
Applying SV changes / HS volume changes more easily

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This is a feature request. Feature requests can be voted up by supporters.
Current Priority: +76
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so my suggestion is basically this:

It would be really useful for songs, where you have many interesting parts, within a short time. Like that, it would be really easy to apply SV changes and volume changes with two clicks (for a single objects, like a slowdown slider, or silencing slider ends etc.), instead of making a green line, which can actually mess up really often, for example while resnapping stuff.

Didn't find this idea somewhere yet, so I suppose it's worth a try.

EDIT 1: Add a green line instead of adding the chosen option to the object itself.
This is a great idea, would save probably a lot of time on one small section of the map that has a lot of volumes.

Finally someone suggests this
- Marco -
Great, I have nothing to add except that I support this.
Definitely handy. Supporting this. whenever possible LOL
i smell mega sv abusive maps in the future if this happens. But it would be bloody handy. Maybe not hitsound volumes since that could make modding and quality checking maps super hard since you couldn't just hit f6 and see the hitsound volumes for a specific section but have to click every object.
Kaguya Hourain
I see no reason not to have that in conjuction with green line SV changes!
Full support for this!

Hula wrote:

i smell mega sv abusive maps in the future if this happens. But it would be bloody handy. Maybe not hitsound volumes since that could make modding and quality checking maps super hard since you couldn't just hit f6 and see the hitsound volumes for a specific section but have to click every object.
Hmmm, I do so your reasoning behind, maybe add a couple rules to this and add this in game and I think we'd be set.

hopefully i wasn't misleading :c
I'm all for supporting quick and easy ways to adjust volume/SV/Sampleset Customs (why not? It's probably used more than SV changes imo) but I'd still like the timing lines to be added if this happens. It'll make modding a hell of a lot easier like Hula is saying.

Half support. But have a star. Consider adding hitsound sampleset customs to the list as well!
Awesome idea.
awesome idea ~ i dont have any star but i support this as well
Omg YES! I would love to have this implemented.
Support :D
This example in the OP could be used for t/226245 & t/133060
Irre finally did some good in his lyfe
is this gonna be a thing? I have stars to waste.

Sulker wrote:

Irre finally did some good in his lyfe
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i'll update the first post later~

Lanturn wrote:

I'm all for supporting quick and easy ways to adjust volume/SV/Sampleset Customs (why not? It's probably used more than SV changes imo) but I'd still like the timing lines to be added if this happens. It'll make modding a hell of a lot easier like Hula is saying.
Same opinion as Lanturn, keeping the timing lines will be nice, but yes support~
Joining the bandwagon train. Great idea!
Oh yes, please do that.
But then again, having to find all the slowdown or speedup slider (lets say it's 1.10, because thats like nothing) while modding might be a pain
Wouldn't it be easier if those side menus automatically added a greenline if you applied a change? I'm all for easier greenline editing, especially in maps that have lots of HS volume/sampleset changes, where it can get really annoying to know what does what. Honestly, I think the same should go for the current sampleset changers in the editor. It'd be neater if everything just created a greenline (so that it's easy to spot and adjust for mistakes) and if the greenlines were easier to edit without having to open the timing menu every time.
A really useful feature.

Let's push it forward~
Really awesome idea!

I would be very happy if this is implemented <3
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Maybe add sample number to it as well
Sometimes I need to 'rapidly' switch betweens N:C1 and N:C2 due to differences, and going to f6 panel everytime is kinda annoying
So, please add that, and you get my support
This is something that I need to make SV maps
*Shoots 100 invisible stars*
Great! Hitsound volume is probably one of the most boring things in mapping..
Support :D
Ciyus Miapah
i think it's simple than use f6 for edit volume.
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