
Sala-'s Queue feat. ~ The Puzzle ~

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Hi there. Lately, I haven't been modding quite a while, but since I think that mods are actually needed to keep the high income of maps rolling, I decided to open this again. But this time, it will be done differently.

This Queue will be similar to inverness' Queue. These are the rules:

  1. This queue is always open! You can post a map whenever you want.
  2. You may post any map that you want to be modded. Note that I only mod Taiko and a little bit of Standard, tho. Please primarily ask for a taiko mod.
  3. I choose the maps that I like to mod. It is a lot more likely to receive a mod if the song is in my favor, excluding most Anime OPs here. With a lot of luck, you can also receive a mod on those as well, though it is more rare.
  4. You can earn a mod by solving the current puzzle. That puzzle will be updated in this main post and if it was solved, the last post I wrote will update you in order to be able to know who solved.
  5. I am a slow modder concerning standard and a little bit quicker when talking about taiko. Please remind that and if a mod is really urgent, I will do my best to do it as early as possible.
  6. Earning tickets is impossible. Please only attempt to solve a puzzle when you have a map that is certainly going for rank.

~ The Puzzle ~

The newest discovered species of animal, the "Dondons", are likely to become known for their incredible population expansion rate, which is said to be higher than the one of mice. In fact, They produce children at a rate of around 2,5 per 3 hours (for calculation matters, you can use the value 2,5 to solve the puzzle). Sadly, thel live extremely shortwhile, that why there aren't too many around. They only live 3 days. In fact, we have a Dondon right here. How many Dondons will be here after 20 days?

Rules for the Puzzle:
  1. You may only guess once an hour.
  2. No multiple guesses in one post.
  3. You need to give a reason for your answer (if I don't say else).
  4. After you have been right for 3 times in a row, you are not allowed to answer the puzzle again (until another person solved).
  5. When answering, please include the map that is to be modded in the post.
Any kind of answer that does not follow the rules will be ignored.

Happy guessing.
Topic Starter
Currently having the NM-slot: Charlotte

Puzzle has not been solved yet.
Woof c:

The bear is white since it's a polar bear - A house can only face south with all sides if it's the north pole where it's built.

hope that's correct and ofc perfect map to my answer :3

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Puzzle has been solved by Nwolf, congrats! (somehow expected this since you were looking for mods in #taiko)


NM-slot filled by Charlotte.

Puzzle-slot taken by Nwolf.

Please only submit new maps when I have checked both.
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Both slots are open.
Let's take the NM slot if possible?
Thanks :3
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Damn that's a fast song. I'll do what I can.

NM-slot taken by DarkVortex

Puzzle has not been solved yet.
If you think hard it's pretty obvious which is made up of twelve letters. jk

The answer is the word "word" because it's made up of four letters. And the word "yet" is made up of three. And the word "sometimes" is written with nine letters. And the word "then" is made up of four letters. And the word "rarely" consists of six letters. And the word "never" is written with five letters.

Here's my map. t/250987

Good luck! ;3
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Word is not exactly the right answer.. but I see that you have the right idea, that you understood the puzzle, therefore I will call this puzzle solved.

The "exact" answer would have been: correct.

Reason: Basically what you said, but instead of "word", "what" is the word that was looked for. If you looked carefully enough, you would've found out that the question doesn't even feature a question mark. Thus it's a statement, not a question. Anyway, you found that out for the rest, so I guess I can declare this as correct anyways.


NM-slot taken by DarkVortex
Puzzle-slot taken by DavidEd

Please do only post when both slots are open again.
Topic Starter
Both slots are open.

Sala- wrote:

Thoughts of a math-ace: "Hmm, if I wrote down all numbers from 1 to 120 in a row, how many 1's would I write?" (Numbers are enough this time)
Here you go:
var x = "",
y = 0,
z = "",
lf = "<br>",
numToCheck = "1";
for(var i = 1; i <= 120; i++) {
x = String(i);
for(var j = 0; j < x.length; j++) {
if(x.charAt(j) == numToCheck) {
z += x + lf;
document.body.innerHTML += (function() {
var returnThis = "You would write: " + y + lf + lf + "With the Given Numbers:" +
lf + z + "Note: Multiple occurrences means multiple instances.";
return returnThis;

My map:
Topic Starter
Are you serious

Puzzle has been solved by Project Railgun!

NM-slot taken by Haruka!

Please only post new requests when both slots are open again.

Project Railgun wrote:

Sala- wrote:

Thoughts of a math-ace: "Hmm, if I wrote down all numbers from 1 to 120 in a row, how many 1's would I write?" (Numbers are enough this time)
Here you go:
var x = "",
y = 0,
z = "",
lf = "<br>",
numToCheck = "1";
for(var i = 1; i <= 120; i++) {
x = String(i);
for(var j = 0; j < x.length; j++) {
if(x.charAt(j) == numToCheck) {
z += x + lf;
document.body.innerHTML += (function() {
var returnThis = "You would write: " + y + lf + lf + "With the Given Numbers:" +
lf + z + "Note: Multiple occurrences means multiple instances.";
return returnThis;

My map:
Best answer ever

EDIT: 1000th post, thanks Project Railgun for noticing this!
Just a Reply to Railgun:

I've tested in an .HTA file (under Windows Seven) and it gave the correct response too.

:: the Railgun's code, adapted to run in an .HTA file (supported under Windows only) ::

function dothekim()

var x = "",
y = 0,
z = "",
lf = "<br>",
numToCheck = "1";
for(var i = 1; i <= 120; i++) {
x = String(i);
for(var j = 0; j < x.length; j++) {
if(x.charAt(j) == numToCheck) {
z += x + lf;
document.body.innerHTML += (function() {
var returnThis = "You would write: " + y + lf + lf + "With the Given Numbers:" +
lf + z + "Note: Multiple occurrences means multiple instances.";
return returnThis;


<body onload="dothekim()">
since "every number" would include stuff like 1.111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 which goes on indefinitely my guess would be ∞
Topic Starter

All slots are open.

Sala- wrote:


All slots are open.
So i'm taking the NM (i hope :D) (gezo will be happy)

hope you like it and thanks in advance if you take the map. :D
The man had at least 2 million dollars before donating. Since a millionaire is somebody who posses at least a million dollars, he was a millionaire both before and after donating 1 million dollars. Nowhere in the statement does it say he had less than 2 million dollars or that he was at some point between these events not a millionaire (implying he had less than 2 million dollars). Therefore, it is logically safe to assume this answer is correct.

Forum PM me if you can if this answer is the one you are looking for
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Sorry, dropped this. I gave Kudosu to all maps in the queue that were selected.
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So.. since I changed the rules:

Happy mapposting.

The puzzle has not been solved yet.
NM please.

I can't solve that puzzle. :P
The answer is Time, I guess it's pretty self explanatory :3
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I am sorry, your answer is wrong. :c
No, I can't answer the riddle ^^
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How good that you have answered before I've put up the rules for the puzzle.

Puzzle solved by Priti.
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A new puzzle has appeared in the main post. Happy guessing.

Remember, you may post a map at any circumstance. A guaranteed mod however is only given when someone solves the puzzle.
That's a simple one, You just don't imagine it anymore, You can't die from imagination o3o
standard dis time :3
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For god's sake Priti.

Puzzle solved. Again by Priti.
(O w o) Priti is awesome!!!
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A new puzzle has appeared, happy guessing.

If yuo have any kind of modreq, just post it. Remember that a mod is not guaranteed unless you solve a puzzle.
since only one dies after two hours and not one of them every two hours, probably all 10 lanterns are active after 12 hours. the broken one got replaced in that time, too.. Idk.
correct or not, please mod: :3
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Sorry, your answer is wrong. :c

By the way, from now on, I will only reply the post with the right answer.
Just a guess, maybe no light will active after 12 hours because it's deep night now, so it should be daytime after 12 hours.
My map:
Thx~ ;)
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Puzzle was solved by Streliteela!
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A new Puzzle has appeared in the main post. Happy guessing.

Somehow it feels like people don't understand that they can post maps whenever they want.. :c
Kaitou Kid
The key was the very famous chemist xD the numbers are the atomic numbers. the first killer is Fe Li Ce and the other is Ni Co La S
Its standard hope you don't mind:

btw i think the Puzzle idea is great! I enjoyed it
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Puzzle solved by Teigu!
Hey, NM pls~ :D
(I'm going to try the puzzle as soon as it appears) Thx.
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There is a new puzzle in the main post, happy guessing.

Stay fair and don't look up any solutions!
I remember this puzzle~

Answer is One. Because only the speaker is definitely going to St. Ives. The man and seven wives etc... he meets are not necessarily going to St. Ives because it only says they "met".
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That was quick.

Puzzle solved by monstrata!

Putting a map in here for when a puzzle comes along~
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I added a new puzzle, good luck.
110, map above if I'm right
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Someone has not been following the rules, eh?
Oh, sorry :(

It's because don = odd number and kat = even number, first triple-digit number with all odd digits is 111, so 110 is the answer (1 + 110 = 111)
does fewest number mean smallest number or wot
Topic Starter

VINXIS wrote:

does fewest number mean smallest number or wot


orza6006: The first rule you broke was the reason-rule, the second you broke is the guessing timeout. For this time, I will not count your second guess as a seperate one to the first, since you just kind of applied information to it. But please, if you are attending to solve a puzzle once again, keep all the rules in mind and answer afterwards.

Puzzle was solved by orza6006!
Topic Starter
There is a new puzzle in the main post, good luck.
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