
[resolved] I can't upload a new map successfully

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RESOLVED: Update to latest cutting-edge version and upload, it will work.

Problem Details: When I upload a new map, it always stucks at the last step (distributing to global network) and never move on. I could only click cancel to stop it. But in fact, the map was actually uploaded. It got a BeatmapSetID and an information page, like , it's also download-able and the .osz got the correct content. BUT, the map doesn't have a thread, and this is the problem.
Note that I can update other maps (alraedy uploaded) of mine so I think my network should be alright.
I also tried to upload another new map, and it's unsuccessfully uploaded either . So I think it shouldn't be the particular map's problem.

Video or screenshot showing the problem:
osu! version: 20141015.1 (latest)
I consulted Scorpiour and Marcin and they told me to post here.
Hope somebody could help me x.x
Tnank you.
What's the mp3's length/size?
Maps over 5 minutes have problems more often
Also, Call a QAT, they can delete it, and a new submit should fix it, like you did for me with my YANDELOID CONCEPTION map
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baraatje123 wrote:

What's the mp3's length/size?
Maps over 5 minutes have problems more often
Also, Call a QAT, they can delete it, and a new submit should fix it, like you did for me with my YANDELOID CONCEPTION map
song length 4:33 folder size only 6.27M
I found Frostmourne and KSHR to help me and I tried to upload again after the broken map was deleted, but nothing changed, it still stucked at the last step and the map got no thread
The 1st time, you should wait around 10 minutes maximum
Also, delete submissioncache in data folder
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baraatje123 wrote:

The 1st time, you should wait around 10 minutes maximum
Also, delete submissioncache in data folder
I've waited for hours these days, stucking at the last step, I've alreayd been really patient.
and for the submissioncache, what's that for?
Do I need to delete the whole folder? for what?

also I restarted my pc and still...can't upload successfully x.x
I don't know exactly, but whenever people have problems with uploading, they should go to the data folder, and delete the WHOLE submissioncache folder
If you want, you can also move it to somewhere else, if you don't want it to get deleted, as it features all your maps uploaded, even deleted ones
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baraatje123 wrote:

I don't know exactly, but whenever people have problems with uploading, they should go to the data folder, and delete the WHOLE submissioncache folder
If you want, you can also move it to somewhere else, if you don't want it to get deleted, as it features all your maps uploaded, even deleted ones
ok I'll remember this, but I suppose it's not the main problem here...
If even Marcin told you to post here, probably there isn't many of us who can help you lol

Have you checked other threads? there are some threads whom i see having the same core problem? cmiiw
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Yuzuru wrote:

If even Marcin told you to post here, probably there isn't many of us who can help you lol

Have you checked other threads? there are some threads whom i see having the same core problem? cmiiw
hmm not yet, I'll read them briefly and see
thanks for reminding me so
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CanadianPaws wrote:
oh tank you CanadianPaws
I'm glad that I'm not the only one (oh no I shouldn't be glad about that x.x)

Zero__wind wrote:

CanadianPaws wrote:
oh tank you CanadianPaws
I'm glad that I'm not the only one (oh no I shouldn't be glad about that x.x)
lol..I'm glad that I'm not the only one too >w<..

Btw,how can I contact any QAT or BAT?
I need them to delete the beatmap and try to upload again xD
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walaowey wrote:

lol..I'm glad that I'm not the only one too >w<..

Btw,how can I contact any QAT or BAT?
I need them to delete the beatmap and try to upload again xD
just find any QAT or GMT in game I think
BAT can't do that for you anymore
ok thanks,I will try to reupload my map after they delete the old one.
I will reply here if I succeed uploading the new one
Actually Also have This problem ! i can't Update my Map !
The Map in The list here ! Is updated
But the forum : t/252805 Not modified !
There is nothing that we can suggest that will resolve this. It is a network related issue.
Today I try to update my map using a different network.It works lol.
I got the same problem, but for days now, I already got a Thread for my beatmap, but I can't update the Beatmap-Decription like the diff-names i changed. I am stucking at the "sumitting to network" shit for hours, I have to cancel all time =(

The beatmap itself is updating, just not the description
Can't replicate this.

peppy wrote:

Can't replicate this.
ofc... because osu loves you... lelelel
And no ideas what we can try?
maybe upload speed does affect??? or while uploading the data to banchobot it has problems that could be from the banchobot or the sender

(geez i edited it too much like 6 times already XD )
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just woke up and suddenly so many people here

peppy wrote:

Can't replicate this.
oh my god.
does this mean that if I didn't succeed uploading a new mapset at the first time (the thread wasn't generated)
and the thread will never be created even if I try updating a thousand times later?
After updating another song it worked for me
It doesn'y work for me now, as of yesterday
Good thing first time uploading was in 2013, so a thread got made xD


Tician wrote:

After updating another song it worked for me
Okay, now it works for me

baraatje123 wrote:

What's the mp3's length/size?
Maps over 5 minutes have problems more often
Also, Call a QAT, they can delete it, and a new submit should fix it, like you did for me with my YANDELOID CONCEPTION map
how about if i upload a mapset with 26 songs + 26 diffs = 108 MB??
it's stuck at creating package already and when i cancel the upload, some of the note pattern is missing.
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dionzz99 wrote:

baraatje123 wrote:

What's the mp3's length/size?
Maps over 5 minutes have problems more often
Also, Call a QAT, they can delete it, and a new submit should fix it, like you did for me with my YANDELOID CONCEPTION map
how about if i upload a mapset with 26 songs + 26 diffs = 108 MB??
it's stuck at creating package already and when i cancel the upload, some of the note pattern is missing.
hey man you're just forcing too much and that's never achievable
I was having a more basic problem here
So anyone solve this issue yet??
This was happening to me a couple of hours ago.

Re-install Osu and update it to it's most recent version. Try to upload it again, it worked for me now, even though I was having the same problem as you before.
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that's too tough
shouldn't have been like this x.x
I'm not really having this issue, it's probably just a network issue with whatever connection you're running with.

Double check your internet speed, and wait around 15 to 30 minutes per submission. I will say I have seen this about once every 10 days, and it's significantly getting worse by the days.

Even my internet seems stable and quick, soo

FUCK OFF DAZARDZ with your shitty posts.
same to me: try to return the old title, diffname, artist and recopy and paste the beatmapid (after upload and have this problem) in to the new code!
After that, return to the edit menu and see the text "Update to lastest version" appears or not (if it's Not Submitted, make sure about the beatmap id, it's still -1 or it's your current id now?) and return to that map and upload it, after that, try to change diff name or title and artist like the way you want! and when you can't do like that and still can't update it and you have already upload the same map with the same mp3, call QAT to delete the unnesssary map!
I was think this is a bug too!

peppy wrote:


FUCK OFF DAZARDZ with your shitty posts.
geez calm down.

it still not work... for me
it's "latest pending version" but the forum did not exist... because i cancel it while the status is "Distributing to global network" and it's already 1 hour long
plus my upload speed does not that slow.
Have any of you guys that have this issue tried the following:
- open your command promt (cmd) and type "ipconfig /flushdns" and press enter
- relay your connection using a VPN (or similar)

Would like to hear if any of those resolves the issue (and if so which one). If not let me know aswell.

VeilStar wrote:

Have any of you guys that have this issue tried the following:
- open your command promt (cmd) and type "ipconfig /flushdns" and press enter
- relay your connection using a VPN (or similar)

Would like to hear if any of those resolves the issue (and if so which one). If not let me know aswell.
funny thing is uploading another map works just fine for me.....
It's not working for me too, I tried uploading a different one but nope. Doesn't work :)
Ok, I may or may not have found a fix. If you add something to your map, like a background image it should work then update it. I also played around with the WIP and Pending at the top. Check and see if any works. :3

Edit: or try and put it into pending status it worked for me too.

Weez wrote:

funny thing is uploading another map works just fine for me.....
Could very well be. Would still recommend trying what I said though.
I always occur that . You can restart osu! to try.
Blanc Kisaragi
This happened to me from 1 month ago...
Has everyone solve this issue?
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Blanc Kisaragi wrote:

This happened to me from 1 month ago...
Has everyone solve this issue?
No I still have't achieved yet
Still have this problem also ;_;!

Edit : I Tried all those things ! CMD command ! Cleaned the cache ! Rebot Osu ! PC ! router ! Reinstaled internet Driver ! Opened osu trafic in firewall
Clean Submissioncache folder ! Changed Background in the map !
Still Same Problem ! and i wait for more than 5 hours in that step ! nothing ! that totally stop !

now i have this issue for more than5 days ! 7 days now

Maby i'll format the pc ! if that still same = suicide !
just a question; is this only happening on one particular map or can you not submit anything at all
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for me, all new maps do x.x
check my pending and you'll see 3 maps with no thread OAQ

Zero__wind wrote:

check my pending and you'll see 3 maps with no thread OAQ
Happened for my map as well:

EDIT: also seems that such maps can't be graved, see this one - last time updated for like 3 months ago but still in pending.
I have this same issue, only it seems to be getting worse every day. At first I tried to upload a new map and it didn't create a thread, so I made a completely new upload for it which worked after deleting the submissioncache folder. The next day, however, the update did not work properly anymore (froze at "Distributing to global network..."), after cancelling the updating process the map itself was said to be the "latest pending version", however the forum post was not changed. But now it doesn't update anymore. At all. It just gets stuck at "Distributing..." and that's it. All of my other beatmaps have this same problem as well.

Map link:

Compared to currently up-to-date version:

Edit: I can hardly believe it, but suddenly it worked. I have no idea what is going on anymore .-.
- Marco -

Kodora wrote:

Zero__wind wrote:

check my pending and you'll see 3 maps with no thread OAQ
Happened for my map as well:

EDIT: also seems that such maps can't be graved, see this one - last time updated for like 3 months ago but still in pending.
Yes, as it doesn't count time of last submitted, like almost everyone thinks, but it looks at last post/edit date (Post --> Latest post, Edit--> Map got submitted, thus the forum changed (time stamp alters --> Edit in forum)
And as the thread isn't able to edit, it isn't able to retrieve the data about this
Same issue.

Stuck on distributing, thread doesn't exist.

EDIT: Got the first broken submission deleted by a QAT, attempted to re-upload and got the same problem again.

I got stuck on distributing for just under an hour before I decided to cancel and try restarting and uploading again. After cancelling, it made the broken submission.

EDIT 2: After waiting a few hours it seems to be fixed. I didn't have to get it deleted again, I was able to get past distributing and it managed to create a thread even though the submission was "broken".
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