Due to star rating being currently tweaked & updated it is become impossible to follow this rule properly - for now there are appears even some Insane diffs what goes below 3 stars.Current Rule wrote:
The mapset must have a well-designed spread of difficulties, containing at least an Easy or a Normal difficulty (based on how the map feels): this is so that players of all levels of experience are able to enjoy maps of the songs they love. It's really hard to define how a specific spread could work in a specific song beforehand, but here's a list of things to consider: the difficulties in the mapset must be in a consecutive order and/or with a reasonable gap between them; there should be at least one difficulty around ~2.5/3 star difficulty level; if your mapset has two difficulties, one of them cannot be insane (this basically means that it's highly recommended to have 3 difficulties unless the song itself doesn't allow much variety); if your mapset has three difficulties, one of them should be about ~2.5/3 star difficulty level, and the second should not be Insane; if your map has four or more difficulties, at least two should be something other than Insane. The difficulty level of Taiko-specific difficulties must also follow a well-designed spread with no jumps in between difficulties, hence if you may include Normal/Hard/Insane, or Normal/Hard or Hard/Insane (only if it also has standard difficulties)
So, what star rating should now have easiest diff? Below 1.00? Or maybe just remove this part of rule?