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Damn perfect :3 ?

can people pass this O.o ?

[Aru's taiko]
The last part is impossible to pass.

nice map xD
Topic Starter
Louis Cyphre
can people pass this O.o ?
Hi ~
Here is my taiko mod ~
Mod request by wmfchris

Blue~ Critical issues, you must fix this
Purple~ I think you should fix this
Pink~ Suggestions only

[Aru's 666 Taiko]

Is this diff for approval ? It is really difficult to play imo.

03:51:247 ( 1 ~ 89 ) Almost impossible to FC. I can see that the patterns are repeating, but it's hard to catch the first beat because of the BPM change and BPM X 2. It is also difficult because of high BPM. I think using 1/2 patterns only and BPM X 1 are enough for this section~

Quite a lot of other parts are also overmapped imo, such as 01:12:771 ~ 01:35:877, 02:00:620 ~ 02:48:307, 03:15:534 ~ 03:27:645 and 03:45:525 ~ 03:50:646

This diff definitely needs to be easier imo~

Anyway, I'll star this~

Louis Cyphre wrote:

can people pass this O.o ?
Topic Starter
Louis Cyphre
Not only

aabc271 wrote:

[Aru's 666 Taiko]

Is this diff for approval ? It is really difficult to play imo.

03:51:247 ( 1 ~ 89 ) Almost impossible to FC. I can see that the patterns are repeating, but it's hard to catch the first beat because of the BPM change and BPM X 2. It is also difficult because of high BPM. I think using 1/2 patterns only and BPM X 1 are enough for this section~

Quite a lot of other parts are also overmapped imo, such as 01:12:771 ~ 01:35:877, 02:00:620 ~ 02:48:307, 03:15:534 ~ 03:27:645 and 03:45:525 ~ 03:50:646

This diff definitely needs to be easier imo~
Sorry but I'll keep them until lepidon's modding orz
Sorry ;_;
Ha ! Like you need to get some modding! Your map is good as it is XD.

But I'll give you my input on timing anyway.

So the main parts where there's beats and hitnotes, the timing seems to be pretty accuarate. So the changes I suggest are only as suggestions and must be taken lightly.

Only give kudosu if most of the changes were useful to you!

Let's go offset by offset shall we :

Based on [Gladi] difficulty :
1219 = no changes... perfect as it is
108 528 > 108 532 (+4 ms) = based on the drums, a tad too early
120 620 > 120 621 (+1 ms) = based on the electric guitar, yeah pretty elite like change... but it just sounds better. I doubt anyone would notice though.
171 392 > 171 405 (+13 ms) = based on the drums, that's the only major change I found in the offsets! you can clearly hear the hitnote BEFORE the drum on 25% speed... so I'd say it was somewhat earlier, but not too important since it's a break.
183 785 = no changes... seems alright !
213 608 > 213 611 (+3 ms) = Based on overall feeling... except at - 03:35:097 - 03:36:587 - The offset is significatively off (too late) for 4 beats... go figure!
231 247 = ? Can't figure out what's the offset in this drumming/screaming/guitar'ing' diarrhea XD ~.
So that's my input!

Have a star * :)

Edit : :P
Topic Starter
Louis Cyphre
Thanks dude, by i can't trust you, not sure if you are right =

Louis Cyphre wrote:

Thanks dude, by i can't trust you, not sure if you are right =
Then why did you give me a kudosu ? XD
Topic Starter
Louis Cyphre
That's private question.
Hitoshirenu Shourai
You guys are nucking futs.

I love it.

1/3 approval get.

Stack leniency is unrankable. Increase it by 1 or 2 ticks at least.

[Aru's 666 Taiko]

25 Unsnapped notes, please make sure to resnap them all.

03:50:739 (1) - I'm not sure if this is rankable on Taiko difficulties.


2 Unsnapped notes, please make sure to resnap them all.

00:17:244 (6) - New combo due to jump.
00:17:617 (1) - Remove new combo.
00:17:989 (2) - New combo due to jump.
00:38:113 (8) - ^
00:38:300 (1) - Remove new combo.
01:39:045 (6) - New combo due to spacing change.

Popped for now.
Seems better now.


This count as Bubble #1.
Topic Starter
Louis Cyphre
Thanks Andrea ;)
Omfg, i love this song! lml

osuplayer111 wrote:

[Aru's 666 Taiko]

03:50:739 (1) - I'm not sure if this is rankable on Taiko difficulties.
About this, short den-den might be hard but rankable imo :3
[Like DON'T CUT :3]
Looks good!

Bubble #2.
Topic Starter
Louis Cyphre
Thank you Maf :D
One more BAT, and approved =) Take my star~
Topic Starter
Louis Cyphre
Thanks guys ;)
Nice Rui~
mmm I think I see a few things, so I'll pop this for the moment.

However, it's 1am so I'll finish modding this in the morning.
Topic Starter
Louis Cyphre
mmm I think I see a few things, so I'll pop this for the moment.

However, it's 1am so I'll finish modding this in the morning.

Also there were offset difference between some difficulties and i deleted DRRYUK pic and fixed taiko bg. So everything is ready now. And All fixed.

Waiting for your modding.
Topic Starter
Louis Cyphre
Awesome ;)
*scorebar-ki sprites without a scorebar-bg/colour? Add a scorebar so the -ki sprites don't conflict with users' custom skins.
*comboburst-0 can be renamed to just "comboburst" since it's the only one in the map.


[Aru's 666 Taiko]
*Modded in irc to fix some speed changes. Some 2x sections were changed to 1.5x, some 1.5x and 0.5x to 1x, and the last part (244bpm 2x) was changed to 1.25x since it was impossible to sightread. Also, adjusted the last kiai section to end a measure earlier.

*This may seem silly, but some notes such as 01:22:834 (7,8) aren't stacking. Stack leniency cannot be so low that notes don't stack, so please turn it up at least two ticks ( so that the notes will stack.
*I guess 9AR is fine, but how about lowering OD to 8? :/
00:47:989 (1,2,3) - Could you move these down a little bit from 00:47:244 (1,2,3)? Otherwise, it nearly looks like 00:47:989 (1) is only 1/4th a beat after 00:47:430 (3).
01:36:064 (1,2,3) - perhaps try stacking these so they don't look like 1/4 notes? Although I guess they're sight-readable based on their approach circles alone.
03:59:238 (1) - Move to the white tick and shorten? Looks weird appearing before 03:59:115 (1) is hit.

001219 (161.00) - This first section feels quite off. +15 to the offset (thus 1234) and a BPM of 161.05 felt much better when playing.
108528 (158.00) - Tried some 1/1 and 1/2 notes on one of the osu! standard diffs to test the offset, and I was hitting pretty early here. -10 to the offset (108518) should be better.
120620 (161.05) - Fine.
171392 (155.00) - 155 BPM feels too fast here, and 154 is too slow. Try 154.5 BPM instead (offset is fine).
183785 (161.00) - Not sure about this and the next section. Something like 161.05 BPM and +15 offset (183800) seems to work just as well.
213608 (161.11) - ^
231247 (244.00) - A bit hard to test this (even with 1/1 notes), so I'm really unsure of this section. I can sorta playtest Gladi's diff and it sounds decent, so I suppose it's alright.

Because of the big timing changes, I can't just approve this after you fix things. I'll have to go back to bubble #1 and you'll need to find two more people to look at this. I don't mind if one of the past bubblers gives bubble #2, but I think that a different BAT should give the final approval. Actually, just try and get a couple more opinions on the timing (such as Doomsday's). Sorry for the inconvenience and for taking so long to finish checking this.
Topic Starter
Louis Cyphre
*I guess 9AR is fine, but how about lowering OD to 8? :/
But then it will be easier :/ So no Dx

*scorebar-ki sprites without a scorebar-bg/colour? Add a scorebar so the -ki sprites don't conflict with users' custom skins.

Other fixed. Thanks a lot Derekku :3
Done some minor timing adjustments:

- New uninherited section at 01:25:07 (BPM: 161.050, Offset: 85,074). Offset goes off at that point.
- 01:48:544 offset changed to 108,544
- Offset adjustment at 03:33:61. -10 to the offset

Topic Starter
Louis Cyphre
Fixed everything! ;)
звезда xD
Bubble #1.
emmm yeah
dl link for "Download Beatmap with CTB Diff!" doesn't work :T
Difficulties Available:

* Aru's 666 Taiko (4,83 stars, 1578 notes)
* Gladi (4,83 stars, 821 notes)
* Lucifer (5 stars, 981 notes)
* RED APPLES! >:D (4,78 stars, 1471 notes)
Topic Starter
Louis Cyphre
Osu bug. there is no difficulty with such title. Fixed.
And link also fixed
Since the fix that Derekku told to Louis to do was really little, I can clearly give to this map once again the...

Bubble #2~
Even Salad! can't FC the CTB diffy x_x
Topic Starter
Louis Cyphre
Creator was drunk
Alright, will recheck this (again) when I get home from uni in a few hours.

*scorebar-kidanger and -danger2 were too tall (130px instead of 116, so they got cut off), so Louis fixed that.
*A few offset and snapping tweaks that Louis accidentally changed were also fixed.

Aaaaaaand I think that's it; Nice job~ Approved!
Topic Starter
Louis Cyphre
Thanks a lot Derekku! :)
oh my ;_;
And Taiko thing >.>
Cookie is Lucifer's daddy :3< so pr0
Topic Starter
Louis Cyphre
Cookie is Lucifer's daddy :3< so pr0
well, i can be happy, he fc'd only after 4th try Dx.
Okay, some one FCed my Taiko diff >.>
If someone exceeds 2.1mil on my Taiko diff, I will revive Kita Saitama >.>

Go to the next round :3<<<
[Kita Custom pattern]

Nice Map... Good Job Louis.
Topic Starter
Louis Cyphre
Thanks :)
i was waiting for it. Congratz for approved!!
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