
Corrupt a wish!

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I'm not sure if this kind of forum game already exists here. It's a game where a person makes a wish and then someone must make that wish come true but with a negative effect. A.K.A "corrupting" After a wish has been corrupted, the person responsible for corrupting must make a wish for the next person to corrupt.


User 1: I wish for an apple.
User 2: Granted, but that apple was poisoned.

I wish for a car.
User 3: Granted, but that car has an A.I and a mounted machine-gun. It's also programmed to shoot it's owner.

I wish for ... (And then this repeats)
I'll start the first wish.

I wish it started raining.
Granted, but it's literally cats and dogs.

I wish to be pro at mapping.
sure but u made a 2 min instrumental thats repetitive af so nobody will play it heh

i want food
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Granted, but that you got 10 day old chicken filled with maggots.

I wish for a gun.
fml maggots

yeah ok but u got a desu gun
/me runs

i still want food wwww
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Granted, but you a got a muffin with raisins! >:D

I wish I could find donkeys in space.
Granted but the donkey died at launch

I wish for school
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Granted, but. It was a school that forces everyone to cross-dress. (I might be drunk)

I wish for a portal in a portal.

Granted, but that portal made such a huge rip in space and time, that you might as well divide by zero. The universe just got ripped apart within 5 seconds.

I wish for all bullying to end.
Granted but Ebola becomes airborne

I wish to become immortal.
Granted, but you'll live forever with physical pain every time

I wish to be moe
Raisha Millenia
granted, but if you're moe you'll die

i wish i'm pro
your definition of pro is "SS Easy diffs" so it's literally noob lol

i wish for a star
Granted, but it's a starfish which is poisonous.

I wish for a FC on Star Stream maps >.<
Granted. But unfortunately, it's an offline/not submitted score.

I wish for a raep
Too bad you get raped by... hm i don't want to describe that goddammit why Harumi

I wish for a wish
ERA Puzzle
Granted, but the wish will be corrupted.
I wish to win the lottery for 40 million dollars..
Trash Boat
granted but those are blue dollars

i wish for my own place
granted, but your place happens to be somewhere you absolutely despise

i wish for this wish to be corrupted
Granted, but so are you.

I wish i knew japanese
ERA Puzzle
Granted, but japan is wiped out with an earthquake and a tsunami (rip rrtyui ;c)

I wish topics would stop unsubscribing themselves.
Granted but you you are never able to look at a topic again.

I wish I was God of The New World.
ERA Puzzle
Granted but you die 4 years later when Near figures everything out.
Granted but __________.

I wish to be God of the New World and have Nate River's putrid existence wiped off the face of the earth when I do so.
Granted but the weight of being God comes with a hefty price and remaining pieces of your feeble human mind cannot take the power that comes with being a god. You take your life in the end by plunging your body 1000000000000 mph into the new world, causing the new world to explode.

I wish for a McDonald's breakfast muffin combo.
Granted but turns out I poisoned it C: hehe

I wish to be Cookiezi.
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Granted, but your soul transferred into the body right before he was about to get hit by a car.

I wish I could fly!
Granted but you have zero control over your flight. You end up flying straight up into outer space. -Death-

I wish for a third arm.
Trash Boat
granted but each arm now has the number 6 on them

i wish for trading cards
granted but they're all magikarp

I wish I could stop time
Granted but the Continuous-time stochastic process overloads your brain and you collapse onto yourself creating a mini black hole and end up being ripped to shreds, quark by quark.

I wish I could have some barbecue chicken wings
Granted, but it has salmonella

I wish to be alone
Trash Boat
Granted, but now you are just Neil. without the Leo

I wish for Steam Trading cards
Granted, but they are illegal, so you end up going to jail.

I wish I knew Japanese.
But it's so hard
I wish a graphic tablet
granted but you lose your hands while unboxing the tablet

I wish I'ld never have to work
Granted, but you run out of money and end up losing everything you have.

I wish to be in an anime.
ERA Puzzle
granted, but you're a background character.

I wish for a delicious pot roast
Granted but its poisoned

I wish I had a body pillow
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Granted, but it turned into a Velociraptor and ran away while yelling "The curse has been broken!"

I wish I could see the future.
Granted but the only things in the future you can see is the deaths of your loved ones,
and spoilers of your favourite show.

I wish I could teleport
ERA Puzzle
Granted, but you have no idea where you'll end up, and it's not restricted to planet Earth.

I wish for a warm blanket ;w;
granted but its covered in mud

i wish i had a cookie
granted but its a steel replica of a cookie

I wish I had a life
Granted but everytime you open your mouth you get shot in the arm

I wish that everything was pink
ERA Puzzle
Granted, but because objects absorb every color and reflect the colors they *aren't*, you never see it.
Man, I don't even have to corrupt that one. Science.

I wish I had a bamboo tablet instead of my crappy intous
Granted, but it's literally made of bamboo

I wish everyone would love me
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Granted but their love is not the normal level of love. They completely obsess over you. And their love devours you. And then one day.... Tentacle raep They decide to kill you and eat your flesh as a labour of love.
i wish the last post had a wish
ERA Puzzle
Granted, but now this one does not.
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