
[resolved] I can't upload a new map successfully

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drum drum
To everyone saying "Please fix or something"
Be patient we're having a hard time fixing this issue.
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drum drum wrote:

To everyone saying "Please fix or something"
Be patient we're having a hard time fixing this issue.
it's really good that we could at least see these words.
thank you and good luck
drum drum
mhm we care so we dare

I delete all the tags to add it after and then, BSS works good.

Edit = Is important the Size of the folder of the beatmap too.
X < 30 MB please.
last time it worked, now after so much problem with bancho, it didn't work again. that caused the map data corrupted and half of the note in the song deleted.
This'll probably never get fixed
But... What actually is the cause of this?
Bad internet?
Something server-related?
Peppy being evil to us?
drum drum

baraatje123 wrote:

This'll probably never get fixed
But... What actually is the cause of this?
Bad internet?
Something server-related?
Peppy being evil to us?
The first step comes in figuring out what is causing it and I highly doubt peppy is the cause

The most likely answer is it's us compared to the servers, this has been around forever
- Marco - :( Second time BSS failed to upload
I'm pretty sure this is a server side issue. I will try to poke around the code. In the meantime, unless it is going to be immediately ranked, just upload without the video for now.
Thank god im not the only one. I have 2 maps that don't have its thread. It downloads fine, but [] and [] doesn't have a thread. Each beatmap has one difficulty and no video. Literally only the .osu file, .mp3 and the bg. Poking around the forum page and from what I can see is that there is no clear way of fixing this (fixes on its own?). What is the best course of action should I do?
Topic Starter

Anxient wrote:

What is the best course of action should I do?
currently no solution as it seems. I recently managed to upload maps at net cafe, but still can't at my dorm =.= I mean you can try upload at other network environment if possible and that may work.
we all hope that peppy and the devs will get this fixed soon, but for now, just wait patiently.
drum drum
Yeah that's likely the main problem actually. Does your dorm block uploads?
Topic Starter

drum drum wrote:

Yeah that's likely the main problem actually. Does your dorm block uploads?
no. I was using the same network all the time from the time I joined osu and I didn't have uploading issues earlier.

and also to tell that, I found some detail differences in procedures when uploading different maps of mine.
updating a map that I can submit successfuly: preparing changes ... (it goes through preparing changes for many times) ->sending changes -> distributing to global network -> submit (not after long, like in a minute)
updating a map that I CAN'T submit successfuly: sending changes -> distributing to global network (no any preparations, straightforward to the last step and stuck and never move on even if I wait for hours)
I can't figure out what's the difference between the maps that I can and can't upload properly, there don't seem to be any obvious clue.

and this is like all that I know for now
drum drum
hm hm I see

We're still investigating the issue at hand so if you have anything to share please do
I think it would be best to send a ticket to with details.
S i R i R u
Same problem with this map
no tags = sucess plox
this seems to still be happening...:/
I have given up on beatmapping for the meantime just because of this problem. :(
EDIT: Finally got the chance to try submitting on my friend's computer and it worked. Why does it only happen to some computers? *^*
drum drum

CanadianPaws wrote:

this seems to still be happening...:/
We know and it's not super easy to fix either
Topic Starter

-Hanashi- wrote:

EDIT: Finally got the chance to try submitting on my friend's computer and it worked. Why does it only happen to some computers? *^*
pretty similar to my current status
I have to got to a net cafe every time to upload my maps = =
let's wait a bit longer and see

drum drum wrote:

CanadianPaws wrote:

this seems to still be happening...:/
We know and it's not super easy to fix either

I just tried uploading a map,, it got stuck during distributing, but somehow it says my beatmap is now up to date even though i didnt finish it or anything,, and my profile doesnt show that it has updated or something

SkyDevil wrote:

I just tried uploading a map,, it got stuck during distributing, but somehow it says my beatmap is now up to date even though i didnt finish it or anything,, and my profile doesnt show that it has updated or something
drum drum

SkyDevil wrote:

I just tried uploading a map,, it got stuck during distributing, but somehow it says my beatmap is now up to date even though i didnt finish it or anything,, and my profile doesnt show that it has updated or something
Because of uploading errors iirc

i remembered that long long ago i needed not to upload the whole map when i failed to upload, but now, each time i failed to upload map the next time i must upload the whole map including video, hitsound and so on.
Always stuck at "Distributing to global network...".
Upload is fine and the map is up-to-date, just couldn't click submit to let it update the map's op.

baraatje123 wrote:

SkyDevil wrote:

I just tried uploading a map,, it got stuck during distributing, but somehow it says my beatmap is now up to date even though i didnt finish it or anything,, and my profile doesnt show that it has updated or something
it somehow didnt show up when i started typing wth @A@)/

still tho whenever i cancel it it still is "submitted"
I can't submit/update my beatmap bla bla... (Yeah, you know the rest)

I decided to dig a little deeper, make some testing and report my findings, since I (and many others) seems to have this problem.

First, my story so far.
My BSS history untill today
I made a beatmap set around 15-11-2014 but when i tried to submit it the BSS got stuck at "distributing to global..." and I had to abort it. It was uploaded to the website but did not have a thread. (I later called and QAT and got it deleted).

Many days later, I made a new attempt with a completely new song.
  1. Tried to submit the beatmap set but BSS got stuck at "distributing..." and i had to abort. Same here; It was uploaded but without a thread.
  2. The next day i tried again to submit the beatmap set and it worked! After I pressed "Publish" a thread was created and everything was fine and dandy.
A couple of days and successful update submissions later...
  1. This is when the BSS again got stuck at "distributing..." and i had to abort.
    I still think that most of the changes was registered but I'm not sure.

Today, (12-12-2014) after another BSS submission stuck at "distributing...", I found this forum thread and I decided to test as much as i could and post it here.
Things I have tested
  1. First I deleted the SubmissionCache and submitted -> BSS got stuck at "distributing..." and I had to abort.
Went to another computer in another network in another building.
  1. Submitted -> BSS got stuck at "distributing..." and I had to abort.
  2. Added a new difficulty to the beatmap set and submitted -> BSS got stuck at "distributing..." and I had to abort.
    However, the the new difficulty did appear on the website but with the empty name "" and with no data/stars difficulty/stats etc...
  3. Deleteted the new difficulty and submitted -> BSS got stuck at "distributing..." and I had to abort.
    The new difficulty was however removed on the website.
  4. Removed all the tags and submitted -> BSS got stuck at "distributing..." and I had to abort.
    All the tags was removed on the website though.
Went home
  1. Re-submitted with the tags -> BSS got stuck at "distributing..." and I had to abort.
  2. Again I added a new difficulty and submitted -> BSS got stuck at "distributing..." and I had to abort.
    This time however, the new difficulty did appear to have been uploaded correctly since it had a name/data/stars difficulty/stats etc...
    I re-downloaded it and the new difficulty was indeed correct.
Now this is where it gets a bit interesting!
  1. I made a completely new beatmap set, with just one beatmap (.osu file) and the audio file. Submitted it (as new beatmap set) -> To my suprise BSS finshed and it was uploaded and a thread was created etc...
    This also seems to have created an entry in the submission cache folder (for this newly created beatmap set).
  2. So then i made some changes to this new beatmap set and submitted (updated) it -> BSS finished this happily to!
  3. So then I removed the new difficulty and make som small changes in the first beatmap set and submitted it -> Now BSS still got stuck at "distributing..." and I had to abort.
    The changes was still registered and the new difficulty was still removed from the website.
Went over to a nearby friend to try by his computer.
  1. Download it, made changes to it and submitted it -> but BSS still got stuck at "distributing..." and I had to abort.
Went home again...
  1. Decided to try one final submission -> BSS still got stuck at "distributing..." and I had to abort.

This is where i ended my testing to post my findings here and there's a couple of things that i have observed.
  1. No subbmisson cache is generated if you click abort during an submission. So that probably happens after you click the "Publish" button (after non-stuck submisson). Same with thread creation/update and description update. So it's probably not related to the problem.
  2. Even if you abort when BSS is stuck at "distributing..." it seems like the website has register most of the submisson.
    The text “x has updated the beatmap y” has appeared on my activity log for every submission I've made, stuck or no stuck. Also, most of the changes to the beatmap seems to be registered. The exception to this being new beatmaps and other more "critical changes" to the beatmap set. So it is probably not caused by something completely failing and/or blocking the submission.
Finally, a little guesstimate:
  1. Based on what I've tested and experienced I think the problem is that the BSS, after sending all the data, is waiting for a signal from the website (like everything went ok or something) that never comes back for some reason. So BSS just sits there, waiting.
    So I would check what it is that the BSS could be waiting for, after it has submitted all the data but before it decides that you can publish it. Since that is probably what, sometimes, never returns or happens.
Sorry for the large post, but i really hope that they find a solution to this.

TheVileOne wrote:

I think it would be best to send a ticket to with details.

-Hanashi- wrote:

I have given up on beatmapping for the meantime just because of this problem. :(
EDIT: Finally got the chance to try submitting on my friend's computer and it worked. Why does it only happen to some computers? *^*
It's probably related to your network / connection. If the communication is broken, I'm not sure what osu does to regain it. If you have an unstable connection, then sending a large file may make it more unstable. Someone would have to check server side though.
Kaguya Hourain

DaxMasterix wrote:

no tags = sucess plox

Also usually when a thread does get created (which is totally random on longer maps), future submissions seem to work most of the time. So the problem is mainly on the first upload and thread creation.


I also noticed that whenever an upload fails to distribute to global network, when you try and update it a second time, it is sending changes way slower than what you would have after a regular successful upload. Not really sure what that means but maybe you can work with it.
So just an idea here, but to all of you having some issue with this, maybe we should compare ISPs and router brands? For all we know it's something on their side and unrelated to osu at all!

ISP: Bright House Networks
Router: Belkin
I don't think that will make much difference. If many people are having the same issue at the same time from different countries, it's clearly not isp related.
(Just passing by to drop off an update)

I decided to take a break and not try and submit anything for the entire day (13-12-2014).

Then I tried making a submission today (14-12-2014) and it acually worked!
To my knowledge, nothing had really changed in these two days, but I don't really know at this point.

Anyway, I guess it means that even if you are having problem with one map, hope is not completely lost since waiting sometimes seems to fix the problem (if you can even call that a fix) but atleast that means that the map is not (and probably never was) broken.
I am having a hard time updating a map also.

It either gets stuck in "creating package" or at a percentage of the "changing process" .

-Restarting the game seems to help. But still leave it out here.
Topic Starter

xasuma wrote:

I am having a hard time updating a map also.

It either gets stuck in "creating package" or at a percentage of the "changing process" .

-Restarting the game seems to help. But still leave it out here.
probablly not the same case here
- Marco -
I gues Damnae fixed it, maybe

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marcostudios wrote:

I gues Damnae fixed it, maybe

so this is a new update?
stable or cutting-edge?
It's only on cuttingedge for now.

It should always give a proper error message, or succeed uploading after ~3 minutes of distributing.
Please report any errors you get at that point.
Topic Starter
I swear to holy god damn it worked!!!111

This is the first successful upload in these two months in my dorm

I just updated to cutting-edge and tried uploading
failed once (an error notice popped up and stopped my uploading)
had another try (without restarting osu) and it worked!

Let's see if others have positive feedback
- Marco -
Successful submition for me :D
Working fine for me now. Thanks based Damnae xP
glad to see this is all over and done with! a long needed solution.
Yes! Finally worked! Updated all my broken beatmaps and it made them unbroken. Love the new design too. :)
Kaguya Hourain
Damnae = Confirmed God
drum drum
I can finally mark this resolved ! ❤
- Marco -
YES! YES! YES! YES! I love you Damnae <3
Now we just need to get this on the stable release, because apparently cutting edge multi and stable multi are different things, and switching is really annoying

BrambleClaw wrote:

Now we just need to get this on the stable release, because apparently cutting edge multi and stable multi are different things, and switching is really annoying

They'll put it on soon enough, I'm sure ^^
It's on stable now.

Damnae wrote:

It's on stable now.
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