
Caramell - Caramelldansen (Speedycake Remix)

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Saturday, May 03, 2008 at 3:57:08 PM

Artist: Caramell
Title: Caramelldansen (Speedycake Remix)
BPM: 164.22
Filesize: 9150kb
Play Time: 02:51
Difficulties Available:
  1. Easy (2.87 stars, 203 notes)
  2. Normal (3.83 stars, 245 notes)
  3. Hard (4.5 stars, 313 notes)
  4. Insane (4.78 stars, 413 notes)
  5. James (4.79 stars, 330 notes)
Download: Caramell - Caramelldansen (Speedycake Remix)
Download: Caramell - Caramelldansen (Speedycake Remix) (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Yeah, I know there is already a Caramelldansen in the ranked bit... but this one is the speedy mix. :P
Since I needed a break from Houkiboshi (and that there is only minor changes here and there suggested by the mods so far...), I went on and did this one!

Of course, it is incomplete, I wanted to make sure my timing and beats are on the right spots before I do the beat spacing, sliders, sounds, and combos for this.

I probably would make an easier version on top of that too.

Anyway, thanks in advance to those that take a look in it (great, now I have three maps working in progress XD).

EDIT: Easy mode is finished. Feel free to test and criticize. :P

EDIT: Fixed overlapping sliders/spinners since these are now prohibited from rank. :P

EDIT: Created normal, and this probably will be the last difficulty (depending on whether if I can come up with something creative for hard... XD)
Paps, try 164.23 and 2000?
I was actually making the same thing awhile back for the heck of it, though never finished it. Good to see somebody else is making the same beatmap so I don't have to.


That's the settings I used. The offset is funny cause I wanted to start the song closer to the lyrics, and kept confusing myself with finding the first beat.

Go ahead and look at my beatmap as a reference.
Bare in mind that I gave up on it due to lack of thinking of a good layout for the beats, so halfway through, everything's all in one spot as I usually lay all my beats down before I arrange them in any patterns. The first part of the beatmap is just trying to get them spaced correctly so I could get an idea of how to get everything to fit. >_>

When I was working on it, I was going with a Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann theme using a video with Kamina and Simon in various outfits.

Download: Caramell - Caramelldansen Speedycake Remix (GuardianHX) [Insane].osu
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Thanks for the suggestions, I have tried both BPM and offsets and found James's BPM and your offset seem to offer the most accurate one. So, I'll be taking BPM164.23 with the offset of 28,220. :D

Thanks for also sharing your previous work, I'll take a look into it, it'll definitely help with the making of this map. :)

MaxwellDemon wrote:

Thanks for the suggestions, I have tried both BPM and offsets and found James's BPM and your offset seem to offer the most accurate one. So, I'll be taking BPM164.23 with the offset of 28,220. :D

Thanks for also sharing your previous work, I'll take a look into it, it'll definitely help with the making of this map. :)
I hope to see the final product!

As a side note: Are you going to grab some caramelldansen videos to go along with the various modes? Perhaps some looping images of various anime characters dancing or something, as that would add alot to the feel of it. ^_^
And I JUST got the FREAKING SONG outta MY HEAD, THEN I go and read THIS thread.


Well, at least there's a good beatmap to accompany it. :P
I've edited my .osu file btw, although I didn't upload it yet.
Its the same as the old one I just fixed something somewhere just to make it a little bit harder.

Maxwell!! Where's the easy and normal and hard one?!? :P

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I'll make it as soon as I get back home tonight. XD
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This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
mods will need to nitpick on this
I think I'm the only one who would check this :(

Anyways, first things first, I suggest to move 00:16:49 ~ 00:38:51 by 1/4 beat forward.
I noticed this beause when I played the song, I keep getting 100s and 50s.
I checked on the bpm/offset its the same as mine.
So I think the notes placed on the timeline are off, and it is. :P

Well mostly all the flaws upon checking Insane comes from the notes that are placed on the blue timeline. And I think if they are moved 1/4 beat forward (red OR white timeline) it would sound better.

Try to go through the song and check those notes that are placed on the blue timeline and I'll check it again.

EDIT: Here is the "alittlebitharder" version of mine. If you're not planning to make hard you could make mine the hard version, and rename [James] to hard. Since I think having my own difficulty is too good for me. XD

Download: Caramell - Caramelldansen (Speedycake Remix) (MaxwellDemon) [James].osu
183 bpm is too fast, it doesn't even fit to the metronome tick.
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Haha, sorry for the brief hiatus. Anyway, fixed the beats on the 1/4 timeline... and I think it is cool to have your own difficulty. :D

Your beatmap is neat enough for it anyway. XD
Played the newest update of this beatmap a couple days ago. ^_^
It's pretty good so far, but it doesn't feel right without caramelldansen videos. ;-;

I've been keeping my eye on this topic, but it hasn't moved for a little while, so I thought I'd post here.
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Eh? I uploaded a CaramellDansen Remix video with it though? :?

EDIT: Ah, right, I forgot I have to do Full Submission. XD

I'll reupload it in a bit. :)
First off:

James, my fingers bleed now. Thank you very much.

MaxwellDemon: Great beatmap! You got my comments via IRC, but may I also suggest a Hard mode? There seems too much of a gap between Normal and Insane (which is to be expected, but... you know. You saw me play.)
[Hard] plz.
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You shall recieve then! *made hard*

MaxwellDemon wrote:

You shall recieve then! *made hard*

Sweet! I will try my best to test it out tonight
[deleted user]
Nice beatmap :)
After some IRC reworking, I approve. Though I still hate the spinner spam in Insane and JAMES DIFFICULTY!.

I was playing this map and I thought, "What could make this better?" and then I played JAMES DIFFICULTY and I saw it and it was good.

Now I got my own difficulty now. . .
Card N'FoRcE

James wrote:

Now I got my own difficulty now. . .
One day you will rule over the program, the forum and kick peppy out :roll:

Anyway, great beatmap. I really enjoyed it.
plx change the .flv format i can't watch the video. i have ffdshow and divx codecs (last version) fully configured, but the message: "Video playback failed - please check your codecs" keeps appearing :o . i have reinstalled the codecs 3 times and still nothing :( :( :(
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I don't think I could change the video since it is ranked... but it seems like it hasn't been much of an issue with other players yet. :/
then how am i going to play the video?...i have read many guides on how to play .flv files with ffdshow but didn't worked for me...can any1 help me with this problem?
Try getting the codec pack I use. Grab it here.
with that codec i got the same results as with K-Lite 3.90 full: my windows media player can now play FLV files but when i tried on osu! the message "Lost connection" appeared and i was kicked from osu!

anyway, thx for trying to help me
I approve of this beatmap. It is made of fun and addiction. :)
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.

Download: Caramell - Caramelldansen (Speedycake Remix) (MaxwellDemon) [Taiko Oni version].osu
how do i get a flv codec, and saturos link isnt working :\
Here's my final Taiko map for Caramelldansen. It fits perfectly as a Taiko map (don't use it for normal play) and it's very worthwhile playing. :P

In Taiko no Tatsujin, having 777 notes is very significant - therefore, this song was mapped to have 777 notes.

Most of the notes (if not, all of them) have been re-spaced for more accuracy and the difficulty is harder.

Oh, use the Taiko control to play this, I'm sure it'll be fun. :)

Taiko difficulty

Oni - 9 stars

Download: Caramell - Caramelldansen (Speedycake Remix) (MaxwellDemon) [Perfect Oni].osu
I... I already downloaded and instaled the CCCP codecs and tools...

...but this vid still says "Video playback error -- Check your Codecs"... could request a file format change or something...

...or could someone tell me if they got their vid working on the Osu! ?
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I was having the same problem playing the video as Ratser had using ffdshow, but the codec pack that Saturos mentioned (Combined Community Codec Pack, in case you were wondering) did in fact solve the problem. I guess my point in bringing this up is perhaps CCCP should officially be added at least as an alternative (or maybe even an addition) to ffdshow in the "Installation" section of the FAQ, as another method in solving video playback problems. *shrug*
CCCP is a work around for those of you who don't setup ffdshow properly. CCCP does indeed work for just about everything, but ffdshow will run everything smoother once it's set up.
It might also be worth mentioning that you CAN install CCCP in such a way that it DOESN'T simply just work, but it requires going out of your way to do it wrong.

Saturos wrote:

CCCP is a work around for those of you who don't setup ffdshow properly. CCCP does indeed work for just about everything, but ffdshow will run everything smoother once it's set up.
I finally caught a break this evening, and had a chance to fool around with ffdshow. Anyway, I switched everything to "libavcodec" as per these instructions:

...So, what's after that?

James wrote:

apply, and ok!
I guess I was a bit tired when I posted that. :oops: Anyway, what I meant to say is that I changed everything to "libavcodec" as I stated before (double-checked it today), I applied the changes, and... nothing (it still told me to check my codecs). So there's nothing else I'm missing?

Xada-Hgla wrote:

James wrote:

apply, and ok!
I guess I was a bit tired when I posted that. :oops: Anyway, what I meant to say is that I changed everything to "libavcodec" as I stated before (double-checked it today), I applied the changes, and... nothing (it still told me to check my codecs). So there's nothing else I'm missing?
It's an FLV codec, a flash video. of course the quality isn't that good. I rather convert it. Try CCCP, then reset ffdshow, goof around with it, and maybe it will work. Try it! lol
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I would like to make a suggestion to make an already awesome thing even better.

Add kiai time.

I think this would be most awesome if used for all the "ooh ooh ooh-ah-ooh-ah" parts and the final 2 occurrences of the chorus, although that's just my opinion.
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
Guys GUYS.

Don't friggin' post on old threads. And don't even suggest because the map's already made, the mapper's probably inactive, and even if he isn't he won't change it.

vytalibus wrote:

Guys GUYS.

Don't friggin' post on old threads. And don't even suggest because the map's already made, the mapper's probably inactive, and even if he isn't he won't change it.
Sorry, I didn't know. I was just trying to be helpful because I don't think the beatmap is fair since you can't get a SS rank on it. I'm terribly sorry.
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