or loop a section, both have been done before :^)[CSGA]Ar3sgice wrote:
this is simple, just speed down the song to 5bpm lower and it will go over 5:00
or loop a section, both have been done before :^)[CSGA]Ar3sgice wrote:
this is simple, just speed down the song to 5bpm lower and it will go over 5:00
How naive, LachLach wrote:
If a map ends up with ~4:55 drain time, people aren't going to just go NOPE SORRY GET FUCKED NEEDS TO BE 5 MINS OR OVER.
In short: You would perfer changing this as Guideline. Well, I am a friend of Guidelines and this would be a better solution than decreasing the requirement for approval but I wouldn't agree to change this. Five minutes is a fairly long time while four became more common to map tbh.Kodora wrote:
Anyway, i do agree with Scorpiour's point - each song is unique itself, so for questionable cases it would be so much better and mapper-friendly action to allow specified checking by BATs & QATs for exceptional approval- as for now, such situations where we have so many songs where mapping easiest diffs becomes questioned by mappers/or simple slighty lower drain time becomes questionable isn't really looks nice anyways
Can't agree with this. The Difficulty level should be no excuse to have a 2:30 approvable mapset with one Difficulty.Scorpiour wrote:
- the map which length is between 2 to 5 minutes, having a reasonable high difficulty, appreciated by 5 BATs and at least 1 QAT, could be qualified as "approved" with single diff
Kodora, apparently, you are trying to argue with me on every thread, right? EN mapset is not unrankable. It is not stated in any rule, ranking criteria even ALLOWS it. Just if it was not allowed, we should be going to unrank -Bakari-'s beatmap already twice right? Currently I mean craigsmusicchannel - Night Of Rain would not be rankable if Ephemeral's wording was actually a rule.Kodora wrote:
telling people to stop being lazy is stupid when you allow 3 diff 30 second mapsets to be rankedLoliFlan wrote:
Stop being lazy, honestly I don't know how much more it should be lowered until everyone is satisfied with ranking lazy one diff maps.
Say what, oh im done.silmarilen wrote:
telling people to stop being lazy is stupid when you allow 3 diff 30 second mapsets to be rankedLoliFlan wrote:
Stop being lazy, honestly I don't know how much more it should be lowered until everyone is satisfied with ranking lazy one diff maps.
baraatje123 wrote:
But how about songs which are around 4:30, which are nigh impossible to map in easy/normal
https://osu.ppy.sh/s/114988 I have tried hard enough.Lust wrote:
Any song can be mapped with a full spread of difficulties if you try hard enough.
https://osu.ppy.sh/s/190284 https://osu.ppy.sh/s/173810 https://osu.ppy.sh/s/186767 ????Kodora wrote:
same as only Easy/Normal spreads are forbidded as they wouldn't satisfy people with advanced-skill level. N/H spreads are minimum required as bare minimum which can satisfy everyone with any skill level.
How many times do I have to repeat it is not unrankable but ALLOWED by ranking criterias, (DO YOU KNOW WHAT ALLOWED MEANS?) there's no such a rule it would be bullshit. And you did not answer my question:Kodora wrote:
@silmarilen: they all are fine as they named N/H, icons here are not important as they aren't works perfectly at judging lowest diffs, so sometimes Hard diff on a calm songs might be technically rated as Normal, while it will plays as Hard.
@Wafu: if Normal diff is aimed to be easiest diff, it should be mapped appropriately so beginners can pass it ("easy-ish normal" in other words) - else such map would never be ranked. E/N spreads are inappropriate as they wouldn't be fine for advanced-skill players as i mentioned before.
Actually, your example is perfectly mappable for a Hard diff - again, i never said that every song requires an Extra diff, but N/H is an appropriate minimum requirement, suitable for absolute most of songs. E/N are unrankable, and I see zero reasons for changing this as every not-for-approval map should have appropriate difficulty spread.
You just said again the same non sense... "they wouldn't be fine for advanced-skill players as i mentioned before", why do you repeat what I already said is invalid?Wafu wrote:
who are you to decide what we can and cannot enjoy?
My apologizes, I shouldn't have gone so far as for that argument neither in ranking criteria forum nor any other forum, I should have kept this fight out of other's sight.TicClick wrote:
Could you please get back to the initial topic, which is: [Rule change] Possible approval for 4:00-5:00?
It's not going to happen, or we'll have people asking for shorter draining time approval criteria even after it's changed to four minutes. Remember when it was 6:00? All I can foresee is many single difficulty maps with forced patterns (as we don't have enough already) and no sign of balance. If the audio you chose to map lasts for less than 5 minutes, edit it, map a full appropriate spread or forget about it.
Well, people keep asking for lowering it only because 5 min limit haven't solved most annoying problems for long not-for-approval maps - problems with getting mods as people usually don't like modding stuff over 3 minutes, problems with mapping easier diffs as it gets annoying for stuff with very long drain time (for example mapping 4:30 min long easy usually ends up as bland 2/1 + 1/1 spam + lots of copypaste sadly) and problem with making "non-stop" diffs without any breaks or something just for the sake of achieving approve-able drain time, which ends usually as very tiring map.TicClick wrote:
It's not going to happen, or we'll have people asking for shorter draining time approval criteria even after it's changed to four minutes. Remember when it was 6:00? All I can foresee is many single difficulty maps with forced patterns (as we don't have enough already) and no sign of balance. If the audio you chose to map lasts for less than 5 minutes, edit it, map a full appropriate spread or forget about it.
Something like this?baraatje123 wrote:
Different suggestion: Maps with 4:00-5:00 can be approved, but need multiple diffs (HI for example) for this 'short' approval
This way more people can enjoy it, without the map being to noring due to Copy Paste
is it fun you ask? I'd say yes. I enjoy a lot of long easy and normal diff. back then when I just started playing osu, I always want to play the full version instead of tv size. what's wrong with copy-paste? I know it is not creative using copy-paste but as long as the player enjoyed it so that doesn't matter (the player is me in this case. yes, subjective opinion). also, please take newbie into consideration. easy might be not fun and boring for you, but that's not the case for newbie.baraatje123 wrote:
This is one of the problems
Ok, maybe Easy is mappable, but is it fun?
As it's slow and with 1/1 and 2/1 and It'll probably also have much Copy paste
^ lol the idealism ^Stefan wrote:
Simple story: do map at Normal Difficulty for at least four minutes, if you find the effort too high to find mods and map N/H/I spread then you guys should really rethink your intentions when you're mapping.
I do not think it is hard to map easy diff for fast song, the only thing you need is lower settings, SV, snap, using longer slider and ignoring minor sounds.Oyatsu wrote:
Same effect like Drain time and won't solve anything. Beside that I don't think BPM isn't a good value to determine how hard a map can be. That depends on the song itself (Rhythm, beat usage, BPM switches, etc.) and that would makes it even worse to tell if it should be approved or not.Oyatsu wrote:
With my personal idea, we can depend on BPM. Your map is over 200 BPM (include in doubling BPM for slow song) and the length of the song is over 4mins, then it could be considered to go to approval. Over 200BPM is quite difficult to map an Easy diff as well.
About for normal BPM (<200 or something around it), I think if you like that song and have an effort for it, it should be nice that you can map it completely.
How is your idea?
Removing the requirement to map more Difficulties should increase the likeability to map longer songs? Whatbaraatje123 wrote:
Have you seen how many tv-size maps there are?
Ever thought about that that is because it's short, and the full version would be to much to map
This will also increase the likability to map longer songs
I kinda understand the 'To low', but the 'Osu! doesn't actually encourage mapping full version songs at all', WHAT?CDFA wrote:
whatLoctav wrote:
(It's already quite low and osu! actually does not encourage mapping full version songs at all)
Or: you start mapping full Sets and not sticking in this behaviour to reduce the effort in doing a map.Hanjamon wrote:
I think a good solution for make a map of 4 min approved, is to make a extended version of the audio with 5 min (If you have problem making this, in osu! are people able to make these things)
Problem is, I can't map EN, and thus I don't really like itStefan wrote:
Or: you start mapping full Sets and not sticking in this behaviour to reduce the effort in doing a map.Hanjamon wrote:
I think a good solution for make a map of 4 min approved, is to make a extended version of the audio with 5 min (If you have problem making this, in osu! are people able to make these things)
This is a weak excuse, no offense. If you really want to get your maps ranked then you're trying to learn mapping these Difficulties. No one expect that these Difficulties are perfect or being acceptable and just requires some detail fixes and during the Modding process you're learning what's important to care for while mapping an Easy or Normal.baraatje123 wrote:
Problem is, I can't map EN, and thus I don't really like it
And getting GD's on such long songs is also pretty hard
I think he's getting at the fact that the ideal map length is around three minutes or less. Since a lot of songs exceed five minutes, it's not always practical to map the entire length. When I mapped 'Teardrop,' I omitted quite a bit of the intro and outro, since they'd have served no practical purpose to the map and they'd have merely felt tedious.baraatje123 wrote:
I kinda understand the 'To low', but the 'Osu! doesn't actually encourage mapping full version songs at all', WHAT?Loctav wrote:
(It's already quite low and osu! actually does not encourage mapping full version songs at all)