combo por el cambio tan notorio en la voz (? fix~
  5. 01:00:966 (3) - Se ve feo que el principio y el final de este slider este superpuestos :/. Intenta mover el final de este Slider algunos grids hacia arriba. fix~
  6. 01:12:109 (5,6,7) - Hmm.. Quizas quieres mover un poco este patron hacia abajo para que (7) no toque al score. fix~
  7. 01:21:537 (4,5) - Incrementa el spacing entre estos objetos por consistencia con el siguiente pre-coro. Ademas juega bien si haces esto. fix~
  8. 01:47:680 (1,2,3) - Uff.. este stack, no me gusta como juega :/, ya que en lo general los usas en los espacios de 1/1 y no en un patron constante de 1/2. Deberias desapilar esas notas. fix~
  9. 02:17:037 (5) - Como dije anteriormente, creo que un New Combo entraria bien aca. fix~
  10. 02:19:395 (2) - *Nazi* si, nazi pero vas a poder hacer una pequeña blanket si moves el punto medio de este slider a x:152 y:144 fix~
  11. 02:29:466 (2) - El blanket no es perfecto y en definitiva fluye mejor si ubicas esta nota por afuera de los Sliders, es decir en x:84 y:308 fix~
  12. 02:30:323 (4) - Aca seria lo mismo, si ubicas la nota por afuera del slider fluye mejor, si queres apilala con (5), sino pone esta nota donde empieza (5) y move el slider hacia un costado. fix~
  13. 03:19:823 (7,1) - La verdad este overlap no es como los demas del mapa, este se ve y juega desprolijo :/. ¿Por que no intentas algo mas asi? buena idea, fix~
  14. 03:21:109 (3) - Deberias mejorar este slider xD. Yo hice algo asi, pero fue a las apuradas, fijate si podes hacer algo mejor fix~
  15. 04:03:109 (3,4) - La composicion de este patron te quedo bastante extraña, sumando que el (3) esta casi afuera de la pantalla. Yo intentaria otra cosa, te dejo esto como ejemplo, vas a tener un pequeño efecto en zig-zag que no juega para nada mal y asi evitas esta rara composicion. no, este patron me parece mas apropiado con la vocal :3
  16. 04:11:680 (1,2) - ¿Por que no invertir la forma de los Sliders? Siento que juega mejor. yo no, ese patron no me parecio concorde con el estilo que le estoy aplicando al mapa, sin cambios.
  17. 05:05:466 (7) - Deberias mover el final del slider un poco hacia arriba, asi no se superponen y se ve mejor. fix~
  18. 05:30:537 - Termino tan chato el mapa :(. Yo intentaria un pequeño flash con el SB o al menos un pequeño flash kiai en la ultima nota, pero bueno.. lo dejo a tu criterio xD. see, fix~
- La verdad me sorprendio este mapa, bien hecho en general :D. Quizas algunos overlaps estaban medio raro, pero como jugaban bien no moleste mucho con esto hehe.
Con respecto al resto, ¡buen flow y buen ritmo empleaste!, cosa rara hoy en dia hehe. Solo los hitsounds me parecieron muy basicos, pero meh.. yo soy exquisito con eso, no estan mal de todas maneras. gracias :D

Eso es todo de mi parte! Dejo unas estrellitas para mostarte mi apoyo!
Espero que te ayude!
Buena Suerte con el mapa! :)
thanks a lot for the mod and the stars :D
Hiiii , as requested :3

Consider adding silent sliderslide ? i think it sounds disturbing and too loud especially on the calm part o.o
Ah anyway.. i'm not being nazi here, but this is the list of pattern that maybe you could try to blanket it better : 00:04:823 (1,2) - 00:24:966 (8,1) - 00:31:395 (7,9) - 01:28:395 (4,5) - 02:37:180 (4,5) - 02:50:895 (5,6) -
00:38:037 (6,7,8) - I'd rather switch their position to get the slider start on the white tick instead
00:49:395 (1,2) - This spacing just really like a 1/2 rhythm when actually it was not.. i highly recommend adding note 00:50:037 - to avoid missread
00:12:537 (3) - Adding whistle on the slider tail could work nicely to emphasize the instrument imo
00:14:252 (9) - I would add NC here or at (10) , it would make this pattern become easier to read during gameplay
00:27:537 (6) - NC for same reason as ^
00:57:109 (2,7) - Seems they're not stacked properly, i wonder if this was intentional
01:00:966 (3) - Honestly this kind of slider shape does looks cramped for this part, i'd reduce the curve a bit
01:03:109 (1) - Hmm.. try arrange them like below for better flow ?
01:18:323 (4) - I'd separate them into 1/2 sliider and note instead since you could hear slightly cymbal stuff on the sliderslide of this
01:22:073 (1) - Since this part got pretty catchy instrument, for approval map i'd like to map this instead of spinner, are you okay with undermapping ? o.o
01:26:037 (7,8,9) - Try this !
01:32:895 - I recommend adding note that stacked to (3) for same reason as before
01:46:609 - ^ or move them farther
01:40:609 (8,1) - Swap NC for vocal ?
01:42:323 (5,6) - Is this really need to be overlap ? personally its feel crowded for me
01:51:752 (2,3) - move (2) a bit upside pls ><
02:08:680 (1,2) - Try the pattern below for better transition from 02:08:037 (9) - ?
02:18:323 (7,1) - I'd rather unstack them or unstack 02:18:537 (1,2) - , they're stacked on the same slider when their rhtyhm is different
I see you're copying all stuffs on the 1st kiai to the 2nd kiai, aha i catch you being lazy /lol so all my mods is the same with the previous part >_>
03:26:680 (8,1) - Oh this one was poorly readable, a sudden slowdown from 1.00 to 0,5x could be pretty shocking, yea it was fit the music but look at it. The slider 8 and 1 does looks like on the same length at the first sight, this could be confusing imo :/
03:54:537 (1) - It's near to touch the hp bar
04:47:680 (3) - I'd reduce the volume and change to finish instead of drum sampleset

Good Luck :3
Topic Starter

Momochikun wrote:

Hiiii , as requested :3 Hiiiiii~

Consider adding silent sliderslide ? i think it sounds disturbing and too loud especially on the calm part o.o i should, right? fix~
Ah anyway.. i'm not being nazi here, but this is the list of pattern that maybe you could try to blanket it better : 00:04:823 (1,2) - 00:24:966 (8,1) - 00:31:395 (7,9) - 01:28:395 (4,5) - i don't see prooblem with this one :3 02:37:180 (4,5) - 02:50:895 (5,6) -
00:38:037 (6,7,8) - I'd rather switch their position to get the slider start on the white tick instead
00:49:395 (1,2) - This spacing just really like a 1/2 rhythm when actually it was not.. i highly recommend adding note 00:50:037 - to avoid missread
00:12:537 (3) - Adding whistle on the slider tail could work nicely to emphasize the instrument imo
00:14:252 (9) - I would add NC here or at (10) , it would make this pattern become easier to read during gameplay good idea, fix~
00:27:537 (6) - NC for same reason as ^
00:57:109 (2,7) - Seems they're not stacked properly, i wonder if this was intentional wasn't, i didn't knew it xD, fix~
01:00:966 (3) - Honestly this kind of slider shape does looks cramped for this part, i'd reduce the curve a bit the slider isn't bad in that position imo, no change
01:03:109 (1) - Hmm.. try arrange them like below for better flow ? i feel better the flow with the slider of that way
01:18:323 (4) - I'd separate them into 1/2 sliider and note instead since you could hear slightly cymbal stuff on the sliderslide of this i'm more focus in the vocal what in the instruments
01:22:073 (1) - Since this part got pretty catchy instrument, for approval map i'd like to map this instead of spinner, are you okay with undermapping ? o.o yes, i am, i feel better a spinner before of the kiai :3
01:26:037 (7,8,9) - Try this ! i dislike it :/, no change
01:32:895 - I recommend adding note that stacked to (3) for same reason as before no change, i'm more focus in the vocal
01:46:609 - ^ or move them farther ^
01:40:609 (8,1) - Swap NC for vocal ?
01:42:323 (5,6) - Is this really need to be overlap ? personally its feel crowded for me
01:51:752 (2,3) - move (2) a bit upside pls ><
02:08:680 (1,2) - Try the pattern below for better transition from 02:08:037 (9) - ?
02:18:323 (7,1) - I'd rather unstack them or unstack 02:18:537 (1,2) - , they're stacked on the same slider when their rhtyhm is different
I see you're copying all stuffs on the 1st kiai to the 2nd kiai, aha i catch you being lazy /lol so all my mods is the same with the previous part >_> hehehe xD
03:26:680 (8,1) - Oh this one was poorly readable, a sudden slowdown from 1.00 to 0,5x could be pretty shocking, yea it was fit the music but look at it. The slider 8 and 1 does looks like on the same length at the first sight, this could be confusing imo :/
03:54:537 (1) - It's near to touch the hp bar
04:47:680 (3) - I'd reduce the volume and change to finish instead of drum sampleset

Good Luck :3
thx for modding, the things what i don't reply or i replied in green are the things what i fix. the things replied in red are the things what i don't fix :3
  1. 00:14:252 (9,1) - I think it will be much clearer to read if you switch the new combo between these two objects so the combo starts on the downbeat, and (1) is clearly visible.
  2. 00:18:109 (8,1) - It would be nice if you use larger spacing for parts on stronger notes, as it helps emphasize them and is smoother and more fun to play.
  3. 01:13:395 (1) - I think it would be nice if you could make this shape smoother:
  4. 01:14:466 (2,4) - This looks a bit confusing as it is now, and I recommend stacking it instead.
  5. 01:45:966 (4,5) - It would play much smoother if you put a bit more distance between these.
  6. 01:49:395 (5,6,7,8) - It would look nice if you could avoid this overlap by moving them a bit:
  7. 02:08:680 (1,2) - Try putting more distance here to make it smoother.
  8. 02:27:109 (4,5) - A round or less linear pattern would fit better here in my opinion:
  9. 02:36:752 (2,4) - Again, I recommend stacking this.
  10. Same things for copy/pasted parts.
Anyway, the map would be much more interesting if you used some small jumps to emphasize strong notes. It's a bit bland right now.
Topic Starter

CloudSplash16 wrote:

  1. 00:14:252 (9,1) - I think it will be much clearer to read if you switch the new combo between these two objects so the combo starts on the downbeat, and (1) is clearly visible.
  2. 00:18:109 (8,1) - It would be nice if you use larger spacing for parts on stronger notes, as it helps emphasize them and is smoother and more fun to play.
  3. 01:13:395 (1) - I think it would be nice if you could make this shape smoother:
  4. 01:14:466 (2,4) - This looks a bit confusing as it is now, and I recommend stacking it instead. no, i like it how is now
  5. 01:45:966 (4,5) - It would play much smoother if you put a bit more distance between these.
  6. 01:49:395 (5,6,7,8) - It would look nice if you could avoid this overlap by moving them a bit:
  7. 02:08:680 (1,2) - Try putting more distance here to make it smoother.
  8. 02:27:109 (4,5) - A round or less linear pattern would fit better here in my opinion: no because i'll had to change 02:27:966 (6) - for keep the flow, and i don't want that
  9. 02:36:752 (2,4) - Again, I recommend stacking this. the same thing before
  10. Same things for copy/pasted parts.
Anyway, the map would be much more interesting if you used some small jumps to emphasize strong notes. It's a bit bland right now.
thx for modding
Vengo por un mejor mod :3 (Cortito pero utilizable (?)


COMMENT: No hagas variado de la distancia xd

00:05:466 (2,3) - Sube eso un poco, quedaría mejor.

00:06:966 (4,9) - No hagas jumps así

01:08:252 (4,7) - No hagas jumps así

Y así queda :c

PD: no acostumbro modear, pero espero que sirva c:
[The diff]
OD -1
00:09:537 (4,5) - Could be replaced with circle, 1/1 slider, circle.
00:59:466 (8,1) - Swap new combo.
01:31:395 (2,3) - This kind of overlapping should be avoided.
01:50:680 (8) - Could be made to blanket the following object.
02:26:252 (2,4) - Isn't as bad overlap, but could be easily avoided, too.
02:42:537 (1) - Move to x:392 y:164.

Nice, good luck with ranking process!
Topic Starter

GamerCL wrote:

Vengo por un mejor mod :3 (Cortito pero utilizable (?)


COMMENT: No hagas variado de la distancia xd tengo que hacerlo por los cambios de intensidad en la canción :3

00:05:466 (2,3) - Sube eso un poco, quedaría mejor. porque? si el blanket esta bien asi :/

00:06:966 (4,9) - No hagas jumps así porque?

01:08:252 (4,7) - No hagas jumps así ^

Y así queda :c

PD: no acostumbro modear, pero espero que sirva c:
y tampoco me sirvio, te he dicho que seas mas especifico con tus mods. Sorry, pero sigues sin kudos por mi ;w;

Static Noise Bird wrote:

[The diff]
OD -1
00:09:537 (4,5) - Could be replaced with circle, 1/1 slider, circle. no because 00:09:752 - have a beat
00:59:466 (8,1) - Swap new combo.
01:31:395 (2,3) - This kind of overlapping should be avoided. that overlap was on purpose
01:50:680 (8) - Could be made to blanket the following object. no, is fine of this way
02:26:252 (2,4) - Isn't as bad overlap, but could be easily avoided, too.
02:42:537 (1) - Move to x:392 y:164. i like how is now, no change

Nice, good luck with ranking process!
thx for modding
Te facilitaran las cosas a futuro
  • Offset=1379 . The one now you use sounds a bit off for me..



  • Standard 24clap hitsounding. I can't find problems here.
Arrangement & Design
  1. 01:08:236 (4,5,6,7,1) - It's not a perfect star shape. Umm I would use "Creating a polygon" function to do a star.
  2. 01:12:093 (5,6,7) - Since you didn't use many overlaps, I suggest you put 6 away a bit. like this:
  3. 01:31:807 (3) - Yeah, the same reason as above. You can do something else to avoid overlapping~
  4. 01:56:236 (5) - How about a newcombo here? Because you switched to another type of pattern here.
  5. 02:53:664 (3,4) - These two looks random.. You can improve by making a simple patter like:
    Also, you need to remake the blanket if you do so :)
  6. 03:18:521 (5) - Same reason as previous newcombo advice.
  7. 04:03:093 (3) - Umm..Idk if this is permitted that the track point is out of the boundary of editor, though I can hit it when testing.
  8. 04:47:664 (3) - This is too..

    Ah, the map plays smoothly. But I feel kinda boring x.x

Good luck~
Topic Starter

GamerCL wrote:

A la mierda, total, te facilitaran las cosas a futuro
pero no te molestes, a final de todo yo solo te quiero ayudar ;w;

fanzhen0019 wrote:

  • Offset=1379 . The one now you use sounds a bit off for me.. thanks for this, fix~



  • Standard 24clap hitsounding. I can't find problems here.
Arrangement & Design
  1. 01:08:236 (4,5,6,7,1) - It's not a perfect star shape. Umm I would use "Creating a polygon" function to do a star.
  2. 01:12:093 (5,6,7) - Since you didn't use many overlaps, I suggest you put 6 away a bit. like this:
  3. 01:31:807 (3) - Yeah, the same reason as above. You can do something else to avoid overlapping~ make it something like that, fix~
  4. 01:56:236 (5) - How about a newcombo here? Because you switched to another type of pattern here.
  5. 02:53:664 (3,4) - These two looks random.. You can improve by making a simple patter like: no, i like more this pattern
    Also, you need to remake the blanket if you do so :)
  6. 03:18:521 (5) - Same reason as previous newcombo advice.
  7. 04:03:093 (3) - Umm..Idk if this is permitted that the track point is out of the boundary of editor, though I can hit it when testing.
  8. 04:47:664 (3) - This is too..

    Ah, the map plays smoothly. But I feel kinda boring x.x :P

Good luck~
thx a lot for modding~
porque me caes bien cuando tenga kudos te daré uno ;w;
Topic Starter
thx Manuxz and GamerCL for the stars >.<
Hello. At the request. (ErunamoJazz) It's only ideas! Sorry, my english is bad!

This slider velocity is slow. Why?

00:08:879 (2,3,4) - I think, my suggestion is better: timeline pic:,because
this 1/2 sliders, and 1/1 slider better fits the pianos.

00:12:307 (2,3,4,5) - ^ Same as above. Timeline example:

00:14:450 (2,3,4,1) - Please, make stream, because it's drum roll. Put circles here: 00:14:557 - 00:14:771 -

00:14:986 - Emphasize them!

00:20:664 (6,7,8) - Hmm. 6 circle?

00:46:379 (2,3,4) - Please, follow the vocal! Use this similar:

00:48:521 (6,7) - I think four circle is better fits here.

01:22:057 (1) - I think, this spinner is not fit here. Please, map the background sound.

01:35:664 (4,5,6,7) - This four reverse sliders is not fit here, overmapped, because not heared 1/4 sounds.

02:08:664 (2) - Remove reverse, and move slider here: 02:09:093 - , and put circle here: 02:08:664 - Please, follow

the vocal.

02:13:807 (5) - Use two circle. Better fits the background sounds!

02:57:950 (5,6,7,8) - Overmapped! Don't use 1/4 reverse sliders, or stream, because there is no 1/4 sound.

04:47:664 (3) - This blanket is very bad. Please, fix it!

05:15:093 (7,8,9,10) - I think, use 1/2 sliders, because this 1/4 sound is very low.

Good luck, merry christmas!
Topic Starter

Kazuya wrote:

Hello. At the request. (ErunamoJazz) It's only ideas! Sorry, my english is bad!

This slider velocity is slow. Why? because is a low map :3

00:08:879 (2,3,4) - I think, my suggestion is better: timeline pic:http://p,because
this 1/2 sliders, and 1/1 slider better fits the pianos.

00:12:307 (2,3,4,5) - ^ Same as above. Timeline example: this

00:14:450 (2,3,4,1) - Please, make stream, because it's drum roll. Put circles here: 00:14:557 - 00:14:771 -

00:14:986 - Emphasize them!

00:20:664 (6,7,8) - Hmm. 6 circle? no :3

00:46:379 (2,3,4) - Please, follow the vocal! Use this similar:

00:48:521 (6,7) - I think four circle is better fits here. no, i don't think that

01:22:057 (1) - I think, this spinner is not fit here. Please, map the background sound. no, i like the spinner before the kiai

01:35:664 (4,5,6,7) - This four reverse sliders is not fit here, overmapped, because not heared 1/4 sounds. what are you taiking about? i hear clearly the 1/4 rhythm

02:08:664 (2) - Remove reverse, and move slider here: 02:09:093 - , and put circle here: 02:08:664 - Please, follow

the vocal. i like better of this way :3

02:13:807 (5) - Use two circle. Better fits the background sounds! no, ruins the pattern

02:57:950 (5,6,7,8) - Overmapped! Don't use 1/4 reverse sliders, or stream, because there is no 1/4 sound. isn't

04:47:664 (3) - This blanket is very bad. Please, fix it! i believe what this blanket was already fixed xD fix~

05:15:093 (7,8,9,10) - I think, use 1/2 sliders, because this 1/4 sound is very low. i hear clearly the 1/4

Good luck, merry christmas!
merry chistmas, thanks for modding!
emm.... forgot you kudo to fanzhen? :P

be careful with this xD
Topic Starter

ErunamoJAZZ wrote:

emm.... forgot you kudo to fanzhen? :P

be careful with this xD
looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool, sorry fanzhen xD

Hi from Christmas Queue <3
  1. Some storyboard elements support 16:9 but others don't? Try to fix? Example: 01:23:664 -
  1. 00:38:021 (6,7,8) - Try moving this set up to x:292 y:252.
  2. 01:51:950 (3) - Add more curve to this slider? It may look / play better as well. Maybe something like 03:21:093 (3) - ?
  3. 01:58:807 - The stack here is off by a few units? I also suggest that you try a special and unique slider for Slider 3.
  4. 02:11:664 (1,2) - I won't go on about stacks (as my osu! may be inconsistent), but this pattern is not stacked properly to me. Feel free to go through the mapset and fix the stacks you see fit. You may also want to check 02:15:093 (1,2) - as well.
  5. 02:21:093 (6,7,1) - This pattern may be confusing? You should try a perfect triangle here to increase the flow for the player. Maybe something like 02:23:236 (4,5,6) - instead?
  6. 02:54:521 (5,6) - The change in DS here felt a bit off for me. Try x:168 y:108 for 02:55:378 (6) - instead?
  7. 02:56:236 (1,3) - Not sure how I feel about this pattern? Maybe half-stack Slider 3 so the Head is visible?
  8. 03:26:664 (8) - Curve this slider? I think it has a nice side effect. (:

  9. 03:27:521 - The downward motion here does not feel natural to me when played. Try to make Slider 2 ( 03:27:950 (2) - ) higher up instead? e.g: x:296 y:236 You may need to adjust your next pattern.
  10. Overall the map plays fine~
Good map overall, rank soon :)
Topic Starter
i have to wait to xinely mod before of apply another mods (due to a SB things)
sorry for the incoveniences but no more mods until the xinely mod

Project Railgun wrote:

Hi from Christmas Queue <3
  1. Some storyboard elements support 16:9 but others don't? Try to fix? Example: 01:23:664 - is strange because when i test it is fine :/
  1. 00:38:021 (6,7,8) - Try moving this set up to x:292 y:252. wtf, why? no :/
  2. 01:51:950 (3) - Add more curve to this slider? It may look / play better as well. Maybe something like 03:21:093 (3) - ? no because i want to keep a little blanket with 01:51:093 (1) -
  3. 01:58:807 - The stack here is off by a few units? I also suggest that you try a special and unique slider for Slider 3.
  4. 02:11:664 (1,2) - I won't go on about stacks (as my osu! may be inconsistent), but this pattern is not stacked properly to me. Feel free to go through the mapset and fix the stacks you see fit. You may also want to check 02:15:093 (1,2) - as well. yeah, i have to fix someone of this stacks, fixed all~
  5. 02:21:093 (6,7,1) - This pattern may be confusing? You should try a perfect triangle here to increase the flow for the player. Maybe something like 02:23:236 (4,5,6) - instead?
  6. 02:54:521 (5,6) - The change in DS here felt a bit off for me. Try x:168 y:108 for 02:55:378 (6) - instead? i feel better the actual (considering what i'm copy and paste all the 1st kiai
  7. 02:56:236 (1,3) - Not sure how I feel about this pattern? Maybe half-stack Slider 3 so the Head is visible? no,will be a ugly overlap imo
  8. 03:26:664 (8) - Curve this slider? I think it has a nice side effect. (: mmm... why not? fix~

  9. 03:27:521 - The downward motion here does not feel natural to me when played. Try to make Slider 2 ( 03:27:950 (2) - ) higher up instead? e.g: x:296 y:236 You may need to adjust your next pattern.
  10. Overall the map plays fine~
Good map overall, rank soon :)
thx for modding
SB is fine in my eyes

feel free to find more mods before i post mine
placeholder here

from ticket

  • General
  1. unsnapped preview time, snap at 01:22:914 -
  2. i realized something about SB, your flash and BG dimension are 4:3 so dont use widescreen support here, if you ask why, try use 16:9 on your osu, and see how flash effects work here
  3. according Ranking Criteria Black.jpg, White.jpg , Flash.jpg and Spotlights.png should be resized again which says

  • Christmas
  1. 00:02:021 (2) - actually you can improve the flow more if you try make the curve on this slider a little bit similar with previous
  2. 00:03:950 (5) - move this slider to 252,120 so the design (space from this slider to previous and next slider) looked more balance
  3. 00:06:307 (3) - this slider is more natural if you move the middle node at upward imo, i mean just like
  4. 00:08:879 (2) - just my taste but if you try move the tail to rightside you will give more natural flow at this slider example
  5. 00:12:736 (3) - just my two cents but if you have consistency spacing for this slider (both spacing affected for previous and next) it would be nicely to play and neater for design example move this slider to 176,348
  6. 00:15:093 (1) - honestly i dont like 0,30x spacing here. at least try use 1,0x or make jump instead so it would played better here
  7. 00:18:307 (1) - sadly but you have to change rhythm become circle and then 1/2 slider coz you cant skip 00:18:521 - a loud crystal sound at this time
  8. 00:20:021 (5) - and for this one imo the curve of this doesnt really with fit previous flow which really curvy, try to keep do consistent flow example
  9. 00:23:664 (5) - i hear a sound something like crystal sound here so i would suggest at least give whistle here
  10. 00:15:093 - until 00:40:807 - i think you should add whistle for every stanza (long whiteticks) here, since they sound quite empty w/o them, for stanza who skipped to map example 00:30:521 - 00:33:950 - etc, you have to whistle the previous red ticks (00:30:307 - 00:33:736 - etc)
  11. 00:40:807 (5) - the music on pitch here and it sounds so strong so i hope we can have larger jump here :C
  12. 00:32:021 (1) - same as 00:18:307 (1) -
  13. 00:33:736 (5) - literally if you curve the slider on rightside, it will give more natural lol
  14. 00:34:379 (6) - reason same as above, try move the curve on upward instead
  15. 00:39:950 (3) - add whistle for emphasize the melody, as you did at 00:41:664 -
  16. 00:44:664 (6,7) - the design looked a little bit bad here, at least you can make them neater with symmetrical
  17. 00:48:950 (6) - try ctrl+G for making jump which can emphasize 00:49:379 - nicely here
  18. 00:50:879 (5) - same as 00:18:307 (1) -
  19. 00:52:807 (1) - the vocal is really strong so you can add whistle or finish here
  20. 00:54:093 (3) - you can improve design and flow here, try make this slider a little bit similar with previous slider
  21. 00:58:807 (6) - hmm actually i feel the flow from previous slider to this slider a little bit rigid but i cant find better way too, well just saying ~
  22. 00:59:450 (1) - actually if we see how the next flow works, this slider would be better if have the curve on downward
  23. 01:00:950 (4) - actually since stanza has a little bit strong in vocal, you can try make 1/2 slider and 1/1 slider, which 1/1 has mini jump to emphasize the vocal
  24. 01:09:093 (6) - the normal sampleset heard a little bit loud for me, personally i prefer use soft whistle only but it's just my taste
  25. 01:12:521 (6) - nazi, this slider a little bit close with other sliders here so i would say move it a little bit far example 480,116
  26. 01:14:450 (2,4) - so nazi but literally we usually use stack for make the design looks neater lol
  27. 01:18:307 (4) - same as 00:18:307 (1) -
  28. 01:26:879 (1) - nazi but you can improve the flow a lot if you move this tail to point head of next slider here, try move tail to 336,260
  29. 01:38:236 (2,3,4) - nazi and just my taste that you still can improve the flow here if you try a little bit smoother flow example
  30. 01:48:521 (3) - when you hear a string sound from this 01:48:741 - which it continuing from previous whitetick, sad but i would suggest to map this red tick too, i guess change 01:48:521 (3,4) - become 2 of 1/2 sliders will fit here
  31. 01:53:236 (4) - a little bit confuse with the inconsistency spacing here imo, it would be nice to use 1,2x since it's normal spacing here
  32. 01:55:379 (3) - make it more symmetrical with previous and next slider please, ofc neater design
  33. 02:01:379 (1) - a little bit weird for me here, hmm if you insist to keep a little bit not straight slider so i would suggest like
  34. 02:15:093 (1,2) - nazi but you can stack them better lol
  35. 02:36:736 (2,4) - same as previous, better to stack for read it lol
  36. 04:23:664 (3,4) - symmetrical them for better/neater design
  37. hmm actually flows are fine for me but i just feel you have to add whistle on every 1st whiteticks and 3rd whiteticks coz they feel totally empty for me

try 2-3 more mods and when you got them and fix the hitsounds empty i told on last sentence, feel free to poke me back
Topic Starter

Xinely wrote:

SB is fine in my eyes

feel free to find more mods before i post mine
placeholder here

from ticket

  • General
  1. unsnapped preview time, snap at 01:22:914 -
  2. i realized something about SB, your flash and BG dimension are 4:3 so dont use widescreen support here, if you ask why, try use 16:9 on your osu, and see how flash effects work here
  3. according Ranking Criteria Black.jpg, White.jpg , Flash.jpg and Spotlights.png should be resized again which says i knew it, fix~

  • Christmas
  1. 00:02:021 (2) - actually you can improve the flow more if you try make the curve on this slider a little bit similar with previous
  2. 00:03:950 (5) - move this slider to 252,120 so the design (space from this slider to previous and next slider) looked more balance
  3. 00:06:307 (3) - this slider is more natural if you move the middle node at upward imo, i mean just like no, i feel better a downward slider
  4. 00:08:879 (2) - just my taste but if you try move the tail to rightside you will give more natural flow at this slider example no
  5. 00:12:736 (3) - just my two cents but if you have consistency spacing for this slider (both spacing affected for previous and next) it would be nicely to play and neater for design example move this slider to 176,348
  6. 00:15:093 (1) - honestly i dont like 0,30x spacing here. at least try use 1,0x or make jump instead so it would played better here
  7. 00:18:307 (1) - sadly but you have to change rhythm become circle and then 1/2 slider coz you cant skip 00:18:521 - a loud crystal sound at this time
  8. 00:20:021 (5) - and for this one imo the curve of this doesnt really with fit previous flow which really curvy, try to keep do consistent flow example
  9. 00:23:664 (5) - i hear a sound something like crystal sound here so i would suggest at least give whistle here
  10. 00:15:093 - until 00:40:807 - i think you should add whistle for every stanza (long whiteticks) here, since they sound quite empty w/o them, for stanza who skipped to map example 00:30:521 - 00:33:950 - etc, you have to whistle the previous red ticks (00:30:307 - 00:33:736 - etc) good idea, fix~
  11. 00:40:807 (5) - the music on pitch here and it sounds so strong so i hope we can have larger jump here :C
  12. 00:32:021 (1) - same as 00:18:307 (1) -
  13. 00:33:736 (5) - literally if you curve the slider on rightside, it will give more natural lol no, i like better how is now
  14. 00:34:379 (6) - reason same as above, try move the curve on upward instead
  15. 00:39:950 (3) - add whistle for emphasize the melody, as you did at 00:41:664 -
  16. :0044:664 (6,7) - the design looked a little bit bad here, at least you can make them neater with symmetrical
  17. 00:48:950 (6) - try ctrl+G for making jump which can emphasize 00:49:379 - nicely here good idea, fix~
  18. 00:50:879 (5) - same as 00:18:307 (1) - this no, for the vocal
  19. 00:52:807 (1) - the vocal is really strong so you can add whistle or finish here
  20. 00:54:093 (3) - you can improve design and flow here, try make this slider a little bit similar with previous slider
  21. 00:58:807 (6) - hmm actually i feel the flow from previous slider to this slider a little bit rigid but i cant find better way too, well just saying ~ i don't see problem :/
  22. 00:59:450 (1) - actually if we see how the next flow works, this slider would be better if have the curve on downward no
  23. 01:00:950 (4) - actually since stanza has a little bit strong in vocal, you can try make 1/2 slider and 1/1 slider, which 1/1 has mini jump to emphasize the vocal is better how is now imo, so, no change
  24. 01:09:093 (6) - the normal sampleset heard a little bit loud for me, personally i prefer use soft whistle only but it's just my taste
  25. 01:12:521 (6) - nazi, this slider a little bit close with other sliders here so i would say move it a little bit far example 480,116
  26. 01:14:450 (2,4) - so nazi but literally we usually use stack for make the design looks neater lol
  27. 01:18:307 (4) - same as 00:18:307 (1) - no :3
  28. 01:26:879 (1) - nazi but you can improve the flow a lot if you move this tail to point head of next slider here, try move tail to 336,260
  29. 01:38:236 (2,3,4) - nazi and just my taste that you still can improve the flow here if you try a little bit smoother flow example
  30. 01:48:521 (3) - when you hear a string sound from this 01:48:741 - which it continuing from previous whitetick, sad but i would suggest to map this red tick too, i guess change 01:48:521 (3,4) - become 2 of 1/2 sliders will fit here
  31. 01:53:236 (4) - a little bit confuse with the inconsistency spacing here imo, it would be nice to use 1,2x since it's normal spacing here
  32. 01:55:379 (3) - make it more symmetrical with previous and next slider please, ofc neater design no, i like this pattern
  33. 02:01:379 (1) - a little bit weird for me here, hmm if you insist to keep a little bit not straight slider so i would suggest like
  34. 02:15:093 (1,2) - nazi but you can stack them better lol
  35. 02:36:736 (2,4) - same as previous, better to stack for read it lol
  36. 04:23:664 (3,4) - symmetrical them for better/neater design i like the actual pattern
  37. hmm actually flows are fine for me but i just feel you have to add whistle on every 1st whiteticks and 3rd whiteticks coz they feel totally empty for me

try 2-3 more mods and when you got them and fix the hitsounds empty i told on last sentence, feel free to poke me back
thx for modding xine-chan :3

Te lo modearia, pero sinceramente... está perfecto en todo, me encanto. En mi opinión está listo para que lo rankeen? Te dejo star, espero que tengas aprobado esto pronto <3 Lamento no haber sido útil
As requested.



  1. En mi opinión podrías haber hecho este mapa un poquito más difícil en el sentido de que por ejemplo aquí 01:35:664 (4,5,6,7) - como poco en la mitad encajaba bien unos streams, y lo mismo aquí 00:14:450 (2) - pero supongo que está bien.
  2. Sé que no es una marathon como tal pero considera la idea de añadirlo en los tags ya que va para approval, si no lo tienes en el nombre de la diff (tampoco encajaría demasiado) yo lo añadiría en los tags.

  1. 00:06:950 (4,5,6,7,8,9) - Algo como esto es otro ejemplo de que el mapa se siente demasiado fácil, yo creo que no estaría mal si haces de este patrón unos pequeños jumps, por ejemplo esto: Yo creo que se ve bien y lo hace más entretenido.
  2. 00:14:236 (1) - Este NC no es necesario porque la música sigue prácticamente igual además de que lo añades cada dos stanzas, como mucho te diría de ponerlo aquí 00:13:593 (6) - o simplemente eliminarlo.
    Nota: dudo que lo cambies pero lo sugiero igual; 00:13:807 (7,8) - a partir de aquí podrías seguir más bien en la otra dirección e intentar añadir streams que vayan a este slider 00:15:093 (1) - como es algo complicado sé que no lo harás pero al menos inténtalo a ver qué tal, ya que quiero ver más streams en este mapa.
  3. 00:36:950 (4) - ¿Qué opinas de añadir Ctrl+G aquí? Siento que fluye mejor al menos para mí.
  4. 00:37:379 (5,6,7) - Hm... Quizá deberías hacer un stack con 00:38:021 (6,7) - porque (6) está como algo opuesto al slider anterior y no me gusta cómo se ve.
  5. 00:54:736 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - Algo parecido a lo de antes, prueba a hacer algunos jumps, al menos a partir de (4).
  6. 01:00:950 (4) - Este tipo de slider lo veo un poco fuera de lugar, de hecho no encaja con el slider que viene después, ¿qué opinas de extender un poco más la curva?
  7. 01:03:093 (1,2) - Añade Ctrl+J a (1), siento que fluye mucho mejor.
    Nota: si lo haces deberás mover (2) un poco creo, o hacer un stack con (3), de todas formas no supone ningún problema de remapeo ni nada parecido.
  8. 01:07:807 (3) - Ctrl+G? Por la misma razón de antes.
  9. 01:12:521 (6) - Lo mismo.
  10. 01:45:950 (4,5) - Ya que intentas hacer este tipo de slider podrías mejorarlo un poco, ¿quizá algo así?
    Nota: lo mismo aquí 03:08:236 (4,5).
  11. 01:51:950 (3) - Al final de este slider creo que falta algo, si añades un whistle creo que encajaría con la música.
    Nota: lo mismo aquí 01:58:807 (3) - y en casos similares.
  12. 01:56:236 (1) - ¿No añadías NC cada dos stanzas? Éste está fuera de lugar.
    Nota: si hay más casos te recomiendo revisarlos al menos.
  13. 01:57:093 (3) - Lo mismo del whistle pero al principio del slider.
  14. 02:57:093 (3,4) - Te sugiero hacer un copypaste de (3) para (4), añadir Ctr+J y Ctrl+H, y luego formar un blanket, algo así: Después añades un círculo en x:240 y:276, es decir elimina 02:57:950 (5,6,7) y haz streams de forma que lleguen a 02:59:236 (8) - Me refiero a algo así: Pero mejor hecho, obvio lol
  15. 03:09:950 (1) - ¿No se vería un flujo mejor si añadieras Ctrl+H aquí?
    Nota: puede que tengas que mover (2) un poco para fixear el DS.
  16. 03:27:950 (2,3) - Añade NC a estos dos debido al cambio de SV.
  17. 04:01:379 (1,3) - !nazi - Si planeabas un blanket entre estos dos, deberías mejorarlo, moviendo (3) un poco a la derecha por ejemplo.
  18. 05:01:379 (1) - Creo que sampleset normal no encaja aquí, la música no suena demasiado fuerte, así que si añades un spinner no suena bien con este sampleset al menos para mí.
  19. 05:08:664 (1,4) - Intercambia los NCs, se nota bastante inconsistente aquí.
  20. 05:11:664 (1,4) - Lo mismo.
  21. 05:15:950 (9,10) - Esto es bastante repentino y confuso, en anteriores patrones parecidos no hiciste esta inconsistencia de spacing, acércalos y si acaso aleja un poco 05:16:807 (1).
Bueeeeeno, no está nada mal el mapa, de hecho gran parte de mi mod son sugerencias. Suerte!
Topic Starter

Hakard wrote:


Te lo modearia, pero sinceramente... está perfecto en todo, me encanto. En mi opinión está listo para que lo rankeen? Te dejo star, espero que tengas aprobado esto pronto <3 Lamento no haber sido útil
gracias <3

Inyuschan wrote:

As requested.



  1. En mi opinión podrías haber hecho este mapa un poquito más difícil en el sentido de que por ejemplo aquí 01:35:664 (4,5,6,7) - como poco en la mitad encajaba bien unos streams, y lo mismo aquí 00:14:450 (2) - pero supongo que está bien. yo trate de hacer un hard (ya que encaja mas con la cancion), y no me gustan los stream en hard
  2. Sé que no es una marathon como tal pero considera la idea de añadirlo en los tags ya que va para approval, si no lo tienes en el nombre de la diff (tampoco encajaría demasiado) yo lo añadiría en los tags. ok, fix~

  1. 00:06:950 (4,5,6,7,8,9) - Algo como esto es otro ejemplo de que el mapa se siente demasiado fácil, yo creo que no estaría mal si haces de este patrón unos pequeños jumps, por ejemplo esto: Yo creo que se ve bien y lo hace más entretenido. no me gusta ese ejemplo, como está ahora esta bien, sin cambios
  2. 00:14:236 (1) - Este NC no es necesario porque la música sigue prácticamente igual además de que lo añades cada dos stanzas, como mucho te diría de ponerlo aquí 00:13:593 (6) - o simplemente eliminarlo.
    Nota: dudo que lo cambies pero lo sugiero igual; 00:13:807 (7,8) - a partir de aquí podrías seguir más bien en la otra dirección e intentar añadir streams que vayan a este slider 00:15:093 (1) - como es algo complicado sé que no lo harás pero al menos inténtalo a ver qué tal, ya que quiero ver más streams en este mapa. pero el asunto es que si no lo notas, yo trato de hacer un cuadrado entre 00:13:164 (4,1,2,3,4,5,6) - en donde el primer (4) es el punto a seguir, si cambio la direccion el cuadrado se echaria a perder, ademas de que no le quiero colocar streams por la misma razon en la seccion de general.
  3. 00:36:950 (4) - ¿Qué opinas de añadir Ctrl+G aquí? Siento que fluye mejor al menos para mí. me gusta este pattern asi
  4. 00:37:379 (5,6,7) - Hm... Quizá deberías hacer un stack con 00:38:021 (6,7) - porque (6) está como algo opuesto al slider anterior y no me gusta cómo se ve. que? yo hago los stack en 1/1, no en 1/2 si no te das cuenta, asi que sin cambios
  5. 00:54:736 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - Algo parecido a lo de antes, prueba a hacer algunos jumps, al menos a partir de (4). no porque si lo hago pareceria inconsistente con 02:16:807 (4,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - y ahi no podria hacer lo mismo que me estas sugiriendo aqui, asi que, sin cambios.
  6. 01:00:950 (4) - Este tipo de slider lo veo un poco fuera de lugar, de hecho no encaja con el slider que viene después, ¿qué opinas de extender un poco más la curva?
  7. 01:03:093 (1,2) - Añade Ctrl+J a (1), siento que fluye mucho mejor. no porque no me encaja con 01:02:236 (5) - sin cambios
    Nota: si lo haces deberás mover (2) un poco creo, o hacer un stack con (3), de todas formas no supone ningún problema de remapeo ni nada parecido.
  8. 01:07:807 (3) - Ctrl+G? Por la misma razón de antes. no, por la misma razon de antes
  9. 01:12:521 (6) - Lo mismo. este si, fix~
  10. 01:45:950 (4,5) - Ya que intentas hacer este tipo de slider podrías mejorarlo un poco, ¿quizá algo así? como esta esta bien en mi opinion
    Nota: lo mismo aquí 03:08:236 (4,5). ^
  11. 01:51:950 (3) - Al final de este slider creo que falta algo, si añades un whistle creo que encajaría con la música.
    Nota: lo mismo aquí 01:58:807 (3) - y en casos similares.
  12. 01:56:236 (1) - ¿No añadías NC cada dos stanzas? Éste está fuera de lugar. este caso es diferente, porque hay una diferencia de patterns
    Nota: si hay más casos te recomiendo revisarlos al menos.
  13. 01:57:093 (3) - Lo mismo del whistle pero al principio del slider.
  14. 02:57:093 (3,4) - Te sugiero hacer un copypaste de (3) para (4), añadir Ctr+J y Ctrl+H, y luego formar un blanket, algo así: Después añades un círculo en x:240 y:276, es decir elimina 02:57:950 (5,6,7) y haz streams de forma que lleguen a 02:59:236 (8) - Me refiero a algo así: Pero mejor hecho, obvio lol no por lo de los streams :3
  15. 03:09:950 (1) - ¿No se vería un flujo mejor si añadieras Ctrl+H aquí? no :3
    Nota: puede que tengas que mover (2) un poco para fixear el DS.
  16. 03:27:950 (2,3) - Añade NC a estos dos debido al cambio de SV.
  17. 04:01:379 (1,3) - !nazi - Si planeabas un blanket entre estos dos, deberías mejorarlo, moviendo (3) un poco a la derecha por ejemplo.
  18. 05:01:379 (1) - Creo que sampleset normal no encaja aquí, la música no suena demasiado fuerte, así que si añades un spinner no suena bien con este sampleset al menos para mí.
  19. 05:08:664 (1,4) - Intercambia los NCs, se nota bastante inconsistente aquí.
  20. 05:08:664 (1,4) - Lo mismo.
  21. 05:15:950 (9,10) - Esto es bastante repentino y confuso, en anteriores patrones parecidos no hiciste esta inconsistencia de spacing, acércalos y si acaso aleja un poco 05:16:807 (1). esto no le veo tanto problema, y me gusta ya que es como una sorpresa para el final, asi que, sin cambios :3
Bueeeeeno, no está nada mal el mapa, de hecho gran parte de mi mod son sugerencias. Suerte! gracias :3
thx for modding
Modding this map soon. Stay tuned!
Mod requested via PM.


General: La canción... genial. ¿Qué te parece un HP "5,0" / AR "7,5"?

  1. 00:02:664 - Acá se escucha un beat. Intenta agregar un círculo.

  2. 00:06:093 - Misma ^

  3. 00:06:950 (4) - Mover a x:328 y:48

  4. 00:07:164 (5) - Mover a x:456 y:88

  5. 00:07:379 (6) - Mover a x:360 y:152

  6. 00:07:593 (7) - Mover a x:224 y:200

  7. 00:07:807 (8) - Mover a x:320 y:288

  8. 00:08:021 (9) - Mover a x:456 y:256

  9. 00:13:379 (1,2,3,4,5) - ¿Qué te parece algo así?

  10. 00:20:664 (7,8,9) - ¿Qué te parece agregarle más spacing a estos 3 sliders?

  11. 00:24:521 (7) - Ctrl+G

  12. 00:24:950 (8) - Ctrl+G (Este es bastante más opcional, sin embargo).

  13. 00:29:664 (3) - Ctrl+G

  14. 00:36:950 (4) - Ctrl+G

  15. 00:46:593 - Agregar círculo.

  16. 00:47:450 - Misma ^

  17. 00:48:307 - Misma ^

  18. 00:52:379 (8) - Ctrl+G

  19. 00:53:450 - Agregar círculo.

  20. 00:54:736 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - ¿Qué opinás de este "pattern"?

  21. 00:56:879 - Agregar círculo.

  22. 00:57:736 (4) - Yo haría este slider más corto para poder agregar un círculo en 00:58:164 - ¿qué te parece?

  23. 01:02:021 - Agregar círculo.

  24. 01:07:164 - Misma ^

  25. 01:10:593 - Misma ^

  26. 01:17:450 - ¿Agregar círculo? Hmmm, ¡pensalo!

  27. 01:31:164 - Misma ^

  28. 01:32:879 - Misma ^

  29. 01:34:593 - Misma ^

  30. 01:38:021 - Misma ^

  31. 01:38:879 (4) - Lo que te decía antes, si querés acortás el slider para agregar una nota en 01:39:307

  32. 01:39:736 (6) - Misma ^

  33. 01:44:879 - Agregar círculo.

  34. 01:53:021 - Agregar cículo en: x:432 y:232

  35. 01:53:450 - Misma ^ en: x:464 y:72

  36. 01:56:664 (2) - La simetría es correcta, pero... ¿qué opinás de un Ctrl+G aquí?

  37. 01:59:879 - Agregar círculo.

  38. 02:08:664 (2) - ¿Qué opinas de esto?

  39. 02:11:236 (5,1) - Hmm, no me gusta. Quizás Ctrl+G en 02:11:664 (1) - pero tendrías que cambiar lo que sigue.

  40. 02:12:307 - Agregar círculo.

  41. 02:15:736 - Misma ^

  42. 02:19:164 - Misma ^

  43. 02:21:736 (1) - Hacé el slider más corto para poder agregar un círculo al 02:22:164

  44. 02:26:021 - Agregar círculo.

  45. 02:27:950 (6) - Cambiar por 2 sliders:

  46. 02:31:164 - Agregar círculo.

  47. 02:32:021 - Misma ^

  48. 02:32:879 - Misma ^

  49. 02:41:664 (6) - Ctrl+G

  50. 02:42:093 (7) - Ctrl+G

  51. 02:43:164 (2,3,4) - Fijate esto que se me ocurrió:

  52. 02:55:164 - Agregar círculo.

  53. 03:00:307 - Misma ^

  54. 03:07:164 - Misma ^

  55. 03:08:879 - Misma ^

  56. 03:18:950 (2) - Ctrl+G

  57. 03:19:807 (4) - Ctrl+G

  58. 03:22:164 - Agregar círculo.

  59. 03:29:664 (2,3,4) - Podrías agregar más spacing.

  60. 03:54:093 - Agregá un círculo y añadile el hitsound "Finish" (O bien presioná la tecla "E").

  61. 04:07:807 - Misma ^

  62. 04:18:093 - Misma ^

  63. 04:28:379 - Misma ^

  64. 04:42:093 - Misma ^

  65. 04:43:164 - Agregar círculo.

  66. 04:44:021 - Misma ^

  67. 04:44:879 - Misma ^

  68. 05:02:879 - Agregar círculo y metele los 3 Hitsounds posibles, en mi opinión suena muy bien.

  69. 05:10:593 - Agregar círculo.

  70. 05:12:307 - Misma ^

  71. 05:14:021 - Misma ^

  72. 05:16:379 (7) - Acá me surgió la duda de si le pusiste el spacing a propósito a no. ¿Por qué no lo hiciste con los anteriores patterns?

  73. 05:17:450 - Agregar círculo.

  74. 05:21:093 (4) - Ctrl+G

  75. 05:24:307 - Agregar círculo.

  76. 05:26:021 - Misma ^

  77. 05:27:736 - Misma ^

  78. 05:29:021 - Misma ^

  79. 05:29:450 - Misma ^

  80. 05:29:879 - Misma ^

  81. 05:28:807 (4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - Agregar Hitsound "Clap".

Good luck with Ranking Process!
Topic Starter

Yuii- wrote:

Mod requested via PM.


General: La canción... genial. ¿Qué te parece un HP "5,0" / AR "7,5"? no, muy lento, asi esta bien

  1. 00:02:664 - Acá se escucha un beat. Intenta agregar un círculo. si, pero muy suave, ademas quiero seguir mas los whistles

  2. 00:06:093 - Misma ^ ^

  3. 00:06:950 (4) - Mover a x:328 y:48 \
  4. 00:07:164 (5) - Mover a x:456 y:88 \
  5. 00:07:379 (6) - Mover a x:360 y:152 \
    > no cambios, quiero mantener mi pattern asi
  6. 00:07:593 (7) - Mover a x:224 y:200 /
  7. 00:07:807 (8) - Mover a x:320 y:288 /
  8. 00:08:021 (9) - Mover a x:456 y:256 /

  9. 00:13:379 (1,2,3,4,5) - ¿Qué te parece algo así? nooooo :/

  10. 00:20:664 (7,8,9) - ¿Qué te parece agregarle más spacing a estos 3 sliders?

  11. 00:24:521 (7) - Ctrl+G buena idea, fix~

  12. 00:24:950 (8) - Ctrl+G (Este es bastante más opcional, sin embargo). este no

  13. 00:29:664 (3) - Ctrl+G no :/

  14. 00:36:950 (4) - Ctrl+G ^

  15. 00:46:593 - Agregar círculo. en esta parte estoy siguendo la vocal, asi que no :3

  16. 00:47:450 - Misma ^ ^

  17. 00:48:307 - Misma ^ ^

  18. 00:52:379 (8) - Ctrl+G eso arruina el pattern, asi que no

  19. 00:53:450 - Agregar círculo. vocal

  20. 00:54:736 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - ¿Qué opinás de este "pattern"? buena idea, pero quiero matener este pattern para que sea consistente con 02:17:021 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - asi que no

  21. 00:56:879 - Agregar círculo. vocal

  22. 00:57:736 (4) - Yo haría este slider más corto para poder agregar un círculo en 00:58:164 - ¿qué te parece? vocal

  23. 01:02:021 - Agregar círculo. ^

  24. 01:07:164 - Misma ^ ^

  25. 01:10:593 - Misma ^ ^

  26. 01:17:450 - ¿Agregar círculo? Hmmm, ¡pensalo! el mapeo del mapa esta mayormente basado en la vocal

  27. 01:31:164 - Misma ^ ^

  28. 01:32:879 - Misma ^ ^

  29. 01:34:593 - Misma ^ ^

  30. 01:38:021 - Misma ^ ^

  31. 01:38:879 (4) - Lo que te decía antes, si querés acortás el slider para agregar una nota en 01:39:307 ^

  32. 01:39:736 (6) - Misma ^ ^

  33. 01:44:879 - Agregar círculo. ^

  34. 01:53:021 - Agregar cículo en: x:432 y:232 el beat es muy bajo, daria inconsistencia con el mappeo que le estoy dando a esa parte, asi que no

  35. 01:53:450 - Misma ^ en: x:464 y:72 ^

  36. 01:56:664 (2) - La simetría es correcta, pero... ¿qué opinás de un Ctrl+G aquí? me gusta el pattern asi

  37. 01:59:879 - Agregar círculo. lo mismo que 01:53:021 -

  38. 02:08:664 (2) - ¿Qué opinas de esto? no, da inconsisencia a los anteriores y no tiene sentido

  39. 02:11:236 (5,1) - Hmm, no me gusta. Quizás Ctrl+G en 02:11:664 (1) - pero tendrías que cambiar lo que sigue. no, me gusta asi

  40. 02:12:307 - Agregar círculo. los problemas con los espacios en blanco no los voy a arreglar

  41. 02:15:736 - Misma ^

  42. 02:19:164 - Misma ^

  43. 02:21:736 (1) - Hacé el slider más corto para poder agregar un círculo al 02:22:164

  44. 02:26:021 - Agregar círculo.

  45. 02:27:950 (6) - Cambiar por 2 sliders:

  46. 02:31:164 - Agregar círculo.

  47. 02:32:021 - Misma ^

  48. 02:32:879 - Misma ^

  49. 02:41:664 (6) - Ctrl+G \
    > buena idea, fix~
  50. 02:42:093 (7) - Ctrl+G /

  51. 02:43:164 (2,3,4) - Fijate esto que se me ocurrió: no, porque el hit de los sliders mantiene enfoque en la vocal (que este caso seria en la division roja (1/2)

  52. 02:55:164 - Agregar círculo.

  53. 03:00:307 - Misma ^

  54. 03:07:164 - Misma ^

  55. 03:08:879 - Misma ^

  56. 03:18:950 (2) - Ctrl+G no

  57. 03:19:807 (4) - Ctrl+G ^

  58. 03:22:164 - Agregar círculo.

  59. 03:29:664 (2,3,4) - Podrías agregar más spacing le añadi mas espacio en (2) y (3) pero no en (4), para mi esta bien asi

  60. 03:54:093 - Agregá un círculo y añadile el hitsound "Finish" (O bien presioná la tecla "E"). vocal

  61. 04:07:807 - Misma ^

  62. 04:18:093 - Misma ^

  63. 04:28:379 - Misma ^

  64. 04:42:093 - Misma ^

  65. 04:43:164 - Agregar círculo.

  66. 04:44:021 - Misma ^

  67. 04:44:879 - Misma ^

  68. 05:02:879 - Agregar círculo y metele los 3 Hitsounds posibles, en mi opinión suena muy bien. suena bien, pero seria unrankeable (en la dificultad hard, despues de un spinner, tiene que tener un tiempo de recuperacion de al menos 1 beat de BPM (de la division blanca)

  69. 05:10:593 - Agregar círculo.

  70. 05:12:307 - Misma ^

  71. 05:14:021 - Misma ^

  72. 05:16:379 (7) - Acá me surgió la duda de si le pusiste el spacing a propósito a no. ¿Por qué no lo hiciste con los anteriores patterns? porque quise dejar lo mejor para el final :3

  73. 05:17:450 - Agregar círculo.

  74. 05:21:093 (4) - Ctrl+G no

  75. 05:24:307 - Agregar círculo.

  76. 05:26:021 - Misma ^

  77. 05:27:736 - Misma ^

  78. 05:29:021 - Misma ^

  79. 05:29:450 - Misma ^

  80. 05:29:879 - Misma ^

  81. 05:28:807 (4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - Agregar Hitsound "Clap".

Good luck with Ranking Process!
be more specific with your mod
for what you don't confuse, i applied the things replied in green or what i don't replied, to exception of the polarity notes (if you don't know what that means, talk with ErunamoJAZZ about that) and the things what i replied in red are the things what i didn't applied
thx for modding

Sorry for the HUGE delay.
Here is my long awaited mod. Enjoy!


  1. I would recommend adding a extra 500~700 ms of lead-in so the map does not start too quickly.
  2. The BPM should be about 139.99. The metronome sounds slightly too early at the end of the song.

Disclaimer #1: I will be modding this map using the current 140 BPM and not the suggested 139.99 BPM (see above).
Disclamer #2: Expect nazi modding. This will assure that your map is as polished as fast as possible.

  1. 00:02:021 (2,3) - These sliders are not perfectly stacked. This includes 00:05:450 (2,3) - 00:15:950 (3,5) - 00:34:807 (8,1) - 00:52:807 (1,2) - 00:56:236 (1,2) - 01:16:807 (1,2) - 01:28:271 (4,6) - 01:30:521 (1,2) - 01:33:950 (1,2) - 01:42:307 (6,8) - 01:44:236 (1,2) - 01:58:807 (3,4) - 02:11:664 (1,2) - 02:15:093 (1,2) - 02:18:521 (1,2,5) - 02:33:736 (4,6) - 02:36:736 (2,4) - 02:50:236 (4,6) - 02:56:236 (1,3) - 02:59:665 (1,2) - 03:06:522 (1,2) - 03:14:236 (3,4) - 03:21:093 (3,4) - 03:52:807 (3,1) - 04:03:093 (3,1) - 04:27:093 (3,1) - 04:40:807 (3,1) - 05:09:950 (1,2) - 05:13:379 (1,2) - 05:16:807 (1,2) - 05:23:664 (1,2) - 05:24:950 (3,5).
  2. 00:06:950 (4,5,6,7,8,9) - I think it would be better to make this spacing the same (I personally recommend 1.5x). There is really no change of mood/tone in the music for you to use different spacing:
    Image + Code

  3. 00:13:379 (1,2,3,4,5) - You should make this spacing the same as well to make a nice square/diamond pattern (I personally recommend 1.7x). In addition, I think you should stack 2 with 3 and stack 4 with 5 to emphasize the piano sounds better. You did this at 00:54:736 (1,2,3,4,5,6).
    Image + Code

  4. 00:15:736 (2) - I think using 1.4x spacing between 00:15:093 (1,3) would be more reasonable. Try moving this circle at 256|240.
  5. 00:18:093 (8) - Why not stack this note with the end of 00:16:593 (5)? Same with 00:20:664 (7,9).
  6. 00:22:807 (3,4) - You should probably make these sliders linear so the pattern flows better.
  7. 00:24:521 (7) - Try reverse selecting this slider to increase linear flow.
  8. 00:39:736 (2) - You can stack 2 with 00:38:021 (6) if you like.
  9. 00:57:736 (4,5) - The flow is pretty bad here. Try a reverse select + blanket at 5:
    Image + Code

  10. 01:15:521 (5,6,7) - This triangular pattern is too bland and does not flow too well. Try curving these sliders instead:
    Image + Code

  11. 01:31:379 (2,3) - Just make these sliders linear and reverse select 2. There's really no need to break linear flow here.
  12. 01:47:450 (6) - You can stack this note with the head of 01:45:521 (3). You can then re-adjust 01:46:807 (5) to make the spacing consistent.
  13. 02:56:879 (2,3) - This flow is really bad imo. I recommend re-adjusting this pattern to something else.
  14. 03:27:093 - 04:47:664: The slow section of this song/map seems to play/look fine. Nice.
  15. 05:28:807 (4,5,6,7,1) - Remove these claps. They are not needed lol. Also add a Normal sampleset and Soft additions at 05:29:236 (5,7).
Topic Starter
i have to go to the school now, when i return i'll see it
sorry, i lost the reply ;wwww;
i applied a lot of things, thx you a lot for modding!
now, xinely i'm waiting for you!
placeholder <3

  1. Just some complaints.
  2. My personal suggestions.
  3. Highly recommended.
  4. Unrankable, you have to fix it.

  1. sorry but I'm quite unsure about the metadata(chinese network is limitted to visit outside), can you offer the original website or video to me?
  2. Delete "GobouP - White Christmas (CSLMVenezuela).osb" since your username had been changed.
  1. The use of hitnormal is quite loud for me... the drum sounds better. or use this instead:
  2. 00:51:525 (6,1) - not stack?
  3. 00:58:383 (5) - ctrl+g?
... nothing to say, enjoyable map.
call me back
Topic Starter

Minakami Yuki wrote:

placeholder <3

  1. Just some complaints.
  2. My personal suggestions.
  3. Highly recommended.
  4. Unrankable, you have to fix it.

  1. sorry but I'm quite unsure about the metadata(chinese network is limitted to visit outside), can you offer the original website or video to me?
  2. Delete "GobouP - White Christmas (CSLMVenezuela).osb" since your username had been changed. oops... fixed~
  1. The use of hitnormal is quite loud for me... the drum sounds better. or use this instead: sounds much better, thx, fix~
  2. 00:51:525 (6,1) - not stack?
  3. 00:58:383 (5) - ctrl+g? no, looks weird imo of that way
... nothing to say, enjoyable map. thx, the style was inspired by you <3
call me back
thx you for modding!
  1. The romanised title should be: "White*Christmas" , you should use * to take the place of ☆ in the title.
  2. Just saying, why not make a lyric sb?
Topic Starter

Minakami Yuki wrote:

  1. The romanised title should be: "White*Christmas" , you should use * to take the place of ☆ in the title. don't supose what the unicode caracters have to be skipped?:
    irc what says another thing
    2015-02-06 20:49 CSLM: hii
    2015-02-06 20:51 jonathanlfj: hii
    2015-02-06 21:04 CSLM: can i ask you something?
    2015-02-06 21:05 jonathanlfj: sure
    2015-02-06 21:05 CSLM: ACTION is editing H_G Remixed by Mili - Past the Stargazing Seazon [Insane]
    2015-02-06 21:06 CSLM: this is the original artist: H△G Remixed by Mili
    2015-02-06 21:06 CSLM: i dunno what put in the unicode space
    2015-02-06 21:06 jonathanlfj: lolol
    2015-02-06 21:06 jonathanlfj: ACTION is listening to [ 3L, mariapolo - WARNING!]
    2015-02-06 21:06 jonathanlfj: follow the same convention here
    2015-02-06 21:07 jonathanlfj: 3L・maria♂polo -> 3L, mariapolo
    2015-02-06 21:07 CSLM: alright, then i have to put like artist "HG Remixed by Mili"?
    2015-02-06 21:09 jonathanlfj: yes
    2015-02-06 21:09 CSLM: ok, thx
    well, if this is wrong, fixed then~
  2. Just saying, why not make a lyric sb? i was thinking put ones, but is fine how is it imo
Merry Christmas~
Topic Starter
thy you!
merry christmas~
Xgor's SB check.

Due to that you changed the title you now have two osb Files. Remove GobouP - White Christmas (CSLM).osb

Also while you are at it, I strongly suggest you storyboard the background and fade it in and out instead of using a black image.
If you do it that way you will save quite some SB load
It's explained how to disable the background here (t/55177)

Anyways gonna pop this for now.
Topic Starter

Xgor wrote:

Xgor's SB check.

Due to that you changed the title you now have two osb Files. Remove GobouP - White Christmas (CSLM).osb

Also while you are at it, I strongly suggest you storyboard the background and fade it in and out instead of using a black image.
If you do it that way you will save quite some SB load
It's explained how to disable the background here (t/55177)

Anyways gonna pop this for now.
damn, fixed both ;w;
Xgor bubble popper @>@
the normal-hitnormal sounds a little too silent, try one with a slightly higher volume a bit:

00:13:379 (1,2,3,4,5) - the grouping for this feels a little weird to play; 00:13:379 (1,2) should stack together and 00:13:808 (3,4) stack, leaving 00:14:237 (5) by itself to connect to the repeat slider
01:08:669 (5,7) - these should have normal samples
02:56:891 (2) - give this one a little more spacing
03:27:107 (1,1,1,2) - i would start with 0.9x here, and then reduce by 0.1 until 0.5 at 03:30:536. This would feel much cooler than the slowdown effect you already have which only lasts on 3 sliders.
04:43:399 (2) - try a 1/2 repeat slider here to cover for 04:43:613
05:03:114 - a recommendation for sb here: instead of having the white just "vanish" at this point, how bout a quick fade out that lasts until 05:03:221?

thats all let me know
Topic Starter

jonathanlfj wrote:

the normal-hitnormal sounds a little too silent, try one with a slightly higher volume a bit: yuuuuuukiiiiiii!!!!! >:C, fix~

00:13:379 (1,2,3,4,5) - the grouping for this feels a little weird to play; 00:13:379 (1,2) should stack together and 00:13:808 (3,4) stack, leaving 00:14:237 (5) by itself to connect to the repeat slider yeah, plays weird, fix~
01:08:669 (5,7) - these should have normal samples
02:56:891 (2) - give this one a little more spacing
03:27:107 (1,1,1,2) - i would start with 0.9x here, and then reduce by 0.1 until 0.5 at 03:30:536. This would feel much cooler than the slowdown effect you already have which only lasts on 3 sliders.
04:43:399 (2) - try a 1/2 repeat slider here to cover for 04:43:613
05:03:114 - a recommendation for sb here: instead of having the white just "vanish" at this point, how bout a quick fade out that lasts until 05:03:221?

thats all let me know
all fixed, thx~
Alright #1, I think you can call Minakami Yuki again since the pop was only for improving the sb
Topic Starter

jonathanlfj wrote:

Alright #1, I think you can call Minakami Yuki again since the pop was only for improving the sb
i'll try to talk with yuki, thx jonathan~
Topic Starter
thx you yukiiiiii!!!
now i only need a generous soul which can flame this!
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